Skrevet av Emne: KAMP: Manchester Utd - Leeds United, FA-cup 3 runde, 3/1-2010  (Lest 201967 ganger)

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Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #780 på: Januar 03, 2010, 21:27:45 »

var slik jeg hadde det i slutten! ;D
who killed Trondheimwhite?


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #781 på: Januar 03, 2010, 21:34:08 »
Hehe, filmet det så jeg har det på video-kamera.
Kjekt når jeg ska vise fadderen til barna. JA, han er Scum fan  :P

Hallgeir *

Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #782 på: Januar 03, 2010, 21:47:31 »
 Vi har vel satt rekord med 53 sider i samme kamptråd? (så langt) I så fall ingen overraskelse at den kom i denne, spesielt med tanke på utfallet.  ;D
Super Leeds since 1968


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #783 på: Januar 03, 2010, 21:51:23 »
 ;D (Ordlaus)


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #784 på: Januar 03, 2010, 21:56:08 »
Rett og slett herlig. Har ikke ord. Muligens det beste innsatsen jeg har sett av et Leeds lag på mange mange år. For håpe virkelig at Leeds ikke selger Beckford. For nå steg markedsverdien hans med et par millioner pund Han beviste rett å slett at han kan gjøre forskjellen på 0-0 og en 1-0 seier.
Poengsum til laget 9 poeng til alle.

Hvem er det som har logget seg på hb sin konto? Fy skamme seg!

 ;D ;D ;D

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #785 på: Januar 03, 2010, 21:57:01 »
Jeg fikk nesten naboklager, når klagerne fikk vite grunnen til all støyen var det greit :D
Ferguson går ut mot dommern, for en idiot etter alt Brown gjorde ikveld!!


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Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #786 på: Januar 03, 2010, 21:57:28 »
Years after the Chernobyl accident and am I the only one that’s disappointed? Still no superheroes.


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #787 på: Januar 03, 2010, 21:59:28 »
Vi har vel satt rekord med 53 sider i samme kamptråd? (så langt) I så fall ingen overraskelse at den kom i denne, spesielt med tanke på utfallet.  ;D

...og fortsatt 186 inne på forumet her - unormalt mange gjester!

Dette var fantastisk, kommer alltid til å huske hvor jeg var da Leeds slo ManU på det mest nedverdigende vis. Og hvor var jeg.....på juletrefest :'( :'( :'( :'(


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Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #788 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:00:51 »

Leseverdig! :)

Leeds serve up victory worthy of Bremner and Clarke
Spirit of the club's illustrious predecessors plain to see as Leeds bring Cup humiliation to Old Trafford

If you wanted to point to a moment when it became clear than something unusual was on the cards, you might identify the one, 12 minutes into the first half, when Neil Kilkenny played a short reverse pass to Jermaine Beckford midway inside the Manchester United half. If you half-closed your eyes, it could have been Billy Bremner redirecting the ball with a characteristic little flourish and Allan Clarke gliding on to it with frictionless movement before hitting a smooth 20-yard drive.

Maybe Simon Grayson's Leeds United are not quite ready to be compared with Don Revie's team. But those survivors of the great Leeds of the late 60s and early 70s in attendance would have recognised some of their very finest characteristics in the performance of their successors.

Kilkenny, a 24-year-old Enfield-born Australian, and Michael Doyle, a 28-year-old Irishman on loan from Coventry City, patrolled the central midfield with a snap and an efficiency that suggested a reincarnation of the partnership with which Bremner and John Giles once stretched and broke their opponents. On this occasion the victims were Anderson and Darron Gibson, exposed as listless and unimaginative. Doyle's through ball for Beckford to shoot narrowly wide after 78 minutes represented the epitome of the sort of lethal vision associated with Giles, and it should have enabled Beckford to double the lead which, an hour earlier, he had given the visitors.

