Skrevet av Emne: Leeds United 16/17  (Lest 96079 ganger)

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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #330 på: Januar 04, 2017, 08:58:46 »
Uenig. Fortsetter den formen vi er inne i nå så rykker vi direkte opp. Newcastle viser tydelige svakhetstegn så da tar vi de enkelt igjen.  :)

Vi kommer på andre eller tredje plass det er jeg sikker på nå  8)

Hvis vi fortsetter den formen vi har hatt de siste 3 månedene resten av sesongen så rykker vi garantert direkte opp. Men det kommer nok en tørkeperiode, spørsmålet er hvor lang og dyp den blir.

Tror Monk er inne på noe vesentlig. En eller to justeringer på et lag som flyter veldig fint. Må ikke bli for mye endringer på for kort tid.

Jeg tror han leter etter etter et førstevalg på venstrekant, og en backupspiss til Wood.

Personlig tror jeg vi for å være komplette på lang sikt også bør ha en ny keeper samt en makker til Bridcutt. De to siste her til sommeren. Da er vi ihvertfall klare for opprykk. Selvsagt hvis Bartley, Hernandez og Jansson signeres.


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #331 på: Januar 04, 2017, 11:56:10 »
Uenig. Fortsetter den formen vi er inne i nå så rykker vi direkte opp. Newcastle viser tydelige svakhetstegn så da tar vi de enkelt igjen.  :)

Vi kommer på andre eller tredje plass det er jeg sikker på nå  8)

Hvis vi fortsetter den formen vi har hatt de siste 3 månedene resten av sesongen så rykker vi garantert direkte opp. Men det kommer nok en tørkeperiode, spørsmålet er hvor lang og dyp den blir.

Tror Monk er inne på noe vesentlig. En eller to justeringer på et lag som flyter veldig fint. Må ikke bli for mye endringer på for kort tid.

Jeg tror han leter etter etter et førstevalg på venstrekant, og en backupspiss til Wood.

Personlig tror jeg vi for å være komplette på lang sikt også bør ha en ny keeper samt en makker til Bridcutt. De to siste her til sommeren. Da er vi ihvertfall klare for opprykk. Selvsagt hvis Bartley, Hernandez og Jansson signeres.
Enig i det meste her. Tror heller ikke at det hadde skadet om vi hadde skaffet oss en bedre backup til stopperne, som kommer til å måtte stå over kamper pga skader og/eller karantene allerede i vårsesongen. Litt tynt med bare Cooper - selv om Ayling slett ikke dummet seg ut da han måtte trekke inn i den ene kampen før jul (var det cupkampen mot L´pool, tro?).


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #332 på: Januar 04, 2017, 12:05:21 »
Uenig. Fortsetter den formen vi er inne i nå så rykker vi direkte opp. Newcastle viser tydelige svakhetstegn så da tar vi de enkelt igjen.  :)

Vi kommer på andre eller tredje plass det er jeg sikker på nå  8)

Hvis vi fortsetter den formen vi har hatt de siste 3 månedene resten av sesongen så rykker vi garantert direkte opp. Men det kommer nok en tørkeperiode, spørsmålet er hvor lang og dyp den blir.

Tror Monk er inne på noe vesentlig. En eller to justeringer på et lag som flyter veldig fint. Må ikke bli for mye endringer på for kort tid.

Jeg tror han leter etter etter et førstevalg på venstrekant, og en backupspiss til Wood.

Personlig tror jeg vi for å være komplette på lang sikt også bør ha en ny keeper samt en makker til Bridcutt. De to siste her til sommeren. Da er vi ihvertfall klare for opprykk. Selvsagt hvis Bartley, Hernandez og Jansson signeres.
Enig i det meste her. Tror heller ikke at det hadde skadet om vi hadde skaffet oss en bedre backup til stopperne, som kommer til å måtte stå over kamper pga skader og/eller karantene allerede i vårsesongen. Litt tynt med bare Cooper - selv om Ayling slett ikke dummet seg ut da han måtte trekke inn i den ene kampen før jul (var det cupkampen mot L´pool, tro?).

Ayling dummet seg ikke ut mot liverp,men var vel involvert i baklengs...vil ha han på høgreback og kun der,der har han vert kanongod.


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #333 på: Januar 04, 2017, 12:30:51 »
Og så trenger vi en solid venstreback hvis ikke Taylor forlenger. Berardi er OK som back up og Denton for uerfaren.

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #334 på: Januar 04, 2017, 18:43:09 »
Uenig. Fortsetter den formen vi er inne i nå så rykker vi direkte opp. Newcastle viser tydelige svakhetstegn så da tar vi de enkelt igjen.  :)

Vi kommer på andre eller tredje plass det er jeg sikker på nå  8)

Newcastle viste absolutt ingen svakhetstegn mot  Blackburn av det sammendraget jeg så på mandag kveld. De var klart best hva gjelder sjanser og spill,  67/33 i possession og 25-5 i skudd. Blackburn var griseheldige som vant den kampen. Benitez: "The only thing we didn't do is to score when we had a lot of chances, especially in the first half." Normalt vinner man med slikt spill.

Vi tar absolutt ikke "enkelt igjen" verken Brighton eller  Newcastle. Disse lagene er meget gode, selv om  Brighton var litt heldige mot  Fulham (Stefan Johansen misset straffe). Mye skal skje hvis Leeds plutselig blir like gode som disse to lagene denne sesongen. Tviler på om et januarvindu kan endre på det, selv med ny eier. 3-6. plass er mest sannsynlig for Leeds.


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #335 på: Januar 04, 2017, 18:52:36 »
Uenig. Fortsetter den formen vi er inne i nå så rykker vi direkte opp. Newcastle viser tydelige svakhetstegn så da tar vi de enkelt igjen.  :)

Vi kommer på andre eller tredje plass det er jeg sikker på nå  8)

Newcastle viste absolutt ingen svakhetstegn mot  Blackburn av det sammendraget jeg så på mandag kveld. De var klart best hva gjelder sjanser og spill,  67/33 i possession og 25-5 i skudd. Blackburn var griseheldige som vant den kampen. Benitez: "The only thing we didn't do is to score when we had a lot of chances, especially in the first half." Normalt vinner man med slikt spill.

