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Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #90 på: Mars 17, 2020, 11:12:56 »

Noen som skjønner hvor jeg vil?
Leeds pleier jo ofte å starte en sesong med gode resultater etter en lang og god pre-season - da kan vi kanskje håpe på en tilsvarende utvikling denne gangen også med påfølgende suverent CC mesterskap!!  ;D
Den tanken har slått meg også.

Satser på at vi fyker ut av startblokka nå også, når vi etter hvert kommer i gang igjen.

Spørsmålet er jo hvilke klubber som får spillere ute med koroma og hvor svekket de evt er...
Nå er vel sykdom i stallen ikke noe nytt fenomen.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #91 på: Mars 17, 2020, 11:15:48 »

Noen som skjønner hvor jeg vil?
Leeds pleier jo ofte å starte en sesong med gode resultater etter en lang og god pre-season - da kan vi kanskje håpe på en tilsvarende utvikling denne gangen også med påfølgende suverent CC mesterskap!!  ;D
Den tanken har slått meg også.

Satser på at vi fyker ut av startblokka nå også, når vi etter hvert kommer i gang igjen.

Spørsmålet er jo hvilke klubber som får spillere ute med koroma og hvor svekket de evt er...
Nå er vel sykdom i stallen ikke noe nytt fenomen.

Jeg ser at klubbene har en noe ulik tilnærming til trening og daglig drift om dagen - Bristol City f.eks. har sendt sine spillere hjem for å trene hver for seg mens på TA er det vanlig treningsopplegg fra dag til dag... Klubben mener de har bedre kontroll på spillerne og evt smitterisiko der enn om de skulle overlates til seg selv. Vanskelig å vite noen klar fasit på dette, vi får bare håpe de greier seg uten å bli syke...


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #92 på: Mars 17, 2020, 11:32:30 »
TV2's Kasper Wikestad er forøvrig enig med de som mener tabellene fryses slik de er p.t. og at Leeds og WBA dermed rykker opp....


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #93 på: Mars 17, 2020, 12:58:47 »
Jeg har sett et forslag med kamper lørdag, onsdag, lørdag. Da blir man raskt ferdig med sesongen.  Men det må vel gjelde alle 4 divisjoner for at logistikken med opp- og nedrykk blir riktig.


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #94 på: Mars 17, 2020, 13:17:34 »
Jeg har sett et forslag med kamper lørdag, onsdag, lørdag. Da blir man raskt ferdig med sesongen.  Men det må vel gjelde alle 4 divisjoner for at logistikken med opp- og nedrykk blir riktig.
Du får sende det inn til EFL.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #95 på: Mars 17, 2020, 14:13:05 »
Fotball EM er flyttet til 2021..

Super nyhet..da bli nok sesongen spilt ferdig...i løpet av sommeren..


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #96 på: Mars 17, 2020, 14:14:53 »
Fotball EM er flyttet til 2021..

Super nyhet..da bli nok sesongen spilt ferdig...i løpet av sommeren..
Snille UEFA. Er det lov å si det.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #97 på: Mars 17, 2020, 14:46:38 »
Fotball EM er flyttet til 2021..

Super nyhet..da bli nok sesongen spilt ferdig...i løpet av sommeren..
Snille UEFA. Er det lov å si det.

Tja. EM kolliderer i hvert fall ikke med sluttføringen av denne sesongen i sommer nå. Men er det forsvarlig å spille fotball og gå på kamp i UK i sommer? Tvilsomt.  Jeg tror UEFA utsatte EM for å redde mesterskapet økonomisk. De er seg selv nærmest. De tenker først på egne inntekter.


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #98 på: Mars 17, 2020, 15:02:32 »
I verste fall kan starten av PL utsettes til tidlig i oktober (hvis da cupene avlyses). Og med 6 ukers ferie, så kan inneværende sesong avsluttes rundt midten av august. Dvs at sesongen bør komme i gang igjen senest i begynnelsen til midten av juli. Det er selvsagt mulig, men kan bli tøft. Mange vil være rammet og syke da. Det eneste vi kan konkludere med er at vi ikke vet hvordan situasjonen vil være de kommende månedene.

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #99 på: Mars 17, 2020, 15:40:54 »
I verste fall kan starten av PL utsettes til tidlig i oktober (hvis da cupene avlyses). Og med 6 ukers ferie, så kan inneværende sesong avsluttes rundt midten av august. Dvs at sesongen bør komme i gang igjen senest i begynnelsen til midten av juli. Det er selvsagt mulig, men kan bli tøft. Mange vil være rammet og syke da. Det eneste vi kan konkludere med er at vi ikke vet hvordan situasjonen vil være de kommende månedene.


UK "rekker jo ikke å bli friskmeldt" innen juli, slik de har besluttet at smitten skal fordrives etter det jeg skjønner. Tsunamien har ennå ikke truffet UK, de har ikke målinger som andre land - og selvsagt derfor enorme mørketall i vente... i tillegg til fullstappede sykehus fra Mai.

Nytt møte i EFL på torsdag, da får vi høre noe så uvesentlig som fotball i disse dager ???


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Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #100 på: Mars 17, 2020, 17:44:42 »
Hvordan og når er meg totalt uvesentlig...

