Skrevet av Emne: Ex-Storaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14  (Lest 1439014 ganger)

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Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3150 på: Januar 19, 2015, 18:37:05 »
YEP's Phil Hay er ikke særlig optimistisk:

Leeds United: Cellino - is this the start of the long goodbye?

Seventy-nine days in a retreat of his choosing and back in business at Leeds United before May but the length of Massimo Cellino’s disqualification will not stop people asking if this is the start of the long goodbye.

In a deflated frame of mind this afternoon, Cellino must be thinking the same. His needle with the Football League stemmed from the tax conviction imposed on him by an Italian court last year but the appeal which he lost today (Jan 19) was about points of principle and the credibility of the Football League’s rules.

The governing body won and Cellino’s knows they will win again.

He touched on the implications of an unsuccessful appeal when his ban as owner of Leeds was announced on December 1. “If the League ban me for this, they can ban me for every parking ticket, for any little thing they accuse me of in Italy,” Cellino complained, but the imminent cases awaiting him in his homeland are more serious than simple parking fines.

They are charges of tax evasion, much the same as the crime he was found guilty of by a judge in Cagliari in March. On that occasion, Cellino was convicted of failing to pay VAT on a private yacht called ‘Nelie’. The judgement of the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) which upheld his Football League disqualification today said Cellino was guilty of “deceptive simulation” in that cases.

Later this year, he is expected to stand trial twice more over non-payment of import duty owed on a second yacht, ‘Lucky 23’, and a Range Rover. The risk to him now is that a guilty verdict on one or either of those charges will result in a fresh disqualification as United’s owner. And so it goes on.

At his PCC hearing last week, Cellino tried to argue that his offence in Italy was not a conviction under Italian law while it remained subject to appeal. The PCC rejected his claim, saying: “That is not the position under the League’s rules, which are governed by English law.” In other words, Cellino has no protection from future convictions of a similar nature in Italy. As the majority shareholder of an English football club, he is badly exposed.

The egotist in Cellino resented the fact that the League was attempting to paint him as “a crook”. “I cannot accept that,” he said last week. “It humiliates me and my family and it’s not true. I feel as if I’m forcing England to accept me.” A successful appeal would he driven a bus through the governing body’s Owners and Directors Test, offering immunity against certain tax charges. In light of his defeat, the 58-year-old has none.

Today’s result will not have come as a surprise. Sources close to Cellino described Thursday’s appeal - held at the London offices of the Football League’s solicitors, Bird and Bird - as a “hard hearing”. But even those around him are not certain about what he will do or how he will react. They are not clear if the PCC’s ruling against him will start the countdown to the sale of his and Eleonora Sport Limited’s 75 per cent stake in the club.

When the date of his appeal was agreed last month, Cellino was told that he would be required to resign from the board of directors at Leeds within 48 hours of a verdict in the Football League’s favour. He has until Wednesday to step down and take steps to convince the League that he is no longer exerting influence on the club or acting as a “relevant person”.

Discussions are on-going about who will take control of United in his absence. Authority could pass to Matt Child, the club’s newly-appointed chief operating officer, or Andrew Umbers, the financier who helped arrange Gulf Finance House’s ill-fated purchase of Leeds from Ken Bates in December 2012.

Umbers joined the board at Elland Road last month and supported Cellino’s appeal against his disqualification, telling the PCC in a statement that banning the Italian would have “severe adverse consequences” for Leeds and create a “a real likelihood of insolvency”. The Football League’s lawyer, Jonathan Taylor, said Umbers’ claims were “exaggerated, speculative and unsupported by any external evidence or, tellingly, by any evidence from Mr Cellino himself.”

GFH, which sold United to Cellino last April, continues to control a 25 per cent stake in the club and is currently held in favour by Cellino. He and GFH met before Christmas to resolve their many differences. But those who helped Cellino plan for the possibility of disqualification as owner say passing temporary back to GFH is not an option. The Bahraini bank remains deeply unpopular with the club’s support and has had next to no involvement in day-to-day decisions since Cellino’s buy-out nine months ago.

In the short-term a suitable solution will be found. Minus Cellino, Leeds will tick over in the midst of a fight against relegation from the Championship until his ban ends on April 10. The club are still working at a financial loss - albeit a smaller loss than they were when GFH sold up - but the threat of administration voiced by Umbers is not being echoed by others at Elland Road.

