Skrevet av Emne: Agenter og andre "snyltere"  (Lest 3418 ganger)

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Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« på: Desember 10, 2010, 10:49:10 »
Jeg velger å ikke si noe om hvem som er the good, the bad or the ugly one i denne saken, men det jeg reagerer på i teamtalk-artikkelen er BJ's uttalelse om at "my agents" har hatt kontakten med ledelsen i Leeds. Mitt tankekors er: Hvor mange (om noen) agenter trenger en engelsk annendivisjonspiller og hva koster disse for spilleren ?


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #1 på: Desember 10, 2010, 10:58:53 »
Den siste setningen var litt alarmerende:

"There've been breakdowns in contract (talks) with other players but I'm the only one being put in the public eye and being transfer-listed."

Aner vi at kontrakten med Becchio ikke går så smooth som vi håpet? Må Kilkenny finne seg en ny klubb i januar?

Liker særdeles dårlig at denne saken nå forer hungrige journalister i UK. Spesielt irriterende er det at vår egen styreformann startet skittkastingen. Redd vi ser resultatet av dette i morgendagens kamp. Jeg frykter tap og mangel på skikkelig innsats.

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #2 på: Desember 10, 2010, 11:10:45 »

Grayson bekrefter at det er flere spillere enn Johnson som sitter på gjerdet.

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


  • Gjest
Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #3 på: Desember 10, 2010, 11:19:17 »
Nei og nei! Dette høres ikke bra ut.

"insideimdancing (Leeds United): "Being greedy is asking for more than what other players are on and I'm not asking for that, in no way, shape or form. I feel I've been targeted." No Bradley, being greedy is asking for more than YOU are worth. You are a first team member not a key player, I guess you never played Football Manager!"  :P

En annen god kommentar:  "Why is it that Bates would want to negotiate with Becchio's agents for a better deal and not with Johnson, simple, one is worthy and the other, not. 1 good season and another okay season is not enough Johnson, prove your worth and I'm sure Larry will be banging on the Chairman's door about keeping you at the club at all costs, or there about. Come on, you want the club to show their committment, show yours on the pitch. Make it happen and maybe, just maybe, the management of LUFC will to."
Har et poeng i at han ikke har spilt seg verdig denne sesongen. Men jeg må igjen si meg enig med auren. - Bates har opptrådt svært uprofesjonelt med å gå ut i media på den måten han har gjort.


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #4 på: Desember 10, 2010, 13:02:20 »
Jeg velger å ikke si noe om hvem som er the good, the bad or the ugly one i denne saken, men det jeg reagerer på i teamtalk-artikkelen er BJ's uttalelse om at "my agents" har hatt kontakten med ledelsen i Leeds. Mitt tankekors er: Hvor mange (om noen) agenter trenger en engelsk annendivisjonspiller og hva koster disse for spilleren ?

Det lurer jeg også på!

Jeg skjønnner agentbruk hvis man ønsker å bytte klubb. Men ved kontraktsforhandlinger skjønner jeg ikke helt agentbruken. Kan ikke fotballspillere tenke selv? Prater de ikke? Er de redde for å å møte ledelsen i klubben? Er de redde for å bli lurt? Har de ikke tid til å sette av en time eller to til å bestemme fremtiden sin? Og eier de ikke selvinnsikt nok til å forstå at det er spillere som fortjener bedre lønn enn andre?

Og når de først har en agent som skal forhandle kontrakt for de. Er det da forbudt for spilleren å være med på disse forhandlingene? Får ikke spilleren lov til å møte ledelsen i klubben uten at agenten er tilstede?

Og hva tjener egentlig disse kontraktshaiene? Tar de prosenter av spillerens lønn?


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #5 på: Desember 10, 2010, 13:46:25 »
Det er en gru å høre på agenter når de uttaler seg. De forholder seg ikke til avtaler og tar ikke 5 øre for å undergrave fotballen bare det tjener dem selv. NRK hadde i går funnet på at de skulle intervjue agent Stig Lillejord angående Solbakken. Ståle Solbakken har faktisk skrevet kontrakt med NFF. Det forhindrer ikke Lillejord fra å mene at det vil være bedre om han ble trener for en større klubb nede i Europa. Han sier det vil tjene norsk fotball. Eller mener Lillejord at det vil tjene ham selv?

For øvrig synes jeg det er bra at Solbakken tar over Norge i 2012. Kanskje vil landslaget gjøre det så godt at Leeds fatter interesse for en nordmann igjen? Kanskje til og med Lillejord får den glede å være agent? Hvem vet?
Masinga, 1250


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #6 på: Desember 10, 2010, 15:34:35 »
Og hva tjener egentlig disse kontraktshaiene? Tar de prosenter av spillerens lønn?

