Skrevet av Emne: TOMA 1: Rykter og spekulasjoner om Takeover  (Lest 1384203 ganger)

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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #750 på: Juni 07, 2012, 08:00:31 »
Var vel unge Revie som introduserte hvitt, lettere influert av Real Madrid.


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #751 på: Juni 07, 2012, 08:22:02 »

Hvilken historie?  ::)
Hehe, smily'en din viste ikke i innlegget (men jeg så den da jeg quotet).
Vi hadde nesten 50 års historie med LU allerede da, med bl.a. flere besøk i toppetasjen, så kom ikke her. Også forgjengeren, Leeds City, hadde 16 stolte år :)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Takeover
« Svar #752 på: Juni 07, 2012, 08:43:34 »
Hva har Revies draktskifte med takeover å gjøre?


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #753 på: Juni 07, 2012, 09:23:46 »
Hva har Revies draktskifte med takeover å gjøre?

De har vel lest Makeover i stedet!


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #754 på: Juni 07, 2012, 09:53:52 »
Hva har Revies draktskifte med takeover å gjøre?

De har vel lest Makeover i stedet!
Glimrende  ;D
Ups & Ups!!


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #755 på: Juni 07, 2012, 10:23:31 »
Var vel unge Revie som introduserte hvitt, lettere influert av Real Madrid.
Hvitt er jo på mange måter helt riktig farge for Leeds United mht den hvite Yorkshire rosen og andre ting :)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #756 på: Juni 07, 2012, 10:49:29 »
Var vel unge Revie som introduserte hvitt, lettere influert av Real Madrid.
Hvitt er jo på mange måter helt riktig farge for Leeds United mht den hvite Yorkshire rosen og andre ting :)

Andre ting... som feks, DHY ? ;-)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #757 på: Juni 07, 2012, 10:54:29 »
Og nå har altså takeoverdiskusjonen gått over til å bli en prat om draktfarger?

Og du verden så stille det har vært rundt denne takeoversaken de siste dagene. Jeg skjønner det jo egentlig, det er jo grenser på hvor lenge ryktemakerne greier å holde på.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #758 på: Juni 07, 2012, 13:15:05 »
Var vel unge Revie som introduserte hvitt, lettere influert av Real Madrid.
Hvitt er jo på mange måter helt riktig farge for Leeds United mht den hvite Yorkshire rosen og andre ting :)

Andre ting... som feks, DHY ? ;-)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #759 på: Juni 07, 2012, 14:15:45 »
Hva har Revies draktskifte med takeover å gjøre?

De har vel lest Makeover i stedet!

Haha :)

Englands Real Madrid skulle bygges, da måtte det spilles i hvitt!

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #760 på: Juni 07, 2012, 14:32:26 »
Ryktene svirrer:

LUST intervju på BBC Leeds (Chairman of the Leeds United supporters Trust Gary Cooper ):

¤ Just been listening to supporters trust on radio Leeds. reading between the lines it appear to be local business men but it would be a FULL TAKEOVER as they are not interested in working with Batesey boy

¤ I listened to it and didn't sense that at all

¤ I picked up on that too...BIG said something along the lines of don't belive Bates when he says that us morons are scaring away investors and that there is no one in Yorkshire with any money. There is and they want to takeover

¤ How on earth did you come to the conclusion they are local businss men from that. Or were you listening to something different to me?

¤ Reading between the lines, it seems like a deal is a long way off.

¤ he referred to the comment made by Batesey boy saying there is no money in Yorkshire and said that there is! time will tell...

¤ Errm....."Theres no money in Yorkshire.....well yes there is" sounds like someone in Yorkshire with alot of money wanting to takeover Leeds. The interview also gave away that there's possibly a bit of a stalemate and nothing looks 'imminent'

¤  (programmet fra den 7.juni blir lagt ut senere i dag)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #761 på: Juni 07, 2012, 15:24:30 »

I know that this is second hand info, so don't shoot the messenger, but I know a lad who has a VERY reliable source within Leeds United and says a takeover will happen "within days".

As a say, I know its all a bit "I know a man who knows a man..." but I do know who his source is and its good. Very good.

