Ex-Storaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14

Started by Leedsfan, January 30, 2014, 22:58:48

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QuoteMassimo Cellino's intervention on Leeds United's transfer planning came as the Italian businessman was granted extraordinary access to the club's training ground on Monday. With Cellino replacing the now-ruptured English consortium Sport Capital as GFH's preferred bidders for a majority stake in the club, he arranged for his choice as coach, Gianluca Festa, to tour Leeds' Thorp Arch training complex.

According to club sources, Cellino's group requested that GFH place a hold on Varney's proposed switch to Blackburn Rovers on the basis that they regarded the forward as an important part of their plans for the team. Those plans were also to include the import of seven overseas players to be led by Festa, who observed training on Monday and asked to be granted a seat on the Elland Road bench for Tuesday's Championship meeting with Ipswich Town.

“I’ve had to go through a lot,” said Brian McDermott on Thursday. “Things you never thought you’d go through. It’s been beyond frustrating.” The Leeds manager has so far survived GFH's own move to sack him during a run of eight games without victory as well as Cellino's attempt to replace him.

Varney is now expected to join Blackburn as agreed on Friday's transfer deadline day, saving £12,000 a week of salary for GFH, which has been borrowing from Andrew Flowers and his principal Sport Capital consortium partner to cover Leeds' wage costs. It is also an indication that Cellino's takeover bid is not set to complete
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.



QuoteIn Sardinia, Cagliari Calcio are the only show in town. They are the island’s national team. Since 1992 Massimo Cellino has run that show and more besides; an agricultural magnate whose nickname translates as the ‘King of Corn’.

He went global in 2005 by relocating to Miami, and by showing an interest in Leeds United, Cellino is following Italian football’s trend of doing the same. Two years ago, the Pozzo family â€" the owners of Udinese â€" bought out Watford. Aurelio De Laurentiis, the chairman of Napoli, is said to want an English club of his own. And in England, there are always clubs for sale.

Italian journalists believe Cellino has been looking at Leeds for some time. Last weekend, he and Cagliari’s vice-president flew to London with the intention of pursuing their interest closer to home.

Several newspapers in Italy, among them the respected La Gazzetta dello Sport, reported yesterday that Cellino had agreed the purchase of a 75 per cent stake and was effectively United’s new owner. Leeds denied the claim but admitted that discussions had taken place between Cellino and David Haigh and Andrew Flowers, the only named members of the Sport Capital consortium who have been bidding to buy United for two months. Cellino is believed to have attended last weekend’s defeat to Leicester City.

He is a new name in the saga of Gulf Finance House’s sale to Sport Capital but not a new name in England. Back in 2010, he tried to take control of West Ham United but was beaten to the punch by David Gold and David Sullivan amid scrutiny of his background and two convictions for fraud. At the time it was alleged that he would have failed to pass the Premier League’s Fit and Proper Person’s Test had West Ham taken his money.

Crystal Palace fended off approaches from him that same year but Cellino is back in the ring as Cagliari, as a team and club, stutter along. He has controlled the Sardinian club for 21 years and seen enough in that time to make his commitment worthwhile but life there is not as fulfilling as it could be. Cagliari are in a rut; to quote one Italian writer, “a small club with no stadium at the wrong end of a depressed island.”

For half a decade and more, Cellino has wrestled with Cagliari’s mayor and the local authorities for permission to move his club out of their decrepit Stadio Sant’Elia ground and into a new custom-built arena. Sant’Elia is a wreck, capable of holding no more than 5,000 fans for league games. Television footage of a Serie A match against Juventus two weeks ago made the stadium look completely empty.

In the intervening years the dispute was messy. Cagliari moved briefly to the Is Arena in 2012, only to see the stadium declared unusable and unsafe on several occasions. In February 2013, Cellino and the mayor of Quartu Sant’Elena, Mauro Contini, were arrested and imprisoned on suspicion of attempted embezzlement and false representation relating to the development of the ground. Those criminal proceedings have yet to come to trial. Before long, Cagliari requested that their home fixtures be staged in Trieste â€" some 800km away. They are back now in Stadio Sant’Elia, a ruin of a venue which Cellino has openly criticised.

