Skrevet av Emne: TOMA 1: Rykter og spekulasjoner om Takeover  (Lest 1386643 ganger)

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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2580 på: August 30, 2012, 10:53:07 »
Viss det blir takeover etter overgangsfristen, så blir det garantert noen saftige lånespillere inn, med opsjon på kjøp i Januar.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."

4ever arcticwhite

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2581 på: August 30, 2012, 10:58:49 »
Kan dealer signeres fram til mandag morgen (siden det er helg) eller er det brått slutt fredag 24.00? Noen som vet?

Kanskje vi ikke skal håpe på et rush de siste timene.  Kanskje det er bedre at vi låner inn noen med rutine og noen med fart og satser på fem vel-overveide signeringer i januar.

Det viktigste er at et nytt regime kommer på plass og alt tyder på at vi er beyond point of no return...
Siden 1. september er lørdag tror jeg det er bråslutt på fredag 31. august kl 23:59:59.
The future's so White I've got to wear shades 8)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2582 på: August 30, 2012, 11:02:15 »
Om det blir takeover  1. september så gir jeg litt blanke i det, men gleder meg over at det faktisk har blitt en realitet.... Nå må det skje noe snart!
Realitet og realitet, unge Dammen.........................................
"Realiteten" er vel trykket av avisen som mente at prins Harrys kronjuveler har så stor nyhetsinteresse at det ikke holdt med publisering på alle verdens nettsteder, men i tillegg trengte å papairdokumenteres. Jeg spretter ikke champagne eller annet før jeg ser onkel Kennys underskrift på salgsmeldingen.


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2583 på: August 30, 2012, 11:07:35 »
Det er bare en ting å gjøre her, håpe på at det er noe i dette, men kjenner at jeg overhode ikke tar av, det er en følelse av bekymring for økonomistatus i klubben som dominerer hos meg for tiden. Det går et hopetall med rykter om TO og rykter om bunnskrapt pengekasse etc. Jeg frustreres alvorlig av dette og det hele minner om en farse.

Jeg setter meg rolig ned, folder hendene, og ber til vår herre om at han skal sjele litt til vårt hardt prøvede klubb og trofaste fans om frelse- og da snakker jeg om penger- så mye som mulig!!

Yeboahs vitne


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2584 på: August 30, 2012, 11:08:50 »
Om det blir takeover  1. september så gir jeg litt blanke i det, men gleder meg over at det faktisk har blitt en realitet.... Nå må det skje noe snart!
Realitet og realitet, unge Dammen.........................................
"Realiteten" er vel trykket av avisen som mente at prins Harrys kronjuveler har så stor nyhetsinteresse at det ikke holdt med publisering på alle verdens nettsteder, men i tillegg trengte å papairdokumenteres. Jeg spretter ikke champagne eller annet før jeg ser onkel Kennys underskrift på salgsmeldingen.
Når jeg snakket om realitet så er det i tilfelle det skjer 1. september. For selv om en takeover skulle skje da, så er det mange her inne som da også ville klaget o.l. over at det ikke skjer før... så det jeg sier er jo da at jeg hadde heller gledet meg over det fremfor å vært sur over at det ikke hadde skjedd før :)

Ikke vær så bokstavelig "unge" Teigen! :)
MOT!! We are Leeds!


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2585 på: August 30, 2012, 12:13:20 »
Leksvik whites

Jon R

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2586 på: August 30, 2012, 13:17:21 »

Selger ikke noe skinn ennå, men dette trengte jeg :)

Er det navnet på han som tar over? Halla El Uja?


Det blir ihvertfall hallal pølser og hallal burgere på ER i tiden fremover når hvis  islamistene tar over butikken.  :o
Jon R.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2587 på: August 30, 2012, 14:01:03 »
Phil Hay ‏@PhilHayYEP
I've looked into the Sun's story and from what I've heard there's no expectation of the takeover at #lufc going through in the next 72 hours
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2588 på: August 30, 2012, 14:04:10 »
Nei så rart  ::) Venta på den.
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win (na, na, na, na, na, na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds - Leeds - Leeds

Joe Jordan

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2589 på: August 30, 2012, 14:04:37 »
Phil Hay ‏@PhilHayYEP
I've looked into the Sun's story and from what I've heard there's no expectation of the takeover at #lufc going through in the next 72 hours

Vel, Phil Hay er ihvertfall en 100% mer pålitelig kilde enn The Sun.

