Skrevet av Emne: Phil Hay-sitater; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen  (Lest 8686 ganger)

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Phil Hay-sitater; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« på: Mai 03, 2007, 19:17:15 »

Intervju med Phil Hay, YEPs fotballekspert om hvorfor Leeds bør rykke rett opp igjen og hva som skal til for å klare det helt til topps...penger selvsagt!
« Siste redigering: Juni 26, 2019, 22:33:50 av Promotion 2010 »
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Re: Phil Hay; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« Svar #1 på: Mai 03, 2007, 19:26:00 »
Som Hay sier, på et eller annet tidspunkt kommer det en kar og innser at Leeds er en god investering! Det vil skje!

After Chaos Cometh Light -  We Are Leeds!
After Chaos Cometh Light -  We Are Leeds!


Re: Phil Hay; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« Svar #2 på: Mai 03, 2007, 21:00:40 »
Phil Hay KAN Leeds........og han sier det vi alle ønsker.
Ny eier behøves.


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Phil Hay;PL; vi vil bli rikere-L1; vi vil bli mindre fattige!
« Svar #3 på: Februar 15, 2008, 12:45:04 »

Betraktninger om Premier Leagues siste forslag om å spille kamper verden rundt for å bli rikere, mens lagene i Football League sliter for å unngå fattigdom og konkurs! Og så kommer han med tanker om Leeds status og hvordan det vil være med en ny sesong i L1. Bekymringsfuult noe av dette!
Yeboahs vitne


Sv: Phil Hay;PL; vi vil bli rikere-L1; vi vil bli mindre fattige!
« Svar #4 på: Februar 15, 2008, 13:01:57 »
Ã… skape stabile "non-footballing" inntekter har Bates snakket om flere ganger. Det er bare å håpe det blir noe av dne omtalte næringsutbyggingen ved ER slik at Leeds er sikret inntekter også utenfor fotballen.


Phil Hay med kommentar i BT idag
« Svar #5 på: Desember 08, 2013, 12:30:53 »
Dobbeltside om Leeds og Austin i BT i dag. Kjekk lesing. Phil Hay seier på slutten at laget ikkje blir eit topplag utan ein målfarlig spiss og ein god sentral midtbanespelar.

Etter mi meining skivebom ut av andre prosisjonar av Hay. McCormack har vel vist no kva han står for samt at midtbanen med Austin - Murphy - Mowatt matchar fleire av laga PL, men må nok jobbe med stabiliteten. McDermott har heilt klart vist at det er masse talent i fleire av spelarane som er i laget og alt dette maset om at det må hentast inn eit nytt lag i nye spelarar viser seg å bare være vås. Derimot litt fart både offansivt og deffansivt vil nok ikkje være dumt ;)


Sv: Phil Hay med kommentar i BT idag
« Svar #6 på: Desember 08, 2013, 13:12:37 »
Dobbeltside om Leeds og Austin i BT i dag. Kjekk lesing. Phil Hay seier på slutten at laget ikkje blir eit topplag utan ein målfarlig spiss og ein god sentral midtbanespelar.

Etter mi meining skivebom ut av andre prosisjonar av Hay. McCormack har vel vist no kva han står for samt at midtbanen med Austin - Murphy - Mowatt matchar fleire av laga PL, men må nok jobbe med stabiliteten. McDermott har heilt klart vist at det er masse talent i fleire av spelarane som er i laget og alt dette maset om at det må hentast inn eit nytt lag i nye spelarar viser seg å bare være vås. Derimot litt fart både offansivt og deffansivt vil nok ikkje være dumt ;)

Hva mener du egentlig? Du skriver det er vås at laget ikkje er godt nok, samt sier du at laget skulle hatt inn litt fart både offansivt og deffansivt?
Rogaland Whites


Sv: Phil Hay med kommentar i BT idag
« Svar #7 på: Desember 08, 2013, 17:06:08 »
Dobbeltside om Leeds og Austin i BT i dag. Kjekk lesing. Phil Hay seier på slutten at laget ikkje blir eit topplag utan ein målfarlig spiss og ein god sentral midtbanespelar.