Det viktigste er at når neste Premier League-sesong sparkes i gang så er LEEDS UNITED ett av lagene som er med.
Først og fremst fordi det er fortjent...

There's only ONE United - LEEDS UNITED!


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #101 på: Mars 17, 2020, 22:37:02 »
I verste fall kan starten av PL utsettes til tidlig i oktober (hvis da cupene avlyses). Og med 6 ukers ferie, så kan inneværende sesong avsluttes rundt midten av august. Dvs at sesongen bør komme i gang igjen senest i begynnelsen til midten av juli. Det er selvsagt mulig, men kan bli tøft. Mange vil være rammet og syke da. Det eneste vi kan konkludere med er at vi ikke vet hvordan situasjonen vil være de kommende månedene.


UK "rekker jo ikke å bli friskmeldt" innen juli, slik de har besluttet at smitten skal fordrives etter det jeg skjønner. Tsunamien har ennå ikke truffet UK, de har ikke målinger som andre land - og selvsagt derfor enorme mørketall i vente... i tillegg til fullstappede sykehus fra Mai.

Nytt møte i EFL på torsdag, da får vi høre noe så uvesentlig som fotball i disse dager ???

Dette er jo en ny situasjon for alle. Det blir nok flere møter med nye datoer for nye utsatte beslutninger i mange etapper . Ingen vet hvor fort eller sakte Corona blir "ferdig" med England . De kan legge faste planer når corona dør ut og de fleste har hatt viruset.
Nå er det 40 dager siden det ble alvor i Italia. Fortsatt blir det bare verre der.


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Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #102 på: Mars 17, 2020, 23:05:41 »
Jeg syns Chapman er flink til å skille ut vesentlige ting:

Meanwhile, serious summit meetings by videocall at UEFA, and some — gasp! — sensible resolutions; Euro 2020 has been postponed for twelve months and has a new provisional start date of 11 June 2021. Their headline decisions are:

Priority given to completing domestic competitions in an unprecedented solidarity move by UEFA.
Working group set up to examine possibilities for this season's UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League competitions.
All UEFA competitions and matches (including friendlies) for clubs and national teams for both men and women have been put on hold until further notice. The UEFA EURO 2020 play-off matches and international friendlies, scheduled for the end of March, will now be played in the international window at the start of June, subject to a review of the situation.
A working group has been set up with the participation of leagues and club representatives to examine calendar solutions that would allow for the completion of the current season and any other consequence of the decisions made today.
There was then another document, a resolution signed by the 'European football family' — 'UEFA, the European Club Association, European Leagues and FIFPRO Europe', that commits them to a 'coordinated response', including the following of interest to us:

A commitment to complete all domestic and European club competitions by the end of the current sporting season, i.e. 30 June 2020 at the latest, should the situation improve and resuming playing be appropriate and prudent enough.
Possible limitations or drops of current exclusive calendar slots, potentially resulting in the scheduling of domestic league matches in mid-week and scheduling of UEFA club competitions matches on weekends.
Possible adaptations of the 2020/21 UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League qualifying rounds in case of late completion of the 2019/20 sporting season, i.e. after 30 June 2020.
To put that into sense, they're going to try to come up with a way of finishing the season by 30th June, and if that doesn't work they'll move the Champions League qualifiers, and in a later clause they agree not to be dicks about timeslots being reserved for European matches like they are now.

Not to be outdone, all 24 Championship clubs held a conference call to discuss their plans, ahead of a meeting of the EFL board on Wednesday; that was lined up by Adam Pope of BBC Leeds, then detail of what went on was furnished by Ian Dennis, one of his predecessors as Leeds United commentator at BBC Leeds:

I am told the outcome from the meeting of the Championship clubs was a unanimous view from the 24 to complete the season. Now a question of logistics in terms of timeframe so can only plan at this stage in the current climate.
That's good news, bearing in mind last night's report from The Times that Leeds and other 'top-six contenders' held a secret meeting and planned to 'launch a legal battle' if this season was written off; they were '“seething” about some of the statements coming from certain Premier League clubs', and someone from an unnamed Championship club (please don't be Leeds, please don't be Leeds) said: “It’s time to park our tanks on the Premier League’s lawn.”

There's a more mellow view from QPR boss Mark Warburton, who wants to finish this season but isn't heavy on the details:

"Teams may have to play three games a week to make way for things. But for me, next season is not important. We have to finish this season now. Let's say October 1 ends up being the start date, and if you go through to the start of December, we're looking at a January 1 start date.
"Start in August, pre-season programme, everyone's fit and ready to go - to do that, we've got to take some pain somewhere. For me, it should be next season. Next season, if it becomes 19 games in the Premier League, 10 home nine away, we have to bite the bullet."
To be honest I haven't really got a clue what he's on about at the end there, but it probably doesn't matter right now.

Here's good news: LUFC Trust have hit their £10,000 aim for Leeds Fans' Foodbank in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Vice-chairman Graham Hyde did a funky bunny-hop and said:

"That little push from people in these uncertain and frightening times means the food banks can continue their great work, which is brilliant. The next two to three months are going to be a very uncertain period. The food banks are run by volunteers and they will need to look after their own wellbeing. The challenge will be to keep things fully functioning."
With that in mind, here's the link again to keep chucking a few quid at woulda-been match times over the coming weeks.

