LUSCOS Forum => Ordet er fritt => Emne startet av: kjelvi på Juni 08, 2008, 09:04:53

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 08, 2008, 09:04:53
Ryktebørsene buzzer igjen!
Starter opp en fersk tråd, for best mulig oversikt

* Del I finner du her (med 456 innlegg, lest 8.861 ganger):

* Del II finner du her (med 245 innlegg, lest 6.612 ganger):

* Del III finner du her (174 innlegg, lest 6.856 ganger):

Legger vi moderatorenes føringer til grunn, skal det lages egen tråd for spillere bare når overgangen er bekreftet på LUFC's off. side.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 08, 2008, 09:22:38
QPR's Iain Dowie has been given the go-ahead to sign three strikers with West Brom's Kevin Phillips, Bobby Zamora of West Ham and Wolves star Freddy Eastwood his targets. (News of the World)

Phillips linket med Leeds tidligere i uka.
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Skrevet av: lu38sJuni 08, 2008, 09:48:46
Leeds United want Andy Cole to spearhead next season's promotion push.

Boss Gary McAllister faces competition from Norwich City for what would probably be the striker's last campaign.

Cole is a free agent after leaving Sunderland and turning down an offer from Burnley and he is at the centre of growing interest.

Norwich thought they had tied up the deal for the 36 year old but McAllister's move - and the appeal of playing for Leeds - may swing the move.

Cole also lives within commuting distance of Elland Road while a switch to Norwich would mean uprooting his family

Fra The People
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 08, 2008, 10:30:42
Barry Nicholson is closing in on a move to England after holding talks with Sheffield Wednesday. (Daily Record)

Spilleren som i følge britiske aviser McAllister takket nei til tidligere i uka.
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 08, 2008, 12:23:46
Andy Cole? nei takk! Over the hill and far away :)

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Skrevet av: Tom SJuni 08, 2008, 12:28:37
Andy Cole vert jo 37 år i år - dette håper eg virkelig det ikkje er noko i.
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Skrevet av: h.bJuni 08, 2008, 12:44:40
Støtter meg til Nei Takk, Ja takk til Riordan og et tospann med han og evt han fra Crewe sammen med Beckford vil nok gjøre mye i denne gakk gakk divisjonen
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Skrevet av: Trond90Juni 08, 2008, 13:03:27
Neitakk til Cole, han er jo snart klar for gamlehjem! Riordan og Maynard sier jeg sammen med Beckford og Elliot foran neste sesong så lukter det mål :)
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Skrevet av: AsbjørnJuni 08, 2008, 13:35:47
Andy Cole... Hvis dere spør om jeg ønsker oss "en garantist av en målschnik" en som kan avgjøre jevne kamper, en med internasjonal erfaring som kan være en ledestjerne for våre unge spisser, så er svaret mitt ja takk.
...i virkelighetens verden kan man neppe ved Andy Cole svare ja ved "all the above mentioned" - men er det slik at svaret blir ja ved de fleste, så vil nok Macca gjerne ha ham (nå vet jeg ikke hvilket lønnsnivå han vil akseptere...). Er lønnsnivået hans "til å leve med", er han som person en som "takler" å nærme seg karriereslutt (dvs å være en rollemodell i tillegg til en vanlig mann i troppen)...

Så, ja-takk til Andy (altså, med div. forbehold). Hadde han vært "hos oss" denne sesongen så hadde vi nok scoret en del flere mål enn vi gjorde...

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Skrevet av: jarleJuni 08, 2008, 14:26:49
Er ikke i tvil om at vi trenger en spiller eller to som har vunnet titler... som har vært der oppe.

Vi har det i Gary MAC  og vi trenger et par av de ute på banen.

Vi skal tross alt bare opp fra nivå 3... så en voksen spiller med masse erfaring er bra...
Så fremt fysikk og motivasjon er på plass
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Skrevet av: FrodeJuni 08, 2008, 15:16:08
Cole var en "putter", en som var på rett plass til rett tid.  Det krever instinkt og smidighet.  De siste årene har vist at begge deler er tapt, Cole kommer ikke til å putte stort mer.  Tror dessuten han har et for stort ego til å tåle å bli holdt utenfor troppen.  Er redd han vil ta plassen fra en ung og sulten Elliot.  Styr unna!
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Skrevet av: RoyJuni 08, 2008, 17:42:40
Er  heller ikke særlig hypp på å hente Cole... Er nok over høyden ja  ::)
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Skrevet av: sveiforsJuni 08, 2008, 19:19:05
Andy Cole Nei takk. Han VAR kanskje en putter, etter masse feite 100% sjanser,men ingen arbeidsom lagspiller. Når han ikke putter lengre, så blir det en eldgammel gratispassasjer som ikke passer inn i L1 .

Kanskje på et eller annet old boys lag, men ikke et fremadstormende nytt LEEDS
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Skrevet av: AsbjørnJuni 08, 2008, 19:33:11
Andy Cole Nei takk. Han VAR kanskje en putter, etter masse feite 100% sjanser,men ingen arbeidsom lagspiller. Når han ikke putter lengre, så blir det en eldgammel gratispassasjer som ikke passer inn i L1 .

Kanskje på et eller annet old boys lag, men ikke et fremadstormende nytt LEEDS

...nå er det nok fare for at jeg ser ut som en innbitt Andy Cole-tilhenger (faaar from the truth, har aaldri vært), men 6 mål på 8 starter (og fem som innbytter) i CCC er da langt unna en has-been i målscorerhimlen...

Cole joined Burnley in a loan deal on the 29th January 2008 and scored a hat-trick in their 4-2 win at QPR on 12th February, his first hat-trick for seven and a half years. He failed to agree a contract at the end of the 2007/08 season after 6 goals in 16 starts.

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Skrevet av: basteJuni 08, 2008, 19:53:03
Cole i L1...kan ikke si meg enig i at han ikke har noe å bidra med. Spørsmålet er heller, hvordan er det med skader? Har Cole vært skadefri eller forfulgt av skader? At Cole vil putte mange mål i L1 trur jeg...noe annet vil forundre meg. Ang alder, Runar Berg er også 37 år..og spiller på "høyeste" nivå i Norge....

Freedman var vel og en spiller som mange ikke ville ha.."over the top" (my ass) ;-)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 08, 2008, 23:31:12
Er i Helsinki - og har i kveld truffet en gammel kollega som jobber i FNB (Finska Notis Byråen - tilsvarende vårt eget NTB).
Han ler - trolig fortsatt - etter at jeg har spurt han ut om Seb Sorsa, vår finske spiller.
Min mann - som er en av de mest annerkjente fotballeksperten her borte - mener at mannen er evneveik og har ingeting å høre i engelsk fotball sjøl på nivå III. 4 kamper på fire sesonger i HJK, mener han er bevis godt nok. Sebs tur med det fisnke landslaget til USA på nyåret, var en kombinasjon av to ting - mangel på andre tilgjengelige spillere og en utsjekk om mannen likevel hadde evner. Svaret var 0 spilleminutter - og sendt tilbake til West Yorkshire før samlingen/kamper var avsluttet.
Ryktet er - ifølge min mann - at Seb går gratis til den klubb som ønsker å overta. I tillegg får finnen en 'sluttpakke' fra Leeds. HJK og noen andre navngitte klubber (fikk ikke med meg de merkelige navnene) skal visstnok være helt uinteressert.

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 08, 2008, 23:36:07
leser mitt eget innlegg (over). redd skrivefeilen skrivefeilene må skyldes en fuktig kveld ute. en time senere på klokka her borte!
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 08, 2008, 23:41:02
United are offering Riordan Ell of a move move

Leeds United are hoping the draw of Elland Road will allow them to pull off the signing of Celtic striker Derek Riordan.
The 25-year-old is on United's list of summer targets and manager Gary McAllister will use the prospect of promotion to the Championship next season to persuade Riordan to step into League One.
Riordan is on the books of Scottish Premier League champions Celtic and has another year to run on his contract, but he is keen to leave the club after a frustrating spell in Glasgow.
The former Hibernian trainee has not played in a competitive fixture since March and made his most recent league start in December.
His appearances have totalled 32 since his transfer from Easter Road in 2006, and the opportunity of a switch to Leeds would be welcomed by Riordan if United decided to make a firm approach.
Celtic held out for a £1m fee as a number of clubs circled over Riordan in January and they are likely to look for a similar sum from interested managers this summer.
Burnley saw a bid of £400,000 rejected in January, but the Championship side are believed to be pursuing Riordan again and will compete with United for the forward's signature. It is likely, however, that Riordan would opt for a move to Leeds over a transfer to Turf Moor.
Leeds' interest in Riordan may prove more realistic than their bold attempt to sign Kevin Phillips, who is out of contract at West Brom and considering his next move.
United have been offered Barry Nicholson, who is close to the end of his contract at SPL club Aberdeen, but McAllister is not believed to be interested in taking on the 29-year-old midfielder.
Nicholson has been capped three times by Scotland and would be available on a free transfer, but United have numerous central midfielders in their squad and are unlikely to bring the former Rangers trainee on board.


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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 08, 2008, 23:42:27
United wait for Phillips

Leeds United's prospects of landing Kevin Phillips will become clearer this week when the striker's agent holds fresh contract talks with West Bromwich Albion.
Phillips' representative expects to meet with Albion's board during the coming days with a host of clubs waiting to discover whether the 34-year-old plans to extend his career at the Hawthorns.
West Brom hope to retain the experienced goal poacher for next season after winning promotion to the Premier League but prolonged discussions over a new deal have failed to reach a successful conclusion.
The former Sunderland forward, who will turn 35 before the start of the 2008-09 campaign, is out of contract this summer and is looking for a two-year deal which could conceivably take him to the end of his professional career.
Gary McAllister is one of a number of managers who are interested in luring Phillips away from the west midlands and he has already contacted First Artist's Phil Smith, who represents Phillips, to discuss a possible switch to Elland Road.
McAllister's ambitious approach is likely to be more seriously considered by the striker if his negotiations with West Brom come to nothing, but Smith insisted he would not begin talks with rivals clubs until after his meeting with Albion this week.
Smith said: "Until we've spoken to West Brom, we won't be holding conversations with anyone else."


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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 00:21:33
Leeds Striker search continues
Gary Mc.Allister is still looking for an experienced striker to replace Dougie Freedman.
The boss is hoping to sign either Andrew Cole or Kevin Phillips, both of whom could be available on a free transfer.

Striker eyes Whites move
Celtic striker Derek Riordan would be drawn to Leeds over Burnley due to the size of the club according to reports.

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 00:27:25
Fra serien 'spillere urealistisk linket til Leeds":

Bolton move for Newcastle's Carr
Bolton Wanderers have joined West Ham in the race to sign defender Stephen Carr.
The 31-year-old rightback is a free agent after allowing his contract at Newcastle to run out.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 00:28:28
United wait for Phillips
Leeds United's prospects of landing Kevin Phillips will become clearer this week when the striker's agent holds fresh contract talks with West Bromwich Albion.

QPR go for West Brom's Phillips
QPR are chasing West Brom striker Kevin Phillips.
The News of the World says R's boss Iain Dowie is seeking talks with the Baggies contract rebel.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 09:35:22
Celtic could pip Rangers and Wolves to the signing of Burnley striker Kyle Lafferty and are ready to offer Derek Riordan as a makeweight to secure the deal.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 09:37:33
Fra serien 'spillere urealistisk linket til Leeds":
Bolton move for Newcastle's Carr
Bolton Wanderers have joined West Ham in the race to sign defender Stephen Carr.
The 31-year-old rightback is a free agent after allowing his contract at Newcastle to run out.

Former Newcastle full-back Stephen Carr's agent says there is no truth that Leeds are interested in signing the Republic of Ireland man.
The former Spurs defender is eyeing a return to London, with Charlton among the favourites to sign him. (YEP)
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 10, 2008, 15:34:17
"Leeds have turned to Andrew Cole after failing to capture fellow England veteran Kevin Phillips to Elland Road.

The Mirror report that United were hoping to sign Phillips on a two-year contract but the West Brom striker is expected to join Derby instead."

Synd at vi mister Phillips. Like synd er det at vi da retter øynene mot Cole.

auren, som vil ha Riordan og Maynard... Eller hva med Billy Sharp?
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 17:14:04
Freedman set for Palace talks

Striker Dougie Freedman is set to hold talks with boss Neil Warnock to determine whether he has a future at Crystal Palace.
The 34-year-old striker spent the end of last season on loan at Leeds after Eagles boss Warnock opted to use the club's young attacking stars such as Victor Moses and Sean Scannell instead.
But Freedman has a year left on his contract at Selhurst Park and insists he can still play a big part for Palace next season.
"I just need to hear what Neil's got to say and weigh up my options," he told the South London Press.
"I've got a year to go on my contract and I need to decide if I'll fight for my place - I have changed previous Palace bosses' minds in the past. Iain Dowie and Peter Taylor both told me I might not be in their plans and I ended up signing new contracts. But it's about getting the opportunity to show what I can do.
"I don't need to prove myself at Palace but I need to prove myself to Neil Warnock. The last thing I want to do is dig my heels in and stop the likes of Victor Moses and Sean Scannell coming through, but on the other hand I do think I can offer something."

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Skrevet av: LeedsfanJuni 10, 2008, 18:40:39
Jo mer jeg tenker på Andy Cole jo mer positiv blir jeg! Beckford og han sammen blir et KNALLPAR som garanterer oss mange mål neste sesong.

