EX-"manager" og "head-coach" : Brian McDermott

Started by h.b, April 11, 2013, 12:19:56

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Quote from: lojosang on August 01, 2013, 11:17:24
Becchio, Rudy, Gylvi og Tore Andre...
OK. Jeg gir deg Hasselbaink. Mine fire er fullt på høyde med Hiden og Ribeiro, uansett hvor brukbar han var på CM98
For en vurdering....


Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on August 01, 2013, 15:20:44
Quote from: auren on August 01, 2013, 09:51:43Haha! Ribeiro og Hiden klassespillere? Molenaar var en slags kulthelt, men en PL-klassespiller var han aldri.

Hvor har jeg hevdet at dette er klassespillere?les innlegget du ;)
Jeg sier UTMERKEDE spillere, dvs spillere som gjør jobben i laget,holder jevnt bra nivå igjennom sesongen.Hasselbaink var klassespiller!Du kan latterliggjøre disse spillerne så mye du vil, men disse spilte mange kamper,holdt bra PL nivå siden Leeds på denne tiden var blant de 10 beste i PL. Hvem i all verden bortsett fra Byram,Lees og eventuelt McCormack hadde klart seg på et topp 10 PL lag idag?Resten hadde fullstendig falt igjennom og driti seg ut er min påstand.Beklager, ta av deg dagens Leedsbriller og vær litt kritisk ;)

En utmerket spiller og en klassespiller er for min del stort sett det samme. Hasselbaink var klasse! Ingen tvil. Han hadde også en god karriere etter Leeds. Resten av spillerne hadde du i dag kalt rask, hadde vi skrudd tiden 15 år tilbake. Ingen av dem hadde noe særlig til karriere før og etter Leeds. Stallfyll.

En annen ting - jeg har da ikke sagt at noen av dagens Leedsspillere er av PL-klasse? Og Leedsbrillene mine har jeg stort sett av. For tiden er vi et lag som neppe rykker opp, og en middelhavsfarer er nok det mest trolige. Det mener også stort sett de fleste eksperter. Deg inkludert ;)

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.

Promotion 2010

Turner gutta ut. Rom for nye spillere.  ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Best post ever:
Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on August 18, 2009, 23:07:40
min attr søt kaff på min atamaskin- virkr ikk bra- rfr han jg ikk skrvt så my i t sist

Grattis m  1-2 ikv
MT :) :) :)



Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on August 01, 2013, 20:07:37
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 01, 2013, 15:42:38
Ny sjefs speider.

Så flott....Pompey er jo de siste årene spesielt kjent for å finne talenter ingen andre vet om....han er sikkert veldig flink ;)

Vi skulle ansatt en av Udinese sine speidere:

"The publicity surrounding Udinese’s clearly superb scouting network has grown since the sale of Alexis Sanchez to Barcelona for the princely sum of £23 million.

This figure is all the more impressive when you consider that the Zebrette originally bought him for a pittance, a mere £100,000. The management turned him from a raw and inconsistent fledgling into one of the best wingers in the world â€" setting an example for the world to follow.

The recent return to Chile of Eduardo Vargas, supposedly one of South America’s top talents, is a depressing example of mismanagement. He joined Napoli for a large fee that placed him under far more pressure than he was used to, and instead of simply loaning him back to South America straight away, he was left to sit on the bench with first-team action hard to come by.

Udinese seem to have embraced their role as a feeder club in that they have what is most likely the largest scouting network in the whole of Serie A and this has unearthed several ‘rough diamonds’, especially in Africa, and more specifically, Ghana.

They specialize in picking up young, raw players for next to nothing and selling them on as soon as the right offer comes in. the most notable of these is obviously Sanchez, but in recent years they have sold; Gokhan Inler, Cristian Zapata and Mauricio Isla were all sold for notable profits.

On these transfers alone, Calcio have turned a profit of around £31.2 million, whilst not to mention reaping the benefits of having these players at the club. This is what they are currently enjoying with their Moroccan centre-back; Mehidi Benatia (signed from Clermont in Ligue 2).

