Skrevet av Emne: Ex-Storaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14  (Lest 1440364 ganger)

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Jon R

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2400 på: April 11, 2014, 16:45:39 »
Det er en hårfin grense mellom å være kultfigur og mediaklovn. Foreløpig trygt på riktig side.... :)
Jon R.

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2403 på: April 11, 2014, 18:19:45 »
Et absurd scenario er hvor FL setter en frikjennelse av Cellino som forutsetning for at han skal få drifte klubben.

Kontrakten som er underskrevet med GFH er vanntett og Cellino eier 75%.

Så Cellino kan ende opp med en klubb han eier, men ikke kan drifte/gjøre noe med.

Dette går vel ikke an??
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2404 på: April 11, 2014, 20:07:14 »

Et annet viktig poeng er at hvis de følger Cellino etter en eventuell dom så må de ta alle andre kriminelle direktører i ligaen. Som vi vet nå er det ganske mange!

Du nevner i fleng?

Ã… ja, sorry!

Har ikke lista foran meg, men Birminghams direktør sitter inne for skattevinnerne. Fire år i fengsel!

En annen sitter inne for voldtekt!

Men begge disse er vel Honest!   ::)

Det er i tillegg flere som har fått bøter for skatteunndragelse mens de har sittet som direktører. Football League har ikke utfordret dem så lenge de sitter som direktører.

Den eneste som har blitt sett etter i sømmene er Cellino. En potensiell direktør i....var det Rotherham...ble stoppet.

Kan godt komme med noe mer utfyllende senere, men begynner å bli ferdig med dette!  ;)

Førstnevnte er ute.
Det er ikke spesielt vanskelig å google. Og det har blitt nevnt flere ganger før på forumet. Men man skal jo for all del ikke ta til seg kunnskap og fakta som ikke bygger opp under vårt martyrkompleks, uansett hvor mange ganger man får høre det.

 Ã… følge opp med å si "mange" uten et eneste eksempel er det billigste trikset i retorikkboka. Men det stemmer jo at det er svært få som er blitt kjent unfit.  Stephen Vaughan, Chester for momsbedrag, og Craig Whyte i Rangers, men nå blir jo Skottland snart et annet land. :)

Volds- og sedelighetssaker er (latterlig nok) ikke en del av regelverket til FL.

Ta med han her da:

Carson Yeung is currently starting a 6 year prison sentence for money laundering but the authorities are not questioning the ownership of Birmingham City. I am not suggesting for one moment that Birmingham should have any form of punishment but the fact remains that Mr Yeung took over the club in 2009, his offences date back to 2003. Surely that is a massive failure on the part of the Football League and makes a mockery of your 'fit and proper' process.

6 år var det!

Det var dette med å ta til seg nye fakta da. Men gratulerer med ny rekord i å gjenta samme leksa etter å ha fått argumentet sitt tilbakevist allerede i første post etter tilbakevisningen.

Skjønner du er pissed pga dette Lojo, men her var mitt opprinnelige innspill:

Kan godt komme med noe mer utfyllende senere, men begynner å bli ferdig med dette!

Forstår jeg deg rett hvis du heller hadde tatt administrasjon og League two? Jeg har hele min tid som supporter higet etter suksess for laget og byen Leeds! Jeg bryr meg!

Jeg mener oppriktig at Cellino er mannen! Import av en båt gjør ham ikke til en kjeltring! Alt annet er "sonet". Godt nok for rettssystemet og lovgivningen = godt nok for meg!

Jeg velger i tillegg å tro at Cellino har edle hensikter. Primæroppgaven blir ikke å berike seg selv! Resten får fremtiden vise!

Når han nå er forbi hinderet så velger jeg å se opp og frem, og igjen trekke frem "Keep on fighting".  :)


Først prøver du å vise til noe i ditt andre innlegg som ditt "opprinnelige", for å gi inntrykk av at det var Lojosang som startet diskusjonen.

Så skifter du tema, for å snu en debatt som du faktisk har tapt. Samtidig tillegger du motparten et synspunkt som han ikke har uttrykt, for å styrke dine argumenter.

Sorry, men denne kom du ikke godt ut av.
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2405 på: April 11, 2014, 20:14:06 »
@CellinoOut: FL initially reject Cellino due to 'dishonesty'. Cellino exposes GFH's dishonesty who FL approved. Ironic, don't you think? #TakeNoteAlanis

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2406 på: April 11, 2014, 20:55:38 »

Et annet viktig poeng er at hvis de følger Cellino etter en eventuell dom så må de ta alle andre kriminelle direktører i ligaen. Som vi vet nå er det ganske mange!

Du nevner i fleng?

Ã… ja, sorry!

Har ikke lista foran meg, men Birminghams direktør sitter inne for skattevinnerne. Fire år i fengsel!

En annen sitter inne for voldtekt!

Men begge disse er vel Honest!   ::)

Det er i tillegg flere som har fått bøter for skatteunndragelse mens de har sittet som direktører. Football League har ikke utfordret dem så lenge de sitter som direktører.

