Skrevet av Emne: Ex-Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa  (Lest 407715 ganger)

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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #720 på: Januar 11, 2019, 23:05:23 »
Frank Lampard kunne med sikkerhet hatt nytte av noen leksjoner i sportspsykologi.
Ved sin opphausing og gnål om den såkalte "spionsaken" i forkant av kveldens kamp, oppnådde han å fremstille seg selv og sine spillere som bortimot ofre for et overgrep som hadde langt på vei ødelagt forberedelsene til kampen. Ja, som at det stilte med et handikap.

Frank Lampard brukte altså omvendt psykologi i forhold til hvordan Bielsa forholder seg til ting.
Bielsa fremstiller aldri seg selv eller sitt lag som ofre for noe som helst, enten det nå dreier seg om skadeproblemer, feilaktige dommeravgjørelser - eller hva det nå måtte være.

Maestro Bielsa er et geni - på mange måter.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #721 på: Januar 11, 2019, 23:06:56 »
Ulovleg er det nok ikkje med mindre han har brutt seg inn på eit eller anna vis. Men det står nok noko i regelverket om fair play som Bielsa kan straffast etter. Dette har nok mest med kulturforskjeller å gjere, der det i Argentina er ganske fritt fram, mens dette er slikt som ein berre ikkje gjer i England. Blir uansett overraska om det blir sterke reaksjoner fra FA, med mindre det er konkrete lover som er brutt.

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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #722 på: Januar 11, 2019, 23:14:14 »
Dette er jo ikke noe nytt. Regner med at mange klubber bedriver dette. Det som skjedde nå er at det ble oppdaget.
Så lenge treningene er åpne og folk kan se dem er det fritt frem for alle.
Har ikke sett noen plass at treningen til Derby var lukket.
Så da skal det heller ikke være noen straff.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #723 på: Januar 11, 2019, 23:18:40 »
Forventer egentlig ikke at dette får så mye etterspill. Tipper Derby velger å fokusere på neste kamp i stedet for å gnåle om forrige. Selv for EFL blir det for drøyt å selvstendig forfølge denne saken.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #724 på: Januar 11, 2019, 23:24:28 »
Det kan virke som at det er FA som behandler dette. I så fall tror jeg det er gode nyheter.

Jeg er likevel svært bekymret.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #725 på: Januar 11, 2019, 23:32:32 »
Veteranen har et kjempepsykoligipoeng!


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #726 på: Januar 12, 2019, 08:40:43 »
Likte denne, hentet fra Derby-forum:

While not ignoring that we’ve had some fantastic moments this season - man u, chelsea, west brom, norwich etc ...

what a job Bielsa has done - that is a squad that was mid table last year and has now lost saiz and viera - keeper blackman broke his leg - baker’s gone back to chelsea - there’s a bunch of kids come in - their wage bill is mid table at best. The only money spent under this owner is on bamford, who’s hardly played. Hernandez is quality but not new. We outspent them on flo jo.

As a club, obviously leeds are as bad as it gets and Allioski as irritating as you get but Bielsa - he’s a miracle worker


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #727 på: Januar 12, 2019, 08:54:31 »
Marcelo, i to-tiden i natt: :)

Marcelo Bielsa
6 hours ago
"A los periodistas lo que pasa en los entrenamientos no les interesa; pero si les interesa ver si pueden percibir algún conflicto".
Translated from Spanish by   Microsoft
"Journalists do not care about what happens in the trainings; But if you are interested to see if you can perceive any conflict. "
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Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #728 på: Januar 12, 2019, 16:29:36 »
Marcelo, i to-tiden i natt: :)

Marcelo Bielsa
6 hours ago
"A los periodistas lo que pasa en los entrenamientos no les interesa; pero si les interesa ver si pueden percibir algún conflicto".
Translated from Spanish by   Microsoft
"Journalists do not care about what happens in the trainings; But if you are interested to see if you can perceive any conflict. "

Bielsa på Twitter? Kan ikke stemme vel?