In case you're wondering how the players are coping: they're doing keepie-uppies with bog rolls on Instagram, while Matuesz Klich is being dragged away from video games by his bosses; he's one of several players to have posted a photo of a fresh new exercise bike being delivered by the club.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #103 på: Mars 17, 2020, 23:40:40 »
Så har man kjøpt seg litt tid, slik at Alan Shearer og andre pundits kan holde munn om ditt og datt vedrørende Championship for en stakket stund. Blir spennende å se hvordan man fikser overgangsvinduet, dog. Det må vel også utsettes. Sesongen blir jo ikke ferdig primo mai.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #104 på: Mars 18, 2020, 10:39:54 »
Ser ikke noe grunn til å diskutere løsninger en gang før det har gått en stund og vi kanskje vet litt mer om tidsperspektivet på viruset. Engelskmennene skal også legge om taktikken på bekjempelse om jeg forsto NRK rett i går. Det blir rett og slett for mange som stryker med hvis ikke.


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #105 på: Mars 18, 2020, 11:15:12 »
I verste fall kan starten av PL utsettes til tidlig i oktober (hvis da cupene avlyses). Og med 6 ukers ferie, så kan inneværende sesong avsluttes rundt midten av august. Dvs at sesongen bør komme i gang igjen senest i begynnelsen til midten av juli. Det er selvsagt mulig, men kan bli tøft. Mange vil være rammet og syke da. Det eneste vi kan konkludere med er at vi ikke vet hvordan situasjonen vil være de kommende månedene.


UK "rekker jo ikke å bli friskmeldt" innen juli, slik de har besluttet at smitten skal fordrives etter det jeg skjønner. Tsunamien har ennå ikke truffet UK, de har ikke målinger som andre land - og selvsagt derfor enorme mørketall i vente... i tillegg til fullstappede sykehus fra Mai.

Nytt møte i EFL på torsdag, da får vi høre noe så uvesentlig som fotball i disse dager ???

Dette er jo en ny situasjon for alle. Det blir nok flere møter med nye datoer for nye utsatte beslutninger i mange etapper . Ingen vet hvor fort eller sakte Corona blir "ferdig" med England . De kan legge faste planer når corona dør ut og de fleste har hatt viruset.
Nå er det 40 dager siden det ble alvor i Italia. Fortsatt blir det bare verre der.

40 dager er nok ikke så galt ift hvor lenge siden dette startet i Italia nei, Norge ca 1 uke etter - og UK .......?? Dette fra Dagbladet:

Epidemiolog Pier Luigi Lopaclo sier til avisa at han tror det blir vanskelig å finne «patient zero» i Italia. Han tror den første pasienten kan ha ankommet Italia tidlig i forløpet av viruset. WHO ble varslet om utbruddet 31. desember, og Lopalco tror pasienten kan ha ankommet Italia i januar uten symptomer utover sesonginfluensaen.


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Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #106 på: Mars 18, 2020, 11:28:17 »
Og nå sender Leeds også spillerne hjem

Phil Hay
Leeds United send players home with individual exercise plans to limit the risk of coronavirus spreading:

Leeds United’s first-team squad will stay at home for at least the next week after the club suspended training at Thorp Arch.
« Siste redigering: Mars 18, 2020, 11:30:22 av Asbjørn »
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #107 på: Mars 18, 2020, 18:17:14 »
Forshaw sier det mange av oss tenker... :)

Why Leeds United star believes they can hit the ground running again to earn a Premier League spot
Leeds United’s ability to start a new season like a house on fire gives Adam Forshaw confidence that they’ll hit the ground running and gain promotion to the Premier League, if and when the season recommences.

By Graham Smyth  Wednesday, 18th March 2020, 4:54 pm

The coronavirus pandemic has forced the suspension of leagues around the world, including the Championship, until April 3, but it seems unlikely play will resume next month, given that the peak of the virus is not expected for 10 to 14 weeks.

Leeds initially continued to train at Thorp Arch but players have now been sent home to work, with equipment supplied by the club including spin bikes and free weights.

If the game’s authorities manage to agree a return date and do attempt to complete the 2019/20 campaign, Forshaw – who is set to come off his crutches next week in the latest stage of his rehab from hip surgery – believes Leeds will be better prepared than anyone because the break will be like a pre-season build up.

He says he’s ‘massively’ confident that Leeds, the Championship’s current leaders with nine games remaining, will be able to get over the line and win the promotion the club has craved for 15 years, because they proved by winning five and drawing one of their first six 2018/19 and 2019/20 season fixtures, they’re built to lead from the off.

“Once training commences again, I don’t think anyone will train as hard as us,” he said.
“You only have to look at the last two years, how we started the two seasons.
“It’ll be like a mini pre-season going into nine games.

“I think that’ll whet everyone’s appetite, looking forward to that, thinking we’ll bombard the games and come out with promotion.”

Forshaw has been forced to spectate for much of this season owing to the hip injury he suffered in September and the subsequent surgery in February to correct it.
He has had to get used to enduring the team's highs and lows from the stands or as part of the television audience, with varied success.

