Skrevet av Emne: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+  (Lest 38051 ganger)

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Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #270 på: April 29, 2019, 13:22:26 »
Det største ansvaret hviler vel på dommern her?

jeg følte ikke at dommer hadde kontroll i denne kampen i det hele tatt. Må ta på seg mye av "blamen" for at dette sklei ut som det gjorde.
Innkonsekvent og meget svak dømming fra fløyta gikk, til fløyta gikk.
Ups & Ups!!


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #271 på: April 29, 2019, 13:30:26 »
Jeg støtter for så vidt Bielsas ordre om å  gi AV et mål, men kun fordi vi ikke trengte seier og at vi får goodwill. Det motsatte ville kanskje gjort Villa enda hissigere på å ta oss i en play off-kamp. Så kanskje taktisk lurt av den grunn.

MEN, som flere er inne på, den greia med å spille ut ballen fordi motstander har en mindre på beina er helt tullete. Skulle en følge det prinsippet måtte en f.eks. vente til den som har vært ute på sidelinja for behandling var kommet inn. Eller ta ut en mann om motstander hadde brukt opp alle bytter og fikk en skadet. Osv. Hele denne engelske, selvopphøyde forståelsen av fair play, er jo bare tull. Dårlig gjort å kikke på motstanders trening for det kan gi en fordel. Dårlig gjort å fortsette å spille når en har ramlet og slått seg. Forstår Bielsas reaksjon denne gang på bakgrunn av den pepperen han fikk av å ikke forstå engelsk "gentelmans agreement" i spionsaken, nesten så jeg mistenker ham for å gjøre det ned en viss sarkasme nå, men han er vel egentlig mer gentelman enn de fleste engelskmenn.
Leeds spilte etter reglene, som man skal spille etter. At Villa-spillerne tror og mener at Leeds skal spille ut ballen er helt deres egen avgjørelse. Det skulle jammen ta seg ut dersom man skulle ha motstanders tillatelse til å spille fotball! Det er derfor vi har en nøytral 23. mann utpå der. Han skal ta den avgjørelsen. Hans avgjørelse var at dette var innenfor reglene, og Leeds begikk ingen feil. Sutre-Villa.

Hadde situasjonen vært omvendt hadde vi vært forbanna på Villa. Ingen tvil! Kjernen til problemet er det Roberts gjør med ballen. Om det er bevisst eller ikke fra Roberts vet jeg ikke, men "alle" tror jo at han skal spille ballen ut, så plutselig fortsetter han spillet. Kanskje han bare stoppet opp for å orientere seg om situasjonen siden flere av Villa-spillerne stoppet litt opp. Jeg vet ikke.

Jeg hadde ihvertfall en flau smak i munnen da Klich scoret målet, og jublet ikke for scoringen.

Veldig godt oppsummert auren. Nøyaktig hva jeg også tenkte. Samtidig er jeg motstander av at noen andre enn dommer skal stoppe spillet.
Leeds begikk ingen feil. Villa-spillerne begikk en tabbe. Det får stå for deres regning. Spill til fløyta går.

Nja. Ingen direkte feil nei som vi kunne "straffes" for. Det er jo heller ikke feil å kaste til medspiller, dersom Villa hadde spilt ballen ut over sidelinjen ved en skade. Men unfair og umoralsk.

En sjelden gang skjer slike type ting som ligger i en gråsone over hva som er moralsk riktig og ikke. Jeg synes denne saken er vanskelig moralsk sett.


å kaste ballen tilbake til motspiller er heller ingen regel, men der er det en gentelman agreement.

Situasjonen i går så er det ikke sånn. Det ble jo presisert for noen år tilbake pga mye problemer med drøying av tid, at dommern skal blåse hvis det er hodeskade eller alvorlig skade. Blåser ikke dommer, så skal man spille til han blåser.

At Villa gjorde det når en Leeds spiller lå nede får dem ta ansvar for selv. Husker jeg situasjonen rett så spilte dem ut ballen helt ute ved sidelinjen i en situasjon Leeds var i overtall. Dem visste at dem fikk ballen tilbake og påfølgende bedre mulighet.Hadde dem hatt muligheten til å skape noe der, er jeg helt sikker på at den ballen aldri hadde blitt spilt ut. Det er noe vi aldri får svar på uansett.

Konklusjonen er å spille til fløyta går.

Ja jeg hadde blitt forbannet hvis Villa hadde scoret et lignende mål. Men på Leeds spillerne som slutter å spille. Ihvertfall ikke Villa spillerne!


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #272 på: April 29, 2019, 15:40:55 »
Patetisk dommer får ta dette på sin kappe.
Han står 10 meter fra når Cooper og Kodija går i hverandre...ingen hodeskade.

Leeds spiller all time high fair play , og gir Villa mål tilbake.....ganske sykt egentlig- men antagelig korrekt.

Mer spent på straffene og kort i etterkant når de høye herrer har sett på all knuffinga.
Ender med at Villa får strøket sitt, og Leeds får 2 røde og 2 gule til... :o ;)


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #273 på: April 29, 2019, 18:16:37 »
Ser at begge lag etterforskes for å ha mistet kontroll på spillerne sine. Hvem var det Leeds ikke hadde kontroll på? Til og med Berardi brukte jo energien på å prøve å dra medspillere ut av Villaspillernes grep. Hva skulle våre ha gjort, da? Løpt rett i garderoben etter scoringa? Slik jeg oppfattet det, var det kun Villa som mistet hodet her, selv om jeg skjønner at scoringa var kontroversiell. Jeg velger å tro Klich når han sier at han ikke oppfattet at det lå en spiller nede.


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #274 på: April 29, 2019, 18:48:10 »
Dem kunne forsøkt å løpe tilbake på egen banehalvdel. Det er jo ingen som får bank utpå der, så de tre Leeds spillerne som var i situasjonen kunne fint stått der alene

Pontus løper til sidelinjen for å diskutere med Villa manager. Bamford er i flere situasjoner. Skjønner at det koker i toppen. Men vi bidra absolutt bra i situasjonen etter målet.