At the back, Richard Naylor and Patrick Kisnorbo bolted the door against the assaults of Wayne Rooney and Dimitar Berbatov with a resolve that must have brought nostalgic smiles to the faces of Jack Charlton and Paul Madeley. Up front, Beckford's Clarke-like elusiveness was supported by the dogged persistence of Luciano Becchio, doing the job that once belonged to the tireless Mick Jones.

If Leeds managed to evoke the spirit of their illustrious predecessors, Manchester United achieved something very different. It was as though a team starting with Gary Sprake and ending with Eddie Gray had been confronted by one consisting of the likes of Massimo Taibi, Mike Duxbury, Ian Ure, Clayton Blackmore, Eric Djemba-Djemba, Peter Davenport and Ted MacDougall. Sir Alex Ferguson, having contradicted his claim that he would send out his strongest team by making seven changes to the starting line-up from their last match against Wigan four days earlier, looked on as his reshuffled side fell to their first third-round defeat in his time at the club: an authentic humiliation at the hands of side 42 places beneath them in the league standings.

What was missing from Grayson's team, thank goodness, was the edge of malice that made Revie's players impossible for the neutral to admire without reservation. There were a couple of little scuffles involving half a dozen players, but although Kisnorbo took the field with his head already bandaged, as if in advance recognition of a brutal physical battle, Leeds tended to leave the nefarious stuff to their opponents, who were not very good at it.

When the likes of Bremner and Norman Hunter bared their teeth, they were not making empty threats. Most of the more serious offences were committed by players in red shirts, but the snarling of Gary Neville and the sly trips that brought yellow cards for Gibson and Wes Brown had no effect on the course of the match, beyond tilting the moral balance towards the visitors, who simply got on with the job of trying to play neat and effective football, hurling their bodies in the way of the ball in defence and constantly on the alert for opportunities to exploit Beckford's pace on the counter-attack.

And after the news of a crowd of 5,000 for the tie between two Premier League clubs at Wigan and of a mere 12,000 rattling around Middlesbrough's Riverside Stadium for the visit of Manchester City's all-stars, it was good to see an Old Trafford crowd close to its 75,000 capacity. So the FA Cup is obsolete, its traditions dead, its magic extinct? Don't try telling that to the 9,000 Leeds fans who crossed Saddleworth Moor, or the ticketless tens of thousands watching on television. The West Yorkshire team's victory over the reigning league champions was a cup tie in the finest traditions of football's oldest knockout competition, yielding a result that will take its place in the history of both clubs.

For Leeds, it could prove to be a win almost as significant as the one squeezed out by Manchester United against Nottingham Forest in the third round 20 years ago, when legend says that Mark Robins's header kept a besieged Alex Ferguson in a job. Grayson knows his team is good enough to vault comfortably from League One into the Championship; now he can be confident not merely of their ability to survive but to thrive at higher levels. Sir Alex, by contrast, will have been dismayed less by his players' lack of inventiveness than by their inability to react to his glaring presence on the touchline.

But this match was not about Manchester United. One good measure of Leeds's achievement is that whatever outrages Revie's side inflicted on your own favourites 40 years ago, and however ineradicable you consider the stains they left on the tapestry of the English game, you could not for a moment begrudge Grayson's side their marvellous victory
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #789 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:02:36 »
Hadde ventet en jevn kamp, men ikke at Leeds skulle dominere mye.  :)

Så for første gang fotballkamp på Viasat - kjempegøy! Mye Leedsfokus i studio med både Fjørtoft og Tore P som store Leedssupportere, og Tore P gjorde jo litt av en figur. Omtalte konsekvent de to lagene som 'United' og 'Manchester'  ;D  Etter kampen intervju med en lettere overstadig redaktør av TPN - live fra Leedssvingen på OT.

Første gang scum har røket ut så tidlig som i 3.runde i løpet av Fergusons managertid...

Oddsen på Leeds som vinner av hele cupen datt fra 500 til 100-200 hos bookmakerne.
So-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans - We are here....