Den eneste som har blitt sett etter i sømmene er Cellino. En potensiell direktør i....var det Rotherham...ble stoppet.

Kan godt komme med noe mer utfyllende senere, men begynner å bli ferdig med dette!  ;)

Førstnevnte er ute.
Det er ikke spesielt vanskelig å google. Og det har blitt nevnt flere ganger før på forumet. Men man skal jo for all del ikke ta til seg kunnskap og fakta som ikke bygger opp under vårt martyrkompleks, uansett hvor mange ganger man får høre det.

 Ã… følge opp med å si "mange" uten et eneste eksempel er det billigste trikset i retorikkboka. Men det stemmer jo at det er svært få som er blitt kjent unfit.  Stephen Vaughan, Chester for momsbedrag, og Craig Whyte i Rangers, men nå blir jo Skottland snart et annet land. :)

Volds- og sedelighetssaker er (latterlig nok) ikke en del av regelverket til FL.

Ta med han her da:

Carson Yeung is currently starting a 6 year prison sentence for money laundering but the authorities are not questioning the ownership of Birmingham City. I am not suggesting for one moment that Birmingham should have any form of punishment but the fact remains that Mr Yeung took over the club in 2009, his offences date back to 2003. Surely that is a massive failure on the part of the Football League and makes a mockery of your 'fit and proper' process.

6 år var det!

Det var dette med å ta til seg nye fakta da. Men gratulerer med ny rekord i å gjenta samme leksa etter å ha fått argumentet sitt tilbakevist allerede i første post etter tilbakevisningen.

Skjønner du er pissed pga dette Lojo, men her var mitt opprinnelige innspill:

Kan godt komme med noe mer utfyllende senere, men begynner å bli ferdig med dette!

Forstår jeg deg rett hvis du heller hadde tatt administrasjon og League two? Jeg har hele min tid som supporter higet etter suksess for laget og byen Leeds! Jeg bryr meg!

Jeg mener oppriktig at Cellino er mannen! Import av en båt gjør ham ikke til en kjeltring! Alt annet er "sonet". Godt nok for rettssystemet og lovgivningen = godt nok for meg!

Jeg velger i tillegg å tro at Cellino har edle hensikter. Primæroppgaven blir ikke å berike seg selv! Resten får fremtiden vise!

Når han nå er forbi hinderet så velger jeg å se opp og frem, og igjen trekke frem "Keep on fighting".  :)


Først prøver du å vise til noe i ditt andre innlegg som ditt "opprinnelige", for å gi inntrykk av at det var Lojosang som startet diskusjonen.

Så skifter du tema, for å snu en debatt som du faktisk har tapt. Samtidig tillegger du motparten et synspunkt som han ikke har uttrykt, for å styrke dine argumenter.

Sorry, men denne kom du ikke godt ut av.

Litt vanskelig å argumentere hvis du ikke henger med:

Jeg påstår at det er flere av styremedlemmene eller eierne i Ligaen som ikke burde vært det og på være grunnlag enn Cellino og jeg nevner:

- Carson Yeung i Birmingham, dømt for underslag, 6 år i fengsel
- Owen Oyston i Blackpool, convicted racist, dømt til 6 år slapp ut etter 3,5 år

......poenget mitt er at det garantert er flere..... Noe som sikkert noen med deg (?) bestrider.

- Kanskje jeg må skrive navnene inn her ettersom jeg finner dem igjen?

Aner ikke hva som er agendaen din, men jeg sier bare at jeg ikke gidder å diskutere dette lenger. Men det behøver vel ikke bety at alle de andre styremedlemmene og eierne i The Football League er totalt rene....?

Og misforståelsen din om Lojo startet dette var bare en hentydning til hans noe negative innstilling til Cellino over tid. Ikke nødvendigvis svaret på min påstand.

Avslutningsvis vil jeg bare si at jeg respekterer fullt ut hvis noen er uenig med meg. Det er vel derfor vi diskuterer her inne. Jeg ønsker klubben opp og frem, i mitt hode betyr det "koste hva det koste vil". MOT  ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2407 på: April 11, 2014, 21:10:50 »
OK, her er en rekke av not-så-veldig-FIT:

No.    Owner / Club    Details

1   Ken Richardson
Doncaster    In 1995 Ken Richardson hired two local crooks to burn down the main stand. One, an ex SAS man, left his mobile phone at the scene and even the South Yorks plod managed to rumble the protagonists. Richardson was found guilty in 1999 and jailed for four years. Other stunts pulled included attempting to sell the ground even though it was owned by the council and his eccentric managerial appointment of a certain Mark Weaver who'd previously run the club shop. At Stockport.

2   Darren Brown
Chesterfield    Brown came to prominence with his ownership of the Sheffield Steelers ice hockey team, a dominant force in the sport. Brown wanted to branch into football and `bought' Chesterfield, a well run and profitable club, with money borrowed from the previous owner. He proceeded to run the club into the ground by robbing them of around £1m to fund a lavish lifestyle and prop up his other, ailing sports clubs. His extravagances included using club funds to buy a £2,500 lawn mower and paying the council tax of numerous American ice hockey players. The Serious Fraud Office investigated Brown and he was found guilty and sentenced to 4 years for his plundering of the club in 2004.