His enthusiasm to watch United play did begin to wane a little, through sheer desire to be part of it again, but he’s keeping the main thing the main thing.

“I loved it,” he said.
“There was a period when I first got back from Colorado and I was Leeds’ biggest fan, I was watching them whenever I could.
“But literally just before the break was put in place I did get to a little point where I was starting to get slightly jealous because I wanted to be part of the run-in, from a personal point of view, really be a part of it.
“At the same time you put that to one side because I just want Leeds to get promoted.”
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #108 på: Mars 19, 2020, 14:11:59 »
Tidligst 30.april med fotball igjen, men dette er i UK- så smått utrolig om det vil skje er i hvertfall 2 uker etter oss i Norge ift smitte.


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #109 på: Mars 19, 2020, 16:53:46 »
Hvis sesongen ikke kan fullføres og man må avgjøre tabellplassering etter 37 kamper: Blir PL og EFL da behandlet likt? Betyr det at hvis Liverpool kåres som vinner så kårer man også Leeds som vinner?

Jeg føler at mange mener at Liverpool er klar vinner og at de er "nær" en tittel. Vil dette være en fordel for Leeds når tabellplassering skal bestemmes i ch.ship ?

Carl Fisker

Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #110 på: Mars 19, 2020, 21:24:09 »
Hvis sesongen ikke kan fullføres og man må avgjøre tabellplassering etter 37 kamper: Blir PL og EFL da behandlet likt? Betyr det at hvis Liverpool kåres som vinner så kårer man også Leeds som vinner?

Jeg føler at mange mener at Liverpool er klar vinner og at de er "nær" en tittel. Vil dette være en fordel for Leeds når tabellplassering skal bestemmes i ch.ship ?
Dersom sesongen ikke fullføres, vil Leeds utvilsomt bli utropt til vinner av championship. Det er dermed ikke sagt at laget rykker opp. Det kan tenkes at man bestemmer at ingen lager rykker ned fra PL, og at heller ingen rykker opp fra championship.


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #111 på: Mars 19, 2020, 21:42:55 »
Hvis sesongen ikke kan fullføres og man må avgjøre tabellplassering etter 37 kamper: Blir PL og EFL da behandlet likt? Betyr det at hvis Liverpool kåres som vinner så kårer man også Leeds som vinner?

Jeg føler at mange mener at Liverpool er klar vinner og at de er "nær" en tittel. Vil dette være en fordel for Leeds når tabellplassering skal bestemmes i ch.ship ?
Dersom sesongen ikke fullføres, vil Leeds utvilsomt bli utropt til vinner av championship. Det er dermed ikke sagt at laget rykker opp. Det kan tenkes at man bestemmer at ingen lager rykker ned fra PL, og at heller ingen rykker opp fra championship.
Eller mer sannsynlig og rettferdig; to rykker opp til PL og ingen ned fra PL.


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Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #113 på: Mars 21, 2020, 15:58:57 »
Også YEP, ved Graham Smyth, hadde i dag en Q&A-session.

Er innom de fleste emner...

Jean-Kevin Augustin's injury, Gaetano Berardi's future, Marcelo Bielsa's plans and financial fair play are some of the topics tackled.
  Leeds United Q and A: Jean-Kevin Augustin update, coronavirus, loans, FFP, Marcelo Bielsa's plans, Berardi future, Whites response to crisis
Saturday is no longer matchday but you can still join YEP chief football writer Graham Smyth as he answers your questions on all things Leeds United.
By Graham Smyth  Saturday, 21st March 2020, 1:44 pm

Top three Leeds players this season? (@StyleLUFC)
Tough one. Ben White has been a revelation, for one so young and a Championship rookie. His consistency has impressed me along with his reading of the game. Luke Ayling has been a man on a mission since he returned from surgery and shown real leadership, not only with his goals but his barracking of others to keep standards up. And while Stuart Dallas was superb at right-back, excellent at left-back and did a job in central midfield, I think Jack Harrison just edges the Ulsterman to the third spot. So White, Ayling and Harrison with honourable mentions for Dallas and Phillips. And the rest.

Favourite moment following Leeds so far? And favourite current Leeds player? (James Campbell)
The Birmingham City game, a 5-4 win, was a standout in terms of sheer entertainment. As a journalist I did actually quite enjoy those spiky, tense press conferences during the team's blip in form. But there was something about Pablo Hernandez' goal at Bristol City on the opening day that made me realise I wasn't in Chesterfield any more. As for a favourite player, contrary to Joe Urquhart's accusations, I don't have a favourite. There are players I enjoy watching of course. Harrison's first touch is a joy to watch. Klich in perpetual motion is fascinating and he's terrific to interview as well. Leeds are blessed with several great talkers.

Has Leeds United been what you expected it to be like since you took the job of covering them? What do you think of the club, fans, stadium etc? (Oliver Medd)
I don't think anything could really have prepared me. I'm well used to covering clubs where things happen. But as Don Warters told me and as he was told when he took this job decades ago: "If something can happen it will happen to Leeds United." Adjusting to the pace of a daily newspaper is a challenge but so to is adjusting to the size and scale of Leeds United, its fanbase and their expectations. It's been fun. The atmosphere on matchdays is obviously fantastic and reporting on football amid that emotion is exactly why anyone would want to do this job.

