Skrevet av Emne: EX-SPILLER: Alan Smith  (Lest 222404 ganger)

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Tom S

Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #360 på: Juni 08, 2011, 21:49:39 »
Fansen i England er svært splittet. Det vil derfor ikke være smart å signe Smith.


Er nok splittet, men har ein følelse av at majoriteten ville ønsket Smith tilbake.
Ofte er det de negative/realistiske som roper høgast.... og da kan det ofte virke som de er mange.... (ref OEF ;) )


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #361 på: Juni 08, 2011, 22:04:51 »
Ønsker Alan Smith tilbake.  Husker godt det føleleses messige øyeblikke da han gråt når han gikk av banen.  '
Han var en vinnertype når han forlot oss. 

Erik M

Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #362 på: Juni 08, 2011, 23:58:48 »
Det er (minst) 3 faktorer i Smith-transferen slik eg ser det:

1. GRUNNEN til at Smith vart solgt var ene og alene at Leeds United ikkje hadde økonomi til å behalde gutten. Etter mitt syn kan AS ikkje lastes for det.

2. VALGET av klubb var nok heller ikkje AS sitt valg. Leeds United solgte til høgstbydane, og ikkje minst til den klubben som var i stand til/villig til å cashe heile beløpet straks etter overgangen var i boks. Etter mitt syn vanskelig å klandre AS for det.

3. AS takket pent nei til £1M i lojalitetsbonus, rett og slett fordi han er LEEDS-GUTT!

Så eg tar gladelig imot Smithy om det skulle vise seg mulig. Er dog litt usikker på helsa til den aldrende gutten.

Nei, det er to faktorer/sider som er vesentlig i denne saken, mener jeg.  Den ene er kanskje tredelt slik du beskriver.  AS kan absolutt ikke klandres - det er lov å være uenig, men å bruke grove karakteristikker, som noen prøver på, blir patetisk.

Den andre siden av dette er om han som spiller er interessant for oss, er han fysisk klar eller for skadeutsatt?  Har vi råd til å ansette ham - er det mulig å sy sammen en pakke både klubb og spiller kan svelge?  Kanskje ikke.

Når man spør i en poll (som jeg ikke har sett) om man ønsker AS tilbake så vil jeg tro at bare en liten del av den store minoriteten som svarer "nei" begrunner dette i det moralske (sviker, etc).  De fleste vil nok vurdere ham som for dyr og for usikker.

Likeså tror jeg mange av de som svarer "ja" lytter til følelsene mer enne fornuften - altså det motsatte av nei siden.

Har jeg litt rett?  Selv er jeg veldig i tvil - tror AS på plass tvinger fokuset litt bakover istedetfor fremover.



  • Gjest
Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #363 på: Juni 09, 2011, 00:13:47 »
Ønsker Alan Smith tilbake.  Husker godt det føleleses messige øyeblikke da han gråt når han gikk av banen.  '
Han var en vinnertype når han forlot oss. 

Ekte mannfolk griner ikke ;)


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Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #364 på: Juni 09, 2011, 00:31:28 »
Ønsker Alan Smith tilbake.  Husker godt det føleleses messige øyeblikke da han gråt når han gikk av banen.  '
Han var en vinnertype når han forlot oss. 

Ekte mannfolk griner ikke ;)
Ikkje ei gong påstå at du ikkje felte ei tåra når mi rykka opp i fjor, h.b? :)
The Future Is Bright,
The Future Is White!


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Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #365 på: Juni 09, 2011, 01:21:42 »
Håper virkelig Alan Smith kommer hjem!

Fantastisk vinnertype og fantastisk spiller!
Jeg har troa på at han blir fit for fight med Leeds over en sommer.
Vi trenger en legende og en ledertype , her har vi han!

Favorittspilleren min gjennom mine Leeds år !
Pontus ❤


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #366 på: Juni 09, 2011, 05:01:32 »
Smith, gjorde som Batty sa han ville. Ble midtbanespiller.  ;D
Storspilte for Toons i opprykksesongen. Smith ønsker jeg tilbake i LEEDS trøya. Tror han har ett par sesonger igjen !