Naturally these gambles do not always work out, but what is gained, both in monetary form and in league standing, far outweighs the risk and expenditure necessary to develop the player.

Udinese however, as the most notable example, seem to very rarely make any mistakes in the scouting of players. They also have a knack of selling the player at the right time.  They sold Zapata to Villarreal breaking up their established centre-back partnership - a move that was originally ridiculed by the Italian media. But it proved to be the right one. Villarreal were relegated that same season and Zapata departed to AC Milan on a loan deal.

The talent train has not stopped giving as well. Luis Muriel, a 21-year-old Columbian striker, signed from Deportivo Cali and has already broken into the first team this season and as a result of his performances, has received his first international cap.

A good finisher, with strong dribbling and explosive pace, Muriel looks set for future success and this will simply be another feather in the cap of Udinese’s brilliant scouting and coaching team."
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 01, 2013, 20:13:23

Flere enn meg som husker dette bildet fra et gammel "football sticker album"? Av en eller annen grunn så husker jeg dette bildet så utrolig godt, no homo..:)

I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Morsom story om McDermott i YP i dag. Da journalisten kom til ham og fortalte at han var manager nummer 11 som ble intervjuet i avisens vedlegg, snudde McDermott på hælene og utbrøt at hvis han ble ansett som den 11. beste management i Yorkshire så kunne det være det samme.

Det ble selvsagt et intervju etter at McDermott kom tilbake med et bredt glis.  ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Quote from: Leedsfan on August 01, 2013, 20:10:23
Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on August 01, 2013, 20:07:37
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 01, 2013, 15:42:38
Ny sjefs speider.

Så flott....Pompey er jo de siste årene spesielt kjent for å finne talenter ingen andre vet om....han er sikkert veldig flink ;)

Vi skulle ansatt en av Udinese sine speidere:

"The publicity surrounding Udinese’s clearly superb scouting network has grown since the sale of Alexis Sanchez to Barcelona for the princely sum of £23 million.

This figure is all the more impressive when you consider that the Zebrette originally bought him for a pittance, a mere £100,000. The management turned him from a raw and inconsistent fledgling into one of the best wingers in the world â€" setting an example for the world to follow.

The recent return to Chile of Eduardo Vargas, supposedly one of South America’s top talents, is a depressing example of mismanagement. He joined Napoli for a large fee that placed him under far more pressure than he was used to, and instead of simply loaning him back to South America straight away, he was left to sit on the bench with first-team action hard to come by.

Udinese seem to have embraced their role as a feeder club in that they have what is most likely the largest scouting network in the whole of Serie A and this has unearthed several ‘rough diamonds’, especially in Africa, and more specifically, Ghana.

They specialize in picking up young, raw players for next to nothing and selling them on as soon as the right offer comes in. the most notable of these is obviously Sanchez, but in recent years they have sold; Gokhan Inler, Cristian Zapata and Mauricio Isla were all sold for notable profits.

On these transfers alone, Calcio have turned a profit of around £31.2 million, whilst not to mention reaping the benefits of having these players at the club. This is what they are currently enjoying with their Moroccan centre-back; Mehidi Benatia (signed from Clermont in Ligue 2).

Naturally these gambles do not always work out, but what is gained, both in monetary form and in league standing, far outweighs the risk and expenditure necessary to develop the player.

Udinese however, as the most notable example, seem to very rarely make any mistakes in the scouting of players. They also have a knack of selling the player at the right time.  They sold Zapata to Villarreal breaking up their established centre-back partnership - a move that was originally ridiculed by the Italian media. But it proved to be the right one. Villarreal were relegated that same season and Zapata departed to AC Milan on a loan deal.

The talent train has not stopped giving as well. Luis Muriel, a 21-year-old Columbian striker, signed from Deportivo Cali and has already broken into the first team this season and as a result of his performances, has received his first international cap.

A good finisher, with strong dribbling and explosive pace, Muriel looks set for future success and this will simply be another feather in the cap of Udinese’s brilliant scouting and coaching team."

