Skrevet av Emne: Together Leeds 1 & 2  (Lest 17345 ganger)

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Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #30 på: Mars 29, 2014, 00:16:54 »
27/3-2014:  ENDELIG!

Together Leeds insist it can provide the answer to the problems at Leeds, and is adamant the Championship club's plight should not be allowed to worsen.

Farnan said: "We are a very sound group. We are a very experienced group. We have the interests of the football club at heart. We do not want to the see the club going into administration.

"If Massimo Cellino fails with the appeal, we want to be the alternative choice to take this football club forwards.

"We believe we have the ability, the money, the will and the strategy to take the club from the starting line next year, equal terms to everybody else in the Championship, to give us a good shot at Premier League."

He added on Sky Sports News: "We have enough (money). We have a clean, clear strategy. We have the funds available. The money we put in has to help this club back to where it belongs, and that's the Premier League.

"This is a big club; it needs a group of people, like-minded people, people from Yorkshire, people who actually care about the football club, belong to the football club, and are fans of the football club, to take it forward.

"We've been asking for a meeting with the owners for some time now and we are insisting we should have that meeting and we are prepared to sit down, show those owners proof of funds, show them we have the ability to take the club forwards, show them we have a vision, show them we have a strategy and show them we have the will, the way and the know-how to take the club forward."

Farnan would not commit to keeping manager Brian McDermott at the club, were Together Leeds to take over.

"I think that's a slightly unfair question at the moment. Brian has done a very good job in very difficult circumstances and you have to feel sorry for him at times," Farnan said.


Og enda er det flere dager til 1.april :-)


Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #31 på: Mars 29, 2014, 06:53:15 »
27/3-2014:  ENDELIG!

Together Leeds insist it can provide the answer to the problems at Leeds, and is adamant the Championship club's plight should not be allowed to worsen.

Farnan said: "We are a very sound group. We are a very experienced group. We have the interests of the football club at heart. We do not want to the see the club going into administration.

"If Massimo Cellino fails with the appeal, we want to be the alternative choice to take this football club forwards.

"We believe we have the ability, the money, the will and the strategy to take the club from the starting line next year, equal terms to everybody else in the Championship, to give us a good shot at Premier League."

He added on Sky Sports News: "We have enough (money). We have a clean, clear strategy. We have the funds available. The money we put in has to help this club back to where it belongs, and that's the Premier League.

"This is a big club; it needs a group of people, like-minded people, people from Yorkshire, people who actually care about the football club, belong to the football club, and are fans of the football club, to take it forward.

"We've been asking for a meeting with the owners for some time now and we are insisting we should have that meeting and we are prepared to sit down, show those owners proof of funds, show them we have the ability to take the club forwards, show them we have a vision, show them we have a strategy and show them we have the will, the way and the know-how to take the club forward."

Farnan would not commit to keeping manager Brian McDermott at the club, were Together Leeds to take over.

"I think that's a slightly unfair question at the moment. Brian has done a very good job in very difficult circumstances and you have to feel sorry for him at times," Farnan said.

Skeptisk ,hvor mye penger har de , hvem er de og har de egne penger eller må de låne ?,vill de kjøpe tilbake elland road og torp arch ?.

Det vill vell også ta veldig lang tid for dem å forhandle frem en avtale med dagens gale eiere .
Er de villig til å betale driften av leeds mens de venter ?
Ã… ikke vite svara på alt dette gjør at jeg fortsatt inderlig håper på et mirakel å at cellino er den som til slutt blir vår nye eier .


Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #32 på: Mars 29, 2014, 07:00:50 »
Vi trenger ikke en gjeng glade amatører som vil leke klubbeier og trener. Som eier trengs ett råskinn, med kontakter, penger og engasjemang. Ã… drive fotballklubb er ikke en søndagsskole jobb. Men det vet vi jo alle.
Farnan og Pearson er ikke akkurat amatører, da.

For øvrig ville jeg ikke nøle med å beskrive Bates som et råskinn med kontakter og penger.
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974


Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #33 på: Mars 30, 2014, 00:12:40 »
TogetherLeeds say they have the funds in place for the takeover

Farnan sier:
"This club can not go too administason, we have alteretiv to that"

BBC Radio Leeds' Katherine Hannah spoke to Mike Farnan this morning and asked him whether given the financial difficulties at Leeds and Cellino's continued battle, is he still determined to show TogetherLeeds is a viable alternative?
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #35 på: April 02, 2014, 22:32:38 »
Vi trenger ikke en gjeng glade amatører som vil leke klubbeier og trener. Som eier trengs på dett råskinn, med kontakter, penger og engasjemang. Ã… drive fotballklubb er ikke en søndagsskole jobb. Men det vet vi jo alle.
Farnan og Pearson er ikke akkurat amatører, da.