Earlier this month Cagliari accepted an offer of around nine million euros from AS Roma for Radja Nainggolan, their Belgian midfielder. Cellino was more than willing to let the transfer happen, saying: “He has six or seven clubs looking (at) him and I can’t keep hold of him. It’s not an issue of money, as even if they give me less than his price-tag, he’ll still go. If he doesn’t want to go, I’ll send him away.

“We play in a stadium worthy of Serie C, the players had to travel all around Italy for two years because we weren’t allowed a home stadium. I can’t keep anyone in these conditions.”

It sounds like a club in crisis but reporters in Italy say Cellino is a popular figure with Cagliari’s brow-beaten supporters, in spite of his penchant for sacking managers â€" 36 employed by Cagliari during his 20-odd years as president.

“He’s very impatient with the trainers,” says Federico Casotti, a broadcaster and journalist with Goal.com in Italy. “It’s very strange because he often keeps the same coach until the end of the season and then makes a change. But the change always comes.

“The head coach at the moment (Diego Lopez) is doing an average job with a squad which is quite average too so whenever they lose a game, everyone talks about a possible dismissal. It’s always like this with Cellino. When things go wrong, the coach is at risk.

“But he’s very popular at Cagliari. Cagliari Calcio in Sardinia is like Athletic Bilbao in the Basque region â€" there’s a close affection. He was around the club at the time when they played in the UEFA Cup semi-final and people remember that team fondly. They weren’t as good as the team who won the Scudetto in 1970 but they were good.

“The club got promoted back to Serie A with (Gianfranco) Zola and everyone else and he’s always managed the club in a wise way. He’s well known for being able to sell players for a very good price.

“But in Italy over the last few years, (football club) owners have been trying to expand their businesses abroad. You saw the Pozzos at Watford. It might be that Cellino is getting frustrated with Italian football and the authorities and wants to run a club in a sweeter environment.”

How likely he is to have that opportunity at Elland Road is far from clear. His suspended jail sentences would cause the Football League obvious concern and Sport Capital have not gone so far as to say that Cellino is fully on board with them, only that talks have been held between him, Haigh and Flowers.

Cellino’s son, Ercole, set tongues wagging on Wednesday night by publishing a picture of Elland Road’s East Stand on Instagram. Yesterday, he produced another from the director’s box inside the ground.

If a seat is found for Cellino there, the club should avoid giving him number 17 â€" an unlucky number in Italy. A superstitious man, Cellino apparently got rid of seat 17 in the main stand of the Is Arena, replacing it with 16B. For all the good it has done Cagliari Calcio lately.

Cellino was thwarted in West Ham bid

Massimo Cellino took a swipe at the “transparency” of English football after failing to buy West Ham United in 2010.

Cellino thought he had reached a deal to purchase the Premier League club and vented his fury after West Ham’s Icelandic owners sold a stake to David Gold and David Sullivan instead.

“I am astonished more than disappointed,” Cellino said. “In many years in football I’ve never seen anything like this.

“Everything was ready, I was poised to buy 100 percent of the club and instead this morning when I arrived in London I discovered they’d decided to sell to people they’ve been talking to for eight months â€" who have taken only 50 percent.

“I would have paid all the debts and I was ready to make some big buys. I think England didn’t want me.”

Speaking to the Italian press, Cellino added: “In England they don’t know how to run football. In Italy we really shouldn’t be ashamed as in London I found less transparency and on top of that we’re more efficient.”
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Nå vet jeg ikke om Festa blir manager hvis han får kjøpt klubben, men hadde han kommet med Zola + noen gode fotballspillere fra Italia så hadde ikke jeg begynt å grine. Forrige sesong så fikk spilte jo Watford fantastisk fotball under Zola.

Hvor lenge er det til sesongbillettene skal fornyes? Tipper at det må skje noe før det..

Nå er jeg så lei at jeg sier:"Det er bare å komme Cellino"!

Det som er positivt (og negativt?) er at han aldri kommer til å gi en manager tid, leverer ikke manageren så får han sparken. Det er vel mange Leedsfans glad for?
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Quote from: Leedsfan on January 31, 2014, 08:12:12
Nå vet jeg ikke om Festa blir manager hvis han får kjøpt klubben, men hadde han kommet med Zola + noen gode fotballspillere fra Italia så hadde ikke jeg begynt å grine. Forrige sesong så fikk spilte jo Watford fantastisk fotball under Zola.