There are suggestions too that new players will arrive shortly and a deal with Palermo defender Sol Bamba is one of several which Leeds are pushing to complete. Cellino’s sabbatical is unlikely to alter the identity of the signings United move for or the way the club are managed. They will be run in his image, regardless of Cellino’s whereabouts. And some will tell him that investment in players is still a prudent course. If he feels compelled to sell United in the near future, it will help with levels of interest and the asking price if Leeds are still a Championship team.

The long term is where the real uncertainty lies. The message to Cellino from his failed appeal is that for as long as the Italian justice system is chasing him, the men in charge of English football will give him no quarter. For him, it’s a question of how much hassle and disruption he can cope with; of whether Leeds can achieve anywhere if he is forced to dip in and out of Elland Road at regular intervals.

At no stage of the disqualification process has Cellino been formally instructed to sell Eleonora’s stake in United. On the contrary, Taylor told the PCC that Cellino’s “family members would not necessarily have to divest themselves of their stakes in the club.” The tune could change in due course and in the light of Cellino’s failed appeal but the League might wish that such an outcome was so straightforward.

According to United’s latest accounts, the club owe GFH more than £20m in loans. The bank and Cellino have been negotiating a restructuring of those debts but they have not disappeared completely. Cellino and parties connected to him loaned more than £12m to Leeds before the start of July, and only he knows how much since. There are black holes at Elland Road and no single shareholder. In the meantime, Leeds are in danger of being relegated. As nicely-packaged takeovers go, selling the club would be anything but.

The presence of two Football League board members on the PCC - Greg Clarke and Richard Bowker - was agreed at United’s insistence. Despite the fact that both men had taken part in the vote to ban Cellino in the first place, it was felt that they might show sympathy or leniency when the impact of his disqualification was spelled out to them.

As it turned out, that support was not forthcoming. The panel upheld the view that Cellino’s offence in Italy was and is a formal conviction. They upheld the view that it was dishonest. They dismissed the idea that Leeds would be prone to financial collapse in Cellino’s absence and they rejected his hopeful suggestion that a failed appeal should result in a ban of ‘nil’ days. “The remaining period of the ban, 79 days, is short when measured against the conduct of which Mr Cellino was convicted,” the PCC’s judgement concluded.

Cellino’s belief - held for many months - is that the Football League wants him gone; not for 79 days but for good. Nothing in today’s verdict will persuade him otherwise. The Italian still has options; he could approach the Football Association for arbitration or take other legal avenues. But both would cost time, money and energy, all of which he is tired of spending despite his inherent desire to fight on. It remains to be seen if this kick in Cellino’s ribs is one dig to many.
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3151 på: Januar 19, 2015, 19:21:50 »
Et innlegg fra Facebook som jeg synes oppsummerer FL/FA på en grei måte:

So, now we have the decision concerning Cellino. He is dishonest, a proven crook and so he is unfit to own a football club. That seems fair enough doesn't it? The "Fit and Proper Test" that he has failed was brought about to stop proven dishonest people coming into the game and asset stripping. That also seems fair enough. But let's take a moment. Ken Bates, a complete turd, buys Leeds United whilst they have debts. He gets it on the cheap. He tries to completely hoodwink the Football League and Her Majesties Tax Office, and fails. The result? Deduction of points - TWICE!! and are forced - over time - to repay all 100% of owed taxes. Ken Bates is then allowed to remain as a fit and proper owner!! Let me repeat that for you - Ken Bates was a fit and proper owner according the Football League. He then sells the stadium, sells the training ground, sells the best players. We were in the third level of English football at the time, and most went on to play in the Premier League. He then sold what was left of the club - at a profit - and as for the debts, well, they had actually grown. Is that not asset stripping? Cellino came in, and whilst, he may well now be proven to have been dishonest, he has set about trying to erase the clubs debts. In his words "I am not he to steal from Leeds United. There is nothing left to steal". All the football league have done is left my club wide open to the vultures that will have been watching the situation. Ken Bates will no doubt return to "save" us yet again - fit and proper no doubt.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3152 på: Januar 19, 2015, 19:55:46 »
Intr. At cellino ikke svarer på om han vil returnere til leeds i april.
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win (na, na, na, na, na, na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds - Leeds - Leeds


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3153 på: Januar 19, 2015, 19:57:28 »
FL kan vel ha sendt oss ned i grava med dette. Hvirdan funker det økonomiske oppi dette her? Noen som vet? Hvem skal betale regninger?
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win (na, na, na, na, na, na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds - Leeds - Leeds


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3154 på: Januar 19, 2015, 20:20:21 »
Intr. At cellino ikke svarer på om han vil returnere til leeds i april.

