Ex-Storaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14

Started by Leedsfan, January 30, 2014, 22:58:48

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Promotion 2010


Simon Austin from the Daily Telegraph seems the one man who is in contact with Cellino and he has been able to update Leeds fans since Friday with the Italian`s thoughts.

Speaking in the Daily Telegraph , Cellino said, "I want the coach back and have been trying to call him," the Cagliari owner said. "I don`t mind this coach. How could I sack anyone anyway? I need the approval of the Football League before I own the club.

"GFH are still running Leeds United. They did not want Brian as manager but didn`t have the courage to sack him."

Read more: http://www.leeds.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=348145#ixzz2s9dOszDn

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973



Quote from: Promotion 2010 on February 02, 2014, 10:13:54

Simon Austin from the Daily Telegraph seems the one man who is in contact with Cellino and he has been able to update Leeds fans since Friday with the Italian`s thoughts.

Speaking in the Daily Telegraph , Cellino said, "I want the coach back and have been trying to call him," the Cagliari owner said. "I don`t mind this coach. How could I sack anyone anyway? I need the approval of the Football League before I own the club.

"GFH are still running Leeds United. They did not want Brian as manager but didn`t have the courage to sack him."

Read more: http://www.leeds.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=348145#ixzz2s9dOszDn

hmm, høres rart ut...hvorfor skulle GHF gjøre dette etter at de har avtalt å selge...?Kanskje Cellino tar en liten hvit løgn her..?etter å ha sett reaksjonene? denne saken har maaaaange sider ;)


Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on February 02, 2014, 11:43:48
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on February 02, 2014, 10:13:54

Simon Austin from the Daily Telegraph seems the one man who is in contact with Cellino and he has been able to update Leeds fans since Friday with the Italian`s thoughts.

Speaking in the Daily Telegraph , Cellino said, "I want the coach back and have been trying to call him," the Cagliari owner said. "I don`t mind this coach. How could I sack anyone anyway? I need the approval of the Football League before I own the club.

"GFH are still running Leeds United. They did not want Brian as manager but didn`t have the courage to sack him."

Read more: http://www.leeds.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=348145#ixzz2s9dOszDn

hmm, høres rart ut...hvorfor skulle GHF gjøre dette etter at de har avtalt å selge...?Kanskje Cellino tar en liten hvit løgn her..?etter å ha sett reaksjonene? denne saken har maaaaange sider ;)

Det er en gjennomsiktig løgn..:)

Cellino skulle revolusjonere hele Leeds på et par døgn. Festa skulle være trener/manager og 3-4 nye italienske/franske spillere skulle spilt.

Cellino synes overtakelsen har tatt lang tid, men har brukt en promille av tiden de andre "handlekraftige" potensielle kjøperne har brukt.

Cellino's utålmodighet kan være gull verdt for Leeds, det kan jo ikke bli mye værre enn det er (fremgangsmessig).
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R


“I have already paid for the shares and the papers are with the Football League,” he said. There were players from Italy and France ready to join the club on Friday, the deals were agreed.
“I can’t do anything and I’m really p------ off,” he said."

Klarere bevis trenger vi vel ikke: Denne mannen skal ikke bare være eier. Han har seriøse planer om å leke FM Footballmanager med klubben vår!  :o

Dette er ikke måten verken og bygge eller drive en klubb i det engelske ligasystemet. Brian kan umulig jobbe videre under slike forhold!  :(
Jon R.


Liker tanken hans jeg. Få oss opp i øverste divisjon. Så kan vi begynne å bygge en klubb med tanke på spillere som holder premier League mål. Og da er vi godt på vei. Hjelper ikke å bygge en klubb når man er på et lavere nivå og skal bygge på det nivået

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Jon R on February 02, 2014, 12:32:17

“I have already paid for the shares and the papers are with the Football League,” he said. There were players from Italy and France ready to join the club on Friday, the deals were agreed.
“I can’t do anything and I’m really p------ off,” he said."

Klarere bevis trenger vi vel ikke: Denne mannen skal ikke bare være eier. Han har seriøse planer om å leke FM Footballmanager med klubben vår!  :o

Dette er ikke måten verken og bygge eller drive en klubb i det engelske ligasystemet. Brian kan umulig jobbe videre under slike forhold!  :(

Da håper jeg vi får inn en verdig manager som IKKE vil leke FM Footballmanager med oss! Vi trenger ikke en som stadig ber om mer tid og som fremstår som CLUELESS!