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #275 på: April 29, 2019, 18:54:27 »
Patetisk dommer får ta dette på sin kappe.
Han står 10 meter fra når Cooper og Kodija går i hverandre...ingen hodeskade.

Leeds spiller all time high fair play , og gir Villa mål tilbake.....ganske sykt egentlig- men antagelig korrekt.

Mer spent på straffene og kort i etterkant når de høye herrer har sett på all knuffinga.
Ender med at Villa får strøket sitt, og Leeds får 2 røde og 2 gule til... :o ;)
Er det ingen grunn til å straffe noen? Det får da være grenser til overreagering. La nå denne Villa-spilleren få strøket det røde kortet, så er alt bra.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #276 på: April 29, 2019, 19:03:58 »
Dem kunne forsøkt å løpe tilbake på egen banehalvdel.
Ja, for det gjør jo alle lag etter de har scora?


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Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #277 på: April 29, 2019, 19:12:44 »
Når vi vet at det er EFL som skal behandle dette "etterspillet" så er det jo grunn til å være er jo aldri "Leeds-vennlige" i sine straffeutmålinger...

Min teori er faktisk så enkel at dommeren misforsto linjedommeren og viste ut feil mann...
Vi ser alle tydelig at det var Hourihane som fortjente rødt - kvelertak først på Klich og deretter knyttneveslag i magen. El Whatever skulle hatt gult for kranglinga med Bamford...som jo også fikk et korrekt gult...så svak denne dommertrioen var i denne kampen kan dem fint ha blingsa på personene...
There's only ONE United - LEEDS UNITED!


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #278 på: April 29, 2019, 21:56:53 »
Dem kunne forsøkt å løpe tilbake på egen banehalvdel.
Ja, for det gjør jo alle lag etter de har scora?

Nei. Men det er ikke ofte man ser sånne situasjoner etter et mål. Kun to mann gikk til Klich sim scoret..det er unormalt! Skjønner at det blir litt kok når sånn skjer. Men Leeds er ikke uskyldige i det som skjer etterpå.


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #279 på: April 29, 2019, 22:46:18 »
Dem kunne forsøkt å løpe tilbake på egen banehalvdel.
Ja, for det gjør jo alle lag etter de har scora?

Nei. Men det er ikke ofte man ser sånne situasjoner etter et mål. Kun to mann gikk til Klich sim scoret..det er unormalt! Skjønner at det blir litt kok når sånn skjer. Men Leeds er ikke uskyldige i det som skjer etterpå.
Kun to mann? Fantastisk sportsmanship av Villa, er det det du vil frem til? Greit. Jeg ser det litt annerledes. Ferdig snakka.


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #280 på: April 29, 2019, 23:46:31 »
Pontus. Jævla klovn. går mot sin egen leder
Selv med "ng-" i leppelesing, så greier jeg å lese at Bielsa skriker " defend the goal" altså eneste spiller som lystrer sjefen. Som jeg mener har helt rett, idiotisk at man spiller ballen over sidelinja når det ikke er hodeskade.
Lg. Ikke Ng. Det er helt klart give them goal han sier. Det blir nok dumping på deg i leppelesing.

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- Leif Olav


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #281 på: April 30, 2019, 06:28:56 »
Noen vil kunne hevde at det er uspirtslig at Roberts «antyder» at han skal soille ballen ut ved å stoppe opp angrepet som Leeds har satt i gabg for å så spille pasningen til Klich når Villa soillerne tydelig har stoppet opp...

Villa spillerne bremser jo opp først og mest, men de stopper vel helt opp når Tyler og stopper. Er vel først og fremst det som jeg tenker er usportslig.

Om Tyler når han mottar ballen viser at vibstopper ikkw vi spiller, så tenker jeg at det er litt anerledes enn slik som det ble...

Uansett skal ikke Villa sette seg selv i en slik situasjon som de gjorde, vi har ikke noen plikt å spille ballen ut. Men det er vanlig praksis når spilleren ligger nede på skade å ta hwnsyn til det.


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #282 på: April 30, 2019, 07:36:28 »
Noen vil kunne hevde at det er uspirtslig at Roberts «antyder» at han skal soille ballen ut ved å stoppe opp angrepet som Leeds har satt i gabg for å så spille pasningen til Klich når Villa soillerne tydelig har stoppet opp...

Villa spillerne bremser jo opp først og mest, men de stopper vel helt opp når Tyler og stopper. Er vel først og fremst det som jeg tenker er usportslig.

Om Tyler når han mottar ballen viser at vibstopper ikkw vi spiller, så tenker jeg at det er litt anerledes enn slik som det ble...

Uansett skal ikke Villa sette seg selv i en slik situasjon som de gjorde, vi har ikke noen plikt å spille ballen ut. Men det er vanlig praksis når spilleren ligger nede på skade å ta hwnsyn til det.

På fylla eller ikke helt venn med tastaturet i morges Runar?

Ser ut til at vi er enige her mtp Roberts. Hvis man også legger til at Villa sparket ballen ut da en Leedsspiller lå nede noen minutter tidligere, så kan man godt forstå at de blir forbanna. Hadde dette skjedd mot Leeds hadde både Pontus og Berardi røket ut med røde kort tenker jeg...


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"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #283 på: April 30, 2019, 12:02:53 »
Dem kunne forsøkt å løpe tilbake på egen banehalvdel.
Ja, for det gjør jo alle lag etter de har scora?

Nei. Men det er ikke ofte man ser sånne situasjoner etter et mål. Kun to mann gikk til Klich sim scoret..det er unormalt! Skjønner at det blir litt kok når sånn skjer. Men Leeds er ikke uskyldige i det som skjer etterpå.
Kun to mann? Fantastisk sportsmanship av Villa, er det det du vil frem til? Greit. Jeg ser det litt annerledes. Ferdig snakka.