Fingers crossed.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #762 på: Juni 07, 2012, 15:26:59 »

that goes without saying. anyone would.

but on the other hand, you have a buyer saying its all or nothing... he has too much to lose with noting, a football club that's going to fail with its own business plan due to a drop in attendances. so the wage budget will have to be trimmed to cover these losses, this doesn't give us the budget to compete and we get relegated.....

to me this is just one of a few reasons why bates has to sell. but he will never never never come out and say the real reasons why (ill, failing business plan) whatever, it goes against everything his ego stands for.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #763 på: Juni 07, 2012, 17:13:41 »
Fingre, tær og trebein holdes krysset inntil noe konkret foreligger. Godt EM begynner i morgen så vi får noe annet å tenke på en stakket stund.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #764 på: Juni 07, 2012, 17:46:13 »

Hvilken historie?  ::)
Hehe, smily'en din viste ikke i innlegget (men jeg så den da jeg quotet).
Vi hadde nesten 50 års historie med LU allerede da, med bl.a. flere besøk i toppetasjen, så kom ikke her. Også forgjengeren, Leeds City, hadde 16 stolte år :)

Tja, bare for å flisespikker litt her.. 16 "stolte" år i 2. divisjon etterfulgt av nærmere 40 år med LU preget av opp og ned mellom 1. og 2. divisjon... Meeeeeeh ;)

Hva har Revies draktskifte med takeover å gjøre?

De har vel lest Makeover i stedet!

Hahaha, greit, jeg skal slutte å spore av.

Håper på noen saftige rykter snart! Er temmelig sulteforet her nå!


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #765 på: Juni 07, 2012, 18:28:57 »

4ever arcticwhite

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #766 på: Juni 07, 2012, 20:03:27 »
MOT ;)
The future's so White I've got to wear shades 8)

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #767 på: Juni 07, 2012, 20:32:08 »
Intervjuet i sin helhet fra LUST chairman Gary Cooper (aka WACCOEs Billyisgod, BIG):

Presenter: Well, let’s have a word now with Gary Cooper, he’s the Chairman of the Leeds United Supporters trust. Never a dull moment as a Leeds fan, Gary. Good afternoon.

BiG: Good afternoon. Yeah, you’re absolutely right, never a dull moment and, again, today we seem to be back talking about activities off the pitch when really, at the end of the first week in June, wouldn’t it be fantastic if we were sat here talking about signings that we’d made, the ambition that we’re showing for next season and how we’re going to get promoted. It’s a sad, sad day unfortunately. Another one.

Presenter: Is it sort of tough going, as a Leeds fan, when there is so much talk about matters of how the club is run rather than enthusing about players and patters of play and who beat who and all that sort of stuff?

BiG: It’s weird. As supporters we invest our money in Leeds United to whatever degree that might be – I’m sure it’s to whatever degree we can each afford. But what’s more than that we invest our emotional wellbeing. We invest our hearts in Leeds. And the return on that investment seems to be disappointment. Transfer window in, transfer window out, season in, season out, off pitch activity after off pitch activity….it beggars belief, it honestly does. I really would like to be sat here today talking about what a great signing Joel Ward is going to be, or why Clint Hill hasn’t signed another one year deal at QPR or why Matty Kilgallon wants to come home rather than play at Sunderland. But I can’t talk about any of those things, we’re talking about a court case. A court case, for God’s sake. It’s not a good day, it really isn’t.

Presenter: Leeds United Supporters Trust and yourself are on the record as wanting regime change and a new form of management at the club – you’ve talked a lot about that there. Does this development today make that any more likely? Is Ken Bates any more likely to leave the Chairmanship of the club? Will he be unsettled by all of this?

BiG: Only a fool second guesses what Ken Bates is going to do and I’m certainly not going to do that! As a trust, we’ve worked with our members with the RMC’s and the supporters clubs and with the wider Leeds fan base back in December and January to produce what we’ve called our vision statement. And that vision statement really it set’s what the trust wants. It doesn’t have to be a change of ownership and I’ve explained that many times in the past. The trust isn’t a Bates Out organisation, despite that fact that many would claim we are. Many of our members would like to see the back of Ken Bates; there’s no question about that. But what we want to see more than anything else is ambition at Leeds United. We want to see a football club behaving like a football club. Showing ambition on the pitch. Corporate facilities are great; no problem there at all. But they won’t get you promoted. They won’t score any goals that you need to get you promoted. People like Ross McCormack score us the goals and we believe that now the club can’t agree a contract with Ross McCormack. We want to see ambition. Part of that is to work positively with people like Leeds City Council, West Yorkshire police & local media – yourselves for example. We want to do that free from bans and law suits and public spats. But all we seem to have is negativity. Nothing positive at all coming out of the club that suggests that the current owners and the current board share our ambition.

