Er Leeds United på konkursens rand?

Started by Kato, February 05, 2014, 10:40:54

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Helt forferdelig det som skjer med klubben vår....
We are Leeds, We are Proud, Standing up, Singing loud,
and there's nothing you can do against the Yellow Whites and Blue!


Innlegg i YEP:
I've accepted (with a heavy heart) that we are on a road to knowhere.

1. We have no ground

2. We have no training facilities

3. We have no super rich people wanting our club.

4. We have no credible management

5. We have no credible board of directors

6. We have no chance of getting to the Premier league.


All that we have but in these times regretfully it's not enough...

Best fans in the world.

What will probably happen is a complete meltdown and we will disappear.


1. Start again with fans owning the club

2. Apply to the FL as the new Leeds United.

3. It will take 10 years to get back up to where we belong but at least it's better than another 10 years of this where criminals rip us off and take our money.

RIP the old Leeds United

Arise from the ashes the NEW Leeds United.

Then we can all MOT to a new bright future and without that loser BM

Joe Jordan


In the simplest terms, GFH believe Cellino made that six-month commitment to cover the club’s wage bill and costs.
And Cellino started in that vein, paying the wages and money to creditors for January and February and also an outstanding loan of £1.7million to a sponsor. But the Italian has now said he will not inject further funds and that the responsibility to pay the wages has returned to GFH.
This is something GFH contest.Central to the dispute is who, legally, now owns the club. The League might think it is still GFH, but Cellino is believed to have paid at least £7m for shares in the club, as well as the £6.5m towards wages and the payment of the loan.The £7m payment for shares came when he believed League approval would be a formality.
GFH, as well as believing they have no further financial responsibilities for Leeds, also say the shares are Cellino’s to sell, not theirs.

Om det er noe som helst slags sannhet i dette så er jo GFH enda mer håpløs enn det jeg kunne forestille meg. Hvordan selger man aksjemajoriteten til en person som ennå ikke var godkjent av FL? De må jo ha vært HELT desperat etter cash...  

EDIT: Ser at dette er diskutert også i Cellino tråden.  :P
'If they hadn't scored, we would've won.' - Howard Wilkinson


Quote from: Promotion 2010 on March 24, 2014, 16:02:54
Quote from: Jon R on March 24, 2014, 15:59:19
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on March 24, 2014, 15:35:56
Quote from: Jon R on March 24, 2014, 12:53:09
Dette kan dessverre bli forumets mest debatterte tråd i dagene som kommer...

Klubbens skjebne kan nå være i hendene på GHF/ Togheter Leeds. Intet drømmescenario akkurat, spesielt dersom summen/essensen av alle ryktene og spekulasjonene om disse aktørene er nogelunde i tråd med "virkeligheten"...

På to timer er Wickham og Peltier ute av lønningslista!

Ã... tro på GFH er som å tro på at jorda er flat!

Sikkert "tilfeldig"... ::)

Ã... tilbringe en lørdag på en totalt død Elland Road sammen med 20.000 som hadde mistet troen har jeg ikke gjort før!

Helt enig med deg promotion... Har ikke opplevd Elland Road på den måten før...


Quote from: Joe Jordan on March 27, 2014, 08:45:02

In the simplest terms, GFH believe Cellino made that six-month commitment to cover the club’s wage bill and costs.
And Cellino started in that vein, paying the wages and money to creditors for January and February and also an outstanding loan of £1.7million to a sponsor. But the Italian has now said he will not inject further funds and that the responsibility to pay the wages has returned to GFH.
This is something GFH contest.Central to the dispute is who, legally, now owns the club. The League might think it is still GFH, but Cellino is believed to have paid at least £7m for shares in the club, as well as the £6.5m towards wages and the payment of the loan.The £7m payment for shares came when he believed League approval would be a formality.
GFH, as well as believing they have no further financial responsibilities for Leeds, also say the shares are Cellino’s to sell, not theirs.

Om det er noe som helst slags sannhet i dette så er jo GFH enda mer håpløs enn det jeg kunne forestille meg. Hvordan selger man aksjemajoriteten til en person som ennå ikke var godkjent av FL? De må jo ha vært HELT desperat etter cash...  

