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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1470 på: Juli 05, 2012, 23:34:06 »
Min kunnskap om hva som skjer i Bahrain under Al Khalifa-familiens styre gjør meg kvalm ved tanken på at noen av dem kan være involvert i mitt kjære Leeds. 
Please tell...
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Joe Jordan

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1471 på: Juli 05, 2012, 23:51:38 »
Kommer ikke til å skje en døyt i morgen heller. Føler jeg stort sett har mistet gløden angående dette og greier å fokusere på andre ting overraskende bra. Og det er jo en positiv ting når en bare sjekker twitter 2 ganger daglig istedet for 200...
'If they hadn't scored, we would've won.' - Howard Wilkinson

Ian Baird

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1472 på: Juli 06, 2012, 00:02:26 »
Nei. Sheik ben reddik fy fazan, nå har vi venta lenge nok!
Kan du pliiis komme frem og fortelle oss nyheten?
Ferien begynner imorgen, og det hadde passet perfekt med hvilepuls noen uker nå, før sesong braker løs igjen.
Cellino 5. April 2014: We will be back in the Premier Leauge by 2016.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1473 på: Juli 06, 2012, 00:34:58 »
Da går eg i bingen å drømme videre om glory days..........


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1474 på: Juli 06, 2012, 07:56:58 »
Kommer ikke til å skje en døyt i morgen heller. Føler jeg stort sett har mistet gløden angående dette og greier å fokusere på andre ting overraskende bra. Og det er jo en positiv ting når en bare sjekker twitter 2 ganger daglig istedet for 200...
må si meg enig i dette, jeg tar dette med stoisk ro om dagen, selv om jeg sjekker denne siten jevnlig.
Mer opptatt av hva slags lag vi stiller i august...eller om vi stiller lag.
Ups & Ups!!

Hallgeir *

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1475 på: Juli 06, 2012, 09:00:04 »
Takeover så langt:

Sjeiken but not stirred!  ::)
Super Leeds since 1968


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1476 på: Juli 06, 2012, 09:14:41 »
Takeover så langt:

Sjeiken but not stirred!  ::)

Ups & Ups!!


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1477 på: Juli 06, 2012, 09:24:27 »
Da er det fredag så da er det perfekt med nyhet om takover så vi kan feire med masse god drikke.. :) Men drar nok ut til neste uke... å uken deretter og kanskje enda en uke..
Rogaland Whites

4ever arcticwhite

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1478 på: Juli 06, 2012, 09:36:03 »
Takeover så langt:

Sjeiken but not stirred!  ::)
The future's so White I've got to wear shades 8)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1479 på: Juli 06, 2012, 09:41:03 »
Min kunnskap om hva som skjer i Bahrain under Al Khalifa-familiens styre gjør meg kvalm ved tanken på at noen av dem kan være involvert i mitt kjære Leeds. 

Jeg vet tilnærmet ingenting om situasjonen der. Har du noen bra kilder hvor jeg kan lese meg opp?


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1480 på: Juli 06, 2012, 09:41:59 »
Da er det fredag så da er det perfekt med nyhet om takover så vi kan feire med masse god drikke.. :) Men drar nok ut til neste uke... å uken deretter og kanskje enda en uke..

Hadde vært perfekt med en god nyhet nå, da hadde jeg smilt selv om den første uka i ferien er på regnfulle sunmøre.
Men ellers er jo masse god drikke en fin måte å glemme på også :D


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1481 på: Juli 06, 2012, 10:57:52 »
Min kunnskap om hva som skjer i Bahrain under Al Khalifa-familiens styre gjør meg kvalm ved tanken på at noen av dem kan være involvert i mitt kjære Leeds. 

Jeg vet tilnærmet ingenting om situasjonen der. Har du noen bra kilder hvor jeg kan lese meg opp?

Les f.eks her om situasjonen i Bahrain;

Det finnes sikkert mange andre kilder også hvis en googler litt.....

Bites Yer Legs

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1482 på: Juli 06, 2012, 11:30:32 »
Min kunnskap om hva som skjer i Bahrain under Al Khalifa-familiens styre gjør meg kvalm ved tanken på at noen av dem kan være involvert i mitt kjære Leeds. 

Jeg vet tilnærmet ingenting om situasjonen der. Har du noen bra kilder hvor jeg kan lese meg opp?'

"Den arabiske vår" i Manama ble slått hardt ned på bl. a. ved at kongefamilien hentet militær hjelp fra Saudi-Arabia, samt fengslet helsepersonell. 90 døde og 3000 arrestert siste året. Bahrains konge beklaget i fjor maktovergrep og utnevnte en kommisjon for å stille voldsutøvere til ansvar og bedre menneskerettighetsvillkårene i landet. Men;

Statstyrt media og streng sensur, her kommer også informasjonsminister Fawaz Al Khalifa inn.



Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1483 på: Juli 06, 2012, 11:44:40 »
Min kunnskap om hva som skjer i Bahrain under Al Khalifa-familiens styre gjør meg kvalm ved tanken på at noen av dem kan være involvert i mitt kjære Leeds. 

Jeg vet tilnærmet ingenting om situasjonen der. Har du noen bra kilder hvor jeg kan lese meg opp?'

"Den arabiske vår" i Manama ble slått hardt ned på bl. a. ved at kongefamilien hentet militær hjelp fra Saudi-Arabia, samt fengslet helsepersonell. 90 døde og 3000 arrestert siste året. Bahrains konge beklaget i fjor maktovergrep og utnevnte en kommisjon for å stille voldsutøvere til ansvar og bedre menneskerettighetsvillkårene i landet. Men;

Statstyrt media og streng sensur, her kommer også informasjonsminister Fawaz Al Khalifa inn.

I Bahrain så blir folk virkelig undertrykt. Var en helt annen situasjon med Libya hvor de aller fleste(95%) hadde det fantastisk bra. De resterende 5% var dem som styrte Libya før den "grønne revolusjonen" i 1968 og var jo ikke fornøyd med at folket(95%) hadde fått makten i Libya. I dagens Libya så er det igjen blitt slik at 5% styrer over 95%. Tragisk at det ble gjort med hjelp av norske bomber!!! Nå blir vel dette fjernet i og med at det handler om takeover, men det er jo ikke vits når det allikevel er 95% vissvass på denne tråden fra før av  :)
We are Leeds and we are proud of it!


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1484 på: Juli 06, 2012, 11:50:08 »
A to-do list for our new owners