Faen å du spikker fliser a!  ;)

Kun to fra Leeds spillere kom løpende til Klich for å feire målet. Resten var med og kranglet. Helt fair at begge lag for bøter for å ikke ha kontroll på spillerne sine.

Det var ikke noe god sportsmanship av verken Leeds eller Villa.
« Siste redigering: April 30, 2019, 22:10:44 av eriksen55 »


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #284 på: April 30, 2019, 20:23:21 »
Patetisk dommer får ta dette på sin kappe.
Han står 10 meter fra når Cooper og Kodija går i hverandre...ingen hodeskade.

Leeds spiller all time high fair play , og gir Villa mål tilbake.....ganske sykt egentlig- men antagelig korrekt.

Mer spent på straffene og kort i etterkant når de høye herrer har sett på all knuffinga.
Ender med at Villa får strøket sitt, og Leeds får 2 røde og 2 gule til... :o ;)

Ja... var vel så nærme noen tippet det, men Bamford røk altså på 2 kamper..
Hva med Hourihane som løfter Klich opp og bakover etter målet...og slår!??

f**k EFL og de høye herrer.

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010


Why didn't the Villa players put the ball out of play? Why didn't Dean Smith give Stoke a goal back? Doesn't this make them dirty cheats too?

Ah right. The Stoke players didn't act like self-righteous cunts & start punching players for it. The hypocrisy from these lot  #lufc
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

How Marcelo Bielsa gave Leeds fans something to be proud of again

The Leeds manager, who let Aston Villa score after his team had taken the lead against the spirit of the game, understands what it means to be a representative for your club

Leeds United
Jonathan Wilson
Mon 29 Apr 2019 10.49 BST

What is football for? Why do people go, week in and week out, to watch teams that very rarely come close to achieving anything close to their ambitions, and at times can barely be bothered even to trot through the motions? Why do they expend so much emotional energy in entities that at any moment can be taken over by the corrupt or incompetent? What’s the point?

Fans get angry quickly these days but disillusionment takes much longer to set in. There is far more booing in stadiums than there used to be, and social media gives public vent to the grumbling that was once confined to pubs, which probably inflates it and at times gives it a performative aspect. But attendances are far more stable than they used to be. People keep going.

Sheffield United ready for a Premier League walk on the Wilder side | John Ashdown
Yet disillusionment had set in at Leeds United. Crowds have fallen from an average of nearly 40,000 in 2001-02, the season after they reached a Champions League semi-final, to under 22,000 in 2015-16. There had been a recent upturn but, still, what has happened this season has been astonishing. Marcelo Bielsa has given Leeds something to believe in again.

What happened against Aston Villa on Sunday, when he instructed his side to concede a goal to cancel out one that had been scored against the spirit of the game, will cement his legend. A win would have kept Leeds’s hopes of automatic promotion alive. This was a match that mattered. The gesture had consequences.

What if Bielsa had not ordered an equaliser? There would have been condemnation from some quarters, as well as the delicious prospect of John Terry, Villa’s assistant manager, fulminating about fair play, but others might have concluded that the protocols over putting the ball out for an injured opponent are not fit for purpose and that it was only a matter of time before this sort of chaos ensued. Others might have noted how controversy seems to dog poor Stuart Attwell, a referee once fast-tracked to the Premier League but now essentially a character from a 1970s sitcom, beset by implausible misfortune despite his best intentions. But Bielsa preferred not to win in such a way.

Perhaps it was not quite such an act of, to use his term, nobility as that of Stan Cullis, in his last game for Wolves before retiring, refusing to bring down Liverpool’s Albert Stubbins when he was clean through on the final day of the 1946-47 season, allowing him to score the goal that ensured Liverpool, and not Wolves, won the title, but it was similarly born of the belief that winning should not be at all costs.

Bielsa is stubborn, at times infuriatingly so. What might he have won if he had compromised his relentless style as so many of those who have learned from him have? This season has followed the classic Bielsa arc, the soaring start yielding to a stuttering finish. The stats seem to show Leeds running just as hard now as they did in August but that is not the only measure of fatigue. “It’s a method that provokes a certain level of tiredness,” said Juan Manuel Llop, who played under Bielsa at Newell’s Old Boys in Argentina. “Not just physical tiredness, but also mental and emotional tiredness because the competitive level is so high that it’s difficult to keep up with it after a period of time.”

But that stubbornness is precisely why Bielsa is so inspirational. In August, I went to Yorkshire v Worcestershire in the County Championship at Scarborough. On the train there, the talk was not of cricket but of Bielsa. In the stand, a group of 70-odd year olds spoke with rare enthusiasm of Leeds’s start to the season and painstakingly went through their instructions for watching a stream of that evening’s game at Swansea. An experienced cricket writer, a man who oozes Yorkshire cynicism, babbled about being more interested in Leeds than he had ever been.

Players clash after the controversial opening goal scored by Leeds against Aston Villa. Photograph: Clint Hughes/PA
And that was after a month of Bielsa, when all he’d really done of any note had been to have his players pick up litter to demonstrate to them how privileged they were. But even his public utterances, his deadpan double act with his long-suffering translator Salim Lamrani, had been imbued with a sense of integrity. Bielsa isn’t just an eccentric and visionary football manager, he also has a profound moral core, which is why the spying allegations in January provoked him to such a self-excoriatory response.

In an environment that so often these days is about nothing more than making as much money in as short a period as possible, Bielsa grasps the notion of a club as representative of a region and its people, of something more than a collection of celebrities generating content to drive social media traffic.

He understands support, what it is when a football club is part of your heritage, part of your being. And he understands that in such circumstances, success is only part of what is important. Whatever happens in the play-offs, Leeds fans will never forget this season. They will always have the memories of the time the love came back.

