Ex-spiller: Liam Cooper

Started by Sølvreven, August 12, 2014, 20:48:11

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Quote from: Fantasyland on August 06, 2023, 20:56:36
Quote from: Lucas the Kop Cat on August 06, 2023, 20:37:07
Quote from: auren on August 06, 2023, 19:46:09
"rolled ankle" i følge Farke (Phil Hay på X). Aner ikke hva en rolled ankle er i grunnen. Overtråkk?

Må være overtråkk det menes.

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Korrekt. Bare avvente hvor kraftig overtråkk det er snakk om..
Fryktet det var kneet. Overtråkk KAN heles fort (et par uker) med litt flaks og riktig behandling, og litt avhengig av om det det første gang eller noe han har gjort en del ganger før.


Han landet med to stive ben, så jeg frykter mer enn overtråkk.


Overtråkk kan være så mangt, men når en hardhaus som Cooper må ut på båre med armene over ansiktet tror jeg nesten vi må regne med at det er i den alvorlige delen av spekteret. Nå har jeg null medisinsk kompetanse, men hvis det er leddbåndet på utsida av ankelen tar det fort et par måneder å bli kampklar? Hvis det er et brudd blir det vel mye verre, sikkert avhengig av hvilket bein det er snakk om. Kjipt for klubben, og ikke minst for en aldrende og allerede mørbanket fotballkropp. Det setter nok enda mer fart i arbeidet med å få inn en ny stopper.


Cooper har fått diagnosen «plantar fascia rupture».  (Avriving i den store senen under foten).
Forskning fra denne typen skader på utøvere i USA viser at det tar mellom 9-26 uker før man er tilbake i aktivitet !!

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Quote from: karaba on August 08, 2023, 21:17:40
Cooper har fått diagnosen «plantar fascia rupture».  (Avriving i den store senen under foten).
Forskning fra denne typen skader på utøvere i USA viser at det tar mellom 9-26 uker før man er tilbake i aktivitet !!

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Det var den sesongen, det :(.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Opp til 8 uker står det på hjemmesiden. Men kan ikke helt se at godeste Liam ikler seg Leedsdrakt fra neste sesong av. Han er altfor mye skadeplaget at der er vits i å tilby ny kontrakt. Funker ikke å ha kapteinen ute 1/3 av sesongen hvert år.


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"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Quote from: auren on August 08, 2023, 23:10:26
Opp til 8 uker står det på hjemmesiden. Men kan ikke helt se at godeste Liam ikler seg Leedsdrakt fra neste sesong av. Han er altfor mye skadeplaget at der er vits i å tilby ny kontrakt. Funker ikke å ha kapteinen ute 1/3 av sesongen hvert år.


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Nei, du har rett i det. Samtidig er han essensiell for klubben, med så mange unge spillere rundt seg og så få ledertyper (tilsynelatende). Veldig symbolsk at han scora reduseringa på søndag og deretter blir skadd.

Han gir nok det kroppen måtte ha igjen i år, så kan det vel hende det blir Saudi fra sommeren av. Hadde derimot sett dumt ut for Coops, om han slo til på tilbud derfra nå etter talen mot Spurs.
Marching on together!

Hallgeir *

Det gikk vel den veien, ja.

Joanna Maria Pazos Stead  ·
1 t
Joining Leeds in 2014 from Chesterfield, and having a decent campaign while at the club, its now been comfirmed that Leeds Utd and Liam Cooper will be parting ways at the end of the season.
Phil Hay
Super Leeds since 1968


Quote from: Hallgeir * on January 16, 2024, 21:10:25
Det gikk vel den veien, ja.

Joanna Maria Pazos Stead  ·
1 t
Joining Leeds in 2014 from Chesterfield, and having a decent campaign while at the club, its now been comfirmed that Leeds Utd and Liam Cooper will be parting ways at the end of the season.
Phil Hay

Kan ikke se at Phil har twitret noe sånt. Er det fra en podcast?
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Hallgeir *

Quote from: Asbjørn on January 16, 2024, 22:13:40
Quote from: Hallgeir * on January 16, 2024, 21:10:25
Det gikk vel den veien, ja.

