Skrevet av Emne: EX-eier: Ken Bates  (Lest 363103 ganger)

0 medlemmer og 4 gjester leser dette emnet.


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1710 på: September 01, 2012, 08:34:47 »
Ken Bates, Jeg har en melding til deg, om du sitter her og leser og morer deg, nå som transfervinduet har stengt, og hatmeldingene tvitres ut: Takk for at du skviser supportergnisten  ut av alle oss Leedssupportere som har LEEDS i våre hjerter. Tusen hjertelig takk for at du, uke etter uke, transfervindu etter transfervindu, sesong etter sesong, skuffer oss - vi som faktisk bryr oss om klubben, og som vil klubben det beste. Vi har måttet svelge noen, ja etterhvert ganske mange, kameler. Men denne, gamle gubbe, tar virkelig kaka.
Din forbanna psykopat!

(kjære moderatorer, beklager utbruddet.)

Ser for meg han sitter med Google translate, mens han smiler og nikker anerkjennende til disse linjene..


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1711 på: September 01, 2012, 09:11:16 »
Ken Bates, Jeg har en melding til deg, om du sitter her og leser og morer deg, nå som transfervinduet har stengt, og hatmeldingene tvitres ut: Takk for at du skviser supportergnisten  ut av alle oss Leedssupportere som har LEEDS i våre hjerter. Tusen hjertelig takk for at du, uke etter uke, transfervindu etter transfervindu, sesong etter sesong, skuffer oss - vi som faktisk bryr oss om klubben, og som vil klubben det beste. Vi har måttet svelge noen, ja etterhvert ganske mange, kameler. Men denne, gamle gubbe, tar virkelig kaka.
Din forbanna psykopat!

(kjære moderatorer, beklager utbruddet.)

Ingenting å beklage! Du er langt innenfor hva man kan skrive og dessuten er i alle fall jeg fullstendig enig med deg.
Marching on together!


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1712 på: September 01, 2012, 14:37:31 »
« Siste redigering: September 01, 2012, 15:17:13 av Jon R »
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1713 på: September 01, 2012, 14:41:55 »
Fikk dessverre ikke med siste del, skal se om jeg finner den!

Ser ut som vi subsidierer endel lønn fortsatt, må være Paynter og O'Brien + noen andre?
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


  • Gjest
Sv: Bates
« Svar #1714 på: September 01, 2012, 14:48:34 »
Nå ble sikkert alle som sitter på mobilt nettverk svært glade, leedsfan  :-* (inkludert meg.) Takk også til dere som siterer videre UTEN bilde ;)

Jeg har sitert noe av det jeg synes er mest interessant, og mest latterlig fra dagens kampprogram:

"Currently we are covering the wages of players that the current manager doesn't want at the cost of over £2m. This is in addition to the settlement costs already incurred to get unwanted players out of the club. This is a heavy burden to carry over and above the wage bill for the current playing staff. This is something fans should remember. Transfer fees are only part of the picture. In addition to wages, there are signing-on fees, appearance moneys and bonuses, NH IC, agents' fees and five per cent as Football League levies. Remember: Even if a player is a stinker, he still has to be paid. Furthermore, if a player has a long-term injury, he still is on full pay (and so he should be), pluss all the medical costs incurred to get him back to fitness.[...] There are "none as deaf as those that won't hear" that this has to be the case. We have a Premier League ground[...] and a determined manager with a dedicated squad of players
Det der har jeg hørt før etter et transfervindu....  ::)
Så kommer han med utsagnet "We have a premier league ground". We have? Virkelig? Hmm.... Han spytter hvertfall penger inn i stadion som om det skulle være det, men vi eier jo ikke ER en gang. Latterlig!


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1715 på: September 01, 2012, 14:56:43 »
De filene er minimale, nesten som tekst. Har man ikke råd til det så burde man slå av det mobile nettverket.

Uansett så var det for mye tekst for å skrive ned så jeg tok en sjans..

Skal nesten ikke skje igjen!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1716 på: September 01, 2012, 14:57:28 »
360 0g 250kb!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Jon R

Sv: Bates
« Svar #1717 på: September 01, 2012, 15:16:32 »
De filene er minimale, nesten som tekst. Har man ikke råd til det så burde man slå av det mobile nettverket.

