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Sv: New man on board at Leeds United / Ivan Bravo
« Svar #30 på: Mai 02, 2017, 11:35:04 »
La oss håpe dette er starten på en ny æra for Leeds United. Radrizzani er i ferd med å sette folk i spesifikke roller og forhåpentligvis gjøre klubben mer profesjonell og strømlinjeformet. Dette er oppløftende nyheter etter over ti år med micro management fra Ken Bates og Massimo Cellino.

Enig der, men det avhenger også av dette med må opp et hakk når det gjelder spillere inn i troppen. For å heve lagets kvalitet nytter det ikke bare å ha flinke folk i administrasjonen. For at disse spillerne skal komme til oss ISTEDET for å gå til andre klubber i divisjonen, så må klubben friste med noe annet enn fanatiske supportere.....enten vi liker det eller ei, så er lønn en meget viktig faktor her....foregående år, særlig under Bates, så tapte vi nesten hver gang en spiller når et annet lag i divisjonen kom på banen....
La Monk/Clotet få fortsette, og la de få midler til å kjøpe kvalitet ;)

Jeg sier ikke at stallen ikke trenger penger, men klubben er nødt til å bygge opp organisasjon like mye som laget. Det ville vært teit å bygge et svært luksushus med innedørs svømmebasseng og landeplass til helikopter, uten en solid grunnmur (og inntekt til å dekke kostnadene). Radrizzani og co må tenke langsiktig, samtidig som det jages på for opprykk. Smarte investeringer nå, kan gi stor avkastning i fremtiden. Dumme investeringer nå, kan sette klubben tilbake nok en gang.

Leeds har ingen søkkrik onkel. Radrizzani har midler, men det er tydelig at han er en forretningsmann som ønsker at klubben skal kunne stå på egne bein. Det er svært positivt! Og nå gjør han strategiske ansettelser for å bygge klubb. Med eksempelvis Bravos nettverk og erfaring på aller høyeste nivå, bør det være duket for at Leeds kan knytte kontakter som vil være gunstige i lengre tid.

Jeg hater å si, ettersom jeg har mange kompiser som holder med laget, men Leeds har en god del å lære av Tottenham. Nå har de vært en toppklubb i flere år, men der har businessen hele tiden vært fornuftig og økonomisk holdbar. De har solgt unna Bale og Modric som setter laget sportslig tilbake en periode, men kommer styrket ut av det - grunnet langsiktighet. Nå er det det mest spennende laget i Premier League, snart klart med flunkende nytt stadion og deler av staben skal etter sigende ha takket pent nei til Manchester United, feks.

I tillegg tiltrekker klubben seg de mest spennende (ikke miks med de mest kjente navnene) spillerne på kontinentet - alt med noe så "grusomt" som et lønnstak.

Leeds har en enorm vei å gå for og komme dit, men det er fullt mulig uten oligarker og sjeiker. Og det skal jo vi være glad for, ettersom Leeds ikke har noen av de.

Jeg er positivt og optimistisk til ansettelsene som gjøres, samtidig som jeg avventer effekten av disse før det tar helt av. For det blir ingen revolusjon og ti stjernespillere inn i sommer.
« Siste redigering: Mai 02, 2017, 11:37:06 av Dennis »
Marching on together!


Sv: New man on board at Leeds United / Ivan Bravo
« Svar #31 på: Mai 02, 2017, 11:42:40 »
La oss håpe dette er starten på en ny æra for Leeds United. Radrizzani er i ferd med å sette folk i spesifikke roller og forhåpentligvis gjøre klubben mer profesjonell og strømlinjeformet. Dette er oppløftende nyheter etter over ti år med micro management fra Ken Bates og Massimo Cellino.