Svaret på det er definitivt JA. Det gjør så vidt jeg vet også headhuntere i næringslivet. Etter først å ha fått en professor til å gjøre jobben for en ved å gi ut en liste over tidligere stipendiater. ::)
- Leif Olav

Jon R

Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #7 på: Desember 10, 2010, 15:56:35 »
Den siste setningen var litt alarmerende:

"There've been breakdowns in contract (talks) with other players but I'm the only one being put in the public eye and being transfer-listed."

Aner vi at kontrakten med Becchio ikke går så smooth som vi håpet? Må Kilkenny finne seg en ny klubb i januar?

Liker særdeles dårlig at denne saken nå forer hungrige journalister i UK. Spesielt irriterende er det at vår egen styreformann startet skittkastingen. Redd vi ser resultatet av dette i morgendagens kamp. Jeg frykter tap og mangel på skikkelig innsats.


Johnson må ut av klubben fortere enn f.....Nå blåser han altså ut om forhandlingene til andre spillere og legger grunnlaget for rykteflom og uro rundt enkeltspillere. Til en viss grad forståelig, men allikevel utilgivelig!

Til Ken Bates: Man høster som man sår. Skikkelig sjakktrekk den kommentaren i Matchprogrammet du....

Atpåtil er han frekk nok til å påstå at B.J startet denne ordkrigen....
Jon R.


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #8 på: Desember 11, 2010, 08:45:21 »
Det er en gru å høre på agenter når de uttaler seg. De forholder seg ikke til avtaler og tar ikke 5 øre for å undergrave fotballen bare det tjener dem selv. NRK hadde i går funnet på at de skulle intervjue agent Stig Lillejord angående Solbakken. Ståle Solbakken har faktisk skrevet kontrakt med NFF. Det forhindrer ikke Lillejord fra å mene at det vil være bedre om han ble trener for en større klubb nede i Europa. Han sier det vil tjene norsk fotball. Eller mener Lillejord at det vil tjene ham selv?

For øvrig synes jeg det er bra at Solbakken tar over Norge i 2012. Kanskje vil landslaget gjøre det så godt at Leeds fatter interesse for en nordmann igjen? Kanskje til og med Lillejord får den glede å være agent? Hvem vet?

Salvatore skal til HamKam etter Norge. Ihvertfall i følge ham selv i et intervju tidligere i år.... ;-)


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #9 på: Desember 11, 2010, 12:19:48 »
Det er en gru å høre på agenter når de uttaler seg. De forholder seg ikke til avtaler og tar ikke 5 øre for å undergrave fotballen bare det tjener dem selv. NRK hadde i går funnet på at de skulle intervjue agent Stig Lillejord angående Solbakken. Ståle Solbakken har faktisk skrevet kontrakt med NFF. Det forhindrer ikke Lillejord fra å mene at det vil være bedre om han ble trener for en større klubb nede i Europa. Han sier det vil tjene norsk fotball. Eller mener Lillejord at det vil tjene ham selv?

For øvrig synes jeg det er bra at Solbakken tar over Norge i 2012. Kanskje vil landslaget gjøre det så godt at Leeds fatter interesse for en nordmann igjen? Kanskje til og med Lillejord får den glede å være agent? Hvem vet?

om ståle solbakken skulle gå til Leeds,so er det ein av få ting som ville få meg til å melde meg ut ein periode.sorry men eg taklar berre ikkje den eg trur heller ikkje faren er så veldig stor for det,da egoet til solbakken er så stort at han aldri ville skrive under for ein så liten klubb som Leeds United...

Promotion 2010

Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #10 på: Desember 13, 2010, 10:31:10 »
Den siste setningen var litt alarmerende:

"There've been breakdowns in contract (talks) with other players but I'm the only one being put in the public eye and being transfer-listed."

Aner vi at kontrakten med Becchio ikke går så smooth som vi håpet? Må Kilkenny finne seg en ny klubb i januar?

Liker særdeles dårlig at denne saken nå forer hungrige journalister i UK. Spesielt irriterende er det at vår egen styreformann startet skittkastingen. Redd vi ser resultatet av dette i morgendagens kamp. Jeg frykter tap og mangel på skikkelig innsats.


Johnson må ut av klubben fortere enn f.....Nå blåser han altså ut om forhandlingene til andre spillere og legger grunnlaget for rykteflom og uro rundt enkeltspillere. Til en viss grad forståelig, men allikevel utilgivelig!

Til Ken Bates: Man høster som man sår. Skikkelig sjakktrekk den kommentaren i Matchprogrammet du....

Atpåtil er han frekk nok til å påstå at B.J startet denne ordkrigen....