Uansett så var det for mye tekst for å skrive ned så jeg tok en sjans..

Skal nesten ikke skje igjen!

Bruk denne linken istedet. Sletter bildene jeg.  :)
« Siste redigering: September 01, 2012, 16:21:55 av Jon R »
Jon R.


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1718 på: September 01, 2012, 15:18:32 »
Den er god..;)
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


  • Gjest
Sv: Bates
« Svar #1719 på: September 01, 2012, 15:41:11 »
De filene er minimale, nesten som tekst. Har man ikke råd til det så burde man slå av det mobile nettverket.

Uansett så var det for mye tekst for å skrive ned så jeg tok en sjans..

Skal nesten ikke skje igjen!
Ok. Var ikke meningen å være "frekk" altså. De så bare fryktelig store ut. Noen liker bilde, noen linker link til de, osv.  :)

Når det er sagt. Bates, hva driver du egentlig på med? Jeg har SVÆRT vanskelig for å forstå den gjøken. Kan man i det hele tatt klare å rasjonalisere det hele? Det høres forsåvidt fornuftig ut med forklaringen på at han vil kunne bli saksøkt av kjøperen i ettertid om de finner all slags skjelletter osv... Mannen fremstår som ganske sær.

Svend Anders

Sv: Bates
« Svar #1720 på: September 01, 2012, 16:11:22 »
Det blir stadig vanskeligere å skille mellom hvorvidt Bates er faktisk senil eller "bare" sta og sær. Etter tirsdagens "forsøk på forsoning" i kampprogrammet, langer han altså ut mot deler av fansen igjen i dag. Uttallelsene om krav til potensielle investorer er jo også bare krampaktig latterlige.

Og så flott å skylde på Grayson for opparbeidet lønnsbudsjett!
Tenk om vi hadde hatt, ja la oss si en styreformann, eller en administrerende direktør, ja til og med en sportsdirektør i klubben som ble tildelt ansvar og gjorde jobben sin, da hadde man jo sluppet det.... *ironivarsel*



Sv: Bates
« Svar #1721 på: September 01, 2012, 17:04:15 »
Grayson hadde jo mange feilsigneringer, men han trenger ikke å bruke blekk på det nå.. Paynter og O'Brien koster og kostet dyrt..
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1722 på: September 01, 2012, 17:06:54 »
Grayson hadde jo mange feilsigneringer, men han trenger ikke å bruke blekk på det nå.. Paynter og O'Brien koster og kostet dyrt..

Vi hører jo også at alt skal gjennom trakten Harvey/Bates og tilbake. De har altså godkjent samtlige kjøp og hatt mye med de å gjøre. Da nytter det ikke (kun) å skylde på Grayson etterpå, SPESIELT ikke lønnsmessig!
Marching on together!


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1723 på: September 01, 2012, 18:04:48 »
Grayson hadde jo mange feilsigneringer, men han trenger ikke å bruke blekk på det nå.. Paynter og O'Brien koster og kostet dyrt..

Vi hører jo også at alt skal gjennom trakten Harvey/Bates og tilbake. De har altså godkjent samtlige kjøp og hatt mye med de å gjøre. Da nytter det ikke (kun) å skylde på Grayson etterpå, SPESIELT ikke lønnsmessig!

Bates påstår at han støttet Grayson på transfermarkedet innen de rammene han hadde. Den eneste gangen Bates sa nei var når Grayson ville ha enda en midtstopper?

Så du mener Harvey/Bates burde blande seg borti alle kjøp og salg?
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


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Sv: Bates
« Svar #1724 på: September 01, 2012, 18:07:17 »
Det blir stadig vanskeligere å skille mellom hvorvidt Bates er faktisk senil eller "bare" sta og sær. Etter tirsdagens "forsøk på forsoning" i kampprogrammet, langer han altså ut mot deler av fansen igjen i dag.

