TOMA 1: Rykter og spekulasjoner om Takeover

Started by Boxman, July 27, 2009, 22:42:36

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Quote from: Svend Anders on October 10, 2012, 09:10:53
Quote from: Boxman on October 10, 2012, 08:59:57
Vedr. Haig's kommentar til The Sun. Ehh...trenger jeg si mer? The Sun? Når ble de plutselig troverdige?

Helt enig i at The Sun ikke er spesielt troverdige, men et direkte sitat er likevel et sitat, gitt av Haigh i denne sammenheng.

GFHC har faktisk brukt The Sun to ganger nå bevisst på å gi intervju/uttalelser.


Så vidt jeg kunne lese Haigh's egen tweet vedr. dette, benektet han å ha sagt det.
Proud to be Leeds!


Leeds United buyer Gulf Finance House holds less than £3.6m in cash

The Middle East investment-banking group poised to take over Leeds United held less than £4million in cash in June this year, £800million less than at the end of 2008, Daily Telegraph analysis can reveal.


I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 09:57:26
Leeds United buyer Gulf Finance House holds less than £3.6m in cash

The Middle East investment-banking group poised to take over Leeds United held less than £4million in cash in June this year, £800million less than at the end of 2008, Daily Telegraph analysis can reveal.


"For the last time, GFH's own corporate wealth is irrelevant. It uses other people's cash - from banks, sovereign wealth funds, private investors, high net worth individuals - to invest. GFH makes its own money and manages its own balance sheet and profits by managing these investments, perhaps taking a percentage of future property, charging management fees etc. Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about. Nor is their 'cash held'. Nor is their investment performance, share price or anything."
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Quote from: Sydhagen on October 10, 2012, 09:59:52
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 09:57:26Leeds United buyer Gulf Finance House holds less than £3.6m in cash

The Middle East investment-banking group poised to take over Leeds United held less than £4million in cash in June this year, £800million less than at the end of 2008, Daily Telegraph analysis can reveal.


"For the last time, GFH's own corporate wealth is irrelevant. It uses other people's cash - from banks, sovereign wealth funds, private investors, high net worth individuals - to invest. GFH makes its own money and manages its own balance sheet and profits by managing these investments, perhaps taking a percentage of future property, charging management fees etc. Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about. Nor is their 'cash held'. Nor is their investment performance, share price or anything."

Er det fullt så enkelt, ingenting betyr noe fordi de bruker andre sine penger? Et finanshus som går bra er vel mer ønskelig en et finanshus som går dårlig? Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about??
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Jeg tror (ikke vet) at GFH bare er en gallionsfigur. Mulig at de står som kjøper, men så snart Bates er ute, så blir klubben solgt/overført til de som egentlig vil kjøpe klubben.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 10:09:52
Quote from: Sydhagen on October 10, 2012, 09:59:52
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 09:57:26
Leeds United buyer Gulf Finance House holds less than £3.6m in cash

The Middle East investment-banking group poised to take over Leeds United held less than £4million in cash in June this year, £800million less than at the end of 2008, Daily Telegraph analysis can reveal.


"For the last time, GFH's own corporate wealth is irrelevant. It uses other people's cash - from banks, sovereign wealth funds, private investors, high net worth individuals - to invest. GFH makes its own money and manages its own balance sheet and profits by managing these investments, perhaps taking a percentage of future property, charging management fees etc. Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about. Nor is their 'cash held'. Nor is their investment performance, share price or anything."

Er det fullt så enkelt, ingenting betyr noe fordi de bruker andre sine penger? Et finanshus som går bra er vel mer ønskelig en et finashus som går dårlig? Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about??

Høres ut som en av T5PC eller World Games sine "økonomiske eksperter"
- Leif Olav


Kanskje må vi fortsatt ta noen steg 'backwards' her?
Boozie er bekymret på GFHCs investorer.
Ut fra det under mistenker Boozie at selv investerings-pengene
har de ikke (selv om de visstnok var i 'escrow')

QuoteQUOTE (DiscoJesus @ Oct 10 2012, 10:27 AM)

Wasn't the issue that Bates had taken too long and driven the investors off? Now it's GFH's fault? There's no consistent through-line here.

Some of them were frustrated at Bates but some of them also lay the blame at the door of GFH. It would appear (as we all know) that this deal has been a calamitous affair, with neither coming out with much credit at all.

