KAMP: vs. Barnsley på Oakwell, lørdag 12. Januar kl 16:00 (norsk tid).

Started by kalle_92, January 10, 2013, 16:33:03

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Hadde vi bare spilt ok fotball og produsert sjanser. Vi har jo knapt produsert 5 sjanser på tre kamper. Det ser tilsynelatende ut som vi ikke har en eneste plan for hvordan vi sakl spille offensivt.

Jeg ser absolutt ikke noe feil med at Warnock går nå. Vi trenger ikke at han henter flere spillere som neste manager må sparke fordi de er inkompetente. Se på de han har hentet. Det er ikke mange av de som holder ccc nivå. Peltier, Varney og Norris, alle er like ubrukelige.

Gi laget en manager som kjenner markedet og som har et bra rykte.


Quote from: Bulwark on January 12, 2013, 18:59:02
Hadde vi bare spilt ok fotball og produsert sjanser. Vi har jo knapt produsert 5 sjanser på tre kamper. Det ser tilsynelatende ut som vi ikke har en eneste plan for hvordan vi sakl spille offensivt.

Jeg ser absolutt ikke noe feil med at Warnock går nå. Vi trenger ikke at han henter flere spillere som neste manager må sparke fordi de er inkompetente. Se på de han har hentet. Det er ikke mange av de som holder ccc nivå. Peltier, Varney og Norris, alle er like ubrukelige.

Gi laget en manager som kjenner markedet og som har et bra rykte.


Det var direkte flaut å pinlig å høre på Warnock i intervjuet etter kampen...
Utrolig å skylde på dommeren når vi ble rundspilt og Barnsley ble klart snytt for et straffe i 1 omgang.
Sorry Neil, tror du har tatt oss så langt som du evner....
Hvis du i tillegg signerer flere ordinære spillere i Januar, så blir dette en ny blindvei


Quote from: Odin on January 12, 2013, 19:03:34
Det var direkte flaut å pinlig å høre på Warnock i intervjuet etter kampen...
Utrolig å skylde på dommeren når vi ble rundspilt og Barnsley ble klart snytt for et straffe i 1 omgang.
Sorry Neil, tror du har tatt oss så langt som du evner....
Hvis du i tillegg signerer flere ordinære spillere i Januar, så blir dette en ny blindvei

Kor kan eg se intervjuet ???


Quote from: Leedsfan on January 12, 2013, 18:38:41
Jeg syns Gray er ganske tøff nå, slakter jo direkte og indirekte Warnock på radioen.
Tøft at Gray tar bladet fra munnen og kaller ei spade, ei spade. Det er ikke godt nok, men håper det snur. Tapte vel 0-4 sist vi var her så litt positivt er det jo. MOT  det snur fort ;)


Quote from: Aase93 on January 12, 2013, 19:05:38
Quote from: Odin on January 12, 2013, 19:03:34
Det var direkte flaut å pinlig å høre på Warnock i intervjuet etter kampen...
Utrolig å skylde på dommeren når vi ble rundspilt og Barnsley ble klart snytt for et straffe i 1 omgang.
Sorry Neil, tror du har tatt oss så langt som du evner....
Hvis du i tillegg signerer flere ordinære spillere i Januar, så blir dette en ny blindvei

Kor kan eg se intervjuet ???

Med LUTV abb kan du høre det
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


Bristol City sparket akkurat manageren sin. Blir det to managerløse lag som spiller mot hverandre snart??
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Er sååååå suuuuurt å tenke på at vi hadde STOR mulighet til å kapre 6p mot disse lagene..... vi er ikke god nok !

Rudi G.

Bare for å illustrere hvor lavt nivå vi er på akkurat nå;

Contrary to some incorrect reports, today's defeat was the first time #Leeds have failed to register a shot on-target this season. #LUFC


Quote from: marve on January 12, 2013, 19:02:08
Quote from: Bulwark on January 12, 2013, 18:59:02
Hadde vi bare spilt ok fotball og produsert sjanser. Vi har jo knapt produsert 5 sjanser på tre kamper. Det ser tilsynelatende ut som vi ikke har en eneste plan for hvordan vi sakl spille offensivt.

Jeg ser absolutt ikke noe feil med at Warnock går nå. Vi trenger ikke at han henter flere spillere som neste manager må sparke fordi de er inkompetente. Se på de han har hentet. Det er ikke mange av de som holder ccc nivå. Peltier, Varney og Norris, alle er like ubrukelige.

Gi laget en manager som kjenner markedet og som har et bra rykte.
enig. Har egentlig alltid vært i mot hyppige managersparkinger men nå har vi spilt så dårlig så lenge at det må gjøres noe. Dette er enormt skuffende. Så snart vi finner en manager med motivasjon planer og lederegenskaper på høyt nok nivå må warnock vike plassen
I år rykker vi opp!