Ifølge (troværdige (?) ) Boozie på waccoe var det Shaun Harvey som hadde forfattet denne delen av Bates notater...   ::)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Bates
« Svar #1725 på: September 01, 2012, 18:08:54 »
Grayson hadde jo mange feilsigneringer, men han trenger ikke å bruke blekk på det nå.. Paynter og O'Brien koster og kostet dyrt..

Vi hører jo også at alt skal gjennom trakten Harvey/Bates og tilbake. De har altså godkjent samtlige kjøp og hatt mye med de å gjøre. Da nytter det ikke (kun) å skylde på Grayson etterpå, SPESIELT ikke lønnsmessig!

Bates påstår at han støttet Grayson på transfermarkedet innen de rammene han hadde. Den eneste gangen Bates sa nei var når Grayson ville ha enda en midtstopper?

Så du mener Harvey/Bates burde blande seg borti alle kjøp og salg?
vi blir nok aldri enig .grayson fikk aldri den støtten han trenkte . Våre beste spillere ble solkt å pengene ble ikke gitt tilbake grayson .


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1726 på: September 01, 2012, 18:23:44 »
Grayson hadde jo mange feilsigneringer, men han trenger ikke å bruke blekk på det nå.. Paynter og O'Brien koster og kostet dyrt..

Vi hører jo også at alt skal gjennom trakten Harvey/Bates og tilbake. De har altså godkjent samtlige kjøp og hatt mye med de å gjøre. Da nytter det ikke (kun) å skylde på Grayson etterpå, SPESIELT ikke lønnsmessig!

Bates påstår at han støttet Grayson på transfermarkedet innen de rammene han hadde. Den eneste gangen Bates sa nei var når Grayson ville ha enda en midtstopper?

Så du mener Harvey/Bates burde blande seg borti alle kjøp og salg?
vi blir nok aldri enig .grayson fikk aldri den støtten han trenkte . Våre beste spillere ble solkt å pengene ble ikke gitt tilbake grayson .

Han fikk ikke den støtten han trengte, men satset allikevel på kvantitet fremfor kvalitet..
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1727 på: September 01, 2012, 18:31:21 »
Grayson hadde jo mange feilsigneringer, men han trenger ikke å bruke blekk på det nå.. Paynter og O'Brien koster og kostet dyrt..

Vi hører jo også at alt skal gjennom trakten Harvey/Bates og tilbake. De har altså godkjent samtlige kjøp og hatt mye med de å gjøre. Da nytter det ikke (kun) å skylde på Grayson etterpå, SPESIELT ikke lønnsmessig!

Bates påstår at han støttet Grayson på transfermarkedet innen de rammene han hadde. Den eneste gangen Bates sa nei var når Grayson ville ha enda en midtstopper?

Så du mener Harvey/Bates burde blande seg borti alle kjøp og salg?
vi blir nok aldri enig .grayson fikk aldri den støtten han trenkte . Våre beste spillere ble solkt å pengene ble ikke gitt tilbake grayson .

Han fikk ikke den støtten han trengte, men satset allikevel på kvantitet fremfor kvalitet..
Så du mener pengene vi fikk for spillere som feks,smeichel,gradel ,howson,delph osv osv gikk til grayson ????


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1728 på: September 01, 2012, 18:40:00 »
Grayson hadde jo mange feilsigneringer, men han trenger ikke å bruke blekk på det nå.. Paynter og O'Brien koster og kostet dyrt..

Vi hører jo også at alt skal gjennom trakten Harvey/Bates og tilbake. De har altså godkjent samtlige kjøp og hatt mye med de å gjøre. Da nytter det ikke (kun) å skylde på Grayson etterpå, SPESIELT ikke lønnsmessig!

Bates påstår at han støttet Grayson på transfermarkedet innen de rammene han hadde. Den eneste gangen Bates sa nei var når Grayson ville ha enda en midtstopper?

Så du mener Harvey/Bates burde blande seg borti alle kjøp og salg?
vi blir nok aldri enig .grayson fikk aldri den støtten han trenkte . Våre beste spillere ble solkt å pengene ble ikke gitt tilbake grayson .