Nå er takeover allerede for sent med tanke på transfer-deadline, så nå driter jeg egentlig i det...
'If they hadn't scored, we would've won.' - Howard Wilkinson


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2590 på: August 30, 2012, 14:34:51 »

Selger ikke noe skinn ennå, men dette trengte jeg :)

Er det navnet på han som tar over? Halla El Uja?


Det blir ihvertfall hallal pølser og hallal burgere på ER i tiden fremover når hvis  islamistene tar over butikken.  :o
Leeds-spillerne for kun lov til å drikke mineralvann, også :D.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020

4ever arcticwhite

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2591 på: August 30, 2012, 14:43:49 »

Selger ikke noe skinn ennå, men dette trengte jeg :)

Er det navnet på han som tar over? Halla El Uja?


Det blir ihvertfall hallal pølser og hallal burgere på ER i tiden fremover når hvis  islamistene tar over butikken.  :o
Leeds-spillerne for kun lov til å drikke mineralvann, også :D.
Halla er stor!
The future's so White I've got to wear shades 8)


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2592 på: August 30, 2012, 15:21:37 »
Phil Hay ‏@PhilHayYEP
I've looked into the Sun's story and from what I've heard there's no expectation of the takeover at #lufc going through in the next 72 hours

Vel, Phil Hay er ihvertfall en 100% mer pålitelig kilde enn The Sun.

Nå er takeover allerede for sent med tanke på transfer-deadline, så nå driter jeg egentlig i det...

Vel, hva har egentlig YEP bidratt med av info i de tre mnd takeover'en har pågått??
*løper  over på waccoe for å se om BIG & Boozie har uttalt seg i løpet av dagen*
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2593 på: August 30, 2012, 15:43:02 »
Ikke så mye å finne fra de nevnte herrer, men BIG skriver da i det minste:

this time next week we hope to be in a position to make public all of our findings which will be backed up with independent opinion too, i'll let you judge how bad things are financially from that suffice it to say without investment to the tune of several million pounds we wont make May next year in my opinion.

Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2594 på: August 30, 2012, 16:19:24 »
Gary Cooper går ikke god for The Sun-artikkelen (They write a lot, some times they get it right, some times they get it wrong - noe i den duren).

Poenget til Cooper er dog at Bats ikke har finansene til å kunne fortsette særlig lenge (seogså  forrige post mht offentliggjøring i neste uke)

Spørsmål til BIG
Sounds to me like he is not going anywhere. He appears to be putting the blame for any failed takeover/investment firmly on the buyers (typical Bates, never his fault). This will be his excuse for withdrawing from negotiations.

I very much doubt there is much talking still going on anyway, as it has been very quiet for nearly a week now.

that maybe the case however his next problem would be where does he get the money to keep the club afloat for the rest of the season?

Bates ringer LUST-medlemmene også:
May as well give us a summary of the 4 calls to trust members BiG. I'd like to know what the nutter has been spouting.

i dont want to go into too much detail mate mainly because two of those ive spoken to have asked for their confidence to be respected which i have to do but i think its okay to say Mr Bates has claimed he cant sell because he doesnt know who the buyers are, that the slowness is down the (insert less than complimentary description of the potential buyers, who he says he doesnt know who they are), that the trust doesnt know what its talking about and we are all ****** and ******* ***** but in another call he said we have breached a confidentiality agreement (we havent ever signed one).

the point being his story changes about the deal but he consistently hates the trust, so were doing soemthing right then?

