Port Vales coach etter 3-1 tapet mot Leyton...

Started by B-m, October 21, 2007, 19:50:12

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who killed Trondheimwhite?

Tom S

Det er visst fleire enn vår egen Wisey som sliter med kva som vert sagt postmatch.
:o ;D




Sensurerte versjonen  :D

He said: "I've just told the players they are gutless, spineless.

"They are the worst bunch of players I've ever seen at Port Vale in 17 years. I'm not trying to kid any fans - they are gutless.

"We played all right in the first half and got the goal, but then conceded one and packed it in. That's spineless for me, without question. They've got no bottle.

As soon as it gets a little bit hard they hide.

"I want to say some home truths. There are too many people saying we're trying to do this, and trying to do that. The players here at the minute are nowhere near good enough to survive a league down, never mind this league.

"I wish I was a magician and could get rid of them, but some are on good contracts so we can't do it. There's not many I would keep.

"I've had enough. I want to see the chairman on Monday morning. That's how strongly I feel.

"I've been associated with this club for 17 years and I'm embarrassed to be associated with that bunch, so I'm not sure I want to be invoved anymore."

Caretaker boss Dean Glover also criticised the players for a lack of passion as they slumped to a fourth straight defeat.

He said: "To be in front like we were and then come out 10 minutes into the second half and be 3-1 down, we can't explain how we feel.

"We didn't have enough passion, enough spine in the team. The front two worked hard but unfortunately behind them they didn't have anyone else to support them.

"Unfortunately we can't defend a lead.

We can't accept those performances - that's why we're down the bottom. We can't afford to carry people like that at the moment, but unfortunately there are too many of them."
who killed Trondheimwhite?