Enig der, men det avhenger også av dette med må opp et hakk når det gjelder spillere inn i troppen. For å heve lagets kvalitet nytter det ikke bare å ha flinke folk i administrasjonen. For at disse spillerne skal komme til oss ISTEDET for å gå til andre klubber i divisjonen, så må klubben friste med noe annet enn fanatiske supportere.....enten vi liker det eller ei, så er lønn en meget viktig faktor her....foregående år, særlig under Bates, så tapte vi nesten hver gang en spiller når et annet lag i divisjonen kom på banen....
La Monk/Clotet få fortsette, og la de få midler til å kjøpe kvalitet ;)

Jeg sier ikke at stallen ikke trenger penger, men klubben er nødt til å bygge opp organisasjon like mye som laget. Det ville vært teit å bygge et svært luksushus med innedørs svømmebasseng og landeplass til helikopter, uten en solid grunnmur (og inntekt til å dekke kostnadene). Radrizzani og co må tenke langsiktig, samtidig som det jages på for opprykk. Smarte investeringer nå, kan gi stor avkastning i fremtiden. Dumme investeringer nå, kan sette klubben tilbake nok en gang.

Leeds har ingen søkkrik onkel. Radrizzani har midler, men det er tydelig at han er en forretningsmann som ønsker at klubben skal kunne stå på egne bein. Det er svært positivt! Og nå gjør han strategiske ansettelser for å bygge klubb. Med eksempelvis Bravos nettverk og erfaring på aller høyeste nivå, bør det være duket for at Leeds kan knytte kontakter som vil være gunstige i lengre tid.

Jeg hater å si, ettersom jeg har mange kompiser som holder med laget, men Leeds har en god del å lære av Tottenham. Nå har de vært en toppklubb i flere år, men der har businessen hele tiden vært fornuftig og økonomisk holdbar. De har solgt unna Bale og Modric som setter laget sportslig tilbake en periode, men kommer styrket ut av det - grunnet langsiktighet. Nå er det det mest spennende laget i Premier League, snart klart med flunkende nytt stadion og deler av staben skal etter sigende ha takket pent nei til Manchester United, feks.

I tillegg tiltrekker klubben seg de mest spennende (ikke miks med de mest kjente navnene) spillerne på kontinentet - alt med noe så "grusomt" som et lønnstak.

Leeds har en enorm vei å gå for og komme dit, men det er fullt mulig uten oligarker og sjeiker. Og det skal jo vi være glad for, ettersom Leeds ikke har noen av de.

Jeg er positivt og optimistisk til ansettelsene som gjøres, samtidig som jeg avventer effekten av disse før det tar helt av. For det blir ingen revolusjon og ti stjernespillere inn i sommer.

Kjempebra innlegg Dennis. Støtter deg fullt og holdent her.

Og vedrørende Tottenham - dette er en klubb som nå minner litt om Leeds anno 2000, med mange talentfulle spillere og satsing på britiske talenter. Har aldri likt klubben noe særlig tidligere, men det er den klubben av topp seks i PL som jeg misliker minst.

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Sv: New man on board at Leeds United / Ivan Bravo
« Svar #32 på: Mai 02, 2017, 12:24:47 »
Dennis: +1 !!

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"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: New man on board at Leeds United / Ivan Bravo
« Svar #33 på: Mai 02, 2017, 14:31:09 »
La oss håpe dette er starten på en ny æra for Leeds United. Radrizzani er i ferd med å sette folk i spesifikke roller og forhåpentligvis gjøre klubben mer profesjonell og strømlinjeformet. Dette er oppløftende nyheter etter over ti år med micro management fra Ken Bates og Massimo Cellino.

Enig der, men det avhenger også av dette med må opp et hakk når det gjelder spillere inn i troppen. For å heve lagets kvalitet nytter det ikke bare å ha flinke folk i administrasjonen. For at disse spillerne skal komme til oss ISTEDET for å gå til andre klubber i divisjonen, så må klubben friste med noe annet enn fanatiske supportere.....enten vi liker det eller ei, så er lønn en meget viktig faktor her....foregående år, særlig under Bates, så tapte vi nesten hver gang en spiller når et annet lag i divisjonen kom på banen....
La Monk/Clotet få fortsette, og la de få midler til å kjøpe kvalitet ;)

Jeg sier ikke at stallen ikke trenger penger, men klubben er nødt til å bygge opp organisasjon like mye som laget. Det ville vært teit å bygge et svært luksushus med innedørs svømmebasseng og landeplass til helikopter, uten en solid grunnmur (og inntekt til å dekke kostnadene). Radrizzani og co må tenke langsiktig, samtidig som det jages på for opprykk. Smarte investeringer nå, kan gi stor avkastning i fremtiden. Dumme investeringer nå, kan sette klubben tilbake nok en gang.

