Skrevet av Emne: Ex-Storaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14  (Lest 1440644 ganger)

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Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino #forzaLeeds
« Svar #2130 på: April 05, 2014, 16:25:47 »
Så, altså er det ikke 100% ennå?
FL kan ta dette videre?

Nei, dette betyr at de har et regelverk som strider mot internasjonal lovgivning. De må med andre ord endre på sitt regelverk!

Det står i dommen at etter det QC vet på dette tidspunktet så er Cellino FIT & proper!

Det høres bedre ut :)

Fin trådtittel!  ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2131 på: April 05, 2014, 16:31:01 »
Endelig svar, dette kan fort bli bra. Admin, poengtrekk og nedrykk va vel ikke langt unna.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2132 på: April 05, 2014, 16:31:29 »
Det finnes heldigvis rettferdighet her i verden ! Til fotballLeage vil jeg bare si : Stikk hodene så langt oppe der sola aldri skinner !  >:( Mannen som ga vår nye eier medhold , sier vel at regelverket til FL burde endres på en del områder !?

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino #forzaLeeds
« Svar #2134 på: April 05, 2014, 16:39:17 »
Jeg lurer på hvordan det kommer til å foregå i klubben nå som Cellino har 75prosent.

Eksempel ved et spillerkjøp-  Hvis Leeds betaler 30mill for en spiller, betaler da Cellino 75prosent ?

Og hvis BM kommer med et spillerforespørsel, men skal det godtas av..både Cellino og GFH ?

Together Leeds gutta vil nok også ha et ord med i laget.  :)
Jon R.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2135 på: April 05, 2014, 16:41:34 »
Da kan en se frem til spennende tider på Elland Road, det sporstlige håper jeg nå at laget tar noen poeng i de resterende kampene som er igjen !


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2136 på: April 05, 2014, 16:47:04 »
Det finnes heldigvis rettferdighet her i verden ! Til fotballLeage vil jeg bare si : Stikk hodene så langt oppe der sola aldri skinner !  >:( Mannen som ga vår nye eier medhold , sier vel at regelverket til FL burde endres på en del områder !?
Endelig  yeeeeessssssss!
Enig i alt du skriver ,hva har egentlig Harvey og FL drevet med her .


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2137 på: April 05, 2014, 16:50:09 »
Eleanora Sport given green light to take majority shareholding...

Massimo Cellino has been granted approval to complete the purchase of a majority stake in Leeds United.

The approval, which came via appeal after being initially turned down by the Football League, will see Eleonora Sport take a 75% stakeholding in the club while former majority shareholders GFH Capital and investors will retain 25%.

Completion of the acquisition will see Massimo Cellino take up the position as President of Leeds United, and he will head up a new-look board.

The club’s managing director David Haigh will become Chief Executive Officer, and he paid tribute to all parties involved in the deal.

Haigh said: “This is a significant day in the history of Leeds United. Since GFH Capital took over the club in December 2012, the stated aim has always been to introduce strategic investors to ensure a sustainable future for the club.

“I have met with many potential investors and worked closely with them, and I realised very quickly that Massimo is someone who has the attributes to take this club forward. He has a proven track record in Italy, and I believe the introduction of Eleonora Sport, coupled with Massimo’s drive and determination, will be key to a successful and sustainable future for this great football club.

“I’d like to thank the Football League, GFH Capital, and of course, Massimo and Eleonora Sport for all their hard work over the past few weeks in ensuring that this deal was able to progress.”

- See more at:
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2138 på: April 05, 2014, 16:54:37 »
Ross McCormack ‏@Rossmccormack44  6 min
Mr Cellino welcome to Leeds united.
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2139 på: April 05, 2014, 17:00:47 »
Nydelig! MC spark MCcrap!!! Kvitt deg med de overbetalte klovnene og bygg laget rundt vår kjære mccormack! GLEDESRUS!!


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2140 på: April 05, 2014, 17:03:32 »
Endelig :) :) :) :)

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2141 på: April 05, 2014, 17:04:20 »
Leser gjennom dommen nå.

Merker meg fire punkter som blir behandlet, og et par av dem ganske på kanten:

1. Cellinos jurist og en av advokatene som taler hans   Professor Maffei   skrev en rapport som FL godtok. Men i selve høringen så ba FL dommeren om å se bort fra dette grunnet at denne juristen hadde skrevet Forza Leeds på twitter.
Dommer Kerr avslo dette tvert og begrunnet det med en entusiasme for klubben og ikke støtte til Cellino.

