TOMA 2: Nye rykter om eierskifte...

Started by stefan, September 26, 2010, 23:10:25

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Quote from: h.b on November 21, 2016, 17:11:12
Litt konspirasjoner her.
Radrizzani og Celino sammen før kampen og muligens i etterkant. Ja det tilsier for meg enten ekstremt gode venner, eller at de snekrer sammen de siste detaljene før et salg.
For hvis da det ikke er noe salg, og takeoveren har gått i dass, ja da sier all mulig fornuft at Radrizzani og Cellino ville holde seg langt vekk fra hverandre
Nemlig, denne posteren er inne på det samme:
No reason today, to think that it is anymore dead in the water than before the weekend, but a few more nuances to suggest it is still very much alive and kicking.  Still no talk from Cellino, or his offspring, or Terry George.  Some very well connected VIPs and Radz at the game (like they would come to watch us if there was nothing going on!) and non of the reliable ITK ers saying it's off! 
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...bare et spørsmål, som ble forsøkt besvart av Petter:

Quoteï,,º  
38 minutes ago, RodStar said:
Do you expect the takeover to be done by Xmas?

I hope so, yes. Trying to get more information, but it's hard work at the moment to get people to talk. Last update I got was that a big step had been made in the right direction, and there should be no issues left to settle. So... It should be very close now.
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"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Ser at Radriazini nå har stått frem på diverse nettsteder. Dette kan egentlig kun bety at salget er overstått, og han kun venter på godkjenninga fra FL Ellers er dette fullstendig amatørmessig og idioti og gå ut med. Cellino kan da plutselig trekke seg


Quote from: Sydhagen on November 28, 2016, 23:39:46

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Interessant artikkel det der. La mest merke til biten om at Radrizzani har vært i samtaler med Cellino siden mai. Monk ble ansatt 2. Juni, og fikk fortsette etter en shaky start på sesongen. Ikke spesielt Cellinoaktig, verken ansettelsen eller tålmodigheten.


Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly


Kanke skjønne annet enn at dealen er done deal, og papirene er på vei for godkjenning


Quote from: h.b on November 29, 2016, 10:49:52
Kanke skjønne annet enn at dealen er done deal, og papirene er på vei for godkjenning

Som du sier, at dette kommer ut nå er at enten er 'alt i boks' eller så er det et siste rævspark før vi hører fra Cellino at dealen er off.
Det ryktes at signaturene ble underskrevet for to uker siden...

Noen uroer seg over 'disse 50%', men Aidan Revie ber folk slappe av:
Posted 4 minutes ago ·
People need to stop panicking.  As others have said the amount of the 2nd 50% will have been agreed according to the outcome of the season. Cellino would be mad to sell up completely now knowing there is a possibility of the club being worth 100m more come June. If we don't go up he will receive X and if we do go up he will receive XXX. That will all already be in place and agreed.

MP Silva  is a serious company, and Rad built it. He knows what he is doing. This isnt some guy coming from a shady background of conning people, or a bank with no money. He is well known and well respected in the sports industry. Chill the f**king out. Ultimately I think Rad will run it until Cellino bids adieu next summer and then we will find out the real game plan. However if it did end up just being Rad, I bet we would be run professionally.

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Dette bør vel bety at det er/blir CASH tilgjengelig i januar vinduet da...... ;D


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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Quote from: Cherry on November 29, 2016, 12:42:38
Dette bør vel bety at det er/blir CASH tilgjengelig i januar vinduet da...... ;D er fremdeles Leeds, så jeg tenker nei, men at det blir bølger & uro...åjada.
Ups & Ups!!


Dette er oppe og avgjort før nyåret. Regner med de venter på at støvet har lagt seg etter Cellinos eskapader og det foreligger dom(mer) i saken(e).

En absolutt drømmeier i mine øyne.

8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


Quote from: Asbjørn on November 29, 2016, 12:41:20

Noen uroer seg over 'disse 50%', men Aidan Revie ber folk slappe av:
Posted 4 minutes ago ·
People need to stop panicking.  As others have said the amount of the 2nd 50% will have been agreed according to the outcome of the season. Cellino would be mad to sell up completely now knowing there is a possibility of the club being worth 100m more come June. If we don't go up he will receive X and if we do go up he will receive XXX. That will all already be in place and agreed.