Tja... Med en stall på rundt 30 pluss ca tjue mann de har ute på lån eller er deleiere i skulle det nesten bare mangle at et par av dem viser seg å bli brukbare spillere? :)

Men dette er markant ned fra for et par år siden da det var tett innpå hundre mann i stallen om jeg ikke husker feil.
- Leif Olav


Quote from: lojosang on August 01, 2013, 22:40:41
Quote from: Leedsfan on August 01, 2013, 20:10:23
Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on August 01, 2013, 20:07:37
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 01, 2013, 15:42:38
Ny sjefs speider.

Så flott....Pompey er jo de siste årene spesielt kjent for å finne talenter ingen andre vet om....han er sikkert veldig flink ;)

Vi skulle ansatt en av Udinese sine speidere:

"The publicity surrounding Udinese’s clearly superb scouting network has grown since the sale of Alexis Sanchez to Barcelona for the princely sum of £23 million.

This figure is all the more impressive when you consider that the Zebrette originally bought him for a pittance, a mere £100,000. The management turned him from a raw and inconsistent fledgling into one of the best wingers in the world â€" setting an example for the world to follow.

The recent return to Chile of Eduardo Vargas, supposedly one of South America’s top talents, is a depressing example of mismanagement. He joined Napoli for a large fee that placed him under far more pressure than he was used to, and instead of simply loaning him back to South America straight away, he was left to sit on the bench with first-team action hard to come by.

Udinese seem to have embraced their role as a feeder club in that they have what is most likely the largest scouting network in the whole of Serie A and this has unearthed several ‘rough diamonds’, especially in Africa, and more specifically, Ghana.

They specialize in picking up young, raw players for next to nothing and selling them on as soon as the right offer comes in. the most notable of these is obviously Sanchez, but in recent years they have sold; Gokhan Inler, Cristian Zapata and Mauricio Isla were all sold for notable profits.

On these transfers alone, Calcio have turned a profit of around £31.2 million, whilst not to mention reaping the benefits of having these players at the club. This is what they are currently enjoying with their Moroccan centre-back; Mehidi Benatia (signed from Clermont in Ligue 2).

Naturally these gambles do not always work out, but what is gained, both in monetary form and in league standing, far outweighs the risk and expenditure necessary to develop the player.

Udinese however, as the most notable example, seem to very rarely make any mistakes in the scouting of players. They also have a knack of selling the player at the right time.  They sold Zapata to Villarreal breaking up their established centre-back partnership - a move that was originally ridiculed by the Italian media. But it proved to be the right one. Villarreal were relegated that same season and Zapata departed to AC Milan on a loan deal.

The talent train has not stopped giving as well. Luis Muriel, a 21-year-old Columbian striker, signed from Deportivo Cali and has already broken into the first team this season and as a result of his performances, has received his first international cap.

A good finisher, with strong dribbling and explosive pace, Muriel looks set for future success and this will simply be another feather in the cap of Udinese’s brilliant scouting and coaching team."

Tja... Med en stall på rundt 30 pluss ca tjue mann de har ute på lån eller er deleiere i skulle det nesten bare mangle at et par av dem viser seg å bli brukbare spillere? :)

Men dette er markant ned fra for et par år siden da det var tett innpå hundre mann i stallen om jeg ikke husker feil.

Nå "solgte" de jo mange spillere til Watford..:)
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010


McDermott har byttet hjemme med bortebenk på Elland Road. Nå sitter de mer sentralt plsssert og lengre unna bortesupporterne. LURT.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 06, 2013, 12:15:16

McDermott har byttet hjemme med bortebenk på Elland Road. Nå sitter de mer sentralt plsssert og lengre unna bortesupporterne. LURT.

Leste denne linken og sitter igjen med følelsen av at han har blitt fortalt at det ikke er penger igjen til forsterkninger. Og hvis han da må samle skrot. Ja da ender det med samme resultat som i Reading hvis vi rykker opp. Laget vil kjempe mot nedrykk, og han får sparken. Vi trenger midler for å bygge for sesongen i Premier League




Virker som McD har fått klarsignal til å hente et par spillere.