2. To an English criminal lawyer, it may be difficult to understand why a defendant should not be treated as convicted and serve the sentence properly pronounced by the court, merely because there is a right of appeal. But to an Italian criminal lawyer, it may be equally difficult to understand why in England we routinely incarcerate defendants who on appeal may turn out to be innocent. Neither legal system has more inherent merit than the other; they are simply different.
Derfor må man akseptere og respektere forskjeller i rettspraksis.

3. A matter of Dishonesty with intent:  I conclude that it would not be reasonable on the evidence before me to consider Mr Cellino’s conduct to be dishonest and that accordingly he is not subject to a Disqualifying Condition. It follows from my reasoning above that if the reasoned ruling of the court in Cagliari discloses that the conduct of Mr Cellino was such that it would reasonably be considered to be dishonest, he would become subject to a Disqualifying Condition. But that is not a matter that is before me.

4. Disqualifying Condition:  QC Kerr mener at med konklusjonene ovenfor at Cellino ikke har opptrådt uansvarlig, mot loven med intent/vilje og kan ikke diskvalifiseres!

 The tribunal Ruling
Accordingly, for the reasons given above, I determine Mr Cellino’s appeal as follows:

the decision of the Cagliari court dated 18 March 2014 is a “conviction” within sub-paragraph e) ix) of the definition of “Disqualifying Condition” in rule 1.1 of Appendix 3 to the rules; but

I am satisfied on the evidence that the conviction was not for a “Dishonest Act” as there defined, i.e. for “any act which would reasonably be considered to be dishonest”.

Mr Cellino’s appeal accordingly succeeds. He is not, at present, subject to a Disqualifying Condition and is not disqualified from holding office or acting as a Club Director at a Club


« Siste redigering: April 05, 2014, 17:23:57 av Promotion 2010 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Joe Jordan

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2143 på: April 05, 2014, 17:08:52 »
Takk og lov at dette nå er endelig avklart. FL viser seg nå som den korrupte og talentløse gjengen de faktisk er.

Nå skal det ryddes!
'If they hadn't scored, we would've won.' - Howard Wilkinson


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino #forzaLeeds
« Svar #2144 på: April 05, 2014, 17:19:09 »
Jeg lurer på hvordan det kommer til å foregå i klubben nå som Cellino har 75prosent.

Eksempel ved et spillerkjøp-  Hvis Leeds betaler 30mill for en spiller, betaler da Cellino 75prosent ?

Og hvis BM kommer med et spillerforespørsel, men skal det godtas av..både Cellino og GFH ?

Kontrakten sier vel at Cellino dekker 100% av klubbens utgifter de første 6 månedene. Etter det må nok GFH bidra med 25% vil de bli med videre. Forhåpentligvis kvitter Cellino seg med tullingene så fort som overhodet mulig...
Proud to be Leeds!

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2145 på: April 05, 2014, 17:28:52 »
Mike Farnan, who heads up the Yorkshire-based Together Leeds consortium, told Press Association Sport: "I'm delighted for Massimo."

It was reported earlier this week that Cellino and Together Leeds would join forces and Farnan added: "Massimo's lawyers have told us that we will continue our meeting next week. This is a joint opportunity.

"We can now look to work together to get the club moving forward again.This has been dragging on for too long.

"From the Football League standpoint, and I don't know the ins and outs of all the legalities, it creates a lot of questions.

"We'll have to wait and see what they decide to do.

"But let's get moving. I'm really pleased for the fans. I'm so pleased for the fans. It's an exciting package that we can put together."
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2146 på: April 05, 2014, 17:33:23 »
Hvor mye er Cellino god for?


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2147 på: April 05, 2014, 17:34:02 »
12 billion tonn mais  ;D



Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2148 på: April 05, 2014, 17:34:30 »
Kanonbra at dette endelig er gått i boks.

Noen som vet hvor mye penger Cellino har?? Snakker vi i City/Chelsea stil, eller er det langt mindre??

For ca ett år siden var vi sjeleglad for å bytte ut urokråka Bates med GFH som fremstod som mye ryddigere og mer skikkelig. Nå er vi sjeleglad for å få inn en ny eier som kaller en spade for en spade. En ny Bates? la oss håpe det er en "Bates" med penger i det minste  :)
marching on together,
derudaf forever...

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2149 på: April 05, 2014, 17:37:12 »
Eleanora Sport given green light to take majority shareholding...

- See more at:

Massimo Cellino has been granted approval to complete the purchase of a majority stake in Leeds United.
The approval, which came via appeal after being initially turned down by the Football League, will see Eleonora Sport take a 75% stakeholding in the club while former majority shareholders GFH Capital and investors will retain 25%.