Vi tar absolutt ikke "enkelt igjen" verken Brighton eller  Newcastle. Disse lagene er meget gode, selv om  Brighton var litt heldige mot  Fulham (Stefan Johansen misset straffe). Mye skal skje hvis Leeds plutselig blir like gode som disse to lagene denne sesongen. Tviler på om et januarvindu kan endre på det, selv med ny eier. 3-6. plass er mest sannsynlig for Leeds.

Såg den kampen og Newcastle var veldig gode! Rett og slett uheldige/udyktige i avslutningsfasen i denne kampen.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."

Jon R

Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #336 på: Januar 04, 2017, 22:05:22 »
Uenig. Fortsetter den formen vi er inne i nå så rykker vi direkte opp. Newcastle viser tydelige svakhetstegn så da tar vi de enkelt igjen.  :)

Vi kommer på andre eller tredje plass det er jeg sikker på nå  8)

Hvis vi fortsetter den formen vi har hatt de siste 3 månedene resten av sesongen så rykker vi garantert direkte opp. Men det kommer nok en tørkeperiode, spørsmålet er hvor lang og dyp den blir.

Tror Monk er inne på noe vesentlig. En eller to justeringer på et lag som flyter veldig fint. Må ikke bli for mye endringer på for kort tid.

Jeg tror han leter etter etter et førstevalg på venstrekant, og en backupspiss til Wood.

Personlig tror jeg vi for å være komplette på lang sikt også bør ha en ny keeper samt en makker til Bridcutt. De to siste her til sommeren. Da er vi ihvertfall klare for opprykk. Selvsagt hvis Bartley, Hernandez og Jansson signeres.
Enig i det meste her. Tror heller ikke at det hadde skadet om vi hadde skaffet oss en bedre backup til stopperne, som kommer til å måtte stå over kamper pga skader og/eller karantene allerede i vårsesongen. Litt tynt med bare Cooper - selv om Ayling slett ikke dummet seg ut da han måtte trekke inn i den ene kampen før jul (var det cupkampen mot L´pool, tro?).

Ayling dummet seg ikke ut mot liverp,men var vel involvert i baklengs...vil ha han på høgreback og kun der,der har han vert kanongod.
Den baklengsen kom etter et innlegg i verdensklasse der spissen med ansiktet mot mål hadde alle fordeler. Ikke mange stoppere i verden som hadde klart å forhindre scoring der.

Når det er sagt, det er som høyre back Ayling har briljert, men fint å se at han også kan fungere som back up ved stopperløyse i troppen. Vi trenger uansett en fullblods stopper til i troppen.
Jon R.


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #337 på: Januar 15, 2017, 22:48:14 »
Utrolig hvor små marginer det er i fotball og kanskje særlig i en divisjon som Championship.

Tenk på det;
Vi avsluttet sesongen 15/16 på 13.plass, 15 poeng bak PO.
Supporterne gikk i protesttog mot eierskapet og vi hadde Steve Evans som manager.
Mange mente man like gjerne kunne gi Evans sjansen på ny i stedet for å gå løs på enda en manager. (gud vet hvor vi hadde vært om Evans hadde fått fornyet sin kontrakt  ::) )
Når Evans først ble sparket så takket først både Darren Clarke og Karl Robinson nei, før vi endte opp med unge lovende,
men uerfarne Garry Monk. Fansen var sånn rimelg fornøyd og tenkte at det var vel det beste vi kunne få...
Vi solgte så nok en juvel i Lewis Cook og Charlie Taylor leverte transfer request.

Hentet inn mange nye spillere. De fleste ubeskrevne blad. En del på lån, noen gratis og noen vi betalte en del for.

Startet så sesongen med 4 poeng på 6 kamper. Etter 0-1 tapet for Huddersfield ble det på forumet snakket om at Monk måtte gå, Pulis inn, skammelig etterkampen intervju og Whelan skrev i YEP om "Shambolic" opptreden av Leeds.

Etter det snudde det på en eller annen fantastisk måte.
Vi har 14-2-4 på de 20 kampene etter den dårlige starten.
Vi ligger på 3.plass. PO virker nesten å være sikret (?) og vi har ett realistisk håp om direkte opprykk.
Monk er genierklært, spillerne springer på banen med hjerte utpå drakta, ER er endelig vårt fort og fylles opp og vi har nye eiere.

Overraskende å se hvor tilfeldig og enkelt suksessen har kommet til oss når den først kom, for vi kan ikke akkurat si at det vi opplever nå er noe vi har bygget opp over tid? En god manager som har blitt gitt tid til sitt prosjekt med en klar spillestil og god defansiv struktur er det beste svaret. Herregud Garry Monk, du skulle ha kommet til oss for 10 år siden  :)
Noen som har bedre forklaring på hvorfor årets sesong har blitt som den har blitt?
marching on together,
derudaf forever...


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #338 på: Januar 16, 2017, 00:58:06 »
Det lå vel i kortene i mai at det skulle satses denne sesongen. Bedre spillere er også på plass nå. Tviler på om Monk kunne gjort det like bra med fjorårets tropp. 

Husker mye av det du forteller. Cellino ble hetset på nytt for å bytte en trener. En stadionsponsor trakk seg (med åpent brev til Cellino) fordi han ville at Evans skulle få fortsette.  Og det ble raljert med hvor mange trenere på nivå 3 som sa nei til å trene Leeds. Klubben kunne liksom ikke synke dypere enn å få nei fra Darren Clarke og Karl Robinson, fikk vi høre. Dette var selvsagt  Cellinos feil, ifølge de samme kritikere.  19 dager etter sesongslutt hadde Cellino "laget nytt kaos i Leeds" da han enda ikke hadde ansatt ny trener, mente noen. Og noen fryktet t.o.m for planlegging  av preseason pga dette.  Ja, det var tider det. Husker det godt. Men kritikerne  tok feil. Vet ikke hva de har å si nå, 7 mnd etterpå.  Kunne vært artig  om de gav lyd fra seg.


