Skrevet av Emne: KAMP: vs COLCHESTER UNITED 29/8  (Lest 84012 ganger)

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« Svar #540 på: August 29, 2009, 19:11:29 »
Klarte ikke Wise 8/9 strake i starten av sesongen?Dere som er ung og har god hukommelse husker vel,,,,
Joa, and you're point being.....


« Svar #541 på: August 29, 2009, 19:49:21 »
Klarte ikke Wise 8/9 strake i starten av sesongen?Dere som er ung og har god hukommelse husker vel,,,,
Joa, and you're point being.....

At det var pokker så synd at Newcastle stjal han fra oss. Og at Spurs stjal den eminente assistenten
Poyet.  ;D


« Svar #542 på: August 29, 2009, 20:35:46 »
Gratulera alle saman:)

@m_sortland på twitter


« Svar #543 på: August 30, 2009, 00:14:26 »


« Svar #544 på: August 30, 2009, 00:35:43 »
Beckford strike makes it seven from seven

Leeds had the best of a scrappy game with Colchester United, and won it with goals from Johnson and Beckford.

Once again Colchester had given Leeds a whole end of the stadium and half of one side, and although we didn’t quite manage to sell our allocation, there were a few more empty seats in the main stand to our right. As usual the Leeds fans made plenty of noise throughout the game, and as far as Colchester were concerned it was lucky that they had a drummer, else the home end wouldn’t have had any atmosphere at all.

And on the field, Simon Grayson opted to keep the same starting line-up from the previous league victory over Tranmere last week, ever reluctant to change a winning team.

From the start the game was rather scrappy, with Colchester quick to close Leeds down and deny us space, playing particularly close attention to Becchio and Beckford. The referee didn’t help the game as a spectacle, blowing up more than once when he could have let play continue, and handing out a total of seven yellow cards for fairly trivial offences.

Colchester’s best chance of the half came early on, when Hughes was totally beaten for pace down their right, but when the cross came in Higgs was able to push the ball round the post to deny Fox. That showed the limitations of Leeds having a right-sided midfielder at left-back, but thankfully Colchester didn’t cotton on the possibility of directing their attacks down that side of the field. In fact their shooting was woeful throughout the game, and I started to wonder how on earth they managed to put seven goals past Norwich.

At the other end Beckford had the ball in the net twice, only to be denied by the linesman’s flag on both occasions. And he was close to scoring when he turned and hit a fierce shot from a tight angle, only for Colchester keeper Williams to keep the ball out with his legs. Leeds had more of the possession and forced numerous corners during the first half, but had nothing to show for it at the interval.

But that was to change only two minutes after the break, as Snodgrass sent over a free kick from close to the touchline, and Johnson took advantage of some slack marking to head Leeds in front. It’s a shame that quite a few of the Leeds fans missed the goal, after coming back to the stand from the crowded concourse a bit too late. At the other end Colchester had an immediate chance to hit back from another free kick, but our defending was a bit more resolute, and Higgs was able to gather the shot without too much difficulty.

But they did get the equaliser on 56 minutes, as Lisbie went past Rui in the box, and the Angolan seemingly pulled his man back. He could probably have let his man go, as we had plenty of cover in the centre, but he conceded his second penalty in successive away games, which is becoming a bit too much of a habit. Lisbie converted the spot kick himself, even though he was lucky to see the ball go in off the inside of the post.

Not to worry, Leeds were back in front nine minutes later, as Beckford took advantage of some dithering in the Colchester defence, to squeeze a slightly mishit shot past Williams. This time we managed to hold onto the lead without too many further alarms, even though the gigantic figure of Platt emerged from the substitutes bench to join the Colchester attack.

Prutton replaced Snodgrass a few minutes later, which suggested that Grayson was looking to shore things up, and it did seem that we were falling back on defence a little bit during the last few minutes and inviting a little bit of Colchester pressure. We replaced a weary looking Rui and Becchio during the last few minutes with Lubo and Showumni, which prompted the ref to play four minutes injury time after both players took ages to trudge off the field.

But despite the additional time Colchester never really looked like scoring, and we held out to maintain our perfect start in League One, with five wins out of five. OK, we still haven’t gone top, as Charlton cruised to a 4-0 win at Tranmere (where John Barnes surely can’t last much longer as boss) but the important statistic is that we’re now four points clear of third place. If we can keep hold of Beckford for a few more days the things might start to look quite good.
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.