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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #729 på: Januar 12, 2019, 16:43:03 »
Marcelo, i to-tiden i natt: :)

Marcelo Bielsa
6 hours ago
"A los periodistas lo que pasa en los entrenamientos no les interesa; pero si les interesa ver si pueden percibir algún conflicto".
Translated from Spanish by   Microsoft
"Journalists do not care about what happens in the trainings; But if you are interested to see if you can perceive any conflict. "

Bielsa på Twitter? Kan ikke stemme vel?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Er vel mer enn hyllest-konto til Marcelo med tidligere quotes han har sagt i sin karriere, tror jeg.


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #730 på: Januar 12, 2019, 16:52:08 »

Bielsa på Twitter? Kan ikke stemme vel?

Du kan så si. Jeg vil ikke insistere på at det er 'himself' men alt foregår i alle fall på spansk.
Muulig den kan bestå av Bielsa-sitater, at det er poenget med den... :o

Med 116.000 følgere så er det i alle fall ikke noen på gutterommet som holder på for å lage sensasjonsoppslag...
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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #731 på: Januar 12, 2019, 16:55:25 »
Dette er jo ikke noe nytt. Regner med at mange klubber bedriver dette. Det som skjedde nå er at det ble oppdaget.
Så lenge treningene er åpne og folk kan se dem er det fritt frem for alle.
Har ikke sett noen plass at treningen til Derby var lukket.
Så da skal det heller ikke være noen straff.
Spionering er ikke juks. Det er strategisk planlegging. Viser at vi endelig har fått en manager som vet hva han driver med.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #732 på: Januar 12, 2019, 17:16:25 »
Dette er jo ikke noe nytt. Regner med at mange klubber bedriver dette. Det som skjedde nå er at det ble oppdaget.
Så lenge treningene er åpne og folk kan se dem er det fritt frem for alle.
Har ikke sett noen plass at treningen til Derby var lukket.
Så da skal det heller ikke være noen straff.
Spionering er ikke juks. Det er strategisk planlegging. Viser at vi endelig har fått en manager som vet hva han driver med.

Regner med at FA og FL vil få problemer med å straffeforfølge dette! Det er mulig man må lage en regel for dette, men å være på tur på utsiden av et treningsanlegg med kikkert, blokk og en ubrukt avbiter er ikke juks!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #733 på: Januar 12, 2019, 17:21:17 »
Dette er jo ikke noe nytt. Regner med at mange klubber bedriver dette. Det som skjedde nå er at det ble oppdaget.
Så lenge treningene er åpne og folk kan se dem er det fritt frem for alle.
Har ikke sett noen plass at treningen til Derby var lukket.
Så da skal det heller ikke være noen straff.
Spionering er ikke juks. Det er strategisk planlegging. Viser at vi endelig har fått en manager som vet hva han driver med.
Det er treningsanlegg, ikke et militært anlegg, tross alt.
Regner med at FA og FL vil få problemer med å straffeforfølge dette! Det er mulig man må lage en regel for dette, men å være på tur på utsiden av et treningsanlegg med kikkert, blokk og en ubrukt avbiter er ikke juks!
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #734 på: Januar 12, 2019, 23:18:04 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #735 på: Januar 13, 2019, 14:13:54 »
Biesla tried to take the sting out of the scandal by admitting he was solely responsible, but he stopped short of apologising, insisting he had only contacted Lampard to explain his behaviour rather than justify it.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #736 på: Januar 13, 2019, 16:36:53 »
Biesla tried to take the sting out of the scandal by admitting he was solely responsible, but he stopped short of apologising, insisting he had only contacted Lampard to explain his behaviour rather than justify it.
For et drama det er lagd av denne saken. Det er jo aldeles normal praksis!
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #738 på: Januar 14, 2019, 11:13:56 »
Pep er Leedsfan  ;D ;D ;D Men visste vi jo fra før pga Bielsa

“I'm a supporter of Leeds and hopefully next season they can be in the Premier League.

