Skrevet av Emne: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams  (Lest 14549 ganger)

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Sv: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #30 på: Januar 21, 2014, 22:30:09 »
Signeringene til Gwyn, noen vellykkede?

En opplisting som skapt for vinterdepresjoner.
Signeringene til Gwyn, noen vellykkede?

En opplisting som skapt for vinterdepresjoner.

A list of rubbish

Rudi G.

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Sv: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #31 på: Januar 21, 2014, 23:16:49 »
Higgs var bra.


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Sv: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #32 på: Januar 22, 2014, 21:40:54 »
Kandol & Carole begynte bra men gikk dessverre i dass....

Elendig mann : Gwyn Williams
Pontus ❤


  • Gjest
Sv: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #33 på: Januar 24, 2014, 18:04:07 »
Denne mannen er vel neppe verdt en egen tråd. Er som en Ridsdale i fattigmannsformat.
Innkjøpslisten hans burde vært spikret opp på veggen på styre rommet slik at man kunne bruke den som mal for og unngå horrible spillerkjøp på nytt.

Promotion 2010

Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #34 på: Februar 06, 2015, 19:40:38 »
@APOPEY: Ex #lufc technical director Gwyn Williams case regarding his dismissal for alleged misconduct is set to be heard in High Court on Monday.

?    :o    ?

@PhilHayYEP: Williams is Leeds United's former technical director. He was dismissed for alleged misconduct by the club in 2013.

@APOPEY: #lufc Williams is believed to be suing club for unfair dismissal & damages of around £250k.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #35 på: Februar 09, 2015, 19:13:51 »
Former Leeds United boss sues over sacking for sending email of naked women in shower

Elland Road
Published on the
09 February

LEEDS United’s former technical director has brought a High Court damages claim over his dismissal for sending an email containing “obscene” images of naked women in the shower.

Gwyn Williams, 66, who was summarily dismissed for gross misconduct in July 2013, is seeking up to £250,000 in compensation for breach of contract.

He claims that the email he sent to ex-Chelsea colleague Dennis Wise, Gus Poyet - now head coach of Sunderland - and Carol Lamb, a receptionist at the club, was part of a “dirty Leeds” joke, referring to the club’s reputation for heavy tackling in the 1970s.

His counsel, Daniel Barnett, has told Mr Justice Lewis at London’s High Court that an attachment to the March 2008 email contained some images of a “Benny Hill” or “saucy postcard” nature while others went a little further, showing genitalia and women hugging and caressing each other.

“But they fall considerably short of hard-core pornography, or images that are likely to shock and disturb. They are innocuous in nature,” he said.

Mr Williams, who joined Leeds in August 2006 at an annual salary of £200,000 plus benefits, argues that forwarding the email to three friends was not sufficiently serious to amount to a repudiatory breach of contract - while the club says it was.

He says that five years and eight months elapsed before it was discovered by the club, while allegedly conducting a forensic examination to find a reason to justify not paying him his notice.

Mr Barnett said: “The sole remaining issue is whether forwarding an email containing vulgar images goes suffficiently to the root of the employment contract to justify dismissal without notice.”

Mr Williams agreed with the club’s counsel, Fraser Campbell, that, as a matter of commonsense, people should not forward pornography from their work emails and it was particularly inappropriate for someone in a position of responsibility who was supposed to be setting an example to young people and whose actions might be of interest to the press.

Mr Campbell: “We can probably agree that it was inappropriate, it was dangerous and it was worrying, wasn’t it?”

Mr Williams: “Correct.”

Referring to one of the images, Mr Campbell asked: “Would you agree it’s obscene?”

Mr Williams: “Yes.”

Mr Campbell: “And by the word `obscene’, more than just racy, risque, rude. It means explicit and probably likely to offend many people?”

Mr Williams: “It could do, yes.”

Mr Williams said that he sent the email, which he agreed contained other images that were obscene, to the two men to amuse and titillate them. Looking back, he accepted it was something he should not have done.

“From 1970, Leeds was known as `dirty Leeds’ and these were forwarded to me on the basis that these were muddy girls in a shower getting clean and that was the basis I sent them out. Rather than the content, it was the dirty Leeds issue.”

He added: “Obviously, one or two of them go a little bit further, but that was the general theme of it.”

Mr Williams was asked about why he sent the email to Miss Lamb, who Mr Campbell described as a good-looking single mother, who was half Mr Williams’s age and on a fraction of his salary.

Mr Williams said that Miss Lamb was “a good kid” and “Leeds United mad”, and he thought she would appreciate the email and “have a giggle about it.”

“But I was wrong - I shouldn’t have sent it,” he told the judge.

Mr Campbell: “ You understand just how bad it looks to an outside observer when a senior older well-connected manager singles out a young junior female receptionist out of all the people in the club to send an obscene email to?”

Mr Williams: “I agree.”

Mr Campbell: “In your statement, you say it probably falls short of best practice. To an outside observer, it looks like absolutely standard sexual harassment, doesn’t it?”