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #339 på: Januar 16, 2017, 02:30:46 »
Det lå vel i kortene i mai at det skulle satses denne sesongen. Bedre spillere er også på plass nå. Tviler på om Monk kunne gjort det like bra med fjorårets tropp. 

Husker mye av det du forteller. Cellino ble hetset på nytt for å bytte en trener. En stadionsponsor trakk seg (med åpent brev til Cellino) fordi han ville at Evans skulle få fortsette.  Og det ble raljert med hvor mange trenere på nivå 3 som sa nei til å trene Leeds. Klubben kunne liksom ikke synke dypere enn å få nei fra Darren Clarke og Karl Robinson, fikk vi høre. Dette var selvsagt  Cellinos feil, ifølge de samme kritikere.  19 dager etter sesongslutt hadde Cellino "laget nytt kaos i Leeds" da han enda ikke hadde ansatt ny trener, mente noen. Og noen fryktet t.o.m for planlegging  av preseason pga dette.  Ja, det var tider det. Husker det godt. Men kritikerne  tok feil. Vet ikke hva de har å si nå, 7 mnd etterpå.  Kunne vært artig  om de gav lyd fra seg.
Nå har vel Lojosang ettertrykkelig bevist at du var i den samme båten så er det ikke på tide at du holder kjeft om hva alle vi andre sa? I tillegg vet vi nå at Radrizzani har vært deltakende i det aller meste siden mai i følge Cellinos egne ord. Vær nå så grei og la dette ligge og nyt heller den tida vi nå opplever. Du hoverer til og med over deg selv!

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #341 på: Januar 16, 2017, 20:11:29 »
Det lå vel i kortene i mai at det skulle satses denne sesongen. Bedre spillere er også på plass nå. Tviler på om Monk kunne gjort det like bra med fjorårets tropp. 

Husker mye av det du forteller. Cellino ble hetset på nytt for å bytte en trener. En stadionsponsor trakk seg (med åpent brev til Cellino) fordi han ville at Evans skulle få fortsette.  Og det ble raljert med hvor mange trenere på nivå 3 som sa nei til å trene Leeds. Klubben kunne liksom ikke synke dypere enn å få nei fra Darren Clarke og Karl Robinson, fikk vi høre. Dette var selvsagt  Cellinos feil, ifølge de samme kritikere.  19 dager etter sesongslutt hadde Cellino "laget nytt kaos i Leeds" da han enda ikke hadde ansatt ny trener, mente noen. Og noen fryktet t.o.m for planlegging  av preseason pga dette.  Ja, det var tider det. Husker det godt. Men kritikerne  tok feil. Vet ikke hva de har å si nå, 7 mnd etterpå.  Kunne vært artig  om de gav lyd fra seg.
Nå har vel Lojosang ettertrykkelig bevist at du var i den samme båten så er det ikke på tide at du holder kjeft om hva alle vi andre sa? I tillegg vet vi nå at Radrizzani har vært deltakende i det aller meste siden mai i følge Cellinos egne ord. Vær nå så grei og la dette ligge og nyt heller den tida vi nå opplever. Du hoverer til og med over deg selv!
Ah, ikke en dag uten litt krybbebiting.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020

Promotion 2010

Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #342 på: Januar 17, 2017, 18:20:14 »
Dette blir gøy:

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #343 på: Januar 17, 2017, 21:25:49 »
Demoted referee Mike Dean chosen to officiate Leeds United trip to Barnsley

Mike Dean made the headlines for the wrong reasons after sending West Ham's Sofiane Feghouli off in December (Photo: PA) ED WHITE Email 18:12Tuesday 17 January 2017 0 HAVE YOUR SAY

Mike Dean will referee the Yorkshire derby between Leeds United and Barnsley this Saturday after being demoted to the Championship. The 48-year-old came under fire during the festive period over a number of high profile decisions. Dean controversially sent West Ham's Sofiane Feghouli against Manchester United - a decision which was later overturned - and opted against dismissing Everton's Ross Barkley for a late challenge on Jordan Henderson in the Merseyside derby.

The veteran official has been in charge of two matches since United's 2-0 win over West Ham and both have passed without incident. But that has not stopped the FA's decision to drop him down the Championship this weekend.

Dean has officiated Leeds on 23 times during his refereeing career and only brandished one red card - when he sent Mark Viduka off for a second yellow against Leicester City in April 2004. He last took charge of United in the FA Cup tie against Sunderland in January 2015. His last league encounter involving Leeds saw the Whites fall to a 4-1 loss at Ipswich Town.

He also took charge of the Championship play-off final of 2006, which Watford won 3-0 to gain promotion to the Premier League.

Read more at:
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #344 på: Januar 20, 2017, 15:23:23 »
FOR et stykke LESESTOFF Rob Bagshi i The Telegraph har laget!!!

Lesbart de luxe! :)  Trodde opprinnelig at dette måtte en 'insider' som Amitai Winehouse ha skrevet, men neida.

Why Leeds United are marching on together again

Leeds United have found a togetherness this season that has been absent for years Credit: Getty Images
 Rob Bagchi
20 January 2017 • 11:54am

On Jan 20 1964 and the same day 26 years later, Leeds United were top of Division Two and finished both seasons, their last two successful promotion campaigns back into the top flight, in the same place after six months of occasionally jittery front-running. Today they are third in the Championship behind one well-run and one well-financed club, neither of which Leeds have been for decades. After years of distress, decay and discord, of perilous hand-to-mouth subsistence and the bleeding of the club’s assets - ground, training complex, staff, players, always players – to foot both running costs and extraordinary expenditure on gratuitous or avoidable litigation, Leeds have at last acquired an air of genuine stability.   

