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Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #990 på: Mai 12, 2019, 11:59:35 »

Leeds in the Championship:

Goals: 73 (5th)
Shots: 791 (1st)
On-Target: 242 (2nd)
Shots Conceded: 441 (1st)
Possession: 59.7% (1st)
Pass %: 79.4 (5th)
Chances: 613 (1st)
Recoveries PG: 58 (1st)
xGF: 76.8 (joint-1st)
xGA: 41.3 (1st)
Conversion: 13% (14th)
Clean Sheets: 16 (J-4th)

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #991 på: Mai 18, 2019, 12:35:08 »
Season Review

The Adelites

16 hours ago

2018/19: Leeds United Season Review

A Gigantic Explosion that Flickered and Died

They say that losing makes you philosophical. In that case the Leeds United fan base should be able to boast a renaissance of philosophers the world hasn’t seen since Aristotle. And Marcelo Bielsa feels like he fits Leeds like Cinderella’s shoe, he once said after losing while manager of Newell’s Old Boys “’I shut myself in my room, turned off the light, closed the curtains and I realised the true meaning of an expression we sometimes use lightly: “I want to die””

Marcelo who?

The gigantic leap from former Barnsley manager Paul Heckingbottom to former Argentina manager Marcelo Bielsa could not have been more of a change of direction than had we made the Sun orbit the Earth. And before the season most Leeds fans could be forgiven that churning sensation in the gut at hearing an unfamiliar and foreign name – flashbacks to Darko Milanic and Uwe Rosler still fresh in the memory. Or even more recently Thomas Christiansen. So many years of being fed false hope has turned most of us into beaten dogs, barely flinching at the next kick in the knackers – we’re Leeds – it’s been par for the course now for many years.

But many of us were wrong. Marcelo turned out to be a coup beyond extraordinary, a man of grace, passion, dedication, principles, who made the players pick up rubbish, who pointed to a shoe mark on the wall and called it disrespect. A man who insists that there are no small details, who wears his Leeds clothes almost every hour of every day, who poses for photos for all, who gives sweets to children lined up to great him, who paces up and down the technical area in superstitious steps that echo the great Don Revie.

And after decades of pain, hurt and mistrust; and after a very indifferent pre-season, Leeds came out of the summer like a bullet from a gun, disposing of several favourites for promotion with big scorelines. Marcelo’s genius reverberated around the pitch, in every action of the players, everything about them had changed from the previous year – the way they ran, the fluidity of the passing, the transitional movements from defence to attack and from attack to defence, the burning hunger in each player to run 50 yards and make a tackle and win the ball back..

The Transformation

The transformation was so alarming, it was verging on voodoo, some sort of unearthly magic – Klich having been at best on the verge of the squad, now became almost a complete midfielder, Kalvin Phillips who was a good, fairly attack-minded midfielder, had been turned into the best defensive midfielder in the division. The performances that Marcelo squeezed out of these players, was nothing less than extraordinary.

A bumpy ride after an initial incredible start followed, coinciding with the loss of Pablo and Roofe to minor injuries. Riding those results out we turned a corner when both players came back to win 9 in a row culminating in two incredible but exhausting and hard fought victories. Firstly against Aston Villa away, coming from 2-0 down to win 3-2, with Roofe scoring in the 94th minute; and then secondly, just 3 days later coming back from 2-1 down to Blackburn Rovers at home, to first equalise in the 91st minute, then Roofe again providing the winner in the 95th. This all meant that as the world turned into 2019, Leeds were top of the Championship.

The breaking point

The mentality to continuously win, to continuously fight, Bielsa-style, pressing all over the pitch, and then constant attacking, eventually cannot be maintained; not necessarily physically – for players can get fit, but to be constantly excellent takes time and experience – to create the confident mindset to be able to accomplish this. The stark reality is that the same players who finished 13th the season previous did not have the either the time, experience nor capacity to put the energy and will into every game in a long championship season. And Leeds fell off the pace in the first part of the year, in the last part of the season.

No simple answer is probably correct though, and there are a myriad of other reasons why this season flickered and fell and eventually died on a barmy night at Elland Road in May. Over 50 injuries is unusual enough even for a big squad, and Leeds do not have, and Marcelo does not like, big squads. But the furore and vitriol of the media and members of the EFL board were at even bigger odds with the demeanour and character of the Leeds manager when the storm of Spygate would blow over the club; and the EFL ensured that Spygate would linger and hang like a shadow above Elland Road long enough to disrupt the rhythm of the clubs march towards automatic promotion.

Of course it felt like the world was against Leeds, that the nature of the reaction was staggeringly disproportionate to the act of standing on a public footpath and observing a rivals training session – a simple enough tactic, that has occurred in one form or another since time immemorial. The confessions of other managers, Tony Pulis for example, flickered and died in the avalanche of diatribe against Leeds.

The fact is that the media’s favourite Leeds narrative is and always has been to paint the image of “Dirty Leeds” and any shred of evidence that affirmed that description is the norm; and for most of them it was a relief to get back to this monologue after the opening months of Bielsa-ball had left them with nothing to say but superlatives for the beautiful football being played by the Yorkshire side.

But for all of the endless reasons to pad the conspiratorial narrative, it is simply not in the Bielsa-way, of which many of his closest observers this season have assimilated, to pass the responsibility onto any other.

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves”

And that’s probably why it hurts the most. For all of the obstacles that were set against us this season, eventually we simply could not overcome them. There was more than an ounce of inevitability about Berardi’s wild lunge that got him sent off against Derby; more than a picture of perfect loss and disbelief on Pontus Jansson’s face as he sat, dejected, against the advertising boards after the match.

I’ll never understand how Pablo Hernandez ended up in Al-Arabi, when we plucked him back to England. Though it did feel like he was writing the end of a career this season, a dying star, that shines brightest briefly, before ever so deliberately flickering and dying. His extraordinary powers no more so evident than, with little back lift, and celebrating before he shot, burying the ball in the top bin after 16 seconds against West Brom, a feat that, had he not won the players’ player of the year and supporter’s player of the year, would surely have been awarded goal of the season also.

But while some were nearing the end of their careers, others were coming of age and rose to the challenge of this division, like Kemar Roofe, who finished top-scorer, and whose movements in an essentially false nine role, were a revelation against many teams, none more so than Derby, who at no point could deal with him, and who, you would have to say, had he been on the pitch, the season would have finished one match later than it did. A freak calf injury summarising perfectly the luck we had with injuries.