3   Anton Johnson
Scarborough    Johnson was a scoundrel who ran Rotherham into the ground in the early 1980s before owning Southend, without giving up his holdings at Millmoor. He illegally owned two clubs and was guilty of financial malpractice at both. In 1985 the FA banned him from ever being involved in football again. Naturally he washed up at Scarborough in 1998 after an abortive attempt to buy Doncaster off our old pal, Ken Richardson. Scarborough were relegated from the Football League in 1999.

4   Peter Ridsdale
Leeds Utd
Barnsley    "We lived the dream". Those words, we think, we're used to justify his suicidal financial gamble to establish Leeds as a major force in European football. It failed. Currently they're not even a force in Yorkshire football. Ridsdale was a self proclaimed fan in the director's box. He was also a media whore with an eye for a photo op (see his walk on the pitch to the Leeds fans at the height of his grandstanding). He left Leeds with a disastrous legacy which he's never properly acknowledged and after washing up briefly at Barnsley (who were also in free-fall) he is now fronting the consortium running Cardiff. The proverbial guy who falls in a dung heap and comes out smelling of aftershave. Well, Blue Stratos anyway.

5   Freddie Shepherd
Newcastle    A man with the looks of Austin Powers' foe Fat Bastard, but without the charm. Shepherd represents a corporate fat cat mentality that has come with the advent of the Premiership. He is owner caste equivalent of the footballing badge kisser, always ready with a trophy signing, P45 for the gaffer or yet another attention deflecting speech about the `Geordie Nation'. This odious man really showed off his true colours, and sadly much else, when he was the victim of a News of the World sting, where he laughed at the fans that bought overpriced shirts and slated Newcastle women. All this from the comfortable vantage point of a far eastern brothel.

6   George Reynolds
Darlington    This ex-con was a self made multi-millionaire who washed up at Darlington in 1999 promising to take them into the Premiership. Bizarrely, he then built the club a superb 27,000 seater stadium. Staggering, as the clubs average crowd was around 4,000. He totally failed to bring in the players necessary for progress and saddled the club with massive debts and a white elephant of a stadium. In 2005 after leaving the club, he was convicted of tax evasion and was sentenced to 3 years. A classic rags to riches to rags story.

7   Douglas Craig
York City    Craig first sprang to prominence in 1994 when he became the only club chairman to refuse to sign up to a national anti-racism campaign, a stance he maintained for six years. Craig almost sent City to the wall in 2002 when he `transferred' ownership of Bootham Crescent to a holding company for £165,000 and then tried to force the club to buy back the ground (for £4.5m!) or he would close the club down. A supporters Trust was founded and after a gargantuan effort, secured the ground and the clubs future. Craig, of course, made a massive profit. What was particularly galling was his role at the FA enabled him to participate in decisions such as the relocation of Wimbledon to Milton Keynes. It so reassuring to know that the fate of the game lies with such genuine people.

8   Terry Venables
Portsmouth    It's debatable whether El Tel has ever truly owned a club, but those which he has run have always managed to be in a much worse state than when he took over. Alan Sugar installed him as managing director at Spurs in 1991 after he'd failed to land the club with another business partner. Sugar dismissed Venables in 1993 after an acrimonious split. He later bought a 51% stake in Portsmouth in 1997 for £1, grabbed as much money as he legally could and disappeared back out of the door with the club bottom of the league. The DTI managed to get Venables disqualified from being a company director in 1998, partly down to his dealings at Tottenham. He has now settled down to the job he was surely destined for. Ruining a once formidable coaching reputation by playing Phil Neal to McLaren's Graham Taylor.

9   Robert Maxwell
Oxford Utd
Derby County    The bouncing Czech rolled into the university city, not noted for its footballing heritage, in 1982. Within 2 years he'd shown his commitment to the club by trying to buy Manchester United and attempting to merge Oxford with local rivals Reading, to form the ludicrously titled Thames Valley Royals. To be fair, the team performed miracles under his stewardship as the astute management of Jim Smith took them into the First Division in 1985 and then to a Milk Cup final victory in 1986. In 1987 Maxwell bought Derby and installed his son, Kevin, as Chairman at the Manor Ground. Oxford suffered heavily from the aftermath of Maxwell's suicide in 1991 and have never really recovered.

10   Stan Flashman
Barnet    Flashman was a Cockney ticket tout of the old school, operating in circles, shady even for lower league chairmen. More in the rogue than villain category, Flashman owned Barnet as they made it to the Football League under the gregarious management of Barry Fry. He ran the club from 1985 to 1993 and Fry reckoned he was sacked and reinstated 8 times during his tenure. Flashman died in 1999 aged 69.