And to understand why we can be grateful to two Liverpool heroes. The first, Kenny Dalglish, was the man who piqued Andrea Radrizzani’s interest in Leeds United last March. During lunch Dalglish spoke warmly of a club whose potential had been starved but not quashed and the fierce ardour of their fans. Radrizzani, a global investment and sports rights entrepreneur,  began to analyse Leeds and 10 months on now owns half of it.

Because tact is essential to maintain equilibrium with his equal partner, Massimo Cellino, we know neither the specifics nor extent of his clear-headed influence as a brake on his compatriot’s impulsiveness and volatility. But if we contrast Cellino’s restraint and novel inconspicuousness since negotiations began last summer with the unrelenting turbulence that preceded them, it is plain that the club is acting less impetuously and more soberly than before.
Andrea Radrizzani has bought a 50 per cent stake in Leeds this month
It would be tedious to go through the saga of the past 25 years, from the moment the chairman, Leslie Silver, who had helped rebuild the club so judiciously that they won the title in 1992, recognised that sustaining Leeds’ rise and funding the transformation of Elland Road into an all-seater stadium could not be his burden alone.

Consequently a purchaser and a return on investment were sought and since 1996 the story can be told in shorthand by a series of symbols that negate the need for the well-worn specifics: ultimately worthless share certificates, Lucas Radebe’s armband, George Graham’s overcoat, an ‘O’Leary’s Babies’ romper suit, a hubristic manager’s diary, rented goldfish, the deeds to Elland Road and Thorpe Arch, Gerald Krasner’s glasses cord, Ken Bates’ beef wellington, his glossary of abusive epithets for supporters and ‘Ken’s pens’, Simon Grayson’s supposed ‘War Chest’, transcripts of GFH’s dopey WhatsApp conversations, surveillance equipment and Cellino’s whisky, beer and fags.

Since the summer of 2002, when the sale of Rio Ferdinand first exposed the scale of the ruinous financial wager Peter Ridsdale and his board had made, Leeds United has been more a Wes Craven version of the old Fry and Laurie Peter and John sketches than a proper football club. Off-field machinations have overwhelmed on-field ambitions because investment and long-term planning were replaced by perpetual crisis management caused by inadequate cash-flow and debt.
Leeds have lurched hectically from one owner to the next with some interludes of pluck in 2006, defiance in 2007-08, optimism from 2009-11 and self-respect in 2014-15. Throughout, while the club’s fortunes have been hostage to the whims of sulphurous or capricious men, the saving grace has been the fans. They, particularly the large, boisterous away support, have carried the torch, mounting the resistance, celebrating their sense of exceptionalism and wholeheartedly stoking the spirit of the club.

The 'shoes off' protest against Ken Bates' ownership in 2007 Credit: Getty Images
There have been civil wars where some have aligned themselves with various regimes and kindled feuds on social mediaby demanding common gratitude for the latest messiah and their preposterous retinue. There has been a stench of something horribly servile throughout from that fawning minority who preached essentially that everyone should know their place and let the owners get on and do as they please. They transferred their loyalty from the institution to the individual and cried ‘traitor’ at young players who were sold while forever fluffing the people who sold them.
Yet a 15-year decline honeycombed with strife could now be at an end and this is where the other Liverpool manager comes in. “At a football club there’s a holy trinity – the players, the manager and the supporters,” Bill Shankly once said. “Directors don’t come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques.”

Those fans old enough to remember the Revie era will always honour the role of the chairman, Harry Reynolds, but he, like Silver, did not demand the limelight as a just reward. When, more recently, the three-way bond has been there – with David O’Leary and his Champions League semi-finalists, Grayson and his League One runners-up and Neil Redfearn and his promising tyros - Ridsdale, Bates and Cellino were always muscling into the shot, forever reminding us of their presence. It may have been recognition they wanted, profile or thanks - but they ruined the dynamic with their habitual intrusiveness. It is not and never will be about them. That is why the notion of a quaternity that included an owner would have been nonsense to Shankly.

It cannot be a coincidence that the quieter Cellino has been, the better Leeds have fared, but there are several things he deserves credit for which do not pardon all the wanton interference of the past but do mitigate them. The most important was his removal of GFH, whose stewardship of the club for 14 months from December 2012 was clueless and vainglorious, and second is his appointment of Garry Monk last summer to become his seventh full-time manager in 24 months. He settled on the Monk after being turned down by Bristol Rovers’ Darrell Clarke and the fear was that he would go the way of his predecessors as soon as Cellino was spooked by couple of poor results.

The quieter Massimo Cellino has been, the better Leeds have been  Credit: Paul Cooper for The Telegraph
He had twice before appointed managers with a distinct style and a long-term strategy - Darko Milanic and Uwe Rosler - and bailed out after functional, tedious performances were matched by a paucity of victories. There were firm rumours during Monk’s second game that the owner’s trigger finger was beginning to itch and the usual suspects on Twitter, the ones who call Cellino ‘The President’ and befriend his children on Instagram, began to heap abuse on the manager. Something stopped him. Radrizzani, who is firmly behind Monk, was already negotiating his investment deal at the time and, it is understood, advocated that the manager should stay in place.

Garry Monk has been given time for his influence to make an impact Credit: Paul Cooper for The Telegraph
Leeds lost four of their first six Championship matches, a situation that generally unnerves Cellino at the start of the season. In 2014-15 he sacked Dave Hockaday after four league games, the next year Rosler after 11. But this year Leeds stuck with Monk, gave him time for his young players to understand how he wanted them to play and bed in the four loan signings - Kyle Bartley, Pablo Hernández, Hadi Sacko and Pontus Jansson - each of whom has played a vital role. Bartley, the centre-back from Swansea, is a tough but elegant captain who puts his body on the line, Sacko a slick, unpredictable winger who excites with his dribbling and Hernández a Spanish playmaker with more skill and vision than Leeds have seen in the No10 role for a generation.