Leeds har ingen søkkrik onkel. Radrizzani har midler, men det er tydelig at han er en forretningsmann som ønsker at klubben skal kunne stå på egne bein. Det er svært positivt! Og nå gjør han strategiske ansettelser for å bygge klubb. Med eksempelvis Bravos nettverk og erfaring på aller høyeste nivå, bør det være duket for at Leeds kan knytte kontakter som vil være gunstige i lengre tid.

Jeg hater å si, ettersom jeg har mange kompiser som holder med laget, men Leeds har en god del å lære av Tottenham. Nå har de vært en toppklubb i flere år, men der har businessen hele tiden vært fornuftig og økonomisk holdbar. De har solgt unna Bale og Modric som setter laget sportslig tilbake en periode, men kommer styrket ut av det - grunnet langsiktighet. Nå er det det mest spennende laget i Premier League, snart klart med flunkende nytt stadion og deler av staben skal etter sigende ha takket pent nei til Manchester United, feks.

I tillegg tiltrekker klubben seg de mest spennende (ikke miks med de mest kjente navnene) spillerne på kontinentet - alt med noe så "grusomt" som et lønnstak.

Leeds har en enorm vei å gå for og komme dit, men det er fullt mulig uten oligarker og sjeiker. Og det skal jo vi være glad for, ettersom Leeds ikke har noen av de.

Jeg er positivt og optimistisk til ansettelsene som gjøres, samtidig som jeg avventer effekten av disse før det tar helt av. For det blir ingen revolusjon og ti stjernespillere inn i sommer.
Bra innlegg, men jeg har 2 spørsmål til deg:
1. Hvilke av de 6 øverste lagene i PL har ikke en rik onkel eller tre, og står støtt på egne ben økonomisk?
2. Mener du at pengebruken til Levy og de andre i Tottenham har vært moderat de 15 siste årene?


Sv: New man on board at Leeds United / Ivan Bravo
« Svar #34 på: Mai 02, 2017, 14:39:50 »
Skal garantere at eierne til ManU, Arsenal og Spurs ikke bruker av egen lomme i de klubbene. De belåner klubben for å finansiere kjøp. Mye av økonomien henter de og fra tv avtalen.

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"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: New man on board at Leeds United / Ivan Bravo
« Svar #35 på: Mai 02, 2017, 14:56:27 »
Bra innlegg, men jeg har 2 spørsmål til deg:
1. Hvilke av de 6 øverste lagene i PL har ikke en rik onkel eller tre, og står støtt på egne ben økonomisk?
2. Mener du at pengebruken til Levy og de andre i Tottenham har vært moderat de 15 siste årene?

1. Uten å gå i detalj på regnskapene: Arsenal, Man Utd og Tottenham.
2. Ja, absolutt. De har kjøpt for mye, men de har også solgt for mye.

1- Alle eierne er rike, men ønsker at klubbene skal stå på egne bein. Driften skal være sunn og investeringene skal være nettopp det - investeringer - ikke dekning av tap. I Chelsea og Man City er mer typiske "lekegrinder", men også de har utvilsomt bygget klubb.
2. Spurs har kjøpt for store summer, men også solgt for enorme summer de siste årene.

I tillegg må det påpekes at du kan ikke si at eks Tottenham gir 300 millioner for en spiller, ergo burde Leeds også gjøre det. Om det ikke er å sammenligne epler og pærer, blir det i det minste epler av forskjellig slag. Tottenham har en helt annet omsetning enn Leeds, dermed kan de kjøpe for langt større summer og belønne med større havresekker. Når det er sagt, er det liten tvil om at Tottenham er en klubb som holder i tøylene langt mer enn ligakonkurrentene og har tilsynelatende langt større hell.