Joanna Maria Pazos Stead  ·
1 t
Joining Leeds in 2014 from Chesterfield, and having a decent campaign while at the club, its now been comfirmed that Leeds Utd and Liam Cooper will be parting ways at the end of the season.
Phil Hay

Kan ikke se at Phil har twitret noe sånt. Er det fra en podcast?

Det er fra en post på facebook.

Ikke noe usannsynlig scenario, men det kan jo være fake news.
Super Leeds since 1968


Quote from: Hallgeir * on January 16, 2024, 22:16:26

Det er fra en post på facebook.

Ikke noe usannsynlig scenario, men det kan jo være fake news.
Enig i at det ikke er usannsynlig men hadde forventet at en nyhetsmann som Hay hadde postet en slik nyhet selv.
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Fortjener en testemonialkamp etter sesongen!

Hallgeir *

Quote from: Johnnyj on January 16, 2024, 22:52:32
Fortjener en testemonialkamp etter sesongen!

Ikke uenig i det, men nå har vel de fleste på dette nivået en bra lønn og har hatt det over flere år.

Kanskje er testimonials et begrep som er på vei til å dø ut? Ikke mange som blir i samme klubb i ti år lenger nå.

Super Leeds since 1968


Super duper @LiamCooper__ makes his 220th appearance as captain tonight, just 3 away from Trevor Cherry in second place.
Lufstats på twitter

Bare tre kamper unna andreplassen! Likevel er eg høgst usikker på om han får flere...

Uansett, en STERK tredjeplass det der.
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Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Hallgeir *

Quote from: Asbjørn on February 07, 2024, 19:10:57
Super duper @LiamCooper__ makes his 220th appearance as captain tonight, just 3 away from Trevor Cherry in second place.
Lufstats på twitter

Bare tre kamper unna andreplassen! Likevel er eg høgst usikker på om han får flere...

Uansett, en STERK tredjeplass det der.

Fikk i alle fall et innhopp som kaptein i dag.

Det var en fin måte å takke av på Elland Road for en sann tro tjener. Et meget godt kapteinsemne både på og utenfor banen.

"There's only one Liam Cooper".
Super Leeds since 1968


Det har ikke vært en supersesong for LiamCooper, men flott at Skottland fant plass til ham i EM troppen da. Grattis Cops !

Hallgeir *

Når det ikke har skjedd noe til nå med hensyn til kontraktforslaget som Liam Cooper fikk fra klubben, regner jeg med at det ikke er godtatt. Tar det for gitt at han har spilt ferdig i Leeds.

Jeg synes han fortjener samme oppmerksomhet som Stuart Dallas fikk ved å ta avskjed foran fansen. Selv om han fikk en form for avskjed ved det siste innhoppet.
Super Leeds since 1968


Quote from: Hallgeir * on August 10, 2024, 17:33:14Når det ikke har skjedd noe til nå med hensyn til kontraktforslaget som Liam Cooper fikk fra klubben, regner jeg med at det ikke er godtatt. Tar det for gitt at han har spilt ferdig i Leeds.

Jeg synes han fortjener samme oppmerksomhet som Stuart Dallas fikk ved å ta avskjed foran fansen. Selv om han fikk en form for avskjed ved det siste innhoppet.

Jeg tror nok Leeds gir Cooper tid og ro til å vurdere tilbud andre steder, uten å presse han. Etter en lang og tro tjeneste.

Bare en antakelse selvsagt.

Cooper er fort fjerdevalget med Debayo som enda en utfordrer og da er det ikke noe stort press for Leeds å få dette på plass.

Regner med Cooper har ambisjoner om VM i 2026 og da bør han spille. Kommer det et tilbud fra andre enn Leeds han godtar tipper jeg det kommer en hyllest som Ayling fikk etter Boro-overgangen.
Marching on together!


Cooper nærmer seg Hull. Kan være at han sitter på benken på Elland Road til helga. Blir rart...

Hallgeir *

Quote from: GeirO on August 24, 2024, 19:47:36Cooper nærmer seg Hull. Kan være at han sitter på benken på Elland Road til helga. Blir rart...