Etter mi meining skivebom ut av andre prosisjonar av Hay. McCormack har vel vist no kva han står for samt at midtbanen med Austin - Murphy - Mowatt matchar fleire av laga PL, men må nok jobbe med stabiliteten. McDermott har heilt klart vist at det er masse talent i fleire av spelarane som er i laget og alt dette maset om at det må hentast inn eit nytt lag i nye spelarar viser seg å bare være vås. Derimot litt fart både offansivt og deffansivt vil nok ikkje være dumt ;)

Selvfølgelig har vi en målfarlig spiss, men han mener at vi er FOR avhengige av bare Ross og trenger en ny kvalitetsspiss ved siden av ham.
Når det gjelder Murphy er dommen fortsatt uklar, hvorvidt han virkelig er god nok til å ta steget videre. Derfor er det ønskelig med en kreativ kraft ved siden av Rudy og som kan hjelpe Mowatt til å utvikle seg.


Sv: Phil Hay med kommentar i BT idag
« Svar #8 på: Desember 08, 2013, 20:11:44 »
Det som er vås er at når vi ligg under så skrives det at alle spelarar til Leeds er bås og har ingenting i PL å gjøre. Men egentlig så er laget som spelar akkurat no godt nok for opprykk, men det trengs nok ein 2-3 spelarar med fart (helst i bakre ledd) om ein skal holde plassen i PL.
Men alle som meiner svært få av dagens spelarar ikkje held mål i PL bør vel ta ein kikk på Hull og kor langt ein kjem med hard innsats og middels talent. Spesielt ein viss midtstoppar på dette laget som mange her inne ikkje meinte holdt Championship-nivå. Fleire spelarar hevar seg med nivået dei spelar på og senkar seg i så måte når dei går ned eit nivå. Derfor ingen fasit at det må inn mange nye fjes for at det skal bli både opprykk og at ein eventuelt skal holde seg der.

Forstår at det sannsynlegvis er dårlig dekning viss McC blir borte, men hadde eg vært journalist som følgte Leeds så ville eg ha peka på heilt andre områder der eg syns laget trengte nye spelartypar og då spesielt fart i midtforsvaret/back!


Phil Hay sier vel egentlig at vi er håpløse? Er det håp?
« Svar #9 på: Januar 16, 2014, 09:35:33 »

Chief football writer Phil Hay identifies six key areas where things have gone wrong for Brian Mcdermott’s Leeds United.


Before last Thursday, wingers were in short supply at Elland Road. And goals posed a problem until Ross McCormack’s instinct kicked in properly at the start of October. But Saturday’s defeat at Hillsborough showed that width and strikers are redundant without a dominant midfield to cut them loose.

Leeds United’s fatigue is as much a product of their struggle to control games as it is the number of appearances asked of individual players. Statistically, the club were heavily outpassed by both Nottingham Forest at Sheffield Wednesday. They have also been overrun in key battles – Alex Mowatt bettered by the near flawless Kieran Lee last weekend, Tom Cairney superior to Luke Murphy during United’s loss against Blackburn Rovers and Forest’s Andy Reid on a different level of performance to Rudolph Austin. The numbers prove it.

Lee’s 98 per cent pass completion rate at Hillsborough was suffocating, albeit against a team reduced to 10 men in the second half, and he gave Wednesday their rhythm As one former Leeds player put it, if you can’t keep the ball then you’re going to tire. And you’re going to lose games.


Globally, 4-4-2 or minor variations are considered to be outdated and a diamond midfield did not give Brian McDermott the cut-and-thrust he needed, despite United’s steady start to the season. They were organised but lacking the freedom and variety which came with the introductin of 3-5-2 three months ago.

That system worked for a time and worked well. It was the most suitable set-up for a squad whose only means of effective width was the employment of wing-backs. But there were signs around Christmas of opposition managers working United’s tactics out.

