LUSCOS Forum => Ordet er fritt => Emne startet av: h.b på November 16, 2013, 13:53:22

Tittel: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: h.bNovember 16, 2013, 13:53:22
Har de mere penger å putte inn i klubben enn GFH. Velkommen . Men sikkert et svadarykte
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: SydhagenNovember 16, 2013, 16:44:35
@BatesOut: Despite what GFH say, rumours about Radebe and Pearson are true! Their consortium has submitted a bid of £21.7m for a 70% stake. #Exciting
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: LeedsfanNovember 16, 2013, 17:18:24
Hvor mange må de kjøpe ut nå? Føler at det er mange som eier Leeds om dagen??!?!

Hva sier Gary Cooper?
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: DenHviteYeboahNovember 16, 2013, 17:42:56
Hvor mange må de kjøpe ut nå? Føler at det er mange som eier Leeds om dagen??!?!

Hva sier Gary Cooper?
Cooper er positiv til dette:-)
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: h.bNovember 16, 2013, 18:22:56
Om det skjer. Ja da er jeg overlykkelig. For nå har nok gfh tatt osss dit de kan og ikke lenger
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: Hallgeir *November 16, 2013, 19:02:43
Fra YEP..

Leeds board deny Radebe consortium bid

Published 16/11/2013 16:22

Leeds United owners GFH have denied reports suggesting they are in takeover talks with a consortium headed by former defender Lucas Radebe.

News of the supposed offer to buy the Elland Road club emerged this morning with the group understood to have offered £7m to take control.

However, GFH have knocked back the reports in a statement, saying: “We are watching with a mixture of bemusement and interest the reports suggesting any credible takeover bid has been made.

“No serious approach has been made by any members reportedly concerned.”

Dubai-based investment group GFH Capital bought the club from Ken Bates last December but there have been constant rumours over their plans to sell the club on.

Radebe, now 44, is seen as a living legend and his backing to any bid for the club would be widely welcomed by all fans.

Full story in Sports Monday.
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: LeedsfanNovember 16, 2013, 21:05:13
Hvor mange må de kjøpe ut nå? Føler at det er mange som eier Leeds om dagen??!?!

Hva sier Gary Cooper?
Cooper er positiv til dette:-)

Det må jo være hold i ryktene når han uttaler seg så positivt.

Litt illojalt er det vel også? Mange klager på at LUST ikke var inne i varmen og en hel haug med positive tilbakemeldinger når GFH tok de inn i varmen, og nå disse uttalelsene!!!
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: GufriasNovember 16, 2013, 22:49:59
7 millioner pund for en majoritetsandel? Enten er ryktet visvas, eller så er budet useriøst.
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: LeedsfanNovember 16, 2013, 22:53:06
7 millioner pund for en majoritetsandel? Enten er ryktet visvas, eller så er budet useriøst.

Patel and Haigh syns Silly Season begynte tidlig i år...
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: DenHviteYeboahNovember 17, 2013, 08:10:53
7 millioner pund for en majoritetsandel? Enten er ryktet visvas, eller så er budet useriøst.

Patel and Haigh syns Silly Season begynte tidlig i år...
hehe, jeg leste et annet sted på nettet at det var £21mill for 70%...mye rare opplysninger for tiden ;)
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: Jon RNovember 17, 2013, 21:55:20
Hvor mange må de kjøpe ut nå? Føler at det er mange som eier Leeds om dagen??!?!

Hva sier Gary Cooper?
Cooper er positiv til dette:-)

Det må jo være hold i ryktene når han uttaler seg så positivt.

Litt illojalt er det vel også? Mange klager på at LUST ikke var inne i varmen og en hel haug med positive tilbakemeldinger når GFH tok de inn i varmen, og nå disse uttalelsene!!!

Hvorfor skulle dette være illjojalt? GHF har vært tydelige på at de ikke har mye penger og er rede til å selge til "de rette investorene" som har de nødvendige ressursene som skal til for å bringe klubben videre.....Ingen kan vel være mere rett enn et konsortium ledet av Lucas Radebe, ihvertfall hvis man kjenner historien siden 2000 tallet....