Hvor lenge er det til sesongbillettene skal fornyes? Tipper at det må skje noe før det..

Nå er jeg så lei at jeg sier:"Det er bare å komme Cellino"!

Det som er positivt (og negativt?) er at han aldri kommer til å gi en manager tid, leverer ikke manageren så får han sparken. Det er vel mange Leedsfans glad for?
På kort sikt gir managerbytte ofte resultater, men stort sett aldri på lang sikt. McDermott gjør mye rart for tiden, men har vist tidligere at han kan. Og det virker som han setter pris på både klubben og fansen. Han bør få tid til å bygge resultater, kontinutet er eneste oppskrift på fremgang


Hvis det stemmer det som kommer skrives på Twitter så er det denne karen vi må forholde oss til, hvis FA godkjenner han da.

En ting er sikkert, har det ikke vært kjedelig tidligere i Leeds United så blir det i hvertfall ikke noe kjedeligere i tiden som kommer..

Premier League here we come?
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Marching on together!


Quote from: Leedsfan on January 31, 2014, 08:12:12
Nå vet jeg ikke om Festa blir manager hvis han får kjøpt klubben, men hadde han kommet med Zola + noen gode fotballspillere fra Italia så hadde ikke jeg begynt å grine. Forrige sesong så fikk spilte jo Watford fantastisk fotball under Zola.

Har du ærlig talt tro på at dette vil skje? Og finnes det i det hele tatt noen indisiser på at det KAN skje?


Quote from: HåvardK on January 31, 2014, 14:21:47
Quote from: Leedsfan on January 31, 2014, 08:12:12
Nå vet jeg ikke om Festa blir manager hvis han får kjøpt klubben, men hadde han kommet med Zola + noen gode fotballspillere fra Italia så hadde ikke jeg begynt å grine. Forrige sesong så fikk spilte jo Watford fantastisk fotball under Zola.

Har du ærlig talt tro på at dette vil skje? Og finnes det i det hele tatt noen indisiser på at det KAN skje?

Jeg aner ikke, men hvorfor skulle han kjøpe klubben hvis han ikke har tenkt til å satse?

I utgangspunktet hadde jeg vært mer redd hvis vi var en klubb som eide mye, eiendom og forskjellig. Da kan man jo handle og påføre klubben gjelden ala Glazers. Leeds eier jo ikke noe annet enn navnet, historien og mange fans fra en av Englands største byer.

Vi må jo håpe at noe positivt skjer selv om dette ligner på en spaghetti western. Når h.b er positiv så må det jo være bra??
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Adam Pope ‏@APOPEY 8 min

#lufc With Cellino in box seat to buy a stake from GFHC it appears moves are already afoot to bring Italian players in to the club.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sterkere og sterkere indikasjoner på at den gale italieneren er på plass. Han kan da umulig passere
"fit & proper"?


2pm: Tutto Cagliari.net reports: “Massimo Cellino has bought Leeds United. To give the news is a journalist of L’Unione Sarda, chief press officer and former Cagliari Calcio, Ivan Paone, through its Twitter account. Few words but meaningful “negotiation concluded: Leeds is Cellino.” He was now in the air for days this news, with various denials of ritual and small bureaucratic problems. All that remains is to wait for the official from the president rossoblu and the English club.”
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Må si jeg er rimelig spent på den offisielle beskjeden. Hva betyr dette for klubben, for MCD og for spillerne? En ting er iallefall sikkert. Aldri kjedelig å være Leeds Fan:-D


Ikke til å bli klok av dette, men en utålmodig eier som vil ha oss opp i en fart er jo ikke så galt på kort sikt..., men å lang sikt...skeptisk ift hans rykte og  historie... :-\


Retweeted av Haigh:

Simon Austin ‏@sport_simon 9 min

Spoke to Massimo Cellino.Said doesn't know if #lufc deal gone through.Going into office to find out.But said:"I need a coach not a manager."
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Phil Hay ‏@PhilHayYEP 15 sek

Sensed a shift in mood with Farnan's camp in the last hour. More positive suddenly. Think they're hopeful that the FL will oppose Cellino
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


@PhilHayYEP: Cellino's buy-out is all but done, subject to FL approval. Suggested to me that he'll pay £25m and take 75% with option to buy more shares
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Quote from: Sydhagen on January 31, 2014, 18:43:13
@PhilHayYEP: Cellino's buy-out is all but done, subject to FL approval. Suggested to me that he'll pay £25m and take 75% with option to buy more shares
Det som gleder meg mest i den tweeten er "subject to FL approval".
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974


Ansetter han Zola så blir det ro, ansetter han Festa eller Canio så blir det oppstandelse..
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.