Kalvin Phillips was another who came of age, and into a role that seems perfect, but that came as a surprise to him before the season. Marcelo had the vision to see what Kalvin could become, where not even Kalvin himself could. Another master-stroke was that of Klich, who had been ostracised by Thomas Christiansen, but brought into the fold, ending up the only ever present and an indispensable cog in the Leeds midfield.

There was an integration of youth that could rival some of the great promising youth performances in Leeds’ teams of the past. The revelations of Jack Clarke and Jamie Shackleton were more than enough to suggest a bright future, without the focus on the academy which has seen it’s teams win silverware under the ever-impressive Carlos Corberan – a man who will most likely take over the reigns at Leeds after Marcelo leaves, should that be in the near future.

Much more could be said on other players in the team: the other leaders – Cooper, Dallas, Ayling; the other young players: Roberts, Bailey; the new additions: Kiko, Bamford and Forshaw; the old hands: Pontus and Pablo. Each having differing fortunes at different times of the season. And while no player and no team can consistently win, any player, any team can constantly try. And while performances and execution have not always been there, the effort of this team cannot be in question.

“Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”

The end to the season was like a series of horrifying car crashes. Losing to teams that we would have easily beaten on any other day. There was a touch of fate about these games, like the Universe had flipped a coin and it was decided that Leeds were meant to stay one more year in the Championship. It certainly didn’t feel like a fault through lack of trying, but a bitter, unnecessary and almost ridiculous tragedy – the work of a cruel writer who plays with the emotions of the audience.

One thing that can be said, not that we needed it, is that the absence of a triumph makes one all the more sweeter when it comes. But in retrospect, this was the season a city fell in love once more with it’s club. Where fans fell in love with a manager, for the first time, in a very long time – where it felt like Monk brought that feeling back but was just a tease, Marcelo is the true love that you have waited for your whole life. The true love that stops the universe and punches you square in the gut, and squeezes your heart, and looks you in the eye and screams “you’re mine” – the kind of man you would go to war for, the kind of man you would die for.

And after – I don’t know how many managers – this is desperately welcome. Reason enough to mend broken hearts, reason enough to rise and applaud long after the final whistle, of a bitter season-ending defeat, to chant the name “Marcelo Bielsa” to sing “And we’re proud of it We’re Leeds”.

And all these words without mentioning the management and ownership team behind it all – Andrea Radrizzani, the San Francisco 49ers, Angus Kinnear and Victor Orta – a man who was inconsolably weeping in the car park after that Derby game, a man who had, a few hours earlier, been putting scarves on seats himself. And all we can do is to remember the context – of Peter Risdale’s goldfish, Ken Bate’s programme notes which cost the club legal fees, the mysterious GFH, the madness of Cellino.

Kicked dogs indeed. We Leeds fans have been battered and beaten, by bad owners, bad managers, bad players, and a governing body, media and a country full of teams that hate us. But finally we have reason to love our club, from the owner to the ball boys. We have been given our love of Leeds back; and we have never asked for super human results, all we’ve ever asked for is a team that tries their hearts out, a mentality and style that attacks and always believes they can win.

A team that plays as loud as we sing.

And after endless years of hurt, selling our best players, selling our ground, selling the club to unknowns, we finally can be proud of our club again. There is no shame in losing when you’ve tried your heart out; and though the ending wasn’t what we dreamed of, the result is something unimaginable just a few years ago: we have our club back.

And whatever you say about any of these players, they all have unfinished business.

I hope they can all stick around and finish the job.

Written by Adonis Storr, The Adelites

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Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #992 på: Mai 18, 2019, 15:20:49 »

Most chances created in the Championship in 2018/19:

P. Hernandez (122)
O. Norwood (97)
E. Buendia (91)
S. Benrahma (89)
L. Freeman (88)
B. Bannan (85)
P. Gallagher (84)
J. Lolley (84)
G. Alioski (82)
Jota (82)
J. Grealish (78)

Pablo streets ahead. #LUFC

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #993 på: Mai 18, 2019, 17:34:37 »

Most chances created in the Championship in 2018/19:

P. Hernandez (122)
O. Norwood (97)
E. Buendia (91)
S. Benrahma (89)
L. Freeman (88)
B. Bannan (85)
P. Gallagher (84)
J. Lolley (84)
G. Alioski (82)
Jota (82)
J. Grealish (78)

Pablo streets ahead. #LUFC

Pablo har vært enorm!
I begynnelsen av sesongen var han sammen med Saiz lagets fremste kreative kraft. Etter at Saiz forsvant, uten at en erstatter ble hentet inn, ble laget nærmest totalt avhengig at Pablo leverte – i kamp etter kamp. 
Og når han så mistet formen på tampen av sesongen, klappet laget nærmest sammen.

Men ingen bør bebreide Pablo Hernandez for noe som helst, han har gjort mer enn man kan forvente av en 34-åring.

Ser også at Norwich sin unge og glitrende playmaker, Emiliano Buendia (22), er høyt oppe på den lista.
Norwich tvilte i utgangspunktet på at de ville klare å sikre seg Buendia – de trodde nemlig at argentineren ville havne i Leeds! Vi var linket til Buendia fra og med høsten 2017 – og hadde også muligheten til å hente ham i dagene før han gikk til Norwich i begynnelsen av juni måned i 2018.
Men det valgte altså Leeds å ikke gjøre, noe som i ettertid må karakteriseres som en stor tabbe.


Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #994 på: Mai 18, 2019, 19:13:22 »

Most chances created in the Championship in 2018/19:

P. Hernandez (122)
O. Norwood (97)
E. Buendia (91)
S. Benrahma (89)
L. Freeman (88)
B. Bannan (85)
P. Gallagher (84)
J. Lolley (84)
G. Alioski (82)
Jota (82)
J. Grealish (78)

Pablo streets ahead. #LUFC

Pablo har vært enorm!
I begynnelsen av sesongen var han sammen med Saiz lagets fremste kreative kraft. Etter at Saiz forsvant, uten at en erstatter ble hentet inn, ble laget nærmest totalt avhengig at Pablo leverte – i kamp etter kamp. 
Og når han så mistet formen på tampen av sesongen, klappet laget nærmest sammen.

Men ingen bør bebreide Pablo Hernandez for noe som helst, han har gjort mer enn man kan forvente av en 34-åring.

Ser også at Norwich sin unge og glitrende playmaker, Emiliano Buendia (22), er høyt oppe på den lista.
Norwich tvilte i utgangspunktet på at de ville klare å sikre seg Buendia – de trodde nemlig at argentineren ville havne i Leeds! Vi var linket til Buendia fra og med høsten 2017 – og hadde også muligheten til å hente ham i dagene før han gikk til Norwich i begynnelsen av juni måned i 2018.
Men det valgte altså Leeds å ikke gjøre, noe som i ettertid må karakteriseres som en stor tabbe.

