LUSCOS Forum => Off-Topic => Emne startet av: kjelvi på Februar 13, 2007, 17:02:38

Tittel: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 13, 2007, 17:02:38
Tar sjansen på å lage en topic om norske spillere i britisk fotball. Selv om Leeds er selvsagt det store, er vi nok flere som prøver også å følge med våre landsmenn som tjener til salt i maten 'over there'.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 13, 2007, 17:04:26
Martin O'Neill believes striker John Carew can enjoy the peak years of his career during his spell with Aston Villa.
And O'Neill will be more than satisfied if Carew "does half as well" as former Villa hero Peter Withe - whose goal won the club the European Cup nearly 25 years ago.
Withe was a cult figure with the Villa fans, who have taken to Carew in the same way during his three games to date againgst Newcastle, West Ham and Reading.
O'Neill explained: "Carew is better than a decent player.
"If he can stay fit, he will be a decent acquisition to us and I have been very encouraged in the three games so far.
"It is very early but the crowd have taken to him. He is 27 and I don't see why he should not be reaching his peak at Aston Villa.
"Villa have had some fabulous centre forwards over the years without a doubt. I think back to my friend Peter Withe, whom I played with at Nottingham Forest, and he was one of them.
"If John does half as well as Peter Withe, I'll be happy.
"He proved himself in Spanish football (with Valencia) but he wanted to compete in the Premiership.
"I think he can adjust to the Premiership and it has been a positive start.
"He suffered from a touch of cramp in his first two games after not playing for some time but got in 90 minutes at Reading which will be good for him.
"The good thing is that during the last three games, we have looked capable of scoring."
Carew came to Villa from Lyon via the swap deal which saw Milan Baros heading in the opposite direction.
But O'Neill insisted: "I would have wanted to do the deal for John even if we could not have swapped Milan for him.
"But when the swap was suggested everybody thought it was good for both clubs, both managers and both players.
"If John stays clear of serious injury, he will be a real player for us."

Kilde: PA Sport

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 13, 2007, 17:11:39
DUNDEE UNITED defender Christian Kalvenes admits he felt lucky to leave Love Street in one piece after surviving a dreadful two-footed tackle by David van Zanten.
The Norwegian full-back was left crumpled in a heap after van Zanten's second-half challenge on the halfway line sparked an angry exchange.
Kalvenes was man enough not to start bleating about the dodgy lunge after the match but the Scandinavian did concede he was relieved not to suffer a bad injury.
Referee Mike McCurry opted only to flash yellow at the Irishman and Kalvenes said: "It was a tough tackle.
When I was lying on the ground, I saw him jumping.
"But you just get on with it.
It was hurting a lot though not getting injured was the main issue."
Kalvenes, however, may still have needed surgery in the aftermath of United's victory to remove the smile from his face.
Craig Levein's side racked up their fourth straight win over Saints this term to leave Paisley with a victory which, forgetting mathematics, washed away any lingering fears about being involved in alate-season relegation scrap.
Kalvenes believes a new-found solidity in the Tannadice ranks is testimony to his manager's meticulous attention to detail.
He said: "I've never had a gaffer who is so good at the defensive side of the game.
For me, it's been fantastic. "He works us as a back four but also looks at players individually and sees what you're doing right and wrong.
"With his experience as a player, he knows how to improve you and that has been the best thing.
"He always wants you to get better and since he came into the club all the defenders have improved.
"It's not just in what you do, but the way you think about defending.
"In the past few matches, I don't think Lee Wilkie has lost asingle header."
Levein has now set his sights on a more attacking threat and the positive introduction of sub Steven Robb just after the hour played a pivotal role in United's triumph.
Kalvenes said: "We were much better in the second half when the game started to open up and Steven was fantastic when he came on.
"In previous matches, we've defended well but we haven't got forward enough."
With relegation now a forgotten enemy, Kalvenes insists the Tannadice squad have their eyes fixed on the top half of the SPL table.
He added: "It's looking good for us now because I feel St Mirren and Dunfermline are too far behind us now to catch up. I think the time has come again for us to start looking up the table again."

Kilde: The Daily Record

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: samadhiFebruar 13, 2007, 17:48:22
Lurer på om Ã…ge Hareide vet hvem Kalvenes er?!

Vet ikke så mye om hvor god han er i dag, men da han var i Sogndal var i allefall glimrende både som venstre back og i midtforsvaret. Var kanskje lagets beste da Sogndal herjet tippeligaen for 3-4 år siden og ledet en stund på vårsesongen.

Synd at skader sette en stopper for Brann karrieren!

marching on together,
derudaf forever...
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-StianFebruar 13, 2007, 18:55:04
No har eg ikkje sett Kalvenes spele for Dundee, men trass i god form for Sogndal var han aldri i nærleiken av landslagsnivå. Han er riktignok ein fantastisk dødballspesialist (lange innkast og hard fotserve), men noko meir vil eg ikkje tilkjenne han.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 13, 2007, 22:22:16

Lundekvam ble historisk
I en alder av 34 år har Claus Lundekvam spilt sin seriekamp nummer 347 for Southampton. Dermed er han den nordmannen som har spilt flest engelske seriekamper noen sinne.
Lundekvam er stolt over å nå toppe listen foran Gunnar Halle, som stoppet på 346 kamper før han returnerte til Lillestrøm. Det er heller ingen som kan true ham med det første. Ole Gunnar Solskjær har 228 kamper og John Arne Riise har 195.

Tidligere omtalt i Ex-player news (her finner du 10 på topp-lista, bl.a. med Halle og Haaland):
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: RonaldFebruar 14, 2007, 04:25:56
Har vi ikkje noen norske spillere i lavere divisjoner ? Mener eg har lest om normenn for Halifax eller lignende ?
Må bare innrømme at denslags ikke fanger den store interessen.
Skottland har jo også vært ett sted der endel norske har fått prøve seg i kortere perioder.

Man tuktes av den man elsker :-)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 14, 2007, 06:13:20
Originally posted by Ronald

Har vi ikkje noen norske spillere i lavere divisjoner ?

Før var det fluss av nordmenn - enten der var i Hartlepool, Caledonia Thistle, ManYou,...
Nå er det ikke mange igjen.

Har ikke en autorativ oversikt, men her i alle fall noen av 'våre':

* Morten Gamst Pedersen (Blackburn)
* John Arne Riise (Liverpool)
* Claus Lundekvam (Southamton)
* Christian Klevenes (Dundee U.)
* Ole Gunnar Solskjær (ManYou)
* Jon Olav Hjelde (Mansfield) (** Neppe fornyet kontrakt fra sommeren av)
* Thomas Myhre (Charlton) (** Hjem til Viking i mai)

I tillegg kommer det en håndfull norske læregutter, som f.eks.
* Lars Stubhaug (Everton)
* Magnus Eikrem (ManYou)
* Dan Alexander Olsen (Spurs)
** Rocky og Leon Lekej (Sheff. W)
og sikkert flere som jeg ikke har oversikt over.

På det meste var det 26-28 norske yrkesspillere på balløya...
Da var det norske og delvis nederlandske spillere som dominerte utlendingslistene. Men det var den gang!

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 14, 2007, 15:00:03
Aston Villa striker John Carew has hit back at jibes from his former club Lyon about his level of performance at the French club.
Lyon official Bernard Lacombe claimed Carew was "a bit too static" and "was not always the best when it came to reading the game."
But Carew believes the attack by Lacombe is designed to act as a smokescreen for a poor run of results by Lyon since his departure during the January transfer window in a swap deal with Milan Baros.
Carew told PA Sport: "I left Lyon, they lost five matches - and then the questions start to be asked so I think it is just to justify what they did.
"I think that is a desperate comment (by Lacombe) aimed to protect themselves after selling me because they didn't win for a few games.
"To be honest, it doesn't bother me that much. I turn it into a compliment.
"I am just doing my best here at Villa, to work and run for the team, and hope that will create a good result for the team. I don't really bother about the comments from Lyon. As I say, I take them as a compliment."
Carew has already made an impact at Villa and become a favourite with the club's supporters and he can see exciting times ahead for Martin O'Neill's side.
He said: "The fans have been really fantastic, really lifting us and backing us, and it is like having an extra player on the pitch.
"The manager is also fantastic. You have everything you want. You go out there and play and see all the possibilities that this team has and it is very exciting for the future."
The one frustrating point for Carew is Villa have to wait nearly three weeks before they are again in action at a time when he was looking to hone his match sharpness.
He completed his first 90 minutes for the club at Reading on Saturday after being substituted suffering from cramp in the previous two games with Newcastle and West Ham.
Carew said: "It is frustrating because I am starting to get fit and on Saturday was my first full 90 minutes since I got injured in December.
"I felt no cramp so it is a step forward. I benefited from having 45 minutes for Norway in mid-week.
"I would have liked to carry on playing to get the last 10% out of my game but I will work hard in training to get that sharpness."

Kilde: PA Sport via Football365 (,17033,8690_1914817,00.html)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 14, 2007, 18:08:52
John Arne Riise claims he was delighted when Liverpool were drawn against Barcelona in the Champions League second round.  
The left-back insists he won't approach the tie with any trepidation - because these games are the reason he became a footballer.
"I was pleased when they came out of the hat. It will be a great game to be involved in and a great game to watch. It's the last two winners of the Champions League meeting each other," said Riise.
"Obviously they won it last year and they're probably the best team in the world, so it's going to be very difficult. But this is why we all play football, to play in these games and against these players.
"I feel, and I think the whole team feels, that we've got a chance. We know it's hard, but so do they. They know how good we are at home in the same way they are hard to play against at home. We've just got to give the best we've got.
"We've got to keep playing how we have been and if we do that, anything can happen. All of us are excited by the fact we're playing Barcelona."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: MrKFebruar 15, 2007, 00:54:25
Originally posted by samadhi

Lurer på om Ã…ge Hareide vet hvem Kalvenes er?!

Vet ikke så mye om hvor god han er i dag, men da han var i Sogndal var i allefall glimrende både som venstre back og i midtforsvaret. Var kanskje lagets beste da Sogndal herjet tippeligaen for 3-4 år siden og ledet en stund på vårsesongen.

Synd at skader sette en stopper for Brann karrieren!

marching on together,
derudaf forever...

Kalvenes er maksimalt en middels norsk spiller - er ikke bare pga skader han ikke har dominert

"finnes det overhodet mennesker som kler orange?"
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: RuneRFebruar 15, 2007, 04:09:35
Originally posted by kjelvi
Før var det fluss av nordmenn - enten der var i Hartlepool, Caledonia Thistle, ManYou,...
Nå er det ikke mange igjen.

Har ikke en autorativ oversikt, men her i alle fall noen av 'våre':

* Morten Gamst Pedersen (Blackburn)
* John Arne Riise (Liverpool)
* Claus Lundekvam (Southamton)
* Christian Klevenes (Dundee U.)
* Ole Gunnar Solskjær (ManYou)
* Jon Olav Hjelde (Mansfield) (** Neppe fornyet kontrakt fra sommeren av)
* Thomas Myhre (Charlton) (** Hjem til Viking i mai)

I tillegg kommer det en håndfull norske læregutter, som f.eks.
* Lars Stubhaug (Everton)
* Magnus Eikrem (ManYou)
* Dan Alexander Olsen (Spurs)
** Rocky og Leon Lekej (Sheff. W)
og sikkert flere som jeg ikke har oversikt over.

På det meste var det 26-28 norske yrkesspillere på balløya...
Da var det norske og delvis nederlandske spillere som dominerte utlendingslistene. Men det var den gang!

Tenkte bare at jeg skule nevne Tore Andre Flo.  Spiller for Leeds, selv om han er skadet for tiden... [}:)]

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 15, 2007, 05:11:54
Originally posted by RuneR

Originally posted by kjelvi
Før var det fluss av nordmenn
Tenkte bare at jeg skule nevne Tore Andre Flo.  Spiller for Leeds, selv om han er skadet for tiden... [}:)]

Man glemmer ofte 'de nærmeste'. [8D]
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 15, 2007, 23:19:08

Riise not fazed by Barcelona threat


Liverpool full-back John Arne Riise is not fazed by the magnitude of facing Champions League holders Barcelona in the last 16 next Wednesday.
Riise was delighted when the draw was made because "these are the games we play football for."
He added: "I feel, and I think the whole team feels, we've got a chance. We know it's going to be hard, but they will feel the same.
"They know when they come to Anfield for the second leg how good we are at home in the same way they are hard to play against at home. We've just got to give the best we've got."

Kilde: Team Talk
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 16, 2007, 20:06:35

Bekreftet det mange av oss har hørt om...
Godt gjort med en inntekt på 25 mill. - og stort sett bare en hytteinvestering på Sørlandet som aktivitet i selskapet....

Riise skylder 17,8 mill - 5,9 mill i inkasso
- Jeg jobber med å få oversikt, sier advokaten.
Liverpool-forsvarer John Arne Riise (26) har en årslønn på 25 millioner kroner, men han sliter med å betale kreditorene.
Aksjeselskapet hans har 17,8 millioner i gjeld, skriver

Forsinket regnskapslevering
Det viser det siste regnskapet som er sendt inn for landslagsspillerens heleide selskap, Riise Invest AS.
2005-regnskapet er ennå ikke levert - mer enn fem måneder etter sist frist.
Riise Invest skylder ifølge inkassoselskapet Aktiv Kapital Nordea vel 5,9 millioner. Betalingsanmerkningen stammer fra 4. august 2005.

- Ingen kommentar
- Vi har ingen kommentarer, sier Riises rådgiver, Jan Kvalheim til ABC Nyheter.
Han viser til advokat Ronny Lund. Tidligere talte advokatene Arne Steen og Jan Westbye den ellers så medieglade fotballspillerens sak. Men ikke nå lenger.
- Jeg jobber med å få oversikt og ta nødvendige grep slik at dette blir håndtert fornuftig og med tanke på å finne gode løsninger, sier Riises advokat, Ronny Lund til ABC Nyheter.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 17, 2007, 19:13:26

Norsk unggutt til Man. City
Fjellhamars Abdisalam Ibrahim (15) er klar for Premier League-klubben Manchester City.
Sent fredag kveld ble Manchester City og Fjellhamar enige om en overgang for 15-åringen Abdisalam Ibrahim. Unggutten har skrevet under på en treårskontrakt, og drar til England i sommer.
- Jeg har alltid drømt om å spille i England. Nå er målet mitt å spille i Premier League, sier Abdisalam til
Ibrahim betegnes som et stort talent, og har takket nei til norske klubber som Lillestrøm, Lyn, Vålerenga og Viking.
Neste sesong trener han med de store gutta i England.
- Allerede til høsten kommer han til å trene med Premier League-troppen. Det er slik vi gjør ting i vår klubb. De siste seks årene har 21 spillere fra vårt eget akademi debutert på a-laget, sier Citys sjefsspeider Barry Poynton.
Blant disse finner vi navn som Joey barton, Shaun Wright Phillips og Micah Richards.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 17, 2007, 19:30:21
Valerenga kid reveals Tottenham trials
Valerenga youngster Joakim Eyde has completed trials with Tottenham.
The 15 year-old left-back told Aftenposten: "I did okay, and they are following my progress.
"They seemed positive, and they want me back, but I don't know when. If I get the chance I will go to Tottenham, no matter what.
"I have to think about school and education as well, so I don't know really, but I want to go."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 18, 2007, 04:46:30

- Riise angrepet med golfkølle
John Arne Riise skal ha blitt angrepet med golfkølle av lagkameraten Craig Bellamy på Algarve-kysten i helgen.
Liverpool er utslått av FA-cupen, og enkelte spillere benyttet helgen til sosiale aktiviteter og rekreasjon i et ellers meget tøft og hektisk kampprogram.
Men for John Arne Riise ble den svært korte ferien på Algarve-kysten alt annet enn hyggelig.

Angrepet med golfkølle
For ifølge TV 2 Sporten ble Riise slått av lagkamerat Craig Bellamy med en golfkølle etter en bytur i Portugal.
De to spillerne skal ha kommet i klammeri med hverandre, og Riise skal ha blitt påført mange slag på hotellet hvor Liverpool-stjernene hadde booket seg inn.
Bellamy skal ha sparket inn døren til Riises hotellrom og angrepet nordmannen med en golfkølle. Riise skal ha blitt påført flere slag, men det skal etter forholdene stå bra til med nordmannen.
Venstrebacken ble påført flere blåmerker etter angrepet. Han hadde tatt en tidlig kveld etter turen på byen, og lå i sengen da Bellamy kom stormende inn.
Craig Bellamy skal ha angrepet Riise med en golfkølle på hotellrommet.
Saken får stor oppmerksomhet i søndagens engelske aviser, til tross for klubbens forsøk på dysse ned historien. Søndagsavisene på «balløya» presenterer angrepet mot Riise med krigstitler.
Bellamy er tidligere kjent for å være en bråkmaker. Han var blant annet i retten i fjor, anklaget for å ha slått ned en kvinne på byen i Cardiff.

Skaper overskrifter
News of The World er blant avisene som publiserer historien, og TV 2 Sporten får bekreftet at innholdet stemmer.
TV 2 Sporten har ikke lykkes i å komme i kontakt med John Arne Riises rådgiver Jan Kvalheim for en kommentar til den ufine hendelsen.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 18, 2007, 18:00:13


Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 19, 2007, 05:09:15

Når det kommer fra Runar Normann så.....

- Bellamy er grei, stille og rolig
Normann svært overrasket over golfkøllevolden

Runar Normann (28) så på Craig Bellamy som en av sine beste kamerater da de to spilte sammen i Coventry.
- Jeg og Craig var gode kompiser. Han har absolutt temperament som fotballspiller, men han tar det ut på banen. Utenfor banen opplevde jeg ham alltid som veldig grei, stille og rolig, sier Runar Normann til VG Nett.

Hele storyen:
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 19, 2007, 06:03:24

Liverpool FC have today released the following statement from manager Rafael Benitez
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 19, 2007, 14:30:26

Saftig bot for Riise
Liverpool (NTB): Liverpool-proff John Arne Riise må betale to ukelønner i bot etter episoden med Craig Bellamy. Det betyr at nordmannen må ut med 800.000 kroner.
Riise ble angrepet av lagkameraten Bellamy under klubbens treningsopphold i Portugal. Spissen må også punge ut med to ukelønner, rundt 1,5 millioner kroner, skriver VG.
Riise mener han ikke gjorde noe galt da Bellamy angrep ham med en golfkølle inne på et hotellrom, men Liverpool-manager Rafael Benitez mener nordmannen «var en del av bråket», blant annet med sin oppførsel i hotellbaren.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 19, 2007, 14:56:00
Liverpool striker Craig Bellamy will be fined £80,000 after an alleged altercation with team-mate John Arne Riise. (Daily Star)

Bellamy is still likely to play against Barcelona on Wednesday. (Sun)

However, the Wales striker will be the first casualty of a summer clear-out at Anfield. (Times)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 19, 2007, 14:59:16
The Papers: Bellamy To Be Sacked

Although it now appears that Craig Bellamy only brandished a golf club at team-mate John Arne Riise, rather than actually attacked him with it, the striker's days at Liverpool are numbered...
'Craig Bellamy will be the first casualty of a summer clear-out at Liverpool after the striker's controversial career took another turn for the worse during a drunken night at the club's training camp in Portugal.
'Rafael BenÍtez was forced to issue a statement condemning the behaviour of his players when word reached an incandescent George Gillett Jr and Tom Hicks, the American sports tycoons who bought Liverpool in a £470 million takeover earlier this month.
'Although the manager was already giving consideration to offloading Bellamy and a number of other players, the Wales forward's latest brush with authority has effectively sealed his fate' - The Times.

'An internal club investigation is now under way but no conclusions are anticipated until the squad's return from Barcelona.
'It is possible that Benítez - who cannot be delighted at having to explain his players' behaviour to the club's new owners George Gillett and Tom Hicks - will continue to field the miscreants, Bellamy included. However once the transfer window opens they may well find themselves moved on. "You've got to realise this manager is a pragmatist," said a source' - The Guardian.

'The Wales striker's Anfield future is now in the melting pot, though both men put on a show of affection at Liverpool's Melwood training ground yesterday as they prepared for Wednesday's Champions League clash in Barcelona.
'Disgraced Bellamy will travel to Spain with the squad and is still likely to feature in the Nou Camp showdown. His behaviour will earn him a fine of two weeks' wages.
'Riise will be fined as well, while Dudek is also in the dock having clashed with a Portuguese policeman on the night from hell. Polish keeper Dudek can expect similar punishment to Bellamy, costing him around £70,000' - The Sun

'Craig Bellamy is fighting for his Anfield future after the latest chapter of shame in his controversial career.
'The Liverpool striker has been fined £80,000 and read the riot act by manager Rafael Benitez after an amazing drunken bust-up with teammate John Arne Riise during a training camp in Portugal aimed at strengthening team spirit.
'Liverpool boss Benitez is furious with both players - and reserve keeper Jerzy Dudek who was involved in a separate incident in the bar with an off-duty policeman, and was briefly handcuffed to restrain him.
'The Anfield manager warned all three that any more breaches of club discipline would see them escorted swiftly to the exit door' - The Daily Mirror.

'Craig Bellamy has been hammered with an £80,000 fine and could be heading out of Anfield after brandishing a golf club at team-mate John Arne Riise in a drink fuelled late night bust-up.
'Furious Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez imposed the maximum penalty of two weeks' wages and made it clear his fiery frontrunner is on a final warning after a blazing row that overshadowed a five day training camp on the Algarve' - The Daily Mail.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 19, 2007, 19:30:05
Okay, we didn't look for any highs, but we wouldn't have had space to fit them in amongst all the lows anyway. Craig Bellamy's Portuguese golf-clubbing was hardly the first time he's been in trouble...

November 2001

Along with Andy Griffin, Kieron Dyer and Carl Cort (it's like a Who's Who of nasty little scrotes, isn't it?), everyone's favourite Liverpool striker was sent home from Newcastle's training camp near Malaga.
Rather than attend a dinner held in honour of former Newcastle supremo Sir John Hall, the foursome decided to go 'to a local bar for a meal and a few quiet drinks'.
"They didn't realise it was such an important dinner," insisted agent Jonathan Barnett.
"They were just wandering around town and met up with their team-mates later."

February 2002
A 22-year-old Bellamy was cautioned by police for assaulting a local student 'in the early hours of the morning'.
"As a result of police inquiries into an allegation of assault made by a 20-year-old student, police have questioned and cautioned a Newcastle United footballer Craig Bellamy for the offence of common assault," said a police spokesman.

September 2002
There has been much discussion in F365 Towers this morning about how a man with no neck could headbutt someone - like Ram Man from He-Man is our best guess - but Bellamy seems to have it down to a fine art.
In this case, the man on the receiving end was Dynamo Kiev defender Tiberiu Ghioane. The referee missed the incident, but the telly cameras didn't - and Bellamy received a three-match ban.
Mind, the best bit about the whole affair was the no-beating-around-the-bush UEFA statement: "Bellamy deliberately head-butted an opponent in the face."

November 2002
When Zinedine Zidane headbutted Marco Materazzi and saw his dreams of winning a final World Cup disappear into thin air, it was far from the first time the Italian defender had been caught up in controversy.
Just two months after being dismissed for headbutting Ghioane - and just five minutes into Newcastle's clash with Inter Milan - Bellamy saw red again after kicking out in retaliation to a foul from Materazzi.
Bellamy, blasted by Sir Bobby Robson over the incident as "irresponsible and unprofessional", publicly apologised, saying, "I've no one to blame but myself. I've let everyone down."
Still, as long as he learned his lesson.

October 2003
So, did he learn his lesson?
Well, no, not if you ask the Cardiff court who fined him £750 after he was found guilty of using threatening and abusive language 'in a drink-fuelled confrontation' outside a nightclub.

March 2004
Newcastle confirm a "push and shove" argument between Bellamy and John Carver on the way to the club's UEFA Cup tie against Real Mallorca.
Which is very funny to everyone who watched as Bellamy, in the words of The Guardian, 'threw a chair at first-team coach John Carver during a furious row - over car parking of all things - at Newcastle airport'.

January 2005
While the 2004/05 season saw more clashes between Bellamy and Graeme Souness than could possibly be typed without wearing out a keyboard, possibly the most enjoyable was the incident in which Bellamy claimed to be injured to avoid playing on the wing.
Possibly the most used opening to a story ever - 'Craig Bellamy's [insert club here] career is hanging by a thread this morning' - was wheeled out again by the papers as news broke that Bellamy had claimed to be injured in training, only to unleash 'a stream of consciousness about his disaffection at playing on the wing' when questioned by Freddy Shepherd.
Actually, scratch that. The most enjoyable was probably the time Souness grabbed Bellamy by the throat and dragged him into the empty Newcastle training-ground gym, where we can all hope he gave him a good shoeing.

September 2006
'Newcastle coach Terry McDermott has branded Liverpool striker Craig Bellamy "a little upstart" over their tunnel bust-up at Anfield.
'The former Reds and Magpies midfielder launched a scathing attack on the 27-year-old after the pair clashed following Wednesday night's game between the two clubs.
'McDermott claims Bellamy, who left Newcastle after a fall-out with then manager Graeme Souness, provoked the incident by repeatedly called him names.
'McDermott said: "I was talking to the referee. It had nothing to do with anyone else and I take exception to little upstarts like him."'