Bielsa may not win as often as he should but then what is winning if it is without nobility?
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973



Why didn't the Villa players put the ball out of play? Why didn't Dean Smith give Stoke a goal back? Doesn't this make them dirty cheats too?

Ah right. The Stoke players didn't act like self-righteous cunts & start punching players for it. The hypocrisy from these lot  #lufc
Latterlig. Og veldig sant! Hvordan kan Leeds bli siktet for å ikke holde styr på spillerne sine, når det er Aston Villa som går i fullt angrep på våre spillere? Klich holder seg helt rolig, Bamford filmer (men han er jo ikke aggressiv), Berardi gjør som alltid en helhjertet innsats i å splitte opp spillere med makt  ;D ;D og så videre. Mens Aston Villa spillerne slår, holder og styrer på?...
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly



Why didn't the Villa players put the ball out of play? Why didn't Dean Smith give Stoke a goal back? Doesn't this make them dirty cheats too?

Ah right. The Stoke players didn't act like self-righteous cunts & start punching players for it. The hypocrisy from these lot  #lufc
Latterlig. Og veldig sant! Hvordan kan Leeds bli siktet for å ikke holde styr på spillerne sine, når det er Aston Villa som går i fullt angrep på våre spillere? Klich holder seg helt rolig, Bamford filmer (men han er jo ikke aggressiv), Berardi gjør som alltid en helhjertet innsats i å splitte opp spillere med makt  ;D ;D og så videre. Mens Aston Villa spillerne slår, holder og styrer på?...
Akkurat slik jeg observerer det også. Noen her inne mener visst at en naturlig reaksjon etter å ha scoret er å løpe så raskt som muloig tilbake på egen banehalvdel. Har dette noen gang skjedd i fotballhistorien? Neppe. Selvsagt jubles det, og selvsagt prøver en å stå oppreist (vel, ikke patetiske Bamford, da) når en blir angrepet. Helt naturlig reaksjon.



Why didn't the Villa players put the ball out of play? Why didn't Dean Smith give Stoke a goal back? Doesn't this make them dirty cheats too?

Ah right. The Stoke players didn't act like self-righteous cunts & start punching players for it. The hypocrisy from these lot  #lufc
Latterlig. Og veldig sant! Hvordan kan Leeds bli siktet for å ikke holde styr på spillerne sine, når det er Aston Villa som går i fullt angrep på våre spillere? Klich holder seg helt rolig, Bamford filmer (men han er jo ikke aggressiv), Berardi gjør som alltid en helhjertet innsats i å splitte opp spillere med makt  ;D ;D og så videre. Mens Aston Villa spillerne slår, holder og styrer på?...
Akkurat slik jeg observerer det også. Noen her inne mener visst at en naturlig reaksjon etter å ha scoret er å løpe så raskt som muloig tilbake på egen banehalvdel. Har dette noen gang skjedd i fotballhistorien? Neppe. Selvsagt jubles det, og selvsagt prøver en å stå oppreist (vel, ikke patetiske Bamford, da) når en blir angrepet. Helt naturlig reaksjon.
Fy fader for for en møkkaklubb. Fotballspillere har korttidsminne altså! Denne kampen ble spilt rett før jul, og det er flere Stoke spillere som vifter med armene for å få stoppet spillet.



Why didn't the Villa players put the ball out of play? Why didn't Dean Smith give Stoke a goal back? Doesn't this make them dirty cheats too?

Ah right. The Stoke players didn't act like self-righteous cunts & start punching players for it. The hypocrisy from these lot  #lufc
Latterlig. Og veldig sant! Hvordan kan Leeds bli siktet for å ikke holde styr på spillerne sine, når det er Aston Villa som går i fullt angrep på våre spillere? Klich holder seg helt rolig, Bamford filmer (men han er jo ikke aggressiv), Berardi gjør som alltid en helhjertet innsats i å splitte opp spillere med makt  ;D ;D og så videre. Mens Aston Villa spillerne slår, holder og styrer på?...
Akkurat slik jeg observerer det også. Noen her inne mener visst at en naturlig reaksjon etter å ha scoret er å løpe så raskt som muloig tilbake på egen banehalvdel. Har dette noen gang skjedd i fotballhistorien? Neppe. Selvsagt jubles det, og selvsagt prøver en å stå oppreist (vel, ikke patetiske Bamford, da) når en blir angrepet. Helt naturlig reaksjon.

Det har jeg aldri sagt. Når kaoset oppstår så burde Leeds spillerne heller løpt hjem i stedet for å delta i flere situasjoner. Det var 2 leedsspillere som jublet med Klich. Pontus løp til Villa benken. Forshaw, Bamford og et par til kranglet på siden.

Det er i teori. Skjønner selvfølgelig at man blir het i toppen når det koker.

Villa startet bråket etter målet. Leeds ble med. Villa spillerne står jo ikke 5 minutter og river i trøyene til hverandre. Selvfølgelig blir begge lag siktet.

Til orientering så er dem sikta. Det er ikke det samme som dømt.
« Siste redigering: Mai 01, 2019, 19:26:09 av eriksen55 »

Promotion 2010

Pablo Hernandez reveals what Marcelo Bielsa told him before Leeds United allowed Aston Villa's walk-in goal

Joe UrquhartPublished: 14:12
 Pontus Jansson and Albert Adomah clash after Leeds United let Aston Villa score a walk-in goal at Elland Road.
Pontus Jansson and Albert Adomah clash after Leeds United let Aston Villa score a walk-in goal at Elland Road.
Updated: 19:04 Thursday 02 May 2019

Pablo Hernandez says Leeds United's players "accepted" Marcelo Bielsa's decision to allow a walk-in goal against Aston Villa following a "confusing" few minutes of action at Elland Road.

United's 1-1 draw with Dean Smith's side dominated headlines across the world following Mateusz Klich's contentious opening goal in the 72nd minute of the Championship clash.