Sydhagen: Det stemmer nok! Og Glazer-familien spytta vel inn sin private gjeld, blant annet for ikke å bli veltet over ende, fordi de visste at Man Utd er en pengemaskin. Problemet med Leeds United, er at klubben verken er en pengemaskin eller har noen eiendeler å ta i pant mot belåning.
Marching on together!


Sv: New man on board at Leeds United / Ivan Bravo
« Svar #36 på: Mai 02, 2017, 14:59:45 »
West Ham managing director Angus Kinnear is leaving the club to join Leeds United as their new chief executive #lufc

Kinnear's appointment is the latest piece in the jigsaw that will see @andrearadri taking full control of #lufc

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"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: New man on board at Leeds United / Ivan Bravo
« Svar #37 på: Mai 02, 2017, 15:05:48 »
For finansåret 2014-15:

Omsetning: 345 millioner pund
Resultat før skatt: 25 millioner pund (overskudd)
Nettogjeld: 6 millioner pund

Omsetning: 298 millioner pund
Resultat før skatt: 60 millioner pund
Nettogjeld: 95 millioner pund

Manchester United
Omsetning: 395 millioner pund
Resultat før skatt: 4 mllioner pund i tap
Nettogjeld: 255 millioner pund (synkende)

Omsetning: 196 millioner pund (sannsynligvis langt høyere for 15-16)
Resultat før skatt: 12 millioner pund (jf over)
Nettogjeld: 21 millioner pund


Men nå er vi på full vei vekk fra temaet. Poenget mitt finner du i forrige innlegg, DHY.
« Siste redigering: Mai 02, 2017, 15:08:44 av Dennis »
Marching on together!

Promotion 2010

Radrizzanis Board
« Svar #38 på: Mai 23, 2017, 12:49:28 »

Chief executive:

Director of Football: Victor Orta (ex-Sevilla, Zenit St. Petersburg og M'boro)

Technical director:

Managing Director: Angus Kinnear (ex-West Ham og Arsenal)

Styreformann - Andrea Radrizziani
Ivan Bravo (ex-Real Madrid)
Angus Kinnear
Andre Tegner (Aser’s head of investments and strategies)
Og kanskje:
Feng Ze Yeh (A lawyer from The Aser Group)

Radrizzani himself and his  investment firm, Aser Group Holding, står bak kjøpet av Leeds United.

Eierskap Elland Road:

Eierskap Thorp Arch:

Fyller ut etterhvert!
« Siste redigering: Mai 30, 2017, 17:14:43 av Promotion 2010 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Sv: Radrizzianis team
« Svar #42 på: Mai 23, 2017, 18:19:37 »
Rad har vært tydelig på at han ikke skal drive med ting han selv ikke har noe greie på. Kan være starten på en ny gullalder dette hvis han lykkes med å bygge videre på fundamentet som Cellino har lagt. Jeg har trua!
Jon R.

Rudi G.

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Sv: Radrizzianis team
« Svar #43 på: Mai 23, 2017, 18:51:04 »


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Sv: Radrizzianis team
« Svar #44 på: Mai 23, 2017, 18:54:35 »
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Radrizzianis team
« Svar #45 på: Mai 23, 2017, 18:55:20 »
Da er vi i gang!

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"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #46 på: Mai 25, 2017, 13:11:25 »
Umiddelbart er man da positiv overfor Radrizzani efter at have set interviews med ham. Virker seriøs og har realistiske visioner.


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Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #47 på: Mai 25, 2017, 13:48:17 »
Phil Hay‏ @PhilHayYEP  3h
3 hours ago
Replying to @WaltonAidan
not sure it'll be today but Kinnear will be joining shortly. Expecting Orta to come in as technical director too.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #48 på: Mai 26, 2017, 13:41:38 »

Angus Kinnear joins the club from West Ham.

