Hvem eier Leeds United?

Started by Promotion 2010, March 04, 2010, 20:52:49

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De rike er best og de beste er rike...  ;)

Man City og Chelsea er eks. på at det å få tak i penger også gjør de gode...

Det er desverre ingen som noen gang kommer til å nå toppen slik Brian Clough gjorde det med Nott Forest... via manager skills...

Det er 2 veier...

1. penger og innkjøp
2. eller være sinnsyk gode på spiller utvikling...

Jeg tro desverre ikke alt 2 holder lengre heller... Se på Ajax... det er mange år siden de hevdet seg nå...
CL pengene har bare forsterket kjøpe hysteriet og at suksess må leveres NÃ......

UEFA må forandre på en god del ting og innføre regler skal dette endre seg.
La oss håpe det skjer fort... da vil de fattiges stilling styrkes...

Det er jo ikke tvil om at pengene fra PL og Cl burde fordeles nedover i systemene .. og grasrotfotballen... samt gå til tvikling og hjelp i den 3 verden.


Quote from: jarle on April 29, 2011, 15:14:40
De rike er best og de beste er rike...  ;)

Man City og Chelsea er eks. på at det å få tak i penger også gjør de gode...

Det er desverre ingen som noen gang kommer til å nå toppen slik Brian Clough gjorde det med Nott Forest... via manager skills...

Det er 2 veier...

1. penger og innkjøp
2. eller være sinnsyk gode på spiller utvikling...

Jeg tro desverre ikke alt 2 holder lengre heller... Se på Ajax... det er mange år siden de hevdet seg nå...
CL pengene har bare forsterket kjøpe hysteriet og at suksess må leveres NÃ......

UEFA må forandre på en god del ting og innføre regler skal dette endre seg.
La oss håpe det skjer fort... da vil de fattiges stilling styrkes...

Det er jo ikke tvil om at pengene fra PL og Cl burde fordeles nedover i systemene .. og grasrotfotballen... samt gå til tvikling og hjelp i den 3 verden.

Burde er en ting. Men de rike er best og rikest, og deres mål er å øke forspranget, og bli enda rikere. Derfor vil de aldri godta at UEFA fordeler rettferdig. Og UEFA tør ikke si nei av frykt for at de bryter ut og lager en egen superliga - som betyr mindre penger til UEFA.

Men det går allikevel an å være bedre enn pengestrømmen tilsier. Hvis man klarer det over lang nok tid, vil pengestrømmen vokse, og man kan "gjøre en Fulham" eller kanskje til og med "en Porto". Det vil være uendelig mye vanskeligere og mer tilfredsstillende enn å bli leketøy og utstillingsvindu for en multimilliardær.

Men hva i all verden har dette med hvem som eier Leeds United å gjøre?
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974



Ja ja... da var det klart...

Lurer på hvor han har fått penger til å betale for dette...
Minimum kjøpepris må jo være den "gjelda" som disse selskapene etterga i admin.

Bates eier 50% av Leeds ( kjøpte av Krasner boet)
Bates kjører Leeds i grøfta
Tar over selkapet for nesten 0 kr. ( via stråmenn)
siste info Bates har kjøpt Leeds tilbake

Noen som fortsatt ikke er overbevist?

Luringen Bates har nå altså 100% kontroll mot de 50% han hadde i 2005 og det har ikke kosta han en kr mer en de han betalte i 2005 for 50%

Når Leeds sikker selges i løpet av kort tid... Har Bates en gevinst på... ja hva skal vi gjette?
25-50 millioner pund?


Quote from: jarle on May 03, 2011, 18:19:31

Ja ja... da var det klart...

Lurer på hvor han har fått penger til å betale for dette...
Minimum kjøpepris må jo være den "gjelda" som disse selskapene etterga i admin.

Bates eier 50% av Leeds ( kjøpte av Krasner boet)
Bates kjører Leeds i grøfta
Tar over selkapet for nesten 0 kr. ( via stråmenn)
siste info Bates har kjøpt Leeds tilbake

Noen som fortsatt ikke er overbevist?

Luringen Bates har nå altså 100% kontroll mot de 50% han hadde i 2005 og det har ikke kosta han en kr mer en de han betalte i 2005 for 50%

Når Leeds sikker selges i løpet av kort tid... Har Bates en gevinst på... ja hva skal vi gjette?
25-50 millioner pund?

Bra deal for Bates og bra deal for oss..:)
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


MP claims that Bates has owned the club since 2005

As the sports minister warned that the government might introduce legislation to govern who can own football clubs, Damian Collins MP has claimed that rumours have circulated in the game that Bates was the real owner since the club was bought by the Forward Sports Fund in 2005.

A private members debate been taking place in Westminster Hall today on the Regulation and governance of football clubs, and Collins (the conservative MP for Folkestone and Hythe) said  “The case of Leeds United should compel the Government to press for greater clarity from the football authorities on the administration of the rules of club ownership.”