EDIT: Ser at dette er diskutert også i Cellino tråden.  :P

Spørsmålet er vle heller: Hvorfor kjøpe en Ferrari når man ikke vet om man har stått på førerprøven?
- Leif Olav


Quote from: lojosang on March 27, 2014, 10:09:46
Quote from: Joe Jordan on March 27, 2014, 08:45:02

In the simplest terms, GFH believe Cellino made that six-month commitment to cover the club’s wage bill and costs.
And Cellino started in that vein, paying the wages and money to creditors for January and February and also an outstanding loan of £1.7million to a sponsor. But the Italian has now said he will not inject further funds and that the responsibility to pay the wages has returned to GFH.
This is something GFH contest.Central to the dispute is who, legally, now owns the club. The League might think it is still GFH, but Cellino is believed to have paid at least £7m for shares in the club, as well as the £6.5m towards wages and the payment of the loan.The £7m payment for shares came when he believed League approval would be a formality.
GFH, as well as believing they have no further financial responsibilities for Leeds, also say the shares are Cellino’s to sell, not theirs.

Om det er noe som helst slags sannhet i dette så er jo GFH enda mer håpløs enn det jeg kunne forestille meg. Hvordan selger man aksjemajoriteten til en person som ennå ikke var godkjent av FL? De må jo ha vært HELT desperat etter cash...  

EDIT: Ser at dette er diskutert også i Cellino tråden.  :P

Spørsmålet er vle heller: Hvorfor kjøpe en Ferrari når man ikke vet om man har stått på førerprøven?
Problemet her er at de som avgjør om man har bestått førerprøven, ikke har førerkort selv...noen av dem >:(
Komplett inkompetent og inhabil gutteklubb!!!!!


Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on March 27, 2014, 10:56:44
Quote from: lojosang on March 27, 2014, 10:09:46
Quote from: Joe Jordan on March 27, 2014, 08:45:02

In the simplest terms, GFH believe Cellino made that six-month commitment to cover the club’s wage bill and costs.
And Cellino started in that vein, paying the wages and money to creditors for January and February and also an outstanding loan of £1.7million to a sponsor. But the Italian has now said he will not inject further funds and that the responsibility to pay the wages has returned to GFH.
This is something GFH contest.Central to the dispute is who, legally, now owns the club. The League might think it is still GFH, but Cellino is believed to have paid at least £7m for shares in the club, as well as the £6.5m towards wages and the payment of the loan.The £7m payment for shares came when he believed League approval would be a formality.
GFH, as well as believing they have no further financial responsibilities for Leeds, also say the shares are Cellino’s to sell, not theirs.

Om det er noe som helst slags sannhet i dette så er jo GFH enda mer håpløs enn det jeg kunne forestille meg. Hvordan selger man aksjemajoriteten til en person som ennå ikke var godkjent av FL? De må jo ha vært HELT desperat etter cash...  

EDIT: Ser at dette er diskutert også i Cellino tråden.  :P

Spørsmålet er vle heller: Hvorfor kjøpe en Ferrari når man ikke vet om man har stått på førerprøven?
Problemet her er at de som avgjør om man har bestått førerprøven, ikke har førerkort selv...noen av dem >:(
Komplett inkompetent og inhabil gutteklubb!!!!!

Fem utropstegn.
Trenger ikke argumenter da.
- Leif Olav


Innlegg på teamtalk:
SHAMELESS FIDDLE concerning Oxlade-Chamberlain not being banned for that sending off mix up. Hes not to be punished for cheating BECAUSE THE BALL WAS GOING WIDE. This is yet another example of the authorities manipulating things to suit their pals. Its the same mentality that lets Rooney off after his forearm smash against McCarthy of Wigan. Some cheats just get away with things. Dont anyone ever dare say football is run fairly. How do you think West Ham are in the Premiership, while Sheffield United are in League One? Anything to do with Sir Trevor Brooking being Director of Football Development with the FA or is that a coincidence? Colour me cynical.

Promotion 2010

Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on March 27, 2014, 10:58:32
Innlegg på teamtalk:
SHAMELESS FIDDLE concerning Oxlade-Chamberlain not being banned for that sending off mix up. Hes not to be punished for cheating BECAUSE THE BALL WAS GOING WIDE. This is yet another example of the authorities manipulating things to suit their pals. Its the same mentality that lets Rooney off after his forearm smash against McCarthy of Wigan. Some cheats just get away with things. Dont anyone ever dare say football is run fairly. How do you think West Ham are in the Premiership, while Sheffield United are in League One? Anything to do with Sir Trevor Brooking being Director of Football Development with the FA or is that a coincidence? Colour me cynical.

Kjøpte nettopp en bok i Leeds om hvordan fotballmyndigheter har snytt klubben for mesterskap og muligheter til å forsette å etablere seg i toppen i England siden klubben så dagens lys første gang!  >:(
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Leedsfan on March 27, 2014, 14:00:00
Fra Salem Patel selv:

Er vi nå så sikre på om han står bak dette? Det er i såfall å underskrive på sin egen avskjed.