Quote from: Rudi G. on January 12, 2013, 20:54:13
Bare for å illustrere hvor lavt nivå vi er på akkurat nå;

Contrary to some incorrect reports, today's defeat was the first time #Leeds have failed to register a shot on-target this season. #LUFC

räknas inte ribbskottet från den nya spelaren som skott mot mål?

Rudi G.

Quote from: sportcarl1 on January 12, 2013, 20:58:58
Quote from: Rudi G. on January 12, 2013, 20:54:13
Bare for å illustrere hvor lavt nivå vi er på akkurat nå;

Contrary to some incorrect reports, today's defeat was the first time #Leeds have failed to register a shot on-target this season. #LUFC

räknas inte ribbskottet från den nya spelaren som skott mot mål?


Målene; http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwpmju


Tror dere Haigh og Patel hørte på Gray/Kirwin under kampen?
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


BMo - Leeds-fan siden 1964


Quote from: Leedsfan on January 12, 2013, 22:20:46
Tror dere Haigh og Patel hørte på Gray/Kirwin under kampen?
Hørte de gjorde de helt sikkert ,men om de vill gjøre noe med det er vell ikke fult så sikkert .
Jobben deres med å få folk tilbake er vell ikke blitt lettere med mange svake res og ræva fotball denne sesongen .
Tror de må skaffe seg noen med peil på fotball som ikke er tilknyttet leeds u nå jeg .
Få inn inpulser utenfra for nå må det begynnes for fra igjen .


Quote from: Leedsfan on January 12, 2013, 18:23:25
Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on January 12, 2013, 18:22:23
Quote from: Leedsfan on January 12, 2013, 18:16:32
Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on January 12, 2013, 18:12:52
Quote from: Leedsfan on January 12, 2013, 18:08:41
Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on January 12, 2013, 18:03:59
jaja Leedsfan, hva sier du?Mye å glede seg over i klubben vår?Hvorfor tror du jeg er negativ..?

Ikke mye å glede seg over i dag eller i morgen. Du er jo negativ fordi du har jo helt utrolige forventninger. Jeg klarer å se litt positive glimt, du kun mørke.

Jeg er enig i at Warnock må gå, dessverre..
Mine forventninger er at Leeds Utd skal være blant de 5 beste i denne divisjonen!Hvis dette er utrolige forventninger så kall meg en krakk ::)

Det var ikke mange dager siden du mente vi burde låne Scott Parker...
Ã... LÃ...NE Scott Parker et par måneder er altså utrolige forventninger?
Hvis vi hadde vært Huddersfield så er jeg helt enig.

Jeg trenger ikke svare på denne...:)
Det er helt korrekt. Den trenger ikke noe svar...

Warnock out. For guds skyld. Nå.


En (av mange) fans som har mistet tålmodigheten med dagens lag, har ytret disse verdige ordene på Waccoe.

I have recently reached the age of 51, I have been watching Leeds United for  well over 40 of those years , I am young at heart, fit for my age. However, standing there at Oakwell today with almost 5,000 fellow sufferers watching that pathetic display made me feel every minute of my age.

During the time I have watched Leeds I have been extremely lucky to see them win the FA cup at Wembley, be the Champions of England on more than one occasion and buccaneer their way through numerous European campaigns.

I was there when we lost to Sunderland in ’73 (My home town at the time, hard to survive that as a LUFC fan) I was there when we lost to Valencia to a Mendietta inspired team, there when we were relegated at West Brom, there when we were relegated at Bolton, there when we went down to the third division  at home against Ipswich...the point is, I have seen both Great and Dark days as a Leeds fan and learned to live with both, I have learned to roll with the punches.

I have had a season ticket at Elland Road since 1989, before that you just paid your money into the kop and turned up every week, no season ticket required. I have loved this football club sometimes to the detriment of my career and health. Away game midweek ? f**k it I’m going , I’ll catch up on the sleep later. No train back ? f**k it I’ll sleep on the station.Whatever it took I would justify it to myself and still go, distance, time, cost, no object.  My childhood memories are of me and my late Father enjoying wonderful times watching a wonderful football team. Billy Bremner my hero.

I don’t regret a minute of it. And You know what ? I am absolutely one of a huge amount of people who could say exactly the same thing. That is what is so great about our club, people love to knock us, but they would love to be like us and have what we have. But they never will.

How many football clubs could command a following like ours ? After so many kicks in the balls ? after so many false dawns ? after so many disappointments ? after so many insults from within and without ? Very, very few.

Leeds United truly are one of the few sleeping giants left in world football, our potential has remained untapped due only to a lack of people with integrity, vision and ambition at the top. Leeds United could be one of the major players in Europe, and no I am not deluded, its a fact.

When Neil Warnock was appointed manager of our club I was convinced that such an appointment was a step in the right direction , if only because I believed that investment in the team must surely follow. My logic being that why on earth was he going to come otherwise ?