posted July 5, 2012/ 44 Comments

The potential purchase of Leeds United from Ken Bates looks close to conclusion. Barring any last minute hiccups in the process, we should start next season with new backing, new investment and hopefully an opportunity to get back into Europe’s most high profile competition.
But whilst many of us have a business plan in mind to achieve that which is basically – Spend £100m on players and their wages, the new owners will have one thing in common with Ken Bates, still. That Leeds United must become truly profitable on the field and off it, or else why invest in it?
The figures and methodology for takeover are as yet unknown to the rank and file of supporters but surely we’re talking an 8 figure sum, with amounts of £40m-£80m casually mentioned in the press and across the multitude of leeds united blogs. Mention of the Middle East of course only seves to whet the appetite yet further. Sheikh Mohammed Al-Makhtoum, The Qatari or Omani, Royals? The mind just boggles.
We’ve often discussed on this site the vast potential of Leeds United as a club, and exploded many times now Bates’ claims of running a tight ship. In summary we have spent the vast majority of our available cash not on playing staff that might get us promoted, but on the facilities that most clubs develop once they are promoted. Consequently those `add-ons’ have become the topsy turvy focus of our business. With no tangible returns and indeed losses from Yorkshire Radio, the Pavilion and other corporate entertainment facilities, the cash situation got yet worse.
With no money to invest in playing staff the picture becomes less rosy still. So what should our potential new owners be thinking of doing? The below points would be a good start.
1.       Reduce running costs at Elland Road
So Ken bet the farm on the East Stand, took out a whopping great loan to do it, ditto the pavilion and Yorkshire Radio? Well they haven’t made a profit, and aren’t likely to do so until such time as we return to the top flight or better still Europe. The best solutions are often the most obvious, and the key one here is to plug this leaky cash-flow outwards. Outsourcing the facilities management and catering appear to be on the agenda already with announcements this week. But effectively why not take a fee from an outside party to run these outfits for a fixed period? You may not get your full returns but they take on board some of the risks of a downside. Moreover they may well be more expert than your business in running such facilities andturning a profit. Once they’re making said profits – we’ll re-take control.
Moreover why not, if you’ve got the cash to buy a little time, reduce ticket prices by 50% in the East Stand, and re-open the upper tier? The footfall would vastly increase and if the facilities were opened up to the ordinary fan – they might make something? Better than losing money surely? The upside may mitigate the lost ticket revenue, the stand is only ever half used so what’s lost? It would also send a positive psychological message to supporters – you know? The customers?
2.       Pay off the credit Card & Look forwards
Loans cost you interest and they hamper your spending power short and long term. Quite frankly I’d think about a wholesale financial restructure. Not only paying off loans for the East Stand in Full if possible, but building that cost into the mortgaging of Elland Road and Thorp Arch. This is absolutely critical in terms of infrastructure too, Leeds are hampered by their decrepit ground, which now gets overlooked for major concerts and football fixtures in favour of Eastlands, The Stadium of Light, Old Trafford, the list goes on and on. If we owned our ground outright it would be a powerful asset through which to raise surety and finance, it would give us license to develop it too and expand it more easily going forwards too.
The advertisement to other potential commercial partners, not to mention the positive statement made by such a development would be near priceless. Who didn’t cast an envious eye at the new stadiums in Poland and the Ukraine. Nearly 15 years of neglect at Elland Road, and the under-development of what is usually a clubs greatest asset are surely key in any longer term development?
3.       Restructure the playing staff
As I write this, Billy Paynter, Adam Clayton, Andy O’Brien, Paul Connolly and Ramon Nunez all remain on our playing staff despite being transfer listed in May. Until they’re sold, they’re dead weight on our payroll.  While they don’t move on, to balance the books we need to sell our better players if we want to invest. The squad is imbalanced, and here only money will redress the imbalance of poor investment.
In short, it seems no-one else wants our problems, but they do want our best assets. In Bates-World this is a no-brainer. Sell the players you can get a fee for, and lambaste the manager for keeping the deadwood. A new investor surely needs to understand that mistakes have been made and that as the saying goes – your first loss is your best loss. Pay up the contracts of the players you don’t want, and just get it over and done with.
The YEP reported that Paynter is `determined to fight for his place’ and you could almost hear the collective groans of Leeds fans Everywhere. This cycle needs breaking – and fast. We need players on board who can get us promoted, and to dispense with those who can’t.
4.       Invest in the future
Investment into Thorp Arch and the youth set up is vital. This area is going to be hampered by recent legislation surrounding the FA Premier League academies getting first bite of the cherry, notwithstanding we need to be almost as good an option if not better – whats to say a young player and his parents wouldn’t choose us over a bigger club if our facilities were in practice better? If they provided a route to International football? Better still if we ramp up investment into the academy it means we waste less on transfer fees. . Surely that makes sense.
5.       Have a plan in place for the season after next
Our biggest weakness the last 2 seasons seems to have been a total lack of a plan B. Promoted from League One? erm do we want to go up or stay in the division – not sure?… lets get some good players, and some average ones and see what works? the season before last of course we decided that nearly getting promoted meant we shouldn’t invest in the squad at all?.. you get the picture. Lets ensure our player contracts are properly revised and players given the going rate for an aspirational championship team, but that players who don’t make the next step can go – for the right price, and that players we want to keep get the mark-up they warrant.
Better still at that point lets ensure the much discussed corporate boxes offer something for everyone. If we dont go up lets ensure our focus is getting up soon, not just investing zip in the squad and hoping for the best from off field revenue, its a mugs game as our last accounts prove.
Better still lets realise that Leeds United are a football team, That’s what drives up our revenues most of all, we win games and get promoted the gate monies increase so do sponsorship revenues, TV Money and lest we forget corporate entertainment money.
Lets listen to the Manager and players on this count, and back them – sensibly, none of us want a boom and bust, and if the last 8 years has taught us anything its that we want our club to be run well, not be a laughing stock.
There is one final point though, and it’s not a priority, its simply a must. Re-connect with your customers. Remember us the 40,000 who used to cram Elland Road full to the rafters. Who drowned out Manchester United Supporters at Old Trafford, who’d follow you to the ends of the Earth. Doing that is easy. Give the customer what he wants. Walk into McDonald’s you want a burger, into Wetherspoons, a Pint. Walk into Elland Road to watch Leeds, and you want to see your team win.
There’s a good passage of dialogue in the Damned United when Brian Clough asks Manny Cussins how he should approach his new job. Our most Successful owner to date tells him `dont lose, the people of Leeds don’t like losing’. Quite.
There is one last thing though on the to-do list. Word has it there’s a dreadful stench of mothballs, lavender, old leather, and that very special odour, that can only be described as `old guy’ you know somewhere between dry sugar puffs and damp cardboard? there will also be a hefty price to pay for the removal of 9 metric tonnes of Werthers Originals from the hospitality suite. I’m stopping now.
Yeboahs vitne


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1485 på: Juli 06, 2012, 12:02:12 »
A to-do list for our new owners