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #790 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:03:42 »
Helt enormt, det har ALDRI vært mer naturlig å sprette den beste cognac man har og ta en liten feiring på en søndags kveld enn i kveld. SMS gratulasjoner har rullet inn og det føles helt konge.

johnny gangster

Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #791 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:04:36 »
Hater Ferguson!

Ferguson var ikke fornøyd med at dommer Chris Foy «bare» la til fem minutter med tilleggstid.
- Dommeren la til fem minutter. Det er en fornærmelse mot spillet og spillerne ut på banen, sier Ferguson.

Kan noken fortelle meg kvifor det skulle verte lagt til MEIR enn 5 minutt. spelte jo øve 5 og eit halvt og så :)

tobn på tur

Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #792 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:05:38 »
Herlig artikkel.

Hyll Kong Simon


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #793 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:05:50 »
Gary Neville, Denis Law, Sir Bobby Charlton, Sir f**king What,
Brian Kidd, Roy Keane, Eric Cantona, Ryan Giggs. Vi har slått dei alle, vi har slått dei alle!

Fergie, can you hear me? Alex Fergie! Your boys took a hell of a beating! Your boys took a hell of a beating!


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Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #794 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:07:04 »

Dette var fantastisk, kommer alltid til å huske hvor jeg var da Leeds slo ManU på det mest nedverdigende vis. Og hvor var jeg.....på juletrefest :'( :'( :'( :'(

 ;D ;D ;D
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester United - Kettering/Leeds
« Svar #795 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:07:43 »
Verre trekning var det knapt mulig å få. Blir kjipt å tape mot reservene til Man U :-[

SLEM GUTT! BAD BOY! Ikke fint å undervurdere på den måten!

Fydda! Er det mulig å slenge sånn med kjeften som jeg gjør? Ikke troen på gutta???

auren, ryster på sitt eget lille hode
"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #796 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:12:41 »

Leseverdig! :)

Leeds serve up victory worthy of Bremner and Clarke
Spirit of the club's illustrious predecessors plain to see as Leeds bring Cup humiliation to Old Trafford

If you wanted to point to a moment when it became clear than something unusual was on the cards, you might identify the one, 12 minutes into the first half, when Neil Kilkenny played a short reverse pass to Jermaine Beckford midway inside the Manchester United half. If you half-closed your eyes, it could have been Billy Bremner redirecting the ball with a characteristic little flourish and Allan Clarke gliding on to it with frictionless movement before hitting a smooth 20-yard drive.

Maybe Simon Grayson's Leeds United are not quite ready to be compared with Don Revie's team. But those survivors of the great Leeds of the late 60s and early 70s in attendance would have recognised some of their very finest characteristics in the performance of their successors.

Kilkenny, a 24-year-old Enfield-born Australian, and Michael Doyle, a 28-year-old Irishman on loan from Coventry City, patrolled the central midfield with a snap and an efficiency that suggested a reincarnation of the partnership with which Bremner and John Giles once stretched and broke their opponents. On this occasion the victims were Anderson and Darron Gibson, exposed as listless and unimaginative. Doyle's through ball for Beckford to shoot narrowly wide after 78 minutes represented the epitome of the sort of lethal vision associated with Giles, and it should have enabled Beckford to double the lead which, an hour earlier, he had given the visitors.

At the back, Richard Naylor and Patrick Kisnorbo bolted the door against the assaults of Wayne Rooney and Dimitar Berbatov with a resolve that must have brought nostalgic smiles to the faces of Jack Charlton and Paul Madeley. Up front, Beckford's Clarke-like elusiveness was supported by the dogged persistence of Luciano Becchio, doing the job that once belonged to the tireless Mick Jones.