What’s the situation with the loan players should the season extend into June/July? (Mark Reid)
Fluid. Everything, at present, is fluid. The loan situation is one of many challenges for the game's authorities to sort if we extend beyond the usual calendar, which is now a certainty. I expect the FA are looking long and hard at the legalities of player contracts and loan deals. It could lead to some huge complications for clubs but most are in the same boat. I can't see Manchester City making life difficult for Leeds, not when there's a permanent deal likely to happen in that particular instance. The FA may consider putting something in place that prevents recalls until the competitions are completed, so clubs don't attempt to strengthen their squads or negotiating power by taking their players back.

Are we in talks with Berardi over a new deal? Definitely feels like he deserves it with performances this season. Second question is if Brighton are relegated and Leeds promoted would we sign Ben White? (@Lufcluca_)
I've heard nothing to suggest that talks have been opened with Gaetano Berardi. Angus Kinnear suggested not so long ago that they had completed their contract renewal programme. If you listen to Marcelo Bielsa it's obvious how highly he rates Berardi's contribution this season. He's played incredibly well despite going in and out of the team. Certainly did himself no harm against Arsenal either. He has a big case for a new deal. As for White, that's got to be a priority but Leeds wouldn't be the only club looking at the defender. There would be stiff competition and a big, big price on his head. What Leeds have in their favour is how at home he is in this squad, under Bielsa.

Graham, as a non-Leeds United fan, can you give us a run-down on what it's been like to report on the club this season? Oh, and just where do you rate the football you've seen the Whites play against other matches that you've reported on? (@365DaysofWhine)
Touched on this in an earlier question but it's been a whirlwind, from day one when Bailey Peacock-Farrell's move to Burnley began to happen. Something is always happening, which is handy during times when there are no games. Marcelo Bielsa is quite different to every other manager I've ever dealt with, so that has brought challenges. But the football has been a pleasure on so many occasions. Watching the little three-man moves and players dropping deep to create space for someone else, before turning and sprinting into another space themselves, the big switch to the left flank and White running the ball out never gets boring. I've been entertained by teams before (Worksop Town had a three-pronged strikeforce who scored circa 100 goals between them in one season) but not to this degree.

Do you think Bielsa will see the enforced break as an opportunity to restart/refresh and outwork teams like at the beginning of the season? (Dan_Lee85)
Bielsa's aim is always to outwork and outrun opponents and, as Adam Forshaw pointed out, Leeds are likely to work harder than anyone and be prepared to hit the ground running once training actually begins. But so much depends on when Bielsa can actually get his hands on the squad again, so to speak. Some sense of normality will have to be restored first and who knows how long teams will get in terms of a mini pre-season? But while the players are currently working from home, there is still a level of accountability and they're still enduring weigh ins.

You might have seen the managing rankings for who would win in a fight going around on twitter, could you do a set of rankings for the Leeds squad?
(Joshua Kelham)
Gaetano Berardi the last man standing, without doubt. In the words of Liam Cooper: "I think you'd have to kill Berra to stop him." I suspect that while several of the Leeds squad might relish the chance to square off with Gjanni Alioksi, he'd be an unpredictable, wild fighter. Unorthodox to say the least. Kalvin Phillips is made of stern stuff. Patrick Bamford might only fight under strict Marquess of Queensberry rules but he's a strong lad, rangy too. Of the younger, smaller players, Jamie Shackleton would be your archetypal Mexican-style fighter. Non-stop action, a million punches thrown. Ben White would see your punches coming and intercept them, hitting you from long range and not breaking a sweat.

Out of all the youth prospects at Leeds, who are seen as the next stars with huge potential? Bogusz? Struijk? Casey? Kenneh? (@jrdeacon)
Good question. Bielsa obviously likes and trusts Struijk and Casey or else he wouldn't have used them. But he's fond of the likes of McAlmont too and has rued the lack of opportunity for those players. I liked the look of Bryce Hosannah against Sheffield Wednesday and from what I've been told, he's rated by the head coach and liked by the players. But there are youngsters in the first team squad who have real potential yet to be fully realised. Shackleton, Davis and Gotts all look very decent, but have had varying levels of frustration this season. There's always the question of whether or not they'd benefit from time out on loan and while I think they undoubtedly would, in the way it has aided Ben White's progression, I also understand why he keeps them in the 23s, learning his style.

Far from the biggest concern at the moment but how do you think what’s going on will affect any possible QSI deal? If the season gets finished and Leeds get promoted do you think it’s business as normal? (Footyins)
There was little likelihood of any deal happening before the season was done, so any interested parties will still be watching and waiting. Premier League football opens up a real possibility of investment but I wouldn't bet against Andrea Radrizzani staying around for a season to enjoy the fruits of his and the club's labours. I've had no suggestion that QSI have ever sat down with Angus Kinnear, but they've obviously got the financial power to sweep in and take the lot if they so desired and if AR was willing to sell. Don't forget the 49ers in all this though. They're still very much interested in their investment and how Leeds are developing. The summer was due to be interesting but of course it may now be that it's a long time before any ownership issues arise.