Vi trenger en profil som taktisk og sportslig går langt utenpå ALLE managere i Championship!

Vi trenger en eie som satser STORE summer på nye spillere av høy kvalitet!

Leeds United trenger å etablere seg i toppserien og dermed få tlbake TROVERDIGHETEN uavhengig av eierne.

(Se på den hauge av pengesterke idioter som driver klubbene i PL. Jeg vil at også min klubb skal være der! Om middelmådigheten McDermott må ut, så "good riddance"!)

Til de som skrek i går:

Hverken McDermott eller McCormack er GUD eller LEGENDER, men sistnevnte KAN om noen år få en legendestatus! Han har tøffe og utrolige folk å kjempe med om den tittelen!  :)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Hallgeir *

Quote from: Jon R on February 02, 2014, 12:32:17

“I have already paid for the shares and the papers are with the Football League,” he said. There were players from Italy and France ready to join the club on Friday, the deals were agreed.
“I can’t do anything and I’m really p------ off,” he said."

Klarere bevis trenger vi vel ikke: Denne mannen skal ikke bare være eier. Han har seriøse planer om å leke FM Footballmanager med klubben vår!  :o

Dette er ikke måten verken og bygge eller drive en klubb i det engelske ligasystemet. Brian kan umulig jobbe videre under slike forhold!  :(

Få, om noen i det hele tatt, ønsker slike arbeidsforhold i jobben sin.

Satt litt på spissen: Hvorfor bruke penger på en managerstilling dersom eier skal bestemme alt? En manager som byttes ut hvert halve år, og som det må betales kompensasjon til når eier gir han fyken. Da burde det jo holde med en som bare trener laget.
Super Leeds since 1968


Jeg ønsker en pengesterk eier i klubben, som kan skaffe oss spillere som får oss opp i PL igjen , men om jeg ønsker en eier som leker cowboy, og tror han eier klubben før han får godkjennelse av FA  og sparker treneren og at på til vil ha egne folk på benken , sånne vil jeg ikke ha !

Jon R

Quote from: Promotion 2010 on February 02, 2014, 12:46:33
Quote from: Jon R on February 02, 2014, 12:32:17

“I have already paid for the shares and the papers are with the Football League,” he said. There were players from Italy and France ready to join the club on Friday, the deals were agreed.
“I can’t do anything and I’m really p------ off,” he said."

Klarere bevis trenger vi vel ikke: Denne mannen skal ikke bare være eier. Han har seriøse planer om å leke FM Footballmanager med klubben vår!  :o

Dette er ikke måten verken og bygge eller drive en klubb i det engelske ligasystemet. Brian kan umulig jobbe videre under slike forhold!  :(

Da håper jeg vi får inn en verdig manager som IKKE vil leke FM Footballmanager med oss! Vi trenger ikke en som stadig ber om mer tid og som fremstår som CLUELESS!

Vi trenger en profil som taktisk og sportslig går langt utenpå ALLE managere i Championship!

Vi trenger en eie som satser STORE summer på nye spillere av høy kvalitet!

Leeds United trenger å etablere seg i toppserien og dermed få tlbake TROVERDIGHETEN uavhengig av eierne.

(Se på den hauge av pengesterke idioter som driver klubbene i PL. Jeg vil at også min klubb skal være der! Om middelmådigheten McDermott må ut, så "good riddance"!)

Til de som skrek i går:

Hverken McDermott eller McCormack er GUD eller LEGENDER, men sistnevnte KAN om noen år få en legendestatus! Han har tøffe og utrolige folk å kjempe med om den tittelen!  :)

Luftslott kan hvem som helst bygge, promo! I den virkelige verden derimot... :(

Ã... be om  mer tid og tålmodighet etter hele 9 mnd i managerstolen er visst urimelig....

Ã... bygge et Premier League lag på under et år med en haug av middelmådigheter + Ross og Byram + 2,5 mill i transferpenger burde være enkelt....

Jeg vil si at at å forlange noe slikt er CLUELESS!  ;)
Jon R.

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Jon R on February 02, 2014, 13:07:13
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on February 02, 2014, 12:46:33
Quote from: Jon R on February 02, 2014, 12:32:17

“I have already paid for the shares and the papers are with the Football League,” he said. There were players from Italy and France ready to join the club on Friday, the deals were agreed.
“I can’t do anything and I’m really p------ off,” he said."