Tom S

« Svar #545 på: August 30, 2009, 03:38:13 »
Var en dårlig spøk detta ja, vet ikke helt hva som falt meg inn  :P men jeg trekker den tilbake med alle som ble preget av denne kommentaren. MOT - må vel være alle seierene til Leeds som går over hodet på meg  :)

Kutt ut'a...

Den som ikke tåler sånt, tåler ikke å se fotball i det hele tatt.

Som sagt skatt jeg sjøl no' jævlig, men lo selvsagt av det etterpå når fakta kom for dagen...

Greit nok å ikkje vere hårsår, men desse innlegga i sluttsekundene er ikkje på sin plass.
Syns det er greit med ein unnskyldning, case closed!

we all love leeds

Som sagt, da tåler du ikke å se fotball.  Selv om du påberoper deg retten til siste ord...  Jeg driter egentlig i hele greia, jeg, men kunne ikke dy meg når jeg så så mange innlegg med hårsåre og mugne tendenser.

Det er tross alt lørdag og vi skal feire seieren med øl etc. :)

Dermer er MITT siste ord sagt i denne saken.  Dere andre får holde på videre hvis dere vil...


Enig det er lørdag og eg skal feire seier og årsdag med cognac, øl og alt anna godt eg kjem over!



« Svar #546 på: August 30, 2009, 09:34:23 »

god søndag alle LEEDS venner
Auren kan senke skuldrene igjen og puste ;)  jeg sa jo dette kom til å gå bra,sa  til og med resultatet til deg....  ;D ;D 2-1 basta


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« Svar #547 på: August 30, 2009, 11:54:50 »
Denne var lesbar :)

Marginal differences can alter footballing lives forever, whether it’s in the difference between a good referee and a bad referee, a good Leeds team or a bad one, a good day out or a bad one! Yesterday that difference came to me, a combination of a bad referee, a neither good nor bad Leeds team and a good day out resulted in yours truly actually enjoying his football. That hasn’t happened for a while.

Dispense with the preliminaries quickly shall we? The rail replacement was ok (apart from a information vacuum at “Olympic” Stratford), added time to the journey but limited grating factor, Essex is still a land with an overpopulation of the fwitwit (loved the bouncer at our after pub who asked “home or away lads” in that accent called innit and just waved us in as two Yorkshire accented lads said “live in Essex”, priceless), the beer beforehand (in sunny Chelmsford) and after (near Colchester North station after a bit of walk from the ground) was decent and the non football part of the day was quite nice also (and even that involved a Leeds United bib!).

The Community Stadium seems to have been built in a field on the edge of the posh side of town, the vista on seeing it for the first time reminds you of a Middle East style ground, surrounded on all sides by, well nothing. On entering, via the people less turnstile the facilities’ looked ok (declined to check out the IPA smooth on offer, I have principles and taste), a cross between Hull’s and Southampton’s style (always nice to see a bog not crowded), the view from my seat almost perfect but the seat itself was a little bit plastic and “cheap”. The rest of the ground seemed ok but I wouldn’t want to be inside on a dodgy Tuesday night in January, the lack of corner stands would make for a cold, wet in parts, experience. The Police control box on the other side from us looked excessive but all in all a decent looking ground for a “smaller” club.

This “smaller” club mentality at Colchester United didn’t stretch to dealing with the departure of manager Paul Lambert to Norwich City, the programme notes bulged with resentment and a touch of anger. This did however have the advantage of limiting the number of references to the 1971 cup game, which is always a good thing to limit. The standout name on their team sheet was Alan Maybury, yes ex occasional right back in O’Leary’s young guns team, I mention this now because I don’t recall seeing much of him during the game! For reasons best known by the editors, no league table in the programme, guarantee that wasn’t true in the programme after the 7-1 win at Norwich!

The game itself was a mixed bag, I thought we started brightly enough and if we had a linesman who knew the offside rule we would have been ahead after Becchio played a lovely pass to Beckford, unfortunately we were destined for a whole set of garbage officialdom, the best of which was the referee. Almost as if choreographed, he started making strange decision after strange decision, some for us, some for them just as both sides settled down to a frustrating chance free pattern of midfield battles and minor skirmishes. Bookings flew around like confetti (but bizarrely not for the bad tackles, what Beckford got his for god only knows) and Mr Phillips put on a Diamond (as in the cretin from the Gillingham game 2 seasons ago) performance. Half time couldn’t come quick enough for me. Wait i hear you cry, i though you enjoyed it, well I did, it just wasn’t any good quality wise. I was enjoying not being surrounded by lunatics, I was enjoying the summer sun, I was enjoying a strange feeling that no matter how I examined it the lack of cutting edge in our midfield wasn’t bothering me. Becchio was working his socks off, Kisnorbo looked effective (if a touch lean for a centre back), Crowe ok but slightly disjointed, Higgs steady and Doyle, well their without being obviously there. Normally by now I would be critical of our inability to create chances against very poor looking opponents but I just felt we were going to win regardless.