How have you found Bielsa’s methods compared to other previous managers you’ve reported on during your time? (@tommorley27)
His football is fascinating, as are his methods and his obsession with detail. In terms of dealing with him as a journalist, the lack of one-to-one interaction is unusual. At Chesterfield I would speak to Martin Allen several times a week, he would call me at 7am on Tuesdays on his way up to training to ask what I needed for the paper and then he'd duly fill the paper with stories and anecdotes. This is a very different scenario, with a very different manager. But it's the same for everyone. Bielsa's methods in the press room mean all journalists are working with the same canvas, the same quotes. It's rarely boring.

Hi Graham, when we do get back to reality, do you think the majority of this team can cope in Premier League? I’ve heard people say they need 7 or 8 new players. As we know that’s not Bielsa style, surely 4 at most? Goalkeeper, centre half, centre midfield and striker? (@kevinpower93)
Good question and one I hope doesn't remain hypothetical. I think, thanks to Bielsa, many of these players could play Premier League football. Harrison is headed that way, White and Phillips are destined for the top flight whether with Leeds or someone else. I think with clever recruitment, in the same way Chris Wilder and Paul Mitchell managed to strengthen Sheffield United, Leeds would be just fine. I couldn't see wholesale change, not only because Bielsa will want to work with players who know his style, but because the club aren't suddenly going to be able to make eight new multi-million pound signings.

What players (rumour or thoughts) will be targeted in the next transfer window if Leeds do secure PL football? (@flyhsuk)
No strong suggestions of names as yet but Victor Orta has a list, or several lists, you can be sure of that. There will be a list of players Bielsa might like for the Premier League and lists of players that other head coaches/managers might like. A prolific striker would be something the club will need, in my opinion. And a goalkeeper. I'd be surprised if they didn't make Meslier a permanent signing but he is, of course, still relatively untested. Certainly looks the part however and will be worth a lot more some day soon.

Where are Leeds looking to pick up young players for the academy. Is it predominantly local or are they looking further afield. I am curious as to why there seem to be no Irish kids on their books unlike the likes of Kelly, Harte, McPhail in the past. Obviously I'm aware of the superb Dallas and young MacAlmont but I'm not seeing any Irish kids coming through. Am I wrong?
They've obviously invested a lot in domestic signings for the academy. Davis, Stevens, Edmondson and others were notable acquisitions from other academies. They've plucked a couple from Carlisle United. Victor Orta spoke a little about this when I interviewed him at the end of January, and I'll do a piece on that soon, saying they'd had to bring a lot of players in from abroad to form a 23s side. Now that he's established his scouting department they'll be aware of talent all over the place. As for the Irish question, it's a good question. One I can ask at a later date. There's only McCalmont I can think of. But they do appear keen to bring youngsters in from wherever they can, to polish and develop.
Is there any likelihood that we’ll ever see Milner in a Leeds shirt again? (laurencelufc)
From a  purely hypothetical sense he is a player you could see being very attracted to an Elland Road move, if his time at Liverpool was coming to an end. A move that fans would love, a player who has a lot to contribute both on and off the field for a few years yet.

Just wondering when Bielsa’s contract runs out, would you imagine something would be sorted out with him when/if this season ever carries on? (@EthanOliver21)
He's out of contract in the summer but he doesn't strike me as a man who would walk away when he's come this far and invested this much in a team. He cares about this group of players and appears, to me, to love the club. He's made no complaints about the way he's been treated and how the club have supported his needs. I think, barring some extraordinary circumstances, he'll finish this season at the very least.

What is your earliest/strongest memory of Leeds? Would be interesting to know considering you were until 9 months ago not a Leeds fan. One of us now though Graham
A team photo of Leeds United, having won the First Division, with Gordon Strachan hunched in the front row. It was in Shoot magazine I think. Beyond that, the Battle of Britain. I was a Rangers fan and absolutely captivated by the concept of the two best teams in the UK going head to head. I remember the games pretty well too.

Aside from a bolt of lightning, is there any other way to generate 1.21 gigawatts of electricity? Asking for a friend having car trouble next week. (@antsd1970)
Great Scott. If you have access to 484 wind turbines you're in luck.

If you had to self-isolate with one current #lufc player who would it be and why? (@_SportsJourno__)
Klich sounds like he watches a fairly decent standard of tv show and could teach me at least one language. Luke Ayling is very funny but I'd quickly become very envious of his hair situation, leading to tension and potential disagreements.
Hi Graham, Bielsa often seems totally unphased by his surroundings for many of the goals Leeds score, calmly sitting on his bucket. Do you think we would see much of a reaction from him at the final whistle if Leeds gain promotion (like the video of him from Newell's)? I fear that it may be in an empty stadium. (@ConnorWilson44)
Whilst sporting integrity would maintained by finishing the season, if it's in an empty stadium it would be heartbreaking for all concerned. Let's hope the UK can slow down the spread of the virus and get back to some semblance of normality. As Phil Hay pointed out, Bielsa was getting more animated when Leeds scored, but as soon as that had been pointed out, the next goal brought a sip of his hot beverage and nothing more. He didn't look up even as Ayling slid on his knees to the front of the technical area to play air guitar. Leeds had just scored one of the best goals of the Bielsa era too. If he can keep calm amid that kind of celebration and joy, he'd beat us all at Poker. If Leeds clinch promotion I think he will shake the hand of his opposing manager and might indulge in some bear hugs with players and staff. I can't see him sitting atop the shoulders of players. But then they might take matters into their own hands...