Dessverre høres ryktet ut som totalt bull når man ser på summene som nevnes.  :-\
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: LeedsfanNovember 18, 2013, 08:57:03
Hvor mange må de kjøpe ut nå? Føler at det er mange som eier Leeds om dagen??!?!

Hva sier Gary Cooper?
Cooper er positiv til dette:-)

Det må jo være hold i ryktene når han uttaler seg så positivt.

Litt illojalt er det vel også? Mange klager på at LUST ikke var inne i varmen og en hel haug med positive tilbakemeldinger når GFH tok de inn i varmen, og nå disse uttalelsene!!!

Hvorfor skulle dette være illjojalt? GHF har vært tydelige på at de ikke har mye penger og er rede til å selge til "de rette investorene" som har de nødvendige ressursene som skal til for å bringe klubben videre.....Ingen kan vel være mere rett enn et konsortium ledet av Lucas Radebe, ihvertfall hvis man kjenner historien siden 2000 tallet....

Dessverre høres ryktet ut som totalt bull når man ser på summene som nevnes.  :-\

Illojalt var kanskje et dårlig ord, men hvis LUST skal spille på lag med GFH så kan de ikke sverme rundt ethvert oppkjøpsrykte..

Fra YEP i dag:

Cooper, whose organisation has around 9,000 members, said: “If Lucas is involved in a bid, then supporters are going to be very interested in more detail and want to know what is going on. I’d imagine they’d rally around a bid from Lucas with stars in their eyes.

 â€œWe heard a rumour about three weeks ago Lucas was involved in something. There’s always a connection with Leeds.

“We were contacted last week by a lot of people who give us genuine information telling us it was a genuine bid from a UK-based consortium with Lucas involved with it.

“If Lucas is involved with a consortium or group who want to either buy the club or an interest in it, that will generate interest among supporters without a shadow of a doubt. It’s almost a dream ticket.

“To have Lucas back involved with the club would inspire fans and it’s a dream scenario.”
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: LeedsfanNovember 18, 2013, 08:59:24
Fra kommentarfeltet under denne artikkelen:

The last thing we ever want at the club is for Adam Pearson to be involved again. People seem to have very short memories but Pearson was part of the Risdale board that got us into the whole financial mess in the first place. He was one of those that agreed loans on the back of Champions League qualification. People will talk about his success at Hull City but shortly after he left them they too were in financial melt down. By his own admission he is a Huddersfield Town fan. To make an offer that is less than the amount GFC paid for the same percentage is nothing more than an insult and the question needs to be asked why he feels the club is worth less 12 months after GFC bought it. Please Lucas walk away from this you are been used to appease the fans don't risk your reputation for some fly by night Huddersfield fan trying to sow discontent. As for LUST it seems Gary Cooper will do anything to try and get a stake and say in the club. Go away you are not wanted we are moving in the right direction now without any input from LUST. And will the YEP stop quoting the 9000 members the vast majority of who do not attend.
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: DennisNovember 18, 2013, 09:52:02
Jeg trodde Adam Pearson gikk ut av styret på den tiden, som et direkte følge av hvordan ting ble styrt av blant annet Peter Ridsdale...?
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: Jon RNovember 19, 2013, 00:00:41
Hvor mange må de kjøpe ut nå? Føler at det er mange som eier Leeds om dagen??!?!

Hva sier Gary Cooper?
Cooper er positiv til dette:-)

Det må jo være hold i ryktene når han uttaler seg så positivt.

Litt illojalt er det vel også? Mange klager på at LUST ikke var inne i varmen og en hel haug med positive tilbakemeldinger når GFH tok de inn i varmen, og nå disse uttalelsene!!!

Hvorfor skulle dette være illjojalt? GHF har vært tydelige på at de ikke har mye penger og er rede til å selge til "de rette investorene" som har de nødvendige ressursene som skal til for å bringe klubben videre.....Ingen kan vel være mere rett enn et konsortium ledet av Lucas Radebe, ihvertfall hvis man kjenner historien siden 2000 tallet....

Dessverre høres ryktet ut som totalt bull når man ser på summene som nevnes.  :-

Illojalt var kanskje et dårlig ord, men hvis LUST skal spille på lag med GFH så kan de ikke sverme rundt ethvert oppkjøpsrykte..