For øvrig ville jeg ikke nøle med å beskrive Bates som et råskinn med kontakter og penger.

Men uten egasjemang. Det var ingen vilje til invistering i klassespillere. Bates måtte jo forstå en ikke tjener
 penger i kjøp av en fotballklubb. Her dreier det seg kun om engasjement på grensen til lidenskap.
Min jomfrukamp: 18.05.76
Viking- Leeds United  0-1    Tilsk. 9.429. 
Mc. Niven 22 min. Banens beste; Billy Bremner.   
Etter at Leeds United hadde fått sitt honorar satt Viking igjen med kr. 50 i overskudd til tross for 9.429 på tribunen.


Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #36 på: April 03, 2014, 00:51:04 »
TL med penger kan jo bli bra. Men nå må det for h*****e en Leeds-takeover bli gjennomført uten at det tar på årevis....

Vi trenger nådd stabilitet og endring på en og samme tid.... Umulig oppgave??

Promotion 2010

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #37 på: April 03, 2014, 16:10:29 »
Farnan intervju i dag på BBC:

"Leeds United a global brand!"  :)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #39 på: April 05, 2014, 12:17:53 »

 ka01  Morning all, I am going to become Mr paranoid for a while! According to the Daily Mail this morning "opponents" of Mike Farnan are calling in to doubt his suitability to be involved in the running of Leeds Utd. The reason? Apparently he left a job at Sunderland and nobody will say why he left. Neither the Club or Mr Farnan so it must be dodgy. Just as likely to be something along the Eric Cantona/Lee Chapman line but no it must be dodgy. 1) Who are these "opponents"? (Couldn't be the Daily Mail writers?) 2) What makes him unsuitable? It seems like anyone who says they have the money or finance to buy back ER and build a squad to challenge properly for promotion instantly becomes unsuitable! This looks like another case of media trying to stir. The ridiculous anti Leeds Utd bias in the media is becoming part of this farce! For those who say I am being paranoid consider this:- Has anyone in the media seriously questioned the way the FL have handled this? Have they queried why this take over is being treated differently and why it is taking so long? The FL have been able to do just what they want and take as long as they want because nobody from the media wants to challenge them, As far as most of the media the FL can do as much damage to LUFC as they want! This is the same media who stood by and watched Ken Bates tear the Club apart and let it stagnate for most of his tenure. They just kept quiet. They were quite happy to sit and watch LUFC tread water at best and even better go backwards. The same media who as soon as anyone says they want to spend money on LUFC start stirring things up. Yes my evidence may be circumstantial but does anyone have any evidence circumstantial or otherwise to show the opposite? The only time the media gave any support to LUFC was when Howard Wilkinson's team won the League and David O'Leary's team was going well in Europe but even then it always appeared grudging support and little digs would be thrown in about tactics, being lucky and couldn't last. Right paranoid attack over and back to getting ready to watch Wigan game and hoping for a miracle!!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

« Siste redigering: April 05, 2014, 12:52:39 av Promotion 2010 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #41 på: April 05, 2014, 20:18:47 »
Mike Farnan
Congratulations Massimo #lufc

Gary Verity
Congratulations Massimo #lufc

Ubesvart spørsmål til Verity
Will you be Chairman of @leeds ?


Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #42 på: April 05, 2014, 20:21:23 »
Poppet Farnan
@FarnanM on Sky sports news this evening at half 7 giving his reaction to #cellino appeal

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #44 på: Mai 31, 2014, 14:47:06 »
Paul Fisher
@FarnanM mike have u had any sort of dialogue with cellino with regards to purchasing a stake in leeds?

Mike Farnan
@fisherpaul330 Yes I met him at ER, spent four hours discussing how we could work together

Paul Fisher
@FarnanM was it a constructive meeting mike or do you feel its going nowhere?

Mike Farnan
@fisherpaul330 yes it was but he needs time to clear up the mess

På managerfronten tipper Farnan:

@Poz89 If I were a betting man Di Matteo and NOT Di Canio

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Together Leeds
« Svar #45 på: Desember 14, 2014, 23:30:34 »
Søkte etter en tråd som omhandlet Farnan, Verity og flere, men fant ikke. Finnes den?