Second half started in the same comedy refereeing style of the first half, by the time he gave us the lucky free kick that we scored the first from both sets of players were shaking their head in dismay. What happened next was pure icing on the incompetent cake; cross comes in, Johnson pulls and pushes his way to in front of the goal, heads home, 1-0. Now bare in mind he has already been booked (one of at least 7), a few seconds later he and half our team are in with our support, the ref is running over and has his cards in his hands, it looks like Johnson is going to get a second booking and off, that is until Snodgrass and Howson start talking to the ref suggesting Bradley was pulled into the crowd, phew that was close.

As can be the case a lot with us, we go ahead and let the other team back in it. By this time Gillingham had opted for lump ball, which only added to Mr Phillips’s options for idiocy. I didn’t need the confirmation from the Football League show that Marques (who otherwise had a decent game) had slightly touched the back of Lisbie’s shirt nor that Lisbie had gone down like he had been shot, I could see that from the other end. Question for you, what is the difference between Eduardo and Rooney? One is a foreigner who “cheats” whilst the other is a Englishman who “earns” penalties, pathetic, bit like Mr Phillips. Despite it taking a month of Sundays for the referee to be happy for the penalty to be taken Lisbie despatched it home. Some mild frustration at this point, mostly with the absence of Beckford from any meaningful part of the second half, but again still chilled out expecting a response.

That response came in a rather strange manner, the ball was pinging about the Colchester penalty box but not really causing them an issue when all of a sudden it took a wild deviation off Maybury’s head, at this point I bellow “Beckford” so loud Gary Megson must have heard it, Jermaine certainly did because like a shot he was on to the ball 5 feet out a lashed it home. Not bad for his first second half contribution. Was the bow in the goal celebration significant, no idea but will do by Tuesday night! The rest of the game is played out to a yo-yo style exchange of long balls. Even as the fourth official shows 4 minutes of injury time the normal “this is where we blow it” feeling wasn’t there. 6 minutes later it’s all over and a win is a win.

If i wanted to be critical I could mention our lack of a real cutting edge and a nervy central midfield, I could point to some issue at left-back and a tendency to get dragged down to Colchester’s dire level, but that is for another time, I felt relaxed, we looked like a team, we had people like Becchio, Snodgrass and Howson working their socks off, we are winning playing average, now that’s new! All in all it was a day to take the pints and let Colchester worry about the entertainment angle. Southend on a Friday night doesn’t look so troublesome now, I could get used to this.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



« Svar #548 på: August 30, 2009, 15:50:00 »
Rapport fra en som var der:

On the picth it was a fairly typical Leeds United template: clearly the better footballing side but dragged into a 1st half of kick-and-rush by a hard-working, well-organised but uninspiring Colchester. We all hoped for a Grayson-inspired imptovement and we got it. Johnson's header set us up but their penalty equaliser brought us down before Beckford's rocket shot from half-way gave us the match. OK, it bobbled in from about a metre, but three deserved points none-the-less.

Higgs - little to do, one great save and we commented on how secure he looked. Even when he slipped on clearing we didn't worry.
Crowe - one of my personal favourites, strong and pacy and often providing the extra man up front. Might need to think about defending a bit more against better oopo, but I'm sure he will.
Hughesy - bless him, a true crowd favourite; how popular woluld he be if he had left foot? Worked hard but lacks the ability to contribute from LB.
Rui - solid game, and we were too far away to comment on the penalty.
Paddy K - top man, outstanding and surely everyone's MOM? Commanding, rock solid and always there. Is it the magic head bandage? Don't ever take it off Paddy!
Johnson - another good game; gives us shape and width, threatened the oppo every time and deserved his goal. Stupid booking, mind.
Johnny H - OK game but still should be dominating more given his ability.
Doyle - hard to rate his performance as his is the role that enables others to play. Certainly ran hard but I'd like to see him taking control a bit more. When we sat back, surely it's his job to get a grip and get us back on track?
Snodders - another indifferent, mish-mash of a game. He was in-and-out of th game, testy all afternoon, looked liked getting a red card at times but also contributed one or two moments of genuine class. Confusing.
Becchio - see any previous Becchio report. Ran hard, fell over a little too much, probably deserved a goal.
Beckford - see any previous Beckford report. Didn't run hard, looked scratchy and got the winning goal. Interesting celebration too...