QuoteQUOTE (Leeds & Proud Of It @ Oct 10 2012, 10:40 AM)

I've given up worrying about it now. I can understand exactly what GFH Capital are bringing to the table - like bangkokwhite is explaining in incredibly simple terms THEY ARE A PRIVATE EQUITY FIRM. It's a complete irrelevance what their cash in hand situation is - they will have clients who will happily invest into the equity fund.

But they don't they are still bloody looking!

QuoteQUOTE (StockportWhite @ Oct 10 2012, 10:47 AM)

Boozie - do you know 100% that the investors have walked for good. If so, is that all of them?

BIG - twist in the tale still (as in yesterdays piggy pic!)

I am aware that 3 investors (wealthy) have walked. I am also aware GFH have been approaching other individuals (even this week) asking them to invest.

It doesn't strike me that the deal could happen today as they are still looking for the cash to put in the pot so they can mange and run the investment. Perhaps this is why Haigh said "within 3 weeks"?

QuoteQUOTE (LUFC92tom @ Oct 10 2012, 10:54 AM)

Alot, me included have put alot of trust in Boozies info this horrible summer, but they now appear very confused, so we need clarity on whether he/she is actually in the know enough anymore or is it just opinion from him/her!
(Even the fact I have to type he/she is f**kin ridiculous)

It is not my opinion, I have had this information provided to me first hand by:

1. Some members of the professional teams on both sides of the deal;and
2. Direct from someone who was approached (on Monday) by GFH about investing money.

All I have done (and I explain this again and again) is pass this information on, it is up to you what you do with it. I have never said I am ITK, I am not involved in the deal but have some very good contacts who are. I always make sure info comes from more than one contact before I pass it on because if I was getting info from one source I simply couldn't trust it wasn't "a line".
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 09:57:26
Leeds United buyer Gulf Finance House holds less than £3.6m in cash

The Middle East investment-banking group poised to take over Leeds United held less than £4million in cash in June this year, £800million less than at the end of 2008, Daily Telegraph analysis can reveal.


Dette avsnittet er mer disturbing:

Seventh-placed Leeds have not released details of their cash flows or balances but declared a pre-tax profit after player trading of £859,000 in 2010/11 on revenues of £32.7million. The decision last year to sell the season-ticket income for this campaign and next â€" for £5million â€" could, however, put pressure on future profits.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Quote from: lojosang on October 10, 2012, 11:05:32
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 10:09:52
Quote from: Sydhagen on October 10, 2012, 09:59:52
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 09:57:26
Leeds United buyer Gulf Finance House holds less than £3.6m in cash

The Middle East investment-banking group poised to take over Leeds United held less than £4million in cash in June this year, £800million less than at the end of 2008, Daily Telegraph analysis can reveal.


"For the last time, GFH's own corporate wealth is irrelevant. It uses other people's cash - from banks, sovereign wealth funds, private investors, high net worth individuals - to invest. GFH makes its own money and manages its own balance sheet and profits by managing these investments, perhaps taking a percentage of future property, charging management fees etc. Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about. Nor is their 'cash held'. Nor is their investment performance, share price or anything."

Er det fullt så enkelt, ingenting betyr noe fordi de bruker andre sine penger? Et finanshus som går bra er vel mer ønskelig en et finashus som går dårlig? Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about??

Høres ut som en av T5PC eller World Games sine "økonomiske eksperter"

Jeg skjønte heller ikke at mange slukte den kommentaren, og attpåtil syntes det hørtes betryggende ut..
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Svend Anders

Quote from: Promotion 2010 on October 10, 2012, 12:23:53
Dette avsnittet er mer disturbing:

Seventh-placed Leeds have not released details of their cash flows or balances but declared a pre-tax profit after player trading of £859,000 in 2010/11 on revenues of £32.7million. The decision last year to sell the season-ticket income for this campaign and next â€" for £5million â€" could, however, put pressure on future profits.

Det er jo ganske gammelt nytt, og noe kjøperne vil være klar over. Og det dreier seg ikke om ALLE sesongkortinntektene våre, men for en del av salget.

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Promotion 2010

Quote from: Svend Anders on October 10, 2012, 13:12:10
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on October 10, 2012, 12:23:53
Dette avsnittet er mer disturbing:

Seventh-placed Leeds have not released details of their cash flows or balances but declared a pre-tax profit after player trading of £859,000 in 2010/11 on revenues of £32.7million. The decision last year to sell the season-ticket income for this campaign and next â€" for £5million â€" could, however, put pressure on future profits.