Monk and his assistant Pep Clotet have blended the products of Leeds' youth system with rehabilitated once-floundering signings and their own choices Credit: ProSports/REX/Shutterstock
But it is Jansson, the Sweden centre-half, who has been central to Leeds’ rise. It’s very rare for a player to come along and embody the way a club’s fans feel about it, to look like the kind of player they would themselves hope to be. Billy Bremner was one, of course, David Batty, Luciano Becchio at times and now Jansson. He has improved Leeds immeasurably and it is extraordinary what a galvanising effect his competence, confidence, commitment and volubility have made to the side. Most of all he has brought a sense of enjoyment back and is venerated for his willingness to get stuck in, some thunderous swearing and tremendous heading power. Give the people a cause and someone to personify it and you’re halfway there.

Pontus Jansson has been a transformative signing for Leeds Credit: Stephenson/JMP/REX/Shutterstock
Other signings have been important, too, particularly Luke Ayling, the right-back, who shares a house with his former Arsenal academy team-mate, Bartley. Liam Bridcutt and Eunan O’Kane have brought authority and maturity to midfield and Kemar Roofe has both the tireless drive and flair that makes defending against him a physical and mental ordeal. But Monk has also improved his inheritance, bringing on the unflappable Ronaldo Vieira, transforming Souleymane Doukara into a bullying presence, burnishing Charlie Taylor and making Chris Wood punch his weight in the box.
When the tide began to turn with three successive victories in September, no serious supporter was demanding promotion: all they wanted was some respite from the gloom. On-field coherence, momentum and a degree of entertainment would have sufficed. But it has been much better than that and the way they tore Derby to shreds in the first half of last week’s 1-0 victory has fuelled belief. Twelve of their 35 goals have come in the last 10 minutes of games and the sense of team spirit and positiveness is palpable. Contrast this with 12 months ago when Steve Evans was talking about himself in the third person and Giuseppe Bellusci was expending more energy justifying himself on Twitter than he used to defend Leeds’s goal.

Chris Wood scores Leeds' winner against Derby last week, his 14th Championship goal of the season Credit: PA
On Saturday evening they take on Barnsley, another of their 16 games rescheduled to be shown live on television by the middle of March, with morale soaring. Monk, a man of serious purpose, has built a team that does everything the supporter wants to see: in the words of Bremner, it puts “side before self every time”.
Back in 1988, The Hanging Sheep, Leeds’ much-missed fanzine and the one that seemed to capture the essential character of following the club perfectly, wrote: “It’s often said that no club have a divine right to be in the First Division; well, we bloody have.” Whether they get back this year or later is beside the point. By rebuilding that bond between manager, players and fans, the atmosphere at Elland Road is electric and there is a belief that something special and sustainable is happening there.
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Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #345 på: Januar 20, 2017, 16:07:41 »
FOR et stykke LESESTOFF Rob Bagshi i The Telegraph har laget!!!
Herlig lesning i Telegraph! Han innrømmer riktignok å være en fan i kommentarfeltet, ser jeg.


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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #346 på: Januar 20, 2017, 16:30:38 »
FOR et stykke LESESTOFF Rob Bagshi i The Telegraph har laget!!!
Herlig lesning i Telegraph! Han innrømmer riktignok å være en fan i kommentarfeltet, ser jeg.

Har lest meg opp på ham nå. :)

HER er en annen artikkel. Om å være 'undercover Leedsfan' mens man sitter med hjemmefansen. Noe en del norske jo har opplevd (og overlevd) opp gjennom årene. :)
Engasjerende artikkel, tydeligvis, med 99 kommentarer :)
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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #347 på: Januar 20, 2017, 19:11:21 »
I avdelingen 'leseverdig' - Moscowhite har skrevet igjen. Nå om Radrizzani.
Og han går grundig til verks, den mannen.
Og aner vi en snev av potensielle downsides under hans regime... :o 

The Square Ball Week: Virtual Radrizzani
BY Moscowhite
The last time we heard about a previously unknown Italian businessman selling his old interests so he could buy Leeds United, it sounded like an empty threat made in a fit of pique.
Massimo Cellino was going, moodily, to Miami. And if the Cagliari fans didn’t change their outlook by the time he got back, he’d just go and own Leeds United instead, and see what the Sardinian fans thought about that.
Cellino Vattene was what a lot of them thought. f**k off Cellino.

Andrea Radrizzani’s sale of the majority of his stake in MP & Silva, the sports broadcasting rights management company he founded with Riccardo Silva in 2004 (the MP stands for Media Partners, also founded by Silva in 1999, where Radrizzani went to work after leaving university in Milan, with a degree in public relations, in 1999), didn’t have any of that petulance about it.

MP & Silva’s business, with Radrizzani as Group CEO, is buying up sports broadcasting rights (they own or have owned rights to broadcast several Serie A teams, the 2014 World Cup, the Premier League in 51 countries, Formula 1 in the Middle East and North Africa, the French Tennis Open and the NFL), marketing them to broadcasters for a profit, and working with league and tournament owners to improve the marketability (i.e. value) of their ‘productions’.

Shanghai Jin Xin, a venture investment fund founded by Chinese electronics company Baofeng and financial services firm Everbright were the purchasers, and the price of their 65% stake set MP & Silva’s value at £665m — over one billion of your US dollars; Radrizzani personally netted about £150m from the deal, as well as retaining a share of 35% of the company and being named president of Baofeng Sport International.

With Baofeng’s business focused on digital platforms and, in particular, the application of virtual reality to sport, and Radrizzani’s other recent venture, Eleven Sports, being an internet platform for broadcasting sport in several countries (Belgium, Singapore, Taiwan and more), it’s easy to assume that Radrizzani is aligning his interests around the next generation of sports broadcasting, putting himself at the forefront, geographically, technologically and financially, of the next growth areas in sports broadcasting rights, the business that has already made him a fortune.
Which does rather beg the question, what the hell does he want in Beeston? And why is working with Massimo Cellino? Is there a market in China for a virtual reality night down Fibre with Massimo, Terry and Verne?