Klarere bevis trenger vi vel ikke: Denne mannen skal ikke bare være eier. Han har seriøse planer om å leke FM Footballmanager med klubben vår!  :o

Dette er ikke måten verken og bygge eller drive en klubb i det engelske ligasystemet. Brian kan umulig jobbe videre under slike forhold!  :(

Da håper jeg vi får inn en verdig manager som IKKE vil leke FM Footballmanager med oss! Vi trenger ikke en som stadig ber om mer tid og som fremstår som CLUELESS!

Vi trenger en profil som taktisk og sportslig går langt utenpå ALLE managere i Championship!

Vi trenger en eie som satser STORE summer på nye spillere av høy kvalitet!

Leeds United trenger å etablere seg i toppserien og dermed få tlbake TROVERDIGHETEN uavhengig av eierne.

(Se på den hauge av pengesterke idioter som driver klubbene i PL. Jeg vil at også min klubb skal være der! Om middelmådigheten McDermott må ut, så "good riddance"!)

Til de som skrek i går:

Hverken McDermott eller McCormack er GUD eller LEGENDER, men sistnevnte KAN om noen år få en legendestatus! Han har tøffe og utrolige folk å kjempe med om den tittelen!  :)

Luftslott kan hvem som helst bygge, promo! I den virkelige verden derimot... :(

Ã... be om  mer tid og tålmodighet etter hele 9 mnd i managerstolen er visst urimelig....

Ã... bygge et Premier League lag på under et år med en haug av middelmådigheter + Ross og Byram + 2,5 mill i transferpenger burde være enkelt....

Jeg vil si at at å forlange noe slikt er CLUELESS!  ;)

Luftslottet er bygget i Cardiff og Swansea og Stoke....... Det holder!

Leeds United har fundamentet som kan få oss til å varei PL!

Merkevaren Leeds United kan etableres igjen slik som luftslottene i Chelsea, Man.City og Scumchester! Vi trenger mye penger og holdninger som kan få oss dit!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Quote from: Promotion 2010 on February 02, 2014, 13:16:03

Luftslottet er bygget i Cardiff og Swansea og Stoke....... Det holder!

Leeds United har fundamentet som kan få oss til å varei PL!

Merkevaren Leeds United kan etableres igjen slik som luftslottene i Chelsea, Man.City og Scumchester! Vi trenger mye penger og holdninger som kan få oss dit!

Det hadde vært fint. I ventetiden får vi prøve å gjøre det beste ut av det vi har, og på en verdig og anstendig måte. Små "mirakler" skjer stadig i den virkelige fotballverden, som 2. omgang i går. Et lite mirakel her og et lite mirakel der.... Vi kan komme et stykke på vei med tålmodig satsing også, men da må vi hadde solide eiere som skjønner dette og som er til å stole på!  
Jon R.


Vi kommer ikke ut av Championshipmyra uten en haug med penger. Vi får håpe Mafioso Cellino på magisk vis får FL-approval. Flowers/Haigh har ikke kapitalen som trengs, gode intensjoner tar oss ingensteds dessverre.

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Jon R on February 02, 2014, 13:30:38
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on February 02, 2014, 13:16:03

Luftslottet er bygget i Cardiff og Swansea og Stoke....... Det holder!

Leeds United har fundamentet som kan få oss til å varei PL!

Merkevaren Leeds United kan etableres igjen slik som luftslottene i Chelsea, Man.City og Scumchester! Vi trenger mye penger og holdninger som kan få oss dit!

Det hadde vært fint. I ventetiden får vi prøve å gjøre det beste ut av det vi har, og på en verdig og anstendig måte. Små "mirakler" skjer stadig i den virkelige fotballverden, som 2. omgang i går. Et lite mirakel her og et lite mirakel der.... Vi kan komme et stykke på vei med tålmodig satsing også, men da må vi hadde solide eiere som skjønner dette og som er til å stole på!  

Crewe Alexandra var trofaste mot Dario Gradi! Det ga dem to hele sesonger på nest øverste nivå i løpet av hans 20 år!

Dermott McDonald som han ble kalt her et sted jobber nok stort sett for egen karriere og gir blaffen i Leeds United han også!