Grunnen til at jeg tror dette er fordi McAllister er på utkikk etter gode vinger (allerede fått en) og vi kommer til å føre de fleste kampene neste sesong som igjen vil føre til at vi kommer til å skape MANGE målsjanser. Andy Cole kan skåre mål og det vil han gjøre neste sesong... få tak i han snarest...
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 10, 2008, 19:18:18
Andy Robinson er ingen klassisk ving dessverre. Ser mer for meg at Robbo er en Macca light. Godt overblikk, gode pasninger og scorer en del mål. Han er visstnok ikke særlig rask. Redd vi får en ny ving som trekker mer inn i midten av banen enn å ligge ute på krittmerket, true bakrom og dra av et par mann før man slår et utsøkt innlegg.

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Skrevet av: peacockJuni 10, 2008, 20:40:53
"Former Newcastle full-back Stephen Carr's agent says there is no truth that Leeds are interested in signing the Republic of Ireland man.
The former Spurs defender is eyeing a return to London, with Charlton among the favourites to sign him."

Er dette fortsatt en diskusjonsforum?
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Skrevet av: AsbjørnJuni 10, 2008, 20:43:35

Er dette fortsatt en diskusjonsforum?
Da trenger vi "diskutører"  :) de er visst opptatt i EM for tiden...  ::)

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Skrevet av: LeedsfanJuni 10, 2008, 23:40:16
Andy Robinson er ingen klassisk ving dessverre. Ser mer for meg at Robbo er en Macca light. Godt overblikk, gode pasninger og scorer en del mål. Han er visstnok ikke særlig rask. Redd vi får en ny ving som trekker mer inn i midten av banen enn å ligge ute på krittmerket, true bakrom og dra av et par mann før man slår et utsøkt innlegg.


Fikk ikke sett mye av innleggsfoten hans, men han har da teknikk og en grei fart. Hvis du forbinder en "typisk ving" med en Huseklepp type så lignet ikke Robinson helt:)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 11, 2008, 10:22:33
Er dette fortsatt en diskusjonsforum?
Da er vi i gang igjen!?
Dette er en reprise av vår tidligere diskusjon. Mange innlegg og tråder den gang, som jeg ikke føler noe behov for å gjenta. (

Kjernen er grei - Du mener at Forum skal være et rent diskusjonsforum, jeg mener at Forum må mer enn gjerne ha plass til mye, mye annet - bl.a. en slags nyhetsformidling om stort og smått rundt klubben vår.
Uenighet og diskusjon er bra, det bringer oss framover. Sjøl om jeg nå sitter med en Loop-følelse.

Dette er min måte å bidra inn i Forum på.
Jeg gidder ikke bruke tid på å diskutere urealistiske spillerrykter, hvem som er størst Judas av Rio eller Smith eller bruke tid på å kritisere/kommentere andre bidrag. Jeg har grei oversikt på nyhetsfronten - og deler gjerne.
Ref. tidligere diskusjoner er det selvsagt mange meninger, men jeg lever fortsatt i den tilstand om at det finnes noen der ute som synest dette er greit. Og det er godt nok for meg!

At du ikke liker det, er synd
Mitt råd Peacock, er - som sist - les det som interesserer deg, hopp over det andre.
Mange av disse klippene er samlet i to tråder, men forekommer selvsagt i andre. Bør ikke være så vanskelig å bruke Scroll eller Page Dn.
Tittel: Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del IV
Skrevet av: Larsen.Juni 11, 2008, 10:25:12
Er dette fortsatt en diskusjonsforum?
Da er vi i gang igjen!?
Dette er en reprise av vår tidligere diskusjon. Mange innlegg og tråder den gang, som jeg ikke føler noe behov for å gjenta. (

Kjernen er grei - Du mener at Forum skal være et rent diskusjonsforum, jeg mener at Forum må mer enn gjerne ha plass til mye, mye annet - bl.a. en slags nyhetsformidling om stort og smått rundt klubben vår.
Uenighet og diskusjon er bra, det bringer oss framover. Sjøl om jeg nå sitter med en Loop-følelse.

Dette er min måte å bidra inn i Forum på.
Jeg gidder ikke bruke tid på å diskutere urealistiske spillerrykter, hvem som er størst Judas av Rio eller Smith eller bruke tid på å kritisere/kommentere andre bidrag. Jeg har grei oversikt på nyhetsfronten - og deler gjerne.
Ref. tidligere diskusjoner er det selvsagt mange meninger, men jeg lever fortsatt i den tilstand om at det finnes noen der ute som synest dette er greit. Og det er godt nok for meg!

At du ikke liker det, er synd
Mitt råd Peacock, er - som sist - les det som interesserer deg, hopp over det andre.
Mange av disse klippene er samlet i to tråder, men forekommer selvsagt i andre. Bør ikke være så vanskelig å bruke Scroll eller Page Dn.

Fullstendig enig kjelvi :)
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Skrevet av: flynnJuni 11, 2008, 10:32:49
Keep up the good work kjelvi  :)

Du vet jo at påfulger liker å vise fram fjærprakten sin, men de har ellers lite påvirkning på samfunnet de lever i  ;D

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Skrevet av: mariJuni 11, 2008, 10:44:32
Setter pris på jobben du gjør kjelvi. Spesielt morsomt med oppdaterte spillervurderinger etter halvsene pubkvelder i Helsinki... ;D

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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 11, 2008, 12:24:27
"Fulham striker David Healy is a target for former club Leeds.
The 28-year-old Northern Ireland international does not appear to have a future at Craven Cottage under Roy Hodgson and Leeds manager Gary McAllister hopes to tempt him back to Yorkshire."

Hmmm.. Tviler sterkt på at det kommer til å skje, dessuten må vi nok bla opp ganske mye penger for å signe ham. Men at han leverer varene i L1 er det vel ingen tvil om.

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Skrevet av: FrodeJuni 11, 2008, 12:29:55
Tja, ikke helt sikker på at det "ikke er tvil om det"
Han leverte ikke varene på bunnivå i divisjonen over ...
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 11, 2008, 12:44:44
Tja, ikke helt sikker på at det "ikke er tvil om det"
Han leverte ikke varene på bunnivå i divisjonen over ...

Vel.. Da må vi huske at han ofte spilte i en uvant vingrolle. Det er foran kassa Healy er god, i tillegg til at han har noen saftige skudd også utenfor 16-meteren.

Ønsker folket at vi legger inn en million på Healy eller Riordan?

auren, som går for Healy...
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 11, 2008, 17:08:12
Noel Hunt fra Dundee United?,16368,982_3677918,00.html

18 mål i SPL denne sesongen. hmmm... men blir nok ikke billig, og vil vel tvilsomt til L1.

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 11, 2008, 18:49:56
Elding not stopping at Crewe

Earlier in the day Elding was bemoaning his lack of opportunities at Elland Road, but he has turned down the chance to join Crewe Alexandra.
Gary Mc.Allister has decided that Anthony Elding doesn’t feature in his plans for the coming season, and the boss is looking to bring in his own choice of strikers for the promotion challenge ahead. Elding was brought to the club by Dennis Wise during the January transfer window, and the former Stockport man was perhaps unfortunate that the poison dwarf chose to leave the club for Newcastle immediately afterwards.
Elding, started just three matches under McAllister, and told the Yorkshire Post that  he wasn’t given a fair crack of the whip by the Leeds manager, and that he is determined to prove him wrong. He said "I'm gutted. I never got a chance and I feel a bit hard done by. They obviously paid money to bring me in to play but, from the minute I've got here, I've hardly played. I've been on the bench, but when I've come on, it's been for a minute or five minutes. What can I do in that time? If I'm going to be judged on that, then there is no point.
"Gary has made it quite clear he is bringing his own people in. I said to Gary, 'look, I've got a two-year contract, I want to honour that contract, I want to stay at Leeds United. But it's no good me sitting around if I'm not going to be part of something. I'm a striker, I need to play football. I don't want to leave – 100 per cent. I love the club, my family love the club and it's a massive club to play for. But at the end of the day I'm a footballer and whether it's Leeds United or Boston United I need to play football”.
Leeds had agreed terms to sell the player to Crewe, who were one of the other clubs we beat for Elding’s signature in January. But the latest news is that Elding’s talks with the Cheshire club have broken down. The 26-year-old told the Yorkshire Post ''I went for talks at Crewe which didn't really go that well. If I am going to leave, I've got to get it right for me. 'I'm 26 and If I go somewhere where I might not play and it's not right, it's going to be a bad move. 'I need to do it so it's right for me and my family, so that I'm playing football every week and enjoying it and there's also the financial side.''
Ah yes, the financial side. It could well be that the stumbling block is that the wages Crewe can afford are far less than the amount he is already on at Elland Road. His Leeds contract still has another two years to run, which could be another reason he is keen to stay at Elland Road and fight for his place.
But with Millwall, Darlington, Hartlepool and Leyton Orient all reportedly interested in the player, the chances are that Elding will be able to find a club that is more to his liking, and will have left Elland Road by the start of the new season.


Elding unhappy with Alex talks:,16368,982_3677769,00.html
Elding's switch to Crewe in doubt:
Hartlepool Could Snatch Anthony Elding:
No Happy Ending For Elding At Crewe:
Tittel: Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del IV
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 12, 2008, 12:15:29
Freedman set for Palace talks
Striker Dougie Freedman is set to hold talks with boss Neil Warnock to determine whether he has a future at Crystal Palace.
The 34-year-old striker spent the end of last season on loan at Leeds after Eagles boss Warnock opted to use the club's young attacking stars such as Victor Moses and Sean Scannell instead.

Crunch time looms for Freedman


Leeds United loan star Dougie Freedman's future will be decided at the end of this month – when he holds crunch talks with Crystal Palace.
The Whites are awaiting developments and are thought to be keen to tie up a permanent deal for the 34-year-old if he leaves Selhurst Park.
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Skrevet av: basteJuni 12, 2008, 23:45:08
Fredman er velkommen i en sesong til...Ingen tvil..Uansett, Leeds må ha en god spiss, enten det er Fredman, Cole eller Healy..Tror alle 3 vil gjøre det bra i L1....

Gleder meg enormt til ny sesong..evig optimist....Opprykk er ett "must"
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 13, 2008, 15:31:59
Derby To Pocket Davies?
Derby have reportedly signed former Leeds target Steve Davies on a three-year-deal at Pride Park. 
The 20-year old Tranmere winger was sidelined due to a serious knee injury last season but Rams chairman of football Adam Pearson recently said: "Davies is on a Bosman, but he's also under 24 so it would go to tribunal if we don't come to an agreement. We probably would be just as happy for it to go to tribunal to secure him."
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 13, 2008, 15:35:29
Leeds United linked with Scottish duo

Leeds United are being linked with moves for sought-after Dundee United pair Mark Kerr and Noel Hunt.
Five clubs are understood to be battling it out for midfield anchorman Kerr, 26, out of contract at Tannadice, including Gary McAllister's Leeds and Lancastrian duo Preston and Burnley, managed by McAllister's fellow Scots Alan Irvine and Owen Coyle.
The Scottish B international – in outstanding form for the Terrors last term – is available on a Bosman transfer, with Coventry, Leicester and Doncaster also rumoured to be in the hunt.
Preston and Burnley appear to be in the box seat, with Clarets boss Coyle knowing plenty about Kerr following his time as reserve-team boss at Tannadice, and he also played and managed him during a short spell at Falkirk. Kerr has also been linked with Hearts and Aberdeen, but the club would prefer selling to a club south of the border.
Meanwhile, Elland Road could also be a destination for £400,000-rated United striker Noel Hunt, 24, who is believed to also be interesting Reading – where his brother Stephen plays – Burnley, Blackpool and Nottingham Forest.
Hunt, keen to play in England, hit 18 goals for the Terrors last term and was subject of a failed £175,000 bid from Blackpool in the January transfer window.



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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 13, 2008, 16:16:10
Leeds United track Dagenham left back

Highly-rated Dagenham left-back Scott Griffiths is attracting the attention of Leeds United, according to reports.
The 22-year-old hotshot has been strongly linked with Reading and Ipswich – rumoured to be preparing bids – although Daggers chairman Steve Thompson insists it's pure speculation.
Griffiths – also being tracked by Southampton and Charlton – has three years to run on his current contract and the Daggers would want a substantial transfer fee, although Thompson said they would not stand in any player's way.
In-demand midfielder Abdul Osman – who was reportedly been tracked by Leeds – has signed for League One rivals Northampton.
The 21-year-old, a free agent after leaving troubled Gretna, has signed a two-year deal.



Dagger Scott Attracting Attention:
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 13, 2008, 16:17:00
Leeds to nip in for £500K Derby winger?

Plymouth Argyle's interest in Gary Teale looks to be cooling
The Scotland international is surplus to requirements at Derby and ended last season on loan at Home Park.
Argyle boss Paul Sturrock, quoted in the Derby Evening Telegraph, said however: "The transfer fee is a real problem at this minute in time.
"Gary has been a high earner for a long time so I have got to weigh up the whole scenario. We have been talking to Derby and to his agent to see if there is any middle ground. That's where it stands."
Leeds could now make a bid and are also being linked with former striker David Healy.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 13, 2008, 16:22:25
Leeds United linked with Gretna midfielder
According The Sun, Leeds United are in a race with Brighton & Hove Albion and Ipswich Town to sign Abdul Osman from Gretna. Who? From where?
As former SPL-club Gretna are in what, sadly, may be a terminal administration it is probably the case that Osman is no longer their player. Usually administration means no wages paid and under League rules players become free agents and so technically Osman would not be signed from Gretna.