November 2006
What McDermott's feelings were when that little upstart was found not guilty of assault by a Cardiff court are unknown. But that's what happened.
Indeed, Bellamy claimed in court that he himself had been assaulted when one of the women bringing charges against him struck a blow for humanity and slapped his face.
Sophie Palmer, who was 19, claimed Bellamy grabbed her around the throat and held her against a wall after they exchanged heated words in a corridor at the club. Holly Smith, who was 18, accused him of grabbing her by the wrist.
Bellamy's own version of events just reveals what a charmer he really is.
The Welshman 'told the court he was walking along the corridor when he caught Miss Palmer's eye and she asked what he was looking at.
'He said he replied: "Not you. If I was looking at anyone it would be those two girls over there. They're far prettier than you."
'Bellamy added that Miss Palmer responded by slapping him across the face.'
If only she'd had a golf club
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 24, 2007, 19:19:43
Riise in dark over Liverpool fine
John Arne Riise has revealed he knows nothing about being fined for his blow-up with Liverpool teammate Craig Bellamy in the Algarve last week.
"Nothing like that's happened yet," he told TV2. "I haven't got a fine. I haven't talked to the boss about it and I don't know if I will get one."
Bellamy allegedly hit Riise with a golf club in the bust-up and Riise was not surprised to see the ex-Magpie celebrating his Camp Nou equaliser by imitating a golf swing.
"It's obvious that it was a very special moment for him," he added. "It has been tough for him this week. I understand that he wanted to celebrate in special fashion."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 27, 2007, 02:20:33

1973: Manchester United super sub Ole Gunnar Solskjaer (pictured), who made a successful return this season after nearly three years on the sidelines through injury, is born. (Celebrates 34th birthday)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 02, 2007, 15:32:39
Liverpool striker Craig Bellamy has admitted he had "lost it" with John Arne Riise during the Reds' pre-season trip to Portugal. (Daily Mirror)

Bellamy also says he "hates" the way football is now and says he sometimes feels "embarrassed" to be a footballer. (Daily Mirror)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 02, 2007, 15:33:57
Bellamy explains row with Riise  
Rowing pair Bellamy and Riise made amends against Barcelona

Liverpool's Craig Bellamy has revealed how he "lost control" with team-mate John Arne Riise after a karaoke night on a team bonding trip to Portugal.
Bellamy, 27, confronted Riise with a golf club, but the pair made amends by scoring a goal each in Liverpool's Champions League win against Barcelona.
He told the Daily Mirror: "I lost control for a few seconds.
"John's been great about it really. Straight away next morning we were training together. There's no problem."
Bellamy, who was reportedly fined £80,000 by Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez after the incident, said: "It started when we were all doing a bit of karaoke. I only sang one song and that was Red, Red Wine by UB40.
"That was because Jerzy Dudek was drinking it. That's how silly it all was.
"A lot of the lads wanted Riise to get up there next because he hadn't turned up at the dinner earlier and I tried to get him up, too.
"I wasn't that bothered whether he wanted to sing or not so I sat back down but he wasn't too happy about me trying to get him to sing so he let me know about it.
"The situation was calmed down then but when I was walking back to the hotel with Steve Finnan, who I was rooming with, I lost control for a few seconds.
"I went and confronted 'Ginger' and I said to him 'don't be doing that in front of the players again'.
"And that was really about it. I didn't want to cause a scene in front of everybody else. I just wanted to talk to him about it alone."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 02, 2007, 18:12:37


- Solskjær må opereres
Britisk presse melder i dag at Ole Gunnar Solskjær igjen må operere kneet.
Solskjær gjennomgikk en omfattende kneoperasjon sommeren 2004 og kom først tilbake for fullt denne sesongen.
Ifølge avisene Daily Mirror og Evening Standard sliter 34-åringen med ømhet i det opererte kneet. Derfor skal legene i klubben ha bestemt at det skal utføres et lite inngrep for å renske opp i kneet.
Operasjonen er ikke verre enn at han vil være tilbake igjen etter et par uker. Avisene skriver ikke når operasjonen skal gjennomføres.
Norge skal ut i viktige EM-kvalifiseringskamper mot Bosnia-Herzegovina og Tyrkia i slutten av mars.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 03, 2007, 00:45:42


Aston Villa striker John Carew insists he has no regrets about the collapse of an £8million move to Fulham as he strives to show the Cottagers what they have missed for the last five years in Saturday's Barclays Premiership clash.
Carew was poised to move from Valencia to Fulham in January 2002, with a fee agreed between managers Jean Tigana and Rafael Benitez as well as personal terms with the player.
But then Fulham issued a statement insisting the player had failed a medical - a claim vehemently denied by Valencia who were adamant Carew was fine and believed it was a bid to try to lower the asking price.
It was a blow at the time for Carew but he quickly realised he would have been "stupid" to swap a team who had reached the 2001 Champions League final for a club "that wasn't even close" to the quality of Valencia.
Carew, who moved from Lyon to Villa in January, admitted: "I almost joined Fulham in 2002 - but I'm happy I didn't. It was close to happening and I'm not really sure what happened.
"I went back to Valencia and had a very good season so it definitely worked out better for me. I would definitely prefer Valencia to Fulham. I'm glad I didn't go there
"I spoke to the Fulham manager. I was playing for one of the top five teams in Europe so it was a special situation that I was interested to go there.
"But after one month I thought how could I be so stupid to go from a Champions League team to a side that wasn't even close to that quality in Fulham.
"I played in the Champions League after and did well and had a very good season. It was more after two months that I thought 'what was I thinking about?' in terms of moving to Fulham."
There were suggestions that a suspect knee was the cause of Fulham's concern but this is rejected by Carew.
He said: "I don't really have a problem with my knee. If I had a problem I wouldn't be playing now, some five years later."
Carew admitted: "I had some other opportunities before Villa to come to England. Maybe I could have come here four or five years ago.
"But at the time I was 22. I am much more experienced now. It's a very hard league and a very competitive league to come into, maybe the most competitive one in the world, so it's good for me to come now. "
Carew has formed an impressive partnership with Ashley Young despite the pair being on the losing side in two of their three matches together against Newcastle and Reading.
He said: "Ashley is a big talent with a great future. He's going to be a great player, a very important player for Aston Villa in the years to come. Everybody is very happy that he's here.
"He's a very intelligent player. He's got a lot of football in his head and we've been finding each other very well and working together well. I hope we can continue that and get even better."
Villa will be returning to action after a three-week break and will be sidelined for another 11 days after the trip to Craven Cottage but manager Martin O'Neill knows they have only themselves to blame for such inactivity.
He said: "It is bizarre to go three weeks without a game, then have another 11-day break, then play two games in four days and then have another fortnight off.
"But the bottom line is if we had been more successful in the cup competitions then we wouldn't have such elongated spells without playing so that is down to us.
"Fulham will provide a tough test and it is important we begin games well and stop conceding early goals which leave us with an uphill task."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 03, 2007, 16:01:16
Nå er det John Arne Riise som er 'tema' i Guardians fotomotasje-konkurranse.,,2023498,00.html

Her er alle galleriene (mye morsomt!):
Egne gallerier med bl.a. Dennis Wise, Mark Viduka, Paul Robsinson, Alan Smith, Judas Ferdinand, Harry Kewell, Ken Bates, Peter Ridsdale, David O'Leary, Lee Bowyer, Robbie Fowler, Aidy Bootheroyd, Howard Wilkinson, Carlton Palmer, Terry Venables, David Seaman (jepp - en av våre ex-players) og Gordon Strachan.


Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 04, 2007, 15:02:54
Sunderland target Man Utd pair Solskjaer, O'Shea

Manchester United pair Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and John O'Shea are summer targets for Sunderland boss Roy Keane.
The News of the World says Keane will be handed a massive £25 million to spend in the summer should his team win promotion.
And Keane's former Manchester United team-mates O'Shea and Solskjaer are top targets. Spurs striker Robbie Keane, Celtic midfield man Thomas Gravesen and Liverpool forward Craig Bellamy are also on the hitlist.
Chairman Niall Quinn has announced a new kit deal with Umbro and is looking to find new sponsors with Reg Vardy pulling out this year.
The Black Cats are also in negotiations to sign a multi-million pound deal with brewers Guinness.
A Sunderland source revealed: "Niall has been busy trying to tie up a few deals which will be of a massive benefit.
"He and his backers have promised Roy around £25m. They're serious about taking Sunderland to the top.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 04, 2007, 18:20:14

Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez will make a concerted effort to lure Morten Gamst Pedersen from Blackburn in the summer. (The People)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 13, 2007, 18:45:07
Carew: I'll add to Gunners woe

JOHN CAREW is promising to pile on the agony for Arsenal tomorrow — again.
The Norwegian striker netted the winner for Valencia against Arsene Wenger’s side in a Champions League quarter-final in 2001.
Now he is looking to fire new club Aston Villa to a home Premiership win over an Arsenal side still reeling from three Cup exits in a fortnight.
Carew has two goals in four games for Villa.
He said: “When I first arrived in January I hadn’t played too much football and had been injured before Christmas.
“But I’m feeling a lot F***er now and am really happy to be here and part of a fantastic group of players.
“Things have started well for me. The Premiership is aggressive and very, very competitive.
"But that’s the way football should be.”

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 14, 2007, 15:42:24
Villa boss: Carew has Premiership managers rattled

Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill has revealed John Carew has the Premiership running scared.
And the spotlight will again be on the 27-year-old tonight when Arsenal visit Villa Park.
Boss O'Neill is delighted with how the 6ft 4in Norwegian has settled in.
He said: "I spoke to Chris Coleman after the Fulham game and it was interesting to hear him speaking about Carew.
"They considered him to be a big enough threat to worry about him all the time. For him to have that sort of effect so early on augurs well for us.
"He's been terrific, has played very well, gelled well with the players and he's become very popular in the dressing room.
"If we are going to stop being just bit-parts in the Premiership, then we are going to have to rely on Carew doing very well. He is definitely a handful."
Carew, nicknamed The Hulk, is currently with his seventh club and has gained a reputation as a footballing gypsy.
But O'Neill added: "I know something has been made of the fact that, despite his quality, he doesn't seem to hang around too often at clubs.
"But I'm hoping the Premiership and Villa trying to improve will be enough incentive for him."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 14, 2007, 16:31:29
Nordmann (17) debuterte for Wednesday

Oslo-gutten Rocky Lekaj spilte tirsdag sine første minutter i engelske Championship.
17-åringen kom inn som innbytter i det 86. minutt i Sheffield Wednesdays 2-0-seier over Colchester.
Ifølge tippebladet Tips er Lekaj dermed den yngste nordmannen som har spilt i det engelske ligasystemet.
Lyn, Lillestrøm og Vålerenga forsøkte å sikre seg Rocky og broren Leon i fjor, men brødrene valgte Sheffield da klubben ga hele familien mulighet til å bosette seg i den engelske stålbyen.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-StianMars 14, 2007, 17:39:08
Originally posted by kjelvi

Nordmann (17) debuterte for Wednesday

Oslo-gutten Rocky Lekaj spilte tirsdag sine første minutter i engelske Championship.
17-åringen kom inn som innbytter i det 86. minutt i Sheffield Wednesdays 2-0-seier over Colchester.
Ifølge tippebladet Tips er Lekaj dermed den yngste nordmannen som har spilt i det engelske ligasystemet.
Lyn, Lillestrøm og Vålerenga forsøkte å sikre seg Rocky og broren Leon i fjor, men brødrene valgte Sheffield da klubben ga hele familien mulighet til å bosette seg i den engelske stålbyen.

Ã…jsann, dette har gått meg hus forbi. Visste ikkje at vi hadde fått ein ny nordmann på øyriket. Faktisk aldri høyrt om han heller!
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 16, 2007, 23:20:06


SHEFFIELD: Fremtiden i Sheffield Wednesday er norsk, uansett om klubben blir kjøpt opp eller ikke.

Sheffield Wednesday er en av engelsk fotballs mest anerike klubber. Tirsdag debuterte en norsk 17-åring for klubben.
I fjor sommer pakket hele familien Lekaj sakene sine og flyttet fra Norge til Sheffield. De to eldste sønnene Rocky (17) og Leon (16) hadde fått tilbud fra Sheffield Wednesday.
Tirsdag kom muligheten Rocky har drømt om, men ikke hadde tort å tro på skulle komme helt ennå. Han ble sendt på banen i en A-kamp, i mesterskapsserien.
– Det var sist torsdag jeg ble fortalt at jeg måtte gjøre meg klar, sier Rocky.
Han var med i troppen til lørdagens kamp mot Queens Park Rangers i London, men kom ikke innpå.
– Jeg varmet opp, men manageren syntes spillet etter hvert ble for tøft, sier Rocky.
Han har trent med A-laget fast en stund nå. Og nylig gikk manager Brian Laws ut i lokalavisen og lovet både Rocky og supporterne at unggutten skulle få prøve seg.
– Jeg har fått med meg at fansen hadde lyst å få se meg, sier Rocky.

Han har klart seg bra på reservelaget, og forventningene er store. Han fikk stående applaus da han ble sendt på banen med fire minutter igjen å spille mot Colchester.
– Manageren sa til meg at han støttet meg, uansett hvordan det ville gå. Det samme gjelder for fansen. De er der jo for å støtte oss, sier han.
For Leon har tiden i England vært vanskeligere.
– Jeg har vært skadet i kneet i syv måneder og måtte gjennom en operasjon, forteller han. I dag er han med når Sheffield Wednesdays U18-lag møter Liverpool. Da spiller Leon forsvar, mens Rocky er på kanten.
– Det har hjulpet oss mye at vi er så jevnaldrende. Som forsvarsspiller hjelper han meg med å fortelle hva som er vanskelig for dem. Samtidig kan jeg fortelle ham hvordan han blir vanskelig å komme forbi, sier Rocky.
Lørdag spiller Wednesday hjemme mot en av storkanonene i divisjonen: Wolverhampton. Og Rocky har fått beskjed om å gjøre være klar til kamp.

Takker familien
Guttene ble oppdaget mens de spilte Nike cup for Grei. Også lagkamerat Magnus Fagerli-Spanthus reiste til Wednesday. Han har senere reist hjem. Savnet av familien ble for sterkt.
– Vi er heldige slik. Det er lettere å komme hjem til familien når dagen på akademiet er slutt, så det er mye takket være dem at det har gått så bra, mener Rocky.
Likevel har det ikke alltid vært enkelt.
– De første månedene var det ikke lett. Vi var ikke gode nok med språket og skjønte ikke alltid hva som ble sagt. Men vi har fått mye hjelp fra klubben og fra naboene, sier Rocky.
For mor Resmie har flyttingene først fra Kosovo til Norge og så videre til England vært omveltninger.
– Men det har gått veldig fint. Jentene spiller tennis, og den minste har allerede vunnet to turneringer, sier hun stolt.
Selvfølgelig var hun på plass da eldstegutten ble den yngste nordmannen som har spilt profesjonell fotball i utlandet.

– Jeg var så spent!
Før Rocky reiste til England, gikk han på NTG i Oslo. Og om han ikke hadde hoppet på tilbudet fra Wednesday, ville han nok spilt for Lyn i dag.
– De ønsket ikke at jeg skulle flytte, og trodde nok at veien til førstelaget skulle være vanskeligere.
Men hadde han trodd at det skulle gå så fort selv?
– Ærlig talt: Nei!

Rocky Lekaj
Født: 12.10.1989
Posisjon: Kant
Klubb: Sheffield Wednesday
Tidligere klubb: Grei
Kontrakt: Til sommeren 2008.

Leon Lekaj
Født: 23.12.1990
Posisjon: forsvar
Klubb: Sheffield Wednesday
Tidligere klubb: Grei
Kontrakt: Tilknyttet Wednesdays akademi.

Hele saken:
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 17, 2007, 15:50:29
Carew takket nei til Liverpool

John Carew kunne spilt for morgendagens seriemotstander Liverpool.
Søndag tar John Carew og Aston Villa imot Liverpools John Arne Riise til dyst på Villa Park. Det kunne skjedd med begge landslags-essene i rødt.
Overfor VG innrømmer nemlig Lørenskog-gutten at han fort kunne endt opp på Anfield.
- Jeg har sagt nei flere ganger. Tottenham og Liverpool har begge prøvd seg to ganger de fire siste årene, bekrefter kraftspissen overfor avisen.
Skal vi tro Carew selv, var en overgang ikke langt fra å materialisere seg.
- Gerrard Houllier (daværende Liverpool-manager) ringte meg. Og Tottenham prøvde i januar i fjor, men jeg var i Lyon og ikke interessert, sier Carew, som stortrives i Aston Villa.
Nå ser han frem til møtet med det som kunne blitt hans nye klubb.
- Vi spilte meget bra mot Arsenal og fortente å vinne. Jeg var trist etterpå, men slik er livet, bekrefter 26-åringen overfor Aston Villas hjemmeside.
Landslagskrangelen med Riise har han også lagt bak seg.
Britiske medier gjør et stort nummer av at de to Premier League-proffene havnet i tottene i Drammen for fire år siden. Carew lar seg imidlertid ikke distrahere.
- Hendelsen med Riise hører fortiden til. Jeg har glemte hele greien. Han er en glimrende spiller, roser Carew.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 17, 2007, 15:58:40

Rafael Benitez believes his former player John Carew is the danger man confronting Liverpool at Villa Park on Sunday.
The Anfield chief knows all about the much-travelled Norwegian striker, having had him under his wing at Valencia.
Now the giant hit-man has made a big impact with Aston Villa this season, and Benitez is not surprised.
Benitez said: "I know all about John Carew. He is part of a very different Aston Villa now. They have quality in midfield, pace up front and a good team with a good manager who has experience.
"Carew was a very good signing for them. He has pace and is a good player for the English game and Villa. He is good in the air and physically strong to handle the game here."
Benitez knows he will have to contain Carew if Liverpool are to add to their fine record at Villa Park, having been unbeaten on their last five visits.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 18, 2007, 16:27:36
West Ham's number one summer target is Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. (News of the World)

West Ham want to sign Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in the summer whether or not they are relegated (News of the World)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 18, 2007, 16:31:47
Manchester United and Everton are chasing highly-rated Norwegian defender Havard Nordtveit. (The People)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 18, 2007, 16:40:10
Wigan's Haestad reveals Jewell feedback
Kristofer Haestad has revealed Wigan boss Paul Jewell is taking close interest in how he is settling in England.
On-loan from IK Start, Haestad said: "I thought I had done something wrong when he asked me to come into the office.
"He is not the type who talks much to his players. He said he was very pleased with what I have done. He also praised the attitude that I have tackled things with, although I haven't played that many games.
"He said I will get my chance if I keep working hard."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 18, 2007, 16:41:17
Villa's Carew: Riise and I are OK
Aston Villa striker John Carew insists he's now good friends with John Arne Riise, despite knocking out the Liverpool defender while ion national team duty several years ago.
In a Norwegian national team training session a few years ago they fell out while jogging around the pitch. Riise spat on Carew's boots. The giant striker motioned several times for Riise to meet him at one of the stadium exits. A truce was called, but after coming out of the changing room Carew charged on to the coach and knocked out Riise with a number of punches to his chin.
"But we are the best of friends now, it's not an issue, it's behind us a long time," Carew insisted to the Sunday Times.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 20, 2007, 17:44:49
Rocky (17) imponerer i Wednesday
Det er ikke så lenge siden Rocky Lekaj spilte juniorfotball for Grei. Forrige tirsdag debuterte han for Sheffield Wednesday mot Colchester i Championship-serien, som er det nest høyeste nivået i England.

Rocky høstet trampeklapp da han entret banen 10 minutter før slutt, skriver Oslo-avisa Groruddalen. 17-åringen var freidig nok til å slå tunnell med sitt første touch på ballen, og fikk mer enn godkjent av manager Brian Laws etter kampen, som Wednesday vant 2-0.

- Hvis jeg kan få spillere av Rockys kaliber involvert i kamper er det bra. Han trenger det med tanke på utviklingen sin. Det er viktig at en sånn spiller får førstelagsfotball. Det var herlig å se at Rocky hang med og fikk løftet supporterne med hvert touch han hadde på ballen, sier han til Sheffield Star, ifølge Groruddalen.

Hele saken:
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 20, 2007, 17:55:29
Arsenal are ready to beat Manchester United to the signing of top young Norwegian defender Havard Nordtveit. (Daily Mirror)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 21, 2007, 18:59:41
Carew: I'm a team man
John Carew says he has taken Martin O'Neill's comments that he is not selfish enough as a compliment.
The Norwegian international striker has been hailed by the Aston Villa boss for his recent displays since his January move from Lyon.
He has scored twice in his six appearances and also become a big favourite with the Villa fans.
But O'Neill thinks the former Valencia man could be an even better player if he had a little more self belief.
"I take that as a compliment, because that means that I play for the team," Carew told
"As a player I have not changed much. Maybe I should be more egoistic."
Carew also has his sights set on playing in next year's Euro 2008 finals with Norway.
"To play in a big international championship is one of the things I have not experienced yet. I really want to go to the European Championships next year," he added.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 23, 2007, 15:52:57
John Carew has vowed to buck the trend of his footballing career and stay at Aston Villa for "maybe three or four years."
Villa became Carew's fourth club in the last three years when he moved from Lyon in a swap deal with Milan Baros in January.
The Norway striker has already played in his native country, Spain, Italy, Turkey and France.
But the 27-year-old is keen to play a major part in the any revival next season under Martin O'Neill, who is set to revamp his squad in the summer with a cluster of new signings.
Carew said: "I would definitely like to stay at Aston Villa for a while. This is definitely not a one-year thing for me with this club.
"I would like to be here for maybe three or four years and be part of what is really happening at Villa. I still have big ambibions and this is a new, interesting team.
"Next season is going to be big for us and I understand that new players will be brought here and that we will be going for Europe.
"I also like the English way of life. There is a good ambience in this country and the people are nice."
Carew has already won over the Villa fans with some all-action performances and netted twice in the home win against West Ham and the draw at Fulham.
He is also confident strike partner Ashley Young will prove his worth to the club once he has settled in following his £8million - potentially rising to £9.65million - move from Watford.
Carew said: "Ashley is very promising, very intelligent, he has got a good football brain, so he will become a great player for sure.
"He is a player you have to give time to, time to settle in, but he will become a very important player for the club."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 23, 2007, 21:38:50

The following events happened over the years on March 23:
* 1995: Middlesbrough sign Norwegian striker Jan Aage Fjortoft for £1.3million.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 24, 2007, 19:22:18
Everton ville ha Helstad
Merseyside-klubben prøvde å hente Brann-spissen i januar.
Det var dagen før overgangsvinduet stengte at David Moyes' klubb prøvde å lokke Thorstein Helstad sørover til balløyen. Noe kjøp var imidlertid aldri aktuelt. Blåtrøyene ville låne 29-åringen ut sesongen.

Hele saken:
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 24, 2007, 19:54:11
Aston Villa striker John Carew has been promised the club will launch a summer spending spree to strengthen the squad with Craig Bellamy and Steve Sidwell possible targets. (Daily Star)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 27, 2007, 19:02:11
Everton manager David Moyes wants to sign striker Thorstein Helstad from Norwegian side FK Start in the summer. (The Independent)

Brann <--> Start. Ikke så farlig, samme ulla!
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: lojosangMars 27, 2007, 19:29:07
Ikke rart overgangen gikk i vasken [:D]

Trenge vel for fakerten  ikkje ha nåken signatur heller eg, vel! [:D]
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 27, 2007, 21:25:32
Originally posted by lojosang

Ikke rart overgangen gikk i vasken [:D]

Ikke si det.
Solèr selger hva som helst...
Mora si for en tier, rumpa si for 50 øre....
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 28, 2007, 15:32:10
Arsenal are closing in on a deal for 17-year-old Norweigan defender Havard Nordtveit, though Manchester United are also keen. (Daily Mirror)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 02, 2007, 15:34:45
Wigan have released Norway international Kristofer Haestad from his loan contract by mutual consent.
Haestad, who only came to the JJB Stadium in January, will now return to his parent club IFK Start.
Latics manager Paul Jewell has been unable to offer the midfielder regular football, but hailed his professionalism during his short spell.
He told the club's official website: "I cannot fault anything in Kristofer's character and commitment, which has always been first class, but I think he found it difficult to adjust to the demands of the Premiership.
"Everyone at the club wishes him all the best for the future."
Haestad was also upbeat about his spell at Wigan and refused to rule out a return to English football in the future.
He said: "I enjoyed coming to England and obviously I'm a bit disappointed.
"But working under Paul Jewell was a good experience for me and I would love to have another chance to come to England in the future."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 04, 2007, 17:28:32
Chelsea trials for Norwegian kid

Chelsea have handed trials to Norwegian Mushaga Joar Bakenga.
The 14 year-old hails from Nationalkamerante and has already had a training spell with Rosenborg.

"We have given the green light for the trial in accordance with his parents. He will probably travel with his father in three weeks' time," club coach Harald Haugan told Tronder Avisa.
"They'll be in London a week, where Mushaga will train with Chelsea's junior team."

Blues trial Norwegian starlet

Chelsea have invited 14-year-old Norwegian Mushaga Joar Bakenga for a trial.

The starlet, who currently plays for Nationalkamerante, trained with Norwegian side Rosenborg in the winter.
"We have given the green light for the trial in accordance with his parents. He will probably travel with his father in three weeks' time," club coach Harald Haugan told Tronder Avisa.
"They'll be in London a week, where Mushaga will train with Chelsea's junior team."
The youngster will probably not move to Stamford Bridge permanently as Rosenborg are looking to keep him in Norway.
"For now we have a plan which will mean Mushaga will stay and play junior football for National, and guest play for Rosenborg," Haugan added.
"We believe it's smart if Mushaga waits at least until he starts high school before he says goodbye to his neighbourhood and friends.
"Both the player and his parents have agreed on this plan."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 09, 2007, 22:52:41
OLE Gunnar Solskjaer's instincts have already earned Manchester United Champions League glory once - and he's adamant his side can do it again.
Solskjaer, United's injury-time match-winner in their epic triumph over Bayern Munich in Barcelona eight years ago, believes that United will sweep aside Roma at Old Trafford on Tuesday night to set up a semi-final showdown with their old German adversaries or AC Milan.

Hele saken:
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 11, 2007, 08:06:28
Aston Villa striker John Carew is battling to return for Saturday's Barclays Premiership clash at Middlesbrough but Martin O'Neill has urged his side not to revert to long balls in a bid to exploit the height and power of the Norwegian international

Hele saken:
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 12, 2007, 06:58:16
O'Neill wants passing game    
Martin O'Neill has told his players not to hit long balls to John Carew if he is passed fit to face Middlesbrough this weekend.  
Carew has been struggling with a calf injury that forced him to miss the Easter games against Blackburn and Wigan but could return for the trip to the Riverside Stadium.
In his absence though Villa played more of a passing game with Gabriel Agbonlahor in attack and O'Neill wants his side to play the same way if Carew returns.
"There has been a tendency, certainly in the early part of games, to get to John Carew quickly because he's there," O'Neill revealed. "In actual fact, Carew prefers to get the ball down and manoeuvre.
"I think it's been a good lesson for us in his absence. We've played two games without him and we've shown we're capable of playing. The idea is not to hit Carew at all times, but to play around him and to play into his feet."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 14, 2007, 17:49:19
United ace has top team on and off field

DUNDEE UNITED defender Christian Kalvenes feels his form will go from strength to strength next season following the arrival of his baby son.
The Norwegian revealed he was plagued by homesickness during the first few months of his career at Tannadice while his expectant wife Janicke was back in Scandinavia.
United's poor start to the season simply added to the off-field troubles of the player who spent many hours alone in his Dundee flat.
But Kalvenes is a happy man on and off the field, now he has his family around him.
The former Brann Bergen star welcomed new baby Nicholas into the world last week and plans to celebrate his arrival by ending the season on a high with a United side now starting to perform consistently under the guidance of Craig Levein.
Kalvenes said: "It was hard to settle in Scotland at first because I was away from home, I missed my wife and the team was not doing very well.
"Your home life and your work life are closely linked and I think you have to be happy in both to really achieve what you're capable of.
"I was here on my own and that was hard to take but it has all changed now. Since Janicke came over to join me, things have just got better and better on and off the pitch.
"Having her and now Nicholas here has settledme. It feels like home now because I have got my family around me and that's really important."
Levein's arrival in November sparked a stunning turnaround in fortunes and Kalvenes admits he has been bowled over by the former Hearts and Leicester boss's knowledge of the game.
He said: "The new manager has really impressedme.
"His ability to organise the team so everyone knows exactly what job they have to do and how to do it has been one of the biggest factors behind the results we have had.
"It's not just the defence, it's midfield and up front too.We all go on to the pitch knowing that if we do the jobs he's given us then we have a good chance of winning matches.
"Having a summer break and then a good pre-season will hopefully make us stronger next time. I feel things are really starting to go forward here and I'm delighted to be part of it."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 15, 2007, 05:22:34
Jol targets double winger swoop
Martin Jol says that he is looking to sign a couple of wingers in order to challenge for a top-four spot next season.  
Jol admits that he is looking to back up England international Aaron Lennon because he has no other natural wingers at the club and has already been linked with the likes of Morten Gamst Pedersen and Damien Duff.
Jol points out that he feels Spurs still have a little way to go before they are classed as a top-four club in the Premiership and he hopes that a couple of wingers will turn his side into one that is challenging for Champions League football.
"If you look at our team for example on the flanks, if Lennon's not there, we can cope with it because we have got Teemu Tainio, Steed Malbranque and Hossam Ghally," Jol revealed.
"But they are more midfield players, not really wingers. We need a bit more depth to challenge for the top four."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-StianApril 17, 2007, 17:34:11
Manchester United vil kjøpe Gamst. United vil betale det som kreves for å utløse klausulen i Morten Gamst Pedersens kontrakt.

Den engelske avisen Daily Mirror skriver tirsdag at Morten Gamst Pedersen har en klausul i kontrakten med Blackburn Rovers, som fastslår at han kan skifte klubb hvis noen er villige til å legge åtte millioner pund på bordet.

Det skal Manchester United nå være villig til å gjøre.

Avisen siterer ingen kilder, men saken er en «eksklusiv» sak skrevet av Mirrors fotballsjef, så det er grunn til å tro at det faktisk kan ligge noe i denne påstanden.

Sir Alex Ferguson forbereder seg på et liv etter Ryan Giggs, som er 33 år gammel og nærmer seg slutten på sin tid på Old Trafford. Det er motivet for at Manchester Uniteds skotske manager skal være interessert i den 25 år gamle nordmannen.

Da Tottenham Hotspur viste interesse for Gamst Pedersen i fjor, doblet Blackburn lønna hans til 20.000 pund i uka og ga ham en ny fireårskontrakt. Og i denne kontrakten er det altså en klausul som gir ham muligheten til å bytte klubb.

En tilsvarende klausul gjorde det mulig for Liverpool å hente Craig Bellamy fra Blackburn i fjor sommer, skriver Mirror.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: MrKApril 17, 2007, 18:55:06
Klubb spiller - er vel strengt tatt ikke god nok for bedre lag - men bevares bare å komme på ryktebørsen er bra av en finnmarking!

Har ingenting imot de forresten!

"finnes det overhodet noen på kloden som  kler ORANGE"
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-StianApril 17, 2007, 21:08:23
Originally posted by MrK

Klubb spiller - er vel strengt tatt ikke god nok for bedre lag - men bevares bare å komme på ryktebørsen er bra av en finnmarking!

Har ingenting imot de forresten!

"finnes det overhodet noen på kloden som  kler ORANGE"

Er vel få lag i verda per dags dato som er betre enn ManUtd, anten ein vil innrømme det eller ei. Perfekt klubb for Gamst å dra til, trur faktisk han kan gjere det meget bra der. Dessutan bur han vel allereie i byen og slepp dermed å flytte.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 18, 2007, 03:51:24
Roar chase Man U champs
FORMER Manchester United teammates Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Andy Cole top Queensland Roar's wishlist for the 2007-08 A-League season.
Oudendyk admitted his preference was Solskjaer, the 34-year-old Norwegian marksman best remembered for his late goal in the Red Devils' 2-1 Champions League final win over Bayern Munich in 1999.
Despite being plagued by injuries, Solskjaer last year signed a deal keeping him at Old Trafford until the end of the 2007-08 season, which would make it tough for the Roar to get him to Queensland.
"He'd be at the top (of our list) – better than Cole if we can get him," Oudendyk said of Solskjaer.

