Skrevet av Emne: EX-Manager: Simon Grayson  (Lest 447397 ganger)

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Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #720 på: August 07, 2011, 12:43:19 »
Da Glynn Snodin kom til klubben ble han spurt om det ville vær forskjell på å droppe en divisjon fra West Ham til Leeds. Han uttalte at den store forskjellen ville være at i PL trengte man lite individuell coaching av enkeltspillere fordi de forsto spillet bedre enn folk i lavere divisjoner. Nå er Snodin i en lavere divisjon, men det virker ikke som om man-management er hans, Graysons eller Millers sterke side.

Forøvrig er jeg litt forundret over at det er Ian Miller Grayson stadig konfererer med på sidelinjen i løpet av kampene.

Savner store navn i Leeds-ledelsen. Hvordan kan Grayson som aldri har ført et lag så høyt opp som til 7.plass i npC kunne konkurrere mot Sam Allardyce med flere...?
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #721 på: August 08, 2011, 07:26:39 »

Virker fornuftig det han skriver her. Har Bates mistet tilliten til Grayson og at han derfor ikke har fått penger å shoppe for? Grayson har gjort en glimrende jobb for Leeds siste 3 sesonger med meget begrensede midler. Han har noen mangler som manager som f.eks. forsvarsspillet, men ingen kan si noe annet enn at han har forbedret Leeds for hver sesong siden han tok over.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


  • Gjest
Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #722 på: August 08, 2011, 07:31:04 »
Nå er vi i en posisjon som Grayson ikke kan gjøe noe med. Grayson er nok en meget god manager på league one nivået- Ikke fullgod høyere opp. Men på league one nivå. Ja da fungerer Grayson


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #723 på: August 08, 2011, 07:34:37 »
Jeg har troen på Grayson og den offensive spillestilen hans, men han får ikke de midlene som skal til for å hente spillere som behersker denne fullt ut (midtbane\forsvar). Tror Bates har ødelagt mye for Graysons planer pga meget stram lønnspolitikk og lite transfermidler.

Jeg sier behold Grayson og "spark" Bates!  :)
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #724 på: August 08, 2011, 07:40:49 »
Jeg har aldri hørt om at en arbeidstaker kan sparke arbeidsgiver. ??? ;D


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #725 på: August 08, 2011, 07:51:25 »
Jeg har aldri hørt om at en arbeidstaker kan sparke arbeidsgiver. ??? ;D

Nå skrev jeg jo faktisk "spark" Bates.... ::)
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #726 på: August 08, 2011, 10:02:42 »
Grayson har identifisert fjorårets defensive problemer i en for svak keeper og mangel på sjefer og "shouters" på banen. Igår hadde vi ny keeper og tre "sjefer" i Kisnorbo, Brown og Lonergan. Allikevel ser vi akkurat de samme puttefeilene som ifjor. Kampen må ha vært et sjokk for naive Grayson som åpenbart ikke har gjort noe med det strukturelle. Jeg gjentar meg selv: Vi trenger nye folk i trenerteamet mer enn vi trenger nye spillere. Hvis ikke vil også Kisnorbo snart løpe rundt som en hodeløs kylling, slik AOB gjorde igår.

På papiret skal vi ha gode nok forsvarsspelarar til å unngå tafatte baklengsmål. Problemet vert ikkje løyst ved å erstatte Schmeichel med Lonergan! Eg trur dessutan ikkje at løysinga heiter Lichaj. Både Connolly og Bromby kan utrette ein god jobb på høgrebacken dersom organiseringa kjem på plass. O'Dea har eg for lite kjennskap til, så eg vil ikkje avskrive han heilt endå.

Offensivt ser vi framleis planlause ut - og det har vi gjort så lenge eg kan hugse under Grayson. I alt for mange av fjorårskampane vann vi poeng på at einskilde spelarar "hadde dagen" og gjorde ting på eiga hand. Det beviset fekk vi mot Soton når både Gradel og Snodgrass mislukkast samstundes!


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #727 på: August 08, 2011, 10:21:46 »
Til gammel forsvarsspiller å være så virker han bemerkelsesverdig lite frampå når det gjelder forsvarsspill...
Best post ever:
min attr søt kaff på min atamaskin- virkr ikk bra- rfr han jg ikk skrvt så my i t sist

Grattis m  1-2 ikv
MT :) :) :)


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #728 på: August 08, 2011, 11:26:18 »

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #729 på: August 08, 2011, 11:32:54 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #730 på: August 08, 2011, 11:45:02 »
Klar tekst og gutten har helt rett 8)


Dear Simon Grayson,

If you had any idea you'd come on Not606 and have a look at what Leeds fans are saying. Not all the crap stuff but the common theme amongst most posts. We are badly in need of a defence... and strikers as well while you're about it.