And he questioned how it could be right for a football club to be sold between offshore business ventures “without anyone knowing how much was paid, where the money came from and ... even who was selling the club”. He pointed out this made it impossible for the football authorities to carry out their fit and proper persons test, and claimed that “Fans have a right to know who owns their club. It’s incredible the FA and Football League maintained a situation where they didn’t actually know who the ultimate owners were”.

At the time of the administration in 2007 Bates denied any connection with Astor, who were the clubs’ largest creditors, and this was crucial in allowing him to retain control of the club. If the administrators had found a link between Bates and Astor, then Astor would not have been able to vote in Bates’ favour at the creditors meeting. And as the club came out of administration with Bates still at the helm, the taxman lost over £6million, and numerous small businesses throughout West Yorkshire also took a hit.

Collins questioned why Astor offered to write off the £17million it was owed if Bates remained as chairman, if there was no connection between the two. And he also asked how Bates could have bought the club earlier this year when he claimed he didn’t know who the former owners were, and why they would have chosen to sell to him rather than invite any other prospective buyers to submit bids for the club.

Sports Minister Hugh Robertson responded to the debate by promising that the government would introduce legislation to control who can run football clubs, if the game’s authorities didn’t get their act together. “I do not particularly want to legislate, but football should be in no doubt whatsoever that if it does not react to what the Government lays out after the Select Committee report, we are prepared to legislate if necessary.”

Robertson also said that he would like to see the end of the ‘Football Creditors rule’, which means that when clubs come out of administration their debts within the game get paid in full, but all the other creditors get only a portion of their money. And there was also a suggestion that the HRMC might still pursue Bates for the £6million they lost in 2007, unless the circumstances of how Leeds came out of administration could be made clear.

So we clearly haven’t heard the last of this yet, and we can only hope that if there is any punishment to be handed out at the end of the process, it will only affect Ken Bates and not Leeds United football club itself.

Ja ja. Vi får håpe dette ikke går utove klubben igjen og at stuttkjukken ser seg nøtt til å selge / gi fra seg eierskapet til en velstående Leeds entusiast.
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


Leeds United fans have right to know owners

Tory MP Damian Collins has rejected Leeds chairman Ken Bates’ claim that he has a vendetta against the club and insisted fans have the right to know ownership details.

Bates launched a scathing attack on the Parliamentary culture, media and sport committee’s review of football and accused Collins, one of the members, of having a “hidden agenda” after he called for an FA investigation into the past ownership of Leeds.

Bates took a 70 per cent controlling interest in the club in May but it is still not known who was behind the offshore trusts that owned Leeds before then. Collins said: “It is important for fans to know who owns their club, whether they are fit and proper people, and it they have other interests in football which could be considered to be a conflict.

“Ken Bates clearly thinks that this is none of their business, and I think he is wrong.

“With Leeds we still do not know who the owners of the club were when it was controlled by the FSF trust. Given that tax-payers and other businesses lost large amounts of money during the period when Leeds was in administration, I think there is some legitimate public interest as well in understanding more about this.”

Collins said he had no issue with Leeds and that many of the club’s supporters wanted questions answered.

He added: “We have recently seen a great club like Leeds bought and sold by two offshore companies for an undisclosed sum, and we don’t know the identity of the seller.

“Why was FSF so keen to sell to Ken Bates when the club looks like it is in contention to get back into the Premier League, and why was such a potentially lucrative deal concluded so quickly? I think it is reasonable to ask these questions.

“If I was to make one prediction it will be that soon Leeds will be back in the Premier League, and at some point after that Ken Bates will sell for a considerable profit.”

Bates had said that with Leeds being one of the few clubs making a profit the focus should be on how it was being run.

He said: “Why Damian Collins is carrying such a torch for Leeds when he is an avowed Manchester United supporter living in Kent, as many of them do, I do not know.

“I suspect there is a hidden agenda here or he has a vendetta against the club or myself.

“I remember Harry Redknapp saying fans wouldn’t mind if Saddam Hussein owned a club so long as it was winning games and signing players and I think that applies to most clubs and certainly Leeds.

“The report says clubs should be financially secure and upwardly mobile and we are one of the few clubs that are. What’s the problem? I own it now, or 70 per cent anyway, so let’s get on with running the club.”


Vandetta eller ikke, men hvem driver den? Begge?
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.

Promotion 2010

En god dokumentar av David Conn (BBC North) om forholdene under Ken Bates:

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På den tiden var det mange kjeltringer rundt oss!   :o

The Square Ball intervjuer produsenten av programmet:
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Og 50 minutter fra dagen Bates overtok Leeds United, 21.januar 2005:


Virket ikke som representanter for supporterklubbene hadde mye tillit til Bates!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973