Lets face it, it hasn’t worked out, I sympathise with the fact that Neil wasn’t backed like he was led to believe he would be, unfair in anyones book.

I listened when Neil said that , at the back end of last season when we were cannon fodder to the mediocre, we weren’t his side, when we got to next season we would see his side, a team to be proud of, never again would we be there for the taking like that rabble, oh No !

So, once again this summer the venerable Shaun Harvey presided over yet another disastrous transfer window ( We have yet to experience any other type with Shaun in the mix.Lets not mention contract renewals either) you had to sympathise with Neil again, it looked like he had been led up the the garden path, only to meet the ghostly apparition of cigar smoking Jimmy Saville brandishing a big jar of Vaseline.
Jingle Jangle.

Players like White and McCormack,  who he had publicly deemed surplus to requirements, were suddenly talked up as key players in the Warnock Leeds United.

Sympathy existed in abundance for Neil, until he stated that he was quite happy with what he had ....this was his team.

Then we lost 6-1 at home to the mighty Watford and we needed reinforcements, he couldn’t wait for January to arrive , we’d see a new Leeds United, you wait and see.

Neil, its January, You have provided a team lacking in pace, power, youth, vibrance,  determination, ability, charisma or, not to put too fine a point on it, any form of organisation or a plan.

Your selection of Lee Peltier, amongst others, first as a footballer and secondly as a captain has been a cataclysmic error which you have stubbornly compounded by persevering with him.

Mine is no knee jerk reaction, YOUR Leeds United has been routinely outplayed by almost every opponent in a division which is generally accepted to be , a poor level of football.

Whilst your assistant is touting our best players to the highest bidder you are deflecting attention from yourself by blaming referees and telling us that Becchios head is being turned. Neil, its supposed to be your job to unturn it, you and your assistants. Instead we get negativity and double talk, Snake Oil !!

The performance today was unacceptable. Just like last season at Barnsley, at least Simon Grayson had the good grace to admit it. When you were walking off the pitch today, no, you didn’t imagine it, those boos were for you.

It takes a spectacular failure to turn these fans against you and you have achieved it.

From this little corner of Garforth the message is.. Neil, Thanks, but it is time to go.

To Mr Patel, Mr Haigh our club needs a top calibre manager who is capable of a root and branch assessment of our  club, someone with a long term plan, which incorporates a vibrant academy and a strong scouting system , not just relying on Ken Bates mate Mr Williams.
GFHC, forget this season, plan for the future, starting today.
Marching on together!


Quote from: Mr Kaizer on January 13, 2013, 01:02:39
En (av mange) fans som har mistet tålmodigheten med dagens lag, har ytret disse verdige ordene på Waccoe.

I have recently reached the age of 51, I have been watching Leeds United for  well over 40 of those years , I am young at heart, fit for my age. However, standing there at Oakwell today with almost 5,000 fellow sufferers watching that pathetic display made me feel every minute of my age.

During the time I have watched Leeds I have been extremely lucky to see them win the FA cup at Wembley, be the Champions of England on more than one occasion and buccaneer their way through numerous European campaigns.

I was there when we lost to Sunderland in ’73 (My home town at the time, hard to survive that as a LUFC fan) I was there when we lost to Valencia to a Mendietta inspired team, there when we were relegated at West Brom, there when we were relegated at Bolton, there when we went down to the third division  at home against Ipswich...the point is, I have seen both Great and Dark days as a Leeds fan and learned to live with both, I have learned to roll with the punches.

I have had a season ticket at Elland Road since 1989, before that you just paid your money into the kop and turned up every week, no season ticket required. I have loved this football club sometimes to the detriment of my career and health. Away game midweek ? f**k it I’m going , I’ll catch up on the sleep later. No train back ? f**k it I’ll sleep on the station.Whatever it took I would justify it to myself and still go, distance, time, cost, no object.  My childhood memories are of me and my late Father enjoying wonderful times watching a wonderful football team. Billy Bremner my hero.

I don’t regret a minute of it. And You know what ? I am absolutely one of a huge amount of people who could say exactly the same thing. That is what is so great about our club, people love to knock us, but they would love to be like us and have what we have. But they never will.

How many football clubs could command a following like ours ? After so many kicks in the balls ? after so many false dawns ? after so many disappointments ? after so many insults from within and without ? Very, very few.

Leeds United truly are one of the few sleeping giants left in world football, our potential has remained untapped due only to a lack of people with integrity, vision and ambition at the top. Leeds United could be one of the major players in Europe, and no I am not deluded, its a fact.

When Neil Warnock was appointed manager of our club I was convinced that such an appointment was a step in the right direction , if only because I believed that investment in the team must surely follow. My logic being that why on earth was he going to come otherwise ?