Hele saken:,23739,21572821-10389,00.html

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 18, 2007, 04:05:23
Blackburn boss Mark Hughes says Morten Gamst Pedersen won't be joining Manchester United this summer.
Tuesday morning's Daily Mirror linked the Norwegian wide man with a switch to Old Trafford once the season is over, as a long-term replacement for the 33-year-old Ryan Giggs.
The report claimed United would trigger an £8million release clause in the improved contract Pedersen signed at Ewood Park last summer.
But Hughes says that wouldn't be nearly enough to prise him away from Rovers, and that he's happy to stay at the club.
He told Sky Sports News: "I spent last summer fending off interest in my players, because they had an exceptional season, and I'm sure we'll have other offers this summer.
"But the situation with Morten is that he signed a new contract, he was happy to do so because he knows this is the best place for him. Both parties are happy with that situation."
United were linked with a move for Pedersen before he joined Blackburn in the summer of 2004, and he scored both goals in their 2-1 Premiership win over the Red Devils at Old Trafford in September 2005.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: berlinApril 18, 2007, 04:24:15
Gamst til United, neppe. Han er slettes ikke god nok. Hen er bra ( veldig bra i NORSK MÃ…LESTOKK, hvor teknikk fortsatt er sjelden kost ),men gjør klokt i å fortsette i Blackburn, spør du meg.
Jeg tror man som norsk noen ganger ønsker å gjøre brukbare norske spillere STØRRE enn de er,
rett og slett fordi de er norske.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 18, 2007, 04:42:27
Originally posted by berlin

Jeg tror man som norsk noen ganger ønsker å gjøre brukbare norske spillere STØRRE enn de er,
rett og slett fordi de er norske.

det har du helt rett i.
men denne gangen er det ikke norske aviser som flommer over av Gamst-rykter, men engelske...


Man Utd plan £8M bid for Blackburn's Pedersen

Manchester United are planning an £8 million bid for Blackburn Rovers winger Morten Gamst Pedersen.
The Mirror says Sir Alex Ferguson is keen to land the versatile Pedersen, who has made a big impact in his three years at Ewood Park.
And with Fergie already planning for life when Ryan Giggs, 33, calls time on his Old Trafford career, the Scot is ready to make his move for the 25-year-old Pedersen this summer.
Blackburn fended off interest by Spurs last summer by doubling Pedersen's £10,000-per-week wages and handing him a new four-year deal.
But part of the new contract was the release clause that allows Pedersen the right to move to any club that puts in an £8m bid for his services.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 18, 2007, 04:43:48
Of course, that could just be a decoy as Sir Alex knows that both Arsenal and Liverpool are both keeping tabs on the Marseille winger Franck Ribery, so Morten Gamst Pedersen - who has a release clause of just £8m - could be a more frugal investment.

Fra The Guardian

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 19, 2007, 07:05:42
Blackburn Rovers maintain there is no clause in Morten Gamst Pedersen's contract that will allow him to leave the club for a fee of £8m. (The Sun)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 20, 2007, 01:51:47
Stubhaug signerte toårskontrakt med Everton

Målvaktstalentet Lars Stubhaug (17) har skrevet en kontrakt med Everton som binder han til klubben i to år fremover.
Unggutten kom til Premier League-laget i september i fjor, etter å ha imponert mellom stengene for Vard-Haugesund.
- Det er dette du drømmer om, å komme til en klubb som Everton. Jeg har slått meg bra til ro her, og tiden her på akademiet har vært fantastisk, sier Stubhaug til klubbens egen TV-kanal.
Tross sin korte karriere, har han allerede slitt med en del skadeproblemer. Nå skal han imidlertid være bortimimot hundre prosent igjen.

- Det var hardt i begynnelsen, med alle skadene. Men det medisinske støtteapparatet har vært strålende, sier stortalentet.
Direktøren for klubbens ungomdsakademi, Ray Hall, er svært fornøyd med å ha sikret seg unggutten signatur.
- Lars fikk en tøff start. Første dagen han trente for oss, brakk han fingeren. Nå er han førstemann på trening, og den siste som går, sier Hall til klubbens hjemmeside.
17-åringen har frem til nå gått under en såkalt lærlingkontrakt med Everton.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 20, 2007, 02:00:45
Norway striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has revealed next season is likely to be his last as a professional footballer.

The 34-year-old has a contract with Manchester United until next summer, but he is unlikely to continue after that.
"No," Solskjaer said when asked if he could see a future beyond next season.
However, he is determined to play out the rest of his career at Old Trafford.
"I'll most likely stay here. I have one year left on my contract and I'm aiming to do as well as possible to carry on," the Norwegian continued.
"I'll have to see how I feel. I could suddenly say enough is enough, but I'll stay here next year in any case."
Solskjaer is in his 11th season with United, but has spent the last few years battling to overcome knee problems.
However, the striker is confident he will still be able to play at Premiership level in the 2007/08 campaign.
"I'm almost certain I'll be better next season. Then I'll have this season behind me after two or three years out," he added.
"I'll be able to play at a higher level."


Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 20, 2007, 02:54:51
Carew set to return for Villa
Martin O'Neill is optimistic John Carew will be fit to return to the Aston Villa team against Portsmouth at the weekend.
The Norwegian striker has missed Villa's last three games due to a calf injury, but has returned to training.
Carew, who has scored twice in seven appearances since his January move from Lyon, is now expected to feature against Pompey on Sunday, live on Sky Sports 1.
"He's making good progress," O'Neill told the club's official website.
"He trained on Monday and obviously he has all week to get himself right.
"We play on Sunday, so I think I'm optimistic about John."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 25, 2007, 01:21:56
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has not totally abandoned the idea of staying at Manchester United beyond the end of next season.
The veteran Norwegian's current contract expires in 2008 and it had been reported he would leave Old Trafford at that point.
After virtually three years out with a knee injury, Solskjaer has enjoyed a remarkable campaign, scoring 11 times, with Sir Alex Ferguson predicting he could yet go on to achieve his pre-season target of 15 goals.
Solskjaer, who will be forever remembered for his stoppage-time winner in the 1999 Champions League final, is expected to be on the bench for Tuesday night's semi-final with AC Milan.
And the 34-year-old insisted he has no intention of quitting the Red Devils just yet.
"I want to play here for as long as I can," he told Manchester United Radio.
"As long as the gaffer wants me here, I will stay.
"I have one year left on my contract and I am not thinking beyond that. This season has been absolutely fantastic for me."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 25, 2007, 01:26:14
Solskjaer rejects transfer talk
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has rejected rumours he is considering a move away from Manchester United.
Rumours in the Norwegian press had suggested the 34-year-old may be on his way, and Australian club Queensland Roar have admitted they would be interested in his services.
However, Solskjaer has been in fine form this year after returning from a career-threatening injury and is adamant he is not thinking about a transfer.
"I want to play here for as long as I can," he told Manchester United Radio. "As long as the gaffer wants me here, I'll stay.
"I have one year left on my contract and I'm not thinking beyond that. This season has been absolutely fantastic for me."
Meanwhile, Solskjaer believes the Uefa Champions League semi-final clash with Milan will prove a much tougher task than defeating Roma in the last round.
But, having experienced defeat at the hands of Milan in the competition two years ago, the Norway striker is confident they will not make the same mistakes this time around.
"Milan are a completely different team to Roma. Their history and experience in the Champions League will make sure it's never going to be 7-1.
"The last time we played them, we lost both games 1-0 and we wasted a few chances. We learnt a lesson there."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 25, 2007, 19:29:27
- Liverpool vurderer Gamsten

Engelsk presse skriver at Liverpool har fulgt Morten Gamst Pedersen nøye det siste året.
Det er den seriøse engelske avisa The Times som skriver at Anfield-klubben har fulgt nordmannen det siste året.
Ifølge avisa ønsker Blackburn-manager Mark Hughes å hente Craig Bellamy - hvis Liverpool vil la ham gå etter sesongen. 27-åringen er også ønsket av Aston Villa, men som The Times skriver - Blackburn har et trumfkort.
- Trumfkortet er Morten Gamst Pedersen, den norske vingen, som Liverpool-manager Rafael Benitez har fulgt de siste 12 månedene. Pedersen er verdsatt av Blackburn til 120 millioner kroner, skriver avisa.
Blackburn har imidlertid flere ganger uttalt at de ikke vil kvitte seg med nordmannen. Så spørs det hva som skjer hvis Liverpool sier at Bellamy er tilgjengelig - hvis Gamsten også er det.
Bellamys avgang fra Anfield vil ikke overraske mange. Én ting er de utenomsportslige episodene waliseren har vært innblandet i. Noe helt annet er det at Benitez trolig vil handle inn en ny stjernespiss til sommeren. Dermed kan Bellamy fort bli overflødig. Samtidig som han er en spiller klubben også vil kunne få inn en del penger for.
Liverpool har allerede sikret seg Bayer Leverkusens offensive spiller, Andrei Voronin, til neste sesong. Samtidig har klubben blitt koblet både til Valencias David Villa og Atletico Madrids Fernando Torres den siste tiden.
Tidligere er Gamsten også koblet til Manchester United.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: MrKApril 25, 2007, 21:06:32
Originally posted by kjelvi
Faen hva tid du bruker på dette - sett av litt til Knut og Jon Martin og da!

"finnes det overhodet noen på kloden som  kler ORANGE"

Ã…lesund er på plass (sist i TL) sitat Henrik Elvestad i Golden Goal 17.04.07
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 27, 2007, 19:45:19
Originally posted by MrK

Originally posted by kjelvi
Faen hva tid du bruker på dette - sett av litt til Knut og Jon Martin og da!

De lider da ingen nød.
Skeid-treninger og -kamper nesten hver eftan/kveld. Mora sørger for mat og rene klær, mens far er sjef når det gjelder fotball, damer og skole. Slik skal det være.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 12, 2007, 05:18:36

....while 17-year-old Rocky Lekaj, who still has a year left to run on his apprentice contract, has also arranged new terms....

Hele saken:,17033,8669_2120472,00.html
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 27, 2007, 06:46:33
AC Milan, Chelsea alerted as Liverpool ponder Riise sale

John Arne Riise is battling to save his Liverpool career.
The Norway international is set to be made available by Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez this summer, says the Daily Post.
Chelsea, Juventus and AC Milan are among clubs to have been linked with the left-sided wing-back in the last six months.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 18, 2007, 23:22:46
Burley: Changes to tourSaints' Norway tour altered
Southampton's pre-season tour of Norway has been disrupted by an injury crisis to one of their scheduled opponents.
Southampton's pre-season tour of Norway has been disrupted by an injury crisis to one of their scheduled opponents.
First Division side Hamarkamarate have pulled out of the July 18 fixture due to their casualty list, so Saints have arranged a friendly with Division Three outfit Kvik Halden instead.
"We're grateful to them for fitting us in," said manager George Burley.
"HamKam pulled out so there is not a lot we could do about that, but we needed another game over there.
"I'm sure they will be fit and will give us a good match, and then we will build up steadily towards the new season."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 16, 2007, 15:27:34
Kalvenes set to be cleared
Dundee United's Christian Kalvenes is set to have the red card he received against Kilmarnock rescinded on Friday.
A review panel assembled by the Scottish Football Association will assess the case in accordance with procedure.
However referee Brian Winter has viewed video evidence of the tackle on Steven Naismith which he called as a straight red-card offence and asked for the decision to be overturned.
Kalvenes was sent off in the 77th minute of Monday night's Clydesdale Bank Premier League match at Rugby Park, with United leading 1-0.
Two late Kilmarnock goals against United's 10 men gave them maximum points and left Terrors boss Craig Levein fuming.
Levein said after the match: "It's the understatement of the year to say I'm disappointed."
United had pledged to appeal if Martin did not go to the SFA with his concerns over the decision.
The review panel's decision is binding and, providing they clear Kalvenes, the 30-year-old Norwegian full-back will be available to face Hibernian at Tannadice on Saturday.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 19, 2007, 05:41:14
Kalvenes praise for ref after his u-turn on Killie red card
CHRISTIAN KALVENES last night praised blunder ref Brian Winter after the official admitted he was wrong to red-card the defender against Kilmarnock.
Kalvenes thanked Winter for holding his hands up in the wake of the Dundee United full-back's dismissal for what was a perfectly legal challenge on Steven Naismith in Monday's SPL clash at Rugby Park.
The Norwegian is free to face Hibs at Tannadice this afternoon after his appeal against the dismissal was upheld yesterday by the SFA - who decided it wasn't even a yellow card.
Winter confessed he dropped an almighty clanger after studying television footage. Killie went on to score two late goals after the flashpoint and won 2-1.
The referee has been demoted to man in the middle at Stranraer v Montrose today but Kalvenes insists he has no hard feelings.
He said: "I'm just relieved the whole thing is over and I'm available to play. Everyone makes mistakes, we all do at some point - players, managers and referees - so it's good the ref came out and admitted he got it wrong.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 24, 2007, 00:55:19
Bolton manager Sammy Lee may move for Norway defender Brede Hangeland to shore up his crumbling team. (Daily Mail)

Bolton move for Copenhagen defender Hangeland
Bolton Wanderers boss Sammy Lee is chasing FC Copenhagen defender Brede Hangeland.
Hangeland, 26, plays for FC Copenhagen and Lee sent scouts to check on the 6ft 4in Norwegian in his country's clash against Argentina last night.

Villa rival Bolton for Hangeland
Aston Villa are eyeing FC Copenhagen defender Brede Hangeland.
Villa scouts watched Hangeland in last night's friendly between Norway and Argentina. Bolton Wanderers were also represented.

Villa in Brede & flutter
Aston Villa scouts watched Copenhagen defender Brede Hangeland in last night's friendly between Norway and Argentina.
Villa boss Martin O'Neill hopes West Brom drop their £15m price tag for centre-back Curtis Davies, but other targets include Hangeland and Werder Bremen's Per Mertesacker.

Daily Mirror

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 26, 2007, 16:01:25
Blackburn boss Hughes: No-one will leave
Blackburn Rovers boss Mark Hughes is confident of keeping stars such as Benni McCarthy and Morten Gamst Pedersen beyond Friday's transfer deadline.
"I've been given the backing of my chairman and the board and they said I didn't have to sell anyone, and that's the case," said Hughes.
"They've been good to their word and I haven't wanted to sell anyone either.
"We've still got a week to go but I'm not too concerned about people leaving, and certainly less so than I was about a month ago."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 26, 2007, 16:24:32
Skeid-gutten Daniel har åpnet scoringskontoen for Bolton.


Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 28, 2007, 16:23:32

Takk og farvel!

Striker Solskjaer set to retire
Manchester United striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is set to announce his retirement from football on Tuesday.
The 34-year-old Norwegian has been plagued by a series of knee injuries.

Hele saken:
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: DennisAugust 28, 2007, 16:48:19
Takk for mye moro i en lang, stor karriere, Ole Gunnar!

Du har gjort utallige Scum-seiere litt lettere å takle. [:p]

Lykke til i eventuell ny jobb i klubben! (Regner med han hadde blitt ut kontraktstiden, dersom han ikke var tilbudt en annen rolle i klubben)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: flynnAugust 28, 2007, 17:01:52
Ole Gunnar Solskjær har gjort alt rett hittil i karrieren sin, liten grunn til å tro at han snubler nå. Han blir nok å se i en eller annen rolle i United framover. Jeg tror dog ikke at han har manager-gener, til det er han rett og slett for snill og grei.
Føler for å banne litt i kirka også,- Alex Ferguson har en stor del av æren for Solskjærs eventyrlige karriere i United. Han har forvaltet talentet på en måte det virkelig står respekt av, og som også Norge har nytt godt av det siste tiåret.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: RoarGAugust 28, 2007, 17:16:03
Det er bare å takke OGS for det han har gjort for det norske landslaget. Lykke til videre.

Change is the constant that cannot be changed.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: HADAugust 28, 2007, 20:36:31
Herregud mann... Skulle tro at denne nyheten er større enn om det skulle bryte ut 3 verdenskrig... VG.... for en latterlig avis...
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: lojosangAugust 29, 2007, 02:23:15
Forsida av VG når 3. verdenskrig bryter ut:

"Solskjær stoppet av russerne på vei til hytta!"

Når det er sagt er det en stor fotballspiller og idrettsmann som nå gir seg. RESSPEKT, mann! RESSPEKT!

Trenge vel for fakerten  ikkje ha nåken signatur heller eg, vel! [:D]
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 30, 2007, 01:16:24
Daily Mail:

Reds enter Pedersen chase
Liverpool have been linked with a move for Blackburn winger Morten Gamst Pedersen, who is reportedly being chased by Tottenham.
Bayern Munich and Arsenal are also said to be keen on the Norway international, who operates on the left side of midfield.
Rovers boss Mark Hughes is not keen to sell one of the best players on the Ewood Park books, however, and a fee in excess of £11m would have to be paid to lure him away from Blackburn.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 30, 2007, 18:15:06
Rangers are set to fight it out with Tromso for Norwegian wonderkid Thomas Kind Bendiksen.  (Daily Record)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 01, 2007, 00:28:17
Ferguson: Solskjaer will coach Man Utd strikers
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is set to become strikers coach at Manchester United.
Solskjaer, who announced his retirement earlier this week, has been recruited as forwards coach by manager Sir Alex Ferguson and has already started work.
After just two goals in United's opening four league games, Fergie said: "It was interesting, because as soon as I told Ole I wanted him to help us with coaching, in particular with the strikers, he said 'It's okay, I've got all the DVDs'.
"He'd got our sports science department to get him all the DVDs of all the strikers - Carlos Tevez, Wayne Rooney, Paul Scholes, all of them. So right away he was into it, which is fantastic."
Fergie admitted Solskjaer's decision to retire had not come as a surprise. The Norway striker had to concede defeat in his four-year battle against a knee injury.
"It had become a bit inevitable, watching him try to come back from his latest operation," said Fergie. "He realised he had given everything he could.
"Ole always understood a coach's job in terms of the difficulty of picking a team. He always understood why I sometimes left him on the bench. I never needed to explain why.
"When we played Spurs on Sunday, I told Chris Eagles and Dong Fangzhou, two of our young subs, to watch the game and I'd rap their knuckles if I caught them talking.
"They watched the game, concentrated on everything that happened, which is what Ole used to do. That's the legacy he's left us."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: DOFFERſeptember 01, 2007, 02:44:19
Havard Nordtveit Named New Reserves Skipper After Simpson Joins Millwall On Loan.

The Norway Center back signed for Arsenal this summer for £2.5 million from FK Haugesund.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 02, 2007, 00:54:32
Solskjær hyllet med «Guard of Honour»
Ole Gunnar Solskjær ble hedret på en av de mest ærefulle måtene i engelsk fotball, like før kampstart mellom Manchester United og Sunderland lørdag.

Mandag kveld annonserte Ole Gunnar Solskjær at han skulle legge opp. Det ble på hederlig vis markert lørdag ettermiddag. Da lagenes spillere kom ut på gresset på Old Trafford, stilte de seg opp på to rekker. En dresskledd Ole Gunnar Solskjær kom ut fra spillertunnelen, gikk ut på gresset mellom de oppstilte spillerne, og tok imot stående applaus fra et fullsatt Old Trafford. Den samme typen hyllest brukes stort sett bare overfor serievinnere i England.
Det er noe man svært sjelden ser at blir gjort med enkeltspilere.
Til stående applaus gikk den beskjedne nordmannen en liten æresrunde på gresset. Han satte så kursen mot sidelinjen der han helt tydelig skulle ta en runde foran fansen, men ble så stoppet.
Sunderland-manager og tidligere United-kaptein Roy Keane kom ned fra lagbenken, og ga Solskjær noen varme ord, før han fikk fortsette ut mot fansen.

Solskjær avsluttet sin fantastiske karriere mandag kveld, etter en rekke operasjoner i kneet. Etter 126 mål for United, deriblant scoringen som avgjorde Champions League-finalen i 1999, har nordmannen fått en legendestatus på Old Trafford.
Og tydeligere kan det ikke bli, etter hyllesten som definitivt tilhører sjeldenhetene i en av verdens mest populære klubber.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 02, 2007, 01:30:54
Solskjaer may replace Sir Alex Ferguson
This afternoon at Old Trafford we are to witness the first of the annual auditions for succession of the dug-out. It used to happen every time Bryan Robson or Steve Bruce came to town: the young protege head to head with the old master, a 90-minute interview for the post of the next boss of Manchester United. Right now, in the opinion of many a pundit, Mark Hughes sits in pole position in this most virtual of races, the man best placed to fill the managerial boots of Sir Alex Ferguson, when - if - he ever decides to hang them up.
But the appearance this tea-time of Sunderland manager Roy Keane pacing the opposition technical area, his brow furrowed and his stare laser-like, will encourage many an application to be presented on his behalf. If jobs were allocated on a popular vote from the stands, there is no question about the outcome: Keane would stroll it. His legend at United will be confirmed this afternoon by the rare sound of home and away fans eulogising the same name in unison as "Keano" echoes from every corner of the ground. The widespread assumption among United followers, too, is that Keane is the present incumbent's choice, that Ferguson sees so much of himself in the man who he used for a decade as his on-pitch alter ego.
Close observers of Ferguson, though, are not so sure. For them, his eye is drawn to an even more potent candidate, one whose popularity among United followers is almost as significant as Keane's.
The retirement this week of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer came as little surprise. The player had struggled for three years with a knee injury, and his brief reappearance last season looked - even as it was under way - like a poignant coda rather than the opening of a new chapter. However expected, for United fans his departure was hugely significant. The message boards of fan sites filled with memories of his time; the praise was unstinting, his name will ring out from the stands at today's game at a volume to match that of Keane's.
This might seem odd to followers of other clubs: after all, Solskjaer was a player who spent much of his United prime as fourth-choice striker. But he was far more than just a bloke who occasionally came off the bench to score crucial goals. What the fans admired was his character. His devotion to their cause, for instance, was absolute. Even when the club arranged to sell him to Tottenham in the summer of 1998, he refused to go (he still has the fax from club chairman Martin Edwards informing him that terms had been agreed). Only once - briefly, and without recourse to newspaper headlines - did he complain about not being a first-choice player. That was in 2001, when he was made substitute after a run of brilliant performances as a starter. The rest of the time he philosophically accepted his role, worked on it, made it his.
Moreover, when confronted by fans eager to shake the hand of the man who won the Champions League in 1999, invariably he replies that it wasn't him who won it, all he did was apply the finishing touch to a team effort. His dry wit is equally self-effacing, this is what he once said about Teddy Sheringham's equaliser in that game:
"I looked at the clock and said to myself, 'Hey you're going to get another half-hour in a Champions League final, that's going to be a great experience'. Sadly I spoiled it all."
Players like that - modest, level-headed, loyal - just don't come round very often. More's the pity.
There was, however, more to Solskjaer than being a thoroughly decent bloke. On the field he could be spiky, sharp elbowed, but most of all, lynx-eyed in pursuit of a chance. And that did not even come naturally to him. He was a student of finishing, studying its every nuance with written notes of every training session he has ever been involved in. Ferguson famously said of him that no one else watched a game from the bench like he did. Presumably other subs spent their time sulking or texting their WAGs. But Solskjaer watched and watched and watched. And then put what he had seen into practice. Nowhere more so than in the '99 final. From the bench he had spotted a tendency of Sammy Kuffour, the Bayern Munich centre-back, to keep his eye on the ball at corners. So when, in the final moment of injury time, United won a corner, he deliberately positioned himself close to Kuffour, standing right next to him, lulling him into a false sense of security that, so close, he could create no danger. Then, as the defender was momentarily distracted, Solskjaer slipped away unnoticed to the far post, ready to seize on his chance. On such observations are championships won. On such observations are management careers made.
Already Ferguson has encouraged him, during his injury rehabilitation, to coach the youth team players at United. Now that Solskjaer has given up the possibility of a return to playing, he is studying hard the theories of management. Those who say he is too nice to be in charge should study again the way he deliberately set out to destroy Kuffour in Barcelona, exploiting his weakness to leave him beating his fists on the turf. In his own way, Solskjaer was every bit as hard as Roy Keane.

Jim White, Daily Telegraph
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 04, 2007, 18:24:07
CLAUS LUNDEKVAM is out for a further two months after undergoing an ankle operation.
The Southampton defender, 34, picked up the injury during the Championship play-off semi-final defeat by Derby in May.
Boss George Burley said: “It is a big blow for the club and Claus.”
The Sun
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 04, 2007, 19:28:57
Solskjær's golden memories

It is a moment that will forever be etched on the minds of Manchester United FC supporters. David Beckham's corner is flicked on by Teddy Sheringham; one metre from goal Ole Gunnar Solskjær stabs out his right leg and deflects the ball into the roof of the net.

United had been trailing FC Bayern München 1-0 as the 1999 UEFA Champions League final entered stoppage time. Goals from substitutes Sheringam and Solskjær then turned the match on its head. "The team played so well, we had to score some goals because of the pressure we had the whole game," Solskjær said as United celebrated their first European Champion Clubs' Cup triumph since 1968. "Someone had to do it." It was a typically self-deprecating comment from the Norwegian, whose popularity with the Old Trafford faithful was the result of more than just one goal.

His professionalism, drive and commitment as well as his fierce determination to overcome a debilitating injury won him admirers well beyond United. But as the tributes flowed in following the 34-year-old's retirement on Tuesday, there was one reason in particular he caught manager Sir Alex Ferguson's eye. "Ole is one of the best finishers I have known," Sir Alex said. "We have had a few good natural finishers at the club but he is exceptional."

Great deal
That close-range goal against Bayern, delivered nine minutes after replacing Andrew Cole, seemed to encapsulate the qualities of a player whose €2.3m transfer from Molde FK in 1996 must represent one of the best deals in Sir Alex's two decades at Old Trafford. Solskjær would go on to score 126 goals in 366 appearances for the club, often after coming on as a substitute. Dubbed the 'Baby-faced assassin' for his deadly finishing and youthful looks, the supersub tag stuck for good when he came off the bench to score four times in United's 8-1 rout of Nottingham Forest FC at the City Ground in February 1999.

Solskjær would have scored many more for United had injury not disrupted his career. His strike in the 5-0 defeat of Panathinaikos FC on 16 September 2003 proved to be his last for almost three years as a knee injury threatened to bring a premature end to his career. After that match Solskjær entered hospital for surgery and embarked on the toughest period of his professional life. After the first operation to repair the articular cartilage in his right knee, Solskjaer returned to action the following February. The knee was still not right, however, and Solskjær duly underwent two further operations in August 2004 and July 2005.

Positive outlook
Even after returning during the 2005/06 season, however, he faced further setbacks, suffering hamstring and thigh strains as well as a fractured cheekbone. Yet Solskjær's positive mindset served him well throughout his long journey back to fitness. And he eventually made it back. Sir Alex described him as the "substitute from hell" in his autobiography but when Solskjær swept the ball into the Celtic FC net on 13 September last year, it must have felt like a small slice of heaven for the Norwegian who had waited two years and 362 days to celebrate a goal at Old Trafford. "If he's on the park for 45 minutes he will get you a goal," Sir Alex said after Solskjær's winner against Celtic. "It was a pure goalscorer's goal. He did what he was best at - using his brain in the penalty area. He knows where the ball's going to land before anyone else. It's a fantastic quality."

Egil Olsen, who coached him at his international peak for Norway, concurred. "He isn't especially quick, strong or good in the air. What set him aside from others was his finishing. He almost always scored when he got a clear chance and he was always where the ball fell in the area." Solskjær played 67 games for Norway, scoring 23 goals and representing his country at the 1998 FIFA World Cup and UEFA EURO 2000â„¢, achievements that rank alongside the six Premier League titles, two FA Cups and UEFA Champions League medal he won with United. His swansong appearance was as a substitute in last season's FA Cup final, which United lost 1-0 to Chelsea FC. Solskjær, though, who will remain with United in an ambassadorial role, has no regrets.