It’s easy to see what Cellino gets out of this deal: out of the shit. As has been gone over, buying Leeds United would represent the biggest mistake of Cellino’s life, if not for the life he lived before he got to West Yorkshire. For from buying back Elland Road and propelling us to the Premier League in two seasons, Cellino has spent the best part of three years paddling desperately to stay afloat, making cutbacks here while being enormously wasteful there, making friends here (hi, Terry) and enemies there (hi, everybody else he’s ever worked with), and battling the great white whale of his no doubt vivid nightmares: GFH, and their placed, unconcerned possession of his balls in a vice.
After months trying to straighten all that out Cellino is knackered and out of cash, and the club has been properly on sale since the summer; not ad hoc, drinks at the hotel, Hey Darren Heckadoy I like you you wanna buy the football club for sale, but properly for sale through a structured (if convoluted) sale process. There was not a shortage of offers — some credible, some not; there never is.
That Cellino emerged from that process still owning half of Leeds United until the end of the season is the kind of lucky break it’s hard to think he deserves. It could be down to one of two things. The less likely, and the one we have to hope against, is that Cellino has seen a chance to stitch up an incomer the way GFH stitched up him. Get in some naive young investor, have them fund whatever Gerry Mink wants to do in the January transfer window, then if it ends in promotion to the Premier League, pull the tablecloth from under the dinner set and then nick all the cutlery. If it doesn’t, take the money and leave it to the new sucker to sort out.

More likely is that Radrizzani has, for whatever reason, been persuaded to allow Cellino to see how this season pans out. Cellino will, as he always does, be convinced that his lawyers will run rings around The FA and have his impending ban thrown out; that’ll leave him free to entertain in the president’s suite from now until May, when he can take the Championship trophy in his hands and do a lap of honour as thousands of white roses are thrown to him from the grateful peasants in the stands (who had an extra fiver added to their ticket, giving them a voucher for a quid’s worth of said roses and a plastic glass of warm prosseco).

To which Radrizzani, whose business partner Silva, has been said to be a neighbour of Cellino’s in Miami — which could mean either they share a district, a country club, or a back fence and cups of sugar — and who will have worked with Cellino when MP & Silva partnered on broadcasting deals with Cagliari (the friendly Dahlia TV Cup, in 2009, featured Cagliari and was launched with quotes from Radrizzani), may well have listened sympathetically, and been moved to do his old business pal a favour. Andrea will get what he wants at Leeds, now or later; so why not let ol’Massimo have his glory and leave with honour? Besides, The FA will probably ban him anyway.

Which brings us back, again, to the question, what does Andrea Radrizzani want with Leeds United?
Perhaps it’s to do with his Miami partner, Riccardo Silva. Silva is four years older than Radrizzani and has a much higher profile; his family own a hundred year old chemicals business, he’s an art collector who owns Warhols and Quinns, and with his wife Tatiana, he hosted a dinner last January to celebrate the expansion of Miami’s Bass Museum of Art. He owns MP Milan, MP Paris and MP Miami, agencies managing celebrities and models.

In April 2016 he launched Miami FC in the NASL, a brand new club co-owned by Paolo Maldini. And when they say brand new, they mean it; the story goes that friends suggested Silva should start a team in April 2015; the club was unveiled in May, had a stadium by October and began playing in April. The head coach is Alessandro Nesta, kits are by Macron. An article in the Telegraph contrasted that with David Beckham’s MSL Miami franchise; begun in 2013, it’ll play in 2018 at the earliest.
Silva told the Telegraph the project was about passion; it has to be, as he can’t be there every day while also running MP & Silva. But it has potential for growth — especially if Beckham can get his team up and running, and generate interest and rivalry — and growth is MP & Silva’s business. “It’s very long term — I did it thinking about the next 10 or 20 years,” he said.

Silva also said, “I never would have done it in Europe”; he prefers US style presentation, and more importantly, there isn’t the opportunity for growth that you get in the new soccer frontier of Miami. “Soccer is already huge [in Europe] and there isn’t this big potential. In the US you can start with something small and have a big growth potential,” he said.

But what if you weren’t Riccardo Silva, but were Andrea Radrizzani; four years younger, without your name on the shingle, you don’t own the art or the restaurants or hang with Maldini. But you’ve seen the kick your partner is getting out of running a football club, and like him you can see the growth potential; how all that experience helping league and tournament owners, and all those contacts with sports people and broadcasters all over the world, can be put to practical use on your own venture, your own club.

And while clubs in Europe might not have the growth potential they have in an ‘immature’ market like the USA, what if you could find an underperforming team property on the fringes of one of the world’s best performing league properties, the Premier League? And what if that already lucrative property had just begun to expand into a territory where enormous sums of government money are being spent to establish football as a passion for an enormous captive audience, like China?
Personal meets professional, and creates the opportunity for a project. I spoke recently to a wealth fund manager who works with tech millionaires, a relatively new species found among the rich who has, through entrepreneurial skill, amassed great wealth, but has amassed it at a much younger age than the captains of industry of yore, and still has the inner drive and restlessness of an up and comer with something to prove.

Andrea Radrizzani is 43 years old and set for life, but that’s awful young to retire; and where would be the fun in repeating the same trick that made him rich already? Now’s the time for a risk, and Silva has shown Radrizzani the way.
Which could present a problem for Leeds United — a hungry for glory gambler betting his wealth for Premier League riches was what we thought, at best, Cellino might be. The difference with Radrizzani is that nothing about his background sets off the warning alarms the way even a glance at Cellino’s life story did.