Lets face it, it hasn’t worked out, I sympathise with the fact that Neil wasn’t backed like he was led to believe he would be, unfair in anyones book.

I listened when Neil said that , at the back end of last season when we were cannon fodder to the mediocre, we weren’t his side, when we got to next season we would see his side, a team to be proud of, never again would we be there for the taking like that rabble, oh No !

So, once again this summer the venerable Shaun Harvey presided over yet another disastrous transfer window ( We have yet to experience any other type with Shaun in the mix.Lets not mention contract renewals either) you had to sympathise with Neil again, it looked like he had been led up the the garden path, only to meet the ghostly apparition of cigar smoking Jimmy Saville brandishing a big jar of Vaseline.
Jingle Jangle.

Players like White and McCormack,  who he had publicly deemed surplus to requirements, were suddenly talked up as key players in the Warnock Leeds United.

Sympathy existed in abundance for Neil, until he stated that he was quite happy with what he had ....this was his team.

Then we lost 6-1 at home to the mighty Watford and we needed reinforcements, he couldn’t wait for January to arrive , we’d see a new Leeds United, you wait and see.

Neil, its January, You have provided a team lacking in pace, power, youth, vibrance,  determination, ability, charisma or, not to put too fine a point on it, any form of organisation or a plan.

Your selection of Lee Peltier, amongst others, first as a footballer and secondly as a captain has been a cataclysmic error which you have stubbornly compounded by persevering with him.

Mine is no knee jerk reaction, YOUR Leeds United has been routinely outplayed by almost every opponent in a division which is generally accepted to be , a poor level of football.

Whilst your assistant is touting our best players to the highest bidder you are deflecting attention from yourself by blaming referees and telling us that Becchios head is being turned. Neil, its supposed to be your job to unturn it, you and your assistants. Instead we get negativity and double talk, Snake Oil !!

The performance today was unacceptable. Just like last season at Barnsley, at least Simon Grayson had the good grace to admit it. When you were walking off the pitch today, no, you didn’t imagine it, those boos were for you.

It takes a spectacular failure to turn these fans against you and you have achieved it.

From this little corner of Garforth the message is.. Neil, Thanks, but it is time to go.

To Mr Patel, Mr Haigh our club needs a top calibre manager who is capable of a root and branch assessment of our  club, someone with a long term plan, which incorporates a vibrant academy and a strong scouting system , not just relying on Ken Bates mate Mr Williams.
GFHC, forget this season, plan for the future, starting today.

Nakne fakta.... Sårt å lese, men midt på spikeren dessverre!


Quote from: Mr Kaizer on January 13, 2013, 01:02:39
En (av mange) fans som har mistet tålmodigheten med dagens lag, har ytret disse verdige ordene på Waccoe.

I have recently reached the age of 51, I have been watching Leeds United for  well over 40 of those years , I am young at heart, fit for my age. However, standing there at Oakwell today with almost 5,000 fellow sufferers watching that pathetic display made me feel every minute of my age.

During the time I have watched Leeds I have been extremely lucky to see them win the FA cup at Wembley, be the Champions of England on more than one occasion and buccaneer their way through numerous European campaigns.

I was there when we lost to Sunderland in ’73 (My home town at the time, hard to survive that as a LUFC fan) I was there when we lost to Valencia to a Mendietta inspired team, there when we were relegated at West Brom, there when we were relegated at Bolton, there when we went down to the third division  at home against Ipswich...the point is, I have seen both Great and Dark days as a Leeds fan and learned to live with both, I have learned to roll with the punches.

I have had a season ticket at Elland Road since 1989, before that you just paid your money into the kop and turned up every week, no season ticket required. I have loved this football club sometimes to the detriment of my career and health. Away game midweek ? f**k it I’m going , I’ll catch up on the sleep later. No train back ? f**k it I’ll sleep on the station.Whatever it took I would justify it to myself and still go, distance, time, cost, no object.  My childhood memories are of me and my late Father enjoying wonderful times watching a wonderful football team. Billy Bremner my hero.

I don’t regret a minute of it. And You know what ? I am absolutely one of a huge amount of people who could say exactly the same thing. That is what is so great about our club, people love to knock us, but they would love to be like us and have what we have. But they never will.

How many football clubs could command a following like ours ? After so many kicks in the balls ? after so many false dawns ? after so many disappointments ? after so many insults from within and without ? Very, very few.

Leeds United truly are one of the few sleeping giants left in world football, our potential has remained untapped due only to a lack of people with integrity, vision and ambition at the top. Leeds United could be one of the major players in Europe, and no I am not deluded, its a fact.

When Neil Warnock was appointed manager of our club I was convinced that such an appointment was a step in the right direction , if only because I believed that investment in the team must surely follow. My logic being that why on earth was he going to come otherwise ?