Blir jo perfekt for han å avslutte karrieren i fødebyen. Men et år til i Leeds blir heller ikke feil.
Super Leeds since 1968


Quote from: Johnnyj on January 16, 2024, 22:52:32Fortjener en testemonialkamp etter sesongen!

Satt akkurat og tenkte det samme. Han har vel vært hos oss i over 10 år?
Hvis ikke Cooper får en testimonial er vel det et begrep som aldri mer vil dukke opp i vår klubb.
Ikke bare har han vært trofast hos oss veldig lenge, han har vært klubbens kaptein i mange år og alltid gitt alt for laget.
Aldri stjernenykker, aldri noe tull. Bare en ekte klubblegende.
Virkelig verdig en solid oppmerksomhet fra klubben når hans tid i Leeds nå er kommet til veis ende.


Han er ikke snau, Liam Cooper, i avskjedsordene sine når han nå setter kursen mot CSKA Sofia. Jeg gjengir de her i YEPs versjon av det hele.

Med få måneders klaring ble det 10 år for Coops i Leeds, ikke noen som kaller ham League One Liam nå lenger, det tilhører en annen tid. Før Bielsa i alle fall...

Sterke ord fra Liam - det er det! Artig at han nevner Dan James oppi alle navnene vi ellers kjenner fra Bielsa-laget... :)

To the best in the land. After 10 years, 7 as your captain, it's time to say goodbye. When I arrived at LUFC I had one ambition and that was to leave the shirt in a better position than when I arrived. I do believe I have done that, with the help and support of some incredible people.

"Firstly I have to thank Marcelo and his staff. My relationship with Marcelo is well documented, he made me a better player, a better leader and a better man. I would like to thank all of the managers I have worked with in the past decade but Marcelo's influence on me and the club in general was beyond anything I can put into words.

"I also need to thank all of the coaches, physios and backroom staff past and present, across the first team and academy at Thorp Arch, for everything they have done for me. Many of these people have become more than colleagues over the years. These people help drive and maintain the standards behind the scenes and I will miss them all greatly, you all know who you are.

"During my time I have played with so many players, far too many to mention by name, but I do need to give a special mention a fair few. Bill [Luke Ayling], Klichy [Matheus Klich], Adam [Forshaw], Patrick [Bamford], and DJ [Daniel James] who I shared amazing moments with and now unbelievable friendships. The 2020 promotion team was probably the best team I have ever been involved with, a team built on pure hard work and humility. The weight of the shirt is very heavy, but we put side before self and came together to achieve something special with memories that will last forever."

Cooper also reserved words of praise for his best friend Dallas, who was forced into retirement through injury earlier this year, and the club's fanbase.

"I also have to mention one man in particular who has been by my side through everything, Stu," he said. "The bond between us lives beyond football and it was an honour to share some of the best days of my career together with him. He showed me the way all too many times and I'll never forget that.

"And to the fans, yes you lunatics and the heart beat of our great club. Your unwavering support for myself and the boys meant everything. You will never know how much you drive the players on, my only sadness looking back is not getting to lift that title at Elland Road in front of you.

"I leave the club proud of what we achieved together, I was never perfect, but throughout my time I tried to represent you and the club with dignity and modesty at all times. I've met some truly inspiring individuals in the community over the last 10 years from all walks of life. I appreciate each and every one of you, for making me a better person and proving far and wide that some things are more important than football.

"As I move on to the next chapter of my career I will look back and be very proud but also hungry for more. Stay loud and stay proud. I'll see you in the terraces. Good luck to Daniel, his staff and Ethan [Ampadu] and the boys for the rest of the season. When that train starts it's difficult to stop. On behalf of myself and family - Thank you all for everything, memories we will cherish forever. Marching on Together."

Leeds United have also made a statement on their socia media pages, describing Cooper as one of the Elland Road greats. It said: "Forever our promotion winning captain, Liam Cooper has today announced that he will take up an opportunity overseas. Liam will always be welcome at Elland Road and will go down in history as one of Leeds United's greatest ever captains."