Leeds United are pleased to announce the appointment to the Board of Angus Kinnear as Managing Director.

Angus joins the club after spending the past three years as Managing Director at West Ham United where he presided over the Hammers move from Upton Park to the Olympic Stadium, growing the season ticket base to over 50,000 and doubling commercial revenue.

Prior to his spell at West Ham, Angus spent a decade at Arsenal as the Gunner’s Director of Marketing, Sales and Partnerships.

During his time with Arsenal, he led the club’s sales and marketing strategy for the Emirates Stadium and the surrounding property regeneration before focusing on growing Arsenal’s brand and commercial interests internationally.

Speaking about the appointment, Leeds United chairman Andrea Radrizzani said, “I am delighted to bring in a Managing Director of Angus’ calibre and experience and on behalf of everyone at Leeds United, I would like to wish him a very warm welcome to the club.

“I have experienced working with Angus in the past and I am confident his commercial experience and management skills will help to bring Leeds United to the next level of engagement for partners and fans.

“Angus has an excellent track record during leading roles at Arsenal and West Ham and I am sure he will contribute a great deal to the club.

“I am looking forward to working with him as we drive Leeds United forward into a new era.

Angus Kinnear will officially join the club on 8th June 2017.
« Siste redigering: Mai 26, 2017, 13:43:27 av Promotion 2010 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #49 på: Mai 26, 2017, 13:43:44 »
Burde ikke 'Manageren og hans backroom staff'  og denne tråden slåes sammen??? :o
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #50 på: Mai 26, 2017, 14:04:45 »
Managing Director looking forward to Leeds challenge.

New Leeds United Managing Director Angus Kinnear spoke exclusively to about joining the club.

Angus has joined Leeds from West Ham United where he has spent the past three years, overseeing their move from Upton Park to the Olympic Stadium.

Prior to his time at the Hammers, Kinnear spent 10 years at Arsenal as the Gunners Director of Marketing, Sales and Partnerships.

He becomes Chairman Andrea Radrizzani’s first major management appointment to the club staff and is looking forward to the challenge.

“It is a privilege to have the opportunity to join this great club with its legendary fan base,” said Kinnear.

“I share Andrea's ambitious vision and will work tirelessly to realise this club's immense potential and make our supporters proud.

“I am confident that with our supporters, team and board united, we will become a formidable force.”
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #51 på: Mai 26, 2017, 14:08:59 »
Managing Director looking forward to Leeds challenge.

New Leeds United Managing Director Angus Kinnear spoke exclusively to about joining the club.

Angus has joined Leeds from West Ham United where he has spent the past three years, overseeing their move from Upton Park to the Olympic Stadium.

Prior to his time at the Hammers, Kinnear spent 10 years at Arsenal as the Gunners Director of Marketing, Sales and Partnerships.

He becomes Chairman Andrea Radrizzani’s first major management appointment to the club staff and is looking forward to the challenge.

“It is a privilege to have the opportunity to join this great club with its legendary fan base,” said Kinnear.

“I share Andrea's ambitious vision and will work tirelessly to realise this club's immense potential and make our supporters proud.

“I am confident that with our supporters, team and board united, we will become a formidable force.”
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #52 på: Mai 26, 2017, 14:19:34 »
Burde ikke 'Manageren og hans backroom staff'  og denne tråden slåes sammen??? :o
Feel free, Asbjørn. Du har fortsatt moderatortilgang.  ;)
Jon R.


Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #53 på: Mai 26, 2017, 14:52:23 »
Virker som en knallbra ansettelse!  :)
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly


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Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #54 på: Mai 26, 2017, 15:14:01 »
Burde ikke 'Manageren og hans backroom staff'  og denne tråden slåes sammen??? :o
Feel free, Asbjørn. Du har fortsatt moderatortilgang.  ;)
Hehe, joda. Ville bare få klarhet om det var ulike hensikter med emnene ;)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #55 på: Mai 26, 2017, 15:53:11 »
Virker som en knallbra ansettelse!  :)
Ja fullt på høyde med møbelselgeren til Cellino  ;)
Men minst to her inne er vel uenig i det og ...
For the sake of Leeds United he would break himself in two


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Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #56 på: Mai 26, 2017, 16:26:58 »
Moscowhite med en hel del gode punkter om den siste uka...
Merker meg bl.a. at Andrea en gang har sagt at Massimo har latt ham planlegge 'fremtiden' og har vært lite med i day to day decisions. Massimo har vært fraværende. Hvem har hjulpet Garry da, Mansford??? :o

The Square Ball Week: On The Second Day
BY Moscowhite
“I wish Andrea good luck,” said Massimo Cellino in his parting message to Leeds United. “I am sure he will continue what I have started.”
LOL. Cheers Massimo. We’ll all remember to thank Dave Hockaday for his part of the journey when we reach the Champions League, too.
For almost two days, we could laugh. And relax, and smile. And think about how different it was all going to become with Andrea Radrizzani as 100% owner of Leeds United.
“Probably we need to thank Cellino,” Radrizzani told Adam Pope of BBC Radio Leeds. “A little bit unconsciously and with a bit of superficiality, and not with a due diligence to cover the club, he found himself in the ocean, and he had to work hard to clean up, and bring the club in a better position.” In other words, Cellino got himself into trouble, and managed to get out without bringing about a total implosion. So thanks, we guess. “Now it’s not in a good position, but it’s in a better position, where it’s possible to build something.”
Which is pretty much the prevailing view of the fans. And if you could say one thing about Radrizzani’s first interviews after completing his takeover, it was that he did a good job of reflecting the prevailing views of the fans. Announcing Ronaldo Vieira’s four year contract at the same time as the takeover was a masterstroke in doing things the way they haven’t been done. The promise to buy back Elland Road is more than a promise, it’s an intent: “I prove in my life, when I say something, normally it happens. And this is already planned, we are already working, my team in the past few months has worked hard on different projects, and one of these is Elland Road, and it will happen within the summer.” That’s got a bit more about it than, “On Thursday I am going to the bank and I will buy our stadium,” especially as it isn’t being said by someone who sets off silent alarms whenever he walks into a branch of TSB.
So far, so genuinely good. Radrizzani’s air was of someone prepared for this moment of taking charge. “I continue to work, as I started to do already since January, or actually even last year when I started my discussion with Massimo Cellino to enter in the club,” he said. “So has been one year already of passion, emotion and hard work, so it will continue even more. And with the difference now, I can do with my own decision, and following my planning and strategy.”
The contract for Vieira was the evidence to back up the words, along with the executive appointments: former Real Madrid strategist Ivan Bravo already on the board as a consultant, Angus Kinnear moving from West Ham to replace Ben Mansford as chief executive, Victor Orta believed to be coming from Middlesbrough as sporting director. Again, compare it with the early days of Cellino, when the plug was pulled from the Thorp Arch pool, and Gianluca Festa, Brian McDermott, Benito Carbone, Dave Hockaday and Darko Milanic had all been and gone by the time it was empty.
Radrizzani was saying all the things Leeds fans wanted — needed — to hear, in the way we wanted — needed — to hear them. No bombast. No bold promises. No deadlines for promotion. As his promises of the Premier League came to nothing, Cellino fell back upon superstition: he wouldn’t plan for the Premier League, he decided, because you couldn’t: instead he would wish for it, because that’s the only way to make something in football come true. And now, Radrizzani, talking about his “final goal” of being a top-eight Premier League club: “How to achieve is a lot of hard work, planning, management, and investment. So it will take years.” Sound. Talk sensibly like this, show us how you’re going to take us with you, and we might have a chance of going somewhere.
The accord with the fans extended to Radrizzani’s opinions of events on the pitch. “I’m proud of my players, I think they did a good season,” he said. “Obviously we have regret for how the season finished, but they did their best, and we need to start from this as a base and improve. And I’m sure with more games and more experience the same players can deliver a better job, and then it is our commitment to try to improve this squad.”