Lets face it, it hasn’t worked out, I sympathise with the fact that Neil wasn’t backed like he was led to believe he would be, unfair in anyones book.

I listened when Neil said that , at the back end of last season when we were cannon fodder to the mediocre, we weren’t his side, when we got to next season we would see his side, a team to be proud of, never again would we be there for the taking like that rabble, oh No !

So, once again this summer the venerable Shaun Harvey presided over yet another disastrous transfer window ( We have yet to experience any other type with Shaun in the mix.Lets not mention contract renewals either) you had to sympathise with Neil again, it looked like he had been led up the the garden path, only to meet the ghostly apparition of cigar smoking Jimmy Saville brandishing a big jar of Vaseline.
Jingle Jangle.

Players like White and McCormack,  who he had publicly deemed surplus to requirements, were suddenly talked up as key players in the Warnock Leeds United.

Sympathy existed in abundance for Neil, until he stated that he was quite happy with what he had ....this was his team.

Then we lost 6-1 at home to the mighty Watford and we needed reinforcements, he couldn’t wait for January to arrive , we’d see a new Leeds United, you wait and see.

Neil, its January, You have provided a team lacking in pace, power, youth, vibrance,  determination, ability, charisma or, not to put too fine a point on it, any form of organisation or a plan.

Your selection of Lee Peltier, amongst others, first as a footballer and secondly as a captain has been a cataclysmic error which you have stubbornly compounded by persevering with him.

Mine is no knee jerk reaction, YOUR Leeds United has been routinely outplayed by almost every opponent in a division which is generally accepted to be , a poor level of football.

Whilst your assistant is touting our best players to the highest bidder you are deflecting attention from yourself by blaming referees and telling us that Becchios head is being turned. Neil, its supposed to be your job to unturn it, you and your assistants. Instead we get negativity and double talk, Snake Oil !!

The performance today was unacceptable. Just like last season at Barnsley, at least Simon Grayson had the good grace to admit it. When you were walking off the pitch today, no, you didn’t imagine it, those boos were for you.

It takes a spectacular failure to turn these fans against you and you have achieved it.

From this little corner of Garforth the message is.. Neil, Thanks, but it is time to go.

To Mr Patel, Mr Haigh our club needs a top calibre manager who is capable of a root and branch assessment of our  club, someone with a long term plan, which incorporates a vibrant academy and a strong scouting system , not just relying on Ken Bates mate Mr Williams.
GFHC, forget this season, plan for the future, starting today.
Glimrende innlegg håper våre nye eiere får lest dette .


Quote from: marve on January 13, 2013, 01:40:31
Quote from: Mr Kaizer on January 13, 2013, 01:02:39
En (av mange) fans som har mistet tålmodigheten med dagens lag, har ytret disse verdige ordene på Waccoe.

I have recently reached the age of 51, I have been watching Leeds United for  well over 40 of those years , I am young at heart, fit for my age. However, standing there at Oakwell today with almost 5,000 fellow sufferers watching that pathetic display made me feel every minute of my age.

During the time I have watched Leeds I have been extremely lucky to see them win the FA cup at Wembley, be the Champions of England on more than one occasion and buccaneer their way through numerous European campaigns.

I was there when we lost to Sunderland in ’73 (My home town at the time, hard to survive that as a LUFC fan) I was there when we lost to Valencia to a Mendietta inspired team, there when we were relegated at West Brom, there when we were relegated at Bolton, there when we went down to the third division  at home against Ipswich...the point is, I have seen both Great and Dark days as a Leeds fan and learned to live with both, I have learned to roll with the punches.

I have had a season ticket at Elland Road since 1989, before that you just paid your money into the kop and turned up every week, no season ticket required. I have loved this football club sometimes to the detriment of my career and health. Away game midweek ? f**k it I’m going , I’ll catch up on the sleep later. No train back ? f**k it I’ll sleep on the station.Whatever it took I would justify it to myself and still go, distance, time, cost, no object.  My childhood memories are of me and my late Father enjoying wonderful times watching a wonderful football team. Billy Bremner my hero.

I don’t regret a minute of it. And You know what ? I am absolutely one of a huge amount of people who could say exactly the same thing. That is what is so great about our club, people love to knock us, but they would love to be like us and have what we have. But they never will.

How many football clubs could command a following like ours ? After so many kicks in the balls ? after so many false dawns ? after so many disappointments ? after so many insults from within and without ? Very, very few.

Leeds United truly are one of the few sleeping giants left in world football, our potential has remained untapped due only to a lack of people with integrity, vision and ambition at the top. Leeds United could be one of the major players in Europe, and no I am not deluded, its a fact.

When Neil Warnock was appointed manager of our club I was convinced that such an appointment was a step in the right direction , if only because I believed that investment in the team must surely follow. My logic being that why on earth was he going to come otherwise ?