Og nå fins det ikke kjeltringer i verden lenger..........   8)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2408 på: April 11, 2014, 22:18:29 »
OK, her er en rekke av not-så-veldig-FIT:

No.    Owner / Club    Details

1   Ken Richardson
Doncaster    In 1995 Ken Richardson hired two local crooks to burn down the main stand. One, an ex SAS man, left his mobile phone at the scene and even the South Yorks plod managed to rumble the protagonists. Richardson was found guilty in 1999 and jailed for four years. Other stunts pulled included attempting to sell the ground even though it was owned by the council and his eccentric managerial appointment of a certain Mark Weaver who'd previously run the club shop. At Stockport.

2   Darren Brown
Chesterfield    Brown came to prominence with his ownership of the Sheffield Steelers ice hockey team, a dominant force in the sport. Brown wanted to branch into football and `bought' Chesterfield, a well run and profitable club, with money borrowed from the previous owner. He proceeded to run the club into the ground by robbing them of around £1m to fund a lavish lifestyle and prop up his other, ailing sports clubs. His extravagances included using club funds to buy a £2,500 lawn mower and paying the council tax of numerous American ice hockey players. The Serious Fraud Office investigated Brown and he was found guilty and sentenced to 4 years for his plundering of the club in 2004.

3   Anton Johnson
Scarborough    Johnson was a scoundrel who ran Rotherham into the ground in the early 1980s before owning Southend, without giving up his holdings at Millmoor. He illegally owned two clubs and was guilty of financial malpractice at both. In 1985 the FA banned him from ever being involved in football again. Naturally he washed up at Scarborough in 1998 after an abortive attempt to buy Doncaster off our old pal, Ken Richardson. Scarborough were relegated from the Football League in 1999.

4   Peter Ridsdale
Leeds Utd
Barnsley    "We lived the dream". Those words, we think, we're used to justify his suicidal financial gamble to establish Leeds as a major force in European football. It failed. Currently they're not even a force in Yorkshire football. Ridsdale was a self proclaimed fan in the director's box. He was also a media whore with an eye for a photo op (see his walk on the pitch to the Leeds fans at the height of his grandstanding). He left Leeds with a disastrous legacy which he's never properly acknowledged and after washing up briefly at Barnsley (who were also in free-fall) he is now fronting the consortium running Cardiff. The proverbial guy who falls in a dung heap and comes out smelling of aftershave. Well, Blue Stratos anyway.

5   Freddie Shepherd
Newcastle    A man with the looks of Austin Powers' foe Fat Bastard, but without the charm. Shepherd represents a corporate fat cat mentality that has come with the advent of the Premiership. He is owner caste equivalent of the footballing badge kisser, always ready with a trophy signing, P45 for the gaffer or yet another attention deflecting speech about the `Geordie Nation'. This odious man really showed off his true colours, and sadly much else, when he was the victim of a News of the World sting, where he laughed at the fans that bought overpriced shirts and slated Newcastle women. All this from the comfortable vantage point of a far eastern brothel.

6   George Reynolds
Darlington    This ex-con was a self made multi-millionaire who washed up at Darlington in 1999 promising to take them into the Premiership. Bizarrely, he then built the club a superb 27,000 seater stadium. Staggering, as the clubs average crowd was around 4,000. He totally failed to bring in the players necessary for progress and saddled the club with massive debts and a white elephant of a stadium. In 2005 after leaving the club, he was convicted of tax evasion and was sentenced to 3 years. A classic rags to riches to rags story.

7   Douglas Craig
York City    Craig first sprang to prominence in 1994 when he became the only club chairman to refuse to sign up to a national anti-racism campaign, a stance he maintained for six years. Craig almost sent City to the wall in 2002 when he `transferred' ownership of Bootham Crescent to a holding company for £165,000 and then tried to force the club to buy back the ground (for £4.5m!) or he would close the club down. A supporters Trust was founded and after a gargantuan effort, secured the ground and the clubs future. Craig, of course, made a massive profit. What was particularly galling was his role at the FA enabled him to participate in decisions such as the relocation of Wimbledon to Milton Keynes. It so reassuring to know that the fate of the game lies with such genuine people.

8   Terry Venables
Portsmouth    It's debatable whether El Tel has ever truly owned a club, but those which he has run have always managed to be in a much worse state than when he took over. Alan Sugar installed him as managing director at Spurs in 1991 after he'd failed to land the club with another business partner. Sugar dismissed Venables in 1993 after an acrimonious split. He later bought a 51% stake in Portsmouth in 1997 for £1, grabbed as much money as he legally could and disappeared back out of the door with the club bottom of the league. The DTI managed to get Venables disqualified from being a company director in 1998, partly down to his dealings at Tottenham. He has now settled down to the job he was surely destined for. Ruining a once formidable coaching reputation by playing Phil Neal to McLaren's Graham Taylor.

9   Robert Maxwell
Oxford Utd
Derby County    The bouncing Czech rolled into the university city, not noted for its footballing heritage, in 1982. Within 2 years he'd shown his commitment to the club by trying to buy Manchester United and attempting to merge Oxford with local rivals Reading, to form the ludicrously titled Thames Valley Royals. To be fair, the team performed miracles under his stewardship as the astute management of Jim Smith took them into the First Division in 1985 and then to a Milk Cup final victory in 1986. In 1987 Maxwell bought Derby and installed his son, Kevin, as Chairman at the Manor Ground. Oxford suffered heavily from the aftermath of Maxwell's suicide in 1991 and have never really recovered.