Rimelig sikker på at dette er slutten på vår Italienske saga.
Leeds Carajo!

Jon R

Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3155 på: Januar 19, 2015, 20:27:30 »
FL kan vel ha sendt oss ned i grava med dette. Hvirdan funker det økonomiske oppi dette her? Noen som vet? Hvem skal betale regninger?

Det skal Eleonora  Sport LTD og GHF  gjøre. Cellino har store verdier bundet i klubben og kan ikke uten videre trekke selskapet ut av klubben. Ergo må han drive klubben videre via sønnene sine eller selge seg ut ved første og beste anledning.

Inntil videre må regninger betales og klubben driftes på vanlig måte, dog uten Cellino senior ved roret.
Jon R.


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3156 på: Januar 19, 2015, 20:41:51 »
Gfh har vel ikke fem flate øre til å drive noe som helst uten å gi oss mer gjeld. Eleonora ja, FL finner vel noe her å stopper de å siden det er cellno som eier de au.Nei, dette bekymrer veldig.
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win (na, na, na, na, na, na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds - Leeds - Leeds


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3157 på: Januar 19, 2015, 20:46:03 »
Veldig spent på morgendagens match.. Klarer vi å mobilisere som Leeds United bør gjøre eller legger vi oss ned for å dø som slakt?

Red Bull er de eneste som kan redde oss fra avgrunnen nå. Cellino er ferdig, no doubt.


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3158 på: Januar 19, 2015, 20:46:44 »
@PhilHayYEP: Spoken to Massimo Cellino tonight. He says he'll "abide by the rules, I'll resign but then in April, finito, I'll come back." #lufc
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win (na, na, na, na, na, na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds - Leeds - Leeds


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3159 på: Januar 19, 2015, 20:57:46 »
Har enda troen på Massimo. Kan ikke se at han har gjort annet enn godt for klubben. Ser da bort fra ansettelsen av Hockaday og han som jeg ikke husker navnet på. Redders burde fått ansvaret allerede da, siden vi var inne i en god periode. Det var bare tull å bytte han ut.
Han betaler for seg og han har handlet mange spillere. Jeg er sikker på at flere av disse vil slå til innen kort tid. Dvs hvis Redders tør bruke de. Tror at Adryan, Montenegro, Del Fabro og kanskje noen til vil kjempe seg inn på A laget og faktisk slå til som røverkjøp.

Leedsoholic. Oppfinneren av "pretting".


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3161 på: Januar 19, 2015, 22:16:20 »
Cellino vil fortsette som før når dette dør ut. Dette er nok hans måte å drive en klubb på: Dvs stadige rettssaker, sparke trenere, merkelige medieutspill, konflikt med forbundet, på pub med fansen, osv.
Det blir aldri ro med denne mannen i klubben. Garantert ikke!! Spørsmålet er om det er bra for Leeds United med all denne oppmerksonheten omkring presidenten. Spillerne har virkelig  gitt alt i de siste kampene. Selv om vi har den dårligste plasseringen siden opprykket. Om dette skyldes Redfearn eller Cellino vet jeg ikke. ??? ???