Enig i dette med Pablo. Tror ikke han blir like god i neste sesong, når det gikk på stumpene siste to mnd nå. Blir fortere utbrent med alderen.  Vi må ha en ny "Pablo" før sesongstart. Han er en av få spillere Leeds var helt avhengig av. Et superkjøp. Det blir innhopp og færre kamper på ham neste sesong.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #995 på: Mai 19, 2019, 20:28:14 »
Leeds United: ‘Hard work’ is the only way to conquer the Championship, says Eddie Gray

Lee Sobot
Published: 15:50 Sunday 19 May 2019
 Leeds United head coach Marcelo Bielsa.
Leeds United head coach Marcelo Bielsa.
Leeds United legend Eddie Gray says only sheer hard work will get his former side back to the Premier League with the Glaswegian admitting there is no “magic wand” to conquering the Championship.

Gray looked on as United’s bid for promotion was ended in crushing fashion through last Wednesday night’s 4-2 loss at home to Derby County in the play-off semi-final second leg.

 Eddie Gray.
Eddie Gray.
Marcelo Bielsa’s Whites held a 1-0 advantage thanks to Kemar Roofe’s strike in the first leg at Pride Park but Frank Lampard’s Rams sealed a 4-3 success on aggregate and a trip to Wembley for the play-off final against Aston Villa on the last Monday of the month.

Having spent the majority of the season in the automatic promotion places before falling away to finish third, Leeds are now looking at a 15th consecutive season outside of the country’s top flight.

United are now hoping to sign head coach Bielsa up to another season and Gray says only another season of sheer hard graft will take the Whites up, with the 71-year-old warning that Leeds will start off on a level playing field against the rest of the division next term.

“I don’t think there’s a magic wand,” Gray told the YEP, assessing what he felt needed to happen next.

I don’t think there’s a magic wand. It takes hard work.

Eddie Gray
“It takes hard work. I think the coach will sit down with the owner and discuss his plans and the club’s plans and you just have to wait and see what transpires over the next couple of months.

“But the longer you are in this division the more difficult it gets and there are other teams coming down from the Premier League who will have big aspirations and you will have teams coming up from League One and they will be wanting to pose a threat.

“The one thing you can say about this season is that the support has been fantastic and up to the last month of the season, everything was looking rosy.

“But when you get into the play-offs you have got four clubs and you have got West Brom, Aston Villa, Derby County, all huge clubs and all big clubs for that division.

Leeds United goalkeeper Kiko Casilla flaps for the ball against Derby County at Elland Road.

“Whoever you play it is never going to be easy but I think everybody was just so disappointed with how it turned out, especially going two goals up on aggregate.

“When was the last time we conceded four goals at home? That was it, we just lost it a bit and that was the downfall. It was just sad for everybody connected and I feel for the players as well.”

Reflecting on what Leeds need and what they might be able to get, Gray warned: “You don’t know and it’s hard to get quality in, especially when you are in the Championship.

“All the best players, even the young players and the experienced players, they will want to play in the Premier League and that’s what you are looking at.

“You are looking at players that are just nearly Premiership quality coming to your club and they don’t come cheap.

“It all depends on the finances at the club and if you get promotion you are talking completely differently.

“But we have not got promotion so we are exactly the same as all of the other clubs in the Championship when we start.

“We are not any better and not any worse.”
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #996 på: Mai 20, 2019, 22:42:27 »
Jon Howe

A sea change at Leeds United is the end of the beginning

Of the seven stages of play-off defeat recovery I am currently hovering somewhere between two and three, past the arbitrary yelping of obscenities in empty rooms, but nowhere near being able to objectively dissect what the hell happened last Wednesday night. This is still very much an emergency situation of blunt emotions and sticking plasters.

Every Leeds United fan has been branded with the unshakeable hangdog appearance of someone who has been sucked in and spat out twice in less than a month. Navigating everyday life is an attritional introduction to the meagre joys of a nuclear winter. This is the worst hangover ever, with cognitive processes encumbered by the dense application of cotton wool to the brain.

Even a cup of tea doesn’t taste nice, and for that, someone should have to pay. We want to be mad at Leeds United. On the list of heinous crimes they have committed in our lifetime this is not merely an irritable misdemeanour. This is not leaving the jam knife in the butter, this is buying us a ticket to the adventure of a lifetime and putting it through the 90C wash. Twice. This is a self-inflicted misery that would be laughable were it not so unyielding and unescapable. Leeds United really are relentless. They never relent.

Then the problem comes in being eternally conflicted. Of course we also want to cuddle them. And there is the critical factor of separating the here and now from the long ball game we’re all helplessly embroiled in. While this season has brought countless moments of unprecedented joy, satisfaction and kinship, what was once paracetamol for the soul is all now reduced to the status of meaningless footnotes to another abject failure. The supporting narrative, the gulps of air we caught amid preposterous drama and the left of leftfield plot twists are what could have made up the best end-of-season DVD review ever. Instead we are left adrift and unfulfilled and raging at persons unknown that, if all this didn’t constitute a promotion season, I don’t know what on earth one of those looks like.

Leeds United players look dejected after conceding a third goal during the Championship Play-off semi final second leg match between Leeds United and Derby County at Elland Road on May 15, 2019(Image: Alex Livesey/Getty Images)
The answer comes in looking at things in the round, rather than dwelling on the individual moments. Ruminating the apportionment of blame for Derby County’s first goal or the second half v Wigan Athletic is a fast-track queue jump to an existence of acute paranoia, cyclical anguish and daubing your bedroom walls in a dirty protest. Looking at things on the whole is the only way to safely navigate that transitional step from where we were 12 months ago to where we are now. 

Yes, right now, the thought of another attempt at promotion feels as palatable and utterly depressing as a documentary on what Neil Warnock thinks Brexit actually is. It feels too gargantuan a task, like your laptop has crashed four-fifths of the way through an online job application, and the enormity of starting again from scratch is something you simply can’t fathom. Why would we willingly go through this again?

Leeds United keep or sell - where Marcelo Bielsa and Victor Orta should rebuild for 2019/20

In fundamental terms, as football fans we have no choice, but also, there’s some comfort to be found in the general health of our club and certainly from the apparent willingness of Marcelo Bielsa to have another go.