He studied public relations at university. He left and started working in sports broadcasting with Riccardo Silva. He was successful enough to become a founding partner in Silva’s next venture, working as ‘creative lead’ and Group CEO. The growth of MP & Silva into one of the globe’s leading sports broadcasting businesses has been phenomenal. Their track record of delivering for and with elite partners is exemplary. He also runs charitable foundations with the aim of getting kids to participate in sport and cycling, the bastard. About the most damning thing I could find on Radrizzani was an admission that, if he can’t sleep while on an a plane, he’ll sometimes “Help myself to a vodka tonic.” The rest of the time he drinks water; “I never drink coffee on airplanes. Being Italian, I simply know I won’t find a very good one.”

Ken Bates was a born loser, whose big schemes have always ended in failure; chased away from the Caribbean island he “bought” in the early 1970s, he didn’t even finish the East Stand extensions at Elland Road. GFH were chancers who came to flip, but would have had less trouble flipping an oil tanker with a pencil. Cellino was a gambler, who didn’t stop to consider the other players’ hands.
The contrasts with Radrizzani couldn’t be sharper. But this is Leeds United, so what’s the downside? Well, it depends on the plan. Because what Radrizzani is good at — public relations, broadcasting rights, production and market growth — pretty much represent all the things about football that traditionalists among football fans detest. It’s the frame, not the picture; the TV (and online) experience, not the game as seen from the stands. Radrizzani could be perfect for maximising the commercial opportunities in the Premier League, but who would trade that for the wildly swinging bollocks of Pontus Jansson knocking over opponents like nine-pins here in Division Two?
Part of the question here is experience; Radrizzani has only ever seen football clubs from the other side of the table — he hasn’t run one himself — but let’s say he’s a fast learner. Let’s also say that if, as rumoured, Ivan Bravo is coming with him, then the former Director of Strategy at Real Madrid, who is currently developing the sports infrastructure of Qatar with the aim of their national team being competitive when (if) they host the World Cup in 2022, would seem like the right sort of help, especially when compared to, say, Hockaday and Lewis.

The other part of the question is pretty much out of Radrizzani’s hands, but a problem that in a sense GFH and Cellino have protected us from: whether we want to be dragged, kicking and screaming, not just into the modern era of football, but to the cutting edge of its next generational advance. If there truly is synergy between Radrizzani’s twin interests in Baofong and Leeds United, it could mean that in the not too far distant future watching United’s tour of China through virtual reality headsets, so that when, on the other side of the world, Jansson’s testicles swing, back here in Leeds, you duck. And you probably pay handsomely for the privilege.

Leeds United aren’t so much a sleeping giant these days as an anachronism. How many Premier League clubs have wooden seats in their main stand, not to mention no executive boxes there with a sheltered view of the pitch? And yet that’s the way we love Elland Road. The longing, as this season’s crowds have shown, has been for success on the pitch: we just want a good football team. A really good one. And if that’s what Radrizzani delivers, the city will be happy.

But Andrea Radrizzani is unlikely to stop there. If he’s a success, things will change at Elland Road; including, I’m sure, some things we’d rather stay the same; then it becomes a matter of whether he can convince us to go with him into football’s future. Which, while it might not be an easy process, must be preferable to having another owner who we have to try and drive out. Let’s see.
Originally published in The Square Ball Volume 27, Issue 6
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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #348 på: Januar 20, 2017, 20:20:07 »
Meget mulig men ikke sannsynlig.
Tror og håper på:

-1 Newcastle
-2 Leeds United

-3 Brighton

Championship: Newcastle and Brighton to win promotion? Blackburn survive?

Newcastle and Brighton to canter to promotion? That is what super-computer SAM is predicting

Promotion to the Premier League for Newcastle United and Brighton, play-off nerves for Leeds, Sheffield Wednesday, Derby and Reading, and relegation for Burton, Wigan and Rotherham.

These are the conclusions of SAM (Sports Analytics Machine), the super-computer built by Ian McHale, professor of sports analytics at the University of Salford, together with his colleague Dr Tarak Kharrat.

SAM was tasked with predicting the result of every Championship match between now and the end of the season on 7 May. The results indicate that Championship leaders Newcastle and second-placed Brighton will build their lead and cruise to promotion with 98 and 94 points respectively.

The programme suggests that the two clubs are near certainties to win automatic promotion, with Newcastle having a 99% and Brighton a 96.5% chance of going straight up.

SAM also calculates that the Magpies, relegated last season, have a 67% probability of winning their fourth second-tier title, while the Seagulls' chances of topping the table to reach the top flight for the first time since 1983 are 32%.

A total of seven teams are viewed as the most likely challengers for the play-off spots: Leeds United, Sheffield Wednesday, Derby County, Reading, Huddersfield Town, Norwich City and Fulham.

However, SAM rates the Whites and the Owls as having the best chance of claiming a place in the play-offs, with a probability of 72% each.

Will your team finish in the play-offs?
% probability calculated by SAM
Leeds United   72%
Sheffield Wednesday   72%
Derby County   56%
Reading   53%
Huddersfield Town   41%
Norwich City   31%
Fulham   23%
And Aston Villa, who finished bottom of the Premier League last season, are given only a 6% chance of reaching the play-offs.

Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #349 på: Januar 20, 2017, 21:00:29 »
Championship: Newcastle and Brighton to win promotion? Blackburn survive?
Visstnok viser denne at vi  ender 18 bak :o

I can see wednesday beating brighton tonight and with a  win at Barnsley we will be 3 points behind them.  If anyoen things tehres going to be an 18 point margin between 2nd and 3rd they know nothing about this league and Brightons ability to keep a run going
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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #350 på: Januar 20, 2017, 21:41:29 »
Championship: Newcastle and Brighton to win promotion? Blackburn survive?
Visstnok viser denne at vi  ender 18 bak :o

I can see wednesday beating brighton tonight and with a  win at Barnsley we will be 3 points behind them.  If anyoen things tehres going to be an 18 point margin between 2nd and 3rd they know nothing about this league and Brightons ability to keep a run going

Den britiske utgaven av snåsamannen  ::)
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #351 på: Januar 21, 2017, 23:27:02 »
Flere av oss har skrevet at  Leeds vil få en formsvikt før eller senere. Januar og  februar er historisk krevende perioder i sesongen for alle lag. Det lå kanskje i kortene at vi snart skulle gå på et "uventet" tap (Barnsley) . Neste kamper er Nottingham hjemme (onsdag) og  cup-kamp mot  Sutton på kunstgress. Sistnevnte kan bli ordentlig vrien.  Det blir spennende om Leeds klarer å unngå formsvikt (en lang kamprekke uten seier). Klarer vi å unngå en bølgedal så vil vi klare play off. Jeg har ikke forventning om direkte opprykk.