In-demand midfielder Abdul Osman – who was reportedly been tracked by Leeds – has signed for League One rivals Northampton. The 21-year-old, a free agent after leaving troubled Gretna, has signed a two-year deal. (YEP)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 13, 2008, 16:56:52
United wait for Phillips
Leeds United's prospects of landing Kevin Phillips will become clearer this week when the striker's agent holds fresh contract talks with West Bromwich Albion.
QPR go for West Brom's Phillips
QPR are chasing West Brom striker Kevin Phillips.
The News of the World says R's boss Iain Dowie is seeking talks with the Baggies contract rebel.

Veteran striker could snub Leeds interest

West Brom chairman Jeremy Peace says he is confident that Leeds target Kevin Phillips will sign a new deal at the Hawthorns.
The 34-year-old striker is out of contract at the end of June, enabling him to leave on a free transfer, with a host of clubs keeping tabs on his situation including the Whites, Stoke and QPR. 
But Peace has stated that there is a 'willingness from both sides' to agree on a new deal and Albion remain hopeful that the striker's future still remains at the Hawthorns. 
Peace told the Birmingham Mail: "It's a work in progress and we will get to a conclusion one way or the other. 
"Either Kevin will go with our blessing to wherever he is going because we have had a very full negotiation, or Kevin will stay and everything is fine.

Se også:
Whites target could stay put:
West Brom Hopeful On Phillips:
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 13, 2008, 16:58:11
Bates sets up McAllister meeting   

Leeds United have confirmed they will hold a meeting on Tuesday 17 June to discuss the club's transfer targets.
Manager Gary McAllister, chairman Ken Bates and technical director Gwyn Williams are all expected to attend.
McAllister took over at Leeds after January's transfer deadline and is understood to be keen to finally bring in his own players.
Leeds have already been linked in the media with strikers Dougie Freedman, Andy Cole and Kevin Phillips.
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 13, 2008, 22:48:43
The Leeds United Trinity of chairman Ken Bates, manager Gary McAllister and technical director Gwyn Williams will all be present as the club hold a Council of War next Tuesday to hammer out a definitive list of preferred Summer transfer targets.

Gary McAllister has made no secret of his search for another 20 goals-a-season striker, with several prominent names being speculated on by the media. It seems Leeds fans are clear on which option the United boss should pursue. Celtic's Derek Riordan polled 63% of the total votes in a survey of the leading contenders.

The 25 year old former Hibernian star's career has stalled with the Hoops, and the 2005 Scottish Young Player of the year is frustrated with his current lack of first-team opportunities, saying recently: 'I've virtually chucked it at Celtic, what's the point when I'm not getting a chance.' The only obstacle to a potential move by Leeds would seem to be the transfer fee, with the club unwilling to meet Celtic's one million pound valuation of the player.

Hentet fra Glory Glory Leeds United.

Har ikke fått med meg at han har uttalt at han tilsynelatende ønsker å spille for Leeds. Hvis dette er sant, så er nok en overgang meget mulig.

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Skrevet av: h.bJuni 14, 2008, 09:49:45
Synes her at vi bør grave dpt i lommene etter denne Riordan. Hvis bates mener alvor av at han vil satse, så bør vi jaggu meg matche denne summen som Celtic forlanger. Ellers går han til en annen klubb. Ved et opprykk, så er denne summen inntjent så det holder
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Skrevet av: jackbauer68Juni 14, 2008, 10:20:10
Scott Griffiths,venstreback fra Dagenham&Redbridge kan være ett mål....visstnok highly rated og ettertraktet.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 15, 2008, 18:51:13
Leeds and Hereford are going head-to-head to land Nottingham Forest starlet Felix Bastians. (Daily Star),,10308~35494,00.html

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 16, 2008, 21:31:26
Crewe have confirmed that they are no longer in discussions with Leeds striker Anthony Elding.
The two clubs had agreed a fee for the player, but a statement issued by Crewe claimed the 26-year-old would rather remain in Yorkshire.
The statement said: "Although the club were able to meet the player's personal terms, we are led to believe that he wishes to remain with Leeds United and fight for his place.",,10273~1329424,00.html
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 17, 2008, 14:30:29
Leeds in no rush to sign players 

Manager Gary McAllister insists Leeds United will not be forced into panic-buying ahead of the new season.
McAllister has confirmed his interest in three strikers - West Brom's Kevin Phillips, Sunderland veteran Andy Cole and Celtic forward Derek Riordan.
He said: "That is the calibre of player we are looking to bring in. There's a wee bit behind all of those guys.
"The common denominator is the quality. Much as we'd like to get some business done quickly it's not imperative."
The United boss is discussing transfer targets with chairman Ken Bates on Tuesday.
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Skrevet av: RuneSveJuni 17, 2008, 19:24:00
Har egentlig litt sansen for vilja til Elding. Han VIL være i Leeds og bevise at han kan bedre enn vi har sett så langt.
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Skrevet av: Trond90Juni 18, 2008, 12:35:48
Leeds United are weighing up a move for Sheffield United striker Luton Shelton.
The Jamaican international is understood to be interesting the Elland Road club as Gary McAllister prepares to begin his close-season recruitment in earnest.

But the South Yorkshire club would look to recoup a sizeable portion of the £1.85m fee they paid to Swedish club Helsingborgs for his services last year.

The 22-year-old was signed in January 2007 by former Blades manager Neil Warnock, but has started just seven league matches since and featured on only three occasions under current boss Kevin Blackwell.

The ex-Leeds manager has a number of experienced strikers available to him, including James Beattie and Rob Hulse, and Shelton may find his opportunities limited again.

Shelton has two years remaining on his contract and the talented youngster is believed to be interesting a number of other clubs.

His tally of nine goals in 19 appearances for Helsingborgs prompted his move, but Leeds would have to secure a work permit for the forward if they sign him on a permanent basis.

McAllister's only signing to date has been Andy Robinson on a free transfer from League One champions Swansea City, but a number of other new arrivals are expected to follow. Leeds have already been linked with strikers Kevin Phillips, Derek Riordan and Andy Cole.

Shelton struck twice in Jamaica's 7-0 victory over the Bahamas in a World Cup qualifier on Sunday and he has scored four goals in 10 starts for Sheffield United.
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 18, 2008, 12:37:33
"Leeds United are weighing up a move for Sheffield United striker Luton Shelton.
The Jamaican international is understood to be interesting the Elland Road club as Gary McAllister prepares to begin his close-season recruitment in earnest.

But the South Yorkshire club would look to recoup a sizeable portion of the £1.85m fee they paid to Swedish club Helsingborgs for his services last year.

The 22-year-old was signed in January 2007 by former Blades manager Neil Warnock, but has started just seven league matches since and featured on only three occasions under current boss Kevin Blackwell.

The ex-Leeds manager has a number of experienced strikers available to him, including James Beattie and Rob Hulse, and Shelton may find his opportunities limited again.

Shelton has two years remaining on his contract and the talented youngster is believed to be interesting a number of other clubs.

His tally of nine goals in 19 appearances for Helsingborgs prompted his move, but Leeds would have to secure a work permit for the forward if they sign him on a permanent basis.

McAllister's only signing to date has been Andy Robinson on a free transfer from League One champions Swansea City, but a number of other new arrivals are expected to follow. Leeds have already been linked with strikers Kevin Phillips, Derek Riordan and Andy Cole.

Shelton struck twice in Jamaica's 7-0 victory over the Bahamas in a World Cup qualifier on Sunday and he has scored four goals in 10 starts for Sheffield United."


Hmmm... Vet ikke helt. Sikkert et bra talent, men det er vel proven players Macca er interessert i her, og Shelton er vel kanskje ikke akkurat det. Dessuten blir han fort dyr, sikkert mellom 1-1,5 million pund. Da er det bedre å cashe ut for Riordan.

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Skrevet av: BuddaJuni 18, 2008, 15:45:46
Riordan eller Shelton, begge spillere sier meg egentlig ingenting. Stoler på at Macca her.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 18, 2008, 16:09:36
Bates ready for busy summer

Leeds United chairman Ken Bates expects a number of players to be moving in and out of Elland Road during the summer period.
Bates met with manager Gary McAllister and technical director Gwyn Williams on Tuesday to lay down plans for another promotion assault in League One next season.
Bates told Yorkshire Radio: "It was a very important meeting. We sat down and reviewed once again every player on the books from the 17-year-olds to the 35-year-olds.
"It was very important that I understood what Gary was looking for and what Gwyn thought we could get. We had a few hours of very intense discussions.
"We're not naming names because we dont want to alert other clubs as to what we are looking to do. We know who we want to bring to Elland Road and we also know whose contracts we want to improve and who we want to move on."
Leeds' only summer signing so far has been Swansea winger Andy Robinson, who opted to stay in League One after helping the Welsh side win promotion to the Championship.

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 18, 2008, 16:10:38
Bates ready for busy summer

Talk is Cheap, Mr. Chairman!
Put your money where the mouth is!!

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Skrevet av: LEOJuni 18, 2008, 23:32:40
Leeds sjanse til å kjøpe Riordan fra Celtic har økt.

Leste i  engelsk avis i går at Rangers har kjøpt en spiller fra Burnley som Celtic ville kjøpe med å blant annet tilby Riordan + cash.
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Skrevet av: isakJuni 19, 2008, 15:39:00
Leeds sjanse til å kjøpe Riordan fra Celtic har økt.

Leste i  engelsk avis i går at Rangers har kjøpt en spiller fra Burnley som Celtic ville kjøpe med å blant annet tilby Riordan + cash.
Kyle Lafferty?
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Skrevet av: LEOJuni 19, 2008, 16:21:29
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 19, 2008, 21:09:23
Bates ready for busy summer
Talk is Cheap, Mr. Chairman!
Put your money where the mouth is!!

LEEDS UNITED: Bates: If you want money stay away!

Ken Bates has warned players motivated by money to "keep away" from Elland Road this summer.
The Leeds United chairman will ask for a realistic approach from potential signings and their agents as the club attempt to make key additions to their squad before the start of next season.
United have already persuaded Andy Robinson to leave LeaADVERTISEMENTgue One champions Swansea City and relocate to Yorkshire, and Leeds are pressing ahead with their transfer strategy after a meeting between Bates, manager Gary McAllister and technical director Gwyn Williams on Tuesday.
McAllister is operating with the lesser of the two budgets projected by Bates for the close season after the club's defeat in the League One play-off final last month, and United's owner will resist attempts by players or agents to draw excessive wages from Elland Road this summer.
Bates said: "The question we will ask players is do they want to come here to play football, or do they want to come here for the money.
"If it's money they want then they can keep away.
"Every summer you get the same – some agent comes to you asking for half-a-million pounds to sign a player who's past his best. Then you roll on the floor laughing.
"We've had intensive discussions about where we're going, who we want to bring in and who we intend to move on.
"This is the time of year when you have to be patient and there isn't a lot of movement anywhere at the moment.
"If you show your hand too early, sometimes the price goes up.
"But we're clear on our own strategy and things will fall into place soon enough.
"We've already signed Robinson, who's a very good player, and others will follow."

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 20, 2008, 10:05:55
Adkins eyes Leeds United swoop

Scunthorpe United are ready to step in and sign Tomi Ameobi if the teenage striker rejects a new contract with Leeds United.
Ameobi is considering the offer of a one-year deal at Elland Road, but Scunthorpe are interested in luring him to Glanford Park after recruiting the 19-year-old on loan last term.
Leeds' academy forward – the younger brother of Newcastle United maADVERTISEMENTrksman Shola – made 10 appearances for Scunthorpe between November and January and has been added to Nigel Adkins' list of transfer targets this summer.
Ameobi played twice for Leeds during the 2007-08 term – once against Portsmouth in the Carling Cup and again during a Johnstone's Paint Trophy tie at Darlington – and Adkins hopes the offer of more regular first-team football will lead him to reject new terms at Elland Road.
Scunthorpe would be forced to pay compensation for a player who is under the age of 24, a factor which may complicate any proposed deal, but Adkins will be ready to pounce if the youngster decides to move on.
Adkins said: "He's got a bright future in the game.
"He's 19 years of age, he's 6ft 2in and he's a raw talent. I've tried to bring him to the club.
"Leeds have offered him a contract, but I can't see him figuring in their team.
"First and foremost we'd have to do a deal with Leeds, and likewise we'd have to make sure there's a position for the player to fill. We'll have to see what happens."

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 20, 2008, 10:08:09
Another of United's players, Curtis Weston, spent the closing stages of last season on loan at Glanford Park, but Scunthorpe United-manager Nigel Adkins has no plans to seek an extension to the agreement having signed winger Garry Thompson from Morecambe.
Adkins said: "Garry's added competition to that position so I think it's unlikely that we'd try to do anything with Curtis."
Weston – signed on a free transfer by Dennis Wise last summer – still has another 12 months remaining on his deal at Elland Road.

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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 22, 2008, 18:29:08
"Dario Gradi insists Crewe have received no approaches for promising young striker Nicky Maynard, who is being chased by a string of clubs

Premier League duo Middlesbrough and West Bromwich Albion and fellow League One outfit Leeds have all been linked with bids for the youngster, who impressed during the second half of last season after recovering from a broken leg.

Ipswich are the latest club to have been tipped to make an offer for Maynard, with reports suggesting the Championship side will bid in excess of £1million.

Crewe technical director Gradi would be prepared to sell the 21-year-old at the right price, but insists no offers have been received.

"West Brom's chairman (Jeremy Peace) is not backward in coming forward and I would have thought there would have been some dialogue with our chairman John Bowler by now, which there hasn't been," Gradi told The Sentinel.

"So far no-one has approached us about Nick and I doubt they will, but you never know.