Subs - nothing significant, except perahps the chant to Prutts.."You're not Jesus anymore!"

Larry - good half-time team talk and he's maintaining momentum.

Referee - shocking. One of the poorest performances I've ever seen. Weak and bad; we were talking from 10 mins about how many he'd send off. Still don't know how all 22 finised the game.

These are the games that win you promotion. Colchester didn't lay down and we did well to take the lead and regain it. Last year this would have been a draw or a loss.


Always look on the LEEDS side of life

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
« Svar #549 på: August 30, 2009, 20:37:53 »
Rapport fra en som var der:

On the picth it was a fairly typical Leeds United template: clearly the better footballing side but dragged into a 1st half of kick-and-rush by a hard-working, well-organised but uninspiring Colchester. We all hoped for a Grayson-inspired imptovement and we got it. Johnson's header set us up but their penalty equaliser brought us down before Beckford's rocket shot from half-way gave us the match. OK, it bobbled in from about a metre, but three deserved points none-the-less.

Higgs - little to do, one great save and we commented on how secure he looked. Even when he slipped on clearing we didn't worry.
Crowe - one of my personal favourites, strong and pacy and often providing the extra man up front. Might need to think about defending a bit more against better oopo, but I'm sure he will.
Hughesy - bless him, a true crowd favourite; how popular woluld he be if he had left foot? Worked hard but lacks the ability to contribute from LB.
Rui - solid game, and we were too far away to comment on the penalty.
Paddy K - top man, outstanding and surely everyone's MOM? Commanding, rock solid and always there. Is it the magic head bandage? Don't ever take it off Paddy!
Johnson - another good game; gives us shape and width, threatened the oppo every time and deserved his goal. Stupid booking, mind.
Johnny H - OK game but still should be dominating more given his ability.
Doyle - hard to rate his performance as his is the role that enables others to play. Certainly ran hard but I'd like to see him taking control a bit more. When we sat back, surely it's his job to get a grip and get us back on track?
Snodders - another indifferent, mish-mash of a game. He was in-and-out of th game, testy all afternoon, looked liked getting a red card at times but also contributed one or two moments of genuine class. Confusing.
Becchio - see any previous Becchio report. Ran hard, fell over a little too much, probably deserved a goal.
Beckford - see any previous Beckford report. Didn't run hard, looked scratchy and got the winning goal. Interesting celebration too...

Subs - nothing significant, except perahps the chant to Prutts.."You're not Jesus anymore!"

Larry - good half-time team talk and he's maintaining momentum.

Referee - shocking. One of the poorest performances I've ever seen. Weak and bad; we were talking from 10 mins about how many he'd send off. Still don't know how all 22 finised the game.

These are the games that win you promotion. Colchester didn't lay down and we did well to take the lead and regain it. Last year this would have been a draw or a loss.

Etter å ha sett høydepunktene på LUTV må jeg si det så klønete ut!


« Svar #550 på: August 30, 2009, 21:10:20 »
Etter å ha sett høydepunktene på LUTV så mener nå jeg det var en billig straffe, har sett de klarere for å si det sånn.

Ellers så er jeg rimelig glad jeg ikke såg hele kampen, tror jeg hadde mistet mye hår på grunn av den dommeren der!


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« Svar #551 på: August 30, 2009, 21:57:10 »

Ellers så er jeg rimelig glad jeg ikke såg hele kampen, tror jeg hadde mistet mye hår på grunn av den dommeren der!

...ham har jeg lest mye rart om siste døgnet  ;D

Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


R - R

« Svar #552 på: August 30, 2009, 23:26:35 »
Etter å ha sett høydepunktene på LUTV så mener nå jeg det var en billig straffe, har sett de klarere for å si det sånn.

Ellers så er jeg rimelig glad jeg ikke såg hele kampen, tror jeg hadde mistet mye hår på grunn av den dommeren der!