The club manager and the club captain, in statements at the end of the season, certainly do share our ambition. They very obviously realise what needs to happen to take this club forward. And I would suggest that both Neil Warnock and Robert Snodgrass would dearly love the club to show that ambition. But here we are again talking about a court case that’s going to cost the club countless howmuch….the YEP estimated the 2009 libel case at around 1.5 million…

Presenter: (Interrupting) Gary, just let me give you an update. As you say there, things have been very quiet from the club. We did request a reaction from the club on what this means today, the judgement against Ken Bates and we also posed the question: ‘who will pay the legal fees and the fine?’ Now, we were simply told that nobody was available to comment from the club. Simply, nobody would say anything. So I’m afraid we’re in the dark in terms of what the club are saying today. We did give them the right of reply as we should here on BBC Radio Leeds.

BiG: I think all radio stations should give the right of reply. It’s a fact that Radio Leeds do. I wonder if Yorkshire Radio are invited to independently comment on what’s happened today - I very much doubt it. Look, Mr. Harvey said it at the hearing that the club is spending what he describes as a “fortune”. Now, Mr. Harvey earns a lot of money every year – an awful more than I do – and I know I think a fortune is. So, if it’s a fortune in his eyes, then we need to know how much money and where is it coming from? Because if it’s coming from Leeds United Football Club, then it’s coming from the supporters pockets.

Presenter: You’d like that to be made very clear? That’s understandable! Gary, moving onto other matters and the on-going speculation about the takeover. Your outfit has been talking to interested parties….we’re actually about a week or more down the line. Is there any hope?

BiG: (laughing) I’m the kind of fella that looks at half a pint of bitter and says that the cups half a pint full. So yeah, there’s always hope. The Trust has been very fortunate. We’ve spoken to people that are interested in buying Leeds United. I honestly can’t say any more than that at this stage but I can say that what we’ve been told by the club is that the “morons” put investors off and [because of the] “morons”, there’s no money in Yorkshire. I can tell you that isn’t true and that there is interest in Leeds United. But the people who are interested in buying Leeds United really don’t have a great deal of interest in investing and working with Mr. Bates. They want to buy the club, full stop.

Presenter: TOMA.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #768 på: Juni 07, 2012, 20:40:03 »
Gary Cooper intervju:

"Sad day" sikter til Bates - Levi   Â£ 0  - £ 10.000

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #769 på: Juni 07, 2012, 23:04:27 »
Så ryktes det at Lorimer har gått ut av styret:

* Ut for å re-join med nytt styre?
* Ut fordi han ikke får plass i det nye styret? Nye eieres vilje.
* Ut fordi han føler presset fra supporterne?
* Ut fordi han synes at Bates er for hard i firhandlingene?
* Han skal ikke ut i det hele tatt?

Waccoe - Waccoe - Waccoe !!!   :-\
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #770 på: Juni 07, 2012, 23:22:47 »
Optimismen for at ting begynner å røre på seg innenfor Elland Road sine vegger har aldri vore større! Noe er på gang, garantert! Kanskje allerede i morga?

EM? Det er Leeds som har fokus i dei neste vekene uansett :)
Proud member of LUSCOS

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #771 på: Juni 07, 2012, 23:40:12 »
Så ryktes det at Lorimer har gått ut av styret:

* Ut for å re-join med nytt styre?
* Ut fordi han ikke får plass i det nye styret? Nye eieres vilje.
* Ut fordi han føler presset fra supporterne?
* Ut fordi han synes at Bates er for hard i firhandlingene?
* Han skal ikke ut i det hele tatt?