Quote from: Leedsfan on January 31, 2014, 21:09:41
Tar vi en "Southampton"??
Tja, hvorfor ikke..?Gjort er gjort og spist er spist... selv jeg forhåndsdømmer ikke her...men kanskje Cellino er middelmådig rask han også... ;)


Phil Hay ‏@PhilHayYEP 50 sek
Enterprise Insurance tell me tonight that they will be withdrawing their sponsorship of Leeds United in protest at this decision

Leif Egil

Italienere forbinder jeg med filming, fusk og fanteri, berlusconi, mafia etc. Dette er bare trist - UENDELIG trist:(

Ian Baird

Savner nesten Kenneth Bates ... fy f....
Cellino 5. April 2014: We will be back in the Premier Leauge by 2016.


Slapp av gutter. Mister Cellino er en god mann. Høyt elsket og respektert på Sardinia. 22 år sammenhengende som president i Cagliari Calcio sier sitt. Ikke forvent noe nytt Watford, Cagliari har ikke samme spællermateriale som Udinese har (sendte 7-8 spællere til Watford i sommer).

En Zola er kanskje trolig, Zola spilte selv 2 perioder i Cagliari, sist etter Chelsea perioden.

Leeds går en trygg og spennende tid i møte, dette blir bra.



Quote from: Smudge on January 31, 2014, 21:56:34
Slapp av gutter. Mister Cellino er en god mann. Høyt elsket og respektert på Sardinia. 22 år sammenhengende som president i Cagliari Calcio sier sitt. Ikke forvent noe nytt Watford, Cagliari har ikke samme spællermateriale som Udinese har (sendte 7-8 spællere til Watford i sommer).

En Zola er kanskje trolig, Zola spilte selv 2 perioder i Cagliari, sist etter Chelsea perioden.

Leeds går en trygg og spennende tid i møte, dette blir bra.

Har lyst til å tro på deg....men jeg skal vente noen uker og se an..


Quote from: Smudge on January 31, 2014, 21:56:34
Slapp av gutter. Mister Cellino er en god mann. Høyt elsket og respektert på Sardinia. 22 år sammenhengende som president i Cagliari Calcio sier sitt. Ikke forvent noe nytt Watford, Cagliari har ikke samme spællermateriale som Udinese har (sendte 7-8 spællere til Watford i sommer).

En Zola er kanskje trolig, Zola spilte selv 2 perioder i Cagliari, sist etter Chelsea perioden.

Leeds går en trygg og spennende tid i møte, dette blir bra.


Sorry, men litt for tidlig for meg.
Ups & Ups!!


Quote from: Leif Egil on January 31, 2014, 21:18:37
Italienere forbinder jeg med filming, fusk og fanteri, berlusconi, mafia etc. Dette er bare trist - UENDELIG trist:(

Forbinder de også med ALLTID å være med helt inn :-\
januar 3. remember the date. we beat the team that we f@*kin hate. we knocked the scum out the FA cup. we`re super leeds and we`re goin up!!!!!


Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on January 31, 2014, 21:13:38
Quote from: Leedsfan on January 31, 2014, 21:09:41
Tar vi en "Southampton"??
Tja, hvorfor ikke..?Gjort er gjort og spist er spist... selv jeg forhåndsdømmer ikke her...men kanskje Cellino er middelmådig rask han også... ;)

Greit å helgardere seg..:)
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


TV2 melder at det står en folkemengde (ukjent antall) som skal "ta" Cellino..  Ukjent hvor de fikk den infoen fra...
Some fans have gone from begging for Omar Bogle from Grimsby to being disappointed with Lasogga from Hamburg in 6 months... #lufct