People find comfort in different things of course, but my football club in the hands of Marcelo Bielsa gives me an almost child-like warmth and security. Quite apart from the fact Bielsa’s football has offered me the chance to enjoy the primal rudiments of the game as if I was falling in love with it for the first time, his considerate and compassionate managing of every aspect of the footballing side brings a blanket of serenity, reassurance and refuge.

Marcelo Bielsa and Pablo Hernandez after the Championship match at Griffin Park on Monday, April 22, 2019 between Brentford and Leeds United(Image: Ian Walton/PA Wire)
As a child I would be allowed to stay up late on a Saturday night to watch Match of the Day and within five minutes of its end I would be tucked up in the safe, snugness of my bed as the Parkinson theme tune played from the TV downstairs. I can hear that music now and still feel the same drifting sense of calm. I had everything in life I ever needed. And having Bielsa evokes feelings like that now. Whatever life throws at you, everything’s going to be OK.

It would be wrong to suggest Leeds United have the perfect platform from which to address next season. There are fundamental flaws that have contributed to why this season has ultimately failed. Recruitment has to be better and some tough decisions have to be made, but it is a long time since we have faced up to the interminable void of the close season with some confidence we might vaguely recognise what we are presented with at the end of it.

Leeds United's key summer diary dates - pre-season friendlies, transfer deadlines, fixture releases

Bielsa will bring some continuity where we have perpetually reached out for the reset button, even if there are key positions that have to be strengthened. This season might feel wasted in the sober light of day, but there has been a sea change in culture and outlook that feels more profound simply because it is Leeds United. To have an ambition beyond merely a positive goal difference is a novel concept in LS11, but that is what we have now, tangible progress from one season to the next and no earthly reason why that shouldn’t continue.

Football works in cycles and every dog has its day. True, we have been bypassed by breeds of dog we didn’t even know existed, but when was the last time Leeds United made a credible and sustained attempt to join them? Our problem is one of fulfilment, delivering the goods and creating a culture of success. For that you need the sea change to also result in a different quality of recruitment.

Leeds United's director of football Victor Orta takes his seat. Championship - Middlesbrough v Leeds United - Saturday 9th February 2019 - Riverside Stadium(Image: Alex Dodd/CameraSport)
The 2018/19 play-offs have reinforced the notion Leeds United are the eternal bridesmaids. We might catch the bouquet, but we think it’s just a consolation prize, not the golden ticket to ensuring next time it is our day in the sun, but there is an inkling, for once, there is a plan at Leeds United, we can take what nearly worked and actually make it work.

So it is okay to be mad and frustrated and consumed by anguish, but think about where we have been during the last 15 years, think about how we allowed ourselves to be hoodwinked into fanciful aspirations, think about how mediocrity was sold to us as acceptable for Leeds United. Think about how this is not the end for once. It is not wholesale change, new regimes and a new culture across the board. It is the end of the beginning. This is just the start. So think about that and be thankful we made it through.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #997 på: Mai 28, 2019, 21:25:45 »
Leeds United Q&A with Joe Mewis and Beren Cross

It feels a bit like my mum is about to start tutting at me for picking the scab off something that was healing itself perfectly well, but here is a review of player performances for the amazing 2018/19 season, while skilfully drawing a veil over the grisly mechanics of the Derby County defeat, which I still can’t rationally or objectively dissect.

Bailey Peacock-Farrell

Undoubtedly a season that he will take many positives from, despite everyone pretty much agreeing that he needed to sit out the entire second half of it. Established himself as a capable keeper at this level, but also highlighted some flaws he must work on. Needs to command his area much more and become more of a physical presence to reassure his defenders, but while his nonchalant demeanour erred on the side of reckless at times, his errors were never Wiedwald-esque calamities. 7/10

Kiko Casillas

Casilla ended the campaign as a scapegoat
We have definitely seen evidence of Kiko’s Real Madrid pedigree, but also why he was only ever third choice at the Bernabeu. Erratic decision-making became increasingly costly after a pretty solid start where he appeared to bring measurable calm to our defence. If he wishes to head back to Spain in the summer I won’t be crying into my cerveza grande, but frankly, we have other areas of the team we need to improve more drastically, and for me, Kiko is a perfectly good keeper at this level. 7/10

Kiko Casilla transfer report emerges and tees Leeds United up for another change

Luke Ayling

Perhaps the clearest example of a player who understood the unique privilege of being coached by Marcelo Bielsa and dedicated himself to rising to that challenge and enjoying every minute of it. A minor dip in form mid-season can’t detract from another stellar campaign, and Ayling’s effervescence visibly lifts those around him. We saw some near-perfect performances at times from a player who gave absolutely everything. 8/10

Gaetano Berardi

Injury derailed Berardi's campaign
Performed admirably in a centre back position I was fearful would be beyond him, but an untimely injury meant this was a stop-start campaign for our favourite certified maniac. Berardi’s versatility was still critical at times, but while we shouldn’t judge a player on one key incident, his sending-off at a critical juncture versus Derby at Elland Road was another in a long list of red rag moments we could frankly do without. Patience is wearing thin and in a tight squad where we need to up the quality, Berardi could now be viewed as superfluous. 7/10 

Gaetano Berardi left needing to prove the doubters wrong again if he is to save his Leeds United career

Stuart Dallas

I find it hard to dislike Stuart Dallas, and for a brief period a week last Wednesday I felt we could have settled down together and lived out our days in an idyllic mountainside retreat. That said, when he’s on the pitch, it’s usually because something’s gone wrong. I’ll always applaud Dallas for his industry and versatility and I’ll always be OK if he’s happy to hang around, but increasingly, that will only ever be as a Red Adair figure who comes on to plug a gap. 7/10

Liam Cooper

Liam Cooper had perhaps the best season of his career(Image: Alex Dodd/CameraSport)

A player who upped his game to a standard few of us felt he was capable of. If we thought this was a stretch, then we were probably right, and the critical flaws we knew weren’t far from the surface did, alas, appear in important games. But it would be wrong to ignore Cooper’s commanding presence at times and, as a captain, he has brought some honour, prestige and humility to a status that has been devalued by lesser mortals in recent years. 8/10 

Pontus Jansson

There were moments of vintage Pontus this season, and there were moments where you could see he had lost his head. An excellent campaign was not without its errors (the first goal at Brentford for example) and there is no doubt that Pontus wanted this as much as we did. He is a unique player and a perfect fit for this football club, so much so that he has also spent far too long at this level. The pitch-side solitary reflection post-Derby somehow felt like the end. 8/10 