Det er jo ganske gammelt nytt, og noe kjøperne vil være klar over. Og det dreier seg ikke om ALLE sesongkortinntektene våre, men for en del av salget.


Men pengene er jo allerede brukt til spillerkjøp/lån, så kassa til Bates er tom!  ::)

Håper dette snart går i orden! Klubben trenger sårt frisk kaptial!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 09:57:26
Leeds United buyer Gulf Finance House holds less than £3.6m in cash

The Middle East investment-banking group poised to take over Leeds United held less than £4million in cash in June this year, £800million less than at the end of 2008, Daily Telegraph analysis can reveal.


Har forstått det slik nå at det er to forskjellige selskaper innenfor GFH paraplyen.

"Apparently GFH only have 3.5mil in cash! They are all talking about the wrong company it's GFH CAPITAL that are buying Leeds! David Haigh was quoted in the story trying to explain the difference between the two!"

Lurer på om dette kan være det riktige selskapet:

"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


De hadde vært avslørt pt. Må være det første som ble sjekket....og selvsagt det eneste en Businessmann
som Ken Bates bryr seg om tilslutt.
Cash is King. ;)


Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 12:57:22
Quote from: lojosang on October 10, 2012, 11:05:32
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 10:09:52
Quote from: Sydhagen on October 10, 2012, 09:59:52
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 09:57:26
Leeds United buyer Gulf Finance House holds less than £3.6m in cash

The Middle East investment-banking group poised to take over Leeds United held less than £4million in cash in June this year, £800million less than at the end of 2008, Daily Telegraph analysis can reveal.


"For the last time, GFH's own corporate wealth is irrelevant. It uses other people's cash - from banks, sovereign wealth funds, private investors, high net worth individuals - to invest. GFH makes its own money and manages its own balance sheet and profits by managing these investments, perhaps taking a percentage of future property, charging management fees etc. Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about. Nor is their 'cash held'. Nor is their investment performance, share price or anything."

Er det fullt så enkelt, ingenting betyr noe fordi de bruker andre sine penger? Et finanshus som går bra er vel mer ønskelig en et finashus som går dårlig? Their profitability is not a factor for us to worry about??

Høres ut som en av T5PC eller World Games sine "økonomiske eksperter"

Jeg skjønte heller ikke at mange slukte den kommentaren, og attpåtil syntes det hørtes betryggende ut..

Poenget er vel at det faktisk er sånn en investeringsbank som det her er snakk, opererer. Derfor er det merkelig at folk blir overrasket over dette, eller at de faktisk ikke skjønner at det er sånn.

Det blir som om at jeg tar x antall kroner og investerer i et aksjefond. Det er fondet som bestemmer hvor pengene skal investeres, og som forvalter investeringen. Kanskje ikke noen fullgod sammenligning, men den enkleste jeg kommer på i farta.
Proud to be Leeds!


10 Oct 2012
Parties move to quell speculation...
Leeds United and GFH Capital have issued a joint-statement regarding the on-going speculation surrounding the proposed investment in the football club.
Following the latest bout of speculation, which included a number of inaccurate media reports and a statement from the Leeds United Supporters Trust which stated the group had been in direct contact with GFH, the two parties have moved to clarify the situation.
David Haigh, Deputy CEO, GFH Capital said: "A lot of nonsense has been written and said by people claiming to have 'sources' or inside knowledge, which has resulted in incorrect media reports and even quotes, but as noted before there are confidentiality clauses that are in place, and we are both respectful of those. We are focusing on the transaction and not rumour.
"The importance for us to talk to the numerous fans and supporter groups of Leeds United on the acquisition of the club cannot be underestimated but at this time, we have to respect the confidentialities of a deal of this nature.
"As such, neither I nor any employee of GFH Capital has been in discussions with the LUST. This is clear from some of the detail within a recent statement from LUST, notably, how GFH Capital 'has only emerged as potential buyers in the last six weeks.' In truth, GFH Capital has been working with the current Club owners since June.
Salem Patel, Board Director and CEO, GFH Capital said: "Both GFH Capital and the current owners of Leeds United are working hard to ensure as swift a conclusion to this deal as possible and we appreciate the patience and understanding of those waiting for a positive announcement. We will be talking to the various Leeds United supporter groups and their members as soon as we are able."
Leeds United CEO Shaun Harvey said: "There has been a lot of comments from many different quarters as to the proposed investment in Leeds United. As with all speculation not all of its correct. And we are pleased that both are able to clarify the situation."