If the season does get voided do you think Biesla will stay a third season to get the job done also what implications will ffp have will it be scrapped for a while. (@andywatersjn)
The game's authorities are going to have to take a long, hard look at FFP and how to best help clubs in unprecedented times. Another difficult one to predict, but while they still have to go after clubs who have breached up until this point, there may come a temporary relaxing of the rules, if it helps clubs get through this. There's a big loss of revenue to factor in for many right now with no matchdays and wages are still being paid. As for the season being voided, let's just hope and pray that is a bridge we never have to cross. I would have thought it unlikely that Bielsa would stay for another go at the Championship. But we are living in strange times.
What's the general feeling amongst the players about the current Coronavirus situation? (@McGeezer87)
If you go by social media, they look like they're doing what the rest of us are trying to do and cracking on with living in different and difficult times. There's still some wise cracking in the comments sections (Luke Ayling take a bow) and what I've liked most is their reaction to a crisis - donating to the foodbank. That shows they care and they think about how this is affecting others. It'd be easy to just retreat behind the door of a nice home and forget the world, they haven't done that. We're expecting to speak to a few players over the coming weeks and we'll get a better read on their mood. But it's obvious they're still working hard, just at home instead of at Thorp Arch. Jack Harrison's video was exhausting to watch.

Hi Graham, there is lots of talk about the fitness of the players and the extra time they spend at Thorp Arch under Bielsa. I just wondered how much training players actually do? A (non-matchday) day in the life of a footballer would be fascinating (@ChrisLUFC1981)
It varies depending on what the week looks like in terms of games. There are days when they have double sessions. Murderball, which ordinarily takes place on a Wednesday, appears to vary in duration depending on how much Bielsa feels they need it. What's really interesting is how Bielsa has adapted Thorp Arch so that players want to be there and foster a sense of community. The games room, the ability to have a sleep in between sessions. The more time they spend with each other, as long as they get on, the better.
lot of talk on how clubs will survive currently especially when Leeds relies on match day income. But how is sport journalism surviving when no matches are being played? (@barney___21)
Good question. Obviously there's a lot to talk about in terms of the effect on sport, clubs, the calendar and all the announcements and commitments from governing bodies. We'll see speak to players because they're going through this like we are and it'll be interesting to get their viewpoints. We are in a difficult time, it's something we've not had to face before but we're trying new things and we do, now, have time to spend on the archives. I've got a couple of longer features planned for the next week with stories I think are worth telling and the new My Leeds United series has got off to a great start. Our aim is to keep the conversation alive and stay a big part of the Leeds United community. Some matches would be just lovely. But we'll have to wait.

How is Jean-Kevin’s injury? Is he back in training yet? (@LUFCLouise)
Jean-Kevin Augustin is injury free. He's not match fit of course because he can't play any matches but he has recovered from the strain. We might yet see him this season.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #114 på: Mars 22, 2020, 12:08:49 »

Ledelsen gjør i hvert fall alt de kan for å påvirke EFL til å få fullført sesongen.

Skulle bare mangle når de har budsjettert med opprykk. Ville vært katastrofalt om sesongen ble nullet ut nå.
Men hvis det scenarioet skulle utspille seg, så blir det garrantert protester. Da vil nok WBA og Leeds gå til søksmål mot EFL.
Antakeligvis også de fire neste lagene på tabellen, og kanskje flere.


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #115 på: Mars 22, 2020, 16:32:19 »

Ledelsen gjør i hvert fall alt de kan for å påvirke EFL til å få fullført sesongen.

Skulle bare mangle når de har budsjettert med opprykk. Ville vært katastrofalt om sesongen ble nullet ut nå.
Men hvis det scenarioet skulle utspille seg, så blir det garrantert protester. Da vil nok WBA og Leeds gå til søksmål mot EFL.
Antakeligvis også de fire neste lagene på tabellen, og kanskje flere.

Ja. Selvsagt vil Leeds at sesongen skal fullføres med klar ledelse til lag nr 3 og kun ni kamper igjen. Også lag nr 7 og 8 kan han grunn til å protestere ved en gitt avgjørelse. Kanskje.

Dette er en vanskelig materie. Ved et søksmål må retten ta stilling til hvilket regelverk som skal anvendes for å si at sesongen skulle vært fullført. Pr nå finnes det ikke noe klart regelverk for denne situasjonen. Det er da en risiko for at retten sier at annulering av sesongen er ok. Det er worst case.

Og får Leeds medhold:  ved søksmål så krever Leeds erstatning for tapt inntekt i sesongen 2020/21 eller neste sesong. Leeds og WBA må altså sannsynliggjøre hvor stort tap de lider ved å ikke rykke opp. Det blir vanskelig. For nå er fotballen og inntekter i PL  i 2020/21 snudd på hodet pga en økonomisk nedgangstid. Sky har lavere inntjening og vil få problemer med å holde avtaler . Erstatning blir vanskelig å fastsette når inntektene er usikre,  også for de som er i PL nå.