The problem as I see it right now is that you are simply looking after your job rather than trying your heart out to take this great club to the Premier League.

It was a real eye-opener listening to the build up interviews with yourself and Nigel Adkins. He said his players were keyed up, ready to go, wanting a win at home to kick-start their season... you said we had players like Becchio missing, but the team was in good spirits although you expected a really tough game as Southampton are a big club with big ambitions. What the ****? What does "good spirits" mean, you idiot?

The thing that ****ed me off the most was your pathetic response when asked about the season's ambitions.... or rather lack of. I almost cried when you said you felt we had over-achieved last season! How the **** can you say something like that...even if you believe it's true?

What message does that send to your players you twat? Over-achieved? How can finishing seventh in the Championship be over-achieving for a club like Leeds United? Now maybe if you were manager at Leyton Orient I could understand, but Leeds? Piss off! We were in the automatic promotion places at one point, and seemed dead certs for the play-offs for most of the season until we fell away badly towards the end and allowed Reading to make up more than 15 points and leave us heartbroken.

It is becoming clear to me that you are just plain scared to actually show any ambition as it means that if you don't achieve your goals the fans will have your head. Well guess what, we're going to have it anyway if you don't buck up.

Understand this, Mr Grayson, you are manager of Leeds United, and our expectation is that this is the season you take us up. If you can't, then get out of the way and let someone else with a bit more bottle have a go. The performance at Saints today was gutless, our defence was a joke and we made them look a lot better than they actually are. I couldn't believe how we simply didn't play. Maybe it had something to do with the players knowing that seventh place is probably a good outcome again this season.

Then there's your absolute lack of strengthening the squad. This can only be put down to the fact that you are afraid to ask Ken Bates for cash as you know that if you spend and don't get promotion he will boot you out of Elland Road in a flash. Better to not spend and try your best with an average least the chairman is happy because our millions remain safely tucked away under his mattress.

Come on, Simon, get a grip! Letting Schmeichel go may have been "good for the club" as it meant you didn't have to offer him a new deal at higher wages, but damn, he would have saved that first goal - that all important first goal. Our new 'keeper got a good hand to it but still couldn't turn it round the post. Is that possibly because he's past his best? I ****ing hope not!

I can't believe that you have got me so angry that I feel compelled to write to you in this manner. I love Leeds United, and I'm not for bashing people at our club, but come on man, show some ****ing fight! Your interviews lack any spark, any intelligence, it's just cliche after cliche....same **** different day.

Now you are being found out as so many people predicted... the injuries to Becchio and Somma have made a mockery of your lack of signings, the no show by your defence today has highlighted your inability to accept that you need to make changes. And then there's the talented Nunez who probably just needs a run of games similar to Maxie-boy but you still let the lad gather ****ing splinters in his arse while we struggle to create!

Surely Howson alongside Brown would have been a more solid midfield to start with, Nunez on the left and Gradel up front with McCormack to at least keep them honest and dropping a bit deeper to cope with Max's pace? Go for a win man! This division does not forgive draws... or losses.

You still remain tactically naive, too ****ing conservative. You are playing with our club's future to keep yourself in a job. Stop sucking up to the chairman and go for it. We are Leeds after all, and we expect so much more. Make or break time, Simon.

Any more bad performances like the opener and you will soon find the Elland Road faithful calling for your blood....and you should know there's only one winner there.
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


  • Gjest
Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #731 på: August 08, 2011, 12:13:53 »

Skriver her om forholdet mellom Grayson og Bates, og transferpolitikken. Interessant.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #732 på: August 08, 2011, 12:48:42 »
Ups & Ups!!


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #733 på: August 08, 2011, 13:09:37 »
Klar tekst og gutten har helt rett 8)

Eg delar personens frustrasjon, men problemet vårt er langt meir komplekst enn mangel på nye spelarar. Organisering og taktikk er områder trenarteamet må jobbe iherdig med! Eg er bombesikker på at vi kan sanke mange poeng med den stallen vi har akkurat no, kanskje med eit lite unntak på topp i Becchios fråver.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #734 på: August 08, 2011, 14:34:49 »


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #735 på: August 08, 2011, 14:45:32 »

Skriver her om forholdet mellom Grayson og Bates, og transferpolitikken. Interessant.
Meget,meget interessant artikkel!