I know your busy, no rush and no names needed but could you tell us the tales hes spun and differences.?
No worries if you can't.

as i posted earlier mate he claims to one he doesnt know who the buyers are, claims to another they have no money, claims to a third (several less than complimentary describing words about the potential buyers culture) so if he doesnt know who they are how is he able to be less than comlimentary about them

Boozie er oppgitt over Bates:
Just caught up on all this. What a vile human being Bates is. I seriously worry about how sane he is. He needs to get his story straight and stick to it. The best liars stick to their story, Ken used to be a good liar but he is losing it. He is telling people different things, blaming people (buyers lawyers, he should look a bit closer to home) for leaks. The problem he has got is that he is isolated and hitting out at anyone who will listen. I would love for him to call me so I could tear his lies to pieces as I know some of the real facts and would happily make him squirm.

This man makes me so angry. Do not believe a word he says.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Jon R

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2595 på: August 30, 2012, 16:30:10 »
Vann på mølla for en som det siste året har hatt en stadig gryende mistanke om at mannen ikke lenger er ved sine fulle fem.  Dette er sterkt urovekkende med tanke på overtakelsen og fremtiden til klubben!
Jon R.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2596 på: August 30, 2012, 17:26:54 »
Vann på mølla for en som det siste året har hatt en stadig gryende mistanke om at mannen ikke lenger er ved sine fulle fem.  Dette er sterkt urovekkende med tanke på overtakelsen og fremtiden til klubben!
Huff,hvis han er ute så kan han jo ikke skrive under noe?Hvis det i ettertid viser seg at gnomen har vært senil,så må man jo annullere en evt avtale....for et styr >:(


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2597 på: August 30, 2012, 18:52:14 »
Skulle det være sånn, blir vel snart kona hans verge og kan selge for han. Har ikke han uttalt at hun er en bestemt dame tidligere? ;) ;)
Marching on together!


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2598 på: August 30, 2012, 18:56:59 »
Skulle det være sånn, blir vel snart kona hans verge og kan selge for han. Har ikke han uttalt at hun er en bestemt dame tidligere? ;) ;)
...leste nettopp på waccoe i går om en som hadde møtt dem begge. Han syntes det var skremmende å se hvordan han kontrollerte henne fullstendig   ::)
(...det var riktignok noen år siden)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Re: Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2599 på: August 30, 2012, 19:12:21 »
Gary Cooper går ikke god for The Sun-artikkelen (They write a lot, some times they get it right, some times they get it wrong - noe i den duren).

Poenget til Cooper er dog at Bats ikke har finansene til å kunne fortsette særlig lenge (seogså  forrige post mht offentliggjøring i neste uke)

Spørsmål til BIG
Sounds to me like he is not going anywhere. He appears to be putting the blame for any failed takeover/investment firmly on the buyers (typical Bates, never his fault). This will be his excuse for withdrawing from negotiations.

I very much doubt there is much talking still going on anyway, as it has been very quiet for nearly a week now.

that maybe the case however his next problem would be where does he get the money to keep the club afloat for the rest of the season?

Bates ringer LUST-medlemmene også:
May as well give us a summary of the 4 calls to trust members BiG. I'd like to know what the nutter has been spouting.

i dont want to go into too much detail mate mainly because two of those ive spoken to have asked for their confidence to be respected which i have to do but i think its okay to say Mr Bates has claimed he cant sell because he doesnt know who the buyers are, that the slowness is down the (insert less than complimentary description of the potential buyers, who he says he doesnt know who they are), that the trust doesnt know what its talking about and we are all ****** and ******* ***** but in another call he said we have breached a confidentiality agreement (we havent ever signed one).

the point being his story changes about the deal but he consistently hates the trust, so were doing soemthing right then?

I know your busy, no rush and no names needed but could you tell us the tales hes spun and differences.?
No worries if you can't.

as i posted earlier mate he claims to one he doesnt know who the buyers are, claims to another they have no money, claims to a third (several less than complimentary describing words about the potential buyers culture) so if he doesnt know who they are how is he able to be less than comlimentary about them

Boozie er oppgitt over Bates:
Just caught up on all this. What a vile human being Bates is. I seriously worry about how sane he is. He needs to get his story straight and stick to it. The best liars stick to their story, Ken used to be a good liar but he is losing it. He is telling people different things, blaming people (buyers lawyers, he should look a bit closer to home) for leaks. The problem he has got is that he is isolated and hitting out at anyone who will listen. I would love for him to call me so I could tear his lies to pieces as I know some of the real facts and would happily make him squirm.