Fra YEP i dag:

Cooper, whose organisation has around 9,000 members, said: “If Lucas is involved in a bid, then supporters are going to be very interested in more detail and want to know what is going on. I’d imagine they’d rally around a bid from Lucas with stars in their eyes.

 â€œWe heard a rumour about three weeks ago Lucas was involved in something. There’s always a connection with Leeds.

“We were contacted last week by a lot of people who give us genuine information telling us it was a genuine bid from a UK-based consortium with Lucas involved with it.

“If Lucas is involved with a consortium or group who want to either buy the club or an interest in it, that will generate interest among supporters without a shadow of a doubt. It’s almost a dream ticket.

“To have Lucas back involved with the club would inspire fans and it’s a dream scenario.”

Enig i at Cooper snakker for mye. Det er en hårfin balanse mellom informasjon og ryktemakeri, selv om jeg skjønner at Lucas ryktene var for fristende å kommentere på. Klubben har ikke behov for nye runder med spekulasjoner rundt eierskapet. LUST skal være en samlende faktor, ikke en splittende. Gary Cooper bør ta et kurs i mediahåndtering ASAP.
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Skrevet av: Jostein.November 20, 2013, 17:47:47

The Chief!!
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Skrevet av: Tom SNovember 20, 2013, 17:48:01
Når dette kjem frå ein Hedersmann som Lucas, kjenner eg at eg vert heit om hjartet  :)

Statement regarding Leeds United acquisition

20 November, 2013

Leeds United acquisition

Following recent speculation, I can confirm that I am part of a consortium which has submitted a preliminary indication of interest regarding the acquisition of a stake in Leeds United Football Club. We hope to continue our recent discussions confidentially with the current shareholders and the Board. We would like the opportunity to explain both the substance of our proposal, and our strategy for working with GFH Capital to continue the re-building process at the club.

Leeds United has a special place in my heart. Ever since I retired I have been considering ways to get involved at the Club – working at Board level with an equity interest would be the pinnacle. It is my dream scenario. I would not have become involved if I didn’t think our consortium would be able to help give the Club a chance to go back up to the Premier League where it belongs, and to keep it there.

I am hopeful we can find a way forward and make progress.
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Skrevet av: p0ndusNovember 20, 2013, 22:32:40
En dedikert fyr som har historien i klubben og  vyene om en lysende fremtid for klubben. Er det nissen som er på førjulstur til oss hardt prøvede,  eller er det nok et skudd i mørke. Spent på fortsettelsen.
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: Jon RNovember 20, 2013, 23:35:07
To be continued.... :o
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Skrevet av: Larsen.November 21, 2013, 11:13:22
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: Jon RNovember 21, 2013, 20:22:52
Glimrende dramaturgi!  ;D
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: JohrninoNovember 21, 2013, 23:16:34
Red Bull ‏@redbull 6h
Dream it. Do it. Live it. #givesyouwings
 Retweeted by David Haigh

Retweetet fra Styreformann David Haigh..
Kryptisk budskap og timingen i forhold til overtakelsesryktene kan jo ikke være tilfeldig.
Er det et taktisk spill for å få opp prisen?
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: AsbjørnNovember 23, 2013, 13:13:17
Red Bull ‏@redbull 6h
Dream it. Do it. Live it. #givesyouwings
 Retweeted by David Haigh

Retweetet fra Styreformann David Haigh..
Kryptisk budskap og timingen i forhold til overtakelsesryktene kan jo ikke være tilfeldig.
Er det et taktisk spill for å få opp prisen?

...han burde jo nå vite hva en slik retweet fører til av rykter. Så jeg vil kalle det 'en bevisst handling' - han visste hva han gjorde, at folk ville tolke tolke tolke en slik retweet...
Tittel: Sv: Overtakelsesrykte. Pån igjen
Skrevet av: AsbjørnNovember 23, 2013, 13:18:41
...dagens YEP-kommentar rundt budet fra 'Radebe-gjengen' velger (også) jeg å poste i denne tråden, siden YEP skriver de ønsket 80% for £7mill (uten at noen kan bekrefte dette!). (Radebe på sin side uttalte jo at han ville join forces med GFHC...) - utydelige signaler mao...

Non-divisive Radebe could be golden ticket in bid for Leeds United’s soul
Lucas Radebe is a man without enemies or none that we know of. And when you consider how toxic the past 10 years at Leeds United have been, that’s some achievement.