Completion of the acquisition will see Massimo Cellino take up the position as President of Leeds United, and he will head up a new-look board.

The club’s managing director David Haigh will become Chief Executive Officer, and he paid tribute to all parties involved in the deal.
Haigh said: “This is a significant day in the history of Leeds United. Since GFH Capital took over the club in December 2012, the stated aim has always been to introduce strategic investors to ensure a sustainable future for the club.
“I have met with many potential investors and worked closely with them, and I realised very quickly that Massimo is someone who has the attributes to take this club forward. He has a proven track record in Italy, and I believe the introduction of Eleonora Sport, coupled with Massimo’s drive and determination, will be key to a successful and sustainable future for this great football club.
“I’d like to thank the Football League, GFH Capital, and of course, Massimo and Eleonora Sport for all their hard work over the past few weeks in ensuring that this deal was able to progress.”

- See more at:
« Siste redigering: April 05, 2014, 17:38:54 av Promotion 2010 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2150 på: April 05, 2014, 17:41:39 »
Jeg gråter av glede :)
Og jeg er sjeleglad for at jeg tok feil mht ankeutvalget- de har gjort en objektiv jobb- noe man ikke kan si om Harvey og de andre idiotene i FL ;)
Skal vi endelig se lysere tider...?et lite håp for første gang på 10 år :)

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2151 på: April 05, 2014, 18:00:05 »

Massimo Cellino wins Leeds United takeover appeal UPDATED

Massimo Cellino.
by Phil Hay
Updated on the
05 April
Published 05/04/2014 15:02

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Massimo Cellino will complete his takeover of Leeds United after a stunning victory over the Football League.

The Italian businessman has won his appeal against a bid by the Football League to bar him from buying the Elland Road club.

Cellino, who has been waiting since January to seal his takeover, successfully argued that a conviction for tax evasion in Italy did not breach the Football League’s Owners and Directors Test.

Under the terms of his deal, the 57-year-old will secure a 75 per cent stake from current club owner Gulf Finance House.

Speaking after today’s 1-0 defeat to Wigan Athletic, manager Brian McDermott - who was still to learn the outcome of the appeal - said: “I welcome stability from a man who’s got clout.

“I’ve spoken to (Cellino) on a number of occasions and the most important thing here is not the position of the manager or any individual player, it’s the future of the football club.”

In a statement, Cellino’s lawyers, Mishcon de Reya, said; “The Independent Chairman of the Football League’s Professional Conduct Committee has today released a decision that Mr Massimo Cellino is not subject to a Disqualifying Condition, overturning the Board of the Football League’s earlier decision.

“Mr Cellino is therefore now entitled to become a director and owner of Leeds United Football Club.”

A Football League spokesman said: “We are disappointed at the outcome of the appeal hearing, however we would like to thank the independent QC for his diligence in reviewing this decision.

“This was never about individual personalities, but instead was a matter in which we were obliged to uphold the integrity of our regulations having considered the issue in detail with our advisors.

“It was always an extremely complex matter in which a different interpretation of a judgment made under Italian law could lead to an entirely different outcome in the context of our regulations. Ultimately this has proven to be the case.

“The independent QC has concluded that Mr. Cellino’s recent conviction in the Sardinian Court did not involve conduct that would ‘reasonably be considered to be dishonest’ based on information available to him at the current time.

“The Football League will now consider the findings of the hearing.”

Mike Farnan, who heads up the Yorkshire-based Together Leeds consortium, said: “I’m delighted for Massimo.”

It was reported earlier this week that Cellino and Together Leeds would join forces and Farnan added: “Massimo’s lawyers have told us that we will continue our meeting next week. This is a joint opportunity.

“We can now look to work together to get the club moving forward again.This has been dragging on for too long.

“From the Football League standpoint, and I don’t know the ins and outs of all the legalities, it creates a lot of questions.

“We’ll have to wait and see what they decide to do.

“But let’s get moving. I’m really pleased for the fans. I’m so pleased for the fans. It’s an exciting package that we can put together.”

Leeds manager Brian McDermott, who Cellino attempted to sack at the end of January, welcomed Cellino’s appeal victory.

“I would recommened the stability of a man who has got clout,” said McDermott.

“I’ve spoken to him on a number of occasions and, for me, the most important thing is not the position of the manager, or any individual player, it’s Leeds United Football Club and that going forward.

“I can work with Massimo, we’ll see just wait and see what the outcome is. It’s a prerogative of any owner, in any situation, to choose the manager he wants to work with. I absolutely respect that.