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3162 på: Januar 20, 2015, 00:57:22 »
Har enda troen på Massimo. Kan ikke se at han har gjort annet enn godt for klubben. Ser da bort fra ansettelsen av Hockaday og han som jeg ikke husker navnet på. Redders burde fått ansvaret allerede da, siden vi var inne i en god periode. Det var bare tull å bytte han ut.
Han betaler for seg og han har handlet mange spillere. Jeg er sikker på at flere av disse vil slå til innen kort tid. Dvs hvis Redders tør bruke de. Tror at Adryan, Montenegro, Del Fabro og kanskje noen til vil kjempe seg inn på A laget og faktisk slå til som røverkjøp.
instämmer, är bara att fortsätta den inslagna vägen med byram, Cook, mowatt Taylor silvestri Cooper ante  adryan sloth berardi etc, det är inte nu de skall vara som bäst utan nästa säsong, då skall vi upp med rätta förstärkningarna


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3163 på: Januar 20, 2015, 04:34:24 »
Cellino forlater ikke Leeds. Sta som han er, vil han bevise at han kan holde ord. Vi er i PL innen 2016  ;)


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3164 på: Januar 20, 2015, 07:30:07 »
Cellino forlater ikke Leeds. Sta som han er, vil han bevise at han kan holde ord. Vi er i PL innen 2016  ;)
Håper du har rett!
Dette var vel oppklarende...?


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3165 på: Januar 20, 2015, 08:52:47 »
Cellino forlater ikke Leeds. Sta som han er, vil han bevise at han kan holde ord. Vi er i PL innen 2016  ;)
detta är jag tvksam till, alltså PL innan 2016, men hoppas jag har fel, :D


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3166 på: Januar 20, 2015, 09:12:15 »
Er Red Bull noe alternativ lenger da?


Sv: Sv: Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3167 på: Januar 20, 2015, 09:35:58 »
Cellino forlater ikke Leeds. Sta som han er, vil han bevise at han kan holde ord. Vi er i PL innen 2016  ;)
Håper du har rett!
Dette var vel oppklarende...?

For min del syns jeg det på en måte er betryggende at han sier rett ut en del spillere vil bort hvis de ikke får ordna opp. Da sier det seg selv at rotet er med og påvirker det sportslige. Hvilket kan forklare underprestering i noen grad.


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3168 på: Januar 20, 2015, 10:03:03 »
Skjønner ikke hvorfor Doukara, Sloth & Bianchi vil vekk pga dette, men - 2 av de 3 er helt greit for meg.  Bra Cellino uttaler seg - og jeg tror han når han sier at "noen andre vil signere sjekkene for meg"....

Kommer det inn nye spillere nå, så har jeg trua`igjen....

Aldri kjedelig å være Leeds supporter ::)


"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3170 på: Januar 20, 2015, 11:21:52 »
Bra stykke:

En velskrevet artikkel.

GFH har lånt oss 20 mill pund
MC har lånt oss 12 mill pund
Noen andre har sikkert også lånt oss litt penger/har penger utstående.

Vi er Leeds United, eier ikke nåla i veggen, lønner overbetalte fotballspillere og skylder rundt 400 millioner norske kroner som fansen må betale! For en klubb vi følger og noen av oss er glad i/elsker!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3171 på: Januar 20, 2015, 13:24:20 »
I Leeds United har det over lang tid nå vært bare en lov som gjelder:   Murphy's
Den 17. mann


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3172 på: Januar 20, 2015, 13:32:03 »
I Leeds United har det over lang tid nå vært bare en lov som gjelder:   Murphy's

Og når man ikke tror det kan gå verre, så dukker Murphy opp. Akkurat som på lørdag  ;)

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Sv: Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3173 på: Januar 20, 2015, 14:09:13 »
Cellino forlater ikke Leeds. Sta som han er, vil han bevise at han kan holde ord. Vi er i PL innen 2016  ;)
Håper du har rett!
Dette var vel oppklarende...?

For min del syns jeg det på en måte er betryggende at han sier rett ut en del spillere vil bort hvis de ikke får ordna opp. Da sier det seg selv at rotet er med og påvirker det sportslige. Hvilket kan forklare underprestering i noen grad.

A Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) chaired by QC Tim Kerr enforced a 79-day ban of Cellino yesterday by ruling that his conviction for tax evasion in Italy last March was in breach of the Football League’s Owners and Directors’ Test. Cellino must resign from the board at Leeds by tomorrow and the PCC’s decision bars him from acting as a “relevant person” at Elland Road or influencing the club’s affairs in any way before his suspension ends on April 10.

The former Cagliari owner will meet with his legal team today to decide how power will be delegated in his absence but speaking to the YEP, Cellino said: “This changes nothing.