posted July 5, 2012/ 44 Comments

The potential purchase of Leeds United from Ken Bates looks close to conclusion. Barring any last minute hiccups in the process, we should start next season with new backing, new investment and hopefully an opportunity to get back into Europe’s most high profile competition.
But whilst many of us have a business plan in mind to achieve that which is basically – Spend £100m on players and their wages, the new owners will have one thing in common with Ken Bates, still. That Leeds United must become truly profitable on the field and off it, or else why invest in it?
The figures and methodology for takeover are as yet unknown to the rank and file of supporters but surely we’re talking an 8 figure sum, with amounts of £40m-£80m casually mentioned in the press and across the multitude of leeds united blogs. Mention of the Middle East of course only seves to whet the appetite yet further. Sheikh Mohammed Al-Makhtoum, The Qatari or Omani, Royals? The mind just boggles.
We’ve often discussed on this site the vast potential of Leeds United as a club, and exploded many times now Bates’ claims of running a tight ship. In summary we have spent the vast majority of our available cash not on playing staff that might get us promoted, but on the facilities that most clubs develop once they are promoted. Consequently those `add-ons’ have become the topsy turvy focus of our business. With no tangible returns and indeed losses from Yorkshire Radio, the Pavilion and other corporate entertainment facilities, the cash situation got yet worse.
With no money to invest in playing staff the picture becomes less rosy still. So what should our potential new owners be thinking of doing? The below points would be a good start.
1.       Reduce running costs at Elland Road
So Ken bet the farm on the East Stand, took out a whopping great loan to do it, ditto the pavilion and Yorkshire Radio? Well they haven’t made a profit, and aren’t likely to do so until such time as we return to the top flight or better still Europe. The best solutions are often the most obvious, and the key one here is to plug this leaky cash-flow outwards. Outsourcing the facilities management and catering appear to be on the agenda already with announcements this week. But effectively why not take a fee from an outside party to run these outfits for a fixed period? You may not get your full returns but they take on board some of the risks of a downside. Moreover they may well be more expert than your business in running such facilities andturning a profit. Once they’re making said profits – we’ll re-take control.
Moreover why not, if you’ve got the cash to buy a little time, reduce ticket prices by 50% in the East Stand, and re-open the upper tier? The footfall would vastly increase and if the facilities were opened up to the ordinary fan – they might make something? Better than losing money surely? The upside may mitigate the lost ticket revenue, the stand is only ever half used so what’s lost? It would also send a positive psychological message to supporters – you know? The customers?
2.       Pay off the credit Card & Look forwards
Loans cost you interest and they hamper your spending power short and long term. Quite frankly I’d think about a wholesale financial restructure. Not only paying off loans for the East Stand in Full if possible, but building that cost into the mortgaging of Elland Road and Thorp Arch. This is absolutely critical in terms of infrastructure too, Leeds are hampered by their decrepit ground, which now gets overlooked for major concerts and football fixtures in favour of Eastlands, The Stadium of Light, Old Trafford, the list goes on and on. If we owned our ground outright it would be a powerful asset through which to raise surety and finance, it would give us license to develop it too and expand it more easily going forwards too.
The advertisement to other potential commercial partners, not to mention the positive statement made by such a development would be near priceless. Who didn’t cast an envious eye at the new stadiums in Poland and the Ukraine. Nearly 15 years of neglect at Elland Road, and the under-development of what is usually a clubs greatest asset are surely key in any longer term development?
3.       Restructure the playing staff
As I write this, Billy Paynter, Adam Clayton, Andy O’Brien, Paul Connolly and Ramon Nunez all remain on our playing staff despite being transfer listed in May. Until they’re sold, they’re dead weight on our payroll.  While they don’t move on, to balance the books we need to sell our better players if we want to invest. The squad is imbalanced, and here only money will redress the imbalance of poor investment.
In short, it seems no-one else wants our problems, but they do want our best assets. In Bates-World this is a no-brainer. Sell the players you can get a fee for, and lambaste the manager for keeping the deadwood. A new investor surely needs to understand that mistakes have been made and that as the saying goes – your first loss is your best loss. Pay up the contracts of the players you don’t want, and just get it over and done with.
The YEP reported that Paynter is `determined to fight for his place’ and you could almost hear the collective groans of Leeds fans Everywhere. This cycle needs breaking – and fast. We need players on board who can get us promoted, and to dispense with those who can’t.
4.       Invest in the future
Investment into Thorp Arch and the youth set up is vital. This area is going to be hampered by recent legislation surrounding the FA Premier League academies getting first bite of the cherry, notwithstanding we need to be almost as good an option if not better – whats to say a young player and his parents wouldn’t choose us over a bigger club if our facilities were in practice better? If they provided a route to International football? Better still if we ramp up investment into the academy it means we waste less on transfer fees. . Surely that makes sense.
5.       Have a plan in place for the season after next
Our biggest weakness the last 2 seasons seems to have been a total lack of a plan B. Promoted from League One? erm do we want to go up or stay in the division – not sure?… lets get some good players, and some average ones and see what works? the season before last of course we decided that nearly getting promoted meant we shouldn’t invest in the squad at all?.. you get the picture. Lets ensure our player contracts are properly revised and players given the going rate for an aspirational championship team, but that players who don’t make the next step can go – for the right price, and that players we want to keep get the mark-up they warrant.
Better still at that point lets ensure the much discussed corporate boxes offer something for everyone. If we dont go up lets ensure our focus is getting up soon, not just investing zip in the squad and hoping for the best from off field revenue, its a mugs game as our last accounts prove.
Better still lets realise that Leeds United are a football team, That’s what drives up our revenues most of all, we win games and get promoted the gate monies increase so do sponsorship revenues, TV Money and lest we forget corporate entertainment money.
Lets listen to the Manager and players on this count, and back them – sensibly, none of us want a boom and bust, and if the last 8 years has taught us anything its that we want our club to be run well, not be a laughing stock.
There is one final point though, and it’s not a priority, its simply a must. Re-connect with your customers. Remember us the 40,000 who used to cram Elland Road full to the rafters. Who drowned out Manchester United Supporters at Old Trafford, who’d follow you to the ends of the Earth. Doing that is easy. Give the customer what he wants. Walk into McDonald’s you want a burger, into Wetherspoons, a Pint. Walk into Elland Road to watch Leeds, and you want to see your team win.
There’s a good passage of dialogue in the Damned United when Brian Clough asks Manny Cussins how he should approach his new job. Our most Successful owner to date tells him `dont lose, the people of Leeds don’t like losing’. Quite.
There is one last thing though on the to-do list. Word has it there’s a dreadful stench of mothballs, lavender, old leather, and that very special odour, that can only be described as `old guy’ you know somewhere between dry sugar puffs and damp cardboard? there will also be a hefty price to pay for the removal of 9 metric tonnes of Werthers Originals from the hospitality suite. I’m stopping now.