MP Silva  is a serious company, and Rad built it. He knows what he is doing. This isnt some guy coming from a shady background of conning people, or a bank with no money. He is well known and well respected in the sports industry. Chill the f**king out. Ultimately I think Rad will run it until Cellino bids adieu next summer and then we will find out the real game plan. However if it did end up just being Rad, I bet we would be run professionally.

Mer Aidan:
I can only go on the fact that dad really liked him, I know several people who worked for him, or who have had business dealings with him, and liked him. 

Oh, and this one is the clincher - He started a company in 2006 that by 2015 was valued at over 1 billion. Now that's not me saying the guy is a billionaire, it's me saying that shows he is a seriously, seriously good businessman. You don't just fluke your way to that, you have to have something about you. He also managed that in one of the most cutthroat industries going. Pure logic would dictate he is not some potless chancer. There is no owner in our recent history that has 1/10th of his CV.
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Quote from: Cherry on November 29, 2016, 12:42:38
Dette bør vel bety at det er/blir CASH tilgjengelig i januar vinduet da...... ;D

50/50 deling fram til sesongslutt betyr vel at det ikke skjer noe i dette overgangsvinduet.
Rad må ut med mye mer ved opprykk i år, så han kommer ikke til å spytte inn penger for å sikre dette.
Det eneste håpet er at Cellino spytter inn penger for å sikre opprykket.



Quote from: Cbas10an on November 29, 2016, 19:48:04
Quote from: Cherry on November 29, 2016, 12:42:38
Dette bør vel bety at det er/blir CASH tilgjengelig i januar vinduet da...... ;D

50/50 deling fram til sesongslutt betyr vel at det ikke skjer noe i dette overgangsvinduet.
Rad må ut med mye mer ved opprykk i år, så han kommer ikke til å spytte inn penger for å sikre dette.
Det eneste håpet er at Cellino spytter inn penger for å sikre opprykket.
Rad må da betale inn 50% av kapitalen i løpet av første halvår! Skulle bli bra med kapitalinnsprøyting, det. :)
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Jon R

Frykter at en TO nå kan gjøre større skade enn nytte på kort sikt.

Bill merket *fortsatt  ingen fan av Cellino*
Jon R.


Det tror ikke jeg.
Jeg tror at Radrizzani er grunnen til at Monk ikke fikk sparken etter første 6 ligakampene.

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"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Quote from: Sydhagen on November 30, 2016, 07:10:32
Det tror ikke jeg.
Jeg tror at Radrizzani er grunnen til at Monk ikke fikk sparken etter første 6 ligakampene.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

du kan være inne på noe der ja.. mulig vi får vite noe om det etterhvert som tiden går,MEN tror og noen redda ræva til Monk tidligere i høst
Forever Leeds United!!!!!!!!


Det virker som at avtalen ble signert av begge parter for 12 dager siden. Det som kommer til å avgjøre hva vi foretar oss i januar avhenger av hvilken pris Cellino har forhandlet frem ved et potensielt opprykk. Er gevinsten stor nok skal vi ikke se bort fra at han kan investere en god del i januar for å oppnå nettopp det.

Som jeg antydet i går så ble Monk ansatt like etter at Radrizzani innledet forhandlinger med Cellino, og Monk overlevde en sesongstart som hadde sett han få fyken de tre foregående sesongene. Noe forteller meg at andre enn Cellino har hatt input ift det sportslige.


Det er i alle fall en eller annen grunn til at Cellino holder kjeft. Klubben har hatt sportslig bedring tidligere under han, hvor det ikke tok lang tid før han var i media. Har ingen tiltro til at det kun er fordi han ser nytten av fred og ro - selv om dette kun blir min synsing.

Morsomt å se det kribler litt hos folk. Jon R holder seg ikke unna denne tråden, selv om han har sagt han skal det ved flere anledninger  ;D
Marching on together!


Jeg håper dette blir avgjort før jul.
Klubben trenger ro, og jeg har faktisk troa på opprykk allerede i år.
Jeg kjente det i går, at savnet etter å spille i PL er så syyyykt stort.
Som 34 åring har jeg nesten ikke opplevd i voksen alder å ikke bli ledd av når man beveger seg ut i drakten som jeg er så uendelig glad i.