"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #368 på: Juni 09, 2011, 08:34:01 »
Pay iff you play......Alan vet han må NED i £££ skal han gå til oss - og gjør han det
så gjør han det 100%....han elsker Leeds!


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #369 på: Juni 09, 2011, 10:03:51 »

En drømme situasjon hadde vært om Smith kom til Leeds og
var med på opprykk til PL. Da hadde han fått kult status.
er jo Leeds Lad
Leeds for alltid


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #370 på: Juni 09, 2011, 10:24:37 »
Den medisinske testen er avgjørende. Holder helsa, vil Alan Smith være gull verdt for Leeds. Han er en ledertype vi trenger på midtbanen.

Bates er såpass smart forretningsmann at han vet at Smith drar minst 2000 ekstra til tribunene på Elland Road + draktsalg.
Masinga, 1250

Per Arne

Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #371 på: Juni 09, 2011, 10:35:56 »
Vi fotballsupportere er ofte standhaftige og ærekjære. Noen klarer aldri å glemme og evnt tilgi at spillere forlater klubben vår til fordel for en annen. Dem om det. Det vi noen ganger glemmer, midt oppi f.eks denne diskusjonen, er kjærligheten til klubben. Og elsker man en klubb, ønsker man selvsagt det beste for den. Personlig anser jeg klubben min for viktigere enn enkeltspillere. De er arbeidere som skal gjøre sitt aller ytterste for klubbens suksess. Og da er jeg kynisk. Jeg driter glatt i hvem som utfører jobben på banen. Jeg vil ha fremgang og seire. Naturlig nok. Og om Alan Smith kan bidra til det, så er han hjertelig velkommen. Betingelsesløst.

Joe Jordan

Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #372 på: Juni 09, 2011, 10:58:40 »
En skadefri Smith på midtbanen hadde vært fantastisk. Har ingen nag i forhold til at han gikk til scums, Leeds var i en fullstendig håpløs situasjon den gangen. Ser at Bates ikke utelukker et Smith comeback i den hvite trøya, men er dette bare PR-jippo fra geitebukken?
'If they hadn't scored, we would've won.' - Howard Wilkinson


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #373 på: Juni 09, 2011, 11:23:20 »
Smith, gjorde som Batty sa han ville. Ble midtbanespiller.  ;D
Storspilte for Toons i opprykksesongen. Smith ønsker jeg tilbake i LEEDS trøya. Tror han har ett par sesonger igjen !

Gjorde som Batty sa og ble god nok for NpC. Gikk fra å være en av de bedre spissene i PL til å bli en nokså dårlig sentralmidtbanespiller, virker som et dårlig karriere valg.

Smith er min all time favorittspiller, men skal de ligge 20+ i lønnsposen hans hver uke så synes jeg ikke han nødvendigvis er verdt det. Helst skulle jeg sett Smith returne som spiss. Er også usikker på hvordan fitnessen hans er, har vært plaget med vel mye skader de siste sesongene.


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #374 på: Juni 09, 2011, 12:35:51 »
Smith, gjorde som Batty sa han ville. Ble midtbanespiller.  ;D
Storspilte for Toons i opprykksesongen. Smith ønsker jeg tilbake i LEEDS trøya. Tror han har ett par sesonger igjen !

Gjorde som Batty sa og ble god nok for NpC. Gikk fra å være en av de bedre spissene i PL til å bli en nokså dårlig sentralmidtbanespiller, virker som et dårlig karriere valg.

Smith er min all time favorittspiller, men skal de ligge 20+ i lønnsposen hans hver uke så synes jeg ikke han nødvendigvis er verdt det. Helst skulle jeg sett Smith returne som spiss. Er også usikker på hvordan fitnessen hans er, har vært plaget med vel mye skader de siste sesongene.

38 mål på 172 kamper...

Solamen miseris socios habuisse malorum


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #375 på: Juni 09, 2011, 12:35:56 »
"Money won’t be the decisive factor regarding Smith’s next destination, with the former England striker more interested in a ‘project’ move appealing to him personally and enabling him to achieve something in the latter stages of his career, according to his representatives."


Spørs om Grayson ser nytten i Smith, da..