Leedsoholic. Oppfinneren av "pretting".

Mr. Leeds

Quote from: Sølvreven on October 10, 2012, 18:29:14
10 Oct 2012
Parties move to quell speculation...
Leeds United and GFH Capital have issued a joint-statement regarding the on-going speculation surrounding the proposed investment in the football club.
Following the latest bout of speculation, which included a number of inaccurate media reports and a statement from the Leeds United Supporters Trust which stated the group had been in direct contact with GFH, the two parties have moved to clarify the situation.
David Haigh, Deputy CEO, GFH Capital said: "A lot of nonsense has been written and said by people claiming to have 'sources' or inside knowledge, which has resulted in incorrect media reports and even quotes, but as noted before there are confidentiality clauses that are in place, and we are both respectful of those. We are focusing on the transaction and not rumour.
"The importance for us to talk to the numerous fans and supporter groups of Leeds United on the acquisition of the club cannot be underestimated but at this time, we have to respect the confidentialities of a deal of this nature.
"As such, neither I nor any employee of GFH Capital has been in discussions with the LUST. This is clear from some of the detail within a recent statement from LUST, notably, how GFH Capital 'has only emerged as potential buyers in the last six weeks.' In truth, GFH Capital has been working with the current Club owners since June.
Salem Patel, Board Director and CEO, GFH Capital said: "Both GFH Capital and the current owners of Leeds United are working hard to ensure as swift a conclusion to this deal as possible and we appreciate the patience and understanding of those waiting for a positive announcement. We will be talking to the various Leeds United supporter groups and their members as soon as we are able."
Leeds United CEO Shaun Harvey said: "There has been a lot of comments from many different quarters as to the proposed investment in Leeds United. As with all speculation not all of its correct. And we are pleased that both are able to clarify the situation."

Ojojoj - dette var jo oppklarende. Nå forstår jeg alt ;D
Sjekk ut dette gratis manager spillet på nettet:


LUST?? Kreve kontingenten tilbake?
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Jon R

Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 18:44:41
LUST?? Kreve kontingenten tilbake?

Jeg tviler på at man skal "ta" LUST for noe her. De er pr definisjon ingen "aktør" men forsøker etter beste evne å innhente informasjon fra de som er det. Jeg nekter å tro at LUST bevisst lyver eller farer med fri fantasi. Hva i all verden skulle de ha å vinne på det? Svar: Absolutt ingenting. LUST har derimot alt å tape på at deres troverdighet settes i tvil.

Om det har forekommet "lekkasjer" til LUST fra GFH hold ( eller annet hold) som ikke nødvendigvis stemmer 100 % med virkeligheten er vel ikke det noen bombe. Det er nok svært mange interessenter og agendaer i denne saken, som fortsatt er svært uoversiktlig og tildels uforståelig.
Jon R.


Quote from: Jon R on October 10, 2012, 19:03:23
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 18:44:41
LUST?? Kreve kontingenten tilbake?

Jeg tviler på at man skal "ta" LUST for noe her. De er pr definisjon ingen "aktør" men forsøker etter beste evne å innhente informasjon fra de som er det. Jeg nekter å tro at LUST bevisst lyver eller farer med fri fantasi. Hva i all verden skulle de ha å vinne på det? Svar: Absolutt ingenting. LUST har derimot alt å tape på at deres troverdighet settes i tvil.

Om det har forekommet "lekkasjer" til LUST fra GFH hold ( eller annet hold) som ikke nødvendigvis stemmer 100 % med virkeligheten er vel ikke det noen bombe. Det er nok svært mange interessenter og agendaer i denne saken, som fortsatt er svært uoversiktlig og tildels uforståelig.

Du har vel rett, men anti-LUST gutta koser seg vel nå...
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Quote from: Jon R on October 10, 2012, 19:03:23
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 18:44:41
LUST?? Kreve kontingenten tilbake?

Jeg tviler på at man skal "ta" LUST for noe her. De er pr definisjon ingen "aktør" men forsøker etter beste evne å innhente informasjon fra de som er det. Jeg nekter å tro at LUST bevisst lyver eller farer med fri fantasi. Hva i all verden skulle de ha å vinne på det? Svar: Absolutt ingenting. LUST har derimot alt å tape på at deres troverdighet settes i tvil.

Om det har forekommet "lekkasjer" til LUST fra GFH hold ( eller annet hold) som ikke nødvendigvis stemmer 100 % med virkeligheten er vel ikke det noen bombe. Det er nok svært mange interessenter og agendaer i denne saken, som fortsatt er svært uoversiktlig og tildels uforståelig.