Klubben er mer harmonisk nå enn den har vært på mange mange år. Kanskje må man tilbake til 1900tallet.
Om dette er Rad sin fortjeneste, så ønsker jeg han hjertelig velkommen.



Quote from: Cbas10an on November 30, 2016, 14:32:35
Jeg håper dette blir avgjort før jul.
Klubben trenger ro, og jeg har faktisk troa på opprykk allerede i år.
Jeg kjente det i går, at savnet etter å spille i PL er så syyyykt stort.
Som 34 åring har jeg nesten ikke opplevd i voksen alder å ikke bli ledd av når man beveger seg ut i drakten som jeg er så uendelig glad i.

Klubben er mer harmonisk nå enn den har vært på mange mange år. Kanskje må man tilbake til 1900tallet.
Om dette er Rad sin fortjeneste, så ønsker jeg han hjertelig velkommen.
Jeg er 19, har ikke opplevd annet  :o Men jeg er mer stolt egentlig, fordi drakten er uendelig fin, at jeg viser at jeg ikke er medgangssupporter og at vi fortsatt finnes (og snart er tilbake)  8)
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly

Jon R

Quote from: Mr Kaizer on November 30, 2016, 11:54:06
Det er i alle fall en eller annen grunn til at Cellino holder kjeft. Klubben har hatt sportslig bedring tidligere under han, hvor det ikke tok lang tid før han var i media. Har ingen tiltro til at det kun er fordi han ser nytten av fred og ro - selv om dette kun blir min synsing.

Morsomt å se det kribler litt hos folk. Jon R holder seg ikke unna denne tråden, selv om han har sagt han skal det ved flere anledninger  ;D

Kan ikke det vet du, Dennis. Må kikke igjennom som moderator.   ;D
Jon R.


Også Phil Hay har nå begynt å skrive om takeoveren:

Leeds United: If Radrizzani deal is happening, it must be done cleanly and swiftly
â€" Hay
Phil Hay 17:00 Wednesday 30 November 2016

It felt for a while as if Andrea Radrizzani was dying to say something. The cryptic tweets, the nods and winks, his re-appearance at Elland Road for the most high-profile game of the season. They were playful hints at what was finally confirmed on Monday evening: that Radrizzani believes he is in the home straight of a deal to buy into Leeds United.

The cat is out of the bag and some clarity goes a long way. It is evident now that Massimo Cellino is willing to consider the sale of a major shareholding in Leeds, even though other parties with an interest in investing have been routinely told otherwise. Cellino is steadfastly refusing to entertain some of them, responding through his lawyers with the message that the club is not for sale, but Radrizzani he has spoken to. Radrizzani he seems willing to embrace at what is unquestionably the peak of his gruelling time as owner. After six months of relatively private discussions, convention says that Radrizzani would not have been so open unless he thought his investment was almost there. He told the YEP in August that he and Cellino had entered into a “simple conversation” but his comments to The Straits Times, a newspaper in Singapore whom he spoke to after flying there last week, showed his hand: a 50-50 split of shares with Cellino with the option of a full takeover in June.

Cellino in response has said nothing at all. He says very little about anything these days. This like any other takeover poses questions. How would a shared ownership structure work in practice, particularly given Cellino’s single-minded sense of authority? Cellino took almost 12 months to come round to the idea of employing a chief executive. Is the cash behind Radrizzani’s purchase personal wealth or funded by a third party? The 42-year-old works for a branch of Chinese tech firm Baofeng but he said on Monday that his deal had no backing from China. The Straits Times reported that the deal was being handled by Aser Media, an investment vehicle set-up by Radrizzani last year. Its website says it focuses on the “media and sports sectors”. At present, it has no published accounts.

When Radrizzani took in Leeds’ 2-0 defeat to Newcastle on November 20, he was joined at Elland Road by Andre Tegner, Aser’s head of investments and strategy. Marco Auletta, until recently a colleague of Radrizzani’s at MP & Silva, sat alongside him. Radrizzani said this week that he would “eventually bring my team and management” to United and his connections in the world of media and branding appear to be extensive. It is no secret that he advised on the sale of Inter Milan to Chinese owners in June of this year.