Pontus Jansson speaks out as brother dismisses talk of Marcelo Bielsa falling out as ‘fake news’

Barry Douglas

There should be more to come from Douglas(Image: Alex Dodd/CameraSport)
We’ve seen flashes of the stylish quality Douglas brought to a Wolves side that bludgeoned its way to promotion last season, but it was perfectly ‘Leeds’ that he would ultimately disappoint in a white shirt. Hampered by injuries at crucial times, I still think Douglas will become a key player at left back and for me a full pre-season should see him as the first choice in August. 7/10

Jamie Shackleton

It is testament to Shackleton’s dazzling impact that we spent most of the season calling to see more of him based on only a few minutes of action. He proved his pedigree in the two play-off games v Derby and Shackleton could and should become an integral player in midfield next season. His pace and vision brings an extra dimension of creativity that we have lacked at times this season, and should help reduce the onus on Pablo. 8/10

Ezgjan Alioski

Alioski excelled in the wing-back role
Something of a season of two halves for Alioski, who so visibly flourished in the deeper wing-back role following the injury to Barry Douglas. It’s hard to separate this from the frequent frustrations of watching him fail to deliver in a more advanced role, however, and delivery from wide areas has been a major failing all season. That said, Alioski somehow has an ability to make telling contributions and his capacity to routinely draw apoplectic rage from every opposition player, and their fans, has to be applauded. 8/10

The 11 Leeds United players fans are adamant Victor Orta must not sell

Leif Davis

Competent and level-headed, Davis was thrust into the action at the last minute in the epic win versus Aston Villa and demonstrated the wealth of options we have to call upon at left-back, and also the pedigree of the army of under-23 graduates at our disposal. Whether I’ve seen enough to understand why Liverpool are apparently tracking his progress is another matter. 7/10

Kalvin Phillips

Kalvin Phillips was this season's most improved - and important - player(Image: Alex Dodd/CameraSport)
At my age I thought the time had gone where I would have a ‘favourite player’, when they all eventually leave you just as you make the emotional leap. But Kalvin’s performances this season enchanted me from minute one. By a distance the most improved player under Bielsa, Phillips has ironed out the sloppy wastefulness and brought strength, efficiency and assurance to his game. I can offer no bigger compliment than to say the unruffled command he brings is in the same mould as how David Batty would ensure everyone played the game at his pace. The most important player in this team, and I’m not just saying that because his mum lives near me. 9/10 

Patrick Bamford and Adam Forshaw are among nine Leeds United players fans are undecided on

Adam Forshaw

For me the recipient of some harsh criticism from fans this season, but equally, it’s hard to see where Forshaw best fits into this side. Bielsa’s obvious admiration for Forshaw at times felt like it was to the team’s detriment, but there is no doubt he was brilliantly effective in some games. It was great to see he decided to call time on his beard experiment towards the end of the season, but ultimately if I was asked to name my best Xl, he wouldn’t be in it. 7/10

Mateusz Klich

Klich started every league game this term
Another player who, from nowhere, has improved beyond anybody’s expectations, Klich has become a lynchpin of the side and while his influence has dipped at times, I always wanted to see him in the starting Xl. A brilliant goalscoring contribution from midfield, Klich was a key attacking asset, and like Ayling, can claim he was a model advocate of the exhausting physical demands of Bielsaball. 8/10 

Lewis Baker

In all honesty a poor use of the loan system when this squad really needed some quality back-up from that source. Hard to understand how he has survived for so long on Chelsea’s books, and a curious career path for a player who offered little when awarded no shortage of opportunities. 5/10

Tyler Roberts

Roberts enjoyed a successful first full season at Leeds
A very talented player who can be pretty pleased with his season, even if he failed to cement a true position in the side. Roberts was really beginning to have an influence at the tail end when he suffered an untimely injury, but at only 20 years old, Leeds have a very exciting asset who is already more than first team ready. 7/10

Samuel Saiz

A bundle of frustration and clearly not on the same page in terms of dedication and team ethics. Given his contribution to the side was negligible, Leeds haven’t exactly missed him since his January loan departure, but we have undoubtedly missed the kind of player Saiz could be, and hence, in not replacing him, this was a loan transfer that no one benefited from. 6/10

Izzy Brown

A complete waste of everybody’s time. 5/10 (purely for his perseverance)

Jack Harrison

Showed flashes of the kind of pace and trickery we badly needed, but failed to tangibly deliver so many times it became a nagging frustration. Harrison did contribute some important goals but hard to see how he will ever fit in at Manchester City, and I have no great desire to see him back at Elland Road either. 6/10

Jack Clarke

A wonderful future awaits for a sensationally-talented player, and hopefully that will be in a Leeds shirt. Took to first team action with an effortless ease, but suffered from a pretty dramatic loss of form post-illness at Middlesbrough. A full pre-season with the first team should see him as a critical element of the starting Xl in August. 7/10

Pablo Hernandez

Pablo Hernandez was a huge player for Leeds this season(Image: Alex Dodd/CameraSport)
Hard to add anything to what’s already been said about Sweet Pablo, except perhaps we became too reliant on him towards the end of the season. Not since Gordon Strachan have we seen a player take such individual responsibility in dragging us over the line in certain games. Pablo stood up to the physical demands of this season, but at 34, you have to wonder if he can do it all again, and managing that is a key factor in how Leeds navigate this summer. 9/10

Kemar Roofe

A case of what-might-have-been had an injury-free season allowed Roofe to carry on his early form. I’m the first to admit I never saw this coming from Roofe, but he has emerged as a top quality Championship striker. I still maintain there are some types of games where he struggles to have an influence, and hence, Leeds need a reliable alternative, but I’d have no great problem if Roofe is still leading the line next season. 8/10

Patrick Bamford

Bamford is another opinion-splitter
Something of a conundrum, Bamford has frustrated more than he has delighted this season. His finishing has shown that his quality is without question, the issue is consistency. Also, his languid and unconventional style is perhaps not best suited to Bielsa’s physical demands. I can’t see Leeds recouping their outlay on Bamford and hence, he will be in the squad next season, where he can still make a telling contribution. 7/10

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #998 på: Mai 28, 2019, 23:02:50 »
Forsåvidt nokså enig i vurderingene her, men for en underlig bruk av karakterskalaen. Skulle tro det var FM. :D

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #999 på: Mai 29, 2019, 15:17:11 »
Leeds' performance in the Championship under Marcelo Bielsa in 2018/19.

One of many impressive metrics is PPDA (passes per defensive action). It measures the number of opposition passes allowed per defensive action. Leeds are the best in the division at pressing for turnovers.