It’s the mark of a diplomat or a skilled politician but really, Radebe is devoid of a bad bone in his body; an icon with Nelson Mandela in his corner. If you want a figurehead for a buy-out of Leeds, Lucas is your man. He carries no baggage and is as close as any other ex-player to a non-divisive presence.

There is nothing surprising about the consortium who bid to buy Leeds last weekend attempting to align themselves with Radebe. It’s a surprise that nobody tried this strategy before, though his personal circumstances were deeply challenging for many years. He’s a winner in a PR sense and an easy sell – powerful currency in the fight for credibility. But these squabbles for equity always rest on real currency and real money.

Radebe’s name will not open the door to anything more than negotiations. Saturday’s bid of £7m for 80 per cent of United’s shares was too little for the club’s owners, some of whom seem to think that the offer and the group behind it are entirely without substance. GFH Capital has spent the past week ridiculing the approach.

The consortium responsible involves Gary Verity, the chief executive of Welcome To Yorkshire, and Mike Farnan, a man whose commercial experience in football came from employment at Manchester United, Sunderland and Sheffield United. He worked for the company Red Strike Marketing, who helped to arrange the deal which saw Macron become United’s kit maker, and Frank Devoy – another member of the group bidding for United – is a business colleague of his.

Their offer is said to involve structured payments on top of a £7m hit but the initial price was seen by GFH Capital as laughable. The firm paid around £20m for its own buy-out last year and has invested more than £30m through its takeover and 12 months of ownership. Steve Parkin, the Yorkshire businessman who carried out due diligence on Leeds in the spring, was offering £12m or thereabouts for a controlling stake.

So if last week’s approach was a final offer, it is dead in the water. If the approach was an opening bid, it has some ground to cover. They will argue on one side that Leeds have a limited value but GFH Capital – or its parent company, Gulf Finance House – has a heavy stake in this and much money committed. The lower the offers, the more tempting it will be to stick around.

United were highly unimpressed by leaks about the consortium’s bid and an invitation for Verity to attend today’s game against Middlesbrough as a boardroom guest duly vanished, though it does appear that he will be at next month’s meeting with Wigan. The club’s board might resent the level of the offer or the publicity it received but objecting to the offer in principle seems duplicitous when investment is the name of the game at Elland Road.

Leeds, according to Gulf Finance House’s latest accounts, are an asset ‘held for sale’ as they have been since the day they were bought. It is no secret that the board at United spend much time discussing equity sales. A spokesperson for GFH Capital said this week that the firm was continuing to look for “strategic investors” but there is no explanation of what that means or what it is that GFH Capital wants.

United’s shares are already split three ways and there are, you feel, only so many times a cake can be divided between men or women with money and egos. It is telling that both Parkin and this latest consortium sought to run the club, rather than share in its management. This is either GFH Capital’s baby or it is somebody else’s. Whether it likes the bids it receives does not change the fact that it is openly asking for them.

Radebe’s intention is to work with GFH Capital. His statement on Wednesday said as much and he was a guest of United’s during their 4-0 win over Birmingham last month. He and managing director David Haigh met and spoke at length. His conciliatory tone of his statement was at odds with the aggressive move to buy Leeds last Saturday and he did not make clear whether the group he represents is in fact the group who offered £7m a week ago. We assume that it is.

Radebe has enough gumption to tread with caution when deciding who or what to back. Likewise, you would hope that anyone approaching him for support would do so in good faith rather than in search of a cynical means of blowing up their profile. Boardroom jobs can do damage to seemingly untouchable figures. Walter Smith, the nine-in-a-row stalwart at Rangers, would tell him that. So would Peter Lorimer. But if a personality as decent as Radebe can’t ride the turbulence of hard decisions, no former Leeds player could.

An aside to the question of what GFH Capital wants is the question of what Leeds United want. Even now, 12 months on from GFH Capital’s takeover, the bottom line is assurance; assurance and security.

With enough authority Radebe has the wit and intelligence to nurture that, an ambassador who would not see high-level association with Leeds as an in-and-out job. In the right management team and the right circumstances, he is United’s golden ticket – a figurehead to die for. Unless this really is all about being filthy rich.