A check on his background shows none of the clouds that followed Cellino to Leeds. It rather reveals a track record of business growth in his field. MP & Silva, a company he helped to found and which distributes sporting media rights globally, was valued in May at more than £500m. Radrizzani resigned as a director in October while retaining some shares. Auletta, who also came with Radrizzani to Leeds’ pre-season friendly against Atalanta, stepped down as CEO of MP & Silva on the same day. There was a sense of various people getting their ducks in a row with a view to cutting to the chase at Elland Road.

So to the matter of prospective investment becoming a reality. If Cellino sees this situation as Radrizzani sees it then a clean completion of formalities is imperative. Leeds have a history of attracting convoluted takeovers, largely because the club has always come with unwanted financial baggage. At no stage of this season has Garry Monk been asked about a change of ownership but he can expect to be asked about it now. Radrizzani’s input is on the agenda and while the implications of investment go beyond a head coach, they are rarely of no consequence to him either. Monk cannot influence this process but he will inevitably be in the middle of it.

Radrizzani’s refusal to discuss Monk with The Straits Times was indicative of nothing. It cannot be taken as a silent vote of confidence or a subliminal admission of any lack of it. Radrizzani will be expected to clarify his view on Monk as and when his deal goes through.He will know that Monk has a high stock, a professional manner and the weight of the crowd on his side. There is plenty of clamour for an extension to Monk’s contract, let alone a full season in charge. United can think of at least two campaigns which suffered because of indecision at the negotiating table. A combination of Sport Capital’s shambolic attempt to buy Leeds and Cellino’s eventual buy-out did for the 2013-14 season and took Brian McDermott with it. The previous season was long gone by the time Gulf Finance House decided to do business with Ken Bates. Takeovers can be engrossing for the public but protracted talks cause angst on the inside. As one former player at Leeds said in the middle of Cellino’s buy-out: “No-one really talks about it. But you’re all thinking the same thing and wondering what’s going on.” McDermott was very open in saying that some in his dressing room gave up on him as results began to rot. In this season of all seasons, Monk does not need that. Leeds are not so familiar with the Championship’s play-off positions that they can afford to hover in the middle of talks; not now Radrizzani has broken cover and not with the transfer window on the way. As Kyle Bartley said: “Fifth in the Championship, the quarter-finals of the League Cup â€" it’s going well.” Literally, and against the backdrop of so many dysfunctional years, there is no time like the present.

Read more at:
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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I morgen???

Radrizzani er tilbake fra Asiaturen sin...
Denne ThomasWBanks er en av TTGM-gutta as far as I know:

He is back. In London!
(noen spør, is this IT???)

I'll miss your asking!
As far as we know, yes. Really positive news came through yesterday which suggests it could be v soon. As ever, I'd love to say what it is - but that will come in our data dump once the dust has settled.

And for those asking, it will be happening (the info timeline that is)! Eyes peeled on
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Utrolig spennende, æ trur vi endelig får en opptur også på den økonomiske siden. Noe som må til, skal vi rykke opp og bli der.



Skjer det før jul er jeg superoptimistisk. Da er det penger til januar vinduet, hvis vi nå ikke blir lurt for endte gang da


Quote from: h.b on December 01, 2016, 19:05:16
Skjer det før jul er jeg superoptimistisk. Da er det penger til januar vinduet, hvis vi nå ikke blir lurt for endte gang da

Om Radrizzane blir eier, så tror jeg vi faktisk får en bra eier.
Har et litt annet rykte enn f.eks. Bates og Cellino hadde før de tok over Leeds...
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Om Rad kjøper seg inn med 50%, hvem skal bestemme da? 50% hver? Går vel ikke.....

Jon R

Quote from: Sydhagen on December 01, 2016, 19:25:25
Quote from: h.b on December 01, 2016, 19:05:16
Skjer det før jul er jeg superoptimistisk. Da er det penger til januar vinduet, hvis vi nå ikke blir lurt for endte gang da

Om Radrizzane blir eier, så tror jeg vi faktisk får en bra eier.
Har et litt annet rykte enn f.eks. Bates og Cellino hadde før de tok over Leeds...

Kanskje det beste ryktet i bransjen? Har bare sett han omtalt positivt i media ( har ikke drevet gravejournalistikk da..). Derfor har jeg konkludert med at han umulig kan havne hos oss.  ;)
Jon R.