10   Stan Flashman
Barnet    Flashman was a Cockney ticket tout of the old school, operating in circles, shady even for lower league chairmen. More in the rogue than villain category, Flashman owned Barnet as they made it to the Football League under the gregarious management of Barry Fry. He ran the club from 1985 to 1993 and Fry reckoned he was sacked and reinstated 8 times during his tenure. Flashman died in 1999 aged 69.


Og nå fins det ikke kjeltringer i verden lenger..........   8)

Sier en del dette ja ;)
Flott innlegg!


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2409 på: April 11, 2014, 22:20:39 »
Dette er en god gammel artikkel som vel ble lenket til som trøst idet vi fikk Ken Bates som eier. Utvilsomt ytterst tvilsomme kjeltringer her, men fullstendig irrelevant for Fit and Proper-testen til Football League og deler av Leedsfansens latterlige martyrkomplekser.

1. Ken Richardson: Ute idet han ble dømt. Og om han fortsatt hadde vært inne, 1999, da han ble dømt er mer enn 10 år siden, og det var jo dyrisk slemt å trekke fram bedrageridommen til vår nye frelser fra 2001. Hvem er forutinntatt og har doble standarder her? FL eller Leedsfansen?

2.  "At Chesterfield the fans look back in anger and with frustration. The League described the Chesterfield affair as a watershed, which led the League to overhaul its disciplinary procedures, appoint an in-house lawyer and finally establish the fit-and-proper-person test for club directors, which they had previously and repeatedly said would be impossible to implement."

Andre eksempelet ditt er altså hovedårsaken til at vi HAR en fit and proper test. Etablert i 2004. Snodig at ingen feilet den før det.

3. Ute av fotballen fem år før Fit and Proper-testen. Nå er jeg spent på neste eksempel på Football Leagues manglende oppfølging av reglene sine. Skal vi ikke gi FrP skylden for den norske forsvarsberedskapen i 1940 også?

4. Herre Jesus! La oss ikke rippe mer opp i de sårene nå. La meg bare påpeke at også 2003 er FØR 2004, på samme måte som 1999. At mannen fortsatt får sitte i fotballklubber er utvilsomt en skandale, men han har jo klart å lure alle klubbene sine på andre eiere før skifteretten har tatt dem.

5. Dette er pinlig, Promo. Så han er tjukk og stygg, og syns at damene i Newcastle ikke er spesielt pene?

6. "In 2005 after leaving the club, he was convicted of tax evasion and was sentenced to 3 years." Men Yeboah burde jo elske denne mannen som våget å SATSE!

7. FInanskjeltring som strippa York for alle eiendeler og tjente penger på det. Umulig for FL å forutse, og mener du de skulle forutse det burde vel vår egen fengselsfugl heller ikke få overta noen klubb. Og York var overtatt av et Supporter's trust i mars 2003, månedsvis før Fit and Proper-testen var innført.

Da var det visst null eksempler igjen, da.

OK, her er en rekke av not-så-veldig-FIT:

No.    Owner / Club    Details

1   Ken Richardson
Doncaster    In 1995 Ken Richardson hired two local crooks to burn down the main stand. One, an ex SAS man, left his mobile phone at the scene and even the South Yorks plod managed to rumble the protagonists. Richardson was found guilty in 1999 and jailed for four years. Other stunts pulled included attempting to sell the ground even though it was owned by the council and his eccentric managerial appointment of a certain Mark Weaver who'd previously run the club shop. At Stockport.

2   Darren Brown
Chesterfield    Brown came to prominence with his ownership of the Sheffield Steelers ice hockey team, a dominant force in the sport. Brown wanted to branch into football and `bought' Chesterfield, a well run and profitable club, with money borrowed from the previous owner. He proceeded to run the club into the ground by robbing them of around £1m to fund a lavish lifestyle and prop up his other, ailing sports clubs. His extravagances included using club funds to buy a £2,500 lawn mower and paying the council tax of numerous American ice hockey players. The Serious Fraud Office investigated Brown and he was found guilty and sentenced to 4 years for his plundering of the club in 2004.

3   Anton Johnson
Scarborough    Johnson was a scoundrel who ran Rotherham into the ground in the early 1980s before owning Southend, without giving up his holdings at Millmoor. He illegally owned two clubs and was guilty of financial malpractice at both. In 1985 the FA banned him from ever being involved in football again. Naturally he washed up at Scarborough in 1998 after an abortive attempt to buy Doncaster off our old pal, Ken Richardson. Scarborough were relegated from the Football League in 1999.

4   Peter Ridsdale
Leeds Utd
Barnsley    "We lived the dream". Those words, we think, we're used to justify his suicidal financial gamble to establish Leeds as a major force in European football. It failed. Currently they're not even a force in Yorkshire football. Ridsdale was a self proclaimed fan in the director's box. He was also a media whore with an eye for a photo op (see his walk on the pitch to the Leeds fans at the height of his grandstanding). He left Leeds with a disastrous legacy which he's never properly acknowledged and after washing up briefly at Barnsley (who were also in free-fall) he is now fronting the consortium running Cardiff. The proverbial guy who falls in a dung heap and comes out smelling of aftershave. Well, Blue Stratos anyway.