Karakteristikken av ham på Sky-klippet var "en middelmådighet"!   ::)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

 9:23AM, SUN 2 FEB 2014
What exactly is going on at Elland Road?
- last updated Sun 2 Feb 2014

Brian, any idea? Photo: PA
Brian McDermott's future as Leeds manager remained unresolved after an astounding 24 hours at Elland Road capped by an apparent U-turn from the club's prospective new owner.

McDermott was on Friday night told he had been removed from his position by someone acting on behalf of Massimo Cellino, who also owns Serie A club Cagliari.

Club sponsors said they would review their backing in protest and it appeared that Gianluca Festa, the former Middlesbrough defender and a long-term friend of Cellino, would take over the team, especially after Leeds' owners confirmed they had agreed a sale to the 57-year-old agricultural entrepreneur.

Within the day, though, a side managed by McDermott's assistant Nigel Gibbs had beaten Huddersfield 5-1 and Leeds released a statement saying McDermott had not been sacked after all.

This appeared to be echoed by Cellino himself, who was quoted as saying he had nothing to do with the removal of McDermott in the first place.

Those were the headline incidents to run alongside a number of farcical and often comedic ones which were hard to keep abreast of, including McDermott declining a request to attend the match.

"The club would like to make it clear that Brian McDermott remains our first-team manager," a statement said.

"He has not been dismissed from his post as has been suggested and we look forward to him continuing in his role with us in taking Leeds United forwards."

This was later echoed by Cellino himself, who said in an interview on the Daily Telegraph website: "I want the coach back and have been trying to call him. I don't mind this coach. How could I sack anyone anyway? I need the approval of the Football League before I own the club.

"GFH are still running Leeds United. They did not want Brian as manager but didn't have the courage to sack him."

Cellino had earlier been quoted by the Sporting Intelligence website as saying he "didn't have any choice" but to dispense with McDermott "because he did everything to get fired".

The club statement caught everyone by surprise but should not have done after a crazy chain of events.

Earlier, the League Managers Association said it was waiting for clarification of the situation, with Cellino's takeover still subject to Football League approval.

An LMA statement said: "Brian received a call last night from a solicitor informing him that Leeds United were terminating his contract as manager.

"This morning Brian received a further phone call from a director of the football club stating the company on whose behalf the solicitor had contacted Brian are not the owners of Leeds United.

"In the circumstances, Brian was asked by the directors of the club not to take the match today and we are awaiting clarification of the situation over the weekend."

Gibbs, McDermott's long-standing number two, answered the call to lead the team against Huddersfield in his place before facing the media afterwards.

"I was coming to the game anyway because I had not heard from the club," Gibbs said.

"I was asked at 12.15pm. (Managing director) David Haigh asked me to take the team and I told the players.

"The team was prepared by Brian. It's his team, his performance and his victory. It's been unusual to say the least."

Gibbs added that McDermott had called him to wish him luck before the game, but admitted he did not know what his boss would make of the club's apparent olive branch.

At one stage it had looked as if Festa and not Gibbs would take the team but he chose to watch from an executive box instead.

Current owners Gulf Finance House Capital (GFH Capital) confirmed the news of Cellino's offer in a statement ahead of the Huddersfield game, although Cellino had already made his presence felt before then by attempting to remove McDermott on Friday night.

McDermott had refused to allow Festa to sit with him in the dugout during the midweek draw with Ipswich, and also refused to take a number of Italian players given to him by Cellino.

The mayhem continued as two of the club's main sponsors, Enterprise Insurance and Flamingo Land, said they would be withdrawing their backing.

And police were called to Elland Road on Friday as fans did their best to barricade Cellino inside the ground after some late-night talks. Those protests continued outside the ground ahead of kick-off.

None of that has stopped GFH Capital from choosing Cellino's bid over one from rival consortium Together Leeds, though.

A statement read: "Following recent media reports and speculation, GFH Capital would like to confirm that it has agreed to sell a 75 per cent stake in the club to Eleonora Sport Ltd, a company owned by the Cellino family who have many years' experience in football and who plan to invest substantially in the club including the re-acquisition of Elland Road.

"Eleonora will be working on completing the required Football League approval."

On Saturday evening, the Football League confirmed that process has begun.

"The Football League has begun preliminary conversations with the legal representative of Eleonora Sport Limited, which - according to statements released by GFH Capital - has concluded an agreement to acquire 75% of Leeds United," a statement said.

"We have made Eleonora Sport Limited aware of our requirements under Football League regulations relating to the change of ownership at Championship clubs. Information has been requested that is consistent with that required of all potential new owners.