"If it was the right deal and it was good for us and Nicky then we'd do it."

Sakset fra Teamtalk.

Virker som om Dario Gradi vil ha en budkamp om Maynard. Ingen tvil om at han ønsker å selge ihvertfall.

Kjenner lite til denne unggutten, men scoret en del mål i fjor, og er kun 21 år. Ser gjerne vi legger 1 million pund på bordet for å sikre oss ham istedet for Riordan.
Beckford, Maynard, Constantine, Elding og Kandol burde igrunnen være godt nok på topp denne sesongen.

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Skrevet av: h.bJuni 22, 2008, 23:36:38
kan D`O leary så kan kandol
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 23, 2008, 09:23:48
Albion aiming to keep Phillips

West Bromwich Albion will press ahead with plans to re-sign Kevin Phillips this week as Leeds United wait to follow up their interest in the veteran striker.
United are one of several clubs with an eye on Phillips, whose contract with West Brom expires at the end of this month, but Albion are working to retain the prolific 34-year-old ahead of their return to the Premier League next season.
The west midlands club have been in negotiations with Phillips' agent, Phil Smith, since the end of last season, and they are expected to push for an agreement this week with the forward due to return from a short holiday.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 23, 2008, 16:59:19
Beckford for Barnsley?


Whilst Barnsley`s hunt for a striker is set to go underway come July, Leeds striker Jermaine Beckford may well want-away from Elland Road after the Whites failed to escape from the third tier of English football last season.
However, Leeds would definitely want a few bob for the front-man who bagged twenty goals in League One for United.
Yet some Leeds fans have claimed that Beckford is in need of several chances before eventually hitting the back of the net. Despite this claim, the Reds are still in need of a prolific goalscorer and 6ft 2" Beckford may just fit the bill.
Simon Davey has gambled on unproven Championship strikers in the past, and may not be willing to do the same with Beckford, especially after the twenty-five year old`s pitiful display at Wembley in which he failed to deliver the goods on Leeds` most important fixture in years.
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Skrevet av: Trond90Juni 23, 2008, 17:33:05
Kan aldri tro att han går til Barnsley
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 24, 2008, 08:16:55
Albion aiming to keep Phillips
West Bromwich Albion will press ahead with plans to re-sign Kevin Phillips this week as Leeds United wait to follow up their interest in the veteran striker.
United are one of several clubs with an eye on Phillips, whose contract with West Brom expires at the end of this month, but Albion are working to retain the prolific 34-year-old ahead of their return to the Premier League next season.

Phillips could stay with Albion   

The agent representing Kevin Phillips has said the lure of Premier League football might convince him to stay at West Bromwich Albion.
Phillips scored 24 goals for The Baggies last season in their title-winning campaign.
Phillips wanted a new two-year deal but Phil Smith told BBC WM: "We've come to terms with the fact there may not be two years on offer.
"The lure of Premier League football again is very big."
Phillips has been linked with a number of clubs, including Leeds United, since the end of last season.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 24, 2008, 08:18:51
Dario Gradi insists Crewe have received no approaches for promising young striker Nicky Maynard, who is being chased by a string of clubs
Premier League duo Middlesbrough and West Bromwich Albion and fellow League One outfit Leeds have all been linked with bids for the youngster, who impressed during the second half of last season after recovering from a broken leg. Ipswich are the latest club to have been tipped to make an offer for Maynard, with reports suggesting the Championship side will bid in excess of £1million.

Maynard unlikely to leave
Nicky Maynard is Crewe Academy's latest graduate

Crewe Alexandra technical director Dario Gradi says he does not expect striker Nicky Maynard to leave the club before the start of the new season.
"No one has approached us for Nicky and I doubt whether they will," Gradi told BBC Radio Stoke.
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Skrevet av: nordJuni 24, 2008, 11:58:56
Beckford til Barnsley?? Hvem er Barnsley eller Burnley ??? Hvorfor skule han det?
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Skrevet av: SanderJuni 24, 2008, 13:16:22

To Pool spillere invitert til prøvespill i sommer - Nemeth og Ajdarevic.

Har selv sett Nemeth på FM, men aldri hørt om denne andre gutten..
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 24, 2008, 13:46:09
Nei takk til begge to. Blir i tilfelle lån og det ønsker jeg ikke.

Se å få signet Maynard eller Riordan snart!

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Skrevet av: Lars EJuni 24, 2008, 14:36:00
Har tre gode venner som er loserpoolfans.. Alle tre skryter uhemmet av denne Nemeth. Skårer visst mange mål på reservelaget osv..
Han tar jeg gjerne på lån. Skyter han oss opp til CCC er det muligens sjangs for at vi kan hente ham.

Liker generelt ikke spillere på lån, men denne karen vil jeg gjerne at Leeds tester!
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 24, 2008, 14:40:38
I følge linken hadde han scoret kun 9 mål for reservelaget i fjor. Ikke rare goalgetteren det.

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Skrevet av: Per-StianJuni 24, 2008, 15:32:48
Er det noko familieskap mellom Krisztian Nemeth og han Nemeth som var (er?) i Boro?
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Skrevet av: Larsen.Juni 24, 2008, 16:15:51
Nemeth og Ajdarevic til Elland Road
Ifølge kilder i Leeds vil toppscoreren på Liverpools reservelag, Krisztian Nemeth, og Astrit Ajdarevic, trene med Leeds før sesongen med tanke på et utlån.

Ungarske Nemeth imponerte stort da de røde siste sesong vant reserveligaen, mens svenske Ajdarevic har vært fast på klubbens juniorlag. Ifølge Rafael Benitez ville Krisztian Nemeth være en av spillerne fra reservelaget som den kommende sesongen skulle trene sammen med førstelaget, mens Astrit Ajdarevic derimot var på utkikk etter en ny klubb.

Manager Gary McAllister skal nå ha muligheten til å sikre seg de to tenåringene på lån.
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Skrevet av: DennisJuni 24, 2008, 16:31:44
En kompis av meg, som dessverre lider av sykdommen Liverpool-supporter, skryter også av Kristian Nemeth. Visstnok et stort talent, som Rafa Benitez har troen på.

Om det så eventuelt er på lån, så tror jeg dette er en riktig type spiller å låne. En som ønsker å bevise noe for å nærme seg førstelaget i sin opprinnelige klubb, noe a la det Dougie Freedman ønsket. Han gjorde det jo klokkende klart at Crystal Palace var klubben hans, men for å få spille der, måtte han gjøre sitt beste i perioden i Leeds. Ikke likt Alan Wright og Ugo Ehiogu, som var mer eller mindre ferdige i klubbene de kom fra.

Macca har også uttalt at en rutinert spiss er førsteønsket, så jeg tror et lån av Nemeth ville blitt et suplement til en eldre, permanent signing. (Forhåpentligvis Phillips og ikke Cole)
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Skrevet av: berlinJuni 24, 2008, 17:33:03
I følge linken hadde han scoret kun 9 mål for reservelaget i fjor. Ikke rare goalgetteren det.


Reservene spiller atskillig færre kamper enn A-laget. Tror det er 22 kamper i sesongen.
Dermed er 9 mål bra uttelling, og det er slett ikke sikkert at denne Nemeth spilte alle kampene heller.
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Skrevet av: trosettiJuni 24, 2008, 18:17:19
I følge linken hadde han scoret kun 9 mål for reservelaget i fjor. Ikke rare goalgetteren det.


Reservene spiller atskillig færre kamper enn A-laget. Tror det er 22 kamper i sesongen.
Dermed er 9 mål bra uttelling, og det er slett ikke sikkert at denne Nemeth spilte alle kampene heller.

Nemeth spilte 8 kamper i år og ble toppscorer med 9 mål. Grei uttelling?
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Skrevet av: Erik_Juni 24, 2008, 19:04:25
I følge linken hadde han scoret kun 9 mål for reservelaget i fjor. Ikke rare goalgetteren det.
Hold deg til damefotball. :D
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Skrevet av: mariJuni 24, 2008, 20:39:42

Nemeth har i tillegg scoret 10 mål på 6 kamper for Ungarn U19 og 7 mål på 6 kamper for Ungarn U21. I tillegg har han blitt tatt ut til A-lagstroppen nå i sommer....

Ingen garantier selvfølgelig, men synes han høres spennende ut.
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Skrevet av: BuddaJuni 24, 2008, 21:18:16
Har trua på denne Nemeth.  Hører bare gode ord om denne karen.
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Skrevet av: basteJuni 24, 2008, 23:04:08
Og tillit i L1 kan være det han trenger? Stoler på McAllister...han vet bedre en meg...i allefall inntil det motsatte er bevist.. he he

Spiss trenger vi...hvorfor ikke en som er ung, bevegelig, rask og som tydligvis kan score mål..Høres ut som en grei deal..

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 24, 2008, 23:08:30
McAllister planning for the future

He may only have been at the club less than five months, but Leeds United boss Gary McAllister has already shown he is a firm believer in the old adage 'if they're good enough they're old enough.'
From the very beginning of his reign the ex-Scotland international was happy to put his faith in several of the clubs promising youngsters, throwing Jonny Howson, Bradley Johnson, and the on-loan Alan Sheehan into the fray.
His strategy paid handsome dividends, as the team recovered from a major dip in form which coincided with the end of Dennis Wise's tenure, to storm into the end of season play-offs. McAllister is clearly playing the 'long game' with United, making decisions for the present whilst having one eye fixed firmly on the future.

His approach was re-inforced today with the news that the Whites have invited Liverpool starlets Krisztian Nemeth and Astrit Ajdarevic to join up with the club for pre-season training with a view to signing both players on loan for the new League One season.
Nemeth, a 19-year-old Hungarian striker, is already gaining recognition after being called up to his country's international squad last month. Ajdarevic, an 18-year-old left-sided midfielder, was born in Kosovo, but holds Swedish citizenship, and represented the Swedes in the recent UEFA European Under-17 Championship.
The Leeds boss is sure to have the inside-track on both players, making use of his connections at the Anfield club where he spent two extremely successful years later in his playing career. The progress of both players will be followed with keen interest once the squad begin pre-season training on July 4th.
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Skrevet av: fmtjJuni 25, 2008, 13:00:42
Røde hanekyllinger som kan omgjøres til fullendte påfugler i hvit prakt! Det høres spennende ut!
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Skrevet av: fmtjJuni 25, 2008, 13:03:19

Elding til Crewe!
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Skrevet av: pedroJuni 25, 2008, 14:10:27

Elding til Crewe!

Neppe, dette er et oppsop av gamle rykter mm. ;)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 25, 2008, 14:24:29
Elding til Crewe!

Datoen er 29. mai!!!!
Sjekk kildene før publisering
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 25, 2008, 14:38:14
Albion aiming to keep Phillips
West Bromwich Albion will press ahead with plans to re-sign Kevin Phillips this week as Leeds United wait to follow up their interest in the veteran striker.
United are one of several clubs with an eye on Phillips, whose contract with West Brom expires at the end of this month, but Albion are working to retain the prolific 34-year-old ahead of their return to the Premier League next season.
Phillips could stay with Albion   
The agent representing Kevin Phillips has said the lure of Premier League football might convince him to stay at West Bromwich Albion.

Kevin Phillips is set to sign a new one-year contract at West Brom. (The Sun)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 25, 2008, 23:26:15
Freedman set for Palace talks
Striker Dougie Freedman is set to hold talks with boss Neil Warnock to determine whether he has a future at Crystal Palace.
The 34-year-old striker spent the end of last season on loan at Leeds after Eagles boss Warnock opted to use the club's young attacking stars such as Victor Moses and Sean Scannell instead.
Crunch time looms for Freedman
Leeds United loan star Dougie Freedman's future will be decided at the end of this month – when he holds crunch talks with Crystal Palace.
The Whites are awaiting developments and are thought to be keen to tie up a permanent deal for the 34-year-old if he leaves Selhurst Park.

Striker weighs up options

Leeds are said to be tracking Dougie Freedman's situation after he revealed he is facing an uncertain future at Crystal Palace.
Freedman still has a year left on his contract at Selhurst Park but remains in the dark about whether he figures in Neil Warnock's plans after revealing he has not spoken to the Palace manager since the end of last season.
The 34-year-old Scot spent the final three months of the last campaign on loan at Leeds where he scored five goals in 11 appearances to help Gary McAllister's side to the League One play-off final.
Freedman is keen to stay at Palace and see out the remaining 12 months on his contract but will look for another club if Warnock tells him he has not future at Palace.
Freedman told the Advertiser: "I've not spoken to Neil Warnock since the end of the season. I've heard that there's a meeting scheduled but I've not heard from the manager. As far as I know I'm still reporting for pre-season training on July 2.
"I want to stay at the club, that's for sure. If the manager turns round to me and says he wants me to fight for my place then I will do that. But if he tells me that there's no chance of me playing then I'll have to look elsewhere."

Freedman in dark over Palace future:,16368,982_3735503,00.html
Dougie Freedman's future at Crystal Palace remains uncertain:
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Skrevet av: stianJuni 26, 2008, 09:16:29
Når Freedman sier at det er spilletid som er avgjørende for hvor han havner, er det langt fra usannsynlig at han havner i Leeds kommende sesong. Han er med andre ord ikke klar for en ren trenerrolle enda, og det er vel på trenersiden han har vært mest aktuell i Palace.

Stian...som tror Dougs er tilbake i Leeds i løpet av to uker.
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Skrevet av: fmtjJuni 26, 2008, 12:11:03
Elding til Crewe!