Waccoe - Waccoe - Waccoe !!!   :-\


Just called Lorimer at the Commercial. He's there pub & I asked him "have you quit the board?". He said "no truth at all". Sorry guys!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


  • Gjest
Sv: Takeover
« Svar #772 på: Juni 08, 2012, 00:03:10 »
Nå skjer det muligens ting folkens!

totalrumours - twitter
It's all going down tonight at Elland Road! Harvey and Lorrimer both resign from the board! Takeover either kicking off or going tits up!

WACCOE - twitter
Meltdown! #lufc


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #773 på: Juni 08, 2012, 09:16:02 »
Dævven så spent.....skjer helt klart no nå:  Det første nye eierere vil rydde av veien er styret, for å få inn sine spillere/personer.
Nevnt 40mill £ på Rumours som takeoverfee, men WTF - helt uvesentlig så lenge det blir frigjort midler
til å "lage nye Leeds"....
The King is dead- long live the king! ;)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #774 på: Juni 08, 2012, 09:18:14 »
Nå skjer det muligens ting folkens!

totalrumours - twitter
It's all going down tonight at Elland Road! Harvey and Lorrimer both resign from the board! Takeover either kicking off or going tits up!

WACCOE - twitter
Meltdown! #lufc

Tror ikke på noe før det står skrevet på eller YEP om takeover m.m.;o)

E.S. Smileys funker tydeligvis ikke med Chrome.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #775 på: Juni 08, 2012, 10:16:21 »
Det er vel mest løse rykter dette og nok en gang bare å sette seg tilbake å vente på noe mere håndfast. Men vil gjerne ha noen godnyheter før helgen braker løs!

Marching On! 4276


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #776 på: Juni 08, 2012, 12:42:33 »
Optimismen for at ting begynner å røre på seg innenfor Elland Road sine vegger har aldri vore større! Noe er på gang, garantert! Kanskje allerede i morga?

EM? Det er Leeds som har fokus i dei neste vekene uansett :)

Selv om Dovre skulle falle har fortsatt Leeds fokus, men EM gjør det lettere å vente :)

Som chrome bruker blir jeg forresten svært forvirret av mangelen på fraværet av smileys...

4ever arcticwhite

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #777 på: Juni 08, 2012, 13:08:23 »
Optimismen for at ting begynner å røre på seg innenfor Elland Road sine vegger har aldri vore større! Noe er på gang, garantert! Kanskje allerede i morga?

EM? Det er Leeds som har fokus i dei neste vekene uansett :)

Selv om Dovre skulle falle har fortsatt Leeds fokus, men EM gjør det lettere å vente :)

Som chrome bruker blir jeg forresten svært forvirret av mangelen på fraværet av smileys...
ja, det blir fort vanskelig når logikken hangler og fraværet mangler.... gladsmilefjæs
The future's so White I've got to wear shades 8)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #778 på: Juni 08, 2012, 13:19:05 »
Optimismen for at ting begynner å røre på seg innenfor Elland Road sine vegger har aldri vore større! Noe er på gang, garantert! Kanskje allerede i morga?

EM? Det er Leeds som har fokus i dei neste vekene uansett :)

Selv om Dovre skulle falle har fortsatt Leeds fokus, men EM gjør det lettere å vente :)

Som chrome bruker blir jeg forresten svært forvirret av mangelen på fraværet av smileys...
ja, det blir fort vanskelig når logikken hangler og fraværet mangler.... gladsmilefjæs

ooops! tilstedeværelsen av mangel på fravær har felt bedre menn enn meg. Lykke til videre! *trollglis*


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #779 på: Juni 08, 2012, 13:23:07 »
Optimismen for at ting begynner å røre på seg innenfor Elland Road sine vegger har aldri vore større! Noe er på gang, garantert! Kanskje allerede i morga?

EM? Det er Leeds som har fokus i dei neste vekene uansett :)

Selv om Dovre skulle falle har fortsatt Leeds fokus, men EM gjør det lettere å vente :)

Som chrome bruker blir jeg forresten svært forvirret av mangelen på fraværet av smileys...
Det er jammen harde tider. Usikkerhet m.h.t. TO og smileymangel :'(. Hva blir det neste? At Rooney vinner Golden Boot i EM?
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020