Han fikk ikke den støtten han trengte, men satset allikevel på kvantitet fremfor kvalitet..
Så du mener pengene vi fikk for spillere som feks,smeichel,gradel ,howson,delph osv osv gikk til grayson ????

Grayson hadde et budsjett han forvaltet, slik som de fleste managere har. Vi er vel alle enig i at det er/var for lavt.

I etterpåklokskapens navn så var Paynter, O'Brien og finnene dyre for oss. Hadde Grayson brukt de 20 millionene(?) annerledes så hadde han kanskje fortsatt vært her...
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Bates
« Svar #1729 på: September 04, 2012, 18:22:05 »
“Meanwhile, the club will continue to be run along proper lines, despite the clamour of the small minority. There are ‘none as deaf as those that won’t hear’ that this has to be the case.”

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1730 på: September 04, 2012, 18:45:37 »
Grayson hadde jo mange feilsigneringer, men han trenger ikke å bruke blekk på det nå.. Paynter og O'Brien koster og kostet dyrt..

Vi hører jo også at alt skal gjennom trakten Harvey/Bates og tilbake. De har altså godkjent samtlige kjøp og hatt mye med de å gjøre. Da nytter det ikke (kun) å skylde på Grayson etterpå, SPESIELT ikke lønnsmessig!

Bates påstår at han støttet Grayson på transfermarkedet innen de rammene han hadde. Den eneste gangen Bates sa nei var når Grayson ville ha enda en midtstopper?

Så du mener Harvey/Bates burde blande seg borti alle kjøp og salg?

Selvsagt mener jeg ikke det. Forstår ikke helt hvorfor du fikk det ut av hva jeg skreiv. :)

 Jeg sier at de faktisk gjør/gjorde det, altså; blandet seg opp i spillere, pris og lønn - basert på deres egne og manageres uttaleser (både Grayson og Warnock).

Skal jeg si hva jeg mener ideologisk, så er det at en manager bør finne spillerne (i samspill med speidere) og så bør det være opp til styret/eiere å godkjenne - uten at de oppfører seg som hindre (gitt et sunt budsjett). Det blir selvsagt veldig individuelt, men det viktigste for en manager, vil jeg tro, er at det er klarhet i hva han har å rutte med og hvor styret står. For meg virker det SOLEKLART at Warnock har fått falske lovnader, som Grayson også ble gitt (iht salg av Gradel, Howson m.fl., som ikke ble erstattet).

Det som var mitt poeng, var at Bates ikke kan gå ut i media og hogge hodet av Grayson i overgangssakene, når han (og Harvey) har vært fartshindre i alle overgangsvinduer, ved at disse både skal godkjenne pris og forhandle kontrakter med spillere selv. Det er Shaun Harvey som, så vidt jeg har fortstått, diskuterer pris og lønn med spillerne og bør i så fall være ansvarlig for de (relativt sett) store kontraktene til bomkjøp som Andy 'Slim' Robinson og Billy 'Barndoor' Paynter.

Hadde Grayson hatt fritt leide, hadde jeg hatt null problem med dette, men de kan jo ikke være dørvakter og så skylde UTELUKKENDE på Grayson for hva slags folk som kom inn på utestedet/restauranten/whatever som han drev.

Når det er sagt; jeg forventet absolutt, overhodet ingenting annet fra gentlemannen Ken Bates og hans spyttslikker Shaun Harvey.
« Siste redigering: September 04, 2012, 18:49:32 av Mr Kaizer »
Marching on together!


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1731 på: September 12, 2012, 19:39:27 »
Synes dette var et flott innlegg på Facebook:

Dear Ken,
We write to you with regard to the recently publicised investment/takeover of our club, which was announced on 26th May.
On 26th June it was stated that due diligence was to be undertaken and would be "a fairly straightforward process" and that
 "Our [The Club's] discussions with them have left us very comfortable that they have the financial resources to support the club and will have no issues in satisfying the requirements of the Football Leagues Owners and Directors test". This heightened anticipation that the potential investment/takeover would be concluded in the near future, but little progress seems to have been
 made since then.
Over 70 days have now passed since this "fairly straightforward process" began and we, as fans are becoming
 increasingly concerned that this protracted process has now stalled and would like to ask you some important
1. The club have made two statements during this process. On 9th August it said "the exclusivity period granted to a potential
 investor as mentioned in the statement of 26th June has now ended" and on the 18th August "We are in negotiations with a party.
 We signed an exclusivity agreement to give them time to do due diligence, and we're continuing negotiations".
Why is the investment process taking so long, and why were the above statements
 made when they were made?
2. We understand from Duncan Castles that the potential buyers have already put some money into the club and in addition they have had contact with Neil Warnock and Robert Snodgrass to provide assurances about their ambition and
 vision for Leeds United. This is in stark contrast to the comments about you in Duncan Castles' article of 11th September 2012, and those of Robert Snodgrass in his interviews since leaving the club. It seems fairly obvious that the promises made to our
 manager and players, who we support 100%, are not currently being matched by your ambition, or that of the club.
Is there a reason that our manager is not being supported financially, given the
 money already invested by the buyers, plus the transfer income and wages freed by
 the sale of Snodgrass, Clayton and Lonergan amongst others?
3. It has also been widely reported that negotiations with the potential investors are currently at an impasse due to your refusal to indemnify them against any unaccounted for items in the club's finances. We understand that such
 indemnities are standard in business, and think it entirely reasonable and responsible that the buyers insist on them. If the club is currently being run in the financially prudent and sensible manner that you always claim, and you as the owner take such a
 personal interest in its business, there can be nothing ‘unaccounted for’ that would prevent you from agreeing to the standard indemnities that are being sought, because you will have already disclosed those items to the buyers?
Why do you not feel able to agree to the indemnity clauses, if you have nothing to
 hide and are running the club so well?
4. Alongside this information, sources close to the negotiations are aware of THREE legal teams around the negotiating table.
 Those representing Leeds United, those representing the investors and a third team negotiating on your personal behalf.
 This concerns us. It would indicate that your interests in this deal are somewhat different to those of Leeds United, and therefore
 us. In the statement of the 9th August, and again in your Programme notes on the 1st September (vs Blackburn Rovers) you mention "your legacy" at Leeds United and a desire to ensure that the club is passed into "safe hands".
If, as you have stated in your programme notes, your concern is for the club and
 your legacy for the club, why do you, as Chairman and owner of the club, need your
 own personal team of lawyers present during the negotiations for the sale of the
5. We are concerned about the financial position of Leeds United. From the accounts most recently filed for the company, we see Leeds United has recently taken out two loans. The first was a loan of some £3.2m secured through the issuing of
 a number of preferential shares, to unknown persons, with a guaranteed repayment of £4m on sale of these shares. The second is a loan of some £5m from another unknown party, secured against future season ticket sales for the next 2 years.
 This, we are told, was required to pay off a debt to an unknown creditor for works undertaken on the East Stand development last summer. Given that Leeds United have made only small profits or small losses each year recently, with the inclusion of season ticket revenue and sale of our best players, the impact of losing a large proportion of future season ticket income is a great cause
 for concern.
How is the club going to service these other loans and repay the money advanced
 by this summer's buyers, when the cash flow and profits of the business have been
 spent ahead of time on the development of the East Stand?
6. Once again we have witnessed another frustrating Summer transfer window, watching our best players being sold off, to be replaced by free, or for small fee transfers. We have heard that other top players have been touted around to other clubs in an attempt to bring in cash (Becchio to Hull in January for example), and given the financial state of the club are worried that this will continue to happen. We have heard how that Snodgrass was initially unwilling to move, until a third party agent was brought in to facilitate his move. You criticised our last manager over transfer activity, we now hear via Duncan Castles that you are unhappy with Warnock, because he has the temerity to ask for your support in the transfer market to secure the
 players he, a proven promotion winning manager, needs to achieve promotion. We can see for ourselves that our squad, beyond the first 11, is paper thin, and we already have mounting injuries. We recognise the promising start Neil has made even within his
 financial restraints, and support him 100% in his request for more funds, for more players.
Do you have the money to support Neil Warnock in his endeavours to achieve
 promotion this season?
We believe we have a manager who can deliver us promotion, given the financial support he needs.
It is clear that you no longer have the resources to offer the manager this support, and this will lead to further weakening of the team as our top players are sold in order to keep the club running, or will choose to leave for more ambitious clubs. This will lead to an increasingly fragmented support, dwindling crowds (which you are already seeing), and reduced revenues the club clearly cannot afford.
You used your programme notes on the 1st September to ask questions of any would-be investors. Questions about
"Proof of Funds", "Who are they?", their ability to pass the Football Leagues Owners and Directors test. All these are questions that the club appeared to answer itself already when entering the initial period of exclusivity. The other questions you posed about the "proposed method of running the club" and the "reason for wanting to invest" are really no concern of yours are they?
The club currently has what appears to be the opportunity of a lifetime, an opportunity this club has needed for 10 years now. This opportunity for significant investment will give the club every chance to become a force in English football again.
 We thank you for your time at the helm of our club, and for steering it through its dark times, but now call upon you with one voice, sell the club, accept the money you are being offered and allow Leeds United to take the next steps back to greatness. If you wanted a legacy, this would be it.
We ask you to listen to the words of our greatest captain, Billy Bremner, and act upon them;
 "Side before self, every time"
 Thank you.
 Leeds United Fans across the world
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