Datoen er 29. mai!!!!
Sjekk kildene før publisering

OOPPS!!!   :-\
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 26, 2008, 16:26:59
McAllister speaks about Leeds transfer targets

Following their working lunch a week last Tuesday, Ken Bates indicated that he and Gary McAllister had discussed all the Gary’s transfer targets and that there would be no further comment until signings were made.
This has been the sensible stance taken by Ken since he took over Leeds and we have generally managed to avoid the media circus surrounding equally famous clubs.
However, with the pleasing exception of Jonny Howson signing a new contract there has been nothing concrete to report for eight days and Gary McAllister has come out to speak to the official Leeds United website to reassure Leeds fans that he and the club are indeed working hard to land the players they want but their approach is that of a poker player rather than a nutter on a shopping spree with someone else’s credit card.
“We’ve had thousands of names thrown at us from hundreds of agents and it’s a case of going through every proposition and looking at the players I think can make us better,” said Gary.
“Some of the players you have seen us linked with I have spoken to, and we’re looking at that calibre of player. It takes special players to come here who can play in front of a big crowd.
“We are looking at the other end of the scale as well for young players who can excite the crowd. We want to play an attacking style, and we’ll continue to look.
“Ideally you would like the players here knowing they are doing their pre-season here, but at the same time we’re not rushing in.
“It is quiet at the moment and it’s a case of being patient, but I am happy that we are moving along quite nicely with certain things.”
McAllister referred obliquely to the rumour that he is using his Anfield connections to bring two of their exciting, rising reserve players to Elland Road,
“We are looking at youngsters at Premiership clubs and making loads of enquiries.”
“The facilities here are that of a Premiership club and hopefully the players will realise they will play the proper way here.”

Finally Gary turned his attention to the on-off departure of Anthony Elding to Crewe Alexandra which only ended when Elding decided to stay and fight for his place at Leeds United; though he didn’t give Elding much room for hope.
“I’ve spoken with Anthony and like the majority I can’t guarantee him regular first team football. He wants to play, of course, and it may be that he finds that somewhere else, but while he’s here he is a Leeds player.”
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Skrevet av: LeedsfanJuni 26, 2008, 16:58:49

Robins rejected £400k Gillespie bid

Cheltenham chairman Paul Baker has confirmed the size of the bid the club rejected for striker Steven Gillespie earlier this week.

Baker refused to reveal who the offer was from but revealed the deal was an initial £350,000 with an additional £50,000 if the unnamed club won promotion and there was also a 'sell-on' clause
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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 27, 2008, 10:51:38
Freedman utelukker ikke Leeds United:

"Dougie Freedman's reluctance to leave Crystal Palace last season was such that he would rather have incurred a heavy fine than complete an unhappy period on loan elsewhere.
Freedman was willing to suffer the financial consequences of cutting short his temporary transfer to Leeds United if the move failed to meet his expectations, but the pleasure he took from 11 weeks at Elland Road has left him "completely open-minded" about the possibility of extending his association with the club.

The 34-year-old's future was left unclarified after United's loss to Doncaster Rovers in the League One play-off final – the last match of his short-term loan with Leeds – but Freedman confirmed today that the offer of a permanent contract at Elland Road could tempt him back to Yorkshire this summer.

The striker's intention is to fulfil the one remaining year on his contract at Crystal Palace and he will not leave Selhurst Park if Neil Warnock promises to involve him in the club's first team next season, but the pair are not expected to discuss his position until Palace begin pre-season training on Wednesday.

A shortage of opportunities at Palace led Freedman to take up the opportunity of a loan at Elland Road in March, and though the former Scotland international admitted he would not consider a second temporary transfer to Leeds, he is unwilling to rule out "any available option" while he waits for Warnock to show his hand.

Freedman said: "I'm very open-minded about Leeds. I can honestly say that I don't have a clue what my future holds but I really enjoyed my time there and I know better than to rule anything out.

"One thing I have closed the door on is another loan at Leeds. I've made a decision that if I do go out on loan again, I'll look for a move in the London area which allows me to live at home with my family.

"If I was to move to Leeds or another club that's further away, I'd have to do it right and do it properly – it would have to be permanent. It's not easy being detached from your family for three months, and I don't think it's very fair on them.

"The situation is that I've got a year left at Crystal Palace and hope people understand when I say that my first choice would be to stay there. The club means a lot to me and I've got my testimonial coming up next month.

"At the moment I'm focusing my attention on that and my position will take care of itself."

Hentet fra YEP.

Meget sympatisk denne Freedman. Sier ikke nei takk til ham i 1 eller 2 år. Og muligheten for en trenerrolle i Leeds etter dette.

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 27, 2008, 17:31:14
Leeds target Byfield: Striker on course for Elland Road switch understands Leeds are lining up a move for Darren Byfield.
Byfield is available on a free transfer following his release from Bristol City at the end of last season.
The former Aston Villa youngster was surprisingly allowed to leave Ashton Gate despite finishing as the club's top scorer last season.
Byfield's availability have made him an attractive proposition to a number of clubs looking to bolster their attacks.
Doncaster and Swansea are thought have enquired about Byfield and now Leeds have joined the chase for the 31-year-old.
Leeds boss Gary McAllister is an admirer of the former Sunderland and Gillingham ace and sees Byfield as the man who help boost their bid to win promotion to the Championship.



TeamTalk: Leeds keen to land ace Byfield,16368,1858_3746780,00.html

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Skrevet av: aurenJuni 27, 2008, 19:55:45
Ikke tilhenger av at vi skal hente Byfield. Aldri vært noen storscorer. Selv om han ble toppscorer i City forrige sesong, scoret han bare 8 mål på 33 kamper.

Prøv heller å sikre oss Dougie :)

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Skrevet av: basteJuni 28, 2008, 19:53:56
Skulle man ikke tilbbudt Freedman en 2 års kontrakt? Verd hver en krone om vi rykker opp. Nå sittet bare Leeds på gjerdet å venter, syns vi skal være mer frampå...

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Skrevet av: trosettiJuni 28, 2008, 19:55:59

Litt info om Nemeth, pluss noen mål og finesser. ADVARSEL: Rødt stoff for sarte øyne..
Vet ikke om han er aktuell enda, men mye tyder på at dette kunne vært en nyttig tilvekst sammen me JB! ;D
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Skrevet av: NistelrooyJuni 28, 2008, 22:46:36
Kanskje dere kunne leid inn Lukasz Fabianski? Et stort keepertalent som ikke får spilletid i Arsenal. Sikkert bedre enn Casper Ankergren. :)
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Skrevet av: Trond90Juni 29, 2008, 02:20:18
Kanskje dere kunne leid inn Lukasz Fabianski? Et stort keepertalent som ikke får spilletid i Arsenal. Sikkert bedre enn Casper Ankergren. :)
Er du SCUM fan? må få han til helvette ut av forumet!
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Skrevet av: Erik_Juni 29, 2008, 04:01:42
La oss nå ha litt takhøyde uansett favorittlag, uten å kaste ut noen fra forumet. Ser ikke noe galt i siste innlegget til Nistelrooy, selv om han ikke skulle være Leeds fan. Selv om dette skulle være like usansylig som at jeg trappet i meg makrell i tomat, så konstaterer han bare fakta...
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Skrevet av: DanielJuni 29, 2008, 19:43:37
"Fulham striker David Healy is a target for former club Leeds.
The 28-year-old Northern Ireland international does not appear to have a future at Craven Cottage under Roy Hodgson and Leeds manager Gary McAllister hopes to tempt him back to Yorkshire."

Hmmm.. Tviler sterkt på at det kommer til å skje, dessuten må vi nok bla opp ganske mye penger for å signe ham. Men at han leverer varene i L1 er det vel ingen tvil om.


hadde ikke gjort noe om vi hadde fått healy tilbake... er enig med McAllister, håper han kommer tilbake til Leeds. ::)
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Skrevet av: Trond90Juni 30, 2008, 17:03:07
La oss nå ha litt takhøyde uansett favorittlag, uten å kaste ut noen fra forumet. Ser ikke noe galt i siste innlegget til Nistelrooy, selv om han ikke skulle være Leeds fan. Selv om dette skulle være like usansylig som at jeg trappet i meg makrell i tomat, så konstaterer han bare fakta...
Ville likt og sette en Scum fan på ett engelsk Leeds forum.., tror ikke det hadde blitt godt likt.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 30, 2008, 17:50:12
Tidligere linket til Leeds!

Veteran striker Andrew Cole, 36, has been offered £25,000 a week by Nottingham Forest to sign on a free transfer following his release from Sunderland. (Daily Mirror)

Andy Cole is considering an offer to join Nottingham Forest. (The Guardian)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 30, 2008, 17:59:23
Leeds target Byfield: Striker on course for Elland Road switch understands Leeds are lining up a move for Darren Byfield.
Byfield is available on a free transfer following his release from Bristol City at the end of last season.
The former Aston Villa youngster was surprisingly allowed to leave Ashton Gate despite finishing as the club's top scorer last season.

Leeds face fight to sign Byfield

Leeds United are set for a transfer tug-of-war with arch-rivals Millwall for the services of in-demand striker Darren Byfield.
The former Lions frontman is available on a free transfer following his shock release from last season's Championship surprise packages Bristol City, where he was top-scorer in 2007/08 with eight league goals. Leeds have thrown their hat into the ring to sign him, but old club Millwall are leading the hunt.
There has been no shortage of interest in the ex-Rotherham front man, due to his free agent status.
Other clubs believed to be monitoring the 31-year-old's situation are Sheffield Wednesday, Burnley, Cardiff, Walsall, Plymouth and League One newboys Doncaster and Swansea.
The Lions have aimed to steal a march on rival interest by speaking with the attacker about a return to the New Den, just under 10 months after leaving for the West Country in a £100,000 move.
But Leeds are being tipped to hijack Millwall's bid, with boss Gary McAllister keen to bolster his strike force ahead of a tilt at the League One title next term.
Byfield's exit from City was a surprise, with the Birmingham-born frontman making his final appearance for the club as a substitute in their Championship play-off final loss to Hull at Wembley.
But despite netting more times than £1m man Lee Trundle, much-travelled
Byfield was one of five players shown the door with boss Gary Johnson keen to free up money to sign at least one high-profile striker this summer.
Byfield has consistently found the net at a host of clubs throughout his career with City beating off interest from Blackpool to sign him last August.
He left South London after a reported spat with ex-Lions boss Willie Donachie last summer and rumours of a bust-up with two team-mates.

Darren med fru Jamelia, visstnok en kjent popdame i UK
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Skrevet av: AnnesjJuli 01, 2008, 11:40:50
Da er Sheehan klar ;D,,10273~1336513,00.html
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Skrevet av: basteJuli 01, 2008, 11:57:57
Da har Alan Sheehan signet førr 3 år...BRA !! Ting ser straks litt lysere ut...Ser fram til flere sign i ukene som kommer.,,10273~1336513,00.html
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 01, 2008, 15:58:35
Dundee United og Leeds United ute etter Sunderlands spiss Roy O'Donovan (22 år). (
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Skrevet av: Tom SJuli 01, 2008, 20:33:24
Positiv signing!
Sheehan spilte seg opp for kvar kamp han var med og eg gleder meg til fortsettelsen.
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Skrevet av: p0ndusJuli 01, 2008, 20:37:15

Dette var en gladsak.
 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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Skrevet av: aurenJuli 01, 2008, 20:48:23
Dundee United og Leeds United ute etter Sunderlands spiss Roy O'Donovan (22 år). (

Hmmm... bra scoringsrate for Cork City, men 17 kamper og 0 mål for Sunderland var ikke rare greiene, dog sikkert mange av kampene kom som innbytter. Prøve heller å sikre oss Maynard eller Riordan.

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Skrevet av: aurenJuli 01, 2008, 23:27:07

Ben Burgess fra Blackpool.... Ukjent for meg....

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Skrevet av: h.bJuli 02, 2008, 11:45:22
Carole forsvinner kanskje
Reports claim that Leeds midfielder Sebastien Carole has been invited to France by Ligue 1 side Le Havre and started a trial period on Wednesday morning.
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Skrevet av: aurenJuli 02, 2008, 12:27:34
Forundrer meg ikke om Carole forsvinner. Eneste skikkelige vingtypen vi har i laget føler jeg. Virker ikke som han er med i planene videre under Macca. Vi får i tilfelle håpe på en skikkelig ving erstatter. Vi trenger klassiske vinger for å ha flere strenger å spille på.

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Skrevet av: torivarJuli 02, 2008, 12:47:59
Så får vi håpe at Vålerenga kjøper Kandol
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Skrevet av: SølvrevenJuli 04, 2008, 13:25:54
Stortalent på vei til Leeds

Stortalentet Krisztian Nemeth kan være på vei til Leeds United. Det samme kan den unge svenske Astrit Ajdarevic.
Leeds har nå to ungutter fra Liverpool på lån. De to er Krisztian Nemeth og Astrit Ajdarevic.

Krisztian Nemeth blir regnet som et av Liverpools aller største talenter og ble toppscorer for reservelaget i fjor, selv om han kun fikk med seg halve sesongen. Nemeth som er 19 år ble flyttet opp i A-lagsstallen til Liverpool i sommer og var forventet å få prøve seg på førstelaget i år. Nemeth har også vært med i A-landslagstroppen til Ungarn.

Nemeth er en svært målfarlig spiller som også jobber hardt, er relativt sterk i kroppen og er i besittelse av god teknikk.

Astrit Ajdarevic er en ung svenske på 18 år som har vært fast inventar på U18-laget til Liverpool. Svensken har vært en av de beste spillerne på dette laget de to siste årene, men fik veldig uventet beskjed om at han kunne finne seg ny klubb.