Lets face it, it hasn’t worked out, I sympathise with the fact that Neil wasn’t backed like he was led to believe he would be, unfair in anyones book.

I listened when Neil said that , at the back end of last season when we were cannon fodder to the mediocre, we weren’t his side, when we got to next season we would see his side, a team to be proud of, never again would we be there for the taking like that rabble, oh No !

So, once again this summer the venerable Shaun Harvey presided over yet another disastrous transfer window ( We have yet to experience any other type with Shaun in the mix.Lets not mention contract renewals either) you had to sympathise with Neil again, it looked like he had been led up the the garden path, only to meet the ghostly apparition of cigar smoking Jimmy Saville brandishing a big jar of Vaseline.
Jingle Jangle.

Players like White and McCormack,  who he had publicly deemed surplus to requirements, were suddenly talked up as key players in the Warnock Leeds United.

Sympathy existed in abundance for Neil, until he stated that he was quite happy with what he had ....this was his team.

Then we lost 6-1 at home to the mighty Watford and we needed reinforcements, he couldn’t wait for January to arrive , we’d see a new Leeds United, you wait and see.

Neil, its January, You have provided a team lacking in pace, power, youth, vibrance,  determination, ability, charisma or, not to put too fine a point on it, any form of organisation or a plan.

Your selection of Lee Peltier, amongst others, first as a footballer and secondly as a captain has been a cataclysmic error which you have stubbornly compounded by persevering with him.

Mine is no knee jerk reaction, YOUR Leeds United has been routinely outplayed by almost every opponent in a division which is generally accepted to be , a poor level of football.

Whilst your assistant is touting our best players to the highest bidder you are deflecting attention from yourself by blaming referees and telling us that Becchios head is being turned. Neil, its supposed to be your job to unturn it, you and your assistants. Instead we get negativity and double talk, Snake Oil !!

The performance today was unacceptable. Just like last season at Barnsley, at least Simon Grayson had the good grace to admit it. When you were walking off the pitch today, no, you didn’t imagine it, those boos were for you.

It takes a spectacular failure to turn these fans against you and you have achieved it.

From this little corner of Garforth the message is.. Neil, Thanks, but it is time to go.

To Mr Patel, Mr Haigh our club needs a top calibre manager who is capable of a root and branch assessment of our  club, someone with a long term plan, which incorporates a vibrant academy and a strong scouting system , not just relying on Ken Bates mate Mr Williams.
GFHC, forget this season, plan for the future, starting today.
Glimrende innlegg håper våre nye eiere får lest dette .

Warnock ut!!!  Få inn en ny topp trener snarest, og la han få tid til å få orden på laget lete opp spillere mot sommeren. Warnock sier mye foregår i kulissene, okey..
Ser mest at de spillerene jeg vil beholde på laget blir linket bort fra klubben vår. Er det det som foregår?

Warnock må pakke sakene sine å dra, vi spiller uten tro virker det som. Mener vi har overprestert i denne sesongen og de kampene jeg har sett på tv er lite imponerende.

Vi trenger et sommervindu med utskiftninger. Lån spillere nå, ta hatten mellom beina å gå, få inn poyet, pulis, oleary, oneill. Vi må tenke langsiktig, warnock går til sommeren uansett, han lykkes ikke får han gir seg.

Så.. Warnock, gjør som våre norske internasjonelle topptrenere i divisjonen... Kremt..  få sparken.

Det er i allefall ikke kjedelig å være Leeds supporter.

Supporting since 1989


Quote from: Mr Kaizer on January 13, 2013, 01:02:39
En (av mange) fans som har mistet tålmodigheten med dagens lag, har ytret disse verdige ordene på Waccoe.

I have recently reached the age of 51, I have been watching Leeds United for  well over 40 of those years , I am young at heart, fit for my age. However, standing there at Oakwell today with almost 5,000 fellow sufferers watching that pathetic display made me feel every minute of my age.

During the time I have watched Leeds I have been extremely lucky to see them win the FA cup at Wembley, be the Champions of England on more than one occasion and buccaneer their way through numerous European campaigns.

I was there when we lost to Sunderland in ’73 (My home town at the time, hard to survive that as a LUFC fan) I was there when we lost to Valencia to a Mendietta inspired team, there when we were relegated at West Brom, there when we were relegated at Bolton, there when we went down to the third division  at home against Ipswich...the point is, I have seen both Great and Dark days as a Leeds fan and learned to live with both, I have learned to roll with the punches.

I have had a season ticket at Elland Road since 1989, before that you just paid your money into the kop and turned up every week, no season ticket required. I have loved this football club sometimes to the detriment of my career and health. Away game midweek ? f**k it I’m going , I’ll catch up on the sleep later. No train back ? f**k it I’ll sleep on the station.Whatever it took I would justify it to myself and still go, distance, time, cost, no object.  My childhood memories are of me and my late Father enjoying wonderful times watching a wonderful football team. Billy Bremner my hero.