"We are unable to comment on the specific details of the process. However, we will seek to deal with the change of ownership application as soon as the required information is provided."

Cellino became the number one bidder when on Thursday, a bid from a consortium of club managing director David Haigh and Enterprise Insurance boss Andrew Flowers collapsed after two months of exclusivity to buy the club under the guise of Sport Capital.

Cellino could still face opposition from the Football League - he has a previous conviction for fraud - while a consortium headed up by former Manchester United director Mike Farnan says it is refusing to go away despite the statement.

The Italian influence at Elland Road continues to grow despite that, though, with Cagliari confirming that Leeds had signed midfielder Andrea Tabanelli on loan from them, with Leeds later adding him to the squad list on their website. He was not named to face Town, though.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Cellino kommer ikke til å bli godkjent av FA. I det minste håper jeg det. Kanskje han ikke er skurken eller "mafiosoen" som enkelte hevder, men han bringer ikke det klubben vår trenger: stabilitet og trygghet.


Sett at Cellino ikke skulle få godkjennelse fra FL. Da begynner "Due Diligence" med "Gutta som liker å sitte på gjerdet".

De vet at GFH er nødt til å selge og skal skvise dem så mye de kan. Orker vi slikt? Jeg sier ja til Cellino og så får vi ta det som det kommer..
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Saken er enkel folkens, slik jeg ser det:
Vi har nå 2 valg...
1. Cellino som har mye cash og som er utålmodig, og er en handlingens mann. Ser ut som om at han vil ha Leeds opp i PL fortest mulig også.
2.Farnan konsortiumet som bare prater og har pratet i månedsvis...vi vet ikke om de har penger heller, men kanskje....

Så hva er best av disse to? jeg tror faktisk Cellino. er så møkklei dette gnålet om stabilitet og bygging av klubb. Milliardæren fra Yorkshire med dype lommer som vil bygge Leeds til en storklubb med tålmodighet etter engelsk modell og ikke ha røde tall i regnskapet, og med samme manager i 10 år fremover FINNES IKKE :( Beklager, vi er omgitt av blakke pratmakere ;) Denne klubben har stått på stedet hvil i 10 år og har gått på sparebluss. Det nytter ikke å komme til PL med knapper og glansbilder og middelmådige spillere..dessverre. da må man ha flaks, og det har ALDRI denne klubben hatt :(
Jeg vil gi Cellino en sjanse, og ikke utrope ham til foppalens Hitler før han har en eneste dag i sjefstolen ;)

Promotion 2010

Eleonora Sport Limited...

...er firmaet som må godkjennes som FIT AND PROPER.

På eiersiden står en hel familie og sikkert flere som går igjennom FL's argusøyne!   ::)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Quote from: ibmroald on February 02, 2014, 13:50:22
Cellino kommer ikke til å bli godkjent av FA. I det minste håper jeg det. Kanskje han ikke er skurken eller "mafiosoen" som enkelte hevder, men han bringer ikke det klubben vår trenger: stabilitet og trygghet.
Skurk eller ikke skurk: En rekke opplagte  løgner vedr sparkingen av BMD har ihvertfall rennt ut av kjeften hans allerede. Selvmotsigelsene er så åpenbare og kommet så nært etter hverandre i tid at man kan undres om mannen har moralske skrupler overhodet!
Jon R.

Promotion 2010


The Football League confirmed that process has begun.

"The Football League has begun preliminary conversations with the legal representative of Eleonora Sport Limited, which - according to statements released by GFH Capital - has concluded an agreement to acquire 75 per cent of Leeds United," a statement read.

"We have made Eleonora Sport Limited aware of our requirements under Football League regulations relating to the change of ownership at Championship clubs. Information has been requested that is consistent with that required of all potential new owners.

"We are unable to comment on the specific details of the process. However, we will seek to deal with the change of ownership application as soon as the required information is provided."

Cellino became the number one bidder when a bid from a consortium of club managing director David Haigh and Enterprise Insurance boss Andrew Flowers collapsed after two months of exclusivity to buy the club under the guise of Sport Capital.

Cellino could still face opposition from the Football League - he has a previous conviction for fraud - while a consortium headed up by former Manchester United director Mike Farnan says it is refusing to go away despite the statement.