"I would like to thank the manager, the coaching and medical staff and most of all the supporters, who have supported me through my career,” he said. “They have been fantastic and were a real inspiration to me when I was out injured. The support the fans and the staff showed me during that time was the main motivation for me making my comeback. I feel proud to have represented Manchester United for eleven years and have some very special memories." There is a banner that hangs at the Stretford End at Old Trafford that reads '20LEGEND'. United will never forget.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 06, 2007, 01:16:23
Pedersen eyes top four spot
Blackburn star predicts bright future
Morten Gamst Pedersen has claimed that Blackburn can finish in the top four.
Blackburn have made an impressive start to the new season and remain unbeaten four games into their Premier League campaign.
Pedersen has been impressed with the way the new players have settled in and hopes Rovers can continue to quietly climb the table.
He believes Mark Hughes has one of the most lethal strike-forces in England at his disposal, and feels a UEFA Champions League place is up for grabs if key players steer clear of injury.
"The big clubs can get the headlines then we can sneak up from behind," the Norwegian winger told

New players
"We had a good team last year and we have kind of got some new players, considering who's back from injury, for example Robbie Savage and Ryan Nelsen.
"And we have Benni McCarthy and Roque Santa Cruz who are fun to play with.
"I don't think many Premier League teams have a better strike-force than we do at the moment.
"They work hard and score goals, and we do have Jason Roberts as a back-up."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 06, 2007, 01:21:45
Lundekvam hopeful on recovery
Saints captain frustrated by latest setback

Southampton defender Claus Lundekvam has spoken of his devastation at having to go back under the knife, but says he hopes to recover completely in six to eight weeks.
The former Norway international has not played this season due to a knee injury and suffered a further setback when he returned to training last week.
But he remains optimistic that surgery will finally put an end to his injury woes.
"It's devastating to need an op, but hopefully this will resolve the problem," he said.
"It's dragged on a long time and been very frustrating. In the end, this was the only option.
"I had a couple of injections, which helped for a short time, but when I tried to train last week it was back to square one.
"I knew right away I would have to have surgery, but they won't know exactly what the problem is until they get in there.
"I'm hoping it's just a small piece of floating bone, which can just be cleaned out, and then I should be back in six to eight weeks."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 09, 2007, 21:11:20
Lundekvam faces six-month lay-off  

Southampton captain Claus Lundekvam is set to be sidelined until at least the end of February after having surgery to reconstruct an ankle tendon.
The Norwegian defender, 34, suffered the ligament injury in the final league game of last season against Southend and has not featured in this campaign.
He returned during pre-season but has since been troubled by the problem.
Southampton manager George Burley told the club website: "It is a major blow, losing Claus for so long."
Lundekvam tried injections and rest as part of his treatment but it failed to cure the problem
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 11, 2007, 22:33:50
Wenger - Nordtveit is so mature for his age
Arsène Wenger has hailed Havard Nordtveit as one of the most mature young players he has ever seen.
Arsenal beat a number of clubs to land the 17-year-old centre back from Norwegian side Haugesund in July. The Under-19 international has impressed in both his Reserve League appearances so far and, significantly, has been handed the captain’s armband.
Wenger is aware that Nordtveit is not the ‘finished article’ but in certain areas he is well ahead of schedule.
“What I liked in this boy is his intelligence and his mental strength,” said the manager earlier this season. “He is very mature. In fact I have rarely seen a boy of his age so mature.
“Physically we need to get him up to the Premiership level, at the moment he is a bit behind. But technically and tactically he is already there. He is an intelligent boy with good vision. He has a good pass out from the back and he is strong too.
“I hope that he can develop well.”



Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 13, 2007, 04:55:08
Claus down but not out
Saints defender determined to fight back from injury

Claus Lundekvam has revealed he is depressed by the news of his long injury lay-off but is determined to bounce back.
The Southampton defender recently discovered he will be out for six months following surgery to reconstruct his ankle tendon.
At 34 years of age, a six-month spell on the sidelines could be enough to end his career, but Lundekvam is eager to make a full recovery.
"I am positive I can make it back and play again," he told Southampton's official website. "But it will mean a long time out of action.
"It would be great to get back just in time to lift the Championship trophy and claim all the credit.
"But that is a long way off and right now I am very depressed. It is a big personal blow for me. I have been very unlucky with injuries in the past year."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 14, 2007, 16:16:03
Bolton boss Sammy Lee will fight Newcastle's Sam Allardyce for Norwegian defender Brede Hangeland. (Daily Mirror)

Sunderland failed with Hangeland bid
Sunderland made a late bid for Norway international defender Brede Hangeland before the market closed last month, it has been revealed.
The Journal says Scandinavian sources have revealed Sunderland failed in an attempt to sign Norwegian international Brede Hangeland prior to last month's transfer deadline. The FC Copenhagen defender also attracted interest from Newcastle.

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 18, 2007, 16:08:23
Villa boss O'Neill: Carew needs goal
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill admits John Carew needs a goal.
"John has got a little bit of a groin problem and we were going to play him for as long as we could," O'Neill said.
"Most strikers thrive on goals and once he gets off the mark for us I think he'll be fine.
"The last thing I like to hear is that he is doing great for Norway, I'm the club manager for Aston Villa and I'd like him to do brilliantly for us."
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 20, 2007, 03:58:24
Injury blow for United's Kalvenes
Dundee United's Christian Kalvenes faces up to four weeks on the sidelines after sustaining a calf injury in Sunday's 2-0 win over St Mirren.
The 20-year-old Norwegian left-back picked up the knock as he helped United move into third place in the SPL.
United manager Craig Levein said:"We are assessing how bad it is but if it's a tear he'll be out for a few weeks.
"That would be a big blow to him and to us because I think he's been superb since the start of the season."


Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-Stianſeptember 20, 2007, 04:19:03
Originally posted by kjelvi

Injury blow for United's Kalvenes
Dundee United's Christian Kalvenes faces up to four weeks on the sidelines after sustaining a calf injury in Sunday's 2-0 win over St Mirren.
The 20-year-old Norwegian left-back picked up the knock as he helped United move into third place in the SPL.
United manager Craig Levein said:"We are assessing how bad it is but if it's a tear he'll be out for a few weeks.
"That would be a big blow to him and to us because I think he's been superb since the start of the season."

Har skottane mottatt feil dåpsattest? Kalven må ha vore ekstremt ung då han spelte for blant anna Brann og Sogndal!!!
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 20, 2007, 04:26:45
Solskjaer takes first Man Utd coaching job
Manchester United hero Ole Gunnar Solskjaer took on his first coaching job yesterday as he led the club's reserve-team in a friendly against Sporting Lisbon.
The 34-year-old has not yet been given an official job title, but he is to work closely with technical skills development coach Rene Meulensteen, with particular emphasis on coaching strikers throughout the club's ranks.
United boss Sir Alex Ferguson told "This is an ideal trip for Ole to come along and get involved with the coaching side of the game."
Ole led the warm up and took charge of a strong reserves team including Tom Heaton, Dong Fangzhuo, Lee Martin, and Darron Gibson against a Sporting Lisbon team made up of first- and second-year Academy scholars.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 20, 2007, 04:29:26
Originally posted by Per-Stian

Originally posted by kjelvi

Injury blow for United's Kalvenes
The 20-year-old Norwegian left-back ...

Har skottane mottatt feil dåpsattest? Kalven må ha vore ekstremt ung då han spelte for blant anna Brann og Sogndal!!!

Født i 77, så her har Sky bommet med 10 år.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 20, 2007, 15:55:11
Carew blames Norway duty on Villa form
John Carew blames his time away with Norway on Sunday's flat performance for Aston Villa at Manchester City.
He told Villa's website: "I felt tired and stiff after all the matches recently. I got it out of the system in the first 20 minutes, but it was no surprise that I was substituted in the second half.
"I shall now go home and rest. Fortunately, we don't have our next match until Sunday and then I expect to be fresh again."
Martin O'Neill has backed Carew to recapture the form that made him such a massive Villa Park hit over the second half of last season.
The Villa boss said: "John has got a little bit of a groin problem and we were going to play him for as long as we could. Most strikers thrive on goals and once he gets off the mark for us I think he'll be fine.
"The last thing I like to hear is that he is doing great for Norway, I'm the club manager for Aston Villa and I'd like him to do brilliantly for us."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-Stianſeptember 24, 2007, 20:00:55
John Carew scoret og ble skadet da Aston Villa vant 2-0 over Everton i Premier League.

Nordmannen satte inn 1-0 med et skudd med venstrebeinet fra ti meter etter bare 13 minutters spill på Villa Park. Det var Carews første mål denne Premier League-sesongen.

Carew ble byttet ut etter 53 minutter med en kneskade. Den tidligere Vålerenga- og Rosenborg-spilleren vil nå gjennomgå en legeundersøkelse på mandag.

- Det ser ikke bra ut, og det er veldig synd for John, sier manager Martin O'Neill.

- John var veldig sterk, og etter at han fikk målet var han enda sterkere. Vi får bare håpe at han ikke er ute alt for lenge.

Overfor VG bekrefter Carew at han frykter en alvorlig leddbåndskade:

- Man vil alltid frykte at det er røket hvis man er skadet på denne måten, medgir han.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 25, 2007, 21:25:59
Injured Carew faces six weeks out  
Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill has confirmed that Norwegian striker John Carew will be out for up to six weeks after sustaining knee ligament damage.
Carew, 28, scored the opener in Villa's 2-0 win over Everton on Sunday but was forced off after 53 minutes.
O'Neill told Villa's website: "We're looking at four to six weeks out - it's a blow because he is a key player.
"We play Tottenham and West Ham before an international fortnight so from that standpoint he could have missed more."
 606: DEBATE
He will never score 20+ goals but his work rate is out of this world

Carew's goal was his first of the season for Villa and O'Neill believes it was just reward for the work the Norway international does for the team.
"You can do an awful lot of work as a centre-forward outside the penalty area, but you're there to get goals and he's off the mark now.
"Suddenly, all that good work he has done for us, that seemingly has gone unnoticed, he'll start to think now that there is a bit of justice."

Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: lojosangſeptember 25, 2007, 21:56:57
Håvard Nordtveit var med i troppen til Arsenal foran dagens Ligacup-kamp, men en skade gjør at han likevel ikke får sin debut.

- Leif Olav
Foreningen mot signaturhets
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 29, 2007, 17:53:48
Henning's prize pair
TWO future managers of Manchester United will be battling it out as Mark Hughes and Roy Keane go head-to-head at the Stadium of Light.
That is the view of their former team-mate Henning Berg, who feels the Blackburn and Sunderland bosses are near the top of the list to succeed Alex Ferguson.
Lyn Oslo chief Berg had three years with Keane at United and was then at Ewood Park as Sparky brought the curtain down on his playing days.
And the centre-back — who collected a Champions League winner’s medal and three Premiership titles in his illustrious career — believes either could take charge at Old Trafford.
He said: “I can understand why people are talking about them being future managers of Man United and, for me, they would both be top candidates.
“If the United job became available there would be applicants from all over the world because it’s huge.
“But I’m sure the board at Old Trafford would love to be able to give it to one of their own — someone with strong United connections who had proved themselves elsewhere.
“These two were massive heroes with United’s fans, so they would be given every chance to get it right.”
Berg, who has been in charge at Lyn for more than two years, believes Hughes would currently have a slight edge over his rival Keano.
The Norwegian added: “I suppose if Sir Alex left tomorrow Sparky might be just ahead because of the experience he’s had with Wales and Blackburn.
“But that’s only one part of being a top boss. Some people just naturally take to it and you can’t argue with what Roy has done so far.
“If either of them took over, they’d instantly have the respect of the United dressing room because of what they achieved as players.
“But respect for that reason alone doesn’t last long — only about three months in my experience!”

The Sun
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 07, 2007, 18:12:13
Aston Villa are set to tempt Liverpool with a fresh January bid for John Arne Riise.  (News of the World)
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 08, 2007, 18:53:04
Originally posted by kjelvi

Aston Villa are set to tempt Liverpool with a fresh January bid for John Arne Riise.  (News of the World)

Villa, Newcastle move for Liverpool's Riise
Aston Villa are planning a bid for Liverpool fullback John Arne Riise.
The News of the World says Villa boss Martin O'Neill is ready to move for the Norway international in January.
Newcastle United are also keen.
Tittel: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 10, 2007, 02:15:55
Originally posted by kjelvi

Originally posted by kjelvi

Aston Villa are set to tempt Liverpool with a fresh January bid for John Arne Riise.  (News of the World)

Villa, Newcastle move for Liverpool's Riise

Villa boss O'Neill confident landing Liverpool's Riise

Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is confident of landing Liverpool defender John Arne Riise in January.
The Express & Star says O'Neill thought he had snagged Liverpool's Norwegian international in a £6m deal last summer.
But the move fell through when the Anfield club failed to sign his intended replacement Gabriel Heinze after a bitter war of words with Manchester United.
Riise, who even sold his house in anticipation of a move to the Midlands, is still ready to come and O'Neill is hoping a fresh approach in the new year can do the trick.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 28, 2007, 07:09:15
Ole’s compatriots now feel at home

Manchester United are looking increasingly towards Scandinavia as a source for young talent. Norwegian teenagers Magnus Eikrey and Joshua King are already making their mark in the youth and reserve teams.
Now former striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has bought a substantial property in the Manchester area to accommodate young hopefuls from Norway while they are on trial at the club. United are currently on the trail of Norwegian Under-21 star midfielder Per Skjelbred.

Daily Mail
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 28, 2007, 07:09:38
Samba: Pedersen better off at Blackburn

Christopher Samba insists Blackburn pal Morten Gamst Pedersen is better off at Ewood Park, despite interest from Tottenham.
Samba insisted: "I don't think you could say it was a mistake because we are near the top and Tottenham are at the bottom. I think he made the right choice to stay here."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 29, 2007, 21:04:03
Manchester United are ready to sign Norwegian under-21 midfielder Per Skjelbred (Daily Mirror)

Reports claiming Manchester United were set to launch a move for Rosenborg's Per Ciljan Skjelbred have been dismissed.
The 20-year-old Norway international has emerged in recent seasons as one of the most highly-regarded players in Scandinavia.
As a youngster he turned down a youth contract with Liverpool and is now once again attracting attention from some of Europe's biggest clubs.
United were credited with an interest after Skjelbred shone in Rosenborg's recent Champions League victory over Valencia.
However, Skjelbred's advisor Andreas Ekker has played down talk of United's interest.
"I don't know anything about that [United's interest]," he told Dagbladet.
"There will always be interest for a player like Per, but previously interest has come from Germany, Netherlands and Italy."
Ekker insisted Skjelbred was more than happy with life at Rosenborg but would obviously look to move on when the time is right.
"Per is very happy in Rosenborg, but with the qualities he has it's only natural that he, in a few years, will head abroad," he added.
"But right now he's happy with where he is. He delivered a good game against Valencia and that does not make the interest smaller."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 01, 2007, 08:59:24
Riise anger over wage revelations

John Arne Riise and his advisors have launched an investigation into how a wage slip belonging to the Norwegian international was made public. Two images of the pay packet, containing the player's address in Liverpool and his National Insurance number, have appeared on the internet revealing the 27-year-old earned £139,634.62 gross in August 2006; constituting his £120,000-a-month basic salary, a £250 point bonus, a £4000 appearance bonus and a £15,384.62 Champions League payment. On the downside, deductions including £55,508.28 in tax, a £65 meal bill and £36 for a match ticket left Riise with a net wage of £82,413.67
While the financial revelations have angered the Liverpool defender, he is reportedly more concerned by the threat of identity fraud following the disclosure. Both the club and the player's representatives have begun their own enquiry into how the information was made public, with Riise adamant he did not put the slip in the bin. No break-ins have been reported at the Norwegian's home and Liverpool give all players their wage slips in person in an attempt to avoid such security lapses, although Merseyside Police had not received a complaint as of yesterday.
"We are taking the matter extremely seriously and we are investigating," said a Liverpool spokesman last night.
This is not the first financial mishap to befall Riise. Earlier this year he was declared bankrupt over a £100,000 debt following a dispute with a former agent, although the charge was later annulled on appeal.

The Guardian
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 01, 2007, 09:31:38
Taxing time for John Arne Riise (£55,508 a month, to be exact) as payslip is put on the net

John Arne Riise was left with a face as red as his Liverpool shirt yesterday after copies of his
payslip ended up on the internet. The Norway defender is famous at Anfield for his fearsome left-foot strikes and he will have warmed the hearts of the city’s socialists after it was revealed that he is paying more than £50,000 a month in tax.
Liverpool launched an investigation last night into how the 27-year-old’s personal details, including his £139,634 monthly pay packet, had appeared on Liverpool, Manchester United and Arsenal supporters’ websites.
The payslip shows how much Riise earned in September last year, how much tax and national insurance he paid and his home address. “We are taking the matter extremely seriously and we are investigating,” a Liverpool spokesman said.
According to the payslip, Riise took home more than £82,000 in September 2006 and paid about £55,000 in tax. The Norwegian also received a £15,000 bonus for playing in the Champions League, £4,000 in appearance money and a £250 points bonus – Liverpool started poorly last season – but he was left counting the cost after his club deducted £36 from his wages for the cost of a match ticket. A sum of £65 was also deducted for meals, believed to have been served up at the club’s training ground.
“The payslip must have been stolen but the player simply doesn’t know how it has happened,” a source at the club said. “I can assure you that John Arne Riise is not in the habit of throwing payslips out.”
Merseyside Police confirmed last night that it was not looking into the incident because no complaint has been made, but Riise is alarmed that his address has been placed in the public domain, especially after four of his his teammates – José Manuel Reina, Peter Crouch, Jerzy Dudek and Daniel Agger – were burgled this year.
“There is a lot of delicate information about John now widely available on the net and it’s circulating like wildfire,” the source said. “John is particularly worried his address is out there in the open. There’s the added concern that his national insurance number could be misused by fraud-sters.”
In March, Riise was declared bankrupt by Liverpool County Court for an unpaid debt of about £100,000. Riise was locked in a legal dispute with his former agent, Einar Baardsen, whom he accused of swindling him out of £3 million. The bankruptcy order, which remains in effect for a year, was obtained by a lawyer who is trying to recover fees from Baardsen through Riise.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 01, 2007, 15:03:02
City confirm winger interest
Grip admits liking for Norwegian

Manchester City are tracking Norwegian starlet Erik Huseklepp and first-team coach Tord Grip has confirmed their interest.
The 23-year-old has impressed in recent seasons with his flamboyant and stylish play and he has indicated to Brann that he is unlikely to sign a new deal.
The likes of Club Brugge, Valerenga and Stabaek have all been tracking him but now City look set to join the race for his signature.
"I know about Huseklepp and I know that he is an interesting player," admitted Sven Goran Eriksson's right-hand man to Bergens Tidende.
"We haven't contacted SK Brann and we'll let them finish their season even though they have won it already."
Huseklepp's advisor admits contact has been made with City, but insists that a bid is not imminent.
"It's a long way from an enquiry to a bid," said Stein Arve Lone.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 04, 2007, 13:53:00
Manchester City are weighing up a £1million swoop for SK Brann winger Erik Huseklepp. (News of the World)

Manchester City want SK Brann winger Eirik Huseklepp. (Daily Star)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 04, 2007, 22:30:38
Liverpool to invite offers for senior trio

Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez is ready to sell three of his bigger names during January.
The News of the World says Benitez is willing to offload the likes of Peter Crouch, Momo Sissoko and John Arne Riise when the transfer window opens.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 05, 2007, 10:28:02
Bolton set to offload Lee's summer signings

Bolton Wanderers boss Gary Megson is set to show the door to several of Sammy Lee's summer signings.
The People says Megson will be given money to spend but can raise extra funds by moving out Daniel Braaten, Gerald Cid and even Jlloyd Samuel.
Braaten could go home to Scandinavia while Cid has had a bad time since joining from Bordeaux and is likely to be replaced.
Samuel may even be keen to move on.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 06, 2007, 19:00:11
Nordtveit settles in at 'great Club' Arsenal


With all the commotion surrounding the summer departure of Thierry Henry to Barcelona, the capture of 17-year-old Havard Nordtveit slipped by largely unnoticed.
Signed from Norwegian side FK Haugesund, the defender is an Under-17 and Under-19 international and was well regarded among Europe’s leading clubs. He was snapped up by Arsenal and, after four months in London, the youngster is delighted to be here.
“Life in England is very good,” he told “The first few months have been good for me in a football sense. I appreciate playing for Arsenal and I keep giving everything I can every match, every training session. I wake up focused and think about nothing else but training.
 â€œSometimes it was difficult at the start, when my family returned home to Norway. But life goes on. I love football and Arsenal so I am just happy to be here.”
His impressive maturity has helped Nordtveit settle quickly in the capital. But he insists that the attitude of his team-mates and other members of staff have also been invaluable.
 â€œIt was a shock coming to a big, busy country like England from Norway,” he said. “The first day though, all the players came to me and told me their names. They were really nice to me.
“When I came here I sat there quite afraid but all the players would come to me and talk. They would speak to me like they had known me for a long time and it felt that I was already part of the team.
“All the staff have helped me as well. They made it not so difficult to come to such a great club like Arsenal.”
On the field, Nordtveit was handed the captain’s armband on his reserve-team debut against Fulham and retained it for the next two games, scoring against Birmingham.
“It has been a great experience so far, being the captain of the Reserves and being able to play against great teams like Birmingham with all their experienced players. Their strikers had played in the Premier League and we could take a lot from them.”
However, Nordtveit’s positive start was abruptly halted by a hugely-frustrating injury.
“I have been unlucky to have an injury,” he said. “The bones under the knee have not grown properly yet. It’s not anything that requires special treatment but the bones will take time. It is a case of relaxing.
“The problem could be because I had such a long season. I had not had a holiday until this week, as I came straight from the season in Norway into the Arsenal one.
“The long season has been positive in some ways though because when I came here I was fit. It meant I had a better chance to start improving straight away.
“I have no idea when I will be back. I just keep thinking positive and working my upper body to make sure I stay on top of my game.”
Still a teenager, Nordtveit has an outlook on life that is far beyond his years. His modesty is endearing and he seems genuinely privileged to be at Arsenal.
“I don’t like to look too far forward. I don’t say things like ‘one-day I can do this and play for whoever.’
“I like to take everything day-by-day, take small steps at a time. It will keep me focused. It is up to me to keep improving every day. I must not fly high and think I am a star. It is important to keep my feet on the ground.”
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 13, 2007, 18:32:34
Liverpool defender John Arne Riise has insisted he wants to stay at Anfield despite being linked with a move to Aston Villa. (various)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 13, 2007, 18:45:24
Liverpool defender John Arne Riise has insisted he wants to stay at Anfield despite being linked with a move to Aston Villa. (various)

Riise: I'm not leaving
Reds full-back rejects Villa speculation

Liverpool full-back John Arne Riise says he has 'no intention' of joining Aston Villa in January.
Reports have claimed that Villa are lining up a New Year swoop for the Norwegian, who has spent over six years at Anfield.
But, rather than seek a move when the transfer window reopens, Riise revealed his wish to finish his career with Liverpool.
"There was a story about me moving to Aston Villa in January," Riise told the club's official website.

"I was away with the national team at the time and Liverpool are quite big in Norway, so a lot of people were asking me about it. But it's completely false.
"I have 18 months left on my contract here and I have no intention of leaving. Liverpool is the club closest to my heart and it's where I belong.
"If it wasn't for Liverpool, I wouldn't be the player I am today and there is no chance that I'm going to ask for a transfer. I want to finish my career here and hopefully I can do that."

However, Riise, who has made in excess of 300 appearances for The Reds, acknowledged he has not been playing at his best this season.
He added: "I was happy with my performances in pre-season, but when the season started I felt I wasn't reaching my true level.
"I've noticed the fans haven't been too happy with my form and rightly so.
"I'm my own biggest critic and I know when I haven't performed well. Now I think I'm getting my sharpness back and hopefully returning to my real level."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 15, 2007, 09:27:30
Norsk og norsk, fru Blom....!

Ali Al-Habsi on slow burn at Bolton Wanderers

Oman international goalkeeper Ali Al-Habsi is determined to establish himself at Bolton Wanderers after his superb performance in last week's 2-2 UEFA Cup draw with Bayern Munich.
"I came here to become a number one keeper at the club," the 25-year-old told the Bolton Evening News. "Maybe it's going to take a long time but after this I think everyone can see who Ali Al-Habsi is.
"They can see he is a good keeper from Oman and now I have a great chance of becoming a great keeper in the Premier League."
Wanderers' goalkeeping coach, Fred Barber, believes Al-Habsi has all the attributes to make the grade, although he has had to come to terms with the fact that he is behind Jaaskelainen, one of the top keepers in Europe and, at 32, at the peak of his form.
"I know what Ali can do but a lot of people don't," Barber said of his 6ft 4in pupil who joined Wanderers in January 2006.
"He was very impatient when he started off but then he realised how good Jussi was. After that he was OK, knowing he'd have to wait for his chance in the Carling Cup or the FA Cup.
"I thought he did well at Fulham but now the gaffer's seen him in the European cup game and that was fantastic for him.
"But he is still only 25 and if you look back to when Jussi got in the first team, how old was he? About the same.
"Look at Jussi now, at 32, he's in his prime and I think his best is still ahead of him."
Al-Habsi learned quickly that being rated the best keeper in Asia was no passport to Premiership selection.
"It's been a long time," he said, relieved at least to have finally made the senior grade while still waiting for his league debut.
"Two years at the club without any games . . . but Fred told me I would have to be patient. Jussi is a very, very good keeper; he's had 10 great years at the club.
"So when I get the chance I have to take it. I've done well and I think Fred and the gaffer are very happy with my performances."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 18, 2007, 15:19:01
Ikke norsk, men likevel...

Reading are preparing a record £5million swoop for Coventry's Michael Mifsud. (The People)

Derby manager Billy Davies wants Borussia Moenchengladbach striker Rob Friend. (The People)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-StianNovember 18, 2007, 16:02:36

Reading are preparing a record £5million swoop for Coventry's Michael Mifsud. (The People)

Fytti helsikke for ein pris!!!!!!!!!  Dette må vere ein fatal skrivefeil. 60 millionar kroner for Mifsud er astronomisk og høyrer eit anna solsystem til.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 20, 2007, 22:11:45
Ikke norsk, men likevel...
Reading are preparing a record £5million swoop for Coventry's Michael Mifsud. (The People)

Royals reject Mifsud rumours
Coppell laughs off talk of record bid for striker

Reading boss Steve Coppell has rubbished claims he is to bid £5million for Coventry's Michael Mifsud.
Armed with a healthy budget ahead of the January transfer window, Coppell is expected to spend up to £10million on new recruits.
A striker is thought to be on his wish-list and the freescoring Maltese international Mifsud is mooted as being a target.
Royals coach Wally Downes was in attendance for Malta's game against Greece at the weekend, but Coppell has poured cold water on the idea Mifsud was the subject of his observations.
"We were looking at somebody - but it wasn't Michael Mifsud. We were aware of him in the summer when he was a free agent, so why would I pay £5m for him now?
"But we never comment on potential transfer targets."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 20, 2007, 22:21:42


Southampton captain Claus Lundekvam is hoping to be back in action early in the new year following ankle surgery.
The 34-year-old defender is in the early stages of his rehabilitation and it was expected he would not be available to manager George Burley until March, but the Norway international is optimistic of a return ahead of schedule.
He told the club's official website: "It is progressing nicely and I am hoping to be back in training by the end of January or early February.
"The surgeon is very positive and so am I. It will still take time and there will always be pain and scar tissue but as long as it is bearable then I will be back.
"I am ahead of schedule. I chucked the crutches away a fortnight early and have been walking now for two or three weeks which will help get the muscles back.
"I have only really been able to rest it so far but soon I hope to kick on and do a lot more rehab, but I won't know how the ankle will stand up until I try it."
Tittel: Sv: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: StiflerNovember 23, 2007, 00:09:54
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica," id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Ronald</i>

Har vi ikkje noen norske spillere i lavere divisjoner ?<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

Før var det fluss av nordmenn - enten der var i Hartlepool, Caledonia Thistle, ManYou,...
Nå er det ikke mange igjen.

Har ikke en autorativ oversikt, men her i alle fall noen av 'våre':

* Morten Gamst Pedersen (Blackburn)
* John Arne Riise (Liverpool)
* Claus Lundekvam (Southamton)
* Christian Klevenes (Dundee U.)
* Ole Gunnar Solskjær (ManYou)
* Jon Olav Hjelde (Mansfield) (** Neppe fornyet kontrakt fra sommeren av)
* Thomas Myhre (Charlton) (** Hjem til Viking i mai)

I tillegg kommer det en håndfull norske læregutter, som f.eks.
* Lars Stubhaug (Everton)
* Magnus Eikrem (ManYou)
* Dan Alexander Olsen (Spurs)
** Rocky og Leon Lekej (Sheff. W)
og sikkert flere som jeg ikke har oversikt over.

På det meste var det 26-28 norske yrkesspillere på balløya...
Da var det norske og delvis nederlandske spillere som dominerte utlendingslistene. Men det var den gang!