I don’t regret a minute of it. And You know what ? I am absolutely one of a huge amount of people who could say exactly the same thing. That is what is so great about our club, people love to knock us, but they would love to be like us and have what we have. But they never will.

How many football clubs could command a following like ours ? After so many kicks in the balls ? after so many false dawns ? after so many disappointments ? after so many insults from within and without ? Very, very few.

Leeds United truly are one of the few sleeping giants left in world football, our potential has remained untapped due only to a lack of people with integrity, vision and ambition at the top. Leeds United could be one of the major players in Europe, and no I am not deluded, its a fact.

When Neil Warnock was appointed manager of our club I was convinced that such an appointment was a step in the right direction , if only because I believed that investment in the team must surely follow. My logic being that why on earth was he going to come otherwise ?

Lets face it, it hasn’t worked out, I sympathise with the fact that Neil wasn’t backed like he was led to believe he would be, unfair in anyones book.

I listened when Neil said that , at the back end of last season when we were cannon fodder to the mediocre, we weren’t his side, when we got to next season we would see his side, a team to be proud of, never again would we be there for the taking like that rabble, oh No !

So, once again this summer the venerable Shaun Harvey presided over yet another disastrous transfer window ( We have yet to experience any other type with Shaun in the mix.Lets not mention contract renewals either) you had to sympathise with Neil again, it looked like he had been led up the the garden path, only to meet the ghostly apparition of cigar smoking Jimmy Saville brandishing a big jar of Vaseline.
Jingle Jangle.

Players like White and McCormack,  who he had publicly deemed surplus to requirements, were suddenly talked up as key players in the Warnock Leeds United.

Sympathy existed in abundance for Neil, until he stated that he was quite happy with what he had ....this was his team.

Then we lost 6-1 at home to the mighty Watford and we needed reinforcements, he couldn’t wait for January to arrive , we’d see a new Leeds United, you wait and see.

Neil, its January, You have provided a team lacking in pace, power, youth, vibrance,  determination, ability, charisma or, not to put too fine a point on it, any form of organisation or a plan.

Your selection of Lee Peltier, amongst others, first as a footballer and secondly as a captain has been a cataclysmic error which you have stubbornly compounded by persevering with him.

Mine is no knee jerk reaction, YOUR Leeds United has been routinely outplayed by almost every opponent in a division which is generally accepted to be , a poor level of football.

Whilst your assistant is touting our best players to the highest bidder you are deflecting attention from yourself by blaming referees and telling us that Becchios head is being turned. Neil, its supposed to be your job to unturn it, you and your assistants. Instead we get negativity and double talk, Snake Oil !!

The performance today was unacceptable. Just like last season at Barnsley, at least Simon Grayson had the good grace to admit it. When you were walking off the pitch today, no, you didn’t imagine it, those boos were for you.

It takes a spectacular failure to turn these fans against you and you have achieved it.

From this little corner of Garforth the message is.. Neil, Thanks, but it is time to go.

To Mr Patel, Mr Haigh our club needs a top calibre manager who is capable of a root and branch assessment of our  club, someone with a long term plan, which incorporates a vibrant academy and a strong scouting system , not just relying on Ken Bates mate Mr Williams.
GFHC, forget this season, plan for the future, starting today.

spot on dette her
Forever Leeds United!!!!!!!!


Og som han sier, Mick Jones prøver nærmest å selge spillerne med sine uttalelser.


Jeg tar tapet med et skuldertrekk og guttungen spør ikke lenger hva resultatet ble.. Skremmende!!

Jon R

Quote from: Kontakinte on January 13, 2013, 12:26:42
Jeg tar tapet med et skuldertrekk og guttungen spør ikke lenger hva resultatet ble.. Skremmende!!

Huff! Jeg tar ikke tapet med et skuldetrekk men opplever ellers det samme med guttungen her i huset.  Vi er antagelig ikke alene om dette, Kenneth!
Jon R.


Likegyldighet er det verste. Så lenge vi enn blir forbanna, så bryr vi oss ihvertfall.


Quote from: ollan on January 10, 2013, 21:26:16
Quote from: Oppdrettslaksen on January 10, 2013, 19:17:17
Jeg er fyrig på veddemål jeg også, auren ;)

Jeg har virkelig troa på at Tonge kan gi oss det løftet vi trenger til å ta disse 6 essensielle poengene!
ha da er vi 2 mot 1 jokke :D
Flere som er med så blakker vi auren? ;D
Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Tapatalk 2

Sjelden lurt å satse penger på Leeds. Skal dere ha kontonr mitt?  :-*

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Quote from: Mr Kaizer on January 13, 2013, 01:02:39
En (av mange) fans som har mistet tålmodigheten med dagens lag, har ytret disse verdige ordene på Waccoe.