Ajdarevic er en elegant midbanespiller som blir sammenlignet med Patrik Berger. Han har gode pasninger og er en smart spiller.

Disse to spillerne trener nå med Leeds og Leeds skal ha sjansen til å gjøre låneavtaler med spillerne. Noe overraskende kan det dermed se ut til at Nemeth og Ajdarevic kommer til å spille i League One og Leeds kommende sesong. Ingen av spillerne har førstelagskamper for Liverpool.

Nemeth og Ajdarevic til Elland Road
Ifølge kilder i Leeds vil toppscoreren på Liverpools reservelag, Krisztian Nemeth, og Astrit Ajdarevic, trene med Leeds før sesongen med tanke på et utlån.

Ungarske Nemeth imponerte stort da de røde siste sesong vant reserveligaen, mens svenske Ajdarevic har vært fast på klubbens juniorlag. Ifølge Rafael Benitez ville Krisztian Nemeth være en av spillerne fra reservelaget som den kommende sesongen skulle trene sammen med førstelaget, mens Astrit Ajdarevic derimot var på utkikk etter en ny klubb.

Manager Gary McAllister skal nå ha muligheten til å sikre seg de to tenåringene på lån.

Jeg må si at jeg liker denne tilsynelatende satsingen på unge talenter, som Macca ser ut til å følge.
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Skrevet av: basteJuli 04, 2008, 13:34:32
Gutta er tilbake i trening. Trenger noen sign til, spent på "lånegutta" fra Looserpool...
Håper de kan heve laget. Hvis de ikke er bedre enn dem man har, så kan de reise til LFC igjen...

Spennende tid dette. Kvalitet, ikke kvantitet  8)
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Skrevet av: MacMurderJuli 04, 2008, 14:15:10
Nye australiere på vei????,leeds-after-aussie-duo.aspx
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Skrevet av: SølvrevenJuli 05, 2008, 05:39:49
Leeds United are after David Carney, Gary McAllister wants to bring Carney to Elland Road to boost his Left side, which is both weak in fullback & on the wing, at this stage Sheff United’s valuation of Carney is too high but if Leeds can negotiated to under 500k a deal most likely be done,

The other Aussie interesting Leeds is James Troisi, Troisi has been on their radar for a while having been watch for Newcastle’s reserves when scouting Paul Huntington who joining Leeds last summer, After Troisi failed to agree a new deal at Newcastle Leeds were hopeful too get him down to the club preseason for a trial but due to Olyroo commitments they haven’t been able to, but with current Leeds United Aussie Neil Kilkenny heading to the Olympics with Troisi it’s believed Leeds will keep a close eye on him, along with a few others, (one being David Williams who Leeds tried to sign last summer from Brondby) & are hopeful to get him to the club after the Olympics have concluded.
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Skrevet av: LEOJuli 05, 2008, 19:48:25
jeg var livredd for at det var Crainey, puh  ;D
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 06, 2008, 16:17:55
I følge et rykte på WACCOE blir angriperen Robert Snodgrass (20) fra Livingstone signert i morgen. (
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Skrevet av: StiflerJuli 06, 2008, 17:07:56
Snodgrass was offered a 5 day trial with Spanish giants FC Barcelona in 2006

ser jo bra ut det :)
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Skrevet av: aurenJuli 06, 2008, 23:27:33
I følge et rykte på WACCOE blir angriperen Robert Snodgrass (20) fra Livingstone signert i morgen. (

Det var et noget sært navn. Ingen imponerende CV heller. Må vel finnes mye bedre alternativer der ute...?

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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 07, 2008, 14:57:15
Alen Å koro (27) fra NK Rijeka linket til Leeds. (

On the 5th of July Škoro was linked to English side Leeds United in a £500,000 move according to a local newspaper in Rijeka, Alen Škoro's agent has played down a move until the clubs can agree a fee.
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Skrevet av: ByeJuli 07, 2008, 15:57:53
Noen som vet noe mer om hvor Johnny Lund har tatt veien? David Lucas er ikke bra nok som backup..
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Skrevet av: Svend AndersJuli 07, 2008, 17:41:01
Noen som vet noe mer om hvor Johnny Lund har tatt veien? David Lucas er ikke bra nok som backup..

Så vidt jeg vet er Lund fortsatt i stallen. Lucas er signet opp for ett år til, så det virker som de staser på han som backup - noe jeg er litt overrasket over. Martin er jo også der og vil vel behøve å spille kamper.

Tipper minst en av de går ut, enten permanent eller på lån.

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Skrevet av: MacMurderJuli 07, 2008, 18:08:46
Snodgrass was offered a 5 day trial with Spanish giants FC Barcelona in 2006

ser jo bra ut det :)

Tja, wikipedia kan jo manipuleres, spørs om ikke en eller annen luring har vært frampå her. ;D
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Skrevet av: Trond AJuli 08, 2008, 11:27:22
Leeds United want Andy Cole to spearhead next season's promotion push.

Boss Gary McAllister faces competition from Norwich City for what would probably be the striker's last campaign.

Cole is a free agent after leaving Sunderland and turning down an offer from Burnley and he is at the centre of growing interest.

Norwich thought they had tied up the deal for the 36 year old but McAllister's move - and the appeal of playing for Leeds - may swing the move.

Cole also lives within commuting distance of Elland Road while a switch to Norwich would mean uprooting his family

Fra The People

Andy Cole er klar for videre spill i CCC, og har nå undertegnet en 12 måneders kontrakt med Forest.
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Skrevet av: MacMurderJuli 10, 2008, 09:33:21
Nå ryktes det at "Danny Rose !!!" er ønsket tilbake på lån...Hvordan dette vil bli mottatt blant supporterene er dog usikkert, var vel litt turbulens rundt denne jyplingen.
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Skrevet av: TottoJuli 10, 2008, 09:47:19
Kevin Phillips har signert for Birmingham, så da er det bekreftet.
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Skrevet av: DennisJuli 10, 2008, 09:51:27
Nå ryktes det at "Danny Rose !!!" er ønsket tilbake på lån...Hvordan dette vil bli mottatt blant supporterene er dog usikkert, var vel litt turbulens rundt denne jyplingen.

En liten drittunge som kaller klubben shit, når han drar, er ikke velkommen tilbake i mine øyne. Ønsker heller ikke at åtselklubben fra London skal begynne å bruke Thorpe Arch til å trene opp spillere de allerede har hentet fra oss. Nei, Danny Rose kan bli der han er!

Unproven på seniornivå, ønsket ikke å spille for Leeds og valgte penga! Velg heller en spiller fra egen juniorstall!
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Skrevet av: Hallgeir *Juli 10, 2008, 10:43:04
   Slike "roser" må gjerne råtne på rot for min del.  ;)
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Skrevet av: stianJuli 10, 2008, 10:48:51
Nå ryktes det at "Danny Rose !!!" er ønsket tilbake på lån...Hvordan dette vil bli mottatt blant supporterene er dog usikkert, var vel litt turbulens rundt denne jyplingen.

Hvor kommer ryktet fra? Han skal være en særdeles solid tilvekst for ellveren dersom det skal veie opp for måten han forlot klubben på. Ser i alle fall ikke noe som helst poeng i å hente unggutter på lån fra andre klubber når vi har flere egne talenter som banker på døra til a-laget.
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Skrevet av: BERGHJuli 10, 2008, 11:48:54
The Sun skriver : Wolves striker Jay Bothroyd a target for leeds !
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Skrevet av: aurenJuli 10, 2008, 12:32:17
The Sun skriver : Wolves striker Jay Bothroyd a target for leeds !

Tja... Kanskje det kanskje. Scorer ikke akkurat flust med mål denne karen. Men mener han hadde en screamer mot Leeds i CCC på overtid hjemme på Elland Road. Var vel i nedrykksesongen, og kampen gikk på tv.

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Skrevet av: SydhagenJuli 10, 2008, 12:42:31
kjøpte han til leeds på football manager...han ble toppscorer i opprykket til championship
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Skrevet av: Per-StianJuli 10, 2008, 13:09:01
The Sun skriver : Wolves striker Jay Bothroyd a target for leeds !

Var ikkje Bothroyd lenka til oss også under Wise? Dette er vel nok ein robust spiss som er meir krigar og tilretteleggar enn målskårar?
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 10, 2008, 13:57:33
Bothroyd er helt sikker bedre enn Enoch Showunmi, men håper fortsatt at denne Nemeth kommer på lån. Han kan bli en hit i L1!
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Skrevet av: Trond90Juli 10, 2008, 14:46:09
The Sun skriver : Wolves striker Jay Bothroyd a target for leeds !
The sun som skriver ja.. da er det nok sant :P
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Skrevet av: KlausenJuli 11, 2008, 00:40:56
The Sun skriver : Wolves striker Jay Bothroyd a target for leeds !

Var ikkje Bothroyd lenka til oss også under Wise? Dette er vel nok ein robust spiss som er meir krigar og tilretteleggar enn målskårar?

Mener bestemt at Bothroyd har bra teknikk og liker å vandre ute på sidene, hvor han kan dra innover for å avslutte.. skuddfoten er det iallefall ikke noe å si på: ( (2 første måla iallefall)

Faktisk litt Beckfordish i stilen...

Han var et stort talent, men som med så mange andre, har han ikke fått ut potensialet sitt! I slag, tror jeg han kommer til å pisse på alle lagene i L1... om han kommer til Leeds er en annen ting!
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Skrevet av: LEOJuli 11, 2008, 15:39:52
Boss skal ha to nye spisser, da sier jeg Ja takk til denne spissen.  En ny Beckford.
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Skrevet av: basteJuli 11, 2008, 23:42:47
Freedman please..han holder en sesong til..garantert
Koster ikke å prøve seg...C.P drenerer jo saken..til Leeds fordel vil jeg tro?

Leeds United manager Gary McAllister has not ruled out re-signing striker Dougie Freedman.
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Skrevet av: MacMurderJuli 11, 2008, 23:52:43
Freedman var god forrige sesong, men Kishishev var også god da han var på lån første gang..La heller ungdommen slippe til!
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 14, 2008, 14:43:05
Løst rykte(r):

Dean Wheeler (Leeds United fan) says...
This week Leeds will sign Clinton Morrisson on a free after he turned down a new contract at palace, and resign danny rose on loan from tottenham who he signed for from leeds just a year back for £1 million on a years loan. Dougie Freedman will turn down leeds for a london club rumored to be millwall.
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Skrevet av: LEOJuli 14, 2008, 19:01:12
Jeg sier ja takk til Morrison istedenfor Freedman.

Han scorte hyppig i fjor. 8)
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Skrevet av: basteJuli 14, 2008, 21:54:42
Ikke noe å si på om Leeds klarer å hente Morrison fra C.P

Morrison, 29, is the club's fifth highest all-time scorer with 113 goals.
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Skrevet av: BERGHJuli 15, 2008, 09:20:59
For å være helt klar :

Jeg skulle ønske begge to.
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 15, 2008, 15:10:58
Liverpool youngster Astrit Ajdarevic was due to begin his pre-season trial with Leeds United today with a view to securing a transfer to Elland Road

Gary McAllister is also maintaining his interest in Ajdarevic's Anfield team-mate Krisztian Nemeth, the highly-rated Hungarian striker who helped lead Liverpool to the FA Premier Reserve League title last season.

Nemeth is believed to be unwilling to take up United's offer of a trial at Thorp Arch, but the gifted 19-year-old is still open to a loan switch to Elland Road if McAllister pursues a deal. (

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Skrevet av: samadhiJuli 16, 2008, 11:48:23
Ny spiller er forhåpentligvis snart klar. Dette iflg McAllister på de offisielel sidene.

Ryktene går om Jay Bothroyd...
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 16, 2008, 12:30:23
Ameobi Could Be Off
Tomi Ameobi is set to have a trial with Doncaster Rovers.
Striker Ameobi, who is also interesting Scunthorpe United, has been offered a new one-year deal by Leeds but may opt to move away from Elland Road in search of first-team football. The 19-year-old academy product would command a fee as a result of his age.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 16, 2008, 12:32:09
Another Canadian On Trial

Josh Wagenaar is the latest player to have a trial at Leeds this week. 
Wagenaar is a free agent after cutting short his contract with Den Haag in January.
He won his first senior cap with Canada's national squad during an Olympic qualifier against Mexico in March and will train alongside Astrit Ajdarevic and United's reserve pool this week.
Wagenaar was previously linked with a move to Toronto FC, who are coached by former Leeds caretaker-boss John Carver.

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 16, 2008, 12:59:36
Doncaster Rovers have won the race to sign Bristol City striker Darren Byfield.
Leeds United and Millwall were also interested in the Jamaican international, 31, who previously spent two seasons at Rotherham United.
Byfield scored eight goals in 33 appearances for Bristol last season but was released after the club's failure to win promotion.
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Skrevet av: B-mJuli 16, 2008, 13:52:27
Ryktes hardt om Jay Bothroyd på waccoe. Spiller for Wolves, og var han som scorte det wondermålet mot oss tre sesonger siden.
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 16, 2008, 14:26:55
Spennende! Får vel sikkert vite det i løpet av kvelden eller i morgen.

Noen rykter fra WACCOE om hvem det kan være:

Jay Bothroyd
Ishmel Demontagnac
Derek Riordan
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 16, 2008, 22:16:03
Ny spiller er forhåpentligvis snart klar. Dette iflg McAllister på de offisielel sidene.