The Italian influence at Elland Road continues to grow despite that, though, with Cagliari confirming that Leeds had signed midfielder Andrea Tabanelli on loan from it, with Leeds later adding him to the squad list on its website. He was not named to face Town, though.

Fit and Proper er berørt av alle disse punktene som er skissert lengre over i GFH-tråden, tror jeg!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on February 02, 2014, 14:10:06
Saken er enkel folkens, slik jeg ser det:
Vi har nå 2 valg...
1. Cellino som har mye cash og som er utålmodig, og er en handlingens mann. Ser ut som om at han vil ha Leeds opp i PL fortest mulig også.
2.Farnan konsortiumet som bare prater og har pratet i månedsvis...vi vet ikke om de har penger heller, men kanskje....

Så hva er best av disse to? jeg tror faktisk Cellino. er så møkklei dette gnålet om stabilitet og bygging av klubb. Milliardæren fra Yorkshire med dype lommer som vil bygge Leeds til en storklubb med tålmodighet etter engelsk modell og ikke ha røde tall i regnskapet, og med samme manager i 10 år fremover FINNES IKKE :( Beklager, vi er omgitt av blakke pratmakere ;) Denne klubben har stått på stedet hvil i 10 år og har gått på sparebluss. Det nytter ikke å komme til PL med knapper og glansbilder og middelmådige spillere..dessverre. da må man ha flaks, og det har ALDRI denne klubben hatt :(
Jeg vil gi Cellino en sjanse, og ikke utrope ham til foppalens Hitler før han har en eneste dag i sjefstolen ;)

Hvis det kaoset og løgnaktigheten som vi har vært vitne til nå er representativt for Cellino og lederstilen hans, er det ikke sikkart at x antall millarder vil være tilstrekkelig for å gjøre oss til en stabil toppklubb. Det er ikke engang sikkert han vil klare å ta oss ut av Championship. Det er for mange pengesterke eiere der ute som jobber på en seriøs måte, til at Cellinos penger og lederstil automatisk vil gjøre oss til en toppklubb, slik flere later til å tro.
Jon R.

Promotion 2010

Pålitelige Wikioedia:

Fit and proper person test
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The fit-and-proper-person test or director's test is a test undergone by owners and directors of major British football clubs in the hope that it prevents corrupt or untrustworthy businessmen from buying them.

Stephen Vaughan fell foul of the test
The test, introduced in 2004, is mandated by the Premier League, the Football League, the Football Conference and the Scottish Premier League. Anybody who takes over a club, runs one, or owns over 30% of its shares must be assessed. The first director known to have failed the test was Dennis Coleman, director of Rotherham United when they went into administration in 2006 and 2008. He claimed:
"I came in and in effect saved the club. It is totally unfair for me to be disqualified."[1]
In November 2009, Stephen Vaughan, then owner of Chester City, became the first owner to fail the test, after he was legally disqualified from being a director of any company. This was a result of VAT fraud as owner of Widnes Vikings rugby club. He transferred control of Chester to his son, Stephen Vaughan, Jr.[2]
In March 2012, Rangers owner Craig Whyte was found not to be a fit and proper person as the result of an independent enquiry.[3]
Disqualifying events[edit]

The Premier League has tighter restrictions than the rest of the Football League and Football Conference. In general, a businessman will fail the test if:
They have power or influence over another Football League club
They hold a significant interest in another Football League club
They become prohibited by law from being a director
They are filing for bankruptcy
They have been director of a club while it has suffered two or more unconnected events of insolvency
They have been a director of two or more clubs of which, while they have been director, has suffered an event of insolvency

Kan ikke se hva som hindrer Cellino!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on February 02, 2014, 14:10:06
Saken er enkel folkens, slik jeg ser det:
Vi har nå 2 valg...
1. Cellino som har mye cash og som er utålmodig, og er en handlingens mann. Ser ut som om at han vil ha Leeds opp i PL fortest mulig også.
2.Farnan konsortiumet som bare prater og har pratet i månedsvis...vi vet ikke om de har penger heller, men kanskje....