It would be good for the Premier League.”Bielsa came to England for the first time after Leeds made him an offer to be the highest-paid manager in their history during the summer.He agreed to drop into the second division despite previously working with top-tier clubs in Spain and France.Guardiola said: “I admire him for being the Argentina manager and being at big clubs but having the humility to go in the Championship, going to a historic team like Leeds (to) put them on top and back to the Premier League. I wish him all the best.”

Pep Guardiola.

Read more at:
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Erik M

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #739 på: Januar 14, 2019, 12:47:50 »
Jeg syns spioneringen er ganske flau.  Leeds bør heve seg langt over det nivået.  Straff blir det nok ikke.  Det som kan bekymre, tenker jeg, er klubbens meget tydelige kritikk av Bielsa i Club Statement.  Den har potensiale til å unsettle en meget spesiell karakter.  Forhåpentlig skjer det ikke.


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #740 på: Januar 14, 2019, 13:04:08 »
I Manchester Evening News, dere. :)

Why it's no wonder Man City boss Pep Guardiola wants Leeds and Marcelo Bielsa promoted
Marcelo Bielsa has been influential in Pep Guardiola's managerial career and the Man City boss wants to see his Leeds team promoted.

By Dan O'Toole  11:35, 14 JAN 2019

There is a book that lies on the desk of Pep Guardiola's office at Manchester City. Its edges are worn and its pages thumbed after 12 years of careful study, yet it remains the most important piece of literature in his possession.
Ariel Senosiain's Lo Suficietemente Loco [The Sufficiently Crazy One] is a 16-chapter work detailing the life and career of the Leeds United manager, Marcelo Bielsa. He who admitted, without a care, to sending a spy to Derby County's training ground last week. A fitting title.

It was given to Guardiola, on 9 October 2006, in a small hotel in the Buenos Aires district of Palermo by a young Argentine university student, Matías Manna, whose fascination with Guardiola's playing career had seen him start an analysis blog, entitled Paradigma Guardiola.
Manna had arranged to meet Guardiola and his friend, the Spanish novelist and screenwriter David Trueba, to discuss Guardiola's beliefs and principles on the game. They spoke at length in the hotel's lounge before Guardiola retired to his room, keen to delve into the most interesting of the two books Manna had given to him. A couple of hours passed and Guardiola returned having rifled through its first chapters. Lo suficientemente Loco, by that point, had already 'changed something inside me', he later admitted.
The following day, Manna was due to meet Guardiola and Trueba again but the pair were delayed. They had arranged to see Bielsa, on the recommendation of Guardiola's Roma teammate Gabriel Batistuta, and went to see the former Argentina manager at his base on a reclusive ranch in Máximo Paz, 50km south-west of Buenos Aires, where the coach spends the majority of his time between managerial posts.
Their meeting overran as Guardiola and Bielsa embarked on an impassioned conversation that would shape the former's coaching career immeasurably. It lasted 11 hours.

Trueba remembered it four years later in an article for El País. "The conversation with Marcelo Bielsa was intense," he recalled. "It went on for 11 hours. There were heated discussions, they consulted the computer, reviewing techniques, figuring out positions.
"It was incessant. Going back and forth between concepts, frenetic debates about different teams, analysis of positions, anecdotes. They started and never stopped. There were complicated questions, too."
One of them came from Bielsa. "Why do you, knowing all the rubbishing that comes in the world of football and the dishonesty of certain people, still want to become a coach?" he asked. "Do you like blood that much?"
Read More
Why Man City manager Pep Guardiola wants Leeds United promoted to the Premier League
"I need that blood," was Guardiola's reply.
It was revelatory day in Guardiola's career and the sheer length of their discussion meant that he had no time to meet with Manna again before returning to Spain, though the message he sent was significant. "I've just met the man who knows more about football than anyone else," read the emailed apology for his no-show.
The teachings from both Lo Suficientemente Loco and Bielsa himself can be traced throughout the course of Guardiola's ten-year, trophy-laden coaching career to date.
"I can forgive playing well or badly but attitude is non-negotiable". "The only important thing is winning. Systems are good, but you can't win without showing how you feel". "I don't know any other way of going into a game other than taking it by the scruff of the neck and making it our game". "My job is to get the maximum potential out of my players." They are all Bielsa quotes that closely align with the Guardiola's rhetoric over the past two-and-a-half years at the Etihad.