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Sv: Bates
« Svar #1732 på: September 12, 2012, 20:01:37 »
...da har du kanskje også fått med deg tlf Bates har med Leedssupportere?

Oppskriften er enkel, man fakser ham (til Monaco) et delvis smiskende brev, gir ham et Og han ringer tilbake. Den han ringer til slipper knapt til, Susannah får også sagt noen ord. Og samtalen kan ta opptil timen...

Rett skal være rett, i løpet av siste mnd er det bare to sånne samtaler jeg har fått referert på waccoe, men flere andre har opplevd det samme (lenger tid tilbake).

Selvfølgelig kan disse som poster det skrive fullstendig bull.. men mitt inntrykk (bl.a. mht andres reaksjoner, også fra personer som kjenner de) så er det ikke det.
Begge samtalene jeg har sett referert føler det som de snakker til en senil herre, likefullt en som har ordet i sin makt, og det er fullstendig umulig å 'samtale' med ham.

Her er dagens refererte samtale:

QUOTE (pag @ Sep 12 2012, 06:30 PM)

I sent Ken Bates this fax today:

Dear Mr. Bates,
Thank you for taking the time to read this fax.
I am writing to you on a personal basis and do not represent anyone, or any organisation. I do,however, know many Leeds fans who are distraught at the current lack of funds in the club, and the possibility that we will end this season in a worse position than we began it.
I believe that it was your wish to preside over a Leeds United team that was able, once again, to play Premiership football, and would hope that you still want this, regardless of current events.
Could I urge you, from the heart, to help any potential investors in the club resolve any difficulties they may have with the ongoing negotiations?
I have no desire to attack you. I believe that what is best for Leeds United may also be most beneficial to you.

Yours Sincerely


2. When he was free (he was on another call) the first question he asked was ‘What have you done to support the club?’ then went through my fax in detail, asking why Leeds fans were ‘distraught’, and how many I’d spoken to and how I had spoken to them. I said I had talked to 50 people in the pub.

On to the conversation. Like LPP, once you speak to him it is impossible to get a word in edgeways.
But he did say that Leeds fans
He said there had been two bidders, both of whom he had no time for.
The arabs were on a road to no-where. This is my interpretation, can’t officially quote him on this.
He is planning on staying as Owner of Leeds.
He wanted me to go on LUST forums and spread the word of supporters, like me, combat the BATES OUT and LUST campaigns, which he sees as being a MINORITY of fans.
It was all very depressing (though Susannah seemed nice), and I am sure to get in trouble even for this.

Disse samtalene har han altså mens det fortsatt pågår samtaler (iallefall gjorde det det for ca 10 dager siden da LPP hadde en lignende samtale). Man kan lure, er dette den seniles siste gleder, er det å ringe opp fans det eneste 'pensjonisten' har å gjøre i Minaco, er det han sier i disse samtalene mer 'up to date' enn hva forhandlingene gir inntrykk av???