Mr Williams: “No, we had a good relationship in the work environment. I incorrectly assumed that it wouldn’t offend her and I sent it on a whim, on the dirty Leeds thing.”

The hearing, which is likely to last up to three days, was adjourned until tomorrow.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #36 på: Februar 09, 2015, 19:46:10 »
Vi har gjennom ti år satt verdensrekord i elendige ansettelser, til altfor mye penger.


Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #37 på: Februar 10, 2015, 10:35:01 »
Klubben har fungert som fluepapir for evneveike ledere og administrasjonsmennesker.....rask!


Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #38 på: Februar 10, 2015, 16:21:25 »
Ja jøss. Hvis han virkelig har sendt en email med bilder av "Benny-Hill" aktige damer i dusjen, attpåtil til ei dame i resepsjonen, og dette skjedde i 2008, så forklarer det en hel del. Ikke rart at klubben går nedenom og hjem. Det er jo umulig å forestille seg at han i tillegg til dette kan ha gjort noe som helst fornuftig for den romslige lønna.
(Ironialarm slutt)

Det værste med dette er det faktum at man sparker fyren med dette som begrunnelse. Det sier alt om lederkulturen i dagens regime mener nå jeg.

Til slutt: Selvsagt tyder det på at Gwyn Williams er en gammel gris, og at han hadde et godt øye til dama i resepsjonen. Men denne episoden er da ikke oppsigelsesgrunn, med 6 års tilbakevirkende kraft. Hvem er forresten verneombud, og sitter Cellino som leder av AMU???


Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #39 på: Februar 10, 2015, 16:25:14 »
Etter å ha lest dette er jeg helt rystet over at jeg fortsatt har jobb. I motsetning til Gwyn er jeg flink i jobben min, det kan jo ha noe med saken å gjøre, men om mail av nakne damer i dusjen var oppsigelses grunn hadde nok jeg stått i køen på NAV  ;D


Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #40 på: Februar 10, 2015, 16:39:49 »
Ja jøss. Hvis han virkelig har sendt en email med bilder av "Benny-Hill" aktige damer i dusjen, attpåtil til ei dame i resepsjonen, og dette skjedde i 2008, så forklarer det en hel del. Ikke rart at klubben går nedenom og hjem. Det er jo umulig å forestille seg at han i tillegg til dette kan ha gjort noe som helst fornuftig for den romslige lønna.
(Ironialarm slutt)

Det værste med dette er det faktum at man sparker fyren med dette som begrunnelse. Det sier alt om lederkulturen i dagens regime mener nå jeg.

Til slutt: Selvsagt tyder det på at Gwyn Williams er en gammel gris, og at han hadde et godt øye til dama i resepsjonen. Men denne episoden er da ikke oppsigelsesgrunn, med 6 års tilbakevirkende kraft. Hvem er forresten verneombud, og sitter Cellino som leder av AMU???

Dette sier ingen ting om lederkulturen i dagens regime. Williams ble sparket sommeren 2013, mens Patel og Haigh skakkjørte klubben.
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974

Promotion 2010

Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #41 på: Februar 18, 2015, 20:26:43 »
@APOPEY: #lufc Looks like the judgement will be made tomorrow in the High Court in the case involving ex Technical Director Gwyn Williams.

Mye saker som skal avgjøres for tiden!  ::)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #42 på: Februar 19, 2015, 12:27:41 »
Former #lufc technical director Gwyn Williams has lost his High Court claim for wrongful dismissal against Leeds United.

Williams was sacked by Leeds United in 2013 for sending obsence, pornographic images to three members of staff in 2008. #lufc

Vi begynner å vinne disse sakene nå.

Snur det? ☺
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #43 på: Februar 19, 2015, 12:30:42 »
Ex-Leeds United boss loses High Court claim over ‘obscene’ email

Published: 19 February 2015

Elland Road

LEEDS United’s former technical director has lost his High Court damages claim over his dismissal for sending an email containing “obscene” images of naked women in the shower.

Gwyn Williams, 66, who was summarily dismissed for gross misconduct in July 2013, was seeking up to £250,000 in compensation for breach of contract.

Mr Williams claimed the email he sent to ex-Chelsea colleague Dennis Wise, Gus Poyet - now head coach of Sunderland - and Carol Lamb, a receptionist at the club, was part of a “dirty Leeds” joke, referring to the club’s reputation for heavy tackling in the 1970s.

But dismissing his case today, Mr Justice Lewis of the Queen’s Bench Division said sending the “obscene and pornographic e-mails” was “a sufficiently serious breach of the duty of implied trust and confidence as to amount to a repudiation of the contract”.

He said: “The Club was entitled to rely upon that conduct as justifying the summary dismissal of the Claimant on 30 July 2013. The claim is therefore dismissed
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #44 på: Februar 19, 2015, 13:13:11 »
Jon R.

Promotion 2010

Sv: EX-Technical Director: Gwyn Williams
« Svar #45 på: August 01, 2015, 09:16:14 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973