Det rører seg litt på Twitter i kveld!
@FarnanM: Anyone who wants to support the #togetherleeds initiative please register your interest by emailing this is your time

@FarnanM: A lot of questions naturally on how it will work. Forming a committee by the fans for the fans will be first step, so register your interest

I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Jon R

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #46 på: Desember 15, 2014, 12:26:10 »
Søkte etter en tråd som omhandlet Farnan, Verity og flere, men fant ikke. Finnes den?

Den fantes!  ;)
Jon R.


Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #47 på: Desember 15, 2014, 19:26:53 »
Søkte etter en tråd som omhandlet Farnan, Verity og flere, men fant ikke. Finnes den?

Den fantes!  ;)
fattar inte grejen med detta, kommer splittra fansen i 2 falanger

Promotion 2010

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #48 på: Desember 15, 2014, 20:00:45 »
Søkte etter en tråd som omhandlet Farnan, Verity og flere, men fant ikke. Finnes den?

Den fantes!  ;)

Vel det er DENNE! Sjekk en - 1 - side tilbake!   ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #49 på: Januar 09, 2015, 00:06:24 »
Et nytt initiativ, som vi kan kalle Together Leeds 2 er på vei.  Dette er fansen selv som nå vil inn å kjøpe de 25% av klubben som de mener GHF misligholder. Spennende tider:


The Scratching ShedLeeds United

Robert Endeacott on the Together Leeds meeting and ousting GFH

Posted by Robert Endeacott

The Scratching Shed is pleased to welcome author and Leeds United fan, Robert Endeacott, who is here to discuss the recent Together Leeds meeting and plans for part fan ownership of the club. 

I don’t recall where I saw first mentioned an interview with Mike Farnan on a new (to me at least) website but I visited the site anyway. I’m glad I did, it’s an excellent site and the interview highly interesting. Plenty of previously unanswered questions were finally explained by the ‘mysterious’ Mike Farnan. He came across as honest, a man who had been part of a realistic solution to the ownership issues plaguing ‘our’ club, a solution that nonetheless was ridiculed and denounced by the reverend GFH amongst others. We now know why GFH behaved that way and we the fans have suffered ever since of course.

I sent an email to Together Leeds expressing my interest and offering any help I could give, to get Leeds back on track with the involvement of good people. I emphasised the good part. That interview also confirmed the involvement of a couple of significant supporters, the main one being Gary Verity. For me, Verity’s presence ‘on board’ the initiative is massive, the work he has done in recent years is outstanding and he has to be one of the very best names possible to be associated with our club.

A few days later I received an invitation to attend a meeting of around a dozen individuals, all Leeds United fans, with no agenda as such but an opportunity to meet like-minded fans, to further question Mike Farnan and to discuss new ideas for a new initiative. That’s how it all happened, Meeting 1: no espionage, no conspiracy, no cock and bull story. No bullshit.

No hidden or prior agenda either, no ‘axes to grind’, no fights to fight or old scores to settle, just an open discussion amongst ardent Leeds fans. I understand there have been plenty of differences of opinion between certain attendees in the past, but this wasn’t,isn’t about any Leeds fans thinking they’re better than any other Leeds fans, or anyone trying to prove they’re more passionate or more correct than anyone else, it’s about Leeds fans trying to unite and work together to have a significant, united say in the running of the club. It’s about Together Leeds, the name which we have taken from Mike Farnan & co (now the Farnan/Verity initiative), the primary aim being the 25% of shares not owned by Massimo Cellino. Cellino is not everyone’s favourite person of course but he was not discussed very much at all in the meeting as he is not a target nor, I believe, is he the real enemy.

At the meeting, we were each asked to individually introduce ourselves to the whole group seated around the table. Public speaking is not a favourite pastime, and I know I’m far from alone in that, but anyway I did it and I didn’t embarrass myself too much. No one did, it felt like the opposite to me in fact, we were clearly all allies in our love for LUFC, and there isn’t a room big enough in the world to fit in all the Leeds fans who feel as passionate and who care as much for our club. So there I was, telling the group about a few LU-related books I’ve done, and about how long I’ve been a fan even though I’ve no idea what my first game was, stuff like that, when I suddenly found myself rambling down Memory Lane to my late Dad’s career as one of the ground staff – how he always supported the team, worked his proverbials off, never let anyone down, practically idolized Don Revie OBE. For most of his 26 years at Elland Road, my Dad’s boss was head groundsman John Reynolds, another great bloke who also is no longer with us and is a huge loss to the family spirit of Leeds United.