Eirik Kjøne! Kompis av meg!:) Spiller nå i Falkirk. 16 år. Spilte for seniorlaget mot Sunderland nettopp...  :)
3 siste minuttene ::)
Tittel: Sv: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 23, 2007, 19:00:34
Eirik Kjøne! Kompis av meg!:) Spiller nå i Falkirk. 16 år. Spilte for seniorlaget mot Sunderland nettopp...  :)
3 siste minuttene ::)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 23, 2007, 19:01:12
Man Utd boss Ferguson delighted with Solskjaer's coaching start

Manchester United boss Sir Alex Ferguson says Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is impressing in his role as new strikers coach.
"Ole has been working with the forwards and alongside Rene Meulensteen, our technical skills development coach," Ferguson told Inside United.
"He's started with the first team, and he's just building his confidence as a coach.
"He was always in the dressing room as one of the players and all of a sudden he's a coach.
"But he's doing great, we're really pleased with him."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 23, 2007, 19:04:24
Villa boss O'Neill eyeing Liverpool pair Riise, Crouch

Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is already lining up his transfer targets for the January transfer window.
The Liverpool duo of Peter Crouch and John Arne Riise, Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe and FC Porto defender Jose Boswinga are understood to be on O'Neill's radar.
O'Neill said: "There is no point on me commenting on all the rumours. We are going to be mentioned with players and that is the way it is going to be.
"Between now and Christmas and during January there is going to be plenty of this sort of speculation.
"We will be linked to a lot of players and since one or two are coming out of contract at the end of the season, they are going to be linked with everybody as well.
"At the end of the day we will be looking at a load of players and I know the players who I would be particularly interested in. But I cannot stop speculation."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 24, 2007, 23:08:57
Ikke norsk, men klar norsk link...

Chelsea will clinch qualification for the knockout stages of the Champions League with victory over Rosenborg in Trondheim on Wednesday night.
But the Premier League club may return to launch a raid on the Scandinavian outfit to land striker Yssouf Kone, according to the player's agent.
Chelsea have been impressed with the Burkina Faso international following his form in the Champions League this season.
He is contracted to the Norwegian side until the end of 2008 but has been linked with several clubs across Europe.
Blackburn, Anderlecht, Paris St Germain and Marseille have all reportedly been tracking his progress in recent months, while Kone's agent Alfred Obou claims Chelsea are also keen on signing his client.
Rosenborg stunned Chelsea in the opening game of Group B when they drew 1-1 at Stamford Bridge.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 29, 2007, 12:44:57
fortsatt ikke norsk, men....
kometkarriere etter han forlot LSK.

Fulham, Wigan and Bolton are in competition to sign Barnsley's German goalkeeper Heinz Muller. (The Sun)

Fulham, Bolton battle for Muller
Barnsley's £1 million-rated goalkeeper Heinz Muller is wanted by Fulham, Wigan and Bolton.
Cottagers boss Lawrie Sanchez watched Barnsley's German goalkeeper against Sheffield Wednesday on Tuesday and is keen to sign him in January.
Muller, 29, has impressed since joining the Tykes for £100,000 from Norwegian outfit Lillestrom in August.  (
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Leif SverreNovember 30, 2007, 23:37:34
Hvordan går det med han unggutten som  dro til Arsenal for
å spille  ?.Så et tv program om han, husker ikke hva han hette
men han kom vel fra Østlandet et sted.

Nå leser jeg i Avisa Nordland at BodøGlimts Anders Karlsen og
Stefan Johansen  skal til Blackburn for å trene med ungdomsakademiet
med klubben.Lykke til !
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: lojosangDesember 01, 2007, 12:56:19
"Men han kom vel fra Østlandet et sted", du liksom!  :o Ska du ha juling, færr?  ;D

Håvard Nordtveit kommer fra Vats utenfor Haugesund, og han fikk en skade rett før han skulle få sin debut i Ligakøppen.
Før det var han utnevnt til kaptein på reservelaget. Det er vel flere småsaker om han i denne tråden. Det siste jeg leste om ham var at han framdeles ikke var kvitt skaden.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 02, 2007, 17:37:04
Hvordan går det med han unggutten som  dro til Arsenal for
å spille  ?.
Bare å gå en side tilbake:
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: SleivindDesember 02, 2007, 18:56:12
Håvard Nordtveit har hatt problemer med at han faktisk vokser. Beina hans vokser i fra hverandre, og han har det som kalles slatters? Det siste jeg hørte var at han var blitt mye bedre de siste par ukene. Han har vært hjemme i Vats ei stund og trent muskler istedenfor. Og det var vel dette som var det største problemet hans, at han var for veik. Han kommer vel tilbake snart med mer muskler og bedre rustet for å ta enda et steg nærmere Arsenal sitt førstelag.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 03, 2007, 22:09:32
Villa boss O'Neill eyeing Liverpool pair Riise, Crouch
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is already lining up his transfer targets for the January transfer window.
The Liverpool duo of Peter Crouch and John Arne Riise, Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe and FC Porto defender Jose Boswinga are understood to be on O'Neill's radar.

Rykte fra SkySports:

Dan Falvey (Aston Villa fan) says...
I was at The Belfry golf club last Thursday (29/11) and spotted Randy Lerner and Martin O'Neil sat in the clubhouse with John Arne Riise and another gentleman.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 05, 2007, 22:11:36
Everton are monitoring 30-year-old Norwegian striker Thorstein Helstad who will be available for about £1.5m. (Daily Mail)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 09, 2007, 22:53:48
Reading's Sonko: Man Utd hero Solskjaer my most difficult opponent

Reading defender Ibrahima Sonko says Manchester United hero Ole Gunner Solskjaer has been his most difficult opponent.
 Sonko said: "I know it's strange, but the toughest player I ever came up against was Solskjaer when he used to play. I had to man-mark him and was thinking 'I'm not a rightback, I'm not a left-back, what am I doing here?'

Hele saken:
Tittel: Sv: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 09, 2007, 23:00:36
Bolton boss Sammy Lee will fight Newcastle's Sam Allardyce for Norwegian defender Brede Hangeland. (Daily Mirror)

Sunderland failed with Hangeland bid
Sunderland made a late bid for Norway international defender Brede Hangeland before the market closed last month, it has been revealed.
The Journal says Scandinavian sources have revealed Sunderland failed in an attempt to sign Norwegian international Brede Hangeland prior to last month's transfer deadline. The FC Copenhagen defender also attracted interest from Newcastle.

Newcastle to bid for Copenhagen defender Hangeland
Newcastle United boss Sam Allardyce is planning a bid for FC Copenhagen defender Brede Hangeland.
The News of the World says the 26 year-old Norway international wants a move and has been watched by a clutch of Premier League clubs.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 09, 2007, 23:01:39
Jarstein rejects Newcastle offer
Norway international goalkeeper Rune Jarstein has turned down a trials offer at Newcastle United.
The News of the World says Toon boss Sam Allardyce has missed out on Odd Grenland keeper Jarstein, 23, who snubbed a trial.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 10, 2007, 10:16:49
Norwegian pair enjoy Blackburn trials

Bodo pair Stefan Johansen and Anders Karlsen have had trials with Blackburn Rovers.
Rovers boss Mark Hughes had the Norwegians train with his first team squad and is considering bids for the pair in January.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 15, 2007, 22:25:43
Carew fits in at Villa, the club that cares

John Carew is worth the wait. Whether it be his tardiness or the circuitous nature of his route to the Barclays Premier League, the Norwegian giant takes his time to arrive.
Where the path from Norway to England is well worn by his compatriots, Carew first made stops in Spain, Italy, Turkey and France.

Family man: Villa’s John Carew visits the Acorn Hospice

Now that he is finally here the 6ft 5in adventurer has discovered a football culture and a club that suit his temperament and game.
Add the insights gained on his journey, which included a season playing under Fabio Capello at Roma, and the package brought in by Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill is nigh on complete.
Carew said: "I had possibilities to come to England along the way with Fulham, Tottenham and Liverpool, but the time wasn't right. At each moment I was playing very well for clubs that were among the five or six best in Europe, so why should I leave?
"The English game is more physical but I like it. For spectators and players it's a much more entertaining game. In Italy you struggle to get one chance all game because defenders give you no space.
"That's what Capello will bring to England. It will be much more organised than before. He's a winner — exactly what the England national side needs. He has this aura about him that everything just goes his way. Sometimes you can't even tell why. He has been everywhere and has won everything. He's like a miracle worker.
"He's very strict and as a player you listen to him when he talks but he's got more humour and he smiles much more than people think. It's just that you don't see it outside the dressing room."
If waiting for Carew can become an occupational hazard, any lateness is far outweighed by a devotion not only to duty but to causes which he willingly commits time to.
Since the age of 17, he has worked with young offenders in Norway's Youth Against Violence programme, which attempts to educate those who would otherwise be sent to jail. He is also an international ambassador for football's Anti-Racism Campaign.
His latest cause is dear to every heart at Villa. The Acorns Children's Hospice in Selly Oak is a haven for families with children who have life-limiting conditions. On average, one child under the hospice's care dies every week.
Carew and his Villa teammates pay more than lip service in support of an institution which needs £6million annually to keep all three of its centres fully open — 80 per cent of it from fundraising.
In donating a total of £74,000 directly from their salaries — every member of staff at Villa contributed — they have ensured that one of the 10 beds at Selly Oak has been fully operational for more than five months now.
Carew, who visited the centre last Thursday, said: "It gives me great pleasure to be here. When I was a kid and I met somebody I looked up to, it made a big impression. For these children it's even more important that we take the time to see them.
"You don't think of it as a responsibility. It's just something that gives you a good feeling inside to give them a happy day. It's not very pleasant to see their problems. In that way it's a very sad thing. But you have to hide your emotions because it's important that you make them smile.

Fans man: Carew celebrates his goal against Everton

"You have to use your position to make life better for somebody. I think every sportsman should do it. If you can make a sick child happy you have to do everything you can to do so.
"It's important for football clubs to do this. Villa is close to the fans, close to the people. It's a club with a human touch, everybody takes care of each other."
The Villa family is fathered by O'Neill, another man for whom Carew has a deep respect and who has assembled a squad the 28-year-old believes is capable of lifting trophies.
"We're on the right path. We have the potential — the club, the players and most importantly the manager." said Carew. "Martin gives us great belief in our skills. He really doesn't like to lose. The energy he gives out comes through to the players. He has all the qualities a manager needs to succeed — not only the football skills but also the human qualities."
Qualities shared by his giant striker.

DATE OF BIRTH: 5 September, 1979
BORN: Lorenskog, Norway
CLUBS: Valerenga 1997 - 1999, Rosenborg 1999 - 2000, Valencia 2000 - 2004, Roma (loan, playing 20 games under Fabio Capello) 2003 - 2004, Besiktas 2004 - 2005, Lyon 2005 - 2007, Aston Villa 2007-present
CLUB GOALS: 87 in 235 appearances
HONOURS: Ligue 1 title winner (Lyon, 2006), La Liga title winner (Valencia, 2002), Norwegian title winner (Rosenborg, 1999), Norwegian Cup winner (Valerenga, 1997)
INTERNATIONAL CAREER: Norway (66 caps, 20 goals)

Daily Mail
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 16, 2007, 14:03:12
Ikke norsk, men likevel litt relevant...

Chelsea's Obi Mikel has no Man Utd regrets  
John Obi Mikel has no regrets turning down Manchester United to join Chelsea last year.
The Independent says he jokes that he has proved wrong everyone in Nigeria who said he should join United because he would have had more chance of getting a game there - and there is a special debt to Didier Drogba.
"They are nice guys here and they all helped me in different ways," he says. "Drogba was always there for me because every time I did something wrong Mourinho went to him and complained. Then Drogba came to me and I got it second-hand. Clarkey [Steve Clarke] and Mourinho really liked me - Mourinho gave me the confidence to be who I am today."
It's the big, unavoidable question at Chelsea: what is life like post-Mourinho? It would have been easy for Mikel to skip this one but he takes a deep breath and gives an honest, heartfelt answer.
"I will always appreciate what Mourinho did for me," he says. "I had my problems and he stood by me. He said 'I want that player no matter what he costs'. He stood by me and he made sure everything came true. That's why I say he was like my father; here he was my dad. Outside football he would always ask me what I was doing - 'Are you taking care of your family?' - things like that. He was there for me and I really appreciate it. Now everything has happened and he's gone but he is still in my mind. We just have to keep going and the new manager has done fantastically well.
"I don't think a lot has been changed, it is still the same club. The new technical crew are doing a very good job. What happened has happened. It was like a shock, 'How are we going to get through this?' but everyone is back doing a really good job and we are doing well. I'm telling you the team is in good spirits, after what happened we just try to move on. We're doing this for ourselves and for our team and we have to support whoever is there. That's why the team is doing well."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 18, 2007, 17:43:42
Villa boss O'Neill eyeing Liverpool pair Riise, Crouch
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is already lining up his transfer targets for the January transfer window.
The Liverpool duo of Peter Crouch and John Arne Riise, Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe and FC Porto defender Jose Boswinga are understood to be on O'Neill's radar.
Rykte fra SkySports: Dan Falvey (Aston Villa fan) says...
I was at The Belfry golf club last Thursday (29/11) and spotted Randy Lerner and Martin O'Neil sat in the clubhouse with John Arne Riise and another gentleman.

Valencia have launched a £4million bid to sign Liverpool's John Arne Riise.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 18, 2007, 17:47:44
Villa boss O'Neill eyeing Liverpool pair Riise, Crouch
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is already lining up his transfer targets for the January transfer window.
The Liverpool duo of Peter Crouch and John Arne Riise, Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe and FC Porto defender Jose Boswinga are understood to be on O'Neill's radar.
Rykte fra SkySports: Dan Falvey (Aston Villa fan) says...
I was at The Belfry golf club last Thursday (29/11) and spotted Randy Lerner and Martin O'Neil sat in the clubhouse with John Arne Riise and another gentleman.
Valencia have launched a £4million bid to sign Liverpool's John Arne Riise.

Riise - interests Valencia


Valencia coach Ronald Koeman has expressed an interest in signing Liverpool full-back John Arne Riise.
Koeman is determined to add to his squad in the new year following Valencia's exit from the Champions League.
Los Che are also toiling in seventh place in La Liga and Koeman admits Riise is a player of interest.
"He is a player with experience and would offer some options for our game," said Koeman in the Daily Mirror.
Riise, who can also play in midfield, has made over 300 appearances during six years at Anfield.
And reports suggest Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez will look to rebuff any January bids for the Norway international.

Daily Mirror
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 18, 2007, 17:58:33
Riise high up on Valencia wishlist

Riise: Chased by Koeman

Valencia coach Ronald Koeman has expressed an interest in signing Liverpool's Norway international full-back John Arne Riise.
Koeman is determined to add to his squad in the New Year following Valencia's exit from the Champions League.
Los Che are also toiling in seventh place in the Primera Liga and Koeman admits 27-year-old Riise is a player of interest.
"He is a player with experience and would offer some options for our game," said Koeman in the Daily Mirror.
Riise, who can also play in midfield, has made over 300 appearances during six years at Anfield.
Reports suggest Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez will look to rebuff any January bids for the former Monaco man.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 18, 2007, 18:40:21
Valencia to test Liverpool resolve with Riise bid

Liverpool are likely to reject Valencia's bid to sign left-sided defender John Arne Riise in the January transfer window.
Valencia manager Ronald Koeman has made the Norwegian his top target and is ready to test Rafa Benitez's resolve by launching a £4 million move for the 27-year-old's signature.
Parting of ways? Riise and Benitez might be moving in different directions

Koeman aims to get Valencia's season back on track having failed to qualify for the knockout stages of the Champions League and sees Riise as the ideal signing to bolster his side's squad.
The Dutchman, who left PSV to join Valencia last month, said: "He is a player with experience and would offer some options for our game."
Even though it is thought Benitez has been told by Liverpool's American co-owners that he would have to sell in order to bring in new players he is unlikely to want to offload Riise.
Despite Benitez's fondness for squad rotation, Riise, who cost the club £4.6m when he joined in 2001, is a regular at Anfield and can play at either left back or left midfield.
Benitez is keen to secure the funds to make Javier Mascherano's switch permanent but could decide to sell midfielder Momo Sissoko to free up some of the £17m needed to complete Mascherano's signing.
As well as looking to seal Mascherano's future at the club, Benitez is also keen on bolstering his defence with AC Milan's Kakha Kaladze thought to be his prime target.
The Georgian central defender is under contract with the Rossoneri until 2010.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 19, 2007, 18:55:12
Tessem trains with Cherries
Bond keeping an eye on former Saint

Tessem: Feeling in good shape

Former Southampton utility player Jo Tessem has started training with League One strugglers Bournemouth.
Tessem, who spent almost six years with Saints, is back on the South Coast after playing for Lyn Oslo in his native Norway.
He feels he is in good enough shape to play Championship football, but will spend a few days training with the Cherries.
"It's first of all a matter of keeping myself in shape," Tessem told Aftenposten. "Then, it's easier to continue with the football and not give up.
"I live in Southampton, 20 minutes from Bournemouth.
"I have just played a full season for Lyn and the body coped with it. Therefore, I feel the Championship is the right level for me."

Bournemouth manager Kevin Bond confirmed that he is happy to have the 35-year-old training with his squad.
Bond told the Daily Echo: "Jo rang me last week after coming back from Norway and I think he wants to make his base over here again.
"Nothing can be done with any player until the window reopens and Jo needs to keep himself in shape should he fancy going somewhere and someone wanting him when it does.
"Training with us gives him the opportunity to have a look at us and vice-versa, but I know him well anyway from my days at Southampton.
"We're glad to have him around. He's a good lad and has joined in well with the training. He can stay with us as long as he wants and we'll see where it goes.
"It's quite a relaxed situation from my position and also from Jo's. We know each other well and there is no pressure. We'll just see how he gets on and maybe talk nearer the end of the month."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 19, 2007, 19:06:43
Riise targets Anfield stay
LIVERPOOL star John Arne Riise has denied he's on the verge of an Anfield exit.
The long-serving left-back is a target for Spanish giants Valencia in the January transfer window.
But Riise, who has played over 300 games for the Reds, says his future lies on Merseyside.
The Norway international said: "I will stay here.
"Look at the games I've played — the boss would never have let me play those games if he didn't have confidence in me.
"I have to play better and better for each game, then I'll get a new contract."

The Sun
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 21, 2007, 15:58:24
Fra Telegraph: Premier League transfer window looms:

In attack Aston Villa have been linked with Liverpool's Peter Crouch, Derby's Giles Barnes and Tottenham's Jermain Defoe, but the defence also needs boosting. Liverpool's John Arne Riise and Porto right-back Jose Boswinga are understood to be interesting Villa, while Barcelona striker Eidur Gudjohnsen and Arsenal defender Justin Hoyte are also targets.

Everton are monitoring Norwegian striker Thorstein Helstad, 30. They will lose Steven Pienaar, Joseph Yobo and Yakubu to the African Cup of Nations so loan players are expected. Barcelona's Efrain Juarez, a defender, is a potential target while David Moyes is preparing a £4m bid for Valencia's David Albelda.

Ikke norske, men likevel...

Blackburn and Mark Hughes has been linked with Costa Rican youngsters Celso Borges, a midfielder, and defender Kendall Watson. Barnsley goalkeeper Heinz Muller is another potential target, as are South African Lance Davids, a midfielder in Sweden with Djurgardens, and Levski Sofia striker Valeri Domovchlyski.

Reading and Steve Coppell has revealed plans to make "three substantial signings". One possible arrival is Nancy's £3m-rated French centre-back Sebastien Puygrenier. Bobby Zamora, the West Ham striker, is another potential target, as is Wolves midfielder Seyi Olofinjana.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 23, 2007, 00:25:28
Villa boss: Carew was phenomenal

Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill was delighted with John Carew's performance after he struck the equaliser in their 1-1 draw with Manchester City.
He said; "John was phenomenal. He was immense although he might not get the number of free-kicks he deserves when people are holding on to him.
"If he can stay fit, he will be a big plus for us. He has missed a chunk of the season because of injury but when he has been fit he has been terrific for us.
"His goal was wonderful and today he caused problems for some top defenders."
O'Neill added: "I think it was a case of two points lost. You couldn't fault the effort or determination but we had chances.
"John hit the post and we had another one cleared off the line. We should have been in front by half time.
"We've now got a tough period coming up but this time of the year is always critical because there are so many games in quick succession.
"You can recover from a poor Christmas but if you can do well it gives you an enormous spur."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviDesember 28, 2007, 13:59:38
fortsatt ikke norsk, men....
kometkarriere etter han forlot LSK.

Fulham, Wigan and Bolton are in competition to sign Barnsley's German goalkeeper Heinz Muller. (The Sun)

b]Fulham, Bolton battle for Muller[/b]
Barnsley's £1 million-rated goalkeeper Heinz Muller is wanted by Fulham, Wigan and Bolton.
Cottagers boss Lawrie Sanchez watched Barnsley's German goalkeeper against Sheffield Wednesday on Tuesday and is keen to sign him in January.
Muller, 29, has impressed since joining the Tykes for £100,000 from Norwegian outfit Lillestrom in August.  (

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger is in pole position to sign Barnsley keeper Heinz Muller for £1m. (Various)
Muller's arrival would pave the way for out-of-favour Jens Lehmann to leave Arsenal and rejoin Borussia Dortmund. (Various)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 05, 2008, 12:12:08
Carew: Fabio the man for England

Aston Villa striker John Carew has backed new England manager Fabio Capello to work wonders with the underachieving national side.
The Norway forward played under the Italian when both men were at Roma and he believes the 61-year-old is a rare coaching talent.
Carew, whose Villa side will be watched by Capello as he starts work in his new role, told the Daily Express: "Capello made an impression straight away. He has an aura.
"When England decided they were not going to look for a British manager I was not surprised they asked Capello. He has done a lot of great things."
Carew, who has scored seven times for Martin O'Neill's side since joining from Lyon last January, believes Capello could now be ready to work his magic with the underperforming England team.
"What he has is part of the man, you cannot learn it. The England players will find that Capello can turn you into a special player and make a very good team - it is something that is born with the man, it is like gold.
"Wherever Capello goes he succeeds."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 05, 2008, 12:39:25
Mye transfersrykter for tiden:

Derek Douglas says...
Pedersen of Blackburn Rovers on way to Rangers in a reportedly 5m pound deal.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 08, 2008, 01:46:43
Wolves talk to Norwegian
Championship side granted permission to speak with Hanstveit

Wolves have opened talks with Norwegian defender Erlend Hanstveit about a potential move to Molineux in the January transfer window.
Hanstveit, who is currently contracted to SK Brann, has reportedly attracted the attentions of several European clubs.
However, Wolves appear to be leading the way in their attempts to secure his signature after SK Brann sports director Roald Bruun-Hanssen confirmed that the Championship side had been granted permission to speak with the left-back.
"It's correct that we have got a request from Wolverhampton regarding Erlend," Bruun-Hanssen told Bergens Tidende.
"Among other things, they have asked permission to talk to Erlend and we have given them that.
"Erlend has been loyal for us; we don't want to stop him. At the same time, we have told him that we want to extend his contract."
Hanstveit has been capped five times by Norway and has a year remaining on his current contract
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: SheridanJanuar 08, 2008, 02:25:37
still going
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 08, 2008, 21:05:53
Tessem - six years at Southampton.


Bournemouth have finalised a deal to sign Jo Tessem for the rest of the season pending international clearance.
The former Norway midfielder has previous experience in English football having spent six seasons with the Cherries' south-coast neighbours Southampton.
Tessem has been training with the club for the past month, after leaving his previous club Lyn Oslo in his homeland late last year, to return to the birthplace of his English wife.
Manager Kevin Bond told the club's official website: "His last season didn't end until November so he is in good shape and ready to go.
"He has been playing the last two seasons in Norway so he has been getting regular football.
"He doesn't miss anything on the ball and he uses it very well.
"He has been training with us for the best part of a month and he is a quality player.
"Hopefully it will prove an ideal move for us and for him."

PA Sport,,10324~1209908,00.html
Tittel: Sv: Re: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 09, 2008, 13:10:01
Injury blow for United's Kalvenes
Dundee United's Christian Kalvenes faces up to four weeks on the sidelines after sustaining a calf injury in Sunday's 2-0 win over St Mirren.
The 29-year-old Norwegian left-back picked up the knock as he helped United move into third place in the SPL.
United manager Craig Levein said:"We are assessing how bad it is but if it's a tear he'll be out for a few weeks.
"That would be a big blow to him and to us because I think he's been superb since the start of the season."


Dundee United are set to lose full-back Christian Kalvenes when his contract expires in the summer.
United manager Craig Levein revealed: "I haven't spoken to Christian since we had a brief chat back in October or November. But he indicated at that time in all likelihood he'd be going home in the summer."

PA Sport
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 10, 2008, 19:45:37
Bournemouth have finalised a deal to sign Jo Tessem for the rest of the season pending international clearance.
The former Norway midfielder has previous experience in English football having spent six seasons with the Cherries' south-coast neighbours Southampton.

Tessem cautious over Cherries bow
Bournemouth's new signing Jo Tessem admits his debut on Saturday will be a trip into the unknown as he "doesn't really know what to expect".


The 35-year-old former Norway international is expected to receive international clearance in time to face fellow strugglers Cheltenham.
But Tessem, who has vast Premier League experience following his spell with Southampton, concedes he does not know what to expect from League One.
He told the Daily Echo: "I don't really know what to expect because I have never played in League One before and I haven't seen many games at that level.
"The Norwegian Premier League is probably equivalent to the Championship in England but it's always difficult to step down. You can't just think you are going to be able to dominate play because it doesn't work like that.
"It didn't happen that way when I went from the English Premier League to the Norwegian top flight and I'm certainly not expecting it to be any different in League One."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 11, 2008, 10:30:03

Det norske fotballunderet

Gjett hvor mange norske proffer det har vært i engelsk fotball?
Da Jo Tessem tirsdag skrev under for Bournemouth, ble han den åttende nordmannen med en a-lagskontrakt for en engelsk ligaklubb denne sesongen.

Daniel Braaten (Bolton), John Carew (Aston Villa), Tore André Flo (Leeds), Rexhep Lekaj (Sheffield Wednesday), Claus Lundekvam (Southampton), , Morten Gamst Pedersen (Blackburn) og John Arne Riise (Liverpool) er de andre spillerne som for tiden livnærer seg med spill på balløya, selv om verken Lekaj eller Lundekvam har spilt seriekamper denne sesongen.

Men vet du hvor mange norske spillere som har spilt eller hatt kontrakter med engelske ligalag gjennom historien?

Norsk suksess i England
Ikke? 83 i tallet, faktisk, skal man tro statistiker Dag Trygsland Hoelseths hjemmeside ( Ifølge fotballorakel Arne Scheie er det 74 av disse som har spilt a-kamper for et engelsk ligalag, og den gamle tippekampkommentatoren er ikke i tvil om hvorfor engelsk fotball er så stort i Norge:
- Det er den historiske og kulturelle bakgrunnen, mener Scheie, og trekker frem krig, studier og språk.
- I 1948 fikk vi tippekupongen, i 1969 tippekampen. Når så det norske landslaget slo igjennom på 90-tallet, var det ekstra naturlig å hente gode og billige spillere fra Norge, sier Scheie til Nettavisen.
Han tror imidlertid aldri at man kommer tilbake til den norske storhetsperioden på 90-tallet.
- Det er vanskelig å spå, men jeg tror ikke det. Nå er det mer naturlig å hente spillere fra Øst-Europa, Asia og Afrika, mener NRK-mannen.

Startet i 1973
Selv begynte Scheie å kommentere tippekampen i 1973, da han på Filbert Street så Leicester banke Tottenham 3-0.
- Min største opplevelse, mener tippekamp-guruen.
Samtidig trekker han også frem Einar Aas og FA-cupfinalene som sine beste «norske» øyeblikk fra balløya.
- At Brian Clough hentet Einar Aas inn i 1981 og gjorde ham til kaptein for europacupvinneren Nottingham Forest, er nok kanskje det største som har skjedd med en norsk fotballspiller i England.
- Samtidig hadde jeg svært stor glede av cupfinalene med nordmennene utover 90-tallet. Først da Thorstvedt vant med Tottenham i 1991, deretter med Chelsea og Manchester United, minnes NRK-legenden.

SUKSESS: To av de med størst suksess i England - Henning Berg og Lars Bohinen i Blackburn.

Først og størst:
* Første spiller: Einar Jan Aas, skrev under for Nottingham i mars 1981. Harry Boye Karlsen spilte for Exeter mot slutten av andre verdenskrig, men aldri i ligaen.
* Første seriemester: Henning Berg, Blackburn,1995
* Første cupmester: Erik Thorstvedt, Tottenham, 1991
* Flest seriemål: 91, Ole Gunnar Solskjær, Manchester United, 1996-2007
* Flest seriekamper: 357, Claus Lundekvam, Southampton 1996-2008
* Trenere i England: Egil «Drillo» Olsen (Wimbledon) og Trond Egil Soltvedt (en kamp for Sheffield Wednesday)
* Flest klubber. Thomas Myhre 6 (Everton, Birmingham City, Tranmere Rovers, Sunderland AFC, Crystal Palace og Charlton Athletic FC)
* Mest populære «norske klubb»: Wimbledon (8): Trond Andersen, Martin Andresen, Morten Bakke, Øyvind Leonhardsen, Andreas Lund, Tore Pedersen, Ståle Solbakken, Kjetil Wæhler (men verken Bakke eller Wæhler fikk a-kamper for Wimbledon)
Blackburn (7): Martin Andresen, Lars Bohinen, Henning Berg, Stig Inge Bjørnebye, Egil Østenstad, Morten Gamst Pedersen, Tore Pedersen

FERSKEST: Daniel Braaten er den foreløpig ferskeste nordmannen i engelsk fotball (Jo Tessem har vært der før).