The Pole continued playing on after the visitors seemingly stopped due to an injury to forward Jonathan Kodjia in the centre circle as he latched onto a through ball from team-mate Tyler Roberts.

Klich found the back of the net with a neat finish in the resulting attack which sparked ugly scenes between the two teams as a melee ensued amid the celebrations in LS11.

Anwar El Ghazi was sent off with Patrick Bamford and Conor Hourihane both receiving yellow cards from referee Stuart Attwell in the aftermath following a long delay.

The 23-year-old winger, though, saw his red card rescinded upon appeal with United striker Bamford now expected to miss the next two games after being charged with 'deception of a match official' by the Football Association following his role in the dismissal.

Bielsa responded to the incident by allowing Albert Adomah to score unopposed to level up the game despite the best efforts of Pontus Jansson who attempted to dispossess the Villa man.

Hernandez, who was one of two players Bielsa called over to the bench in the wake of the opening goal, has now given his version of events.

“It was a bit confusing," Hernandez told Cadena Cope.

"See the play in detail, there is no need for the striker, he stays on the ground and the referee does not whistle, he lets it go.

“Marcelo called me and also the captain, who told us that he thought that what we had to do was let them score to equalise the game.

“We all looked at each other and decided that if it was the coach’s instructions, it was the right thing to do.

"We accept your orders.”
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Haha. Bielsa "harselerer" med FA og utestengelsen av Bamford og at hvis man slår så får man ikke utestengelse. Fritt oversatt:

Hvis man slår en person som er svak, og han detter i bakken, så er det aggressivt og det skal være utestengelse.
Hvis man slår en person som er sterk, og han ikke detter i bakken, så er det ikke aggressivt og det skal ikke være utestengelse.

Han har holdt på nå i 15 minutter ved å gå rundt grøten. Herlig!  ;D

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


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Pressekonferansen - som det konkluderes: Another epic!

Team news?
Bamford won’t be in. We have a doubt with Tyler Roberts. The same thing with Stuart Dallas. About these two doubts we might have a positive outcome with Stuart Dallas. With the problem of Tyler Roberts it is more complex.

Roberts for play-offs?
No, because they are not serious injuries.
(tipper det mangler et 'out' fra spørsmålet...)

Bamford reaction
I tried not to judge those who are here to judge us. It’s a fact Bamford simulated he received a kick. There is no point in talking about it. Anyway, you have conclusions that are important to underline.
These kind of behaviours, conditions, situations, you can have in the future. In some way, in my work, I sometimes have the obligation to make justice. I mean I have to manage the interests of the players fighting for the same positions and sometimes I reward with a decision and punish with decisions.
Why I have to take a decision to punish someone, I have in mind, a principle you always have to remember when you make justice: all the acts with the same nature must be judged with the same severity.
This is a conclusion that offers this decision against Bamford. After the decision against Bamford, all the same acts have to be judged with the same severity. Otherwise the opposite of my principle is to punish but making differences. Important risk for those who make justice.
I’m talking about myself because if I judge and don’t apply the same criteria for the same situation it’s not right. Another conclusion that is important, when we make a mistake you have to assimilate the details in the same conclusion.
Punch becomes an aggression. According to the capacity of resistance of the one who receives the punch. If the the recipient is strong it’s not an aggression. If the recipient is not strong it’s an aggression.
We can understand we can’t feint the punch when we receive it, but we can’t judge the strength of the punch based on the recipient. Obvious conclusion is if you punch someone and this person is strong enough it’s not an aggression and if you punch someone who is not strong, this is not an aggression. That is the conclusion.
Another conclusion you can draw from this case, when the authorities on the pitch, referees, can’t judge what happened inside the pitch during the game, of course, regarding this episode, the possibility the referee makes a mistake, the same way when a referee is afraid of a mistake and asks for help to take the right decision, when we receive a sanction we are allowed to ask for help to solve possible mistakes of the referee.
The referee can go to a commission and tell he needs their help because he had to manage many things during the game and we all know it’s not true. He knows he made a mistake and that’s why he asked for help to justify the mistake he made because he hadn’t made the mistake he would have found someone cheated, if he found out he would have red carded El Ghazi.
As the referee made a mistake, he doesn’t say I made a mistake, he says I had to take into account many things and maybe made a mistake. This is not the case.
Immediately after the game the referee knew he made the mistake. He asked for intervention of the commission saying he had to manage many things and maybe he made a mistake, and this is not true.
Of course, these are my conclusions, I’m not discussing the decisions taken, but we have the obligation to describe the procedure of those who judge us. The conclusions are very clear: the ones I just gave and the system works like this. I’m not discussing it because I have to submit myself to their judgement, but not to criticise them.
When the authorities take decisions they send messages we have to assimilate. All this interpretation you can find out by the decisions taken because they don’t give an explanation. They don’t tell the public how they reached their conclusions, but as those who have to respect the rules, we have the obligation to interpret them in order to not make the same mistake again. The messages are the three I gave: I’m not discussing anything. I have to say how we should behave again to avoid this again.
Hopefully the conclusion of this boring explanation. I’m not saying I’m against the norms, I am interpreting the norms. The interpretation is an obligation I have for a norm which is not clear enough.
We have 15 people here. If I’m wrong I would be thankful you tell me and there may be some details I am not aware of. I don’t want to make a mistake because all the conclusions we draw for what happened in the last game allow us to educate the public. I’m not saying the rules are wrong, I’m saying ‘these are the rules’.
I wouldn’t like to risk describing, in a bad way, the rules. I want you to tell me if I’m wrong. I can be wrong. I went to the limits of the rules to draw these conclusions. It doesn’t mean you can’t ignore this aspect or your explanation is wrong because you haven’t accounted for these facts, If this was the case I apologise.