If Leeds managed to evoke the spirit of their illustrious predecessors, Manchester United achieved something very different. It was as though a team starting with Gary Sprake and ending with Eddie Gray had been confronted by one consisting of the likes of Massimo Taibi, Mike Duxbury, Ian Ure, Clayton Blackmore, Eric Djemba-Djemba, Peter Davenport and Ted MacDougall. Sir Alex Ferguson, having contradicted his claim that he would send out his strongest team by making seven changes to the starting line-up from their last match against Wigan four days earlier, looked on as his reshuffled side fell to their first third-round defeat in his time at the club: an authentic humiliation at the hands of side 42 places beneath them in the league standings.

What was missing from Grayson's team, thank goodness, was the edge of malice that made Revie's players impossible for the neutral to admire without reservation. There were a couple of little scuffles involving half a dozen players, but although Kisnorbo took the field with his head already bandaged, as if in advance recognition of a brutal physical battle, Leeds tended to leave the nefarious stuff to their opponents, who were not very good at it.

When the likes of Bremner and Norman Hunter bared their teeth, they were not making empty threats. Most of the more serious offences were committed by players in red shirts, but the snarling of Gary Neville and the sly trips that brought yellow cards for Gibson and Wes Brown had no effect on the course of the match, beyond tilting the moral balance towards the visitors, who simply got on with the job of trying to play neat and effective football, hurling their bodies in the way of the ball in defence and constantly on the alert for opportunities to exploit Beckford's pace on the counter-attack.

And after the news of a crowd of 5,000 for the tie between two Premier League clubs at Wigan and of a mere 12,000 rattling around Middlesbrough's Riverside Stadium for the visit of Manchester City's all-stars, it was good to see an Old Trafford crowd close to its 75,000 capacity. So the FA Cup is obsolete, its traditions dead, its magic extinct? Don't try telling that to the 9,000 Leeds fans who crossed Saddleworth Moor, or the ticketless tens of thousands watching on television. The West Yorkshire team's victory over the reigning league champions was a cup tie in the finest traditions of football's oldest knockout competition, yielding a result that will take its place in the history of both clubs.

For Leeds, it could prove to be a win almost as significant as the one squeezed out by Manchester United against Nottingham Forest in the third round 20 years ago, when legend says that Mark Robins's header kept a besieged Alex Ferguson in a job. Grayson knows his team is good enough to vault comfortably from League One into the Championship; now he can be confident not merely of their ability to survive but to thrive at higher levels. Sir Alex, by contrast, will have been dismayed less by his players' lack of inventiveness than by their inability to react to his glaring presence on the touchline.

But this match was not about Manchester United. One good measure of Leeds's achievement is that whatever outrages Revie's side inflicted on your own favourites 40 years ago, and however ineradicable you consider the stains they left on the tapestry of the English game, you could not for a moment begrudge Grayson's side their marvellous victory

Takk!Gripende lesning ja! Blir rørt.

Hallgeir *

Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester United - Kettering/Leeds
« Svar #797 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:13:04 »
Verre trekning var det knapt mulig å få. Blir kjipt å tape mot reservene til Man U :-[

SLEM GUTT! BAD BOY! Ikke fint å undervurdere på den måten!

Fydda! Er det mulig å slenge sånn med kjeften som jeg gjør? Ikke troen på gutta???

auren, ryster på sitt eget lille hode
Ingen skal i alle fall komme å si at du gjemmer deg bort. Respekt! (tross alt)  ;)
Super Leeds since 1968


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #798 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:14:23 »
Dette er bare fantastisk, helt fantastisk! Har ikke landet enda, og tviler sterkt på at jeg vil gjøre det på en god stund.

Kjempe innsats av gutta i dag, og flere av dem viste at de så absolutt holder PL-nivå.

Jeg er bare så utrolig stolt av å være Leeds-supporter i dag...


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #799 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:17:07 »
Fantastisk kamp og en utrolig bra dag aa vaere Leeds supporter paa! Denne kampen kommer til aa huskes i lang lang tid fremover. Utrolig bra opplevelse. Beste leeds opplevelsen jeg har hatt siden viduka puttet fire mot liverpool!