“I’ll abide by the rules, I’ll resign but then in April, finito, I’ll come back. I was signing the cheques before.

“Now someone else will sign them for me. The club has been looked after.

“The League say I must go but where do they want me to go? Miami or Cagliari? I’ll go where I like and I’m going nowhere. If I want to live in Leeds, I’ll live in Leeds. I’ll follow the rules but I’ll stay in Leeds.”

During Cellino’s appeal hearing last Thursday, another United board member - financier Andrew Umbers - told the PCC that Leeds would face a “real likelihood of insolvency” if the Italian’s ban was upheld.

Cellino, however, contradicted that comment, saying: “The club is healthy, it has wealth. It will pay its bills while I’m not here, that is no problem.”

Cellino’s existing conviction for tax evasion in Italy will be classed as spent under UK law by the time his ownership ban ends but he is facing further charges of a similar nature in Cagliari, charges which could lead to further Football League disqualifications.

The threat of repeated bans raised questions today about whether Cellino would look to retain the 75 per cent stake in United bought by his British firm, Eleonora Sport Limited, in April or seek to offload a club he has controlled for just nine months.

Despite the PCC’s judgement, the Football League has not instructed Cellino to give up his shareholding and the PCC did not rule on whether Cellino should be ordered to sell.

United are currently three places above the Championship’s relegation places ahead of tonight’s game against league leaders Bournemouth at Elland Road, and Cellino said: “Why talk about selling the club. It’s stupid. Can I sell this club in one week?

“If I try to sell and it takes six months then we’ll get relegated. I’m here and I’m thinking about the team. I think I’m going to get a reaction from them. They need to fight for me and the fans need to fight too. They need to show me how tough they are. We need to win games.”

Cellino, however, claimed three players - Souleymane Doukara, Casper Sloth and Tommaso Bianchi - had indicated their intention to quit Elland Road if his appeal failed and he insisted again that his ban was hindering attempts to sign new players.

“This disqualification kills us,” he said. “We have to persuade players to come and we have to persuade players not to leave us. A lot of the players want to leave.”
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3174 på: Januar 20, 2015, 14:34:34 »
The Guardian i sin helhet:

Massimo Cellino case at Leeds United exposes frailty of fit and proper test

David Conn

The protracted disqualification of Cellino under the League’s fit and proper person test has caused resentment and aroused suspicion among fans
• Cellino barred as Leeds owner after losing appeal

Massimo Cellino
Massimo Cellino's appeal against disqualification as owner of Leeds United was rejected by the Football League. Photograph: Mimmo Carriero/Press Association Images

Tuesday 20 January 2015 09.00 GMT 

Given supporters’ many dissatisfactions with the new generation of owners buying historic clubs as personal investments, it should feel like a victory that the Football League has asserted its rules and barred Massimo Cellino from owning Leeds due to his criminal conviction for dishonesty.

Cellino, a multimillionaire mostly resident in Miami from where he runs his family’s flour firm, and Leeds also face a further misconduct charge for refusing to give the League a copy of the written reasons for his conviction in Sardinia. In them, the League’s professional conduct committee has finally confirmed, the judge in Cagliari, Sandra Lepore, found he evaded tax on his yacht, the Nelie, with “macchiavellica simulazione” and “intento elusivo”.

The League’s committee, chaired by Tim Kerr QC, found itself delving into several different Italian-English dizionarios, and concluded neither of Lepore’s descriptions did much to help Cellino’s defence that he had not been dishonest. Cellino had argued the yacht was owned by a company, Freetime Miami LLC, and he was authorised to use it as the manager of the company, so no VAT was payable.

The judge found Cellino was the only shareholder and director of Freetime, that it was set up for the sole purpose of buying that yacht, and the yacht was exclusively for Cellino’s personal use. She found, as the Guardian revealed when it saw the judgment, Cellino was the real owner and Freetime was just a “schermo societario fittizio”, a fictitious shell company, established purposely to enable Cellino to evade VAT on imports.

The fact that despite repeated requests Cellino would not hand the League the written reasons did not, presumably, weigh any balance of doubt in his favour, although it has worked to reduce the length of his ban, until after the conviction is spent, on 28 March.