Det spekuleres forresten også på om den er iverksatt allerede!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Jeg vet ikke hvordan de fant det ut, men de virker ganske sikre. Flaut for han og flaut for oss!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Funderer på om 20% rabatten i Online Superstore er i håp om å få inn nok penger til spillerlønninger.
"The only difference between Leeds United and a circus is that a circus only has one clown!" - Peter Beagrie 14-02-2014

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Pheriox on March 27, 2014, 21:49:28
Funderer på om 20% rabatten i Online Superstore er i håp om å få inn nok penger til spillerlønninger.

Og to for prisen av en!

Opphørssalg?    ;)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Ryktes sterkt om administrasjon nå, at GFH har kontaktet ulike forretningsadvokater for å sette opp en administrasjon ala Bates.

Får de til det så får fotballklubben aldri noe på krita igjen eller lån med normale renter..

Har du mer champagne igjen Lojosang?
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Jon R

Quote from: Leedsfan on March 27, 2014, 23:53:37
Ryktes sterkt om administrasjon nå, at GFH har kontaktet ulike forretningsadvokater for å sette opp en administrasjon ala Bates.

Får de til det så får fotballklubben aldri noe på krita igjen eller lån med normale renter..

Har du mer champagne igjen Lojosang?

Det henger liksom ikke på greip. Hvis administrasjon taper jo GHF alt. Jeg er ingen finansekspert men det da være bedre å selge til redusert pris til hvem som helst som er villig til å drive klubben videre og som er "fit and proper" etter FL standard...?  :-\
Jon R.


Quote from: Jon R on March 28, 2014, 00:37:43
Quote from: Leedsfan on March 27, 2014, 23:53:37
Ryktes sterkt om administrasjon nå, at GFH har kontaktet ulike forretningsadvokater for å sette opp en administrasjon ala Bates.

Får de til det så får fotballklubben aldri noe på krita igjen eller lån med normale renter..

Har du mer champagne igjen Lojosang?

Det henger liksom ikke på greip. Hvis administrasjon taper jo GHF alt. Jeg er ingen finansekspert men det da være bedre å selge til redusert pris til hvem som helst som er villig til å drive klubben videre og som er "fit and proper" etter FL standard...?  :-\ 'spillet' viser bare hvor kynisk finansverden er...GFH..har ikke ord om hva jeg mener om framstår jo som totalt komplette idioter...skulle ikke tro en eneste av dem har bestått gode gamle Bed.øk. på gymnaset...
There's only ONE United - LEEDS UNITED!

Jon R

Quote from: JacobScreek on March 28, 2014, 00:42:12
Quote from: Jon R on March 28, 2014, 00:37:43
Quote from: Leedsfan on March 27, 2014, 23:53:37
Ryktes sterkt om administrasjon nå, at GFH har kontaktet ulike forretningsadvokater for å sette opp en administrasjon ala Bates.

Får de til det så får fotballklubben aldri noe på krita igjen eller lån med normale renter..

Har du mer champagne igjen Lojosang?y

Det henger liksom ikke på greip. Hvis administrasjon taper jo GHF alt. Jeg er ingen finansekspert men det da være bedre å selge til redusert pris til hvem som helst som er villig til å drive klubben videre og som er "fit and proper" etter FL standard...?  :-\ 'spillet' viser bare hvor kynisk finansverden er...GHF..har ikke ord om hva jeg mener om framstår jo som totalt komplette idioter...skulle ikke tro en eneste av dem har bestått gode gamle Bed.øk. på gymnaset...

Ikke uten videre enig. Hadde det ikke vært for FL hadde jo planen deres holdt vann: Kjøpe klubben, drive den på kort sikt og selge den med fortjeneste til noen  med penger nok til å utvikle klubben videre.

Ã... ta oss til administrasjon nå derimot, gir absolutt  ingen mening, med eller uten Bed øk....
Jon R.


Phil Hay ‏@PhilHayYEP 2 min

General staff appear to have received money, but the players haven't
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Noe å tenke over her....
innlegg på teamtalk:
I am all in favour of fan participation, but football at the level Leeds wants to play is an expensive business. Let us just do a quick calculation. Lets say we could acquire the club for nothing. WE would instantly owe Cellino £6M, and to buy back ER a further £12M and TA say £6M. The club are losing over £500,000 a month. Now lets say we change nothing and we have 50,000 supporters willing to support the club. That £10 a head every month. The manager wants to buy a player at £2m that is £40 from 50,000 supporters. But since average gates are only 22,000 and some of those are kids you are probably looking at only 10,000 who would cough up. That becomes £50 a head every month just to keep up with payments and an extra £200 per head for every £2M player the manager wants. And all that on top of paying for season tickets and match tickets. It is just not feasible I am afraid.