  • Gjest
Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #736 på: August 09, 2011, 18:03:07 »


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #737 på: August 09, 2011, 19:04:04 »
Klar tekst og gutten har helt rett 8)
Spot on!

Grayson må gå med tap i dag......Bates kan vi desverre lite gjøre med..... 



Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #739 på: August 10, 2011, 15:18:46 »
Grayson lover å fikse forsvarsproblemene.
Var på tide!

Jeg skal ikke la sarkasmen ta overhånd her, men av en eller annen grunn kommer den erkjennelsen så ulidelig altfor sent.
Og jeg har hørt noe liknende før.

Dette har vi dessuten hatt 1,5 sesong på å finne ut av. Minst.

Anyways; - kred til SG for å - tilsynelatende - mene at nå skal det løses.
Men - som sagt i annen tråd vedr. A O'Brian: hvor stor er egentlig oversikten og innsikten i egen tropp, når en mann som AOB plasseres i startoppstillingen til årets to første kamper og åpenbart ikke er "up for it"?

Retorisk spørsmål, som jeg ikke forventer svar på.

Svar får du. Retorisk og synsende svar også, faktisk. :)
Tanken er vel at man ikke blir i kampform av å sitte på benken.
Nå får man ikke akkurat selvtillit av å spille rævva på grunn av manglende kampform heller, så det der er en kinkig avveining.
- Leif Olav


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #740 på: August 10, 2011, 15:51:13 »
Grayson lover å fikse forsvarsproblemene.
Var på tide!

Jeg skal ikke la sarkasmen ta overhånd her, men av en eller annen grunn kommer den erkjennelsen så ulidelig altfor sent.
Og jeg har hørt noe liknende før.

Dette har vi dessuten hatt 1,5 sesong på å finne ut av. Minst.

Anyways; - kred til SG for å - tilsynelatende - mene at nå skal det løses.
Men - som sagt i annen tråd vedr. A O'Brian: hvor stor er egentlig oversikten og innsikten i egen tropp, når en mann som AOB plasseres i startoppstillingen til årets to første kamper og åpenbart ikke er "up for it"?

Retorisk spørsmål, som jeg ikke forventer svar på.

Svar får du. Retorisk og synsende svar også, faktisk. :)
Tanken er vel at man ikke blir i kampform av å sitte på benken.
Nå får man ikke akkurat selvtillit av å spille rævva på grunn av manglende kampform heller, så det der er en kinkig avveining.

For AOB sin del -isolert sett - kan det vel være en bedre løsning å spille kamper enn å sitte på benken; når målet er å oppnå kampform. Men jeg tillater meg å antyde at Grayson har et vel så stort ansvar for LAGET som for enkeltspilleres ve og vel. Og da bør vel spillere som mangler kampform søke å spille på seg det på reservelaget, hvor poengfangsten tross alt er litt mindre viktig enn på førstelaget.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #741 på: August 10, 2011, 15:54:09 »
Grayson lover å fikse forsvarsproblemene.
Var på tide!

Jeg skal ikke la sarkasmen ta overhånd her, men av en eller annen grunn kommer den erkjennelsen så ulidelig altfor sent.
Og jeg har hørt noe liknende før.

Dette har vi dessuten hatt 1,5 sesong på å finne ut av. Minst.

Anyways; - kred til SG for å - tilsynelatende - mene at nå skal det løses.
Men - som sagt i annen tråd vedr. A O'Brian: hvor stor er egentlig oversikten og innsikten i egen tropp, når en mann som AOB plasseres i startoppstillingen til årets to første kamper og åpenbart ikke er "up for it"?

Retorisk spørsmål, som jeg ikke forventer svar på.

Svar får du. Retorisk og synsende svar også, faktisk. :)
Tanken er vel at man ikke blir i kampform av å sitte på benken.
Nå får man ikke akkurat selvtillit av å spille rævva på grunn av manglende kampform heller, så det der er en kinkig avveining.

Og da bør vel spillere som mangler kampform søke å spille på seg det på reservelaget, hvor poengfangsten tross alt er litt mindre viktig enn på førstelaget.