Artig artikkel. Hvor er den hentet fra?

"Always carry a flagon of Whisky in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake." W.C Fields

4ever arcticwhite

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1486 på: Juli 06, 2012, 12:44:28 »
A to-do list for our new owners

posted July 5, 2012/ 44 Comments

Artig artikkel. Hvor er den hentet fra?
The Scratching Shed
The future's so White I've got to wear shades 8)


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1487 på: Juli 06, 2012, 13:02:48 »
“We will continue to do all we can to build an ambitious and successful Leeds United for the future and we hope that Leeds fans will not have to wait too much longer to hear a positive update. We urge you all, in the meantime, to stand together and be patient until there is news to hear.”

LUST i artikkel i YEP om Varney og Norris.
Yeboahs vitne


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1488 på: Juli 06, 2012, 13:27:05 »
Skal en være så latterlige å bring Amnesty og annet inn i det her så kan en minne om Englands berømte Falklandskrig i sin tid eller forsåvidt NATOs herlige fredsengasjement i Afganistan/Irak mv..........kutt ut tullpratet nå !!
Hørt på Living Room; "where's the cardmachine"?


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1489 på: Juli 06, 2012, 13:31:25 »
kutt ut tullpratet nå !!

Glimrende tips! Jeg fulgte det når jeg siterte deg, jeg.
- Leif Olav


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1490 på: Juli 06, 2012, 14:27:41 »

Published on Friday 6 July 2012 09:19

WITH still no news of a buyout conclusion at Elland Road, Leeds United midfielder Adam Clayton has completed a move to Huddersfield Town on a three-year deal.

The 23-year-old has joined Town for an undisclosed fee. More details »

Latest unconfirmed reports on the buyout, meanwhile, are still that investment “from the Middle East” is poised to arrive at Elland Road after an unnamed group agreed in principle a deal to purchase the club.

Warnock is said to have been offered assurances about his position as he resumes his search for likely transfers.

YP i morges.....ikkeno blir sagt fra ER...... >:(!!! Frustrert!!!! 
Yeboahs vitne


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1491 på: Juli 06, 2012, 15:56:00 »


  • Gjest
Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1492 på: Juli 06, 2012, 17:50:41 »
Peter Lorimer - 6/7 -12:
In regards to the possible takeover, legal matters take time and it’s a matter of everybody being patient and hoping it all works out for the best.

Les resten av artikkelen hans her:

Må vel være et godt tegn at Lorimer går ut og sier dette  :)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1493 på: Juli 06, 2012, 18:06:13 »
Peter Lorimer - 6/7 -12:
In regards to the possible takeover, legal matters take time and it’s a matter of everybody being patient and hoping it all works out for the best.

Les resten av artikkelen hans her:

Må vel være et godt tegn at Lorimer går ut og sier dette  :)
Etter min mening er det meste som kommer ut av Lorimers munn stort sett humbug :(
Forøvrig fortsatt slett arbeid fra YEP: de har stort sett null info om takeover, så da intervjuer de Lorimer og Eddie.....og får selvfølgeligheter....