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester United - Kettering/Leeds
« Svar #800 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:17:19 »
Verre trekning var det knapt mulig å få. Blir kjipt å tape mot reservene til Man U :-[

SLEM GUTT! BAD BOY! Ikke fint å undervurdere på den måten!

Fydda! Er det mulig å slenge sånn med kjeften som jeg gjør? Ikke troen på gutta???

auren, ryster på sitt eget lille hode

Troen Joachim, troen. Den må du ha for vi er faktisk veldig gode for tiden :)


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Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #801 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:19:34 »

Tommy Knarvik:
– Dette har fansen virkelig fortjent. Det er ikke deres skyld at klubben har havnet i problemer. Fansen har støttet laget hele tiden, de har jo 30 000 tilskuere på hjemmekampene sine, skryter Knarvik, som tilbrakte to år som juniorspiller i klubben fra 1998 til 2000.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #802 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:32:27 »

Tommy Knarvik:
– Dette har fansen virkelig fortjent. Det er ikke deres skyld at klubben har havnet i problemer. Fansen har støttet laget hele tiden, de har jo 30 000 tilskuere på hjemmekampene sine, skryter Knarvik, som tilbrakte to år som juniorspiller i klubben fra 1998 til 2000.

Blir så glad i hjertet mitt.


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #803 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:33:37 »
Har nå brukt en halvtimes tid på å lese gjennom innleggene fra kampen ble blåst av og til nå. Deilig å gjenoppleve stemningen, entusiasmen og stoltheten. Ble litt rørt her. Aaahhh  :)

Snakker vi om Leeds aller største enkeltkamps-prestasjon noensinne? Jeg tror faktisk det.

auren, kommer ikke til å legge seg tidlig i natt :)
"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #804 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:38:37 »

dette bildet sier ALT! ;D
Pride of Yorkshire


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #805 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:39:36 »
Har nå brukt en halvtimes tid på å lese gjennom innleggene fra kampen ble blåst av og til nå. Deilig å gjenoppleve stemningen, entusiasmen og stoltheten. Ble litt rørt her. Aaahhh  :)

Snakker vi om Leeds aller største enkeltkamps-prestasjon noensinne? Jeg tror faktisk det.

auren, kommer ikke til å legge seg tidlig i natt :)

Skal printe ut tråden og henge den opp på veggen. Må nok stadig fylle på med nye sider, den ebber nok ikke ut med det første :)
« Siste redigering: Januar 03, 2010, 22:41:29 av readysteady »


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #806 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:40:45 »
Vi har vel satt rekord med 53 sider i samme kamptråd? (så langt) I så fall ingen overraskelse at den kom i denne, spesielt med tanke på utfallet.  ;D

...og fortsatt 186 inne på forumet her - unormalt mange gjester!

Dette var fantastisk, kommer alltid til å huske hvor jeg var da Leeds slo ManU på det mest nedverdigende vis. Og hvor var jeg.....på juletrefest :'( :'( :'( :'(
Bra jobba, det..  ;)  Andre ting som også er viktig  ;)


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #807 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:41:07 »
For første gang på det jeg kan huske ser jeg frem til å begynne på jobb igjen etter ferien.
Ja, stemmer det, jeg har flere kollegaer som holder med de røde.


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #808 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:41:34 »

dette bildet sier ALT! ;D

Er dette bildet fra dagens kamp? Kan ikke huske at han fikk seg en slik kilevink. Kisnorbo var fantastisk i dag. For en spiller!

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: FA-cup 3 runde: Manchester Utd - Leeds United
« Svar #809 på: Januar 03, 2010, 22:45:03 »

dette bildet sier ALT! ;D

Er dette bildet fra dagens kamp? Kan ikke huske at han fikk seg en slik kilevink. Kisnorbo var fantastisk i dag. For en spiller!


fra i dag ja;)
Pride of Yorkshire