Glenn K

Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #376 på: Juni 09, 2011, 12:44:03 »
"Money won’t be the decisive factor regarding Smith’s next destination, with the former England striker more interested in a ‘project’ move appealing to him personally and enabling him to achieve something in the latter stages of his career, according to his representatives."


Spørs om Grayson ser nytten i Smith, da..

Stemmer dette ser jeg ikke bort ifra at vi faktisk får se smith i den hvite drakten sesongen 2011/2012  :)


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #377 på: Juni 09, 2011, 14:42:18 »

Following Wednesday's 0-0 draw at Newcastle United, Leeds United legend Peter Lorimer has moved to reveal the story behind Alan Smith's move to Manchester United.

The trip to St James's Park was the first time Smith has faced Leeds since his £6m move to Manchester United in the summer of 2004, following the club's relegation from the Premiership.

Since Smith's move there has been a simmering anger among many fans, and a large of number of the amazing travelling support of around 3,500 Leeds fans made their feelings known at Newcastle on Wednesday.

The striker spoke afterwards about the "stick" he had received and while admitting he expected it, he also stressed that he fully understood the reaction of the travelling fans and pointed out that he would always remain a Leeds fan.

And, following the game, Elland Road legend and one-time director Lorimer, said he felt the time had to come to reveal the facts about Smith's move across the Pennines.

"Our fans are fantastic and the support again at Newcastle was terrific," he said.

"I think we all expected Alan to get some stick - he expected it as well - but I did feel a little sorry for him because while he went to our biggest rival football-wise, it's never been known by anyone what was behind him going to Old Trafford and I think now is the right time to clear that up.

"What happened was that going back to the Gerald Krasner board at that time, they had just taken over, the club had massive debts, the tax man was pressing, we were struggling to pay the wages and we needed money in desperately.

"The biggest asset at that time was Alan Smith. We had offers from Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Everton, and various other clubs  were interested, but we also knew Manchester United were interested.

"I was asked personally by the board of that time to ring Alex Ferguson to let him know that Alan was available if he was interested and tell him how much we were looking for.

"And the reason he had to go there was that we were so pressed for money, and it was such a desperate situation, that they were the only team who could pay us the full amount there and then.

"The other teams who were interested - as with most transfers nowadays - were on partial payment terms over a longer period of time. But the club was in such dire straits we needed the money there and then. That was the reason why he went there.

"To a degree he might not have chosen Manchester United had he been given the choice, but he wasn't. The club led him down that line. His agent and Alan were made aware of the situation at that time, and the neccessity was that he went to Old Trafford.

"Leeds fans didn't want him to go there but as far as the club is concerned, Alan Smith going there probably saved us from going into administration or liquidation a lot earlier than we did.

"I know Alan. He is a Leeds fan and he always will be a Leeds fan and there is nobody more aware than him of how much it hurt our fans, but I would like to put the record straight.

"I fully understand how the fans felt, but he was made fully aware of how bid the situation here was and what the club's preference was.

"I hope they appreciate that he still loves Leeds and maybe now it's time to bury the hatchet.

"Our fans are fantastic. When you think what they have gone through over the past few years, from where we were to where we are. Hopefully we are on the way back. Our fans stood up to it and they are still following the club.

"It's sad our club has had to sell so many players, but all these lads don't forget their roots and I know Alan is the same."

Det må være noe på gang, jippi!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #378 på: Juni 09, 2011, 15:03:24 »

Following Wednesday's 0-0 draw at Newcastle United, Leeds United legend Peter Lorimer has moved to reveal the story behind Alan Smith's move to Manchester United.

The trip to St James's Park was the first time Smith has faced Leeds since his £6m move to Manchester United in the summer of 2004, following the club's relegation from the Premiership.

Since Smith's move there has been a simmering anger among many fans, and a large of number of the amazing travelling support of around 3,500 Leeds fans made their feelings known at Newcastle on Wednesday.

The striker spoke afterwards about the "stick" he had received and while admitting he expected it, he also stressed that he fully understood the reaction of the travelling fans and pointed out that he would always remain a Leeds fan.

And, following the game, Elland Road legend and one-time director Lorimer, said he felt the time had to come to reveal the facts about Smith's move across the Pennines.