Norske spillere som har spilt, eller spiller i det engelske ligasystemet (kun spillere som tilhører eller har tilhørt a-stallen. En spiller som Håvard Nordtveit (Arsenal) vil dermed falle utenfor denne oversikten):

Albrigtsen, Ole: Thorvald Stoke City
Alsaker, Paal Christian: Stockport County
Andersen, Leif Erik: Crystal Palace
Andersen, Trond: Wimbledon
Andresen, Martin: Wimbledon, Blackburn Rovers
Bakke, Eirik: Leeds United, Aston Villa
Belsvik, Petter: Southend United
Berg, Henning: Manchester United, Blackburn Rovers
Bergersen, Kent Roger: Stockport County
Berntsen, Tommy: Portsmouth
Berntsen, Robin: Port Vale
Bjørnebye, Stig Inge: Liverpool, Blackburn Rovers
Bohinen, Lars: Nottingham Forest, Blackburn Rovers, Derby County
Bragstad, Bjørn Otto: Derby County, Birmingham City
Braaten, Daniel Omoya: Bolton Wanders
Baardsen, Espen: Tottenham Hotspur, Watford, Everton
Carew, John Alieu: Aston Villa
Fjørtoft, Jan Ã…ge: Swindon Town Middlesbrough, Sheffield United, Barnsley
Flo, Håvard: Wolverhampton Wanderers
Flo, Jostein: Sheffield United
Flo, Tore André: Chelsea, Sunderland, Leeds United
Fostervold, Knut Anders: Grimsby Town
Fuglestad, Erik: Norwich City
Grodås, Frode: Chelsea Tottenham Hotspur
Halle, Gunnar: Oldham Athletic, Leeds United, Bradford City, Wolverhampton Wanderers
Hansen, Vegard: Bristol City
Hareide, Ã…ge Fridtjof: Manchester City, Norwich City
Heggem, Vegard: Liverpool
Heidenstrøm, Bjørn: Leyton Orient
Hjelde, Jon Olav: Nottingham Forest, Mansfield Town
Hollund, Martin: Hartlepool
Hovi, Tom Henning: Charlton Athletic
Hæstad, Kristofer Kruger: Wigan Athletic
Håland, Alf-Inge: Nottingham Forest, Leeds United, Manchester City
Ingebrigtsen, Kåre: Manchester City
Iversen, Steffen: Tottenham Hotspur, Wolverhampton Wanderers
Jacobsen, Anders: Sheffield United, Stoke City, Notts County
Johansen, Rune: Bristol Rovers
Johansen, Stig: Southampton, Bristol City
Johnsen, Erland: Chelsea
Johnsen, Ronny: Manchester United, Aston Villa, Newcastle United
Karadas, Azar: Portsmouth
Karlsen, Kent: Luton Town
Kippe, Frode: Liverpool, Stoke City
Knarvik, Tommy: Leeds United
Larsen, Stig Olav: Hartlepool United
Lekaj, Rexhep «Rocky»: Sheffield Wednesday
Leonhardsen, Øyvind: Wimbledon, Liverpool, Tottenham Hotspur, Aston Villa
Lund, Andreas: Wimbledon
Lundekvam, Claus: Southampton
Lydersen, Pål: Arsenal
Kval, Frank Petter, Burnley
Kvarme, Bjørn Tore: Liverpool
Marwa, Ranbir Bjørn: Leyton Orient
Myhre, Thomas: Everton, Birmingham City, Tranmere Rovers, Sunderland, Crystal Palace, Charlton Athletic
Nevland, Erik: Manchester United
Nilsen, Roger: Sheffield United, Tottenham Hotspur
Normann, Runar: Coventry City
Osvold, Kjetil: Nottingham Forest, Leicester City
Pedersen, Jan Ove: Hartlepool United
Pedersen, Morten Gamst: Blackburn Rovers
Pedersen, Tore André: Oldham Athletic, Blackburn Rovers, Wimbledon
Riise, John Arne: Liverpool
Riseth, Vidar: Luton Town
Rudi, Petter: Sheffield Wednesday
Rushfeldt, Sigurd: Birmingham City
Skard, Vemund Brekke: Ipswich Town
Solbakken, Ståle: Wimbledon
Solskjær, Ole Gunnar: Manchester United
Soltvedt, Trond Egil: Coventry City, Southampton, Sheffield Wednesday
Soma, Ragnvald: West Ham United
Sperrevik, Tim Henrik: Hartlepool United
Stensaas, Ståle: Nottingham Forest
Strandli, Frank: Leeds United
Sundgot, Ole Bjørn: Bradford City
Tennebø, Thomas: Hartlepool United
Tessem, Jo: Southampton, Millwall, Bournemouth
Thorstvedt, Erik: Tottenham Hotspur
Vindheim, Rune: Hartlepool, Burnley
Vaaler, Roger: Bristol Rovers
Wæhler, Kjetil: Wimbledon
Østenstad, Egil Johan: Southampton, Blackburn Rovers, Manchester City
Aas, Einar Jan: Nottingham Forest

Fra Nettavisen
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 13, 2008, 12:57:04
Wolves talk to Norwegian
Championship side granted permission to speak with Hanstveit
Wolves have opened talks with Norwegian defender Erlend Hanstveit about a potential move to Molineux in the January transfer window.
Hanstveit, who is currently contracted to SK Brann, has reportedly attracted the attentions of several European clubs.

Wolverhampton Wanderers have signed David Edwards, the Luton Town midfielder, for £675,000. But their move for Erlend Hanstveit, the Norwegian full back, is on the verge of collapse. (Daily Mail)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 15, 2008, 22:22:58
Braaten considers loan move

Norwegian could move on loan to the Championship
Bolton winger Daniel Braaten is considering a loan move away from The Reebok.
The Norwegian, 25, has struggled to establish himself at the club since his summer transfer from Rosenborg.
He has made just six substitute appearances in the Premier League, scoring once, and four starts and two substitute appearances in cup competitions.
Braaten is now thought to be considering a loan spell in the Championship, but he has ruled out a quick return to Norway.
"A loan might be an alternative if a club is interested," said agent Stig Lillejord to VG.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-StianJanuar 17, 2008, 19:06:02
- Hangeland på vei til Fulham

Brede Hangeland skal være svært nær en overgang til Premier League-klubben Fulham.

Det melder TV 2.

Hangeland skal ha gjennomført den medisinske testen hos London-klubben torsdag kveld, og kun formaliteter skal gjenstå før overgangen fra FC København gjenstår.

Overgangssummen skal ligge på rundt 40 millioner kroner.

I Fulham kan Brede Hangeland bli gjenforent med sin tidligere trener i Viking, Roy Hodgson.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 17, 2008, 20:32:27
Wolves talk to Norwegian
Championship side granted permission to speak with Hanstveit
Wolves have opened talks with Norwegian defender Erlend Hanstveit about a potential move to Molineux in the January transfer window.
Hanstveit, who is currently contracted to SK Brann, has reportedly attracted the attentions of several European clubs.
Wolverhampton Wanderers have signed David Edwards, the Luton Town midfielder, for £675,000. But their move for Erlend Hanstveit, the Norwegian full back, is on the verge of collapse. (Daily Mail)

Norwegian snubs Wolves
Left-back content at current club Brann

Erlend Hanstveit looks set to snub Wolves following talks with the Championship club.
Wolves opened talks with Norwegian defender, who is currently contracted to SK Brann, about a potential move to Molineux earlier this month.
However, Hanstveit has explained that he is now preparing himself for Brann's pre-season training.
"I am enjoying myself at Brann and am now ready to start the pre-season and look forward to new challenges with Brann." Hanstveit told Bergens Tidende.
"In football you never know, but I believe I will stay at Brann."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 21, 2008, 12:17:17


Two of Liverpool's unsettled stars have moved to commit their futures to the club ahead of Monday night's home clash with Aston Villa.
Full-back John Arne Riise has been linked with a move to Villa Park, while former Villa striker Peter Crouch is facing speculation he is a £9million target for Portsmouth.
But Riise insists he wants a new Anfield contract, and said: "It has been a weird season for me, I have played some good games and then some not at my level.
"When we get to the transfer window all the rumours start going around. It is mainly because people know I have 18 months left on my contract.
"The fans know that I am very happy here. Hopefully the club will give me a new contract so that I can stay in Liverpool for many years.
"I am in the mood to play my best football and enjoy playing. I will do my best in the second part of the season."
The 27-year-old has been told by boss Rafael Benitez to concentrate on his defending this term rather than his famed long-range shooting.
He continued: "People always expect me to score some cracking goals but I am focusing on my defending and I want to do my best there.
"I want to be a good defender and I am working on it on the training pitch. I am trying to improve and the manager tells me to focus more on the defence.
"I am just trying to show the fans and the manager I am a good defender. I am a left-back and I want to defend well for my side."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 21, 2008, 12:19:02
Nevland - heading for Fulham.


Fulham are set to seal the signing of Norway international striker Erik Nevland.
The 30-year-old is currently at Dutch club Groningen, where he has been for three-and-a-half years following his move from Viking.
Nevland, who spent his formative years at Manchester United but failed to make the breakthrough at Old Trafford, has bagged 43 goals in 92 starts and that impressive record looks set to earn a move back to England.
Cottagers boss Roy Hodgson, who worked with Nevland during their time at Viking, is set to hand him a two-and-half-year contract at Craven Cottage.
"It was always a dream for me to play in the Premier League. This is the chance of my life," Nevland told Dagblad van het Noorden.
"I understand it is a difficult decision for Groningen to let me go, but this year I will be 31.
"Personally I prefer to end the season here, but that is not an option. It's now or never. I hope they will cooperate and I think I deserve that."
Groningen director Hans Nijland admitted the club, who are flying high in the Eredivisie in fifth, are unlikely to stand in Nevland's way.
He said: "Our standpoint is clear. We understand it is a big chance for Erik and he understands we could not miss him. We will talk about this situation."

PA Sport
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 22, 2008, 18:06:52

Fulham are set to seal the signing of Norway international striker Erik Nevland.
The 30-year-old is currently at Dutch club Groningen, where he has been for three-and-a-half years following his move from Viking.

FC Groningen have turned down an approach from Fulham for striker Erik Nevland.
The former Manchester United frontman has been strongly linked with a move away from Groningen, and club director Hans Nijland confirmed that the Premier League club made an unsuccessful approach for Nevland's services on Tuesday.
However, Nijland indicated that Groningen were prepared to negotiate a fee for the 30-year-old, who has hit 53 goals in 116 appearances and signed a three-year contract extension in April.
If a deal can be agreed, the transfer would see Nevland reunited with Fulham manager Roy Hodgson, whom he played under at Norwegian outfit Viking FK.
"The London club on Tuesday made their first offer," Nijland said. "We could not agree with their offer and now have to see what their reaction is.
"We are speaking about all this with Erik and up until now we are on the same wavelength.
"Erik also understood that we found the fee that Fulham offered us did not meet out valuation."
Groningen coach Ron Jans, meanwhile, has admitted he expects Wednesday night's Eredivisie clash with NEC Nijmegen to be Nevland's last outing for the club.
"We cannot hide from reality," Jans said on Tuesday. "I'm convinced that Fulham will contact us today and we have to wait and see.
"Fulham seems a reasonable club and they have made a good bid for Erik to pay off his long-term contract.
"Maybe the match against NEC will be his last for my green and white army. On the other hand, I know Erik well enough to know that if the transfer does not happen, he will commit himself 100% to FC Groningen."

PA Sport
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 23, 2008, 14:34:35
Keegan is also keen on Liverpool defender John Arne Riise. (Mirror)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 25, 2008, 22:25:33

Fulham are set to seal the signing of Norway international striker Erik Nevland.
The 30-year-old is currently at Dutch club Groningen, where he has been for three-and-a-half years following his move from Viking.
FC Groningen have turned down an approach from Fulham for striker Erik Nevland.
The former Manchester United frontman has been strongly linked with a move away from Groningen, and club director Hans Nijland confirmed that the Premier League club made an unsuccessful approach for Nevland's services on Tuesday.
However, Nijland indicated that Groningen were prepared to negotiate a fee for the 30-year-old, who has hit 53 goals in 116 appearances and signed a three-year contract extension in April.

Groningen have confirmed further talks will be held with Fulham regarding a deal for Erik Nevland. A statement on Groningen's official website read: "Tonight, FC Groningen will sit round the table with Fulham to discuss the possible transfer of Erik Nevland." (PA Sport)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 27, 2008, 19:29:26
Villa, Newcastle target Riise in Liverpool showdown talks

John Arne Riise has held showdown talks with Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez.
The News of the World says he held showdown talks with Benitez after being axed from last Monday's Premier League fixture with Aston Villa.
The Norwegian's future is in the balance as the club stalls on offering him a new deal.
His current contract runs out in 18 months, and the left back almost moved to Villa Park in a £7m deal last summer.
By his own admission, Riise's form has dipped alarmingly this season, but it was the first time in seven years at Anfield he'd been dropped from the 16-man squad for a league game.
That prompted an angry response, but Benitez will feel no sympathy for the 27-year-old who was ordered to buckle down and work on his game.
Villa and Newcastle are monitoring Riise's position and are likely to make a £6m move for defender in the summer.
Kevin Keegan would like to tempt Riise to St James' Park even sooner and is weighing up an offer before the end of the week.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJanuar 27, 2008, 19:30:14
Groningen forward Nevland won't strike over Fulham hold-up
Erik Nevland will not go on strike in order to secure a move to Fulham, after Groningen rejected the latest bid for the striker.
Cottagers boss Roy Hodgson is keen to bring the Norwegian forward to England and the clubs met at Schiphol Airport on Friday evening, but a deal was not struck and Groningen have indicated a deal will not happen.
"The first offer of Fulham amounted to £800,000," stated Groningen general director Hans Nijland. ?We said that was inadequate.
"Eventually, Fulham went further to £1 million, but we find that insufficient.
"For that amount we cannot find a good substitute at such short notice and we cannot justify the sale to our supporters.
"Fulham have indicated that the negotiations are now closed."
The news has not sat well with Nevland, who stated: "The offer Fulham have made is high enough."
Nevland's team-mate Bruno Silva went on strike after Groningen denied him the chance to sign for Ajax, and eventually got his way, but the forward will not go down the same path.
"I will not react in the same way as Bruno Silva, even if that seems the best way to get a move."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: DennisJanuar 28, 2008, 15:15:11

Nevland kun medical unna Premier League spill. Er dette en begynnende opptur for norsk fotball igjen?
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 03, 2008, 19:25:35
Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez will allow £15m-rated midfielder Xabi Alonso to return to Spain in the summer, while John Arne Riise, Peter Crouch, Harry Kewell and Andriy Voronin will also leave Anfield. (News of the World)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 08, 2008, 10:42:24

New Wigan defender Erik Hagen is hoping to fulfil his Premier League dream and turn a loan move to the Latics into a permanent switch despite being ruled out of Saturday's clash with Sunderland with a hamstring injury.
The imposing centre-half agreed to join Steve Bruce's side on transfer deadline day after becoming disillusioned with life in Russia where he won the title last season with Zenit St Petersburg.
The 32-year-old Norway international, who is renowned for his rugged approach to defending, insists he has seen enough during his few days in the north-west to know he made the right decision in joining Wigan's battle for top-flight survival.
Asked if he would like to stay beyond the end of the season, when his current deal expires, he said: "Definitely.
"Just after a few days I'm really enjoying myself, so it is up to me and the club.
"Both me and my girlfriend are so happy to be here because the last year in Russia was difficult for us. People are so nice here compared to in Russia."
He added: "I'm a quiet person so it's always a little bit difficult to change club but people have been so open and friendly that it's made things easy."
Hagen's quiet off-field persona is in stark contrast to his demeanour on the pitch, which was aggressive enough to make him a hate figure among rival fans when he made his name with Valerenga in his homeland.
And he is modest enough to admit: "My strength has always been my strength and my will to win.
"I can obviously see my flaws as a footballer, so I live to defend - that's my job."
Hagen also freely admits that, at the age of 32, he believed his chance to play in the Barclays Premier League had gone.
"I was in contact with other clubs and I didn't think any team from the Premier League would come that close to the end of the transfer window," he added.
"But obviously when they made contact it was fantastic for me."
Far from being a deadline day panic buy, Bruce claims he has been aware of Hagen for years.
"The big attraction is that he's just played in the team that's won the Russian league, he's got 30-odd caps for his country," Bruce said.
"A Birmingham I had him watched, the scouts saw him and the reports were always the same - very favourable.
"To get him on a loan deal, I think I've got a decent deal.
"I hope he'll be a good acquisition for us. You don't want to mess with him, that's for sure."

PA Sport
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: SleivindFebruar 09, 2008, 15:37:36
Må vel nesten gratulere Carew med ekte hattrick idag! Imponerende!

Har det ENDELIG løsnet skikkelig for Carew?
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 12, 2008, 15:55:32
Villa boss O'Neill: Carew doesn't know how good he is
Boss Martin O'Neill believes that John Carew is "miles better than he thinks he is" and has tipped the Norwegian to net 20 goals a season for Aston Villa in the near future.
The giant striker's hat-trick against Newcastle took his tally to nine in an injury-hit season.
"To see him up to nine goals now is great. There's no reason why he shouldn't be a 20-goals a season man, O'Neill told the Birmingham Mail.
"To be a 20-goals a season man you have to play the requisite number of games, but he should be able to do that and there's no doubt he can do.
"That's the sort of thing I'm looking for from him and Gabby Agbonlahor, with Marlon Harewood playing a part at this minute because we're not getting enough goals from midfield from open play at the moment and yet we're the third or fourth leading scorers.
"The very fact we are talking about him means he might be getting a wee bit more consistent.
"I'm not asking him to score a hat-trick on a consistent basis - although it would be fantastic if he did - I want him to up that consistency a notch more.
"Even when he himself has felt he hasn't played well, that hasn't been my view of him.
"I think he's a miles better player than he thinks he is.
"When he has that sort of strength and determination about him, he does wonders for us.
"He's a nightmare for defenders, but not just with pace, power and presence - he has great ability to get it down, manoeuvre and being people into the game.
"Maybe he could be a bit more selfish at times, but he has that capability."
O'Neill continued: "I was delighted he scored the hat-trick and he has that ability and it's up to us to try to get it out of him on a more consistent basis.
"I think he can do it, without question. When he's in that sort of mood, not only is he a fantastic player but the crowd are right behind him and they love him.
"He's a player whose game is based on confidence - most players are - but some more so than others.
"Since he arrived at the football club in the swop with Milan Baros I've been delighted with him.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 19, 2008, 14:40:13
Fulham's Hangeland happy to work for Hodgson

Fulham defender Brede Hangeland believes Roy Hodgson is ideally qualified to save the struggling club from relegation.
Hodgson drafted the Norway international centre-half into Craven Cottage during the January transfer window in a bid to arrest the club's slide towards the relegation zone.
Hangeland played in the Viking FK side which Hodgson saved from relegation from the Norwegian top-flight back in 2004 and the defender was left in no doubt as to why they eventually survived.
"He's doing the same thing here so far and I hope we will see the same result," he told the club's official website.
"It looks exactly the same. He's working really hard on the important things like the shape of the team and the way we defend, attack and keep everyone in good positions.
"There are signs when we're working in the sessions that we're moving in the direction he wants us to move. It's probably getting better with every day."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 19, 2008, 14:41:10
Hangeland pleased with first weeks at Fulham  

Brede Hangeland is happy with his first weeks at Fulham.
The Norway defender told "I think it's gone fairly well, it's always a big challenge to come to a new club and a new league - particularly when it's a league as good as this one," Hangeland explained. "There are a few things I have to overcome but overall I think it's gone alright.
"It will take some time to adapt to the speed and physicality fully but everyone has told me to be prepared for the speed of the game and lots of challenges. I've tried to do that as good as I can and hopefully I will improve in the future.
"The main thing for me is that the Team picks up the points, if the other players, the Manager or the fans are pleased with what I do that's good but points for the Team is the overall important thing."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 21, 2008, 09:56:44
Southampton captain Claus Lundekvam is set to announce his retirement after a series of injury problems.  (Daily Star)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 21, 2008, 18:05:58
Reading No2 Dillon on how to stop Carew: Grab 'im by the Vinnie Jones'!

Reading assistant boss Kevin Dillon has revealed how they plan to stop Aston Villa powerhouse John Carew this weekend.
Dillon told the Reading Evening Post: "You can defend against Carew - you can defend against anybody if you do it properly. You can get your body in the way, put them off, stand on their toes, grab them by the Vinnie Jones's!
"If you had 10 corners against Carew and were told that if he scores you'll get fined then you'd find he won't score - and that's the mentality you have to have."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 24, 2008, 13:12:08
Morten has Ped the price

MARK HUGHES admits that Morten Gamst Pedersen is paying the price for David Bentley’s rise to fame with Blackburn.
Winger Pedersen, 26, has just two goals this term after bagging eight last season.
With Bentley, 23, starring on the opposite flank, Hughes fears Pedersen is being forced to take second billing to the England star.
Rovers boss Sparky said: “Maybe David’s emergence has shifted the focus of our play from Morten.
“I’ve seen enough from Morten in training and games to know he is doing his best to make an impact.
“Good players like him always come back.”

The Sun
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 26, 2008, 08:48:51
Arsenal are monitoring Rosenborg midfielder Per Ciljan Skjelbred, who is valued at £5m by his club. (Telegraph)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 26, 2008, 17:36:24
Blackburn fan inspired me - Pedersen

Blackburn Rovers winger Morten Gamst Pedersen says a pep-talk from a local fan boosted his confidence ahead of scoring in Sunday's derby victory over Bolton Wanderers.
"I was at a gas station and met one fan, who said 'I'm sure you'll score soon' - and that made a real difference to me," said the Norwegian.
"It's nice when people believe in you and help you, rather than have a go at you. It really helps your confidence."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviFebruar 28, 2008, 12:49:48
Southampton captain Claus Lundekvam is set to announce his retirement after a series of injury problems.  (Daily Star)

Saint Lundekvam fears for career   

Lundekvam's career is in danger after 14 years at Saints

Southampton defender Claus Lundekvam is battling to save his career after suffering a recurrence of the injury that has sidelined him this season.
The Norwegian tore ankle tendons during a routine running test, and is now considering his future after tests revealed the extent of the damage.
"It is incredible bad luck that has set me back to square one," said the former Saints club captain.
"There is no chance of playing again this season."
Lundekvam added: "The ankle has been through a lot over the years and there has been a lot of wear and tear which is stopping it healing properly and I don't want to push it too far.
"I now have to decide where to go from here and also to consider my future life because I don't want to be walking with a limp."
Lundekvam, now 35, has made over 400 appearances for the club since his move back in 1996 from Brann Bergen for just £350,000.
He originally injured the ankle in the final game of last season at home to Southend.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 01, 2008, 10:55:01
Tottenham are chasing Norway keeper Hakon Opdal, who let in eight goals against Everton, as a replacement for Paul Robinson. (Daily Mirror)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 01, 2008, 11:08:58
Ped handy against Toon

MORTEN GAMST PEDERSEN is aiming to hand out some more pain to the Toon Army and Kevin Keegan today.
Blackburn’s Norwegian star palmed in the winning goal at St James’ Park two years to push then boss Graeme Souness nearer the exit door.
Now he aims to throw King Kev’s Newcastle reign further into disarray by leading Rovers to a third straight win on Tyneside.
Pedersen admitted the ‘Hand of Gamst’ goal in January 2006 should not have counted — but also revealed the secret behind it.
It may come as no surprise to Geordies to learn the former Tromso star was a Norwegian youth international — at HANDBALL!
Pedersen, 26, said: “I played handball when I was younger and was picked for the national Under-18s.
"I enjoyed it a lot, although football was always my first choice.
"Maybe it helped me when that goal went in at Newcastle — I think a few people in Norway spotted the connection!
“It was a funny goal. Shefki Kuqi got in a header over the goalie. I just followed the ball in — I think Lee Bowyer was also going for it and we clashed into each other. The ball hit my hand and went into the net.
“I didn’t know a lot about it but there was no whistle and it was an important goal as we were going for the Champions League at the time.”
Pedersen ended his year-long league goal drought with a late fourth against Bolton on Sunday.
He added: “Hopefully this time if I score it can be with my head and there’ll be no doubts about it.
“The manager Mark Hughes always believed in me, even though I wasn’t scoring goals and I must thank him.
“We’ve had some good results up there. They are desperate to get a win and get things started under Keegan.
“They were heavily beaten by Manchester United and you never know if that means it’s a good time for us to go there or not.”

Morten Gamst Pedersen was speaking at a new sports facility in Darwen, Lancs, opened as part of the £30million Barclays Spaces for Sports programme.

The Sun
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 04, 2008, 11:59:24

Aston Villa striker John Carew has spelt out his desire to sign a longer-term contract with the midlands club.
Carew is only 13 months into a three-and-a-half-year deal with Villa after signing from Lyon in a swap deal with Milan Baros during last year's January transfer window.
But the Norway international is so happy with life at Villa he would be willing to commit himself beyond the summer of 2010.
Carew is Villa's leading scorer with nine goals during the current campaign and has played a major role in Martin O'Neill's side challenging for a European spot.
He said: "Would I sign for longer? Absolutely, but that is down to the club and whether they are still happy with me. It has been a good season for me.
"I really love being here. The fans have been fantastic. It has been a great move for me. You will have periods when your form goes up and down but generally I think my form has been pretty good."
Carew is keen to play down his own goal contribution and prefers to concentrate on helping Villa push for a UEFA Cup or Champions League spot.
He said: "The best I've got in a season is maybe 15 or 16 goals. I used to do that quite regularly for Valencia but more importantly we have to think about winning the games and getting three points on the board as often as possible.
"The most important thing is the team, and doing a good job for the team, and we are all hoping we can keep things going and qualify for Europe.
"I've played in the Champions League before and those sort of nights are special."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 07, 2008, 11:00:29
Carew can be top notcher - O'Neill

Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill believes striker John Carew has the capabilities to become a 20-goals-a-season player.
The Norway international is Villa's leading scorer with nine goals so far this season, despite a two-month lay-off with a knee problem earlier in the season.
O'Neill is confident the former Lyon player can hit the target on an even more consistent basis.
"To see John up to the nine-goal mark is great - and there's no reason why he shouldn't go on to become a 20-goals-a-season man," said the Villa boss.
"John had a knee injury earlier in the season, and to be a 20-goals-a-season marksman you have to play the requisite number of games.
"But he should be able to do that and also reach that number of goals, no doubt at all.
"That's the sort of thing I'm looking for from him, and I think he's a miles better player than he thinks he is himself."
O'Neill believes Carew has all the right qualities for his job.
"He's a nightmare for defenders - but not just with pace, power and presence," he added.
"He has great ability to get the ball down, manoeuvre and bring people into the game.
O'Neill has often called for Carew to show more consistency and is aware he has the potential to become one of the more feared strikers in Europe.
"John is looking for consistency," he explained.
"You are striving for excellence every game you play. But if you don't achieve that, you still want to cause a lot of problems to defenders.
"Ironically, in some of the games I felt John wasn't as effective as he can be - but opposition managers have said afterwards that he has been a handful all afternoon.
"He has got the ability - and if he could get increase that consistency factor, there is no reason to stop him being one of the best centre-forwards in Europe."
O'Neill points to his players operating with a lack of fear as a major reason for them challenging for a European spot.
He said: "We are where we are in the table but we are improving and we are capable of causing teams problems - and we caused Arsenal plenty of problems last weekend.
"We are causing teams problems because we can get at them. At the minute, we are playing with no real fear -which is great, considering the stakes are pretty high.
"It is a level of performance that we are finding. Like anything else, it is not just a case of somebody telling the players to believe in themselves. You have to go out and you have to perform.
"The performances themselves will be enough for those players to believe that they can do it. We are winning consistently, or at least not getting beaten, and we have shown that we can attack."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 07, 2008, 11:16:23
Fulham's Hangeland is Premiership's most cerebral

Fulham defender Brede Hangeland is emerging as the Premiership's most cerebral footballer.
In a recent Q&A, Hangeland was asked to name the latest book he had read: "I read quite a lot, the last one was a Norwegian book which you won't know. But the last English language book was Underworld by Don DeLillo."
So not only is Hangeland a fan of 800-page Pulitzer-prize nominated literature, but he also reads books in two languages!
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: HåvardKMars 07, 2008, 14:21:46
Da er vel ikke homo-stempelet langt unna for Hangeland, tenker jeg.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: lojosangMars 07, 2008, 18:03:53
Garantert! En midtstopper i England som kan lese! Uhørt!  ;D
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: palleMars 09, 2008, 17:36:15
Er egentlig imponert over at journalisten greide å stave Pulitzer korrekt  :o

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 10, 2008, 09:17:53
- En enorm forskjell

Norske fotballtalenter advares mot å reise for tidlig til utlandet. Nå slår to av de største talentene tilbake.
Magnus Wolff Eikrem (17, Manchester United) og Lars Stubhaug (17, Everton) er to av de største norske fotballtalentene som har reist over og tatt sjansen på en karriere i engelsk fotball i løpet av de siste to årene – stikk i strid med hva mange profilerte, norske fotballtopper har rådet dem og andre norske fotballtalenter til å gjøre.
Og selv om begge fortsatt er et godt stykke unna en plass i toppklubbenes førsteellever, er konklusjonen klar.
- Vi angrer ikke et sekund, sier de unisont.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 11, 2008, 08:31:24
Blackburn face misconduct charge   

Beye (left) and Pedersen (right) argue over a throw-in

The Football Association has charged Blackburn Rovers with misconduct.
"Blackburn Rovers have been charged with misconduct for the actions of their players and officials in a match against Newcastle United," said the FA.
The incident which caused the FA to act is a touchline fracas which broke out as Habib Beye and Morten Gamst Pedersen argued over a throw-in.
Blackburn, who won the match 1-0 thanks to a late winner, have until 25 March to respond to the charge.
The FA took action after studying referee Rob Styles' report.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 25, 2008, 15:42:35

Southampton defender Claus Lundekvam has retired from the game after losing his battle with a long-standing ankle injury.
The 35-year-old underwent surgery on his ankle tendon last week and had hoped to train with the Saints' first team this month in a bid to return to action before the end of the season.
However the Norwegian international, who made over 400 appearances in a 12-year stint on the south coast, has endured more complications in his rehabilitation and has now admitted defeat in his battle to regain match fitness.
He told BBC Radio Solent: "That's it for me, it's game over. It's very sad, but it hasn't really sunk in yet.
"It's very difficult to come to terms with. Maybe once the season is finished and the players have gone I'll find it hard to deal with."