Problemet er at vi ikke har et reservelag denne sesongen...

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #742 på: August 10, 2011, 16:11:38 »
Grayson lover å fikse forsvarsproblemene.
Var på tide!

Jeg skal ikke la sarkasmen ta overhånd her, men av en eller annen grunn kommer den erkjennelsen så ulidelig altfor sent.
Og jeg har hørt noe liknende før.

Dette har vi dessuten hatt 1,5 sesong på å finne ut av. Minst.

Anyways; - kred til SG for å - tilsynelatende - mene at nå skal det løses.
Men - som sagt i annen tråd vedr. A O'Brian: hvor stor er egentlig oversikten og innsikten i egen tropp, når en mann som AOB plasseres i startoppstillingen til årets to første kamper og åpenbart ikke er "up for it"?

Retorisk spørsmål, som jeg ikke forventer svar på.

Svar får du. Retorisk og synsende svar også, faktisk. :)
Tanken er vel at man ikke blir i kampform av å sitte på benken.
Nå får man ikke akkurat selvtillit av å spille rævva på grunn av manglende kampform heller, så det der er en kinkig avveining.

Og da bør vel spillere som mangler kampform søke å spille på seg det på reservelaget, hvor poengfangsten tross alt er litt mindre viktig enn på førstelaget.

Problemet er at vi ikke har et reservelag denne sesongen...


Selvfølgelig har vi reservelag. Vi er bare ikke med i reservelagsserien.

Jeg kjøper argumentene til både Håvard og NEO.
For å være Djevelens (eller Graysons) advokat: (og fordi jeg ikke har noe bedre å ta meg til mens labforsøkene putrer og går)
1. Det er begrenset hvor mye kampform man får fra gåfotballen reservelagskamper vanligvis gir
2. Det KAN være til lagets beste å få sine antatt beste spillere i kampform for resten av sesongen på bekostning av noen poeng i begynnelsen av den.

Så rusten og ukonsentrert O'Brian var mot Soton tyder det vel på at ble kasta til ulvene vel tidlig.
- Leif Olav


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #743 på: August 10, 2011, 16:29:57 »
Vil si at i utgangspunktet er jeg enig i at det dårlige forsvarsspillet ikke kun handler om bedre spillere. Finnes nok av gode eksempler på at god organisering går langt utenpå gode forsvarsspillere (selvfølgelig er det enklere om man har litt kvalitet også). det er bare å se på det norske landslaget de siste 20 årene. Vi har vel ikke akkurat hatt world-class players hele veien, men tipper man ikke finner mange andre landslag som har sluppet inn i snitt like få mål de årene som det norske (har ikke statistikken foran meg så mulig årene med Hareide bør fjernes  ::))

Når det er sagt så syns jeg de defensive spillerne våre, med noen få unntak, er rimelig middelmådige. Hadde O'Brian hatt litt mer fart hadde stillingen i de to første matchene vært annerledes.  ;)
Hvorfor finnes det ikke refill til bananer?


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #744 på: August 10, 2011, 17:08:39 »
Tja. Landslaget har vel til dels vært bortskjemt med forsvarere av svært høy klasse? Bratseth, Henning Berg, Ronny Johnsen, Erik Hoftun, Hangeland. Ingen av disse gjorde seg akkurat bort i Europkøpper og den slags.

- Leif Olav


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #745 på: August 11, 2011, 18:57:58 »
Klipp og lim fra Waccoe.. Pressekonferanse!

Anyone else think he sounded a bit more relaxed and honest this week? His body language was much better aswell.

Quite refreshing as it all seemed a bit more natural rather than seeing him look nervous and spouting out cliches.

Could be something to do with the protest at the weekend, which Grayson was asked about and how it impacts the team. Not sure if that has maybe made him feel a bit better that some of the pressure he felt maybe was on him has been somewhat transfered over to Bates. Said he could understand it (Bates out chants) becoming louder when your losing against Bradford etc, said the fans are supportive and the Bates out chants will hopefully be used to inspire the current players to do do better. He didnt really defend Bates (which I thought he would do), he was pretty on the fence but seemed to understand the fans protests. Said that they didn't add any additional pressure on him that they have protests planned and when asked its impact on the players he said it won't effect the teams performances.

Also when asked about new signings for the weekend, said probably not, but he said he doesnt like giving fans false hope, which he said has maybe happened previously when transfers have fallen through (says thats why he doesnt really like commenting on speculation ideally), and when he has been confident a deal will go through and it hasnt, said maybe this time if he says he isnt as confident a deal might go through.