"Our fans are fantastic and the support again at Newcastle was terrific," he said.

"I think we all expected Alan to get some stick - he expected it as well - but I did feel a little sorry for him because while he went to our biggest rival football-wise, it's never been known by anyone what was behind him going to Old Trafford and I think now is the right time to clear that up.

"What happened was that going back to the Gerald Krasner board at that time, they had just taken over, the club had massive debts, the tax man was pressing, we were struggling to pay the wages and we needed money in desperately.

"The biggest asset at that time was Alan Smith. We had offers from Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Everton, and various other clubs  were interested, but we also knew Manchester United were interested.

"I was asked personally by the board of that time to ring Alex Ferguson to let him know that Alan was available if he was interested and tell him how much we were looking for.

"And the reason he had to go there was that we were so pressed for money, and it was such a desperate situation, that they were the only team who could pay us the full amount there and then.

"The other teams who were interested - as with most transfers nowadays - were on partial payment terms over a longer period of time. But the club was in such dire straits we needed the money there and then. That was the reason why he went there.

"To a degree he might not have chosen Manchester United had he been given the choice, but he wasn't. The club led him down that line. His agent and Alan were made aware of the situation at that time, and the neccessity was that he went to Old Trafford.

"Leeds fans didn't want him to go there but as far as the club is concerned, Alan Smith going there probably saved us from going into administration or liquidation a lot earlier than we did.

"I know Alan. He is a Leeds fan and he always will be a Leeds fan and there is nobody more aware than him of how much it hurt our fans, but I would like to put the record straight.

"I fully understand how the fans felt, but he was made fully aware of how bid the situation here was and what the club's preference was.

"I hope they appreciate that he still loves Leeds and maybe now it's time to bury the hatchet.

"Our fans are fantastic. When you think what they have gone through over the past few years, from where we were to where we are. Hopefully we are on the way back. Our fans stood up to it and they are still following the club.

"It's sad our club has had to sell so many players, but all these lads don't forget their roots and I know Alan is the same."

Det må være noe på gang, jippi!

Gammelt intervju!


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #379 på: Juni 09, 2011, 15:11:50 »
Om du er på facebook, kan du søke opp Alan Smith og "like" ham. Der kan du vise ham din støtte! :D


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #380 på: Juni 09, 2011, 17:01:05 »
Om du er på facebook, kan du søke opp Alan Smith og "like" ham. Der kan du vise ham din støtte! :D
det er jo mengder med Alan Smith på fb :)


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #381 på: Juni 09, 2011, 17:25:15 »

Following Wednesday's 0-0 draw at Newcastle United, Leeds United legend Peter Lorimer has moved to reveal the story behind Alan Smith's move to Manchester United.

The trip to St James's Park was the first time Smith has faced Leeds since his £6m move to Manchester United in the summer of 2004, following the club's relegation from the Premiership.

Since Smith's move there has been a simmering anger among many fans, and a large of number of the amazing travelling support of around 3,500 Leeds fans made their feelings known at Newcastle on Wednesday.

The striker spoke afterwards about the "stick" he had received and while admitting he expected it, he also stressed that he fully understood the reaction of the travelling fans and pointed out that he would always remain a Leeds fan.

And, following the game, Elland Road legend and one-time director Lorimer, said he felt the time had to come to reveal the facts about Smith's move across the Pennines.

"Our fans are fantastic and the support again at Newcastle was terrific," he said.

"I think we all expected Alan to get some stick - he expected it as well - but I did feel a little sorry for him because while he went to our biggest rival football-wise, it's never been known by anyone what was behind him going to Old Trafford and I think now is the right time to clear that up.

"What happened was that going back to the Gerald Krasner board at that time, they had just taken over, the club had massive debts, the tax man was pressing, we were struggling to pay the wages and we needed money in desperately.

"The biggest asset at that time was Alan Smith. We had offers from Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Everton, and various other clubs  were interested, but we also knew Manchester United were interested.

"I was asked personally by the board of that time to ring Alex Ferguson to let him know that Alan was available if he was interested and tell him how much we were looking for.

"And the reason he had to go there was that we were so pressed for money, and it was such a desperate situation, that they were the only team who could pay us the full amount there and then.