Hadde det vært det siste hadde de vel vært over for lenge siden...
« Siste redigering: September 12, 2012, 20:17:40 av Asbjørn »
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: Bates
« Svar #1733 på: September 12, 2012, 20:58:17 »
...her er forresten 'forrige tlf-samtale' som jeg refererte til i forrige post:

QUOTE (LPP @ Aug 29 2012, 07:28 PM)

Right ok, this is how it went and bearing in mind the convo was 15 mins long i cannot remember everything that was said....

So, after acquiring the fax number of our friend Ken, I sent Ken a fax at 14:02 this afternoon in the form of a letter trying to reason with him and ask why we found ourself in the current situation. Ken doesn't do emails, hence the fax. At 15:19 pm my phone vibrated and I looked and saw the number was similiar to the fax number I had sent to Monaco an hour earlier. I answered and cheekily said, Good Afternoon Kenneth before he had chance to say who it was.

Ken's response was to ask me to go out of the office as he could hear people talking in the background and he wanted us to have an honest chat so I left work and went and sat in my car, as I was doing so Ken was ordering his missus around, not in a violent way mind, telling her to move some bags. He then told me he had rang me as he found my letter reasonable and not some of the "f**king shit" others have sent him and started advising me about the confidentiality agreement that's in place and why he nor the club could say too much but that it was obvious from that "f**king LUST statement" that the lawyer for the buyers wasn't so good at being confidential. I told him that this was probably because these guys weren't hiding away in Monaco (which Ken tells me has been lovely today cos its a bit cooler) and had people in their face all the time. (I am not aware who LUST source is btw, it was ken that mentioned the buyers lawyer)

At this point KB started to tell me about the negotiations and how people assumed it was a full takeover when it wasn't. (Although i think i did hear him say initially but he didnt expand on that) He advised me that the company involved lost a lot of money, a hell of a lot , in 2010 and how LUFC had made more money than them last year when they had made something like £250,000. I'm sure he then said he was yet to see proof of funds but he went a bit garbled at this point, and when I said his own club statement said that "funds we're not going to be an issue" he said well yes, quite. Kenneth then started reading me the statement LUST put out the other day and how that twat Gary Cooper (BIG to you and me) who was "just an IT officer for Hull city council" was looking for headlines and hadn't got any facts right at all although he contradicted himself by repeating that there was a "sneak" who was obviously leaking info to LUST.

At this point, I asked Ken what his plans were and he said he was not prepared to discuss that with me but that I should be happy that the team have won 4 out of 5 games and that is going along swimmingly. I stopped him and referred him back to his own programme notes for the Wolves game which stated that "Pub rumours" are to blame and he then started saying that ten years ago you could go to the pub and have a conversation with your mates, the ones that had genuine info would be listened too and the others shot down but these days with "Twitter, Facebook, forums and google" people who knew "f**k all" were allowed a voice and given credit when they shouldn't be. I told him that rumour was all people had hence why there is a near 5000 page thread on "one site" discussing the matter and that twitter was constantly awash and at that point he started slagging off the gourmet hotdog guy but that he "has his card marked"!!

I again asked what his plans for the club were and he said he wouldn't discuss that with me and then started telling me a story about something to do with Blackburn Rovers from years ago. Suddenly then he came out with a comment that we should be very proud to have a talent like Sam Byram coming through and I stopped him and said "Whilst your still here, if you get a phone call from Norwich about him please tell them to f**k off and put the phone down" to which he told me he loved football humour and that, and this is revealing, that he had read on twitter that morning that people wanted Norwich at home so we could play Leeds reserve team and laughed at himself saying that before saying how he loved that type of humour from fans.

 So I asked what his username was on Twitter and he told me that he didn't want to talk about that. He then started to tell me he had to go as his other phone was ringing, had been talking for 15 plus minutes, so I said quickly tell me what your going to do about letting someone else have a go and he said "I will speak to you later" then said bye and put the phone down!