Nothing typifies Bielsa's philosophy better than Leeds having the largest share of possession & winning the most tackles & defensive duels.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1000 på: Mai 29, 2019, 16:13:46 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1001 på: Mai 30, 2019, 14:02:14 »

Conversion Rates Against (Shots on-target faced):

Norwich (29.38%)
Sheff Utd (26.80%)
Leeds (34.48%)
West Brom (29.25%)
Aston Villa (32.97%)
Derby (32.93%)

Opponents' conversion rates were higher against Leeds than any other top six Championship side in 2018/19. #LUFC

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1002 på: Mai 30, 2019, 14:17:21 »

Conversion Rates Against (Shots on-target faced):

Norwich (29.38%)
Sheff Utd (26.80%)
Leeds (34.48%)
West Brom (29.25%)
Aston Villa (32.97%)
Derby (32.93%)

Opponents' conversion rates were higher against Leeds than any other top six Championship side in 2018/19. #LUFC


Despite Leeds conceding the fewest shots in the division, we ranked 10th in the Champ for shots faced per goal conceded. Leeds conceded a goal every 8.64 shots we faced. Sheff Utd had the best record and conceded every 11.93 shots faced. Massive gap, monumental difference. #LUFC

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1003 på: Mai 30, 2019, 15:13:07 »
Mark O’Haire

⚪️ Leeds in the Championship 2018/19 (ratio rankings):

1st - Shots
1st - Shots on-target
1st - Shots in the box
1st - xG
1st - xG from open play
1st - Touches in the box
1st - Deep completions
1st - Very deep completions
1st - Possession


Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1004 på: Mai 30, 2019, 18:35:27 »

Conversion Rates Against (Shots on-target faced):

Norwich (29.38%)
Sheff Utd (26.80%)
Leeds (34.48%)
West Brom (29.25%)
Aston Villa (32.97%)
Derby (32.93%)

Opponents' conversion rates were higher against Leeds than any other top six Championship side in 2018/19. #LUFC


Despite Leeds conceding the fewest shots in the division, we ranked 10th in the Champ for shots faced per goal conceded. Leeds conceded a goal every 8.64 shots we faced. Sheff Utd had the best record and conceded every 11.93 shots faced. Massive gap, monumental difference. #LUFC

Dette illustrerer godt hvor viktig det er å ha en keeper som er en god skuddstopper.

I sesongen 2017/18 var Jamal Blackman på utlån fra Chelsea til Sheffield U. Manager Wilder kan ikke ha vært helt fornøyd for han valgte å ikke fornye lånet den påfølgende sesongen. Han kontaktet heller Manchester United og fikk ordnet et sesonglån for Dean Henderson – førstekeeper på det engelske u21-landslaget. Og reaksjonssterke Henderson er jo glimrende på strek!

I Leeds hadde "noen" tydeligvis stor tro på Blackman siden han ble hentet, til tross for at det skulle vise seg at Bielsa kom til å vurdere han som svakere enn Bailey Peacock Farrell.

Sannheten er at vi har bommet grovt på keeperfronten de to siste åra. Hverken Wiedwald, Blackman eller Casilla burde vært hentet.

Fra og med denne sommeren kommer jeg ikke til å legge noe ansvar eller skyld på Victor Orta for eventuelle bomsigneringer. Nå har "kontrollfreaken" Bielsa vært i klubben i et helt år, og da tar jeg forgitt at alle spillere som blir hentet inn er fullstendig gjennomanalysert av Bielsa og hans store stab av medarbeidere – og at det kun er snakk om spillere vår kjære "El Loco" virkelig ønsker inn.

Men det ville uansett vært veldig betryggende om Bielsa ganske så snart hadde hentet en bunnsolid sisteskanse.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1005 på: Mai 30, 2019, 19:02:28 »

Conversion Rates Against (Shots on-target faced):

Norwich (29.38%)
Sheff Utd (26.80%)
Leeds (34.48%)
West Brom (29.25%)
Aston Villa (32.97%)
Derby (32.93%)

Opponents' conversion rates were higher against Leeds than any other top six Championship side in 2018/19. #LUFC


Despite Leeds conceding the fewest shots in the division, we ranked 10th in the Champ for shots faced per goal conceded. Leeds conceded a goal every 8.64 shots we faced. Sheff Utd had the best record and conceded every 11.93 shots faced. Massive gap, monumental difference. #LUFC

Dette illustrerer godt hvor viktig det er å ha en keeper som er en god skuddstopper.

I sesongen 2017/18 var Jamal Blackman på utlån fra Chelsea til Sheffield U. Manager Wilder kan ikke ha vært helt fornøyd for han valgte å ikke fornye lånet den påfølgende sesongen. Han kontaktet heller Manchester United og fikk ordnet et sesonglån for Dean Henderson – førstekeeper på det engelske u21-landslaget. Og reaksjonssterke Henderson er jo glimrende på strek!

I Leeds hadde "noen" tydeligvis stor tro på Blackman siden han ble hentet, til tross for at det skulle vise seg at Bielsa kom til å vurdere han som svakere enn Bailey Peacock Farrell.

Sannheten er at vi har bommet grovt på keeperfronten de to siste åra. Hverken Wiedwald, Blackman eller Casilla burde vært hentet.

Fra og med denne sommeren kommer jeg ikke til å legge noe ansvar eller skyld på Victor Orta for eventuelle bomsigneringer. Nå har "kontrollfreaken" Bielsa vært i klubben i et helt år, og da tar jeg forgitt at alle spillere som blir hentet inn er fullstendig gjennomanalysert av Bielsa og hans store stab av medarbeidere – og at det kun er snakk om spillere vår kjære "El Loco" virkelig ønsker inn.

Men det ville uansett vært veldig betryggende om Bielsa ganske så snart hadde hentet en bunnsolid sisteskanse.

Godt observert! Blackman hadde merkelig nok en skrytevideo på nettet der man ikke så en eneste redning der han holdt ballen fast. Flink til å gi retur....

Det er her bekymringen min ligger! Orta har handlet stort og smått fra nær og fjern. Dette funker ikke for oss. Altfor mange spillere er under pari.

Han har vel fått 3 ex-Middlesbrough spillere. Hvor smart har det vært? Baker må sies å være mislykket. Harrison har vel ikke satt fyr på divisjonen og Bamford har som ventet vært mye skadet.