What we can’t say is this is my interpretation and yours is different. Nothing changes if we say this.
From the decision taken, the conclusion must be, if you receive a punch, if it’s a punch, if it’s just a push it’s different, you can’t analyse the strength of the punch. You know it’s a punch, not its strength. Measure the effect and the only one who can measure is the recipient. The conclusion from the decision means the player receiving the punch falls down it’s strong and if it’s not it’s not an aggression.
When you punch someone, the conclusion from the decision, and it’s not strong it’s not an aggression, but if it’s strong it is an aggression. In this case, if the player is strong it cannot be an aggression and vice versa.

You're never boring
All that matters is if I’m right or wrong because when I communicate it’s important, not for our relationship, talking about you because of special respect for you. I feel free to tell you I’m not interested in your opinion, more the message you transmit to the public. Interested in your opinion in the case and, like I’m interested in others, because I have the hope if you don’t tell me I’m wrong, to allow me to exchange opinions, you’re telling me I’m right, but of course, there’s another authority.
Another aspect. My job is not to argue with you. Imagine my ambition is to say all the people agree with me here, but it’s very hard to obtain this.

Issue over transparency for all of us - Ipswich and Roofe ready?
Yes. He’s fit completely. We can’t ignore the fact he has spent time without playing 90 minutes.

Thank you
As we’re clarifying things.
The sanction I received of £200,000 is a financial sanction the club received. Sanction against the club and not me, but I’m responsible. That’s why I paid from my pocket.
I never said this and I never said the opposite, what I’m saying now. I have never said if we don’t get promoted I won’t carry on my work here. I haven’t said I would leave or stay. I just said it was not the moment to discuss it.
I just said it’s receiving the proposal and accepting or not. I would never say if we don’t go up I will leave because otherwise you would say the importance of this club is linked to the division it plays in.
For me, this team and club are important in any of the top three divisions and I am not saying this with demagogy. I don’t want people to think I’m not thankful because after the year here I only limit my evaluation of Leeds to the fact they play in one division or the other, it would mean I am not thankful.

Play-offs - thoughts on concept?
We should put a limit somewhere. If the third place is promoted you will only have possibilities for three teams. With the play-offs you have expectancies for the two promoted and the four between third and sixth. I’m not the right person to make an opinion, but from what I saw I saw you have few teams with nothing to play for in the last games because many played for sixth or avoiding relegation.
For me, it’s an unforgettable experience in this Championship because I discovered many pitches, many fans and lived many experiences.

Analysed play-off opponents?
There’s a big important head coach I admire and love, Edvaldo Berisso (?). He told me one day you take the risk of being paralysed because of the excess of analysis.
I think I have responded with this. I always have more data than what I need. See what happened when I went through this data.

Tempted to change?
Every day.
As I have been doing the same things for many years inside myself I can’t change it. When you’re old as me sometimes we tend to give advice as conclusions. The obsession doesn’t improve people it makes people worse.
There is an ideology that links obsession with efforts and work. You know in which segment are the workers and those who make efforts and a class tells workers if you work hard you will get rewarded. Of course, the effort has a reward, but the message is not transmitted like that.
This message is interested in one class to give to the workers. That’s why the obsession for the work is well done is as bad as the absence of effort.

We do agree on Hourihane being ignored was wrong
It’s clear why he was not cited by the authority because they treated the subject.
It’s not it hasn’t been judged. It has. They think his punch was not an aggression. That’s why I make my conclusions because otherwise I would deeply mistaken.
I don’t know what information you and the fans have, but I’m giving you my opinion based in the conclusion given by this commission this punch is not an aggression.
As I accept the decisions of the authorities I explain from this conclusion I reach my own to say if the recipient is strong it’s not an aggression.
This is the conclusion I reach based on their explanation. The only person measuring intensity is the recipient. Only think to evaluate is the resistance of the player and I’m going to tell you something I shouldn’t.
This interpretation invites people to say ‘what is the conclusion you can reach?’ You should go to the ground with every punch, even if they just touch you and simulate the strength. The only way to get justice.
At the same time, they sanction those who simulate, they invite people to simulate. Am I wrong? (No).
I’m not saying that to strengthen my position, just to see if I am mistaken.

On Lionel Messi's performance this week
What could I say that hasn’t been said so far, if you want to talk about Messi?
If I had to talk about Lionel Messi and say something new, I would put the picture where the ball goes through the goal and the position of the goalkeeper.
You just have to feel admiration for this goalkeeper, because how did he reach this position? And by doing this thing, someone can say, ‘yes but he lacked a centimetre’. And at the same time he did that hundreds of times. So there is nothing new you can say.

What are your conclusions of a year here?
Christian, as you work in Argentina, I would love to give you two details to clarify things.
In the Villa game, our players had a black band because they were mourning something. Jansson was not the captain, it does not change anything.
It’s wrong to say Jansson was the captain and took this decision. The second aspect to clarify, the episode has nothing to do with the referee. We can’t link between the referee and the decision we took.
What explains the rival was right is the moment of doubt we all had when Roberts stops playing and makes the pass.
This episode, which is decisive, could not be sold by the referee. It made it easier for us to score a goal. Without this detail it would be harder for us to score the goal.
There is something evident. How we would have felt in the rival’s position? That’s why we took the decision.
Regarding your question: the English fan, all those in the pitch, those who work in the industry, we are all affected by it.
Nobody is natural. We are all infected. Those working in the industry are all infected and the only pure people are the fans. The English fan is different to the fans in other countries. I don’t know how English society is outside football.
What I am sure of is the English fan rejects undeserved advantages. All over the world, the extraordinary thing about the fan is, especially in Argentina, the unconditional love. This is not very frequent in other aspects of life. What I have seen here in England, the fan says, even if I love you a lot, I’m not ready to accept something if you don’t do sportsmanship. I don’t know if this is right.
I don’t know about society in general when I put this concept in other aspects of not accepting undeserved things, but in football it felt like that.