So nothing groundbreaking, but he rang me. He didnt tell me anything we didnt really know and wouldnt tell me what his plans were. I wish i could have got more but as he told me he has "been in football for 60 years and nothing suprises him anymore"
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Jon R

Sv: Bates
« Svar #1734 på: September 13, 2012, 00:07:03 »
Huff!  :o

Forutsatt at disse  samtalene er reelle og referert sånn nogenlunde riktig: Dette da være en pre- senil eller senil gammel mann som snakker? Svarene er jo aldeles usammenhengende og han motstrider sine egne tidligere utsagn ustanselig. Den med at "Leeds fans HAD NO RIGHT TO EXPECT PREMIERSHIP FOOTBALL" er jo ganske oppsiktsvekkende med tanke på at PL fotball har jo vært selve mantraet hans, både ved overtakelsen i 2005 og 2007, når han har blitt konfrontert med høye billettpriser og hver bidige pre- season de siste 7 åra.  Og hans uttalelser om selve TO prosessen henger jo ikke på greip.

Dette var ikke betryggende!    :(
Jon R.


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1735 på: September 13, 2012, 05:56:45 »
Det er muleg at eg er i overkant mistenksam, men det er vanskeleg å ta dette alvorleg.


Sv: Bates
« Svar #1736 på: September 13, 2012, 08:45:30 »
Etter å ha lest på Waccoe og FB så er det mange der som har en eventyrlig fantasi. Jeg tror ikke noe på disse "samtalene"....
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


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Sv: Bates
« Svar #1737 på: September 13, 2012, 08:55:04 »
Etter å ha lest på Waccoe og FB så er det mange der som har en eventyrlig fantasi. Jeg tror ikke noe på disse "samtalene"....

Har ingen problemer med det...
Men. Hva er det første LPP gjør etter samtalen? Han ringer BIG (bekreftet), LUST-sjefen. Før han så får grønt lys til å poste det han gjør...
Hva er det første sistemann gjør? Han ber en av modsa PM'e ham. Osv...
Og så følger jeg jo med hvordan andre mottar deres budskap...
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Bates
« Svar #1738 på: September 13, 2012, 09:04:09 »
Etter å ha lest på Waccoe og FB så er det mange der som har en eventyrlig fantasi. Jeg tror ikke noe på disse "samtalene"....

Har ingen problemer med det...
Men. Hva er det første LPP gjør etter samtalen? Han ringer BIG (bekreftet), LUST-sjefen. Før han så får grønt lys til å poste det han gjør...
Hva er det første sistemann gjør? Han ber en av modsa PM'e ham. Osv...
Og så følger jeg jo med hvordan andre mottar deres budskap...

For all del, det kan jo stemme... Men som sagt etter å ha lest eventyr og rykter i årevis nå så er jeg blitt skeptisk til alt, godt og vondt. Man vet egentlig ikke hva som skjer før det er bekreftet på Alt skjer og alt kan skje, ikke bra.

Er så uhorvelig lei av alt maset og lengter etter en fornuftig/nøktern eier uten behov for å være i rampelyset uke inn og uke ut.

Bates må dra ASAP ZULU...
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Svend Anders

Sv: Bates
« Svar #1739 på: September 13, 2012, 11:07:46 »
Bates har vel ringt hundrevis av supportere direkte gjennom årene. Har ingen problemer med å se at flere på waccoe som har fakset eller på annet vis kontaktet ham gjør det. Han ringte meg personlig i fjor da jeg mailet Thorp Arch om en spiller de burde se på.

Spørsmålet er, basert på det han skal ha sagt de siste dagene, om det virkelig har klikka for|n eller om han røper seg i form av at alle disse forhandlingene egentlig ikke har noen hensikt i hans øyne; han vil virkelig ikke selge (hele klubben). Han virker innbitt etter å beholde sin rolle i klubben, og bare få inn minoritetsinvestorer i klubben.

Så sier jo boozie at det er gjort fremskritt den siste uken, så jeg vet ikke.

Hvis noen av dere vil fakse Bates et saklig brev (og tørre å bli oppringt), så kan jeg kanskje fikse nummeret. Ikke her på forumet, selvsagt.