Jeg er svært spent på hvor mye Bielsa og Orta deler ansvaret denne sommeren.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1006 på: Mai 30, 2019, 19:26:43 »

Conversion Rates Against (Shots on-target faced):

Norwich (29.38%)
Sheff Utd (26.80%)
Leeds (34.48%)
West Brom (29.25%)
Aston Villa (32.97%)
Derby (32.93%)

Opponents' conversion rates were higher against Leeds than any other top six Championship side in 2018/19. #LUFC


Despite Leeds conceding the fewest shots in the division, we ranked 10th in the Champ for shots faced per goal conceded. Leeds conceded a goal every 8.64 shots we faced. Sheff Utd had the best record and conceded every 11.93 shots faced. Massive gap, monumental difference. #LUFC

Dette illustrerer godt hvor viktig det er å ha en keeper som er en god skuddstopper.

I sesongen 2017/18 var Jamal Blackman på utlån fra Chelsea til Sheffield U. Manager Wilder kan ikke ha vært helt fornøyd for han valgte å ikke fornye lånet den påfølgende sesongen. Han kontaktet heller Manchester United og fikk ordnet et sesonglån for Dean Henderson – førstekeeper på det engelske u21-landslaget. Og reaksjonssterke Henderson er jo glimrende på strek!

I Leeds hadde "noen" tydeligvis stor tro på Blackman siden han ble hentet, til tross for at det skulle vise seg at Bielsa kom til å vurdere han som svakere enn Bailey Peacock Farrell.

Sannheten er at vi har bommet grovt på keeperfronten de to siste åra. Hverken Wiedwald, Blackman eller Casilla burde vært hentet.

Fra og med denne sommeren kommer jeg ikke til å legge noe ansvar eller skyld på Victor Orta for eventuelle bomsigneringer. Nå har "kontrollfreaken" Bielsa vært i klubben i et helt år, og da tar jeg forgitt at alle spillere som blir hentet inn er fullstendig gjennomanalysert av Bielsa og hans store stab av medarbeidere – og at det kun er snakk om spillere vår kjære "El Loco" virkelig ønsker inn.

Men det ville uansett vært veldig betryggende om Bielsa ganske så snart hadde hentet en bunnsolid sisteskanse.
Wiedwald er kanskje den merkeligste og dårligste signeringen Orta har gjort og det sier ikke rent lite. Når det gjelder Blackman er det vanskelig å vurdere og litt urettferdig å slakte han da han ble skadet og sendt hjem før vi var halvveis.
Casilla var jeg litt skeptisk til og ingen kan med fasit i hånd si at det var en vellykket signering. Jeg kan allikevel ikke fri meg helt fra tanken på at det bor en solid sisteskanse i han men at han trenger tid til å tilvenne seg engelsk liga og Bielsaball. Egentlig utrolig at man ikke lyktes å luke vekk de hårreisende utrusningene hans, men det klarte man altså ikke.

Hvor vanskelig er det egentlig å finne en "spillende" keeper som også fungerer i feltet og på strek? Veldig vanskelig tydeligvis.
« Siste redigering: Mai 30, 2019, 19:30:23 av Jon R »
Jon R.


Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1007 på: Mai 30, 2019, 19:35:26 »
Jeg tipper faktisk at en ny keeper ikke er på prioriteringslista til Bielsa denne sommeren. Kun hvis Kiko selv vil hjem eller hadde en opprykksklausul i kontrakten sin, slik at han evt kan dra gratis til en ny klubb hvis vi feilet å rykke opp.

Vi får nok inn en nr. 10, et par vinger og kanskje en midtstopper.

Klarer vi å handle smart på lån og evt free transfers, som gjør at vi slipper å selge en av stjernene våre, har vi veldig gode forutsetninger for opprykk!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1008 på: Mai 30, 2019, 19:53:05 »

Conversion Rates Against (Shots on-target faced):

Norwich (29.38%)
Sheff Utd (26.80%)
Leeds (34.48%)
West Brom (29.25%)
Aston Villa (32.97%)
Derby (32.93%)

Opponents' conversion rates were higher against Leeds than any other top six Championship side in 2018/19. #LUFC


Despite Leeds conceding the fewest shots in the division, we ranked 10th in the Champ for shots faced per goal conceded. Leeds conceded a goal every 8.64 shots we faced. Sheff Utd had the best record and conceded every 11.93 shots faced. Massive gap, monumental difference. #LUFC

Dette illustrerer godt hvor viktig det er å ha en keeper som er en god skuddstopper.

Statistikken illustrerer mer enn det.
Den påpeker veldig klart bakdelen med Bielsa stilen.
Vi har ballen veldig mye og flytter opp stort sett hele laget.
Men.. når vi omsider mister ballen har vi etterlatt enorme rom til å kontre på så lenge de reagerer kjapt og kommer seg forbi første pressledd.
Da blir det juleaften for motstandernes spisser.

Mens vi da må tråkle oss igjennom lag i balanse.

Ønsker ikke stilbytte men påpeker bare at å bytte keeper neppe hjelper på akkuratt dette.


Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1009 på: Mai 30, 2019, 20:22:33 »

Conversion Rates Against (Shots on-target faced):

Norwich (29.38%)
Sheff Utd (26.80%)
Leeds (34.48%)
West Brom (29.25%)
Aston Villa (32.97%)
Derby (32.93%)

Opponents' conversion rates were higher against Leeds than any other top six Championship side in 2018/19. #LUFC


Despite Leeds conceding the fewest shots in the division, we ranked 10th in the Champ for shots faced per goal conceded. Leeds conceded a goal every 8.64 shots we faced. Sheff Utd had the best record and conceded every 11.93 shots faced. Massive gap, monumental difference. #LUFC

Dette illustrerer godt hvor viktig det er å ha en keeper som er en god skuddstopper.

Statistikken illustrerer mer enn det.
Den påpeker veldig klart bakdelen med Bielsa stilen.
Vi har ballen veldig mye og flytter opp stort sett hele laget.
Men.. når vi omsider mister ballen har vi etterlatt enorme rom til å kontre på så lenge de reagerer kjapt og kommer seg forbi første pressledd.
Da blir det juleaften for motstandernes spisser.

Mens vi da må tråkle oss igjennom lag i balanse.

Ønsker ikke stilbytte men påpeker bare at å bytte keeper neppe hjelper på akkuratt dette.

Enig med deg i deler av det du skriver, men samtidig er jeg veldig uenig i at den omtalte statistikken ikke også gir en indikasjon på keeperferdigheter.