Joe Jordan

Ingen lønn til spillerne i dag men ihvertfall én spiller som fortsatt bryr seg om klubben:

Ross McCormack ‏@Rossmccormack44  54m
Regardless what's going on we have a game tomorrow which us as players owe to every1 including ourselves to go out and win! Off to training

Hadde resten av røkla hatt samme innstilling de siste 15 kampene hadde de kanskje kunne tatt imot en lønnslipp med god samvittighet...
'If they hadn't scored, we would've won.' - Howard Wilkinson


Quote from: Joe Jordan on March 28, 2014, 10:43:50
Ingen lønn til spillerne i dag men ihvertfall én spiller som fortsatt bryr seg om klubben:

Ross McCormack ‏@Rossmccormack44  54m
Regardless what's going on we have a game tomorrow which us as players owe to every1 including ourselves to go out and win! Off to training

Hadde resten av røkla hatt samme innstilling de siste 15 kampene hadde de kanskje kunne tatt imot en lønnslipp med god samvittighet...

Fordi om de ikke Twitrer om det vet vel vi relativt lite om hva de andre spillerne føler. Har liten tro på at Ross er alene her.
Marching On! 4276

Promotion 2010


Leeds United have missed payment of wages to their players, the Yorkshire Evening Post has learned.

General staff at Elland Road received their salaries for March as expected this morning but the playing squad at Leeds were not paid as scheduled.

The worrying development comes after a week of arguments between club owner Gulf Finance House and prospective buyer Massimo Cellino over who should fund this month’s wage bill.

The Professional Footballers’ Association, the players union, had been in touch with the squad at Leeds in the past 48 hours amid fears that wages would not be forthcoming.

More to follow.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Quote from: Promotion 2010 on March 28, 2014, 10:55:19

Leeds United have missed payment of wages to their players, the Yorkshire Evening Post has learned.

General staff at Elland Road received their salaries for March as expected this morning but the playing squad at Leeds were not paid as scheduled.

The worrying development comes after a week of arguments between club owner Gulf Finance House and prospective buyer Massimo Cellino over who should fund this month’s wage bill.

The Professional Footballers’ Association, the players union, had been in touch with the squad at Leeds in the past 48 hours amid fears that wages would not be forthcoming.

More to follow.

Bare beviser at FL er komplett inkompetente og et unødvendig supperåd med for mye makt >:(
Hvordan i all verden kan det være slik at Bates og siden GFH blir godkjente som "fit and proper"?
Det er fullstendig latterlig hele greia :(
Hvordan kan det være det beste for klubben at den går i administrasjon? og med poengtrekk?


Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on March 28, 2014, 11:27:52
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on March 28, 2014, 10:55:19

Leeds United have missed payment of wages to their players, the Yorkshire Evening Post has learned.

General staff at Elland Road received their salaries for March as expected this morning but the playing squad at Leeds were not paid as scheduled.

The worrying development comes after a week of arguments between club owner Gulf Finance House and prospective buyer Massimo Cellino over who should fund this month’s wage bill.

The Professional Footballers’ Association, the players union, had been in touch with the squad at Leeds in the past 48 hours amid fears that wages would not be forthcoming.

More to follow.

Bare beviser at FL er komplett inkompetente og et unødvendig supperåd med for mye makt >:(
Hvordan i all verden kan det være slik at Bates og siden GFH blir godkjente som "fit and proper"?
Det er fullstendig latterlig hele greia :(
Hvordan kan det være det beste for klubben at den går i administrasjon? og med poengtrekk?

De burde komme med et krav om GFH helt ut når de gir Cellino tilslaget!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Quote from: Bjorn on March 28, 2014, 10:45:47
Quote from: Joe Jordan on March 28, 2014, 10:43:50
Ingen lønn til spillerne i dag men ihvertfall én spiller som fortsatt bryr seg om klubben:

Ross McCormack ‏@Rossmccormack44  54m
Regardless what's going on we have a game tomorrow which us as players owe to every1 including ourselves to go out and win! Off to training

Hadde resten av røkla hatt samme innstilling de siste 15 kampene hadde de kanskje kunne tatt imot en lønnslipp med god samvittighet...

Fordi om de ikke Twitrer om det vet vel vi relativt lite om hva de andre spillerne føler. Har liten tro på at Ross er alene her.
En del av kritikken av spillerenes bruk av SoMe har gått på når de ytrer seg. Hver gang Leeds vinner (sjeldent nå for tida), er spillerne ute på Twitter for å motta rosen. I nedgangstider, derimot, er de tause som østers. Virker som kun McCormack er jevnlig på Twitter, uansett sportslig trend.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020