Forest created huge gaps between McCormack and Matt Smith up front and Blackburn skilfully picked Leeds off on the flanks. A change was arguably in order before the FA Cup tie at Rochdale but McDermott’s experiment with 3-4-3 has been a disaster and that plan will almost certainly be tucked away after two horrendous games, never to return.

The reason 4-4-2 was redundant earlier in the season was because McDermott had no wingers, or none that he trusted. Cameron Stewart and Jimmy Kebe give him two good reasons to turn to it now.


Leeds have produced fewer shots on target in their past three league games – six in total – than they did in one rousing win over Birmingham City on October 20. Goals are drying up but only because United’s chances have too.

Players like Kebe and Stewart exist to solve that sort of problem but they will do nothing in the isolation they experienced at Hillsborough. Stewart touched the ball a total of 17 times and produced one cross. Kebe conjured two before his substitution on 66 minutes.

A striker as imposing as Smith will attack inviting balls all day but searching deliveries into the box also create opportunities for the poacher in McCormack too. In their better periods since August, Leeds have been adept at building pressure and sustaining it. To their immense satisfaction, Wednesday were given a free ride – which is criminal considering the wobbly presence of Miguel Llera in the centre of their defence. He was ready to explode, if only someone could have lit the fuse.


Statistics can prove just about anything. Depending on your point of view, McCormack has one goal in six games or 12 in 13.

He is still the Championship’s top scorer, with Jordan Rhodes and Danny Ings breathing down his neck, but Leeds are no longer playing to his strengths in the way that they were in better times – sending him into space, feeding him through the middle, giving him room to shoot.

The recent formations haven’t helped and McCormack’s floating display at Hillsborough brought to mind United’s horrible loss at Southampton on the first day of the 2011-12 season. It was clear on that dismal evening that playing McCormack along up front is a gift to the defence confronting him and a waste of his talent.

Luciano Becchio was tailor-made for that role but McCormack needs possession to work with and players close-by to link with and bounce off. McDermott must be keenly aware of the need to involve him more heavily again.


Lack of leadership is a footballing cliche but Peter Lorimer’s YEP column today raises that concern.

In Lorimer’s view, Leeds were visibly rudderless as the goals flew in at Hillsborough – no shouting, no arguing, no conjolling, no defiance.

McDermott voiced a similar opinion after the FA Cup loss at Rochdale, saying: “We need leaders on the pitch – many leaders, not just the captain.”

Back in the summer he made a persistent effort to sign Gordon Greer from Brighton – the infamous “fourth signing” that never quite materialised – and gave very clear hints that the player in question would be given the armband this season, but when Greer signed a new contract at Brighton, Rudy Austin took the captaincy instead.

Austin was, to many, as obvious a candidate as anyone else in McDermott’s squad and to lay the blame squarely on him for the past three weeks would ignore many other issues. Still, he has struggled desperately. Only United’s manager can judge the implications of a mid-season change in that department but nerve and guidance needs to come from somewhere.


Marius Zaliukas’ insane back-heel at the end of the debacle at Wednesday was not the act of a cocky player. It was the act of a defender whose head and judgement had deserted him. These have been brutal days and McDermott’s “back to basics” attitude is indicative of a team who need reminding of what it was that brought seven wins from nine games prior to Christmas.
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Phil Hay sier vel egentlig at vi er håpløse? Er det håp?
« Svar #10 på: Januar 16, 2014, 09:41:37 »
Hvordan hadde den artikkelen sett ut når vi vant 7 av 9 kamper før jul?
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Phil Hay sier vel egentlig at vi er håpløse? Er det håp?
« Svar #11 på: Januar 16, 2014, 09:45:36 »
Hvordan hadde den artikkelen sett ut når vi vant 7 av 9 kamper før jul?

godt spørsmål  ;)
Ups & Ups!!

Jon R

Sv: Phil Hay sier vel egentlig at vi er håpløse? Er det håp?
« Svar #12 på: Januar 16, 2014, 14:51:45 »
Hvordan hadde den artikkelen sett ut når vi vant 7 av 9 kamper før jul?