Anyway, to cut to it: at the risk of being looked upon as a hopeless, over-dramatic dreamer or somesuch, I explained to the group that it’s thanks to my Dad that I’ve always been a Leeds fan. Being born and having lived in Beeston all my life has helped too of course, but I know for a fact that the good stories about Don Revie and the club’s treatment of all its employees were true. Those memories have inspired me all my life. The one where ground staff are toiling on the Elland Road pitch in freezing conditions, trying to tend to the pitch (before the undersoil heating) and Don Revie came out carrying a tray of whisky tumblers to help keep them warm, my Dad was one of those grafters. That was true, as was the club’s directors providing all full-time employees with a free fresh turkey at Christmas. Revie knowing every single employee by their first name, being their friend, being considerate and being compassionate, that was all true. The staff and partners being treated as well as the players’ for the games at Wembley or the numerous big cup games, they always happened, and the Christmas parties laid on for the children of the players and all the staff too. Spoiler alert – with The Don disguised as Santa! And of course so many of Revie’s players enjoy telling of how ‘The Gaffer’ would send gifts and cards to their parents and families if one was unwell.

And any of the Elland Road staff lucky enough to have worked under Revie will tell you that when he took on the poisoned chalice of the England job, each Christmas there was a card delivered, personally signed by Don Revie and sent from Lancaster Gate. Classy cards they were too.

But are these stories that relevant or remarkable? Perhaps not individually, but just as a small example of the family atmosphere he fostered at the club, the true spirit of unity and togetherness, and the loyalty and respect and great camaraderie which ran right through Leeds united from ‘top’ to ‘bottom’, these stories are immense. But when Revie left, it all started going wrong, badly wrong, and very quickly. The other club famed for its belief in ‘family’ was Liverpool. What did they do when Bill Shankly departed? They passed the management baton to Bob Paisley who had already been at the club for years. Paisley knew the importance of retaining the same sort of unity within the club that we had, and it served him quite well!

But this ramble isn’t about them, it’s about us, Leeds United. Can we really be united again, with what has gone on this century? I would love for a return to an atmosphere at least similar to that enjoyed by everyone at the club under Don Revie. Is that too much to ask, to hope for? Is it a diabolical dream? Well no, not for me it isn’t.

Besides, who really in their right mind would want to work for someone who doesn’t respect or value them, who doesn’t appreciate the work they do (regardless of how ‘important’ it is) and who doesn’t give a damn about workers’ rights and the like and who will happily get rid of them if it somehow seems fitting?

When meeting new people, First Impressions mean a lot to me even though I’m not eloquent enough to really explain why. I can tell you though, genuinely, honestly, frankly, that everyone at that meeting was there in good faith and â€˜â€¦ for the sake of Leeds United’. There was no talking over one another, there were no raised voices, there were no ulterior motives and there was no ego-sparring going on. It is way way past the time for us as Leeds United fans to stop arguing amongst ourselves, and to stop the personal conflicts that do no one any good, least of all the club’s greatest asset, us, yes US! I think we all have taken so much punishment and been verbally assaulted so often from various quarters that we’ve slowly and surely begun to take it out on each other. For all our sakes, as Leeds supporters, enough is enough.

I was fortunate to attend that meeting and I feel that Mike Farnan and Gary Verity, Adam Pearson and co (I do not know the identities of all the wealthy Leeds fans who are connected to this initiative but I trust that they are ready and waiting) are genuine Leeds fans, are genuinely aiming to do what is best for the club and for the fans, which involves fan ownership and representation at the highest level. We the fans need to stop the in-fighting, we need to unite and be together. I firmly believe the new initiative is the clear and best way forward for everyone associated with Leeds United. It’s as simple as that, M. O. T.

Robert Endeacott, January 2015

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Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Together Leeds
« Svar #50 på: Januar 09, 2015, 00:08:38 »
Her presenterer de seg med et godt Q & A:

Mer info om tiltaket kan du lese på forsiden av nettsiden. 
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Sv: Together Leeds 1 & 2
« Svar #51 på: Januar 28, 2015, 11:21:46 »
Jon R.