This man makes me so angry. Do not believe a word he says.

Ja, ja. Det blir ikke et salg med det første da. For en såpeopera. Trur jeg skal slutte å lese alle ryktene om takeover da jeg bare blir deprimert

Ian Baird

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2600 på: August 30, 2012, 19:41:49 »
Casher Bates inn en halv mrd. på denne "love affair" til klubben vår kan ha si seg fornøyd med det. En slu jæ...han Ken. Får håpe det er mer penger igjen i den mulimske banken.
Cellino 5. April 2014: We will be back in the Premier Leauge by 2016.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2601 på: August 30, 2012, 21:26:37 »

Selger ikke noe skinn ennå, men dette trengte jeg :)

Er det navnet på han som tar over? Halla El Uja?


Det blir ihvertfall hallal pølser og hallal burgere på ER i tiden fremover når hvis  islamistene tar over butikken.  :o
Leeds-spillerne for kun lov til å drikke mineralvann, også :D.
Halla er stor!

Hven rr Halla... Og er han medlem.?.

Evig Pint

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2602 på: August 30, 2012, 22:21:56 »
Duncan Castles skrev nettopp dette på twitter. Sportsjournalist.


The proposed takeover of Leeds United by a part-Bahraini consortium is understood to be no nearer completion. #LUFC

According to sources on both sides of the potential transaction, discussions between majority shareholder Ken Bates and the bidding party have not resolved serious differences over the terms of payment. There is said to be “no chance” of the takeover concluding ahead of Friday night's transfer deadline.

While a price was agreed for Bates' stake in the club in July, the consortium failed to complete the transaction. Leeds chairman is understood to have been unhappy with an attempt to redirect funds used to secure a period of exclusivity to Neil Warnock's transfer budget. Concerted attempts to resurrect the deal involving club solicitors Walker Morris have not removed the impasse, with at least one scheduled meeting between the two sides cancelled in the last days.

Marching on together


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2603 på: August 30, 2012, 22:27:22 »
Duncan Castles skrev nettopp dette på twitter. Sportsjournalist.


The proposed takeover of Leeds United by a part-Bahraini consortium is understood to be no nearer completion. #LUFC

According to sources on both sides of the potential transaction, discussions between majority shareholder Ken Bates and the bidding party have not resolved serious differences over the terms of payment. There is said to be “no chance” of the takeover concluding ahead of Friday night's transfer deadline.

While a price was agreed for Bates' stake in the club in July, the consortium failed to complete the transaction. Leeds chairman is understood to have been unhappy with an attempt to redirect funds used to secure a period of exclusivity to Neil Warnock's transfer budget. Concerted attempts to resurrect the deal involving club solicitors Walker Morris have not removed the impasse, with at least one scheduled meeting between the two sides cancelled in the last days.

...og boozie er kjapt ute med en kommentar:

Just repeating my word of warning about Castles. He has some good sources but some of them are very close to Bates. He is also hoping to do a big story about Bates so wants to keep him on side.
(nnei, jeg kan selvfølgelig ikke gå god for at Boozie er nærmere prosessene enn Castles, men...)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2604 på: August 30, 2012, 22:42:21 »
For et sirkus... Snakk om å tyne kreftene ut av fansen..
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2605 på: August 30, 2012, 23:17:33 »
Boozie igjen, presiserer (mht Castles tweet):

Do you think this is all going pear shaped now mate?

Nothing has changed since last week. The 4m issue is no longer an issue as I understand it it has been resolved.

For Castles to say otherwise is nonsense as is him saying the buyers failed to complete the transaction in July. Only one person failing to complete this deal and he lives in Monaco.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2606 på: August 30, 2012, 23:26:55 »

I would not for one second suggest that any of you've been lying, or otherwise passing on wrongful information on purpose. But can I just ask how confident you are that all the info you've received, have been accurate?

Is there any chance you, or your source, have in any way been played by Bates(or the club) during this drawn out mess?

Answer: very confident, no chance of bates being involved, we usually verify all info with the three sources we have before putting any of it out in the public domain.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2607 på: August 30, 2012, 23:35:16 »

It wasnt a lump sum of 4m it was two installments of 2m. I repeat this issue has been resolved.