5   Freddie Shepherd
Newcastle    A man with the looks of Austin Powers' foe Fat Bastard, but without the charm. Shepherd represents a corporate fat cat mentality that has come with the advent of the Premiership. He is owner caste equivalent of the footballing badge kisser, always ready with a trophy signing, P45 for the gaffer or yet another attention deflecting speech about the `Geordie Nation'. This odious man really showed off his true colours, and sadly much else, when he was the victim of a News of the World sting, where he laughed at the fans that bought overpriced shirts and slated Newcastle women. All this from the comfortable vantage point of a far eastern brothel.

6   George Reynolds
Darlington    This ex-con was a self made multi-millionaire who washed up at Darlington in 1999 promising to take them into the Premiership. Bizarrely, he then built the club a superb 27,000 seater stadium. Staggering, as the clubs average crowd was around 4,000. He totally failed to bring in the players necessary for progress and saddled the club with massive debts and a white elephant of a stadium. In 2005 after leaving the club, he was convicted of tax evasion and was sentenced to 3 years. A classic rags to riches to rags story.

7   Douglas Craig
York City    Craig first sprang to prominence in 1994 when he became the only club chairman to refuse to sign up to a national anti-racism campaign, a stance he maintained for six years. Craig almost sent City to the wall in 2002 when he `transferred' ownership of Bootham Crescent to a holding company for £165,000 and then tried to force the club to buy back the ground (for £4.5m!) or he would close the club down. A supporters Trust was founded and after a gargantuan effort, secured the ground and the clubs future. Craig, of course, made a massive profit. What was particularly galling was his role at the FA enabled him to participate in decisions such as the relocation of Wimbledon to Milton Keynes. It so reassuring to know that the fate of the game lies with such genuine people.

8   Terry Venables
Portsmouth    It's debatable whether El Tel has ever truly owned a club, but those which he has run have always managed to be in a much worse state than when he took over. Alan Sugar installed him as managing director at Spurs in 1991 after he'd failed to land the club with another business partner. Sugar dismissed Venables in 1993 after an acrimonious split. He later bought a 51% stake in Portsmouth in 1997 for £1, grabbed as much money as he legally could and disappeared back out of the door with the club bottom of the league. The DTI managed to get Venables disqualified from being a company director in 1998, partly down to his dealings at Tottenham. He has now settled down to the job he was surely destined for. Ruining a once formidable coaching reputation by playing Phil Neal to McLaren's Graham Taylor.

9   Robert Maxwell
Oxford Utd
Derby County    The bouncing Czech rolled into the university city, not noted for its footballing heritage, in 1982. Within 2 years he'd shown his commitment to the club by trying to buy Manchester United and attempting to merge Oxford with local rivals Reading, to form the ludicrously titled Thames Valley Royals. To be fair, the team performed miracles under his stewardship as the astute management of Jim Smith took them into the First Division in 1985 and then to a Milk Cup final victory in 1986. In 1987 Maxwell bought Derby and installed his son, Kevin, as Chairman at the Manor Ground. Oxford suffered heavily from the aftermath of Maxwell's suicide in 1991 and have never really recovered.

10   Stan Flashman
Barnet    Flashman was a Cockney ticket tout of the old school, operating in circles, shady even for lower league chairmen. More in the rogue than villain category, Flashman owned Barnet as they made it to the Football League under the gregarious management of Barry Fry. He ran the club from 1985 to 1993 and Fry reckoned he was sacked and reinstated 8 times during his tenure. Flashman died in 1999 aged 69.


Og nå fins det ikke kjeltringer i verden lenger..........   8)

- Leif Olav


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2410 på: April 11, 2014, 22:58:21 »
Utrolig spennende å følge denne polemikken, altså! Blir knapt med søvn om nettene, siden jeg sitter og venter på stadig nye og banebrytende innlegg. Før i tiden fulgte jeg litt med på fotball også, men det er fullstendig overskygget av dette.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2411 på: April 11, 2014, 23:10:32 »
Utrolig spennende å følge denne polemikken, altså! Blir knapt med søvn om nettene, siden jeg sitter og venter på stadig nye og banebrytende innlegg. Før i tiden fulgte jeg litt med på fotball også, men det er fullstendig overskygget av dette.

Jaggu godt du bidrar med denne perlen av et innlegg sjøl, da.  ::)
- Leif Olav


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2412 på: April 11, 2014, 23:23:43 »
Er det mulig å ønske seg en ny tråd med tittel " Halv- og helkriminelle fotballedere gjennom tidene?"  ;)


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2413 på: April 11, 2014, 23:35:18 »
Er det mulig å ønske seg en ny tråd med tittel " Halv- og helkriminelle fotballedere gjennom tidene?"  ;)

Plenty med materiale å ta av i hvert fall.  :D
- Leif Olav

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2414 på: April 11, 2014, 23:45:31 »
Er det mulig å ønske seg en ny tråd med tittel " Halv- og helkriminelle fotballedere gjennom tidene?"  ;)

Plenty med materiale å ta av i hvert fall.  :D

Da er altså konklusjonen at ingen som sitter i styrer i engelsk fotball er kjeltringer, før denne Cellino kom inn å ødela for The Football League.  ::)

Igrunnen greit for meg. Det var altså ikke det som var poenget. Jeg håper det er nok dritt rundt omkring som vil forplikte FL til mer action hvis de feller Cellino i juni.