Bates kommentarer er helst sikkert på kanten, men det er ingen tvil om at B-Johnson tok disse kontraktsforhandlingene ut i media.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #11 på: Juli 21, 2018, 20:05:01 »
Tar opp denne tråden igjen bare for å belyse hvilket GJØRMEHAV klubbene svømmer i når det gjelder overganger.

Overganger som for oss supportere virker rett frem!!!!

Her er en liten sak fra Borham Wood som virket enkel, men som har pågått over tid med svært så mange krinkelkroker:


Craig Draycott
Following on from our reporting of the behaviour, bullying, and manoeuvring for a transfer from Morgan Ferrier’s agent/intermediary/representative earlier this week.

Boreham Wood can now give another most unwelcome update on a situation that has unfortunately deteriorated further. However, it’s also vitally important that our supporters and everyone involved in football at this level, now fully understand a situation that shows no signs of going away.

On February 7, 2018, the player Morgan Ferrier, along with his agent and our football club, entered into a 16-month agreement with BWFC after signing from Dagenham.

This signing and contract was initiated by Morgan and his then agent Leon Anderson, who contacted our football club in early February – thus making Morgan the biggest transfer purchase and the highest paid player in our club’s history.

Morgan’s then agent Leon Anderson in all his dealings with us was diligent, honest, respectful, and always had his client’s best interests at heart.

Morgan’s contract was detailed, well written, and contained a considerable weekly wage, very beneficial appearance monies, and a very good goal related bonus. It also had conditions set into it that included clauses that if met could trigger a transfer for Morgan and for complete clarity, we have set the wording out below:

“A release clause applies whereby Boreham Wood FC agrees to allow the player to speak to another club with a view to discussing a transfer. This would be subject to the following conditions:

– Boreham Wood receive a formal written offer from the buying club

– A transfer fee of no less than £35,000 (thirty-five thousand) will be payable

– Both clubs will agree a sell-on fee and/or additional terms

“In the event that the above conditions in this release clause are satisfied, Boreham Wood shall immediately notify the player, and, if he wishes to transfer to such other club, Boreham Wood shall be required to (and shall) agree to the transfer of the player’s registration without delay and shall do everything necessary to effect such transfer of the player.”

As everyone can see – and we emphasise we do this for openness and clarity – the conditions are not tricky, they are all very, very simple and all very, very easy to understand and to comply with. They were all openly discussed before signing, and agreed by the player, the club, and by his agent.

About a month ago, following the correct club to club procedures, a deal was agreed with a Football League club. The fee was agreed, as was the sell on fee and the add ons, and we agreed to sell Morgan Ferrier to Tranmere Rovers Football Club.

As an agreement was reached with Tranmere – Morgan was given permission to speak with Micky Mellon and Tranmere Rovers Football Club. But after Morgan spoke with the said club – he came and spoke to the Boreham Wood Chairman and told him he that did not want to go. Morgan stated that he wanted to stay with BWFC but would like more responsibility within the dressing room because he felt it would improve his game.

That was the situation right up until last Sunday – World Cup Final day… When our manager Luke Garrard received an aggressive call from a new intermediary/agent/representative who purported to represent Morgan…

At this point, the agent made very clear to Luke that he would seek to get Morgan out of his contract in any way he could, if we didn’t comply with his demands of a £35k transfer and a 20% sell on. And in his words – if we did not comply, he would “open up a can of worms” to the football authorities about our football club, about our manager, and about our chairman, who he labelled as “bent.”

That threat as you can imagine cannot go unchallenged and is now being addressed through the high courts, and is in the hands of the club’s trusted solicitors. As you can imagine, as a club, whenever these type of football bullies present themselves, we simply have to stand up to them. And with the help of the football authorities we will stand our ground and see this through to the end…


1) We signed Morgan Ferrier in good faith when he was with his previous agent Leon Anderson, who initially contacted us. We paid a record transfer fee of 18k plus vat to Dagenham, but the transfer only came about because the Daggers were having financial difficulties and as such, we signed the player on February 7, 2018.

2) We then paid a further £5k plus vat to Dagenham, which was a bonus clause written into the transfer – should we of got to Wembley in the Promotion final in May of 2018.

3) We had in good faith put Morgan Ferrier on an agreed and signed, well paid, 16 month contract… And, there were some very simple, very clear, and very easy to understand clauses within the contract – these were a transfer fee, and a to be agreed sell on fee and to be agreed add on clauses.

These conditions were agreed by all parties, they were written into Morgan’s contract with both his/his agent’s and The FA Registrations Department’s agreement and these conditions are:

That if any buying club matches or betters a £35k fee and if a buying club also matches our sell on fee and add on expectations – then Morgan would be given permission to talk to any buying club to see if he wants to be transferred, and that’s exactly what happened with Tranmere Rovers.