Vi vet at alt kan skje i denne ligaen så vi bør ikke være sikre på noe som helst.


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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #352 på: Januar 27, 2017, 16:43:00 »
Cornere for og imot - vår svakhet har blitt en styrke.
Og det er ikke tilfeldig. :)

Leeds United: Sacko on stand-by as Leeds corner set-piece market
 Phil Hay06:02  08:15  Friday 27 January 2017
Corners were once the cause of severe angst for Garry Monk; these days he can rely on them to supply Leeds United with a goal a game.

As special as Souleymane Doukara’s finish against Nottingham Forest was, even that owed something to the set-piece which preceded it.
Pablo Hernandez, United’s corner specialist, was able to claim a hand in both goals in Wednesday’s 2-0 win, causing enough havoc with one delivery for Chris Wood to open the scoring and forcing Forest to offer up a difficult chance which Doukara took with outrageous brilliance.

Nine goals from corners and 13 from set-pieces, penalties excluded, is a tally which speaks highly about United’s coaching and preparation.

Those who watch Monk’s training sessions say work on set-pieces is a major feature of it. The club’s attention on them was focused by a costly tally of five concessions direct from corners in the opening month of the season, including two in a 3-1 defeat to Nottingham Forest.
Their effort since then has not only negated that weakness but developed set-pieces into a telling strength.
“You can’t get away from the fact that in any league, but especially in the Championship, set-pieces play a massive part, defensively and offensively,” Monk said. “We needed to be good at both.
“We do work incredibly hard on both because we need them. We’re not always at our best for the whole 90 minutes but this league doesn’t allow you to be completely dominant. You need as many weapons as you can have. It’s very important.”

Leeds’ versatility in attack has been affected by the loss of Hadi Sacko, their lightning-quick winger, to a minor knee injury, but Sacko has trained this week and will be considered for Sunday’s FA Cup tie at Sutton United.
Monk said: “The game (against Forest) came just a little to soon but he should be ready and available for the weekend.”
Liam Cooper is also over a leg injury but Charlie Taylor looks set to miss the Sutton game with a long-standing Achilles problem.
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  • Gjest
Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #353 på: Januar 28, 2017, 12:40:26 »
Selv om laget ikke er svakka av Murphy, Diagouraga og Mowatt ut. Ja da er bredden i stallen svekka ganske mye. Så ved mange skader fremover kan dette faktisk få utslag av at Leeds ikke greier Playoff spill.
Laget trenger tre nye inn omgående. Og da helst tre som går rett inn på laget


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #354 på: Januar 28, 2017, 13:18:08 »
Selv om laget ikke er svakka av Murphy, Diagouraga og Mowatt ut. Ja da er bredden i stallen svekka ganske mye. Så ved mange skader fremover kan dette faktisk få utslag av at Leeds ikke greier Playoff spill.
Laget trenger tre nye inn omgående. Og da helst tre som går rett inn på laget
Laget må jo bli passe skadeskutt for at 5. valg på midtbanen skal bli livsviktig for playoffplassens del ? ???
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly


Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #355 på: Februar 02, 2017, 11:34:36 »
Uansett hva sesongen ender med - direkte opprykk, opprykk etter play-off, play-off-skuffelse eller fullstendig kollaps i april/mai: Etter flere år der sesongen har vært over i februar, er det så utrolig deilig å kjenne på at vi igjen er med der det skjer, og at hver eneste kamp er viktig!

Promotion 2010

Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #356 på: Februar 02, 2017, 12:07:46 »
Ian Harte

@LUFC are on the chase for the top 2 spots. #MOT #believe
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #357 på: Februar 11, 2017, 18:19:04 »
4 tap på 7 siste...
Tror vi må konse på å klare playoff.   ::)

Det blir viktig nå å vise at vi ikke er på en varig slide.
Heldigvis har vi fortsatt en del å gå på mht playoffplassen.

Spill inn 'det nye laget' - vi har fått flere options på kantene men de må bli kjent med laget og spillestilen. Vi må bli vant til suspensjoner i forsvaret, de kommer nok tett nå med Bartley/Jansson. På midten også, men der har vi flere og de har masse spilletid-.

Jeg tror fortsatt vi klarer playoff, men er redd vi ikke går inn i mai med full selvtillit. Viktig at vi får samspilt 'det nye laget' før den tid.
Det er kanskje bra  - om vi klarer playoff - at vi ikke entrer sluttspillet i skuffelsesmodus (for ikke å klare direkteopprykk), da får man ofte en nedtur i kvalikkampene.

Husk, vi har et ungt lag of slike lag pleier IKKE å levere stabilt. Det må vi bare finne oss i. Kanskje er ikke 2016/17 sesongen vår, kanskje bør vi allrede heller innstille oss på at i 2017/18 er vi mer klar for å kjempe om opprykket? :/
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Promotion 2010

Sv: Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #358 på: Februar 11, 2017, 21:07:12 »
Utrolig hvor farlige vi ble da Roofe og Doukara kom inn!

Start med begge disse på tirsdag så KAN det bli poeng!!!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Leeds United 16/17
« Svar #359 på: Februar 12, 2017, 08:18:18 »
Er vel fortsatt mulig med direkte opprykk? Kun 10 poeng bak og hele 15 kamper igjen!

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.