McAllister closing in on new face,16368,982_3826126,00.html

Leeds close on new signing,19528,12874_3826164,00.html

Macca silent on "signing"

Leeds agree terms with new signing

Unnamed Player Close To Signing

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Skrevet av: sindre12Juli 17, 2008, 00:43:05
Ser frank Quedrue er gratis ?
prøve oss ?
venstre back fra chamionship .. spillt i alle år i PL!  8)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 17, 2008, 12:20:53
Food for thought (om Telfer og Haber):,,10273~1345767,00.html
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Skrevet av: ragnarJuli 17, 2008, 14:59:29
Telfer kan være en god signing med tanke på erfaringen sin. God læremester for den yngre garde. I tillegg virker det som han kan gjøre en bra jobb som backup. Viktig med erfaring, spesielt på treningsfeltet. Alder ingen hindring. 8)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 17, 2008, 18:44:59
Leeds youngster Tomi Ameobi has been handed a trial by Doncaster boss Sean O'Driscoll.
Ameobi - whose brother Shola plays for Newcastle - has been training with Rovers over the last few days with a view to earning a move to the Keepmoat Stadium.
The 19-year-old striker has made just two competitive appearances for Leeds and spent part of last season out on loan at Scunthorpe.

PA Sports
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 17, 2008, 18:50:47
Leeds target striker Bothroyd
Leeds have stepped up their interest in transfer-listed Wolves striker Jay Bothroyd – but there is still some way to go before a deal can be struck.
Elland Road boss Gary McAllister has made no secret of wanting to sign another striker and says he has agreed terms to sign a player.

Bothroyd linked with Leeds
Leeds have agreed terms with a club for a striker believed to be transfer-listed Wolves hitman Jay Bothroyd, reports say.
The 26-year-old is on his way out of Molineux this summer but so far Whites manager Gary McAllister has refused to name his target.

Striker's Leeds link
Leeds have agreed terms with a club for a striker believed to be transfer-listed Wolves hitman Jay Bothroyd, reports say.
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Skrevet av: eiruJuli 17, 2008, 18:54:13
kanskje ikke veldig troverdig


Leeds have launched an audacious bid to land Newcastle forward Shola Ameobi on a season long loan, with a view to a permanent deal if promoted.
With several clubs blowing hot and cold with their interest, Leeds look to have stolen the March to land Ameobi, who's brother Tomi is already on the books at Leeds.


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Skrevet av: DennisJuli 18, 2008, 11:26:30,,10273~1346472,00.html


Leste det på Waccoe her om dagen og nå har det til og med blitt skrevet på offisiell side at Casper Ankergren er linket til PSV for £7,2millioner!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Silly season, indeed!  :D
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 18, 2008, 11:37:54
Leeds are set to sign Wolves' Jay Bothroyd in a £300,000 deal. (Daily Star)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 18, 2008, 11:52:49
Leeds are set to sign Wolves' Jay Bothroyd in a £300,000 deal. (Daily Star)


Is Bothroyd the mystery man?

Is It Bothroyd?

Bothroyd Closing In On Leeds Switch
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 18, 2008, 11:53:49
Leeds youngster Tomi Ameobi has been handed a trial by Doncaster boss Sean O'Driscoll.
Ameobi - whose brother Shola plays for Newcastle - has been training with Rovers over the last few days with a view to earning a move to the Keepmoat Stadium.
The 19-year-old striker has made just two competitive appearances for Leeds and spent part of last season out on loan at Scunthorpe.


Rovers ponder striker swoop,19528,11095_3831367,00.html

Leeds striker given Rovers chance
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 18, 2008, 11:55:51
McAllister Still Looking For Two More
With the start of the new season less than a month away, Leeds United manager Gary McAllister has confirmed he’s hoping to add two more players to his squad, Leeds have agreed a deal with one club for a player.
While speaking to the club’s media outlet LUTV in Ireland , McAllister spilled the beans that he was hoping to bring two more players into the club.
"I don't want to show our cards too much, but we have agreed terms with a club for another player."
The Scotsman insisted he’ll be taking a close look at some players in the Irish leagues, while the name Jay Bothroyd of Wolves keeps doing the rounds on the rumor circuit from back home.
"There's a lot of players who have made the switch from the Irish league so we'll have a look over our three games and maybe take a couple more games in,"
The club already has on trial Paul Telfer and Canadian U21 international Marcus Haber. Haber, like former United legend John Charles, can play at both centre forward and centre back.
While speaking to LUTV, McAllister had the following to say regarding Telfer and Haber:
“"Marcus is out of contract at Groningen and we'll get a good look at him out here,"
"Paul Telfer is an old team-mate of mine. He's got over his toe problem and he's right at the front in terms of training.
"He's a good age, but he's one of the F***est I've ever played with, he's got plenty of experience, and we'll be looking to get him some games."
"I've seen bits and pieces of Galway and they are very competitive," said the boss. "There'll be tackles flying in. They're ahead of us in terms of fitness so it'll be a good test and hopefully there will be a decent crowd.
"Our lads played 45 minutes at York the other night so we'll look to get them a little longer now. Some will play an hour, some obviously a bit less."
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Skrevet av: RoyJuli 18, 2008, 12:53:14,,10273~1346472,00.html


Leste det på Waccoe her om dagen og nå har det til og med blitt skrevet på offisiell side at Casper Ankergren er linket til PSV for £7,2millioner!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Silly season, indeed!  :D

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Skrevet av: JonKJuli 18, 2008, 14:00:31
Bothryd er utelatt fra pre-season tour`n til Wolves.
Det tyder vel på at han er på veg bort...
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Skrevet av: Hallgeir *Juli 18, 2008, 14:12:19
    Shola Ameobi ville ha vært et scoop!
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Skrevet av: berlinJuli 18, 2008, 14:16:24
Bothryd er utelatt fra pre-season tour`n til Wolves.
Det tyder vel på at han er på veg bort...

Han er på vei bort ja, men han venter kanskje på tilbud fra andre CCC-klubber?
Det virker som om dette er mannen som er i søkelyset, og det rimer at klubbene er enige,
men at spilleren ikke har bestemt seg eller at forhandlingene med han ikke er startet eller fullført.
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Skrevet av: Peter7Juli 18, 2008, 14:51:49
    Shola Ameobi ville ha vært et scoop!
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 18, 2008, 14:56:42
    Shola Ameobi ville ha vært et scoop!
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Skrevet av: SydhagenJuli 18, 2008, 16:35:59
er det noe hold i dette ryktet om ameobi?
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Skrevet av: BuddaJuli 18, 2008, 16:42:00
Dette ryktet har jeg ikke noe særlig trua på. Ameobi er for god for League One. Han ville nok bli alt for dyr også
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Skrevet av: YeboahJuli 18, 2008, 16:44:24
Sikker på at vi vil ha han?

:D :D
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Skrevet av: LeedsulfJuli 18, 2008, 18:03:46
Nei takk til Ameobi. Det holder med én klumsete angriper.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 18, 2008, 18:23:33
Leeds are set to sign Wolves' Jay Bothroyd in a £300,000 deal. (Daily Star)


Is Bothroyd the mystery man?:
Is It Bothroyd?:
Bothroyd Closing In On Leeds Switch:

Bothroyd Inbound to Elland Road?:
Bothroyd deal a step closer:
Tittel: Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del IV
Skrevet av: BuddaJuli 18, 2008, 18:51:27
Nei takk til Ameobi. Det holder med én klumsete angriper.

Nei takk? Du er klar over hvilken divisjon vi er i? Ameobi ville nok dominert denne divisjonen kraftig
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 18, 2008, 19:07:06
Nei takk til Ameobi. Det holder med én klumsete angriper.

Nei takk? Du er klar over hvilken divisjon vi er i? Ameobi ville nok dominert denne divisjonen kraftig

Enig Budda! Ameobi er mer enn god nok for League One, og ville vært en meget god signering. Men sansynligheten for at han ender opp i Leeds er vel ganske lav...
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Skrevet av: DennisJuli 18, 2008, 19:28:42
Shola Ameobi er et småspennende rykte, men jeg hiver meg ikke umiddelbart med på at han hadde dominert League One. Vi snakker om en spiller som aldri har vært fast i Premier League, har knapt spilt de siste sesongene og visstnok får veldig dårlige skussmål fra Stoke-fansen etter låneoppholdet.

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Skrevet av: Trond90Juli 18, 2008, 19:54:29
Ameobi hadde passt bra sammen med Beckford, Ameobi hadde scoret minst 25+ med mål.. men jeg tror ikke han vil til L1
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 18, 2008, 22:42:32
Var i følge WACCOE tre ghanesere som prøvespilte for reservelaget som slo Darlington 3-0. Venstre back, midtbane og spiss. Den ene puttet to mål, Elliot det tredje.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 19, 2008, 11:03:43
Leeds are set to sign Wolves' Jay Bothroyd in a £300,000 deal. (Daily Star)

Bothroyd ponders United switch
Leeds United are waiting for Jay Bothroyd to show his hand after agreeing a fee with Wolverhampton Wanderers for the  26-year-old striker.
United and Wolves have reached agreement over the terms of Bothroyd's mooted transfer to Elland Road, but the former Perugia and Charlton forward is taking his time to consider the option of dropping into League One.
Bothroyd, who played for Coventry City while Gary McAllister was manager at Highfield Road, has 12 months left to run on his contract at Molineux, and sources in the West Midlands claim he is in two minds over the chance to continue his career with Leeds.
A move to Yorkshire would almost certainly require Bothroyd to accept a sizeable drop in wages – he is believed to be earning in the region of £8,000 a week with Wolves – but United are hoping to exploit his lack of involvement with Mick McCarthy's first-team squad.
The striker is surplus to requirements at Molineux and spent a month on loan at Stoke City last season having drifted out of contention under McCarthy.
He was omitted from the Wolves squad which contested a pre-season friendly against Hereford United on Wednesday evening, and did not embark on the club's tour of Scotland today. He was named instead in a second-string squad to play Chasetown last night.
Wolves have made it clear that they will allow Bothroyd to find a new club this summer, and they have accepted United's offer for the player. The fee is understood to be worth six figures, rising to a maximum of around £300,000 depending on appearances.
Officials at Molineux are said to be sceptical about the likelihood of Bothroyd accepting a transfer to Leeds, but his intentions are likely to become clearer next week.
McAllister plans to add two new strikers to his squad before the start of the season, on top of the deal agreed with Enoch Showunmi, and he will hope to persuade Bothroyd that a transfer to Leeds could lead to a long and successful stay at Elland Road.
Bothroyd's career has seen him play in Serie A with Perugia and in the Premier League with both Charlton and Blackburn Rovers, and he has been part of the squad at Wolves since the summer of 2006.

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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 19, 2008, 15:29:09
Carlisle linked with Elding move 
Elding turned down a move to Crewe in June

Carlisle United have been linked with a move for out-of-favour Leeds United striker Anthony Elding.
Reports claim the Cumbrians have made a bid for the 26-year-old although both clubs have so far declined to comment on the speculation.
"I won't name names and I won't comment on speculation," Carlisle manager John Ward told BBC Radio Cumbria.
"But I can assure supporters that I am working very hard to try and improve this squad."
Elding has found himself out of Gary McAllister's first team plans at Elland Road after making just four appearances for the club following his move from Stockport County in January.
Elding was one of seven players left out of the Leeds squad for their pre-season tour of Ireland.
Crewe Alexandra manager Steve Holland is understood to be still keen on bringing the former Boston, Kettering and Stevenage forward to Gresty Road despite two previous failed attempts.
Ward has made no secret of his attempts to bring a new striker into Brunton Park with speculation continuing to suggest that Joe Garner is set to leave the club.
"I'm actively working to get new faces in to this football club," Ward added.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 19, 2008, 15:31:49
Veteran Celtic defender Steven Pressley has joined Doncaster on trial. (Daily Express)

Skulle mer enn gjerne ha sett 'Elvis' i Leeds-trøye!!
Fortsatt et par-tre gode sesonger foran seg. En ledertype som vårt lag mangler.
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Skrevet av: Trond90Juli 19, 2008, 15:41:28
Veteran Celtic defender Steven Pressley has joined Doncaster on trial. (Daily Express)

Skulle mer enn gjerne ha sett 'Elvis' i Leeds-trøye!!
Fortsatt et par-tre gode sesonger foran seg. En ledertype som vårt lag mangler.
100 % Enig, hadde vært kupp og fått han i Leeds trøye!
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 19, 2008, 18:16:06
Var i følge WACCOE tre ghanesere som prøvespilte for reservelaget som slo Darlington 3-0. Venstre back, midtbane og spiss. Den ene puttet to mål, Elliot det tredje.

Ghaneserne fikk prøve seg igjen mot Newcastle i dag. 0-0.,,10273~1347218,00.html
Tittel: Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del IV
Skrevet av: FerreJuli 19, 2008, 19:02:27
To av ghaneserne som prøvespilte heter visst Dominic Adiyah og Abraham Annan. (
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 19, 2008, 19:12:00
Enda et rykte om hvem den "mystiske spilleren" kan være. Spilleren skal komme fra Sheffield United, og det skal være snakk om enten Billy Sharp eller Luton Shelton.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 19, 2008, 19:16:52
Dominic Adiyah
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 19, 2008, 19:17:57
Abraham Annan
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Skrevet av: StiflerJuli 20, 2008, 13:18:26
"Cork man here and I can confirm Leeds are in talks with Roy O' Donovan of Sunderland. The striker / winger will join on loan with a permanent deal anytime at 1.75m"

Fra Teamtalk.
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Skrevet av: SølvrevenJuli 20, 2008, 15:46:25
Enda et rykte om hvem den "mystiske spilleren" kan være. Spilleren skal komme fra Sheffield United, og det skal være snakk om enten Billy Sharp eller Luton Shelton.
Leste i VG i dag at Leeds bydde 8 mill for Shelton i juni, uten å få tilslag. Vålerenga planlegge visst et bud på han nå.
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Skrevet av: samadhiJuli 21, 2008, 10:02:55

Evigunge Dean Windass linket til oss. Har vist at han forsatt duger, men er vel heller tvilsomt om det er noe mer i dette ryktet...
Tittel: Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del IV
Skrevet av: DennisJuli 21, 2008, 10:20:15

Evigunge Dean Windass linket til oss. Har vist at han forsatt duger, men er vel heller tvilsomt om det er noe mer i dette ryktet...