Events since Morgan changed representation just a week ago:

A) Simon Bass from AFC Wimbledon contacted Luke Garrard last Sunday and told him that AFC Wimbledon would be making a bid for Morgan.

B) Luke then text Mr Bass with the Tranmere Rovers’ deal and told him if they matched that – they could talk to the player.

C) Luke Garrard then received phone calls last Sunday afternoon from Morgan Ferrier’s new agent – stating that he had replaced the previous agent Leon Anderson and had the contract in front of him (by picture on his phone) and if we did not release Morgan for £35k plus a 20% sell on, then he would “open up a can of worms” about our club and stated to Luke that both himself and the BWFC Chairman were “bent.

D)  On the Monday – AFC Wimbledon and Eric Samuelson emailed the BWFC Chairman with an official 35k offer, with a 25% sell on – which was considerably less than the Tranmere Rovers offer, and that was respectfully declined.

E) Then yesterday (Friday) while staying at the club’s training camp down in Barnstaple, Morgan Ferrier sent an email to our manager Luke Garrard, to all of the football authorities including the PFA, and to our club secretary – serving our football club with 14 days’ notice and informing us that we are somehow in breach of contract.

F) When we spoke to Morgan face to face yesterday (Friday), he denied writing the email, and stated that it was written out for him in its entirety by his intermediary/agent/representative and he was simply told to send it from his email address.

G) We obviously wish to make it clear that as a well-established football club playing at National League level – that we have paid Morgan on time, each and every month throughout his employ and this summer – no breach.

H) We wish to make it clear, that we have paid his previous club Dagenham the whole £23k plus Vat in full since we signed Morgan Ferrier on February 7, 2018 – no breach.

I) We wish to make it clear that all of Morgan’s wages and bonuses have all been paid on time, in full, and nothing is outstanding, and all tax and NI contributions are up to date – no breach.

J) We wish to make it clear that all of Morgan’s insurance, medical, nutritional and coaching needs have also been more than met – no breach.

K) We wish to make it clear that all transfer negotiations with all or any club or any interest shown at all – has been reported back to Morgan directly – no breach.

L) We wish to make it clear that this situation has been instigated by an agent/intermediary – and because we won’t curtail to this new representative’s demands to release Morgan for £35k and a 20% sell on, that this 14 day notice has been served on us and it’s clear this disruption will not go away as it’s all part of this intermediary’s strategy.

M) We wish to make clear, that we will not succumb to this 25-year-old agent’s threats… Where he has stated that he will “open up a can of worms” against our football club, our manager, and our chairman – who he has labelled as “bent.” We have done nothing wrong, the contract is watertight, the clauses are clear and this scaremongering will not succeed.

N) We wish to make it clear, that we feel absolutely compelled to take this young agent and perhaps the company he works for all the way to the high court, to the FA, to the National League committee, to the PFA and beyond – as we want to emphasise the need for these type of people to be regulated.

We absolutely apologise to the football world for airing our dirty washing in public. But we believe that there is the need to bring this type of behaviour into the public domain. As it is important and it’s high time that all non-league clubs began standing up to this agent/intermediary intimidation.

It’s now time that these unscrupulous people – as it’s not all agents – are taken to task. As they need to be regulated and this intimidation must be reported – we need to stop these intermediaries/representatives behaving in such a shoddy way and we need to get this problem highlighted. And put onto every non-league management committee’s agenda this season to sort out the problem…

In closing, after so much preparation and hard work, our whole pre-season and the whole bonding and training camp down in Barnstaple has simply been ruined – it has cost our chairman and football club tens of thousands of pounds and has been completely disrupted. Disrupted by a young 25-year-old agent who has not yet represented Morgan for even one week.

How sad is it, that for our club, our young manager, our hard-working dressing room, our very honest staff, and our loyal supporters have all been treated so badly?

We will keep updating you, we will keep working with the football authorities and we will seek our day and remuneration through the high courts – as this is a situation that football clubs at our level simply cannot afford to lose.


Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #12 på: Juli 21, 2018, 20:31:10 »
Vanskelig å ikke bli kvalm. Inntrykket er jo at dette er normalen heller enn unntaket. Vydras agent lukter jo litt likt.

At fotball skulle bli så gjennomsyret råttent helt ned i non-league er bortimot så trist som det går an.


Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #13 på: Juli 21, 2018, 20:41:38 »
Pengene rår i alle ledd.

Er det ikke krav om lisens for å drive som en fotballagent på noe vis?
*In El Loco we trust!*

Promotion 2010

Sv: Agenter og andre "snyltere"
« Svar #14 på: Juli 21, 2018, 20:48:12 »
Pengene rår i alle ledd.

Er det ikke krav om lisens for å drive som en fotballagent på noe vis?

Men ikke FIT & PROPER agent!  ;)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973