Antagelig omtrent som han skriver: 3-5-2 taktikken passer stallen godt og fungerer godt i praksis. Muligens med en advarsel om at motstandernes managere trolig snart vil knekke koden og iverksette effektive taktiske mottrekk!  :o
Jon R.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Phil Hay-sitater; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« Svar #13 på: Juni 26, 2019, 22:37:11 »
Phil Hay har funnet nytt arbeidssted!

Three regional football journalists join The Athletic

June 26, 2019
New digital sports subscription publishers The Athletic have added three leading regional paper writers to their expanding team.

Phil Hay of the Yorkshire Evening Post, Liverpool Echo’s James Pearce and Wolves reporter Tim Spiers have all announced their departures via social media.

The Athletic, an American company which launched in 2016, plans to launch a UK edition in August and are recruiting 50-55 editorial staff.

Their site promises no advertising and no click bait and plans to charge £40 a year for access to exclusive, high-quality content.

Hay, who has reported on Leeds for years, was shortlisted at the SJA British Sports Journalism awards in the regional writer category.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Phil Hay-sitater; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« Svar #14 på: Juni 26, 2019, 22:54:45 »

£40 a year to read phil’s articles. fine, take it. #lufc

athletic subscription. no adverts, no click bait, just solid articles for £40 a year apparently

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Phil Hay-sitater; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« Svar #15 på: ſeptember 19, 2019, 17:31:10 »
Til de som ennå ikke har kjøpt tilgang til Phil Hay og The Athletic, her er noen emner som er på gang:

I've got a piece coming shortly on Bielsa's South American assistants. Due to interview a former Leeds player tomorrow, an actual Leeds player on Monday and something special in the pipeline for a couple of weeks' time.

Av de han har gjort så langt?

Favourite article? I really enjoyed writing the Bielsa piece I did for FourFourTwo last season. And on the Athletic so far, going to Castellon to find out about Hernandez's roots was great fun. The Burley Banksy was a touching story too.
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Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Sv: Phil Hay-sitater; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« Svar #16 på: November 06, 2019, 22:57:51 »
Om noen fortsatt ikke abonnerer på The Athletic og Phil Hays artikler...

Phil Hay

Replying to
we’ve got a special promo code ahead of Liverpool-City this weekend but it gives access to all content, including LUFC. 40 per cent off a year’s subscription via this link:
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: Phil Hay-sitater; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« Svar #17 på: November 06, 2019, 23:00:03 »
Om noen fortsatt ikke abonnerer på The Athletic og Phil Hays artikler...

Phil Hay

Replying to
we’ve got a special promo code ahead of Liverpool-City this weekend but it gives access to all content, including LUFC. 40 per cent off a year’s subscription via this link:

Dagens Phil omhandler Simon Walton - var ikke klar over at han var sååå hot-head :o

Phil Hay

Interview with Simon Walton.

- on becoming a first team player at Leeds on his first day of full training
- how defeat in the 2006 play-off final spelled the end for him at Elland Road
- why he refused to attend games as a fan while Ken Bates was chairman
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Phil Hay-sitater; hvorfor Leeds rett opp igjen
« Svar #18 på: November 06, 2019, 23:57:28 »
Om noen fortsatt ikke abonnerer på The Athletic og Phil Hays artikler...

Phil Hay

Replying to
we’ve got a special promo code ahead of Liverpool-City this weekend but it gives access to all content, including LUFC. 40 per cent off a year’s subscription via this link:

Dagens Phil omhandler Simon Walton - var ikke klar over at han var sååå hot-head :o

Phil Hay

Interview with Simon Walton.

- on becoming a first team player at Leeds on his first day of full training
- how defeat in the 2006 play-off final spelled the end for him at Elland Road
- why he refused to attend games as a fan while Ken Bates was chairman

Er det virkelig så lenge siden han spilte hos oss...Grøss å gru hva tia går... :o