Presiserer hvordan summen ble betalt av investorene. Disse pengene er ikke lenger til hinder for take-over!

Jeg tror det kanskje er et problem for Bates at kjøperne kan kreve ham for penger hvis d.d. ikke avdekket alt støvet i krokene!
Denne klausulen vil han nok ha slettet!

Hvorfor blir ikke dette løst? Kanskje er det slik at kjøperne slett ikke er så velstående som vi ønsker?

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2608 på: August 31, 2012, 00:07:30 »
Indemnities were an issue, not sure if they still are. Parties were very confident the indemnities could be sorted. Bates was being unreasonable about them and ignoring lawyers advice but they believed there was a compromise to be made that he could accept.

Indemnities.... (skadesløsholdelse)

An indemnity is a sum paid by A to B by way of compensation for a particular loss suffered by B. The indemnitor (A) may or may not be responsible for the loss suffered by the indemnitee (B). Forms of indemnity include cash payments, repairs, replacement, and reinstatement.

B=Takeover men
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2609 på: August 31, 2012, 00:14:51 »
Phil Hay ‏@PhilHayYEP
I've looked into the Sun's story and from what I've heard there's no expectation of the takeover at #lufc going through in the next 72 hours

Vel, Phil Hay er ihvertfall en 100% mer pålitelig kilde enn The Sun.

Nå er takeover allerede for sent med tanke på transfer-deadline, så nå driter jeg egentlig i det...

Hay pours cold water on The Sun’s takeover story
Thu 30th Aug 2012 22:19 by Tim Whelan
This morning the ever-reliable Sun newspaper reported that GFH Capital would complete their takeover of Leeds within the next 72 hours, but later in the day this was refuted by Phil Hay from the Yorkshire Evening Post.

Dubai-based GFH Capital have been identified as the group involved in the endless talks to buy the club, and on their website they describe themselves as “one of the Middle East’s foremost private equity investors, advisors and fund managers, providing capital and strategic support for growth companies.” The prospective new chairman is Leeds fan David Haigh, who is Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of GFH.

But sadly, it seems likely that The Sun’s claim that GFH were close to the takeover is just a load of bull. This morning I was in the unusual position of hoping that something in that scandal-rag was actually true, but I suspected it wasn’t when no other newspaper ran the same story. And this afternoon Phil Hay of the YEP used Twitter to tell the world that he’d looked into the Sun’s claim and could find absolutely no evidence to back it up.

So where does this leave us? The issue which is preventing the completion of the deal is that GFH have asked Bates to sign an ‘Indemnity Clause’, and so far the old man has refused to do so. Although GFH have now completed ‘Due Dilligence’ and gone through the books with a fine toothcomb, they still want the ‘Indemnity Clause’, which would force Bates to cover any future losses arising from anything they might have missed.

While we continue to wait for the takeover to be finalised, Leeds are suffering from a cash-flow crisis, as the money Bates has spent on his various property schemes around the stadium has outstripped even the considerable amounts that the sales of key players have brought into the club. So at the moment there is no money even to bring on players on loan, never mind to improve the squad through permanent transfers.

It has been confirmed that GFH have already been assisting the club with transfer funding over the summer. This explains why at one stage in May we didn’t manage to find the cash to sign Joel Ward, but then things got moving and several new players did come to the club in the next few weeks. I also suspect that Neil Warnock was on the verge of walking away from the club after the Ward debacle, and it was only the prospect of the takeover that persuaded him to change his mind.

GFH were also involved in the efforts to persuade Snodgrass to sign a new contract, until the Scot ran out of patience as the talks dragged on and decided to move to Norwich. Snoddy thought he wasn’t going to take the risk of Bates remaining in charge, as he can’t believe anything our dear current chairman says!

But it’s now clear that no more cash will be forthcoming from GFH until Bates signs on the dotted line and the deal is complete. It’s already too late to make any further signings before the transfer window closes tomorrow, and it has even been suggested that a second administration isn’t impossible without further investment. So we can but continue to pray that the deal is concluded sooner rather than later! Please let the Sun be right!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973