The governance of clubs has progressed a long way since the game had no rules whatsoever requiring “fit and proper” people in charge, as recently as 10 years ago. The 31-page appeal ruling by Kerr, weaving through Italian law and language, with pricy lawyers on each side, is evidence of the effort to properly enforce the rules. Any regulations to encourage decent people to be in charge of clubs would surely bar people who get themselves convicted for criminal dishonesty – and yet, somehow, this does not feel like a victory to many Leeds fans and football people.

There are several reasons. It is messy, as Cellino was allowed to take over, by Kerr’s unsatisfactory ruling last year, reasoning that although he was already convicted, Kerr could not say at that point it involved dishonesty because Lepore had not produced her written reasons. Barring crooks is a lot easier if done before they take over, rather than once they are shaping the club in their own image.

With Cellino completely in charge, this ban looks fiendishly difficult to enforce – this is the next challenge for the League. The committee, which included the League chairman Greg Clarke and former rail regulator Richard Bowker flanking Kerr, was explicit that Cellino himself owns Leeds “through corporate vehicles controlled by him and his family”.

The rules bar him from being a director – which is the easier part – and from owning 30% or more of Leeds. A barred person must not simply be able to pass ownership to a friend or family member as a charade, nor must he continue to exercise any influence. Any ceding or sale of the shares must be permanent; the ban and rules are meaningless if shares are held in trust or safekeeping until a conviction is spent.

It also feels odd that Cellino will simply walk back in when that happens and the ban is served by 10 April. He has shown no remorse – he would argue, presumably, that he has no need to because he is still appealing in Italy – and has two more similar tax evasion prosecutions coming up, yet the rules will allow him to take over again in less than three months.

This is messy too because despite his predictably erratic ways including the sacking of two managers and employment of the inexperienced Neil Redfearn, and Leeds scrabbling just above the relegation zone, a sizeable chunk of the support has taken to Cellino. He is understood to have put £20m into the club – £8m in equity, £12m in loans – to try to bail out yet another dire financial morass which is the default fate of the modern Leeds United.

Fans cast back at the club’s trials since its first financial collapse in 2002 and question why Cellino is the only owner to have faced any censure – and this for something to do with a yacht in a marina a long way from Yorkshire. The League’s employment of Shaun Harvey as chief executive – fresh from faithfully serving the Ken Bates regime at Elland Road, with its 2007 administration, undeclared offshore owners and adverse court findings of libel and harassment of the former director Melvyn Levi – has mystified Leeds fans. It has also led to suspicion, although the League has insisted it is only enforcing its rules and that Harvey has absented himself from the decision-making.

That leads to the overall way in which this feels like a mess: many supporters argue it is not actually protecting the club from damage, but hitting the one owner who has significantly invested – although Gulf Finance House, the much-maligned Bahraini bank, did put in £20m in loans. The “fit and proper person” rules are narrowly defined, not shaping the game with any vision for good ownership. They are seen by many in Leeds to be not operating in the best interests of a club which has been in dire need of help for years, but as unfairly singling Cellino out as a wrong ’un.

The League needs to learn from this, because what should be seen as an admirable enforcement of necessary rules, is instead being resented, and the once mighty Leeds are marching on into another crisis.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3176 på: Januar 20, 2015, 20:03:59 »

Ut med Cellino blogger han her! 

Jeg kunne ikke være mere enig. Tror mange har fået nok af Cellino nu. Vi skal have en ny britisk ejer hvis der er sådan en derude.


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3177 på: Januar 20, 2015, 23:43:18 »
Cellino lagde mat til hele laget før kampen, det ryktes om pasta og det gjorde sausen, ehhh susen..:)
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3178 på: Januar 21, 2015, 00:33:57 »
Cellino må jo brukes til noe når han nå har permisjon fra jobben som hovedaksjonær i Leeds , ser ut som om pastaen gjorde susen over seieren mot Ligalederen i dag !  ;D


Sv: Hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14
« Svar #3179 på: Januar 21, 2015, 01:57:52 »
Cellino lagde mat til hele laget før kampen, det ryktes om pasta og det gjorde sausen, ehhh susen..:)
kommer väl säkert något galet förbud och -20 poäng från FL för detta ;)