PA Sport

Også BBC:

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMars 27, 2008, 22:01:10
Hodgson: Hangeland future Fulham captain  

Fulham boss Roy Hodgson sees January signing Brede Hangeland as a future club captain.
"It would depend on who else is playing in the team and where he is in terms of experience vis-is the others," Hodgson told "He'll captain the Norwegian team certainly within the near future - whether he captains our team in the near future depends on what other players are around.
"When we have Brian McBride there's no way he's going to wrest the armband from Brian who is a senior player and has been at the Club a long time.
"I think he's outstanding," added Hodgson when asked about Hangeland's impact. "He has the capacity to be one of the better centre backs in the league. Since he's come to us he's been very important because of his quality. When I say quality, I mean quality defensively and offensively. He's a key figure in the team every week."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 06, 2008, 12:10:36
Spurs are lining up a £1million bid for Molde FK defender Vegaard Forren. (The People)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 11, 2008, 09:26:01
Historiske Lundekvam
Claus Lundekvam blir den første nordmannen som får en avskjedskamp i England.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 20, 2008, 12:14:58
Werder Bremen confirm interest for Villa's Carew, Baros

Werder Bremen have confirmed interest in Aston Villa striker John Carew.
Portsmouth's Milan Baros, on-loan from Lyon, is also interesting Werder ahead of the summer market.
"We are considering the possible signings of players like John Carew or Milan Baros," Werder sports chief Allofs told SportBild.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Per-StianApril 21, 2008, 00:11:57
Lille John med to mål i dagens kamp mot byrival B'ham.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 23, 2008, 08:35:52
Liverpool's Riise remains on Newcastle radar

Liverpool left-back John Arne Riise remains on the radar of Newcastle United boss Kevin Keegan.
Keegan admitted yesterday he wants to make a new left-back signing and the Evening Chronicle says Riise has the quality that he is looking for.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 23, 2008, 08:36:30
Carew fancies playing out career at Villa

John Carew can see himself playing out his career at Aston Villa.
"I really love it here, it is really fantastic to be here," Carew told Sky Sports News. "The club, the players, the fans are fantastic and also playing in the Premier League for me in my eyes is the greatest league to play in for football players.
"I don't think anything can be better than this I am really happy to be here, proud to be here."
When asked if he could see himself ending his career at Villa, Carew said: "Yeah absolutely, I cannot be more happy than I am now.
"Everybody is fantastic, the fans are fantastic, the club is fantastic and everything is working well for the team and myself."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 23, 2008, 08:37:04
Hangeland has no Fulham regrets  

Brede Hangeland has no regrets over moving to Fulham this season.
The defender told "It's a great Club.
"There are lots of friendly people, lots of good players and good coaches, so basically I'm happy with everything, apart from our position in the league, but hopefully we can do something about that in the last few games."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 23, 2008, 15:55:21
Fredrikstad's £4m-rated striker Tarik Elyounoussi is being watched by Tottenham, Blackburn and Wigan after firing his side to the top of the Norwegian league. (Daily Mail)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 23, 2008, 21:01:41
Nordtveit hopes to save Arsenal millions


Havard Nordtveit is urging Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger to keep his chequebook closed over plans to add a new defender to his squad.
The 17 year-old Norwegian told "Of course I want to be that player.
"It is up to me to show them what I have.
"My first season has been very good. It was not so happy in the start with my injury but I am pleased to be back regularly in the Reserves, and to be captain. We got a smashing result on Monday night so it is just going upwards.
"Playing in the pre-season games is in my mind. I will miss the last reserve game as I am away with the national team on Thursday, but I will keep trying to do everything in training and if I am picked [for pre-season games] I will be very pleased. We will see."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 23, 2008, 21:04:16
Fulham's Nevland confident beating Man City

Fulham striker Erik Nevland believes the Cottagers can prolong their top-flight stay and win at Manchester City this weekend.
"Now we've done it once why can't we do it twice?" the striker said. "It was a great boost that we won away last time and we believe that we can do it, but we have to work hard this week."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 25, 2008, 09:43:43
Dundee United have confirmed defender Christian Kalvenes is set to leave the club. (Daily Record)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 26, 2008, 21:12:52
Christian Kalvenes: I want to see Dundee United in Europe before I quit

CHRISTIAN KALVENES will spend the next month praying Dundee United win the race for third spot - even though he won't be around to star in Europe next season if they do.
The Norwegian has confirmed his intention to move back to Scandinavia when his contract expires and because he's currently sidelined with a knee injury manager Craig Levein has agreed he can leave early next month to get treatment back home.
Kalvenes will return to Tannadice to watch the Celtic match on the final day of the season and hopes to join the rest of United's players on the pitch celebrating finishing third in the SPL. The 31-year-old, who decided to go for family reasons, was signed by former manager Craig Brewster two years ago but has been a key player since Levein arrived late in 2006 to transform the club.
United have gone from relegation certainties to one of the slickest outfits in the SPL and should they beat Motherwell today, they will leapfrog Mark McGhee's side into third.
If they do Kalvenes believes United will be the team to catch in the UEFA Cup chase - even though Motherwell have games in hand. He said: "I'm very sad to be leaving but sometimes you have to put your family first. I've loved being a Dundee United player and things have just got better and better at the club.
"I'm leaving with the team in a very good position. I'll be back in Scotland for the final game of the season so I can say goodbye to the supporters and hopefully I'll be able to join the rest of the team in celebrating third place.
"I'm confident they can do it and get into the UEFA Cup next season."
Kalvenes does not have a club lined up and will be working hard to get fit in order to prove himself. He said: "It's going to take about six weeks to get fit and then I'll have to start looking for a contract."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 27, 2008, 11:33:49
Werder Bremen are chasing Premier League strikers John Carew and Milan Baros. (Daily Star)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 27, 2008, 11:57:03
Carew charged by Villa's electricity
Only Manchester United can boast a better goals record than O'Neill's men

'We are surfing on the wave - now we just have to not fall off the board.'
'Ashley's got a diamond in his foot.'

John Carew offered a chuckle at himself following the first of these remarks. But these lines from the striker, who has scored 12 goals this season, offer a fair assessment of why Villa visit Everton this afternoon well placed in their quest for fifth place and a guaranteed Uefa Cup place.
Ashley Young has been doing much of the creating for Carew and Gabriel Agbonlahor to do the scoring, says the striker. 'This is a six-point match and a great opportunity - every footballer wants to play in Europe. It was not looking so good, but suddenly everything is fantastic.'
Four matches ago Manchester United trounced Martin O'Neill's team 4-0. Since then it is 15-1 to Villa. Bolton had four put past them, Derby six and last week Birmingham were embarrassed 5-1. 'That was electric,' Carew says of the atmosphere at the derby. 'And only Manchester United have more goals than us in the league.'
He is correct. It is a telling statistic, giving Villa a one-goal edge over the 66 scored by Arsenal, who have spent this season monopolising the praise for their free-flowing style. Yet Villa, when they break through Young and Agbonlahor, have arguably more pace than even United, and are certainly quicker than today's opponents. Yet while David Moyes's team have scored 50 in the league Villa's defence have conceded 16 more to leave Everton - who are three points ahead - edging the goal difference. Portsmouth, who host Blackburn in the earlier match today, are four points behind Everton so the FA Cup finalists are also still in the hunt for fifth.
Last week Liverpool's Fernando Torres claimed that La Liga has greater strength in depth than the Premier League. What does Carew, who won a Spanish championship and lost a Champions League final against Bayern Munich during four years with Valencia, think? 'It's difficult to say. When I was in La Liga they had [many] teams in the semi-final,' he says of the 2001 and 2002 competitions when there were two Spanish clubs each year. 'Now it is English clubs so that's the first proof of where the strongest league is.'
Carew is 28-years-old yet Villa is his seventh club. He began at Valerenga and Rosenborg in Norway before spells with Valencia, Roma, Besiktas, Lyon and Villa. Carew says this was because of differing circumstances each time that included a loan spell at Roma [in 2003] 'when they were nearly bankrupt. It took five or six months for the salaries to come. I went to Besiktas [from Valencia in July 2004] because of Vicente del Bosque. He was then the hottest manager in Europe almost because he won everything with Real Madrid. Then I was happy to leave for Lyon [a year later] because they were one of the strongest clubs.'
Gérard Houllier, the Lyon coach, 'tried to get me to go to Liverpool when I was at Valencia,' he says. 'But I've no regrets. Valencia were a better team and I thought we were going to win the Champions League.'
Rafa Benítez, Del Bosque, Houllier and O'Neill are among the more impressive managers of recent years. Who did Carew learn the most from? 'Actually it was Nils Arne Eggen at Rosenborg,' he says of Norway's most successful coach. 'I was up and down while at Valerenga, but suddenly I scored 20 in 18 games. He was easy to understand.'
Carew learned another lesson in 2003 on being sent home by Norway ahead of a friendly against Portugal. This followed a fight with John Arne Riise, now with Liverpool. 'The fight was a long time ago. Sometimes you're just in a bad mood. I felt it in my stomach [when Riise scored his own goal against Chelsea last Tuesday] - I sent him a text to say just forget this.'
Carew will be hoping to score at the correct end today.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 27, 2008, 23:08:51
Villa striker Carew: No problems with Riise

Aston Villa striker John Carew says he is again friends with Norway teammate John Arne Riise.
Carew, who was kicked out of the Norway squad for clashing with Riise in 2003, was among the first to contact the Liverpool fullback after seeing him put through his own goal last week against Chelsea.
"I felt it in my stomach," he told the Sunday Telegraph, reliving the goal. "I felt sorry for him. I reached him and told him to forget it. It was terrible. Watching it, you just felt bad.
"The fight is from the past. It was a long time ago and we're really good friends now. It happens in the changing room. Sometimes you are in a bad mood in a bad period. It just happens."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 27, 2008, 23:10:36
Villa boss O'Neill delighted with Carew

Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is delighted with the form being shown by centre-forward John Carew.
He said: "John is exceptionally pleased with his own performances right now. His whole demeanour is oozing positivity and I am really pleased.
"When he is in the sort of form he showed against Birmingham he is unplayable, and it is great to hear other managers like Alex McLeish saying he is a real handful.
"Even on days when he thinks he has not been that good, other managers have still said after a game what a handful John is to their defenders.
"It is hard for him to reproduce top, top performances every week but his top, top performances are starting to happen more often.
"John would think himself he is capable of consistent top-quality performances. If he can add that consistency to his game then you have got a world-class player."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 29, 2008, 11:40:20
Man Utd to mark Solskjaer career   
Manchester United will pay tribute to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in August with a testimonial match to mark the Norwegian's 11-year career at the club.
The Solskjaer testimonial match will be against Espanyol of Spain on 2 August at Old Trafford, and form part of the team's pre-season preparations.
Striker Solskjaer retired last August due to injury problems after netting 126 goals in 366 appearances.
"I am delighted to be given this game by the club," said the 34-year-old.
"It will be a very emotional day for me, to play one last time at Old Trafford in front of our amazing fans.
"I am going to savour every moment and I hope the fans and Manchester United can also share in my special day."
Solskjaer, who is now on the club's coaching staff, cost United just £1.5m in July 1996.
He frequently made telling contributions from the bench, notably in the 1999 Champions League final when he scored the winning goal.
He also famously netted four goals in 12 minutes in a substitute appearance against Nottingham Forest.
Manchester United chief executive David Gill said: "Ole is one of Manchester United's true professionals.
"We look forward to hosting the first pre-season game at Old Trafford in honour of Ole's illustrious career."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviApril 30, 2008, 19:08:31
Fulham's Hangeland: Birmingham clash like Cup final
Fulham defender Brede Hangeland believes this weekend's clash with Birmingham City is like a Cup final.
"It's fairly similar - we really have to win this one too," Hangeland told "We need to win our last two games and we're quite confident after the good win over Manchester City.
"It didn't look good for us at half-time but we kept at it and got a fantastic win. So we're in a position where we have everything to play for and if we try as hard as we did at City, I think we have a chance.
"We knew that if we lost that game we would be out of it, so the win was a great achievement and it gave us confidence and we still have a chance to get out of trouble."
Birmingham will be certain to come to the Cottage in no mood to surrender the points and Hangeland is expecting an uncompromising afternoon.
"I think we can expect a tight and really tough game," he said. "It will be a physical game and we have to be prepared for that. Considering our position in the league, our fans have been fantastic and they will play a major part again this weekend."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 02, 2008, 11:37:40
summer clearout with Peter Crouch, Jermaine Pennant, John Arne Riise and Xabi Alonso in line to leave to create funds for Gareth Barry, Borussia Dortmund full-back Philipp Degen and Wigan's Antonio Valencia. (The Sun)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 06, 2008, 18:28:51
Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez has told John Arne Riise he has no future at the club.  (The Sun)

Liverpool defender John Arne Riise has been told he can find another club. He has been offered to Aston Villa as part of a deal for Gareth Barry. (The Sun)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: lojosangMai 06, 2008, 23:01:37
Liverpool defender John Arne Riise has been told he can find another club. He has been offered to Aston Villa as part of a deal for Gareth Barry. (The Sun)

Jeg er ingen stor Riise-fan, men om vi kan overta ham som "part of a deal for" Sweeney, Westlake og Kandol sier jeg ja takk.  :D
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 09, 2008, 20:22:37
Arsenal trials for Norway keeper McDermott

Arsenal are taking a close look at IK Vag goalkeeper Sean McDermott.
McDermott, 16, plays in Norway, but actually boasts Irish parents and has spent the past ten days trialling with the Gunners.
The highly rated youngster has also had trials with Tottenham and Falkirk.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 11, 2008, 13:28:46
Nevland feeling more settled at Fulham

Fulham striker Erik Nevland says he's feeling comfortable at Craven Cottage after his strike last week against Birmingham City.
"I'm happy that I can make a contribution really because I had a really bad spell in March were I just didn't feel good and my form was bad," he said. "There was the transfer and settling in - there were a lot of things playing a role in my form.
"Obviously it's great to get out of that and to get back into contention and to contribute to the team.
"In the last few games I feel that I have had a good impact when I have come on, and that is a good feeling."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 11, 2008, 13:29:29
Nevland: Fulham chairman an inspiration  

Erik Nevland has hailed Fulham chairman Mohamed Al Fayed as "an inspiration" ahead of today's relegation decider at Portsmouth.
"He has been an inspiration because he's been down a few times to talk to the players," said recent £1.85m signing Nevland.
"He's been to the training ground and also for about an hour before the game against Birmingham. You can see his commitment to the club and it gives us a buzz. He says things colourfully but I'm not going to say exactly what."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 12, 2008, 15:36:57
Roma join interest for Liverpool's Riise

Roma are chasing Liverpool wing-back John Arne Riise.
Reds boss Rafa Benitez has admitted he's listening to offers for the Norway international and Tuttosport says Roma are keen to bring the defender to Italy next season.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 13, 2008, 12:24:48
Tottenham hope to make Blackburn winger Morten Gamst Pedersen their first signing of the summer - but Blackburn will reject Spurs' £4million offer.  (The Sun)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 18, 2008, 10:19:26
John Arne Riise is ready to snub a move to Newcastle for the lure of Champions League football next season with Schalke emerging as favourites to sign him. (News of the World)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 19, 2008, 22:40:28
Man Utd legend Solskjaer: '99 celebration slide didn't wreck career  

Manchester United legend Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is adamant his 1999 Champions League goal celebration did not wreck his career.
Solskjaer's slide towards the corner flag after scoring his goal has become an iconic image. He actually injured his knee in the process, but is adamant that it was unconnected to the problem that forced him to retire at the age of 34. 
"I did get a medial ligament injury, which is nothing in football terms, three weeks,' he said. 'I can declare that it was nothing to do with what happened later."
Sadly, the legacy of his more serious knee injury remains to this day. He feels pain in his right knee every day and worries that it will limit his capabilities as a coach.
But he has few regrets and is grateful his son, Noah, got to see him play before he retired.
"I was fooling myself a bit towards the end but I got a year out of it, another championship medal and a few goals as well,' he said. 'And it is very important for me that my son remembers his Dad playing football again.
"My Dad was a good wrestler but I've only seen newspaper clips, never seen him wrestle. I don't want to be the Dad who brags about how good he was. I want my son to remember me playing."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 24, 2008, 12:50:55
Juventus are targeting Liverpool duo Xabi Alonso and John Arne Riise. (Italian sports paper Gazzetta dello Sport)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 25, 2008, 23:04:34
Riise ponders Liverpool future
John Arne Riise admits he could be on his way from Liverpool in the summer.
"Considering my situation, I would like to stay, but I know that there's big clubs that want me," said Riise. "For me it is an honour to be approached by these clubs. The most important thing for me is to play regularly."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 30, 2008, 13:04:59

John Arne Riise wants Rafa Benitez to make a decision on his future at Liverpool before he returns to the club for pre-season training.
The left-back endured a frustrating 2006/07 campaign after failing to hold on to a regular place in Benitez's starting line-up.
Benitez is also trying to increase competition in Riise's position, with the Reds reportedly in talks to sign Udinese defender Andrea Dossena.
Riise has already admitted he could be forced to move on after seven years at Anfield, with Aston Villa and Newcastle having been linked with offers.
The 27-year-old is now calling for Benitez to make a decision on his Liverpool career before he returns to the club for pre-season in early July.
"My agent is set to find out what is happening," said the Norwegian.
"I have to get things sorted out before pre-season starts. Those who have played internationals are due to meet up on July 7.

"I can't wait and wait for an answer. I have to get an answer now."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 30, 2008, 18:19:26
Liverpool inform Riise he's up for sale
Liverpool have informed John Arne Riise he is up for sale.
The Liverpool Echo says Riise has already been informed that he has no future at the club.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 30, 2008, 18:20:03
Hangeland to win Fulham captaincy
Brede Hangeland is set to be named new Fulham captain.
The Daily Mail says manager Roy Hodgson made Hangeland his skipper when the two men were at Norwegian side Viking. Now he is set to promote the 6ft 5ins 26-year-old again after he proved so vital to Fulham's successful fight against relegation.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviMai 31, 2008, 13:11:01
Liverpool are ready to unload left-sided attacking full-back John Arne Riise with Newcastle likely to target the Norwegian. (Daily Star)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 02, 2008, 08:05:39
John Arne Riise will head the summer exodus from Liverpool by joining Roma for £5m. (Daily Express)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 00:25:44
Liverpool's Riise on brink of Roma move  
Liverpool defender John Arne Riise may be about to move to Serie A side Roma in a £5 million deal, according to reports.
Riise, who has long been linked with a move away from Anfield this summer, looks set to join the Italian side who appear to have beaten off interest from Newcastle and Lazio, among other clubs.
The Norwegian full back is one of the longest serving players at Liverpool having joined the club in 2001 from AS Monaco.
However this season has been something of a disappointment for Riise who is no longer an automatic choice for manager Benitez and has reportedly been told he can leave the club this summer.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 08:46:42
Liverpool have opened negotiations with Roma over the possible £5m sale of attacking left-back John Arne Riise. (The Independent) 
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 10, 2008, 08:47:04
Ex-player Henning Berg has emerged as a front-runner for the vacant manager's job at Blackburn. (The Times)

Blackburn have a shortlist of 40 names who have applied for the vacant manager's job which includes Alan Shearer, Paul Ince and former Ewood Park favourite Henning Berg. (The Times)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 12, 2008, 09:30:29
Roma are lining up a £3m bid for Liverpool defender John Arne Riise. (Daily Mirror)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 14, 2008, 12:42:19
John Arne Riise's agent has rejected reports that Roma are tracking the left-sided wing-back. (Daily Telegraph)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 15, 2008, 19:05:00
Liverpool's Riise rejects Premiership offers for Roma move
Liverpool fullback John Arne Riise wants a move to Serie A.
An initial £3m bid from Roma has been rejected, but the Italians are expected to return with a fresh move for the 27-year-old.
Riise rejected moves to Newcastle, Aston Villa and a host of European clubs to reignite his career in Serie A.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 17, 2008, 09:58:31

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer wants to manage at the highest level one day - and remain with Manchester United.
Solskjaer's twin targets lead to the obvious conclusion the Norwegian has designs on Sir Alex Ferguson's job.
While the ambition may be some way off being realised Solskjaer has time on his side and will begin the journey by taking charge of United's reserve team next season.
"I do have ambitions to go into management. I want to stay in the game and I want to stay at this club," he said.
"But it is just about taking one step at a time. I was very good at that as a player and I don't want to jump into a job before I am ready for it."
Solskjaer feels the reserve team job, where he will be assisted by Warren Joyce following his return from Royal Antwerp, should suit him perfectly and, using Roy Keane as an example, denies it has come too early.
"I am not really surprised - I thought that maybe the reserve team was somewhere the club would like to put me," he said.
"It is the perfect job for me because I know the kids well and Roy Keane didn't finish that much before me and look at what he is doing at Sunderland."
Keane's appearance at Old Trafford as Black Cats boss last September marked the end of Solskjaer's career after finally accepting the inevitable after long-standing knee problems.
He gets the chance to officially say goodbye to the fans who still adore him on August 2 when he makes his farewell appearance in a testimonial against Espanyol.
Solskjaer has already pledged part of the proceeds to Unicef-backed school building projects in Africa, a further example of his willingness to use his name to help others.
"I always say football is the most important thing that is not important in life," he said.
"As a footballer, you can create memories and happiness. If you build a school you can help change lives."
The 35-year-old also revealed he never considered leaving Old Trafford during his playing career.
"I never fancied going. The only time it was even an issue was when the club accepted a bid for me from Tottenham in 1998," he added.
"I went to see the gaffer but he said 'I didn't accept it, I want you here and you will play a big part in my squad'. I just thought that is good enough for me I will stay.
"My agent was not very happy with me because I was so stubborn but nowadays even he admits I was right.
"The thing is, Manchester United always F***ed me quite well. And I will be remembered as an important member of the team during a period when Manchester United has been very successful.
"I can see now that I will always be in the history books. That makes me very proud."

PA Sport
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 19, 2008, 09:05:25
Solskjaer's testimonial to help set up African charity

Solskjaer celebrates with Alex Ferguson after scoring the winner in the 1999 European Cup final

He terrorised Premier League defenders for over a decade, now he has a different challenge to face – but none of it is as important to Ole Gunnar Solskjaer as building schools in Africa.
After officially retiring from a knee injury 10 months ago, Solskjaer has now been given the job of reserve team manager at Manchester United by Sir Alex Ferguson.
But before those duties begin in earnest, Solskjaer will turn out at Old Trafford for one last time as United play host to Espanyol in his testimonial game.
It is the money the 35-year-old hopes to raise on 2 August which, as a father of three young children himself, Solskjaer will use to greater benefit than anything his career in football could hope to achieve.
"I went to Angola a few months ago and you could see clearly how much things were needed down there," he said.
"The aim through my testimonial is to try and build 10 schools. If I can generate more money through a scheme we have set up in Norway, maybe we can generate enough to build five more.
"As a father, I recognise how helpless these kids are. If it was my children, I would do absolutely anything for them, so it is more important for me to be remembered for helping these people than anything I have done with football.
"It is about building something concrete," Solskjaer added. "It is about changing lives, helping kids get out of the poverty they are in and helping them to become doctors or teachers and able to improve their own communities."
As a fairly private person, Solskjaer did think about keeping quiet about his plan. But he also recognised the benefit added publicity would bring.
"A lot of people worry about money from testimonials," he admitted. "I am certainly not complaining about what I made as a footballer. I just felt doing this was right."
With projects planned for Angola, Uganda and Mozambique, Solskjaer finds it hard to put a figure on exactly how much will be required. Each scheme costs between £30,000 and £150,000, meaning the Norwegian will have to sell most of the 76,000 available tickets for his testimonial.
Not that Solskjaer should have too much trouble. Rarely can a player have so captured the hearts of United's fans, who continued to sing his name during his lengthy stints on the treatment table.
Solskjaer's devotion to the club far outweighs his 1999 injury-time European Cup match-winner against Bayern Munich at the Nou Camp, a moment almost frozen in time as he flashed a shot into the roof of Oliver Kahn's net.
"My relationship with the fans has been absolutely fantastic since the first game I came on and no one knew who I was," he said. "The affection cannot only be down to that one goal. There has to be something they liked about me."
The birth of Solskjaer's third child prevented him from making the journey to Moscow last month as United finally added to their triumph of nine years ago by beating Chelsea. In penalty shoot-out hero Edwin van der Sar, Solskjaer finally has someone to share the limelight with.
"I rang Edwin and told him I was offering an invite to move next to me," he laughed. "I am happy for him but he is not the kind of person to let it affect him.
"He is a confident chap and I think he just wants to get on with his career and think about his successes when he has finished.
"Most of all, I am happy for the club. Nine [years] was long enough this time. We have to do it more and more."