Little over a year after the 11-hour conversation, Guardiola was named coach of Barcelona's B team. A season later, he was handed the keys to the Camp Nou. 13 titles in four years followed, including three successive La Liga crowns, two Champions League trophies and two Club World Cup victories. Manna, incidentally, had impressed so much with his blog that he was appointed as an analyst under Bielsa at the Chilean national team and, still in touch with Guardiola, was invited to Barcelona for 15 days during 2010 to observe his training methods.
It was something of a full circle when Guardiola walked out at the Vicente Calderón for his final game as Barcelona's manager. It was the final of the Copa del Rey's 2012 edition and in the opposite dug out sat Bielsa, then the Athletic Bilbao manager. Barcelona won 3-0 and Guardiola hung his hat, ready for a year's sabbatical. Bielsa was forlorn. "This is a huge loss for football," he said.

Seven years on and the pair are a reasonable bet to meet again. Leeds top the Championship table after beating Derby on Friday night and, unsurprisingly, Guardiola wants the man he ranks as the best coach in world football promoted to the Premier League.
"My admiration for Marcelo Bielsa is huge because he makes the players much, much better," Guardiola said of Bielsa in 2017. "Still, I didn't meet one guy, a former player from Marcelo Biesla who speaks no good about him. They are grateful about his influence on their careers in football.
"We are judged by how much success we have, how many titles we have won. But that is much less influential than how he has influenced football and his football players. That is why, for me, he is the best coach in the world."

His opinion of El Loco remains unchanged. "I love him as a human being," Guardiola said on Friday. "He trained me when I was young in a incredible way. His success, I feel it like my success. Everyone who works with him is a better player and the teams are better. That's why he is a special manager and special person. I'm a supporter of Leeds and hopefully next season they can be in the Premier League.

"It would be good for the Premier League. I admire him for being the Argentina manger and being at big clubs and have the humility to go in the Championship going to a historic team like Leeds, put them on top and back to the Premier League. I wish him all the best."
Manna went on to become a coach after his time as an analyst for Bielsa, with stints at Sevilla, the Argentinian national team and Saudi Arabia.
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Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #741 på: Januar 16, 2019, 16:17:13 »
An impromptu press conference called by Marcelo Bielsa for 5pm this evening. Spygate. Suspect this might not be a diplomatic venture. #lufc

 ??? :-\
We are Leeds, We are Proud, Standing up, Singing loud,
and there's nothing you can do against the Yellow Whites and Blue!


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #742 på: Januar 16, 2019, 16:19:42 »
An impromptu press conference called by Marcelo Bielsa for 5pm this evening. Spygate. Suspect this might not be a diplomatic venture. #lufc

 ??? :-\

Dette er krise, katastrofe og alt på en gang.....
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #743 på: Januar 16, 2019, 16:20:43 »
Om Bielsa trekker seg pga denne heksejakten som har pågått, så er Derby og Lampard hatobjekt #1 i England for min del.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."

Forever Whites

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #744 på: Januar 16, 2019, 16:29:43 »
An impromptu press conference called by Marcelo Bielsa for 5pm this evening. Spygate. Suspect this might not be a diplomatic venture. #lufc

 ??? :-\

Er dette noe du har funnet på?
Medlem 94237


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #745 på: Januar 16, 2019, 16:30:40 »
Trøster meg med denne:
Can't imagine he'd call a press conference to announce leaving.
Kanskje heller 'en public apology'???
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Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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We are Leeds, We are Proud, Standing up, Singing loud,
and there's nothing you can do against the Yellow Whites and Blue!


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #747 på: Januar 16, 2019, 16:37:55 »
Hyggelig så lenge det varte.  ::)


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #749 på: Januar 16, 2019, 16:40:02 »
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."