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1494 på: Juli 06, 2012, 18:28:53 »
Fra vår "venn" på forumet til teamtalk....
Han gir seg ikke...
bahrain white  (Leeds United): Spot on Berty. We all know who is a die hard Leeds fan and they don't come bigger than Shaikh Abdulrahman. He virtually breathes Leeds United and turned many into Leeds fans with his way . Not long now till the name of the Consortium is eventually revealed. And yes they are from Bahrain. Not an individual. Just get behind NW and we will be fine. MOT


  • Gjest
Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1495 på: Juli 06, 2012, 19:52:07 »
Så nettopp Top Gear med Vinnie Jones på Max. han fortalte om sin første bil, en Cortina, som gikk i stykker før kamp. han fikk bilen inn på parkeringsplassen før han forsvant på kamp. Jeremy: "It's probably still there"
Vinnie Jones: "or Ken Bates took it "
snart ny eier ! :D

Svend Anders

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1496 på: Juli 06, 2012, 20:04:13 »
Etter min mening er det meste som kommer ut av Lorimers munn stort sett humbug :(
Forøvrig fortsatt slett arbeid fra YEP: de har stort sett null info om takeover, så da intervjuer de Lorimer og Eddie.....og får selvfølgeligheter....

Du ser at det ikke er et intervju, ikke sant? Peter Lorimer har en fast, ukentlig spalte i YEP, det erstatter ingen intervjuer eller lignende.

YEP skulle nok ønske seg bedre kilder, men de har noen kontakter og har stort sett vært korrekte i det de har skrevet om takeoveren. Men det er åpenbart at lokalmedia utfordres når eieren sitter i Monaco og kjøperen i en annen verdensdel.


Svend Anders

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1497 på: Juli 06, 2012, 20:10:37 »
Fra vår "venn" på forumet til teamtalk....
Han gir seg ikke...
bahrain white  (Leeds United): Spot on Berty. We all know who is a die hard Leeds fan and they don't come bigger than Shaikh Abdulrahman. He virtually breathes Leeds United and turned many into Leeds fans with his way . Not long now till the name of the Consortium is eventually revealed. And yes they are from Bahrain. Not an individual. Just get behind NW and we will be fine. MOT

Kan godt hende dette stemmer, at det er et konsortium, etc - men Shaikh Abdulrahman er ingen stor person i økonomisk forstand. Han er en forretningsmann, og 1. søskenbarn av statsministeren i Bahrain. Han er sportsfantast - interesserer seg for alt av idrett (selv Lillehammer-OL), osv.

Så også hestesport - i fjor ble han etterlyst i England for å ha stukket fra bookmaker-regningen sin på 270,000 pund - 2,5 millioner kroner - i London. Vi får håpe det er betalt før han kommer til Yorkshire, for i fjor kunne myndighetene ta beslag i eiendommen hans og passet hans:

Krysser fingra for at det blir bra til slutt!


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1498 på: Juli 06, 2012, 21:39:09 »
Om Khalifa-ryktene stemmer, snakk om familiedynasti!  ::)