Så hva er best av disse to? jeg tror faktisk Cellino. er så møkklei dette gnålet om stabilitet og bygging av klubb. Milliardæren fra Yorkshire med dype lommer som vil bygge Leeds til en storklubb med tålmodighet etter engelsk modell og ikke ha røde tall i regnskapet, og med samme manager i 10 år fremover FINNES IKKE :( Beklager, vi er omgitt av blakke pratmakere ;) Denne klubben har stått på stedet hvil i 10 år og har gått på sparebluss. Det nytter ikke å komme til PL med knapper og glansbilder og middelmådige spillere..dessverre. da må man ha flaks, og det har ALDRI denne klubben hatt :(
Jeg vil gi Cellino en sjanse, og ikke utrope ham til foppalens Hitler før han har en eneste dag i sjefstolen ;)
Cellino bygget ny stadion til Cagliari. Så langt unna at fansen måtte blandt annet ta ferge i flere timer for å komme seg på kamp. Han er ikke til å stole på. Hva om han flytter hjemmebanen til Leeds også? Red Bull-spådommene blir barnemat i forhold til det Cellini kan være i stand til. Et konsortium der Radebe er en del av gjengen har utvilsomt gode hensikter når det gjelder klubben vår. Med Cellino må man bare krysse fingrene for at alt skal gå greit. Jeg velger trygghet forann usikkerhet anytime

Jon R

Quote from: Promotion 2010 on February 02, 2014, 14:34:23
Pålitelige Wikioedia:

Fit and proper person test
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The fit-and-proper-person test or director's test is a test undergone by owners and directors of major British football clubs in the hope that it prevents corrupt or untrustworthy businessmen from buying them.

Stephen Vaughan fell foul of the test
The test, introduced in 2004, is mandated by the Premier League, the Football League, the Football Conference and the Scottish Premier League. Anybody who takes over a club, runs one, or owns over 30% of its shares must be assessed. The first director known to have failed the test was Dennis Coleman, director of Rotherham United when they went into administration in 2006 and 2008. He claimed:
"I came in and in effect saved the club. It is totally unfair for me to be disqualified."[1]
In November 2009, Stephen Vaughan, then owner of Chester City, became the first owner to fail the test, after he was legally disqualified from being a director of any company. This was a result of VAT fraud as owner of Widnes Vikings rugby club. He transferred control of Chester to his son, Stephen Vaughan, Jr.[2]
In March 2012, Rangers owner Craig Whyte was found not to be a fit and proper person as the result of an independent enquiry.[3]
Disqualifying events[edit]

The Premier League has tighter restrictions than the rest of the Football League and Football Conference. In general, a businessman will fail the test if:
They have power or influence over another Football League club
They hold a significant interest in another Football League club
They become prohibited by law from being a director
They are filing for bankruptcy
They have been director of a club while it has suffered two or more unconnected events of insolvency
They have been a director of two or more clubs of which, while they have been director, has suffered an event of insolvency

Kan ikke se hva som hindrer Cellino!

"The fit-and-proper-person test or director's test is a test undergone by owners and directors of major British football clubs in the hope that it prevents corrupt or untrustworthy businessmen from buying them."

Sums it up!
Konklusjon: han blir ikke godkjent!
Jon R.


Quote from: Promotion 2010 on February 02, 2014, 13:46:33
9:23AM, SUN 2 FEB 2014
What exactly is going on at Elland Road?
- last updated Sun 2 Feb 2014

Brian, any idea? Photo: PA
Brian McDermott's future as Leeds manager remained unresolved after an astounding 24 hours at Elland Road capped by an apparent U-turn from the club's prospective new owner.

McDermott was on Friday night told he had been removed from his position by someone acting on behalf of Massimo Cellino, who also owns Serie A club Cagliari.

Club sponsors said they would review their backing in protest and it appeared that Gianluca Festa, the former Middlesbrough defender and a long-term friend of Cellino, would take over the team, especially after Leeds' owners confirmed they had agreed a sale to the 57-year-old agricultural entrepreneur.

Within the day, though, a side managed by McDermott's assistant Nigel Gibbs had beaten Huddersfield 5-1 and Leeds released a statement saying McDermott had not been sacked after all.

This appeared to be echoed by Cellino himself, who was quoted as saying he had nothing to do with the removal of McDermott in the first place.

Those were the headline incidents to run alongside a number of farcical and often comedic ones which were hard to keep abreast of, including McDermott declining a request to attend the match.

"The club would like to make it clear that Brian McDermott remains our first-team manager," a statement said.

"He has not been dismissed from his post as has been suggested and we look forward to him continuing in his role with us in taking Leeds United forwards."