The Independent
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 19, 2008, 09:31:58
John Arne-saker:

Sky: Riise joins Roma,19528,11661_3707803,00.html


The Sun: No place like Roma for Riise

Daily Express: ROMA SIGN RIISE

Daily Mail: Liverpool defender John Arne Riise leaves Anfield and heads for Roma

The Guardian: Riise ends Liverpool stay with £4m Roma move

Reuters: Roma sign Norway's Riise from Liverpool

TeamTalk: Reds ace Riise signs for Roma,16368,2483_3707822,00.html
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 19, 2008, 21:04:47

Reds pay tribute to exiting Riise 
Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher has paid tribute to former team-mate John Arne Riise following the Norwegian's £4m transfer to Italian club AS Roma.
The 27-year-old defender completed his transfer on Wednesday having made 371 appearances for the Reds and scored 31 goals in a seven-year Anfield career.
"John Arne has been a great player for Liverpool for six or seven seasons now," said Carragher.
"He can be very proud of what he's achieved with Liverpool."
Carragher added: "He's played at a very high level for a long time now. He's never injured and he's a great professional who has always looked after himself."
Left-back Riise signed for Liverpool in 2001 from Monaco and helped the Merseyside club to victory in the FA Cup, League Cup and Champions League.
But Riise played second fiddle to Fabio Aurelio for much of last season after the Brazilian established himself as the club's first choice left-back.
Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez is reshaping his squad over the summer, with Xabi Alonso and Peter Crouch linked with moves elsewhere.
Roma, who will play in the Champions League next season, have been targeting Riise for some time.
When Aurelio came off injured during last season's Champions semi-final first leg against Chelsea, Riise replaced him, only to score an own goal in stoppage time.
Last year, Riise was involved in an infamous spat with former team-mate Craig Bellamy after a karaoke night on a team bonding trip to Portugal.
Bellamy was fined £80,000 by the club for his involvement and stated he had "lost control".
The Norwegian also earned a tribute from Liverpool's chief executive Rick Parry.
"John has been a tremendous servant to Liverpool over many years," said Parry.
"Everybody at Anfield would now like to wish him all the best in his new career in Italy."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 24, 2008, 02:14:35
Toulouse set to land Bolton striker Braaten
Bolton Wanderers forward Daniel Braaten could be set for a move to Ligue 1 side Toulouse after his agent admitted he is unsettled at the Reebok Stadium.
Braaten was signed for the Trotters by former boss Sammy Lee last summer from Rosenborg, but failed to start a Premier League match under manager Gary Megson, who took charge in October.
And the Norway international's agent, Stig Lillejord, has confirmed that he will seek an exit after a frustrating 2007/08 campaign.
"I can only divulge that I am in Toulouse. Besides that, I have no comments," Lillejord said.
"The situation for Daniel has been far from perfect since the managerial change.
"We are now considering alternatives. He should join a competitive league and a club where he can strengthen the starting XI."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 25, 2008, 23:36:00
Villa failed with Riise offer
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is believed to have failed last week in a late bid to sign John Arne-Riise as the former Liverpool full-back was completing his move to Roma, claims the Birmingham Mail.
Unconfirmed reports from Italy suggest Villa came in at the 11th hour for Riise, a player who O?Neill has been monitoring for some time.
But despite the chance to stay in the Premier League, Riise is understood to have told Villa that their last-gasp attempt came too late to stop him moving to Serie A.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 26, 2008, 08:21:10
Burnley are taking Norwegian left-back Christian Kalvennes on a free transfer from Dundee United. (Daily Mirror)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 26, 2008, 08:24:04
Southampton defender Claus Lundekvam is paying £100,000 of his own money to re-lay the pitch at the St Mary's Stadium in time for his testimonial. The pitch needs replacing after the stadium hosted a Bon Jovi concert. (Various)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 26, 2008, 23:24:22
Burnley are taking Norwegian left-back Christian Kalvennes on a free transfer from Dundee United. (Daily Mirror)

Burnley have made their fourth summer signing after capturing former Dundee United defender Christian Kalvenes on a Bosman transfer.
The Norwegian left-back, 31, has penned a two-year deal with the Clarets after his contract with the Scottish outfit expired.
Burnley manager Owen Coyle said: "I am obviously delighted to have secured the signature of Christian, who I have naturally been aware of from my time in Scotland.
"I think he was the best full back in Scotland last year and, as he was available on a Bosman we took the opportunity to try to lure him to the club.
"We had to beat of some serious competition, particularly from one major force in British football, so we are absolutely delighted to have him on board and look forward to working with him."
The Clarets have this week signed Martin Paterson, Kevin McDonald and, subject to a work permit, Peruvian goalkeeper Diego Penny.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuni 26, 2008, 23:33:33

Reds pay tribute to exiting Riise 
Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher has paid tribute to former team-mate John Arne Riise following the Norwegian's £4m transfer to Italian club AS Roma. The Norwegian also earned a tribute from Liverpool's chief executive Rick Parry.
"John has been a tremendous servant to Liverpool over many years," said Parry.
"Everybody at Anfield would now like to wish him all the best in his new career in Italy."

Liverpool chief Parry again pays tribute to Riise

Liverpool chief Rick Parry has again paid tribute to John Arne Riise, who left for Roma last week.
As he confirmed the arrival of Udinese left-back Andrea Dossena this morning, Parry also made mention of the contribution of Norway left-back Riise.
"John was an incredibly enthusiastic defender who was always a great pro," he told the club's official website.
"He worked hard and never gave us a minute's trouble. The fans will remember that powerful shot of his that brought them to their feet on many occasions.
"We had a good chat about his time here and he wants to thank the fans for the support he was given down the years. He secured Champions League and FA Cup success at Anfield and also helped us win the Worthington Cup and two European Super Cups."
Dossena, who has been capped once by Italy, will become manager Rafael Benitez's second signing of the summer following the arrival of Swiss full-back Phillip Degen on a free transfer.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: DanielJuni 29, 2008, 21:56:33
Burnley are taking Norwegian left-back Christian Kalvennes on a free transfer from Dundee United. (Daily Mirror)

Leste i Ba for en stund siden at Rune Vindheim(gammel Burnley spiller) anbefalte Kalvennes å gå til Burnley og sånn gikk det altså. ::)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 17, 2008, 19:08:18
Man Utd coach Solskjaer confident connecting with players  

Manchester United hero Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is excited about his new coaching career with the club's reserves.
Solskjaer is confident of successfully man-managing United's youngsters, telling "I believe that you have to be because what was good enough for me when I was 18 or 19 isn't good enough for them nowadays. I've learned so much about what I should have done when I was that age subsequently. I think you need to push them a bit, but the boys want to be pushed as well. It's not a doddle being a professional footballer, so I think they'll have to shed their fair share of sweat. I'm really looking forward to it. It's a great challenge.

"I did a few sessions last year and some with the youth team. I asked Choccy (Brian McClair) sometimes if I could have the Reserves to work with, to challenge myself because when you're doing coaching courses, you don't want to go in cold. I've enjoyed that and now they're my responsibility, so that's a better challenge as well."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 24, 2008, 09:48:23
Solskjaer - set for United testimonial.


Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will get "a sense of closure" from his testimonial game against Espanyol next week.
The Manchester United legend was forced to retire last season after failing to overcome chronic knee problems that now render him virtually incapable of playing a match of any sort.
Solskjaer has done enough training on the bike to get him through 20 minutes at Old Trafford on August 2. But after that he will concentrate on his duties as United's reserve team boss.
"It is like the end of a chapter," he said.
"My dad was over here last weekend and we were chatting about it. I guess there is a sense of closure.
"It will mean a lot to experience playing on that stage for one last time.
"I am not an emotional type of person, so there shouldn't be any tears but it is like a wedding speech, you can prepare as much as you want for situations such as these. You can never be absolutely sure how you will react."
In a sense, Solskjaer has already moved onto the next phase of his life, with preparations for his testimonial game being mixed in with getting United's second string ready for Saturday's trip to Oxford.
The Norwegian has no intention of neglecting his charity work either, which is why he spent yesterday afternoon at Carrington hosting a kickabout for siblings of young cancer sufferers through Christie's Hospital in Manchester.
"We all know how horrible cancer is and how it has touched so many lives," he said.
"Around the time I had my knee injuries, a very close friend was diagnosed with it and it just put my situation into perspective. My career meant nothing alongside someone's life.
"With the right treatment and a positive attitude, anything can be achieved. That is why I try to do what I can."

PA Sport
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 24, 2008, 14:24:56
Nevland confident of success with Fulham pal Zamora

Erik Nevland is confident of establishing a strong partnership with new Fulham striker Bobby Zamora.
Nevland struck up an impressive partnership with summer signing Zamora against Celtic and their opposing styles clearly complement each others play.
He told "It went well and he's easy to play with. He's a different type of striker to me and sometimes it's easier to play with a front man who is different from you. Sometimes you can make the same runs as players who are similar to you and we didn't do that so it was good."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 28, 2008, 20:16:28
Blackburn are monitoring Per Ciljan Skjelbred's situation at Rosenborg, the player's advisor has suggested.
The 21-year-old impressed during last season's UEFA Champions League group stages and has reportedly caught the eye of a number of European clubs.
Newcastle were recently linked with an approach for the Norway international's services, but Skjelbred's advisor has claimed Blackburn and Dutch side Ajax have also shown an interest.
"They might have watched other players too," advisor Andreas Ekker told Adresseavisen.
"But Blackburn and Ajax are two clubs who have been mentioned in connection with Per in the past."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 29, 2008, 23:54:17
Norway boss Hareide backs Man Utd's Solskjaer for coaching success

Norway coach Age Hareide says new Manchester United reserves trainer Ole Gunnar Solskjaer can be a success in management.
"I think Ole has what it takes be a good manager," Hareide told "He has a lot of experience and he's certainly been under a manager who has shown how management should be done.
"Alex Ferguson knows the game and how to handle people, and Ole is a very quick learner and he picks up bits and pieces from everyone. If he can pick up some bits and pieces from Alex Ferguson then I think he could be a very good manager."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviJuli 31, 2008, 11:04:37
Man Utd coach Meulensteen impressed by Solskjaer work  

Manchester United coach Rene Meulensteen has been impressed by Ole Gunnar Solskjaer in his first weeks involved with the reserve-team.
"As a player, Ole was so productive off the bench, he had a great ability to read games and opponents, and that will help him also as a coach and a manager," Meulensteen told
"He's got a good eye for tactical ideas about the game. I sit a lot with him upstairs during matches and he has a good sharp view for what's happening in a game and what he would do to change it and why things are happening. It certainly bodes well."
Solskjaer brings down the curtain on his playing career with this weekend's testimonial against Espanyol, and Reds coach Meulensteen expects the Norwegian's career move into management to mirror his success as a United player.
"The things that made Ole succeed as a player will make him succeed in management," said Meulensteen. "He's got great determination and focus, as well as a great ability to learn, and these qualities are the same as those you need to be a successful manager."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 01, 2008, 17:26:24

Sir Alex Ferguson is content Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has given himself the best possible chance of surviving the perilous management game.
The Manchester United boss has given Solskjaer his big break by appointing him reserve team boss this season.
Ferguson has always viewed the Norwegian as management material, believing him to be the 'best watcher of a game' he has come across.
And while the Scot would not go so far as to say Solskjaer will be a success, still less that he might one day inherit the Old Trafford hotseat, he does feel the former Molde striker is making all the right moves.
"The situation today is that you get some potentially good young managers in the game and six matches later they can be out of a job," said Ferguson.
"That tells you something about the knee-jerk reaction of football today.
"It shows the pressure of the press and how directors react to a couple of bad results.
"It is very difficult to say where people are going to be in two weeks' time, let alone two years. And I certainly would not want to talk about what is likely to happen at this club. It is not my domain.
"But I do know Ole is doing exactly the right things if he wants to stay in the game."
Now 66, Ferguson began planning for his own coaching career four decades ago.
Yet while the game has changed markedly since then, he does not feel the philosophy required to be a top manager has.
"There are many handicaps in being a coach and it is a challenging job," he said.
"But what you must do is create an enjoyable working environment for yourself and your players.
"For that you need enough time to lay out a vision for the future.
"It is worthwhile because then you can create a team ethic and be completely satisfied the players are all expressing themselves the way you want them to.
"You want to look at a team and you see yourself. The secret of management is to allow individualism to appear but accept the team comes first."
If Solskjaer maintains the same single-mindedness he had as a player, he will not fail for the want of trying.
Even now, after 12 years together, Ferguson is struck by the thoroughness with which the 35-year-old completes each task.
"Having outstanding observation is essential," he said.
"I make the point to all our subs that when they sit on the bench they have to think about Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.
"He used to take notes on training sessions, which shows his keenness to learn the game. Now he is taking his badges, which is important.
"To go into this particularly hazardous job is not easy. You need to give yourself the best chance possible.
"There is no point going into management if you are short of knowledge or organisational ability or short of vision in terms of coaching.
"Ole is going the right way and I respect him for that."

PA Sport
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 03, 2008, 08:50:46
Ole good show, but Tevez is lucky to escape red card

Manchester United idols must look to the club's legends for inspiration, says Solskjaer

Toothless United pine for old stars


Solskjaer's plea to Ronaldo

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer bows out in style

Ole denied as Campbell nets winner,16368,2483_3900877,00.html

Solsjkaer says thanks to Sir Alex,16368,2483_3901661,00.html

United win on Ole farewell,19528,11827_3900846,00.html

Man Utd boss Ferguson has no doubts over Solskjaer coaching potential

Man Utd's Giggs: Solskjaer changed game

Beckham tribute to ex-Man Utd teammate Solskjaer
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 12, 2008, 18:52:15
Iversen - Roeder's target?


Glenn Roeder is "convinced" he has identified the right striker for Norwich amid speculation he wants Steffen Iversen.
The Norwich boss is hoping to add to his squad before Saturday's Championship game with Blackpool at Carrow Road.
He has been linked with Shola Ameobi and Grzegorz Rasiak, but his target featured for his current club at the weekend.
Reports have suggested former Tottenham striker Iversen, who is at Rosenborg, is the player Roeder is hoping to sign.
Roeder has not confirmed the identity of his imminent signing, but is hoping the player will be allowed to link up with the Canaries.
"I couldn't be any more determined," Roeder told the Eastern Daily Press.
"It's just the guy that I want had a good weekend for the club he is at, so I am even more convinced he is the one we need.
"His club has just got to keep a promise they made to the player a number of months ago.
"It is always easy to make promises when you don't have to keep them, but there comes a time in your life when if you make someone a promise that person says keep it."

PA Sport
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 14, 2008, 14:59:18
Newcastle boss Kevin Keegan is pondering whether to offer trialists Lukasz Kominiak and Aleksander Solli contracts at St James' Park.
The two 18-year-olds have been training with the Magpies this week and both played for Adam Sadler's reserves on Wednesday against Newcastle Blue Star.
The match was abandoned with the scoreline still goalless but Sadler was impressed by the pair.
"The lads have only been in the country for a day, but the way they have gone about their business is great," Sadler told the Evening Chronicle.
"I think they performed well last night.
"It's difficult to go to any country and get straight into it with lads that you don't know in tough conditions. They coped well."
Keegan watched the match from the stands and will continue to monitor the duo in training over the next two days.
Norwegian defender Solli plays for Second Division side Lov-Ham in his homeland, while Kominiak is a Polish left-back currently registered with Wisla Krakow.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 16, 2008, 13:06:37

Aston Villa striker John Carew is setting his sights high as he prepares to spearhead the attack in their opening Barclays Premier League game of the season against Manchester City at Villa Park on Sunday.
Villa were something of a surprise package last season, finishing sixth despite having the smallest squad in the top flight.
Carew wants to at least match that this term, but the ultimate goal at Villa is to gatecrash the big four and the riches that would be on offer in the Champions League.
It is a big ask, but Norwegian international Carew likes to set himself a challenge.
The former Lyon marksman, who is confident he will recover from the ankle injury that forced him to miss Thursday's UEFA Cup qualifier against FH Hafnarfjordur, said: "We were sixth last season and the goal is to be better this time.
"We were close to Liverpool for a lot of time last season and now we have a stronger squad.
"There is no reason to believe that we can't reach the top four.
"It is my belief and I hope that everyone else believes it as well. We have a chance to do it."
Carew certainly sees himself playing a long-term role at Villa Park having signed a one-year contract extension this week that ties him to the club until the summer of 2011.
It is a big step for the nomadic Carew, who in the last eight years has played in six different countries.
He joined Villa in January last year from Lyon in a swap deal that saw Milan Baros move to France.
Far from getting itchy feet, Carew has settled well at Villa, and added: "I am very happy here.
"This is a challenge for me and I do like a challenge. There is a great environment at the club and I like the way that we all pull together.
"We are one unit and that is very important for me. There is a great group of players here. It is an ambitious young squad that can only get better and better.
"I am only 28, but I have been in the game a long time so I hope I can help the younger players."
Carew also hopes Villa's England international midfielder Gareth Barry will be at Villa Park for the long term to help develop the club.
Barry's proposed move to Liverpool could now be off once and for all after he played in Europe this week, meaning he would not be eligible for the Champions League until next year.
Carew said: "Gareth is a great player. I hope he stays and all the players want him to stay."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: SleivindAugust 23, 2008, 22:46:06
Keru scorte igjen idag! Men det som var mest overraskende var vel at Hangeland ble matchvinner mot selveste Arsenal!  :D
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 24, 2008, 00:16:21
Keru scorte igjen idag! Men det som var mest overraskende var vel at Hangeland ble matchvinner mot selveste Arsenal!  :D

Fulham 1-0 Arsenal: The Cottagers pick up an unexpected win when Brede Hangerland stabs home from Jimmy Bullard's first-half corner

Villa equalise soon after the hour when Ashley Young finds John Carew who beats Thomas Sorensen with a low shot across goal
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviAugust 29, 2008, 18:42:25
Newcastle are set to swoop for Rosenberg midfield man Per Ciljan Skjelbred after they were told he is now available. (Daily Star)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 06, 2008, 13:20:13

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 16, 2008, 13:49:55
Aston Villa striker John Carew is not travelling to Bulgaria for the club's UEFA Cup tie against Litex Lovech.
Norwegian international Carew injured his ankle in Monday night's 2-1 win over Tottenham at White Hart Lane and will remain in Birmingham for treatment.
Despite the setback, Villa are hopeful he might yet prove his fitness for the weekend derby with West Brom.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviſeptember 22, 2008, 13:00:30

West Brom 1-2 Aston Villa: Knowing a win will lift them into the top four, the visitors see John Carew head them into a 27th-minute lead
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: Dennisſeptember 22, 2008, 16:33:40
Det er vanvittig moro å se John Carew på sitt beste!

Eller mer korrekt, det er utrolig givende å se en manager som faktisk vet hvordan John Carew bør brukes.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 18, 2008, 12:34:58
Morten Gamst Pedersen could be a target for Fulham, West Brom and Middlesbrough in January after hinting he is fed up with being subbed by Blackburn boss Paul Ince. (Daily Mirror)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 20, 2008, 23:24:53
Blackburn boss: No Pedersen rift

Blackburn boss Paul Ince denies a rift with Morten Gamst Pedersen who did not make Rovers 18-man squad for the 0-0 draw at Bolton.
He told the club's official website: "Morten had been away with Norway, he played against Holland, played against Scotland, but I just felt that the way the game was, that it wasn't the type of game for him.
"The good thing about this team now is that we've got 20 players that you can pick from. Players are going to be left out, players will be on the bench.
"That is the kind of competition you want, that is healthy competition and if you've got that then you've got a chance.
"We've got some fantastic players and if you can couple that with the spirit that we've shown defensively then we've got something going here."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 22, 2008, 09:44:21
Blackburn boss Paul Ince has told out-of-favour Morten Gamst Pederson to fight for his place.  (The Sun)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 25, 2008, 09:29:01
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is to investigate claims John Carew was in a nightclub hours before his side's Uefa Cup game against Ajax. (The Sun)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 25, 2008, 09:40:26
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is to investigate claims John Carew was in a nightclub hours before his side's Uefa Cup game against Ajax. (The Sun)

Carew in Villa curfew probe

MARTIN O’NEILL is to investigate claims striker John Carew was in a nightclub just hours before Aston Villa’s big European date with Ajax.
Carew faces a £100,000 fine — two weeks’ wages — if the Villa boss discovers the player broke a pre-match curfew.
The striker did not play in the 2-1 UEFA Cup victory over the Dutchmen after complaining of tiredness and sickness earlier in the week.
But O’Neill decided to leave him out only at the last moment which meant that Carew was still part of the squad.
Yet Villa have been told he was apparently in the high-class Rocket Club in Birmingham at 1am on Thursday.
Villa fans insist they saw him in the company of a girlfriend and sipping soft drinks.
Club rules allow players to go out the night before a game, perhaps for a meal, but to be home well before midnight.
Carew, 29, watched the Ajax game from the stands.
He is expected to play on Sunday at Wigan.
The player had blood tests at the start of the week after telling the club doctor he was jaded on his return from international duty.
They came up negative which left O’Neill with the dilemma of whether to rest him or include him against Ajax. The boss decided at the last minute not to include Carew in the final 18.
The Norwegian arrived at Villa Park from Lyon in January last year in a swap deal with Milan Baros.
He is a big favourite with fans and has scored 21 goals in his 55 games.
O’Neill said: “John has come back from the international matches and felt a bit under the weather.
“He’s trained all right and the tests have come back negative. I thought I would leave him out to get prepared for Wigan but he’s absolutely fine.”
Per Flod, Carew’s agent, said last night: “I have nothing to say to the Press about such matters.”
Another striker will be occupying O’Neill’s thoughts at the JJB Stadium tomorrow.
He sold Emile Heskey, 30, to Liverpool in 2000 when he was Leicester boss.
Villa are one of the clubs linked with the Wigan ace who will be a free agent in the summer but O’Neill was coy about declaring any official interest.
He said: “If Emile allows his contract to run out then he will have a number of suitors because he has done very well.
“I have the utmost regard for him and what he does for the rest of his life is down to him.”

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 27, 2008, 13:48:12
Nattklubb-kongen putter!

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviOktober 29, 2008, 15:50:08

"It was a large oversight on his behalf and the players think he should have been fined double! I used to do it myself - not lap dancing, there weren't such things in my day!"

Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill on striker John Carew's rather indiscrete visit to a "special" dancing club ahead of their Uefa Cup game against Ajax.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: lojosangOktober 30, 2008, 11:23:00
Har Carew tatt seg bijobb som lapdancer?

 ;D ;D ;D
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 07, 2008, 10:33:50
"John Carew, Carew. He likes a lapdance or two. He might even pay for you. John Carew, Carew."
Villa fans at Wigan.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 10, 2008, 20:55:27
O'Neill: Aston Villa can be Carew's spiritual home

Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill hopes John Carew has found his "spiritual home" at Villa Park.
He told Villa's website: "John has been exceptional at Villa. His reputation seems to suggest that he doesn't spend a lot of time at individual clubs. He seems to have been floating around all over Europe.
"I hope he has now found his spiritual home here. He is very popular with the crowd and with the players. And if he continues to play like he has since he joined, he will be an incredible asset for us.
"He has to keep believing in his own ability. He has to realise he is a quality striker and he can do so much for us.
"I have been delighted with him - really pleased. John has been terrific."

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 10, 2008, 20:58:02
West Brom to bid for Molde defender Vegard Forren

Molde defender Vegard Forren is a £4 million target for West Brom.
Forren, 20, has also attracted interest from Wigan, Newcastle United and Sampdoria.
He signed a five-year contract at Molde last year but is now seeking talks about his future at the club as interest in him grows.

Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 18, 2008, 18:07:58
Manchester United are considering a bid for Valerenga's Norwegian striker Moa Abdellaoui. (Daily Star)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 18, 2008, 18:14:21

Tromso defender Tore Reginiussen will undergo a medical at Blackburn next week with a view to a January transfer, according to the Norwegian club.
The 22-year-old, who can also play in midfield, is set to arrive in Lancashire on Sunday and spend a few days with the club after impressing Rovers' scouts with recent displays.
A winter move would see Reginiussen follow in the footsteps of Morten Gamst Pedersen, who made the switch between the two clubs four years ago.
Tromso director Tom Bendiksen told club website "We are going to facilitate a transfer for Tore, and it might well be to Blackburn. We have a strong and positive relationship with that club."
Sporting director Morten Kraemer added: "It is gratifying that Tromso have players who are considered attractive by major European clubs."
The highly-rated centre-back won his first Norway cap earlier this year and scored his first international goal in the 1-1 draw against the Republic of Ireland in August.
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 21, 2008, 15:16:19
Newcastle boss Joe Kinnear could target John Arne Riise and Denilson in the January transfer window.
The 61-year-old will send his team out at Chelsea on Saturday uncertain how long he will remain in charge at St James' Park with the club's ownership still up for grabs.
However, he has already drawn up a shortlist of potential targets to give to current owner Mike Ashley should his stay extend into the new year, and it is understood the names of the the Roma defender and Arsenal midfielder are on it.
Kinnear has made no secret of his belief that the current squad needs significant strengthening if relegation from the Barclays Premier League is to be avoided, and if the club remains in his hands, Ashley faces a big decision over any further investment.
The interim boss did not identify his targets by name, but has hinted at making loan moves for Riise and Denilson.
Kinnear said: "I have already got my shortlist ready and I will be giving it to Mike.
"We need two players in as soon as possible, and I have them in mind.
"One is with Roma and he is not in the team at the moment. The other is a player who has already scored against us this season.
"I know their agents and what they would be is loan deals from January until the end of the season. I already know the player in Rome would cost us £2million to bring over here.
"We need to strengthen the team and the squad, and if we can get them, they would be a big boost because both are top-class players."
Norway international Riise, 28, joined Roma in a £4million switch from Liverpool during the summer and despite starting eight league games this season, is not an automatic selection.
Twenty-year-old Brazilian Denilson is one of Arsene Wenger's emerging talents and has figured in 18 of the Gunners' 21 games to date this season. (........)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 26, 2008, 15:28:30
Aston Villa manager Martin O'Neill has told John Carew he is no longer an automatic first-choice pick as a striker. (Various)

John Carew has been warned that he is no longer an automatic selection for Aston Villa. (Daily Star)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 26, 2008, 15:32:58
Skjelbred - not in talks.

Per Ciljan Skjelbred has admitted that Newcastle 'might be a possibility' in the future but stressed that there have been no talks as yet.
Reports recently suggested that the Magpies had agreed terms with Skjelbred's club Rosenborg ahead of a January move to St James' Park.
The midfielder's agent dismissed the speculation earlier this week and Skjelbred himself has now insisted that a deal is not being negotiated.
The Norway international, who has been linked with a £7million transfer to England, is staying focused on Rosenborg at the present time.
However, he has hinted that he might be interested in a switch to Newcastle at some stage in his career.
"I haven't heard anything from Newcastle,"
"Newcastle is a good club, it might be a possibility in the future. But right now it is Rosenborg that matters."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 26, 2008, 15:34:11
Newcastle boss Joe Kinnear could target John Arne Riise and Denilson in the January transfer window.
The 61-year-old will send his team out at Chelsea on Saturday uncertain how long he will remain in charge at St James' Park with the club's ownership still up for grabs.

Riise - Newcastle target.

Newcastle interim boss Joe Kinnear has admitted he has enquired about the availability of Roma's John Arne Riise.
Kinnear is plotting new signings when the transfer window reopens and a new left-back is thought to be top of his wanted list.
Riise is among Kinnear's targets, with the former Liverpool star struggling to hold down a regular place in the Roma starting XI.
However Kinnear is not optimistic over his side's chances of landing the Norwegian full-back.
"John's name came up specifically because he's not been in their team and he's a good player," Kinnear told The Journal.
"We made contact with their club and asked 'Is there any chance of a loan?' and that's as far as it's got at the moment.
"And what happened after I'd made the call? He's back in the team and playing well, which changes things. When you make the call you're always aware that things can change."
Meanwhile, Kinnear could be boosted by the return to action of Mark Viduka this weekend against Middlesbrough.
Viduka has yet to feature for Newcastle this season because of an Achilles problem, but he is back in training and could be on the bench for the trip to his old club Middlesbrough.
"He's not far off, I can tell you. Obviously he hasn't had games but you might find that he's on the bench on Saturday."
"What we decided to do with Mark was to ask him to try and come back into training.
"We didn't want to hurry him up because we don't want to risk him breaking down again but if he felt like he could come back into the sessions then we were happy for him to do that.
"It was a matter of bringing him back gradually and seeing what he could manage but he's surprised us all.
"He's got better and better as the days have gone on and some of the things he's been doing have been excellent. We'll see how he goes now but there is a chance of him being involved."
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 27, 2008, 09:37:31
Newcastle boss Joe Kinnear could target John Arne Riise and Denilson in the January transfer window.
The 61-year-old will send his team out at Chelsea on Saturday uncertain how long he will remain in charge at St James' Park with the club's ownership still up for grabs.
Newcastle interim boss Joe Kinnear has admitted he has enquired about the availability of Roma's John Arne Riise.
Kinnear is plotting new signings when the transfer window reopens and a new left-back is thought to be top of his wanted list.

Kinnear is waiting to discover whether his bid to bring in Roma's former Liverpool full-back John Arne Riise on loan has been successful. (The Guardian)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 28, 2008, 09:52:36
Newcastle boss Joe Kinnear could target John Arne Riise and Denilson in the January transfer window.
The 61-year-old will send his team out at Chelsea on Saturday uncertain how long he will remain in charge at St James' Park with the club's ownership still up for grabs.
Newcastle interim boss Joe Kinnear has admitted he has enquired about the availability of Roma's John Arne Riise.
Kinnear is plotting new signings when the transfer window reopens and a new left-back is thought to be top of his wanted list.
Kinnear is waiting to discover whether his bid to bring in Roma's former Liverpool full-back John Arne Riise on loan has been successful. (The Guardian)

Newcastle boss Joe Kinnear has been told to forget about a January move for Roma defender John Arne Riise by the former Liverpool player's agent. (The Sun)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 29, 2008, 11:33:41
Tromso defender Tore Reginiussen will undergo a medical at Blackburn next week with a view to a January transfer, according to the Norwegian club.
The 22-year-old, who can also play in midfield, is set to arrive in Lancashire on Sunday and spend a few days with the club after impressing Rovers' scouts with recent displays.

Blackburn are considering a January move for on-trial Norway defender Tore Reginiussen. (The Times)
Paul Ince is mulling over a January deal for on-trial Norway defender Tore Reginiussen. (The Sun)
Tittel: Sv: NYTT: Norske i britisk fotball
Skrevet av: kjelviNovember 29, 2008, 11:36:39
Fulham centre-back Brede Hangeland is stalling on signing a new contract due to interest from Arsenal and Tottenham.  (The Sun)