Eg synst det er straffe. Det er såpass mykje 'hender' med at dommaren gjer rett. Ka Marques tenker på i den situasjonen må han nesten forklare sjøl. Utruleg klønete og korttenkt. Han er soleklart bak, spelaren kjem skrått på mål og har ingen god vinkel, Kisnorbo står i sikring. Marques får jo og ei velfortent skyllebøtte av Kisnorbo etter straffa.
- Rune


« Svar #553 på: August 31, 2009, 00:19:23 »
Etter å ha sett høydepunktene på LUTV så mener nå jeg det var en billig straffe, har sett de klarere for å si det sånn.

Ellers så er jeg rimelig glad jeg ikke såg hele kampen, tror jeg hadde mistet mye hår på grunn av den dommeren der!

Eg synst det er straffe. Det er såpass mykje 'hender' med at dommaren gjer rett. Ka Marques tenker på i den situasjonen må han nesten forklare sjøl. Utruleg klønete og korttenkt. Han er soleklart bak, spelaren kjem skrått på mål og har ingen god vinkel, Kisnorbo står i sikring. Marques får jo og ei velfortent skyllebøtte av Kisnorbo etter straffa.

Etter å ha sett på situasjonen en gang til, så står jeg fremdeles ved at det er en billig straffe! Jeg ser amene, men det er minimalt med holding om det er noe i det hele tatt! Og med all den holdingen vi ser ellers så er ikke det der en fis i havet engang! Utrolig klønete og korttenkt? Tja, litt klønete siden det er folk som står klar til å takle. Grunn nok til å vrake Marques? Langt i fra!


« Svar #554 på: August 31, 2009, 07:23:02 »
Rapport fra en som var der:

On the picth it was a fairly typical Leeds United template: clearly the better footballing side but dragged into a 1st half of kick-and-rush by a hard-working, well-organised but uninspiring Colchester. We all hoped for a Grayson-inspired imptovement and we got it. Johnson's header set us up but their penalty equaliser brought us down before Beckford's rocket shot from half-way gave us the match. OK, it bobbled in from about a metre, but three deserved points none-the-less.

Higgs - little to do, one great save and we commented on how secure he looked. Even when he slipped on clearing we didn't worry.
Crowe - one of my personal favourites, strong and pacy and often providing the extra man up front. Might need to think about defending a bit more against better oopo, but I'm sure he will.
Hughesy - bless him, a true crowd favourite; how popular woluld he be if he had left foot? Worked hard but lacks the ability to contribute from LB.
Rui - solid game, and we were too far away to comment on the penalty.
Paddy K - top man, outstanding and surely everyone's MOM? Commanding, rock solid and always there. Is it the magic head bandage? Don't ever take it off Paddy!
Johnson - another good game; gives us shape and width, threatened the oppo every time and deserved his goal. Stupid booking, mind.
Johnny H - OK game but still should be dominating more given his ability.
Doyle - hard to rate his performance as his is the role that enables others to play. Certainly ran hard but I'd like to see him taking control a bit more. When we sat back, surely it's his job to get a grip and get us back on track?
Snodders - another indifferent, mish-mash of a game. He was in-and-out of th game, testy all afternoon, looked liked getting a red card at times but also contributed one or two moments of genuine class. Confusing.
Becchio - see any previous Becchio report. Ran hard, fell over a little too much, probably deserved a goal.
Beckford - see any previous Beckford report. Didn't run hard, looked scratchy and got the winning goal. Interesting celebration too...
Subs - nothing significant, except perahps the chant to Prutts.."You're not Jesus anymore!"

Larry - good half-time team talk and he's maintaining momentum.

Referee - shocking. One of the poorest performances I've ever seen. Weak and bad; we were talking from 10 mins about how many he'd send off. Still don't know how all 22 finised the game.

These are the games that win you promotion. Colchester didn't lay down and we did well to take the lead and regain it. Last year this would have been a draw or a loss.

får ikke sett lUTV i nordsjøen og dermed ikke higlights.
hva var det med feiringen til becks? fortell fortell. nå ble jeg nyfiken ???
januar 3. remember the date. we beat the team that we f@*kin hate. we knocked the scum out the FA cup. we`re super leeds and we`re goin up!!!!!


  • Gjest
« Svar #555 på: August 31, 2009, 07:34:37 »
Det er vel slik som dette "Some mild frustration at this point, mostly with the absence of Beckford from any meaningful part of the second half, but again still chilled out expecting a response."  som gjør at vi kan håpe at Beckford blir værende. Det er ikke grenser hvor lite involvert Beckford kan være. Funker i L1, tipper dog f.eks. Ferguson ville hatt en innvending eller to.