This was later echoed by Cellino himself, who said in an interview on the Daily Telegraph website: "I want the coach back and have been trying to call him. I don't mind this coach. How could I sack anyone anyway? I need the approval of the Football League before I own the club.
"GFH are still running Leeds United. They did not want Brian as manager but didn't have the courage to sack him."

Cellino had earlier been quoted by the Sporting Intelligence website as saying he "didn't have any choice" but to dispense with McDermott "because he did everything to get fired".
The club statement caught everyone by surprise but should not have done after a crazy chain of events.

Earlier, the League Managers Association said it was waiting for clarification of the situation, with Cellino's takeover still subject to Football League approval.

An LMA statement said: "Brian received a call last night from a solicitor informing him that Leeds United were terminating his contract as manager.

"This morning Brian received a further phone call from a director of the football club stating the company on whose behalf the solicitor had contacted Brian are not the owners of Leeds United.

"In the circumstances, Brian was asked by the directors of the club not to take the match today and we are awaiting clarification of the situation over the weekend."

Gibbs, McDermott's long-standing number two, answered the call to lead the team against Huddersfield in his place before facing the media afterwards.

"I was coming to the game anyway because I had not heard from the club," Gibbs said.

"I was asked at 12.15pm. (Managing director) David Haigh asked me to take the team and I told the players.

"The team was prepared by Brian. It's his team, his performance and his victory. It's been unusual to say the least."

Gibbs added that McDermott had called him to wish him luck before the game, but admitted he did not know what his boss would make of the club's apparent olive branch.

At one stage it had looked as if Festa and not Gibbs would take the team but he chose to watch from an executive box instead.

Current owners Gulf Finance House Capital (GFH Capital) confirmed the news of Cellino's offer in a statement ahead of the Huddersfield game, although Cellino had already made his presence felt before then by attempting to remove McDermott on Friday night.

McDermott had refused to allow Festa to sit with him in the dugout during the midweek draw with Ipswich, and also refused to take a number of Italian players given to him by Cellino.

The mayhem continued as two of the club's main sponsors, Enterprise Insurance and Flamingo Land, said they would be withdrawing their backing.

And police were called to Elland Road on Friday as fans did their best to barricade Cellino inside the ground after some late-night talks. Those protests continued outside the ground ahead of kick-off.

None of that has stopped GFH Capital from choosing Cellino's bid over one from rival consortium Together Leeds, though.

A statement read: "Following recent media reports and speculation, GFH Capital would like to confirm that it has agreed to sell a 75 per cent stake in the club to Eleonora Sport Ltd, a company owned by the Cellino family who have many years' experience in football and who plan to invest substantially in the club including the re-acquisition of Elland Road.

"Eleonora will be working on completing the required Football League approval."

On Saturday evening, the Football League confirmed that process has begun.

"The Football League has begun preliminary conversations with the legal representative of Eleonora Sport Limited, which - according to statements released by GFH Capital - has concluded an agreement to acquire 75% of Leeds United," a statement said.

"We have made Eleonora Sport Limited aware of our requirements under Football League regulations relating to the change of ownership at Championship clubs. Information has been requested that is consistent with that required of all potential new owners.

"We are unable to comment on the specific details of the process. However, we will seek to deal with the change of ownership application as soon as the required information is provided."

Cellino became the number one bidder when on Thursday, a bid from a consortium of club managing director David Haigh and Enterprise Insurance boss Andrew Flowers collapsed after two months of exclusivity to buy the club under the guise of Sport Capital.

Cellino could still face opposition from the Football League - he has a previous conviction for fraud - while a consortium headed up by former Manchester United director Mike Farnan says it is refusing to go away despite the statement.

The Italian influence at Elland Road continues to grow despite that, though, with Cagliari confirming that Leeds had signed midfielder Andrea Tabanelli on loan from them, with Leeds later adding him to the squad list on their website. He was not named to face Town, though.


Jeg skjønner godt at BMD er taus som en østers. I tillegg blir jeg forundret om han kommer tilbake, den eneste grunnen må være at han står bedre rustet i fremtidig oppsigelsessak.


Helt enig i det du sier. Jeg regner med at Cellino har satt noen betingelser for å kjøpe klubben. Ett av disse er nok at han bestemmer hvem som blir trener. jeg blir overasket om ikke Leeds United og  BMD " går hver til sitt"  når formaliteter er på plass. Nåværende polemikk er ifbm evt rettsak el sluttoppgjør. Jeg tror ikke det er vanskeligere enn det.