Forøvrig så velger jeg å se på Cellino som en redningsmann, selv om jeg ikke tror han punger ut med avsindig mengder med penger. Han vil kanskje bli den som samler klubben Leeds United igjen med fans, stadion og treningsanlegg sammen med nye og bedre spillere!

I MOT er det et TOGETHER!  ;)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Erik M

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2415 på: April 12, 2014, 00:30:50 »

Jeg er Cellino-skeptiker.  Som de fleste er jeg veldig glad for at en løsning kom og jeg tror Cellino får fart i systemet på kort sikt.  Jeg er redd det ikke kommer til å funke veldig lenge.  Forhåpentlig er vi en langt mer attraktiv klubb når det begynner å kladde.

Men, jeg er et følelsesmenneske og denne uttalelsen gjør noe med meg, rett og slett:

“I have a stadium,” he shouts. “Never in my life have I had this. Twenty three years at Cagliari and the stadium is falling apart. They won’t let me build a new one. Now I have a stadium with supporters. What more do you want? The rest we can fix. We’ll fix the rest.”

Velkommen Massimo!


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2416 på: April 12, 2014, 00:37:30 »
Er det mulig å ønske seg en ny tråd med tittel " Halv- og helkriminelle fotballedere gjennom tidene?"  ;)

Plenty med materiale å ta av i hvert fall.  :D

Da er altså konklusjonen at ingen som sitter i styrer i engelsk fotball er kjeltringer, før denne Cellino kom inn å ødela for The Football League.  ::)

Det er vel det stikk motsatte av konklusjonen du siterer? Leser du noen av innleggene andre skriver i det hele tatt før du svarer på dem?
- Leif Olav

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2417 på: April 12, 2014, 00:44:15 »
Er det mulig å ønske seg en ny tråd med tittel " Halv- og helkriminelle fotballedere gjennom tidene?"  ;)

Plenty med materiale å ta av i hvert fall.  :D

Da er altså konklusjonen at ingen som sitter i styrer i engelsk fotball er kjeltringer, før denne Cellino kom inn å ødela for The Football League.  ::)

Det er vel det stikk motsatte av konklusjonen du siterer? Leser du noen av innleggene andre skriver i det hele tatt før du svarer på dem?

Nei, men jeg beklager meg litt over...........blant annet at du redigerer innleggene mine og prøver å tyde innholdet.  :D
« Siste redigering: April 12, 2014, 00:47:45 av Promotion 2010 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2419 på: April 12, 2014, 00:56:05 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2421 på: April 12, 2014, 06:55:39 »
Utrolig spennende å følge denne polemikken, altså! Blir knapt med søvn om nettene, siden jeg sitter og venter på stadig nye og banebrytende innlegg. Før i tiden fulgte jeg litt med på fotball også, men det er fullstendig overskygget av dette.

Jaggu godt du bidrar med denne perlen av et innlegg sjøl, da.  ::)
Bare hyggelig. Jeg kom av en eller annen grunn på noe jeg av og til har fundert på: Hva blir det av det en blander inn i en sementblander når det stivner? Merkelig at jeg skulle få slike assosiasjoner til akkurat denne diskusjonen.


"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2423 på: April 12, 2014, 08:31:07 »

Huff, her var det mye trist info :(

Kan vi nå enes om at Bates er, var og alltid har vært en løgnaktig kjeltring..?
But 2012-13 was a bad year in more respects than finance. The club chewed through another manager and finished 13th in the Championship with badly reduced attendances. The transition of power from Ken Bates to GFH was slow and unsettling. The 2012-13 accounts state that Bates took no payment as a director, though a company connected to him – Lutonville Holdings – cashed in preference shares to the tune of £4m, but other directors were rewarded handsomely: £753,938 in total across the rest of the board and £265,449 received by the highest earner. That same person amassed a bonus of £440,000 in the space of 12 months. That’s a salary more than £700,000 in all. Who pocketed it and what was the bonus for? We ought to be told.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2424 på: April 12, 2014, 08:40:05 »
Men nå har vi fått inn Cellino. ;)
Er helt overbevist om at ting blir ordnet opp i.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2425 på: April 12, 2014, 09:32:14 »

Utrolig lesing. Er ikke mulig med sportslig suksess når toppen er så råtten. Men nå er det nye tider og en får krysse fingrene og håpe Cellino får skikk på sakene.