What do you think about Argentine football from afar, the national team, the clubs compared to his own experience?
It’s difficult to evaluate it from outside it. I love Argentina and it’s football. It’s always means a lot to me Argentinian football keeps its importance.
I’m full of hope because fans always love their clubs even more and care about their clubs even more. I have read the other day NOB sold 600,000 shirts. Maybe it’s not important for people here, but for someone who loves Newell’s it’s an expression of love for the club.
In football which is professional here it might not have importance, but this fact is something moving because their sacrifice to buy the shirt is important.
They only afford to buy the shirt by sacrificing many things.

All over
Finally. Another epic.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Pressekonferansen - som det konkluderes: Another epic!

Joe Urquhart

So many highlights but I think my favourite was when he starting punching Salim to make his point - not seen him as animated for a long time. #lufc
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Pressekonferansen - som det konkluderes: Another epic!

Team news?
Bamford won’t be in. We have a doubt with Tyler Roberts. The same thing with Stuart Dallas. About these two doubts we might have a positive outcome with Stuart Dallas. With the problem of Tyler Roberts it is more complex.

Roberts for play-offs?
No, because they are not serious injuries.
(tipper det mangler et 'out' fra spørsmålet...)

Bamford reaction
I tried not to judge those who are here to judge us. It’s a fact Bamford simulated he received a kick. There is no point in talking about it. Anyway, you have conclusions that are important to underline.
These kind of behaviours, conditions, situations, you can have in the future. In some way, in my work, I sometimes have the obligation to make justice. I mean I have to manage the interests of the players fighting for the same positions and sometimes I reward with a decision and punish with decisions.
Why I have to take a decision to punish someone, I have in mind, a principle you always have to remember when you make justice: all the acts with the same nature must be judged with the same severity.
This is a conclusion that offers this decision against Bamford. After the decision against Bamford, all the same acts have to be judged with the same severity. Otherwise the opposite of my principle is to punish but making differences. Important risk for those who make justice.
I’m talking about myself because if I judge and don’t apply the same criteria for the same situation it’s not right. Another conclusion that is important, when we make a mistake you have to assimilate the details in the same conclusion.
Punch becomes an aggression. According to the capacity of resistance of the one who receives the punch. If the the recipient is strong it’s not an aggression. If the recipient is not strong it’s an aggression.
We can understand we can’t feint the punch when we receive it, but we can’t judge the strength of the punch based on the recipient. Obvious conclusion is if you punch someone and this person is strong enough it’s not an aggression and if you punch someone who is not strong, this is not an aggression. That is the conclusion.
Another conclusion you can draw from this case, when the authorities on the pitch, referees, can’t judge what happened inside the pitch during the game, of course, regarding this episode, the possibility the referee makes a mistake, the same way when a referee is afraid of a mistake and asks for help to take the right decision, when we receive a sanction we are allowed to ask for help to solve possible mistakes of the referee.
The referee can go to a commission and tell he needs their help because he had to manage many things during the game and we all know it’s not true. He knows he made a mistake and that’s why he asked for help to justify the mistake he made because he hadn’t made the mistake he would have found someone cheated, if he found out he would have red carded El Ghazi.
As the referee made a mistake, he doesn’t say I made a mistake, he says I had to take into account many things and maybe made a mistake. This is not the case.
Immediately after the game the referee knew he made the mistake. He asked for intervention of the commission saying he had to manage many things and maybe he made a mistake, and this is not true.
Of course, these are my conclusions, I’m not discussing the decisions taken, but we have the obligation to describe the procedure of those who judge us. The conclusions are very clear: the ones I just gave and the system works like this. I’m not discussing it because I have to submit myself to their judgement, but not to criticise them.
When the authorities take decisions they send messages we have to assimilate. All this interpretation you can find out by the decisions taken because they don’t give an explanation. They don’t tell the public how they reached their conclusions, but as those who have to respect the rules, we have the obligation to interpret them in order to not make the same mistake again. The messages are the three I gave: I’m not discussing anything. I have to say how we should behave again to avoid this again.
Hopefully the conclusion of this boring explanation. I’m not saying I’m against the norms, I am interpreting the norms. The interpretation is an obligation I have for a norm which is not clear enough.
We have 15 people here. If I’m wrong I would be thankful you tell me and there may be some details I am not aware of. I don’t want to make a mistake because all the conclusions we draw for what happened in the last game allow us to educate the public. I’m not saying the rules are wrong, I’m saying ‘these are the rules’.
I wouldn’t like to risk describing, in a bad way, the rules. I want you to tell me if I’m wrong. I can be wrong. I went to the limits of the rules to draw these conclusions. It doesn’t mean you can’t ignore this aspect or your explanation is wrong because you haven’t accounted for these facts, If this was the case I apologise.

What we can’t say is this is my interpretation and yours is different. Nothing changes if we say this.
From the decision taken, the conclusion must be, if you receive a punch, if it’s a punch, if it’s just a push it’s different, you can’t analyse the strength of the punch. You know it’s a punch, not its strength. Measure the effect and the only one who can measure is the recipient. The conclusion from the decision means the player receiving the punch falls down it’s strong and if it’s not it’s not an aggression.
When you punch someone, the conclusion from the decision, and it’s not strong it’s not an aggression, but if it’s strong it is an aggression. In this case, if the player is strong it cannot be an aggression and vice versa.

You're never boring
All that matters is if I’m right or wrong because when I communicate it’s important, not for our relationship, talking about you because of special respect for you. I feel free to tell you I’m not interested in your opinion, more the message you transmit to the public. Interested in your opinion in the case and, like I’m interested in others, because I have the hope if you don’t tell me I’m wrong, to allow me to exchange opinions, you’re telling me I’m right, but of course, there’s another authority.
Another aspect. My job is not to argue with you. Imagine my ambition is to say all the people agree with me here, but it’s very hard to obtain this.

Issue over transparency for all of us - Ipswich and Roofe ready?
Yes. He’s fit completely. We can’t ignore the fact he has spent time without playing 90 minutes.