Good luck in finding out which is the suspected new owner
Office Name
Prime Minister Khalifa ibn Salman Al Khalifa (Uncle of King Hamad)
Minister of Foreign Affairs Khalid ibn Ahmad Al Khalifah
Minister of Defence Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Minister of Interior Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Minister of Information Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Minister of Finance Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Minister of Justice & Islamic Affairs Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa
Minister of Culture Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa
Minister of Transport (also Deputy Prime Minister) Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Minister of the Royal Court Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Minister of the Royal Court for Followup Affairs Ahmed bin Ateyatalla Al Khalifa
Minister of Royal Court Affairs Ali bin Isa Al Khalifa
Deputy Prime Minister for Ministerial Committees Muhammad ibn Mubarak ibn Hamad Al Khalifah
Deputy Prime Minister Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Minister of State for Defence Affairs Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Supreme Commander of Armed Forces Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (King)
Deputy Supreme Commander of Armed Forces Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (Crown Prince)
Chief of Staff of Bahrain Defence Force Khalifa bin Ahmad Al Khalifa
Advisor to Prime Minister for Security Affairs Abdulaziz bin Ateyatallah Al Khalifa
Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (King)
Chief Justice of Bahrain (President of the Court of Cassation) Khalifa bin Rashid Al Khalifa
Commander of the National Guard Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa (brother of King Hamad)
National Guard Staff Director Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Al Khalifa
Commander of the Royal Bahraini Air Force Hamad bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Director of the National Security Agency Khalifa bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chief of the Information Affairs Authority Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa (2010-present)[17]
Ambassador to London Khalifa bin Ali bin Rashid Al Khalifa
Commander of the Royal Guard Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
Advisor to the Prime Minister Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa (son of Prime Minister)
Chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs Abdullah bin Khalid Al Khalifa
Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa
President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
Secretary General of the Bahrain Olympic Committee Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
CEO of the Bahrain Olympic Committee Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
First Vice President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa
President Bahrain Football Association Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa
President of the Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
President Bahrain Tennis Federation Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
President Bahrain Table Tennis Association Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
Chairman of Bahrain Volleyball Association Ali bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
President of Bahrain Motor Federation Abdullah bin Isa Al Khalifa
President of Bahrain Cycling Association Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa
President of Bahrain Swimming Association Hashim bin Mohammed bin Salman Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Shooting Sports Association Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Deputy Chairman of Bahrain Shooting Sports Association Hamad bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Head of Womens Sports Committee Hayat bint Abdulaziz Al Khalifa
President of the Supreme Council for Women Queen Sabika bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa (wife of King Hamad)
Deputy President of the Supreme Council for Women Mariam bint Hassan Al Khalifa
Director-General of Women Empowerment Programmes at Supreme Council for Women Azza bint Abdul Rahman Al Khalifa
Head of Survey and Land Registration Bureau Salman bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Undersecretary for Port Affairs Daij bin Salman bin Daij Al Khalifa
CEO of Bahrain International Circuit Salman bin Isa Al Khalifa
Head of Investor Relations at Bahrain Economic Development Board Saqer bin Salman Al Khalifa
President of Juvenile Public Prosecution Noora bint Abdullah Al Khalifa
Media counsellor to the Bahraini Embassy in London Fahad bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
International media adviser to the Information Affairs Authority Abdul Aziz bin Mubarak Al Khalifa
Board member of Telecom Regulations Authority Hamad bin Mohammed bin Hamad Al Khalifa
General Director of Urban Planning at Ministry of Municipality Affairs & Urban Planning Hamad bin Mohammed bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Director of Finance & Administration at Telecom Regulations Authority Nasser bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Director of Bahrain Royal Medical Services Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa
Head of IT department at Bahrain Royal Medical Services Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Hawar Islands Development Committee Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Deputy Head of Civil Service Bureau Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Ministerial Committee for Services and Infrastructure Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Committee for Studying, Building Materials Supply Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Committee for Organizing Tourism Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Tamkeen (Labour Fund) Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Polytechnic Hisham bin Abdul Aziz Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Development Bank Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa
Undersecretary at Ministry of Education Hisham bin Abdul Aziz Al Khalifa
Assistant Undersecretary at Ministry of Education Lulwa bint Khalifa Isa Al Khalifa
Assistant Undersecretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rana bint Isa Al Khalifa
First Secretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aisha bint Ahmed bin Saqr Al Khalifa
President of Bahrain Children & Mothers Welfare Society Lulwa bint Mohammed Al Khalifa
Diplomatic Attaché at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
President of Customs Affairs (Ministry of Interior) Mohammed bin Ali Al Khalifa
Undersecretary for Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs at Ministry of Interior Rashid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Undersecretary at Ministry of Housing Nawaf bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa[18]
Chief Executive of Bahrain National Gas Company Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
President of the Bahrain Athletics Association Talal bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Executive Director at Central Bank of Bahrain Salman bin Isa Al Khalifa
Undersecretary at Ministry of Transportation Bader bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Chief Prosecutor for Juveniles Noura Abdulla Al-Khalifa[19][20]
Social Media Editor at Information Affairs Authority Maryam H. Al-Khalifa
Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Humood bin Abdulla Al Khalifa
Governor of the Southern Governorate Abdullah bin Rashid Al Khalifa
Governor of the Capital Governorate Hisham bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa [21]
Chairman of Batelco Hamad bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
CEO of Batelco Group Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa
General Manager of Manager Human Resources & Development at Batelco Group Ahmed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain International Airshow Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Board member of National Oil and Gas Authority Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Board member of Aluminum Bahrain Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Ardha Society Salman bin Mohammed bin Ali Al Khalifa [22]
Chairman of Bahrain Internet Exchange
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Takeover
« Svar #1499 på: Juli 06, 2012, 22:48:18 »
Om Khalifa-ryktene stemmer, snakk om familiedynasti!  ::)