When asked about Mendy it makes a bit more sense than the way its been edited in writing. At least it seemed a bit more justified? Player they brought in to have a look, did impress us, and we looked at possibly giving him a contract, however he felt he would only be a fringe player here, and would be behind Gradel, Snodgrass, Nunez, Sam and McCormack as a winger, and although he liked him, he felt it best to prioritise other positions that were more important then strengthening the squad with a fringe player.

Very pleased with Nunez, says playing here is his bread and butter so is delighted Nunez recognised he had an opportunity to start and turned down the call up from Honduras. He says he can be inspired by Davide Somma's loan spell at Lincoln to prove he can do well here. Says he was pleased with Nunez that he very willing to go out on loan to Scunthorpe last season (maybe hinting that someone like Grella wasnt?), said it helped him learn more about the culture and the type of football that is played in the country

Pleased to beat Bradford, we showed character to come back when down, said a lot of championship teams struggled in cup this week, said a lot of that is down to more fringe players playing due to the international fixtures which made the teams weaker.

International fixtures are ludicrous at this time of the year, White, Gradel, Snodgrass and Gradel were all missing and will all miss large parts of preperation in training for Boro game. But says its the same for all managers, and feels lucky that he is 2 games into a season compared to Premier League manaagers missing more players going into their first games of the season.

Will see what his team will be once all the international players return from various locations and will judge their fitness, none of them have any reported injury problems at least.

Not worried that Snoddy's goal would attract more suitors. Said he maybe hasnt looked as sharpish as usual (says harder for wingers to always be involved in games) and his time away with Scotland might have beneF***ed him. Joked that scoring a diving header at Hampden Park in front of Sky cameras would hardly ruffle many scouting feathers, he said had Snoddy gone by 8 players and put it in the net it might of been different. He feels he is fit after his ankle injury and has trained hard, felt he did well vs Newcastle too.

When asked about Andy O'Brien, said that he is going through a bit of a blip/rough patch in his career. Still believes he can be a top player here, but obviously hasnt played many games this summer, but physio team felt he was fit and O'Brien felt he was ready. Seemed to suggest that he would be dropped for the weekend as he clearly wasnt happy with his level of performances. Said he maybe isnt as confident as other players at this moment in time. He did say that he thought the fans reaction was maybe a bit harsh as he hadnt been 'as bad' as the reaction he got from crowd suggested when subbed, but said O'Brien understood the decision and obviously Bromby and Lees came on and changed the game and shored up the defence. So definately has a decision to make at the weekend regarding the defensive positions.

Feels we need a new striker in due to Somma and Becchio injuries and now Paynter might be out a couple of weeks with his injury, so definately looking to bring someone in. Says more likely to be short term and felt we needed in someone before Bradford game and we had a deal close to be signed for a striker but the goalposts moved last moment and the move fell through. Says we are still on lookout and it could either be on one month loan, 3 month loan, 6th month loan or a permanent, but says he is maybe favouring a more short term loan for a striker at the moment.

Says the fans support for him and the team have been good, says even when we were down against Bradford the fans were still supportive 'of him and his players'.
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #746 på: August 11, 2011, 19:07:10 »
Klipp og lim fra Waccoe.. Pressekonferanse!

Anyone else think he sounded a bit more relaxed and honest this week? His body language was much better aswell.

Quite refreshing as it all seemed a bit more natural rather than seeing him look nervous and spouting out cliches.

Could be something to do with the protest at the weekend, which Grayson was asked about and how it impacts the team. Not sure if that has maybe made him feel a bit better that some of the pressure he felt maybe was on him has been somewhat transfered over to Bates. Said he could understand it (Bates out chants) becoming louder when your losing against Bradford etc, said the fans are supportive and the Bates out chants will hopefully be used to inspire the current players to do do better. He didnt really defend Bates (which I thought he would do), he was pretty on the fence but seemed to understand the fans protests. Said that they didn't add any additional pressure on him that they have protests planned and when asked its impact on the players he said it won't effect the teams performances.

Also when asked about new signings for the weekend, said probably not, but he said he doesnt like giving fans false hope, which he said has maybe happened previously when transfers have fallen through (says thats why he doesnt really like commenting on speculation ideally), and when he has been confident a deal will go through and it hasnt, said maybe this time if he says he isnt as confident a deal might go through.