Thank you
As we’re clarifying things.
The sanction I received of £200,000 is a financial sanction the club received. Sanction against the club and not me, but I’m responsible. That’s why I paid from my pocket.
I never said this and I never said the opposite, what I’m saying now. I have never said if we don’t get promoted I won’t carry on my work here. I haven’t said I would leave or stay. I just said it was not the moment to discuss it.
I just said it’s receiving the proposal and accepting or not. I would never say if we don’t go up I will leave because otherwise you would say the importance of this club is linked to the division it plays in.
For me, this team and club are important in any of the top three divisions and I am not saying this with demagogy. I don’t want people to think I’m not thankful because after the year here I only limit my evaluation of Leeds to the fact they play in one division or the other, it would mean I am not thankful.

Play-offs - thoughts on concept?
We should put a limit somewhere. If the third place is promoted you will only have possibilities for three teams. With the play-offs you have expectancies for the two promoted and the four between third and sixth. I’m not the right person to make an opinion, but from what I saw I saw you have few teams with nothing to play for in the last games because many played for sixth or avoiding relegation.
For me, it’s an unforgettable experience in this Championship because I discovered many pitches, many fans and lived many experiences.

Analysed play-off opponents?
There’s a big important head coach I admire and love, Edvaldo Berisso (?). He told me one day you take the risk of being paralysed because of the excess of analysis.
I think I have responded with this. I always have more data than what I need. See what happened when I went through this data.

Tempted to change?
Every day.
As I have been doing the same things for many years inside myself I can’t change it. When you’re old as me sometimes we tend to give advice as conclusions. The obsession doesn’t improve people it makes people worse.
There is an ideology that links obsession with efforts and work. You know in which segment are the workers and those who make efforts and a class tells workers if you work hard you will get rewarded. Of course, the effort has a reward, but the message is not transmitted like that.
This message is interested in one class to give to the workers. That’s why the obsession for the work is well done is as bad as the absence of effort.

We do agree on Hourihane being ignored was wrong
It’s clear why he was not cited by the authority because they treated the subject.
It’s not it hasn’t been judged. It has. They think his punch was not an aggression. That’s why I make my conclusions because otherwise I would deeply mistaken.
I don’t know what information you and the fans have, but I’m giving you my opinion based in the conclusion given by this commission this punch is not an aggression.
As I accept the decisions of the authorities I explain from this conclusion I reach my own to say if the recipient is strong it’s not an aggression.
This is the conclusion I reach based on their explanation. The only person measuring intensity is the recipient. Only think to evaluate is the resistance of the player and I’m going to tell you something I shouldn’t.
This interpretation invites people to say ‘what is the conclusion you can reach?’ You should go to the ground with every punch, even if they just touch you and simulate the strength. The only way to get justice.
At the same time, they sanction those who simulate, they invite people to simulate. Am I wrong? (No).
I’m not saying that to strengthen my position, just to see if I am mistaken.

On Lionel Messi's performance this week
What could I say that hasn’t been said so far, if you want to talk about Messi?
If I had to talk about Lionel Messi and say something new, I would put the picture where the ball goes through the goal and the position of the goalkeeper.
You just have to feel admiration for this goalkeeper, because how did he reach this position? And by doing this thing, someone can say, ‘yes but he lacked a centimetre’. And at the same time he did that hundreds of times. So there is nothing new you can say.

What are your conclusions of a year here?
Christian, as you work in Argentina, I would love to give you two details to clarify things.
In the Villa game, our players had a black band because they were mourning something. Jansson was not the captain, it does not change anything.
It’s wrong to say Jansson was the captain and took this decision. The second aspect to clarify, the episode has nothing to do with the referee. We can’t link between the referee and the decision we took.
What explains the rival was right is the moment of doubt we all had when Roberts stops playing and makes the pass.
This episode, which is decisive, could not be sold by the referee. It made it easier for us to score a goal. Without this detail it would be harder for us to score the goal.
There is something evident. How we would have felt in the rival’s position? That’s why we took the decision.
Regarding your question: the English fan, all those in the pitch, those who work in the industry, we are all affected by it.
Nobody is natural. We are all infected. Those working in the industry are all infected and the only pure people are the fans. The English fan is different to the fans in other countries. I don’t know how English society is outside football.
What I am sure of is the English fan rejects undeserved advantages. All over the world, the extraordinary thing about the fan is, especially in Argentina, the unconditional love. This is not very frequent in other aspects of life. What I have seen here in England, the fan says, even if I love you a lot, I’m not ready to accept something if you don’t do sportsmanship. I don’t know if this is right.
I don’t know about society in general when I put this concept in other aspects of not accepting undeserved things, but in football it felt like that.

What do you think about Argentine football from afar, the national team, the clubs compared to his own experience?
It’s difficult to evaluate it from outside it. I love Argentina and it’s football. It’s always means a lot to me Argentinian football keeps its importance.
I’m full of hope because fans always love their clubs even more and care about their clubs even more. I have read the other day NOB sold 600,000 shirts. Maybe it’s not important for people here, but for someone who loves Newell’s it’s an expression of love for the club.
In football which is professional here it might not have importance, but this fact is something moving because their sacrifice to buy the shirt is important.
They only afford to buy the shirt by sacrificing many things.

All over
Finally. Another epic.



Michael Owen forsvarer Leeds. Mener det er en uting at spillere agerer dommer i kampene. Du treffer spiker'n rett på hodet der, Michael.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Kamp vs Aston Villa@Elland Road Søndag 28.4.19 kl 13:00 VIASPORT+
« Svar #298 på: September 23, 2019, 21:59:54 »
Leeds' oppførsel i Aston Villa-kampen har fått etterspill. FIFA har tilkjent Leeds en Fair Play Award. Ikke alle er like fornøyde med at Dirty Leeds-fordommene deres slår sprekker.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020