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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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LUFCDATA på twitter trekker også frem Bielsas ord fra 2019:

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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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LOL- Enig med Joe her :D
CSKA Sofia's Liam Cooper announcement video is interesting, to say the least. #lufc
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Forever Whites

Bra video, bra mann.  Ønsker kapteinen vår alt hell og lykke i sin nye klubb.
Medlem 94237

Hallgeir *

Synes dette bør med i tråden til Liam Cooper - en oppsummering av de 10 årene han har tjent klubben.

Leeds United can confirm Liam Cooper has left the club to take up an opportunity overseas, following the expiration of his contract.

The 33-year-old joined the Whites in 2014 and became a hugely popular and influential member of the squad, both on and off the pitch in that time.

Cooper began his long-standing association with the club after joining from Chesterfield, with Leeds playing in the Sky Bet Championship.

Just three days after signing for the Whites, Cooper made the first of his 284 appearances for his boyhood club, a 1-0 win over Middlesbrough. A few months into that season, he would receive the armband, taking over the captaincy of the team.

A first goal for the Whites would come on home turf against Blackpool, in the form of a memorable left-footed half-volley from the edge of the box, to set the side on the way to winning three points.

That season saw Cooper make 31 appearances, which would then be backed up with 59 appearances in all competitions across the next two seasons.

A mid-table finish for the club in the 2017/18 season allowed the skipper to captain the side a further 32 times, netting another memorable goal, this time at home to Brentford by cleverly guiding home a header in a 1-0 win.

The 2018/19 campaign under then head coach Marcelo Bielsa and Cooper's captaincy was the start of a new era at Elland Road. Although the season would ultimately end in Play-Off heartbreak, his 39 appearances and three goals saw the club gain momentum and belief of a return to the Premier League.

And then, in 2019/20, that return was completed, in memorable and spectacular style as the captain went up to lift the Sky Bet Championship trophy.

A total of 93 points from 46 games, Leeds were 10 points clear of second place and returned to the Premier League. Cooper made 40 appearances in all competitions, scoring twice, away at Brentford and at home to Stoke City.

The Covid-19 pandemic meant that the iconic trophy was lifted without fans. However, Cooper's love of Leeds as a city and for the people saw our captain keep in contact with regular online meetings and messages to supporters throughout many tough months.

His commitment to off-field activities saw the captain help our community by providing over 7,000 meals for children across the region during half-terms, whilst also providing smiles and enjoyment for children with his LC6 football academy.

Back on the pitch but away from the club, Cooper would also receive international recognition. He had made his commitment to Scotland in 2008 at Under-17 level, before then receiving a first senior call up in 2016.

He would be a regular for the Tartan Army from 2020 onwards, helping his nation to qualify for the UEFA Euro 2020 tournament, before more recently, playing his part in the team making a second successive Euros finals this summer in Germany.

After promotion, Cooper would return to action for the Whites, achieving a childhood dream of captaining Leeds in the Premier League. His first time doing so for the side was in a home victory over Fulham.

He would go on to make 25 league appearances as the Whites finished ninth in a memorable first year back in the top-flight, before going on to then play for Scotland against the Czech Republic that summer in the European Championships.

Over the next two seasons, the centre-half would make 42 appearances for the club in the top-tier of English football.

In his 10th and final campaign for the club, in the opening day curtain raiser against Cardiff City, Cooper's well-timed header handed Leeds a lifeline as the Whites eventually fought back to draw at Elland Road.

His off-field and on-field experience helped Daniel Farke to integrate and promote youth into the starting line-up at the club, with Cooper always on hand to offer wise words and tactical know-how.

The Scotland international made a further 18 appearances across all competitions, including a memorable cameo off the bench in United's Play-Off semi-final success over Norwich City.

A true Leeds United legend, Cooper now departs with the love and best wishes for all those who had the pleasure of working with him, alongside him, supporting him and cheering his name.

He helped transform the fortunes and culture of the club and had a monumental impact.

Liam and his family will always be welcome back at Elland Road, he will go down in history as one of the club's greatest ever captains.

Thank you for everything, skip.

Super Leeds since 1968