"The other teams who were interested - as with most transfers nowadays - were on partial payment terms over a longer period of time. But the club was in such dire straits we needed the money there and then. That was the reason why he went there.

"To a degree he might not have chosen Manchester United had he been given the choice, but he wasn't. The club led him down that line. His agent and Alan were made aware of the situation at that time, and the neccessity was that he went to Old Trafford.

"Leeds fans didn't want him to go there but as far as the club is concerned, Alan Smith going there probably saved us from going into administration or liquidation a lot earlier than we did.

"I know Alan. He is a Leeds fan and he always will be a Leeds fan and there is nobody more aware than him of how much it hurt our fans, but I would like to put the record straight.

"I fully understand how the fans felt, but he was made fully aware of how bid the situation here was and what the club's preference was.

"I hope they appreciate that he still loves Leeds and maybe now it's time to bury the hatchet.

"Our fans are fantastic. When you think what they have gone through over the past few years, from where we were to where we are. Hopefully we are on the way back. Our fans stood up to it and they are still following the club.

"It's sad our club has had to sell so many players, but all these lads don't forget their roots and I know Alan is the same."

Det må være noe på gang, jippi!

Gammelt intervju!

Men Smithy kommer....:)
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #382 på: Juni 09, 2011, 19:09:34 »
Om du er på facebook, kan du søke opp Alan Smith og "like" ham. Der kan du vise ham din støtte! :D
det er jo mengder med Alan Smith på fb :)

Her er den du søker:

Jon R

Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #384 på: Juni 09, 2011, 21:01:05 »

Greit at Matteo sier det, men han mente jo at Faye var en god signing også.  ::)

Hvis man legger følelsene til side og vurderer Smith utfra kriteriene fitness og kvalitet, kan det hende det finnes bedre prospekter der ute. Er han sprek og god nok sier jeg JA TAKK og VELKOMMEN TILBAKE hvis han ønsker å spille for oss!  :)

PS: 10 000 £ i uka får holde.  :-X
Jon R.


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #385 på: Juni 09, 2011, 22:00:12 »
Når Bates snakker om at han må halvere lønnen noe som skulle si at han kan få 30 000£ i Leeds?

Som Matteo forteller så mener han Smith er/var klar best som spiss og at han er skeptisk til om han har "bein" lengre. Jeg er skeptisk....


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #386 på: Juni 09, 2011, 22:05:37 »

Greit at Matteo sier det, men han mente jo at Faye var en god signing også.  ::)

Hvis man legger følelsene til side og vurderer Smith utfra kriteriene fitness og kvalitet, kan det hende det finnes bedre prospekter der ute. Er han sprek og god nok sier jeg JA TAKK og VELKOMMEN TILBAKE hvis han ønsker å spille for oss!  :)

PS: 10 000 £ i uka får holde.  :-X

Jeg har ikke sagt at jeg er enig med Matteo  ::)

Men jeg er usikker, meget usikker. Likevel vet jeg at en Smith i knallform i en hvit drakt igjen, hadde presset frem en liten tåre i øyekroken.


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #387 på: Juni 09, 2011, 22:16:10 »
Når Bates snakker om at han må halvere lønnen noe som skulle si at han kan få 30 000£ i Leeds?

Som Matteo forteller så mener han Smith er/var klar best som spiss og at han er skeptisk til om han har "bein" lengre. Jeg er skeptisk....

Jeg trodde først også det, men etter nøyere "scrutiny" så fant jeg ut at han ville også trekke fra en null. Bates regnet med at Smith tjente rundt 5 millioner pund i året, så det vil si at han kan regne med å få ca. 5000 pund i uken i Leeds. Selvsagt helt uakuelt at han går med på det.

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #388 på: Juni 09, 2011, 22:23:36 »
Vi lønnet jo trossalt AOB med 27 000£ i uken denne sesongen så vet aldri


Sv: Alan Smith
« Svar #389 på: Juni 09, 2011, 22:25:38 »
Vi lønnet jo trossalt AOB med 27 000£ i uken denne sesongen så vet aldri

seriøst ??

første gangen jeg ser et slikt tall nevnt....