Asked whether he thinks Cellino will be a good club owner, McDermott added: “ It’s like everything - it’s a time thing, we have to wait and see.

“But from what I know he’s a leader, he’s had a club for 22 years and he’s been consistent with that.

“From what I know he has clout, he has financial clout. Which is something we possibly haven’t had for many, many years.

“For me, it will be just great not to be able to speak about it (the ownership issue). Talk about football, players and systems and stuff like that. It will be a great relief not to be able to discuss that.

“I think there’s a lot to be done, off-the-field stuff as well. It’s a big job to be had. We have a lot to do, there’s no doubt about that.”

Leeds responded to Cellino winning his appeal with a report on the club’s official website which said Cellino had been granted approval to complete the purchase of a majority stake in Leeds and that the decision would see Eleonora Sport take a 75% stakeholding in the club while former majority shareholders GFH Capital and investors retained 25%.

It also said completion of the acquisition would see Cellino become Leeds president and that he would head-up a new-look board with the club’s managing director David Haigh becoming chief executive officer.

Haigh said: “This is a significant day in the history of Leeds United. Since GFH Capital took over the club in December 2012, the stated aim has always been to introduce strategic investors to ensure a sustainable future for the club.

“I have met with many potential investors and worked closely with them, and I realised very quickly that Massimo is someone who has the attributes to take this club forward.

“He has a proven track record in Italy, and I believe the introduction of Eleonora Sport, coupled with Massimo’s drive and determination, will be key to a successful and sustainable future for this great football club.

“I’d like to thank the Football League, GFH Capital, and of course, Massimo and Eleonora Sport for all their hard work over the past few weeks in ensuring that this deal was able to progress.”

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2152 på: April 05, 2014, 18:09:51 »
Håper Haigh også må gå  >:( han har vel heller ikke opptrådt noe særlig bra i denne saken ! vinglepilt !


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2153 på: April 05, 2014, 18:10:28 »
Gratulerer folkens. Dette kan bli starten på en lysere tid.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2154 på: April 05, 2014, 18:12:29 »
Blir nesten litt for mye for meg det her!

Hva skjer nå med TL? Er de fremdeles involvert?


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2155 på: April 05, 2014, 18:17:39 »
Hva som skjer med TL ? Vil heller ha med de en GFH ! De har jo ikke vært noe særlig på banen etter at MC kjøpte 75% av aksjene !

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2156 på: April 05, 2014, 18:21:13 »
Blir nesten litt for mye for meg det her!

Hva skjer nå med TL? Er de fremdeles involvert?

Farnan vil være med:

Mike Farnan, who heads up the Yorkshire-based Together Leeds consortium, told Press Association Sport: "I'm delighted for Massimo."

It was reported earlier this week that Cellino and Together Leeds would join forces and Farnan added: "Massimo's lawyers have told us that we will continue our meeting next week. This is a joint opportunity.

"We can now look to work together to get the club moving forward again.This has been dragging on for too long.

"From the Football League standpoint, and I don't know the ins and outs of all the legalities, it creates a lot of questions.

"We'll have to wait and see what they decide to do.

"But let's get moving. I'm really pleased for the fans. I'm so pleased for the fans. It's an exciting package that we can put together."
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Ian Baird

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2157 på: April 05, 2014, 18:23:48 »
Hvor mye er Cellino god for?

Interessant og viktig spørsmål. Har lest på engelske sider at han er "billionarie" som oversettes til norsk som milliardær.

Noen som kan spesifisere nærmere?
Cellino 5. April 2014: We will be back in the Premier Leauge by 2016.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2158 på: April 05, 2014, 18:30:08 »
Hvor mye er Cellino god for?

Interessant og viktig spørsmål. Har lest på engelske sider at han er "billionarie" som oversettes til norsk som milliardær.

Noen som kan spesifisere nærmere?

Cellino ville kjøpe West ham i 2010 for ca 95 millioner PUND!

Cagliari er verdsatt til rundt 88 millioner PUND og ligger ute for salg!

Virksomheten hans, familieeide Eleonora, er et verdensomspennende firma med stor og solid inntekt.

Har såpass med penger at han vil leke litt Football Manager tenker jeg!  ;)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2159 på: April 05, 2014, 18:35:13 »
velger usikker her da jeg også hadde tro på ghfc som eiere mn her har vi ihvertfall en eier som har penger så vil det jo vise seg om hn vil bruke de på klubben vår.
Forever Leeds United!!!!!!!!