Good luck in finding out which is the suspected new owner
Office Name
Prime Minister Khalifa ibn Salman Al Khalifa (Uncle of King Hamad)
Minister of Foreign Affairs Khalid ibn Ahmad Al Khalifah
Minister of Defence Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Minister of Interior Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Minister of Information Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Minister of Finance Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Minister of Justice & Islamic Affairs Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa
Minister of Culture Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa
Minister of Transport (also Deputy Prime Minister) Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Minister of the Royal Court Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Minister of the Royal Court for Followup Affairs Ahmed bin Ateyatalla Al Khalifa
Minister of Royal Court Affairs Ali bin Isa Al Khalifa
Deputy Prime Minister for Ministerial Committees Muhammad ibn Mubarak ibn Hamad Al Khalifah
Deputy Prime Minister Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Minister of State for Defence Affairs Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Supreme Commander of Armed Forces Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (King)
Deputy Supreme Commander of Armed Forces Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (Crown Prince)
Chief of Staff of Bahrain Defence Force Khalifa bin Ahmad Al Khalifa
Advisor to Prime Minister for Security Affairs Abdulaziz bin Ateyatallah Al Khalifa
Chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa (King)
Chief Justice of Bahrain (President of the Court of Cassation) Khalifa bin Rashid Al Khalifa
Commander of the National Guard Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa (brother of King Hamad)
National Guard Staff Director Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Al Khalifa
Commander of the Royal Bahraini Air Force Hamad bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Director of the National Security Agency Khalifa bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chief of the Information Affairs Authority Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa (2010-present)[17]
Ambassador to London Khalifa bin Ali bin Rashid Al Khalifa
Commander of the Royal Guard Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
Advisor to the Prime Minister Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa (son of Prime Minister)
Chairman of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs Abdullah bin Khalid Al Khalifa
Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sport Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa
President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
Secretary General of the Bahrain Olympic Committee Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
CEO of the Bahrain Olympic Committee Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
First Vice President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa
President Bahrain Football Association Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa
President of the Bahrain Royal Equestrian and Endurance Federation Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
President Bahrain Tennis Federation Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
President Bahrain Table Tennis Association Ahmed bin Hamad Al Khalifa (son of King Hamad)
Chairman of Bahrain Volleyball Association Ali bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
President of Bahrain Motor Federation Abdullah bin Isa Al Khalifa
President of Bahrain Cycling Association Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa
President of Bahrain Swimming Association Hashim bin Mohammed bin Salman Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Shooting Sports Association Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Deputy Chairman of Bahrain Shooting Sports Association Hamad bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Head of Womens Sports Committee Hayat bint Abdulaziz Al Khalifa
President of the Supreme Council for Women Queen Sabika bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa (wife of King Hamad)
Deputy President of the Supreme Council for Women Mariam bint Hassan Al Khalifa
Director-General of Women Empowerment Programmes at Supreme Council for Women Azza bint Abdul Rahman Al Khalifa
Head of Survey and Land Registration Bureau Salman bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Undersecretary for Port Affairs Daij bin Salman bin Daij Al Khalifa
CEO of Bahrain International Circuit Salman bin Isa Al Khalifa
Head of Investor Relations at Bahrain Economic Development Board Saqer bin Salman Al Khalifa
President of Juvenile Public Prosecution Noora bint Abdullah Al Khalifa
Media counsellor to the Bahraini Embassy in London Fahad bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
International media adviser to the Information Affairs Authority Abdul Aziz bin Mubarak Al Khalifa
Board member of Telecom Regulations Authority Hamad bin Mohammed bin Hamad Al Khalifa
General Director of Urban Planning at Ministry of Municipality Affairs & Urban Planning Hamad bin Mohammed bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Director of Finance & Administration at Telecom Regulations Authority Nasser bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Director of Bahrain Royal Medical Services Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa
Head of IT department at Bahrain Royal Medical Services Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Hawar Islands Development Committee Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Deputy Head of Civil Service Bureau Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Ministerial Committee for Services and Infrastructure Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Committee for Studying, Building Materials Supply Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Committee for Organizing Tourism Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
Chairman of Tamkeen (Labour Fund) Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Polytechnic Hisham bin Abdul Aziz Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Development Bank Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa
Undersecretary at Ministry of Education Hisham bin Abdul Aziz Al Khalifa
Assistant Undersecretary at Ministry of Education Lulwa bint Khalifa Isa Al Khalifa
Assistant Undersecretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rana bint Isa Al Khalifa
First Secretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aisha bint Ahmed bin Saqr Al Khalifa
President of Bahrain Children & Mothers Welfare Society Lulwa bint Mohammed Al Khalifa
Diplomatic Attaché at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
President of Customs Affairs (Ministry of Interior) Mohammed bin Ali Al Khalifa
Undersecretary for Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs at Ministry of Interior Rashid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Undersecretary at Ministry of Housing Nawaf bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa[18]
Chief Executive of Bahrain National Gas Company Mohammed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
President of the Bahrain Athletics Association Talal bin Mohammed Al Khalifa
Executive Director at Central Bank of Bahrain Salman bin Isa Al Khalifa
Undersecretary at Ministry of Transportation Bader bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Chief Prosecutor for Juveniles Noura Abdulla Al-Khalifa[19][20]
Social Media Editor at Information Affairs Authority Maryam H. Al-Khalifa
Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Humood bin Abdulla Al Khalifa
Governor of the Southern Governorate Abdullah bin Rashid Al Khalifa
Governor of the Capital Governorate Hisham bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa [21]
Chairman of Batelco Hamad bin Abdullah Al Khalifa
CEO of Batelco Group Mohammed bin Isa Al Khalifa
General Manager of Manager Human Resources & Development at Batelco Group Ahmed bin Khalifa Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain International Airshow Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa
Board member of National Oil and Gas Authority Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Board member of Aluminum Bahrain Mohammed bin Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa
Chairman of Bahrain Ardha Society Salman bin Mohammed bin Ali Al Khalifa [22]
Chairman of Bahrain Internet Exchange

GARANTERT en av disse to  :-*
januar 3. remember the date. we beat the team that we f@*kin hate. we knocked the scum out the FA cup. we`re super leeds and we`re goin up!!!!!