Huff, her var det mye trist info :(

Kan vi nå enes om at Bates er, var og alltid har vært en løgnaktig kjeltring..?
But 2012-13 was a bad year in more respects than finance. The club chewed through another manager and finished 13th in the Championship with badly reduced attendances. The transition of power from Ken Bates to GFH was slow and unsettling. The 2012-13 accounts state that Bates took no payment as a director, though a company connected to him – Lutonville Holdings – cashed in preference shares to the tune of £4m, but other directors were rewarded handsomely: £753,938 in total across the rest of the board and £265,449 received by the highest earner. That same person amassed a bonus of £440,000 in the space of 12 months. That’s a salary more than £700,000 in all. Who pocketed it and what was the bonus for? We ought to be told.
Min jomfrukamp: 18.05.76
Viking- Leeds United  0-1    Tilsk. 9.429. 
Mc. Niven 22 min. Banens beste; Billy Bremner.   
Etter at Leeds United hadde fått sitt honorar satt Viking igjen med kr. 50 i overskudd til tross for 9.429 på tribunen.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2426 på: April 12, 2014, 09:53:05 »

Huff, her var det mye trist info :(

Kan vi nå enes om at Bates er, var og alltid har vært en løgnaktig kjeltring..?
But 2012-13 was a bad year in more respects than finance. The club chewed through another manager and finished 13th in the Championship with badly reduced attendances. The transition of power from Ken Bates to GFH was slow and unsettling. The 2012-13 accounts state that Bates took no payment as a director, though a company connected to him – Lutonville Holdings – cashed in preference shares to the tune of £4m, but other directors were rewarded handsomely: £753,938 in total across the rest of the board and £265,449 received by the highest earner. That same person amassed a bonus of £440,000 in the space of 12 months. That’s a salary more than £700,000 in all. Who pocketed it and what was the bonus for? We ought to be told.

Nå vet ikke jeg hvem og hvorfor, men dette er jo ikke MYE penger. På samme måte som klubben dekket Bates sine flyturer for 5mill nkr hvert år. Man er ganske naiv hvis man tror en eier bare gir og ikke tar..
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2427 på: April 12, 2014, 12:41:07 »

Huff, her var det mye trist info :(

Kan vi nå enes om at Bates er, var og alltid har vært en løgnaktig kjeltring..?
But 2012-13 was a bad year in more respects than finance. The club chewed through another manager and finished 13th in the Championship with badly reduced attendances. The transition of power from Ken Bates to GFH was slow and unsettling. The 2012-13 accounts state that Bates took no payment as a director, though a company connected to him – Lutonville Holdings – cashed in preference shares to the tune of £4m, but other directors were rewarded handsomely: £753,938 in total across the rest of the board and £265,449 received by the highest earner. That same person amassed a bonus of £440,000 in the space of 12 months. That’s a salary more than £700,000 in all. Who pocketed it and what was the bonus for? We ought to be told.

Nå vet ikke jeg hvem og hvorfor, men dette er jo ikke MYE penger. På samme måte som klubben dekket Bates sine flyturer for 5mill nkr hvert år. Man er ganske naiv hvis man tror en eier bare gir og ikke tar..

Både enig og uenig.
Jeg vil si drøye sju millioner i lønn for å sitte i styret i en andredivisjonsklubb i fotball er mye.
At et selskap selger aksjene sine for 40 mill er vel mindre dramatisk?
- Leif Olav


Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2428 på: April 12, 2014, 13:29:11 »

Huff, her var det mye trist info :(

Kan vi nå enes om at Bates er, var og alltid har vært en løgnaktig kjeltring..?
But 2012-13 was a bad year in more respects than finance. The club chewed through another manager and finished 13th in the Championship with badly reduced attendances. The transition of power from Ken Bates to GFH was slow and unsettling. The 2012-13 accounts state that Bates took no payment as a director, though a company connected to him – Lutonville Holdings – cashed in preference shares to the tune of £4m, but other directors were rewarded handsomely: £753,938 in total across the rest of the board and £265,449 received by the highest earner. That same person amassed a bonus of £440,000 in the space of 12 months. That’s a salary more than £700,000 in all. Who pocketed it and what was the bonus for? We ought to be told.

Nå vet ikke jeg hvem og hvorfor, men dette er jo ikke MYE penger. På samme måte som klubben dekket Bates sine flyturer for 5mill nkr hvert år. Man er ganske naiv hvis man tror en eier bare gir og ikke tar..

Både enig og uenig.
Jeg vil si drøye sju millioner i lønn for å sitte i styret i en andredivisjonsklubb i fotball er mye.
At et selskap selger aksjene sine for 40 mill er vel mindre dramatisk?

Det er "mye", men samtidig betaler vi middelmådigheter det samme for å sitte på benken eller kun for å trene.
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Ny hovedaksjonær: Massimo Cellino 5/4-14 #ForzaLeeds
« Svar #2429 på: April 13, 2014, 13:30:10 »
Simon Austin
Cellino has returnere to Miami for a short break.

@lufcThommo definitely. Daniel Arty has also returned to Miami. One of Cellino's sons in Italy, the other in Miami. So not clear.

He's bought a flat in Leeds. No idication that Cellinos wife will move to Leeds.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973