Skrevet av Emne: Phil Hay  (Lest 3448 ganger)

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Phil Hay
« på: April 28, 2021, 15:14:09 »
Den dyktige, reflekterte og dedikerte journalisten Phil Hay fortjener virkelig eit eget emne her på forumet;
For han har fulgt Leeds i så mange år, publiserer bok om Marcelo Bielsa 26.8-2021, og eg er ein av mange som har stor glede av å følga hans daglige Tweets og gleder meg til kvar fredag for å høyra podcasten "The Phil Hay Show".
Så det var veldig trist å lesa nyheten om at han må inn til ein operasjon i morgon for å fjerna ein hjernesvulst så han blir sjukemeldt ein periode, men vi får håpe at det blir ein vellykka operasjon.

Og for meg som både drømmer og dagdrømmer om The Mighty Whites som er i ein gedigen opptur om dagen, vil eg savna hans oppdateringer, men det er sunt å lesa litt perspektiver Phil gjer om denne rullende ballen vs helse:
ALAW (& I am the pirate amongst us)


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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #1 på: April 28, 2021, 16:24:39 »
Den dyktige, reflekterte og dedikerte journalisten Phil Hay fortjener virkelig eit eget emne her på forumet;

Det er strengt tatt på høg tid! :o

Og til dere som ikke trykker på linken fordi dere ikke abonnerer på The Athletic - denne er ikke bak betalingsmur
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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #2 på: April 29, 2021, 17:28:30 »
Anbefaler alle å høyre denne podcasten; med snakk om Man U-kampen, Brighton-kampen m.m (så må Phil ta seg ein pause før neste podcast, men det er mange  godbiter i tidligere podcasts også!)


ALAW (& I am the pirate amongst us)


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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #3 på: Mai 01, 2021, 18:39:38 »
The Square Ball

We’re breaking this weekend’s social media blackout for very good reason…
Phil Hay has been in touch to say his surgery went to plan and he’s now recovering in the LGI.   
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #4 på: Mai 14, 2021, 11:34:02 »
The Square Ball

We’re breaking this weekend’s social media blackout for very good reason…
Phil Hay has been in touch to say his surgery went to plan and he’s now recovering in the LGI.   

Yeah Phil’s at home now, continuing his recovery. We’re in regular touch and he’s doing great!
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #5 på: Mai 26, 2021, 15:51:54 »
Phil Hay

Just dropping in briefly to say surgery went well and 91 staples later, I’m on the mend. Can’t thank everyone enough for the good wishes and support I’ve had over the past month. God bless you and the staff at the LGI.
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Gordon McUseless

Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #6 på: August 20, 2021, 18:32:44 »
Phil tilbake på the square ball podcast. Mange gode betrakninger etter forrige helgs misere.


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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #7 på: August 24, 2021, 17:24:07 »
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #8 på: Juli 29, 2023, 15:42:17 »
Flere kommenterer innimellom verdien av et the Athletic-abonnement (meg inkludert).
Om det er noen som er på vippen fortsatt, akkurat nå kjører de et £2 i mnd (12 mnd) tilbud..
Unrivalled tournament insight for an unbeatable price. Join The Athletic for just  €1.99/month for 12 months.
Limited time offer. Subscribe today.
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #9 på: Oktober 08, 2023, 12:42:34 »
Noen som vet om Phil Hay er på bluesky? Mente han tweetet det en gang men finner ham ikke.


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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #10 på: Juni 12, 2024, 18:20:15 »
Phil Hay endrer arbeidsforholdene sine hos The Athletic. Han kommer nok fortsatt innimellom å skrive om Leeds United, men:
From today, I’m moving into a new position at The Athletic, producing our global football newsletter full-time. It doesn’t mean I won’t ever write about Leeds again, and the scale of our coverage won’t change either, but the baton is passing on after 18 years home and away.

Nancy Froston har allerede en tid dekket Leeds, men at det var en gradvis overgang ante jeg ikke før i dag tidlig. :o
(Det vil ikke bli det samme, det vil ikke det...)

Anyways, i dag beskrev Hay sine 18 år som Leeds-korrespondent.

I was 25 when I started covering Leeds United. I also had hair.
The first thing Leeds teach you: they’re everywhere.

Because the play-offs are something Leeds don’t do. Leeds to the play-offs are Napoleon to invasions of Russia. Enter with troops massed behind you and die in the snow. They don’t do simple, they don’t take the clearly-marked path when there’s a minefield to explore but they don’t throw the towel in either. I saw capacity crowds in League One. I saw full away ends at Hereford United, Yeovil Town and Hartlepool United. Leeds rarely get their ticket allocation system right because there’s no way of getting it exactly right; too much demand, too few seats, forever a battle to go to Millwall (again).


There’s a marvellous talent around here for holding grudges. Take Michel Kitabdjian, for transgressions in 1975. Or failing that, Ray Tinkler for transgressions in 1971. Or Alan Smith. Or any of the owners, coaches or players who contributed to their post-2001 demise. It might sound petty but the closer you get to Leeds, the more you appreciate the way in which their supporters have been asked to stomach incompetence, ineptitude and promises written on cheques which had zero chance of being cashed. Leeds are an example of only being as good as whoever’s letting you down next.


Og om presset:
For players and coaches coming through the door, the thought of pleasing a starved fanbase fanned their egos but the pressure caused by a 21st-century timeline of emotional trauma was usually too heavy to bear. You don’t get a free pass at Elland Road and Leeds people don’t suffer fools, but the way in which Marcelo Bielsa will be feted forever and a day here tells anyone that tangible achievements which touch the soul turn you into royalty.

The boys from the Don Revie era are deities too.
I’ll tell you this for nothing: Eddie Gray needs a statue, if not two.

Eg kunne tatt med mer, men det går jo ikke, men slutten:

On my way out of the YEP, as it’s known, I wrote something which has followed me around since: “An astonishing number of people despise Leeds United, or what Leeds United stand for. But this club was never made for them.”

I think that holds true, even if the reasons are slightly intangible. Those who follow Leeds would probably sum it up like this: if you know, you know. And if you don’t get it, you don’t matter.

Stick to that mantra. And keep living the dream.

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Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Phil Hay
« Svar #11 på: I dag kl. 11:36:06 »
Intet mot Nancy Froston, kjenner ikke til henne enda, men jeg syns det er veldig trist at Hay trapper ned med hensyn på Leeds-dekningen. Han er på ingen måte den mest gravende journalisten med de mest oppsiktsvekkende nyhetene, men han er saklig, velartikulert og har fin humor. Episodene på The Square Ball er alltid god lytting.

Syns han dekker godt i artikkelen hva det vil si "å være" Leeds også, sett fra en som ikke opprinnelig er en fan. Som han selv skriver vil han gjerne kalle Leeds sin "klubb nr to", men vet at Leedsfansen ikke verken ønsker å være noens nummer to eller i det hele tatt være populære hos "de nøytrale". Men Hay er Leeds han, ingen tvil om det.

Håper han blir å lese og høre fra i blant, som han også selv skriver.
Marching on together!