I have recently reached the age of 51, I have been watching Leeds United for  well over 40 of those years , I am young at heart, fit for my age. However, standing there at Oakwell today with almost 5,000 fellow sufferers watching that pathetic display made me feel every minute of my age.

During the time I have watched Leeds I have been extremely lucky to see them win the FA cup at Wembley, be the Champions of England on more than one occasion and buccaneer their way through numerous European campaigns.

I was there when we lost to Sunderland in ’73 (My home town at the time, hard to survive that as a LUFC fan) I was there when we lost to Valencia to a Mendietta inspired team, there when we were relegated at West Brom, there when we were relegated at Bolton, there when we went down to the third division  at home against Ipswich...the point is, I have seen both Great and Dark days as a Leeds fan and learned to live with both, I have learned to roll with the punches.

I have had a season ticket at Elland Road since 1989, before that you just paid your money into the kop and turned up every week, no season ticket required. I have loved this football club sometimes to the detriment of my career and health. Away game midweek ? f**k it I’m going , I’ll catch up on the sleep later. No train back ? f**k it I’ll sleep on the station.Whatever it took I would justify it to myself and still go, distance, time, cost, no object.  My childhood memories are of me and my late Father enjoying wonderful times watching a wonderful football team. Billy Bremner my hero.

I don’t regret a minute of it. And You know what ? I am absolutely one of a huge amount of people who could say exactly the same thing. That is what is so great about our club, people love to knock us, but they would love to be like us and have what we have. But they never will.

How many football clubs could command a following like ours ? After so many kicks in the balls ? after so many false dawns ? after so many disappointments ? after so many insults from within and without ? Very, very few.

Leeds United truly are one of the few sleeping giants left in world football, our potential has remained untapped due only to a lack of people with integrity, vision and ambition at the top. Leeds United could be one of the major players in Europe, and no I am not deluded, its a fact.

When Neil Warnock was appointed manager of our club I was convinced that such an appointment was a step in the right direction , if only because I believed that investment in the team must surely follow. My logic being that why on earth was he going to come otherwise ?

Lets face it, it hasn’t worked out, I sympathise with the fact that Neil wasn’t backed like he was led to believe he would be, unfair in anyones book.

I listened when Neil said that , at the back end of last season when we were cannon fodder to the mediocre, we weren’t his side, when we got to next season we would see his side, a team to be proud of, never again would we be there for the taking like that rabble, oh No !

So, once again this summer the venerable Shaun Harvey presided over yet another disastrous transfer window ( We have yet to experience any other type with Shaun in the mix.Lets not mention contract renewals either) you had to sympathise with Neil again, it looked like he had been led up the the garden path, only to meet the ghostly apparition of cigar smoking Jimmy Saville brandishing a big jar of Vaseline.
Jingle Jangle.

Players like White and McCormack,  who he had publicly deemed surplus to requirements, were suddenly talked up as key players in the Warnock Leeds United.

Sympathy existed in abundance for Neil, until he stated that he was quite happy with what he had ....this was his team.

Then we lost 6-1 at home to the mighty Watford and we needed reinforcements, he couldn’t wait for January to arrive , we’d see a new Leeds United, you wait and see.

Neil, its January, You have provided a team lacking in pace, power, youth, vibrance,  determination, ability, charisma or, not to put too fine a point on it, any form of organisation or a plan.

Your selection of Lee Peltier, amongst others, first as a footballer and secondly as a captain has been a cataclysmic error which you have stubbornly compounded by persevering with him.

Mine is no knee jerk reaction, YOUR Leeds United has been routinely outplayed by almost every opponent in a division which is generally accepted to be , a poor level of football.

Whilst your assistant is touting our best players to the highest bidder you are deflecting attention from yourself by blaming referees and telling us that Becchios head is being turned. Neil, its supposed to be your job to unturn it, you and your assistants. Instead we get negativity and double talk, Snake Oil !!

The performance today was unacceptable. Just like last season at Barnsley, at least Simon Grayson had the good grace to admit it. When you were walking off the pitch today, no, you didn’t imagine it, those boos were for you.

It takes a spectacular failure to turn these fans against you and you have achieved it.

From this little corner of Garforth the message is.. Neil, Thanks, but it is time to go.

To Mr Patel, Mr Haigh our club needs a top calibre manager who is capable of a root and branch assessment of our  club, someone with a long term plan, which incorporates a vibrant academy and a strong scouting system , not just relying on Ken Bates mate Mr Williams.
GFHC, forget this season, plan for the future, starting today.

Skrevet av en fortvilet 51 åring med 40 års Leeds United erfaring. Trist er det, men sterkt. Jeg fyller 50 om få dager, og kjenner godt på det han skriver her....sukk!!  :'(
Yeboahs vitne