Hverken BPF eller Casilla er særlig gode skuddstoppere.
Peacock Farrell har en utpreget tendens til å stå en halvmeter feilplassert på utgangen av skudd imot.
Casilla er litt bedre på skudd imot, men hans problem er at han ofte har gått og lagt seg når skuddene kommer. Dette kan muligens ha sammenheng med hans alder og at vi spilt mange kveldskamper de siste månedene.

Når vi så tar for oss Dean Henderson, som topper den omtalte statistikken, så er det en kjensgjerning at han er en svært god skuddstopper, samt at han er glimrende i en mot en-situasjoner. Han ville garantert kommet svært godt ut på den statistikken også om han hadde stått i mål for oss.

Når det gjelder keepersituasjonen i Leeds:
Det kan godt hende at auren får rett i at ny keeper ikke blir prioritert denne sommeren. I såfall blir jeg skuffet over Bielsa – og betenkt med tanke på neste sesong.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1010 på: Juni 01, 2019, 10:05:23 »


Most touches per 90 inside the box in the Championship:

P. Bamford (5.7)
T. Pukki (5.1)
O. Hernández (4.86)
K. Roofe (4.86)
J. Proctor (4.77)
K. Grosicki (4.63)
T. Roberts (4.62)
J. Clarke (4.6)
E. Harrison (4.36)
N. Maupay (4.3)

Four Leeds players make up the top 10. #LUFC

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1011 på: Juni 01, 2019, 20:09:32 »
Yep’s analyse 2018-19:

Leeds United: Phil Hay's average player ratings from 2018/19 - who starred over the season?

It was quite the campaign for Leeds United as they flirted with a return to the Premier League after a 15-year exile - but how did we rate the players over the course of the season?

Updated: 10:59 Saturday 01 June 2019
 Average ratings
We've worked our way back through the history books to figure out chief YEP writer Phil Hay's average player ratings over the course of the Championship campaign. How did the scores work out over the 46-game season? Take a look below at how he rated the squad overall.

 6.36/10 (28 appearances)
1. Bailey Peacock-Farrell

6.36/10 (28 appearances)


2. Kiko Casilla

6.21/10 (19 appearances)


3. Will Huffer

6/10 (1 appearance)


4. Luke Ayling

6.79/10 (40 appearances)


View more

Page 1 of 7

5. Gaetano Berardi

6.68/10 (15 appearances)


6. Pontus Jansson

7.37/10 (39 appearances)


7. Liam Cooper

7.28/10 (39 appearances)


8. Aapo Halme

7/10 (4 appearances)


9. Barry Douglas

6.24/10 (27 appearances)


 6.58/10 (44 appearances)
10. Gjanni Alioski

6.58/10 (44 appearances)


11. Stuart Dallas

6/10 (28 appearances)


12. Jamie Shackleton

7.2/10 (21 appearances)


13. Leif Davis

7/10 (4 appearance)


14. Tom Pearce

6.5/10 (2 appearances)


15. Kalvin Phillips

7.39/10 (44 appearances)


16. Lewis Baker

4.75/10 (11 appearances)


17. Pablo Hernandez

7.37/10 (41 appearances)


 6.16/10 (31 appearances)
18. Adam Forshaw

6.16/10 (31 appearances)


19. Mateusz Klich

6.73/10 (48 appearances)


20. Jack Harrison

5.97/10 (39 appearances)


21. Samuel Saiz

6.72/10 (19 appearances)


22. Jack Clarke

6.26/10 (24 appearances)


23. Tyler Roberts

6.63/10 (28 appearances)


24. Kemar Roofe

6.74/10 (33 appearances)


25. Patrick Bamford

5.94/10 (23 appearances)


26. Izzy Brown

4.5/10 (2 appearances)


Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1012 på: Juni 01, 2019, 21:51:48 »
Etter en lang pause fra forumet pga skuffelse har jeg fått litt avstand.

Siste ukene før sesongslutt var tungeog det varukenen etter også.

Samtidig tror jeg at dersom noen 1. august i fjor haddd sagt at wi skulle være i PO, ville mange rare/spydige komentara kommer på forumet.

I sesongen spilte vi desidert beste til tider nesten den svakeste også. Samtidig har vi hatt samme manageren hele sesongen...og det ser ut som han blir ett år til..minst :D Det er vel på tide å lære seg navnet hans.

Me he sprengt alle statistikker bortsett fra at vi som vanlig speler vi bedre om høsten enn våren.

Jeg har også ett annet problem. Etter kampen mot WBA kjæpte jeg to drakter. Bortdrakt med Bamford på ryggen og en reg hvit en med Pablo bak. Bortedrakra skulle bukes frem til opprykket var klart. Deretter skulle den hvit rene på. Så sikker var jeg på opprykk da. Håper da at det ikke blir noen endriner på dakten og at jeg neste år på denne tidengår i hvitt.

Spennende å se hva som skjer. i sommer Dette var læresesongen til vår kjære sjef. Neste sesong ser vi resultatat

God sommer alle sammen.


Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1013 på: Juni 01, 2019, 22:05:44 »
Jo, jo... En eller annen gang må han jo lykkes. Se på Sarri: Det tok 30 år å få seg et trofé! Bielsa har fortsatt ikke vunnet noe i Europa!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1014 på: Juni 01, 2019, 22:50:03 »
CS er ganske lik CL...i allefall i finalen. De hvite har de andre laget vinner, :'(

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1015 på: Juni 01, 2019, 23:07:41 »
CS er ganske lik CL...i allefall i finalen. De hvite har de andre laget vinner, :'(

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1016 på: Juni 01, 2019, 23:18:35 »
CS er ganske lik CL...i allefall i finalen. De hvite har de andre laget vinner, :'(

Streaker'en var kampens høydepunkt...
"Welcome to, arguably, the noisiest ground in England"

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1017 på: Juni 04, 2019, 23:31:23 »
Hele sesongen på ett blad:



Over 65 metrics including win rates, on ball data and per game stats covering Leeds' first team player performances this season.


« Siste redigering: Juni 04, 2019, 23:36:21 av Promotion 2010 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1018 på: Juni 11, 2019, 21:17:55 »

 *NEW* Performance Stats of EVERY @LUFC Championship Match in the 2018/19 season covering 40 metrics.

xG For & Against
Conversion Rate
Chances Created
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ALL HERE -… #LUFC #Leeds
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Sv: Sesongen i Championship - 2018-19
« Svar #1019 på: Juni 11, 2019, 21:54:35 »
Hele sesongen på ett blad:



Over 65 metrics including win rates, on ball data and per game stats covering Leeds' first team player performances this season.

Er ikke den statistikken til Alioski veldig bra både offensivt, defensivt og totalt???
Jon R.