Kanskje det beste er at klubbene og PL/EFL kommer til enighet om hvordan dette skal gjøres. Dvs unngå rettsak. Det beste er selvsagt å fullføre de siste ni kamper en gang. Eller spille ny sesong og ta med seg det som er oppnådd av poeng denne sesongen. Da vil svært få føle seg urettferdig behandlet.

Jeg tviler på en avslutning med ni kamper i sommer. Nå er det snart 300 døde i UK allerede.  Og det blir bare verre.

« Siste redigering: Mars 22, 2020, 16:41:39 av Josch »


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Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #116 på: Mars 22, 2020, 16:59:40 »
Faktisk et kjempepoeng:


Don’t underestimate the mini preseason this squad will have to do before season restarts too be hugely beneficial for Poveda & Big Kev & players like White, Costa and Meslier

Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #117 på: Mars 22, 2020, 17:27:47 »
Eller spille ny sesong og ta med seg det som er oppnådd av poeng denne sesongen. Da vil svært få føle seg urettferdig behandlet.
Veldig bra innlegg, og jeg er enig med deg. Utenom denne setningen.

Det som er problemet med denne løsningen er at det får store ringvirkninger for laget vårt:

- Vi kan antakeligvis ikke kjøpe Harrison fra City.
Costa har vi en "obligation to buy" og det blir veldig dyrt med et championship-budsjett. Dette er nemlig budsjettert allerede for neste sesong.
- Mister også muligheten til å kjøpe Augustin, som vi har en obligation to buy HVIS det blir opprykk.
- White bør være øverst på ønskelisten til sommeren, men han blir helt utenfor rekkevidde.
- Sjansene øker for et salg av Kalvin Phillips for å redde likviditeten iht FFP-reglene.
- Det er vel også tvilsomt at Bielsa vil gå på sesong nr tre i championship. Da kan en klubb som f.eks Real Betis lokke han vekk fra England.

Hele korthuset kan falle sammen  :-\
« Siste redigering: Mars 22, 2020, 17:32:23 av Johnnyj »


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #118 på: Mars 22, 2020, 19:14:09 »
Eller spille ny sesong og ta med seg det som er oppnådd av poeng denne sesongen. Da vil svært få føle seg urettferdig behandlet.
Veldig bra innlegg, og jeg er enig med deg. Utenom denne setningen.

Det som er problemet med denne løsningen er at det får store ringvirkninger for laget vårt:

- Vi kan antakeligvis ikke kjøpe Harrison fra City.
Costa har vi en "obligation to buy" og det blir veldig dyrt med et championship-budsjett. Dette er nemlig budsjettert allerede for neste sesong.
- Mister også muligheten til å kjøpe Augustin, som vi har en obligation to buy HVIS det blir opprykk.
- White bør være øverst på ønskelisten til sommeren, men han blir helt utenfor rekkevidde.
- Sjansene øker for et salg av Kalvin Phillips for å redde likviditeten iht FFP-reglene.
- Det er vel også tvilsomt at Bielsa vil gå på sesong nr tre i championship. Da kan en klubb som f.eks Real Betis lokke han vekk fra England.

Hele korthuset kan falle sammen  :-\

Ja, Gud. Det finnes ingen perfekte løsninger her. Alle lag har sine kjepphester. De problemene du skisserer finnes nok i flere klubber. Stakkars de som skal løse alt dette. Det blir nok noen bitre sjeler i klubbene, er jeg redd. Hvis sommeren ikke kan brukes til avslutning av sesongen bør man bruke tid på å få dette mest mulig riktig. Mye tid.

Hvis sesongen tas om igjen er det mest rettferdig at de samme spillerne spiller igjen. Det bør være mulig å forlenge alle typer kontrakter med ett år hvis godviljen er til stede hos alle. Men så er det dette med penger som klubbene hadde regnet med å få sommeren 2020 og avtaler om kjøp/salg/ opsjoner  . Jeg gir opp. :-\
« Siste redigering: Mars 22, 2020, 19:17:56 av Josch »


Sv: Sesongavslutningen 2019/20
« Svar #119 på: Mars 22, 2020, 22:52:25 »
Eller spille ny sesong og ta med seg det som er oppnådd av poeng denne sesongen. Da vil svært få føle seg urettferdig behandlet.
Veldig bra innlegg, og jeg er enig med deg. Utenom denne setningen.

Det som er problemet med denne løsningen er at det får store ringvirkninger for laget vårt:

- Vi kan antakeligvis ikke kjøpe Harrison fra City.
Costa har vi en "obligation to buy" og det blir veldig dyrt med et championship-budsjett. Dette er nemlig budsjettert allerede for neste sesong.
- Mister også muligheten til å kjøpe Augustin, som vi har en obligation to buy HVIS det blir opprykk.
- White bør være øverst på ønskelisten til sommeren, men han blir helt utenfor rekkevidde.
- Sjansene øker for et salg av Kalvin Phillips for å redde likviditeten iht FFP-reglene.
- Det er vel også tvilsomt at Bielsa vil gå på sesong nr tre i championship. Da kan en klubb som f.eks Real Betis lokke han vekk fra England.

Hele korthuset kan falle sammen  :-\

Tror ikke du bør være bekymret for denne løsningen. Skjer garantert ikke..