Salah Nooruddin is being interviewed by TalkSport when he drops this bombshell;

“We have told Brian to get one or two more players before the window shuts and we will support him financially…”

"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Quote from: Sydhagen on August 06, 2013, 20:23:28

Virker som McD har fått klarsignal til å hente et par spillere.

Salah Nooruddin is being interviewed by TalkSport when he drops this bombshell;

“We have told Brian to get one or two more players before the window shuts and we will support him financially…”

hoppas inte att det är villkorat att vi samtidigt måste göra oss av med 2-3 st spelare, utan att spelarbudgeten verkligen har ökats annars är ju läget status quo


Hva er det Brian MCD gjør me munnen når han snakker på pressekonferansene ? smatt smatt smatt...
Pontus ❤


kunne ikke fått mer sympatisk manager!
Ups & Ups!!


Quote from: Bjørn Ødegaard on August 19, 2013, 08:59:35
kunne ikke fått mer sympatisk manager!

What? Mer sympatisk enn Grayson??


"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


vel...tangering vil jeg vel si  :D
Ups & Ups!!


Quote from: Bjørn Ødegaard on August 19, 2013, 09:27:04
vel...tangering vil jeg vel si  :D

Hva er det jeg ser! Før hanen har galt tre ganger har Bjørn Ø fornektet Grayson og KviteYeboah er smått positiv!  :D
- Leif Olav


Quote from: lojosang on August 20, 2013, 00:38:28
Quote from: Bjørn Ødegaard on August 19, 2013, 09:27:04
vel...tangering vil jeg vel si  :D

Hva er det jeg ser! Før hanen har galt tre ganger har Bjørn Ø fornektet Grayson og KviteYeboah er smått positiv!  :D

ja, det er en merkelig tid vi er inne i ....(selv om jeg vil på det sterkeste dementere fornektelse av SG  :o;)
Ups & Ups!!

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973



Sir Alex Ferguson røper suksessoppskriften sin : Ã...tte punkter som la grunnlaget for United enorme suksess.

Quote1. Begynn med grunnmuren
â€" Fra øyeblikket jeg kom til Manchester United, tenkte jeg bare på én ting: Ã... bygge en fotballklubb. Jeg ville bygge den helt fra bunnen av. Den første tanken til 99 prosent av nyansatte managere er å sørge for at de vinner og overlever. De henter inn erfarne spillere. I noen klubber trenger du bare å tape tre kamper på rad for å få sparken. I dagens fotballverden, med en ny type direktører og eiere, er jeg ikke sikker på om noen klubber vil ha tålmodighet nok til å vente på en manager og la ham bygge et lag over en fireårsperiode. Ã... vinne en kamp gir bare kortsiktig gevinst - du kan tape den neste. Ã... bygge en klubb gir stabilitet og kontinuitet.

Virker som McD tenker fornuftig!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Quote from: Leedsfan on September 11, 2013, 12:37:15

Sir Alex Ferguson røper suksessoppskriften sin : Ã...tte punkter som la grunnlaget for United enorme suksess.

Quote1. Begynn med grunnmuren
â€" Fra øyeblikket jeg kom til Manchester United, tenkte jeg bare på én ting: Ã... bygge en fotballklubb. Jeg ville bygge den helt fra bunnen av. Den første tanken til 99 prosent av nyansatte managere er å sørge for at de vinner og overlever. De henter inn erfarne spillere. I noen klubber trenger du bare å tape tre kamper på rad for å få sparken. I dagens fotballverden, med en ny type direktører og eiere, er jeg ikke sikker på om noen klubber vil ha tålmodighet nok til å vente på en manager og la ham bygge et lag over en fireårsperiode. Ã... vinne en kamp gir bare kortsiktig gevinst - du kan tape den neste. Ã... bygge en klubb gir stabilitet og kontinuitet.

Virker som McD tenker fornuftig!

Ferguson var en type manager som faktisk fikk dette til. Mc Dermot har vel ikke bevist noen verdens ting enda