Leste også dette og selvsagt har Waccoe også fått nyss om linken. Der mottas ikke nyheten om Windass særlig godt, kanskje ikke så rart etter en del krasse uttalelser da han i første omgang kom på lån til Hull for et par sesonger tilbake.

For egen del hadde jeg faktisk blitt positivt overrasket om Windass ble signert. Han er stor og knallsterk, samt at han senest i fjor holdt meget godt CCC-nivå. Scorer jevnt og trutt og er en spiller som river og sliter til de grader i motstanderens forsvar. Alderen er jo selvsagt et tema og Windass har jo så til de grader sett yngre dager, men jeg tror faktisk ikke han er så langt unna toppslag.

Måtte selvsagt vært en ettårskontrakt.
Tittel: Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del IV
Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 21, 2008, 10:53:33
Frontman Jay Bothroyd mulls over Leeds United move

HIGH-FLIER: Leeds United target Jay Bothroyd

Jay Bothroyd's one and only contribution to the history of Leeds United was to provide the catalyst for the sacking of Kevin Blackwell two years ago.
His searing finish at Elland Road in 2006 – the sole flash of brilliance at the end of a mundane league match between Leeds and Wolverhampton Wanders – sent United's axe swinging for Blackwell as the club's third season in the Championship disintegrated before September was out.
The 1-0 victory presented to Wolves by Bothroyd's top-corner strike from 25 yards prompted cries of 'Blackwell, Blackwell time to go' inside Elland Road, and Ken Bates heeded the calls by relieving his manager of control of the first team less than a fortnight later.
Bothroyd has not appeared at Elland Road since, but in the coming days United's present manager hopes to discover whether the striker will decide to re-associate himself with Leeds by agreeing to join Gary McAllister's squad.
United have completed one half of the transfer after meeting Wolves' valuation of the player – the club had submitted a bid which is understood to be clause-related and could potentially rise to around £300,000 – but neither Leeds nor their counterparts at Molineux consider the move to be a done deal.
The arrival of Bothroyd would improve an area of United's squad which McAllister identified as a priority while planning for this summer's transfer market, but the challenge for United's boss will be persuading a forward who has passed through the Premier League and Serie A, while never falling beneath the Championship, that joining League One is in his best interests.
Bothroyd's time as an active first-team player with Wolves is at an end, a fact reiterated by his exclusion from the club's pre-season tour of Scotland, and though interest in the transfer-listed striker has been limited this summer, McAllister would take him on willingly if Leeds can reach agreement with Bothroyd over personal terms.
The striker is presently earning around £8,000 a week at Wolves and would be asked to take a pay cut at Elland Road.
But his cool response to United's bid – Bothroyd is said to be deeply uncertain over leaving Wolves for Yorkshire – has not fostered optimism at either club that an agreement will be reached, and McAllister may be required to consider a contingency plan with the start of the League One season fewer than three weeks away.
A source close to Bothroyd said: "The thing that Jay will probably be asking himself is whether or not he should step down into League One.
"He's played at a high level all the way through his career and dropping to that league might take a bit of getting his head around."
Bothroyd has another year remaining on his contract with Wolves, but he started only 13 league games last season and looks unlikely to feature again while McCarthy remains in charge at Molineux.
The touring squad named by McCarthy last week did not include Bothroyd, and the striker completed 90 minutes in a reserve-team friendly against Chasetown while his senior team-mates were making the final preparations for their journey north of the border.
McCarthy opted to sell Freddy Eastwood to Coventry City earlier this month, temporarily weakening his pool of strikers, but the capture of Chris Iwelumo from Charlton Athletic three days later kept Bothroyd on the fringes of Wolves' squad.
He finished last season on loan at Stoke City, though the Potters' promotion to the Premier League appeared to end any possibility of a permanent deal at the Britannia Stadium, but while McCarthy appears unwilling to rely on Bothroyd, McAllister is keen to take on a player who worked under him at Coventry City.
The West Midlands club are one of seven who have employed the 26-year-old, either permanently or on a temporary basis, and the potential which saw him launch his career as a trainee with Arsenal before moving on to Blackburn Rovers and Italian club Perugia has never been truly fulfilled.
His most productive season – the 2002-03 term – saw him score 11 times for Coventry, but McAllister is hoping that Bothroyd's arrival will help to provide the necessary support for Jermaine Beckford, United's top scorer last season.
Beckford has looked sharp and confident during the early stages of pre-season, and the three goals he produced in Leeds' first two friendlies prompted McAllister to call for another 20-goal haul from the 24-year-old next season.
United's manager, however, is anxious to prevent Beckford from carrying excessive responsibility up front and having recruited Enoch Showunmi from Bristol City, he is still planning a further two additions to his collection of strikers before the season begins at Scunthorpe United.
Speaking after Beckford scored both goals in Leeds' 2-0 victory over Galway United last week, McAllister said: "We need to get a bit more help in and around him. I'd still like a bit more firepower."
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Skrevet av: LeedsfanJuli 21, 2008, 11:21:22

Evigunge Dean Windass linket til oss. Har vist at han forsatt duger, men er vel heller tvilsomt om det er noe mer i dette ryktet...

Leste også dette og selvsagt har Waccoe også fått nyss om linken. Der mottas ikke nyheten om Windass særlig godt, kanskje ikke så rart etter en del krasse uttalelser da han i første omgang kom på lån til Hull for et par sesonger tilbake.

For egen del hadde jeg faktisk blitt positivt overrasket om Windass ble signert. Han er stor og knallsterk, samt at han senest i fjor holdt meget godt CCC-nivå. Scorer jevnt og trutt og er en spiller som river og sliter til de grader i motstanderens forsvar. Alderen er jo selvsagt et tema og Windass har jo så til de grader sett yngre dager, men jeg tror faktisk ikke han er så langt unna toppslag.

Måtte selvsagt vært en ettårskontrakt.

Vi kan ikke kjøpe en "stillestående" 39-åring...... Vær å snill, please!
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Skrevet av: AdisJuli 21, 2008, 11:28:13

Evigunge Dean Windass linket til oss. Har vist at han forsatt duger, men er vel heller tvilsomt om det er noe mer i dette ryktet...

Leste også dette og selvsagt har Waccoe også fått nyss om linken. Der mottas ikke nyheten om Windass særlig godt, kanskje ikke så rart etter en del krasse uttalelser da han i første omgang kom på lån til Hull for et par sesonger tilbake.

For egen del hadde jeg faktisk blitt positivt overrasket om Windass ble signert. Han er stor og knallsterk, samt at han senest i fjor holdt meget godt CCC-nivå. Scorer jevnt og trutt og er en spiller som river og sliter til de grader i motstanderens forsvar. Alderen er jo selvsagt et tema og Windass har jo så til de grader sett yngre dager, men jeg tror faktisk ikke han er så langt unna toppslag.

Måtte selvsagt vært en ettårskontrakt.

Vi kan ikke kjøpe en "stillestående" 39-åring...... Vær å snill, please!

Vi kan ikke kjøpe en nisse som har slengt dritt om Leeds ved enhver anledning tidligere. Herregud hvis han forbaska ubehøvla fyren der kommer så blir jeg sånn passe grinete...!
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Skrevet av: Per-StianJuli 21, 2008, 11:49:04
Windass må vi halde oss langt unna. Gamal og brutal fyr! Blir heilt feil med Macca's nye "ungdomslinje".
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Skrevet av: MooCowJuli 21, 2008, 12:49:55
Windass høyrest bra ut, treng litt rutine, og var jo SINNSJUKT mål han scorde i play off finalen, men bør vera 1 års kontrakt ja.
Tittel: Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del IV
Skrevet av: FerreJuli 21, 2008, 14:16:23
Mannen er 39 år! Kan sikkert gjøre en grei jobb, men håper Macca ser etter andre alternativer.

Håper virkelig Bates gir McAllister de pengene han trenger til å kjøpe inn kvalitetsspillere.
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Skrevet av: FrodeJuli 21, 2008, 14:25:34
Fikk "Howard Wilkinson" fornemmelser av dette ryktet.  Faktum er følgende:
- mannen nærmer seg 40
- han har spenst som en slegge
- teknikk som en middels bedriftsfotballspiller

Likevel har jeg en brukbar magefølelse overfor Windass.  Han har en kanon innstilling, og viktigst av alt; han scorer jevnt og trutt.  Ser for meg at han KAN være den som pisker til innsats.  Jeg var skeptisk til Freedman og tok feil.  Denne gang velger jeg å være avventende optimist.
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Skrevet av: FerreJuli 21, 2008, 15:09:34
Leser på at Joe Garner fra Carlisle kan kjøpes for £1.14 mill. Er ikke linket til Leeds, men skulle gjerne sett han i den hvite drakta. Så hvis Bates får et illebefinnende og velger å bla opp over £1 mill for en spiller, så bør vi prøve oss. Men siden klubber som Nottingham Forrest er interresert i han, så er det vel heller tvilsomt at Garner ender opp på Elland Road.

Men det er jo lov til håpe, selv om vi sikkert ender opp med Windass...,19528,11688_3847646,00.html (,19528,11688_3847646,00.html)
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 21, 2008, 15:26:51
Carlisle linked with Elding move 

Carlisle United have been linked with a move for out-of-favour Leeds United striker Anthony Elding.
Reports claim the Cumbrians have made a bid for the 26-year-old although both clubs have so far declined to comment on the speculation.

Leeds United striker targetted by Bradford City

Bradford City are pondering a move for Leeds United striker Anthony Elding.
The Valley Parade club are understood to have enquired about the possibility of signing Elding, who is poised to leave Elland Road this summer after less than six months with Leeds.

Carlisle boss denies Elding link   
Carlisle United manager John Ward has denied making an offer for Leeds' out-of-favour striker Anthony Elding.
A newspaper report at the weekend claimed Carlisle had bid for the 26-year-old former Boston, Kettering, Stevenage and Stockport forward.
Elding only joined Leeds from Stockport in January, starting just four games.
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Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 21, 2008, 15:28:40
Leeds youngster Tomi Ameobi has been handed a trial by Doncaster boss Sean O'Driscoll.
Ameobi - whose brother Shola plays for Newcastle - has been training with Rovers over the last few days with a view to earning a move to the Keepmoat Stadium.
The 19-year-old striker has made just two competitive appearances for Leeds and spent part of last season out on loan at Scunthorpe.
Rovers ponder striker swoop,19528,11095_3831367,00.html

Leeds striker given Rovers chance

Doncaster hope to capture Ameobi   

Doncaster Rovers are hoping to sign striker Tomi Ameobi after he impressed during a trial period at the club.
The 19-year-old, who is brother of Newcastle's Shola, came through Leeds United's academy but was released at the end of the season.
"He's impressed in training and our week away," Rovers manager Sean O'Driscoll told BBC Radio Sheffield.
"He's one for the future, he has a presence about him, I think we can develop him into a quality player."

O'Driscoll keen on Ameobi capture:,16368,982_3847257,00.html
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Skrevet av: Peter7Juli 21, 2008, 15:47:29

Evigunge Dean Windass linket til oss. Har vist at han forsatt duger, men er vel heller tvilsomt om det er noe mer i dette ryktet...

Leste også dette og selvsagt har Waccoe også fått nyss om linken. Der mottas ikke nyheten om Windass særlig godt, kanskje ikke så rart etter en del krasse uttalelser da han i første omgang kom på lån til Hull for et par sesonger tilbake.

For egen del hadde jeg faktisk blitt positivt overrasket om Windass ble signert. Han er stor og knallsterk, samt at han senest i fjor holdt meget godt CCC-nivå. Scorer jevnt og trutt og er en spiller som river og sliter til de grader i motstanderens forsvar. Alderen er jo selvsagt et tema og Windass har jo så til de grader sett yngre dager, men jeg tror faktisk ikke han er så langt unna toppslag.

Måtte selvsagt vært en ettårskontrakt.

Vi kan ikke kjøpe en "stillestående" 39-åring...... Vær å snill, please!

Windass ... my ass - must be a wind-up!

Signerer vi ham så blir det nok LOL noen sesonger til (League One Leeds) ...
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Skrevet av: SleivindJuli 21, 2008, 18:20:53
Den 16.juli pluppet det frem en overskrift på om "Signing close", hvor blir det av denne signeringen da?
Tittel: Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del IV
Skrevet av: KickthemdownJuli 21, 2008, 19:09:14
Den 16.juli pluppet det frem en overskrift på om "Signing close", hvor blir det av denne signeringen da?
Morten Målskred ...  ;)

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Skrevet av: Snowſeptember 13, 2008, 23:03:57

Morten Målskred ...  ;)


Han er god :) Gjort det verldig bra i Tromsø drakta ;D
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Skrevet av: Royſeptember 13, 2008, 23:06:53
Tror ikke det var han  ;)
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Skrevet av: LeifMortenſeptember 14, 2008, 21:17:33
Leeds har neppe 15 millioner. Passer vel heller ikke inn i England.