Ã... sette på spill troverdigheten til LUST i denne saken er vel omtrent like risikabelt som å sette alle de oppsparte midlene til den greske stat på spill? :D
- Leif Olav

Rudi G.

Ehhh...., hvem er det som styrer det som kommer ut på


HVIS det er så at f.eks. LUST (som Boozie) mener at GFHC ikke er det beste alternativet (les: de med penger vil gjerne kjøpe direkte av Bates men GFHC har kjøpsklausul til nyttår) er det bare for LUST/Bates sammen å 'ta' GFHC på at de har brutt denne eksklusiviteten, for så å slippe til utbryterne fra konsortiumet (som altså kan ha mistet tilliten til GFHC-folkene).

Her har de en mulighet. :)

Men selvfølgelig, dette kan være vissvass, det kan være at GFHC har tilstrekkelig med midler til å kjøpe klubben/satse i etterkant...
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Glenn K

David Haigh ‏@haighdavid
Now that's out the way. Remember.. We are Leeds UNITED. #lufc

1m Gary Cooper ‏@BillyisGod
@haighdavid we are David, but who is the fella i spoke to on Monday if he doesnt work for you? call and texts logged btw.


Quote from: Glenn K on October 10, 2012, 20:51:33

1m Gary Cooper ‏@BillyisGod
@haighdavid we are David, but who is the fella i spoke to on Monday if he doesnt work for you? call and texts logged btw.


Er det dette som er planen nå, å få GFHC ut av veien (breach of confidentiality agreement) for å kunne slippe til de andre potensielle kjøperne?
...vil tro Gary vet hva han gjør.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Quote from: Jon R on October 10, 2012, 19:03:23
Quote from: Leedsfan on October 10, 2012, 18:44:41
LUST?? Kreve kontingenten tilbake?

Jeg tviler på at man skal "ta" LUST for noe her. De er pr definisjon ingen "aktør" men forsøker etter beste evne å innhente informasjon fra de som er det. Jeg nekter å tro at LUST bevisst lyver eller farer med fri fantasi. Hva i all verden skulle de ha å vinne på det? Svar: Absolutt ingenting. LUST har derimot alt å tape på at deres troverdighet settes i tvil.

Om det har forekommet "lekkasjer" til LUST fra GFH hold ( eller annet hold) som ikke nødvendigvis stemmer 100 % med virkeligheten er vel ikke det noen bombe. Det er nok svært mange interessenter og agendaer i denne saken, som fortsatt er svært uoversiktlig og tildels uforståelig.
kanske LUST i media vill framställa sig som om de har mer kontakt med ev spekulanter än vad de har, varken de eller några andra med så kallad insyn har kommit med någon fakta att tala om,


Makan til suppe. Jeg prøver så godt jeg kan å ikke forholde meg til dette styret, men det er jaggu ikke lett.


Hmmm, holder fast på det jeg antydet tidligere, nemlig at GFH ikke har den nødvendige kapitalen på plass for å gjennomføre kjøpet per dags dato. Mye tyder på at de rikeste investorene har trukket seg, og dermed må GFH ut på markedet for å hente friske midler.
Vet ikke helt om jeg skal være skeptisk eller fornøyd - velger skeptisk inntil videre!

Svend Anders

Jøje meg, vi klarer ALDRI å gjøre ting på en smooth måte, klarer vi?

Mye som ligger i detaljene her. Uttalelsen 'tar' ikke LUST på noe konkret bortsett fra at de presiserer å ha vært involvert i mer enn seks uker - noe LUST vel aldri har sagt imot heller.

GFHC har aldri hatt diskusjoner med LUST sier de - men nevner ingenting om lobbyvirksomheten PR-selskapet deres har drevet med (som Gary Cooper refererer til)...

Det lukter Bates lang vei, og GFHC har kanskje tenkt at de må spille litt på lag med ham, men klarer altså å forsure forholdet til den største supportergrupperingen. Flott måte å vinne tillit på! Ikke minst når de selv har jobbet i det stille (?) med å få nettopp LUST på laget.

Forhåpentligvis har ikke GFHC gått med på dette fordi de begynner å bli stresset mtp finansiering.

Det er i det hele tatt fantastisk hvor eitrende forbannet LUST har klart å få Ken Bates til å bli. For make no mistake, han er og blir nøkkelen her.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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