When asked about Mendy it makes a bit more sense than the way its been edited in writing. At least it seemed a bit more justified? Player they brought in to have a look, did impress us, and we looked at possibly giving him a contract, however he felt he would only be a fringe player here, and would be behind Gradel, Snodgrass, Nunez, Sam and McCormack as a winger, and although he liked him, he felt it best to prioritise other positions that were more important then strengthening the squad with a fringe player.

Very pleased with Nunez, says playing here is his bread and butter so is delighted Nunez recognised he had an opportunity to start and turned down the call up from Honduras. He says he can be inspired by Davide Somma's loan spell at Lincoln to prove he can do well here. Says he was pleased with Nunez that he very willing to go out on loan to Scunthorpe last season (maybe hinting that someone like Grella wasnt?), said it helped him learn more about the culture and the type of football that is played in the country

Pleased to beat Bradford, we showed character to come back when down, said a lot of championship teams struggled in cup this week, said a lot of that is down to more fringe players playing due to the international fixtures which made the teams weaker.

International fixtures are ludicrous at this time of the year, White, Gradel, Snodgrass and Gradel were all missing and will all miss large parts of preperation in training for Boro game. But says its the same for all managers, and feels lucky that he is 2 games into a season compared to Premier League manaagers missing more players going into their first games of the season.

Will see what his team will be once all the international players return from various locations and will judge their fitness, none of them have any reported injury problems at least.

Not worried that Snoddy's goal would attract more suitors. Said he maybe hasnt looked as sharpish as usual (says harder for wingers to always be involved in games) and his time away with Scotland might have beneF***ed him. Joked that scoring a diving header at Hampden Park in front of Sky cameras would hardly ruffle many scouting feathers, he said had Snoddy gone by 8 players and put it in the net it might of been different. He feels he is fit after his ankle injury and has trained hard, felt he did well vs Newcastle too.

When asked about Andy O'Brien, said that he is going through a bit of a blip/rough patch in his career. Still believes he can be a top player here, but obviously hasnt played many games this summer, but physio team felt he was fit and O'Brien felt he was ready. Seemed to suggest that he would be dropped for the weekend as he clearly wasnt happy with his level of performances. Said he maybe isnt as confident as other players at this moment in time. He did say that he thought the fans reaction was maybe a bit harsh as he hadnt been 'as bad' as the reaction he got from crowd suggested when subbed, but said O'Brien understood the decision and obviously Bromby and Lees came on and changed the game and shored up the defence. So definately has a decision to make at the weekend regarding the defensive positions.

Feels we need a new striker in due to Somma and Becchio injuries and now Paynter might be out a couple of weeks with his injury, so definately looking to bring someone in. Says more likely to be short term and felt we needed in someone before Bradford game and we had a deal close to be signed for a striker but the goalposts moved last moment and the move fell through. Says we are still on lookout and it could either be on one month loan, 3 month loan, 6th month loan or a permanent, but says he is maybe favouring a more short term loan for a striker at the moment.

Says the fans support for him and the team have been good, says even when we were down against Bradford the fans were still supportive 'of him and his players'.

skulle ju 10 gånger hellre ha intrvjun i orginalskick än ihopklippt och limmad, skall de lägga ut någon intervjuv så är det väl ärligast och est rätt för alla parter att skriva ut orginalet


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #747 på: August 11, 2011, 19:15:56 »
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

ooh aah

Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #748 på: August 17, 2011, 22:20:23 »
Tenkte at SG måtte få litt skryt etter Hull-kampen. Det skal guts til å stille med det laget som han gjorde mot Hull etter å ha åpnet med 2 tap. Spesielt å tørre å la unggutta på backene spille var tøft gjort.


Sv: Manager: Simon Grayson
« Svar #749 på: August 21, 2011, 22:54:07 »
Det er absolutt på sin plass å gi Grayson kredit i dag. Han har lagt rygg til temmelig mye her på forumet de seneste månedene, men det er tydelig han ikke er uten evner. Han har sett riktig når det gjelder Lonergan, Clayton, Lees, Keogh, Nunez osv. Det er jo ganske fremragende å se hvordan vi til tider utspiller Hammers på deres egen bane i dag. Grayson har helt tydelig en offensiv tankegang, og når den defensive delen etterhvert også begynner å sitte i skapet, så tror jeg det blir en veldig artig sesong.