Few fans would disagree with that assessment. To still be so interested so late in the season, after years — including this one — when expectations have been so low, was a fine achievement, but expectations in football don’t take long to switch from low to high. With the play-offs, Wembley and the Premier League so tantalising close, for it to have all slip away was awful disappointing.
What remained after the disappointment, though, wasn’t only charitable; it was celebratory. There hasn’t been too much appetite to delve into the reasons for United’s late season depression, perhaps for fear that what we might find would burst the happy bubble blowing around the fans, the club, and Garry Monk. Player unrest had been part of his downfall at Swansea; but those rumours about Pontus Jansson must have been overblown. The inflexibility of his tactics seemed to hurt us, but was just down to lack of personnel, and maybe a touch of managerial inexperience, right? Some of his signings, like Grimes and Barrow, were disappointing. But you can’t win them all?
“I’m sure with more games and more experience the same players can deliver a better job,” said Radrizzani, and in recent weeks the same has been applied to the manager. Even his imperfections were better than the best Hockaday or Evans had to offer, and he earned his chance to be the continuity between Cellino’s anxious era, and the purple new world of Radrizzani and The New Power Executive. As ‘Sign Garry Monk!’ echoed around Leeds Arena during local hero Josh Warrington’s post-season fight, Monk’s thin lips added a faint smile to his straight face. But he was just hiding his mutual devotion, right?
Perhaps not. The evidence from Swansea, and from his demeanour, is that there is a determined careerist streak in Monk, which, given the circumstances of managerial jobs in general and managerial jobs at Leeds in particular, is understandable. From close up, Leeds fans might have questions about specific aspects of how Monk goes about his work. From a distance, though, the world of football sees a manager who entered Elland Road at its most laughing stockest, coped with the basket case in charge, took a squad predicted for the bottom half through a tough start to the edge of the Premier League, and kept his dignity throughout. Leeds United haven’t looked so good for years, and Garry Monk’s stock hasn’t been higher since he was being tipped for the England job. A job, I reckon, Garry Monk reckons he’ll one day deserve.
The world of football is open to Garry Monk this summer. Bearing in mind that last summer Sam Allardyce was planning for the European Championships and the World Cup, and has now left football management altogether, Monk is entitled to take care over his next move. In fact, he’d be barmy not to. And it just might be that too much is moving at Leeds United to make it the best proposition.
Monk has had a lot of heat for coming so close to the play-offs and missing them by so little, but he’s entitled to deflect some of that criticism towards the boardroom. “Ideally, from my situation, we need to improve the planning,” he said at the end of January. “We don’t want to be doing the business on the last day.” But then, at the start of January, the club had essentially split in two, and while Cellino and Radrizzani were harmonious, there was a gulf of inattention between them, into which the second half of the season fell.
“With Massimo, in this period he let me work on the future,” Radrizzani told Phil Hay of the YEP, during the post-takeover glow. “I wasn’t really involved too much in the day to day football. I could work to prepare for my time and my time is here.” With Radrizzani working on the future, and Cellino preparing to become part of the past — or of Brescia’s future — nobody was paying much attention to the present. Garry Monk may feel that a lack of support in the transfer window, with his club’s two owners’ thoughts elsewhere, cost him and the club a true shot at promotion. And if he feels that way, he may also wonder why he’s being left to take the flack.
I don’t doubt he would have questions about the structure Radrizzani has been putting in place around him, too. Ivan Bravo, on the board, is essentially a permanent (if part-time) fixture. It would be interesting to know the length of contract being offered to Victor Orta to become sporting director. It would be even more interesting to compare it to the length of contract being offered to Garry Monk. Monk may know, and he may have sensed that a wind is beginning to blow through Elland Road, gusts that may favour some individuals more than others.
“I think in my opinion it’s fair to have time to know each other because I’m starting now,” said Radrizzani, who you may recall also said he’s been working on the club’s future for the past twelve months. “I never had a chance to know him.” With that in mind, he seems to have decided, the best course of action would be to trigger Monk’s one year contract extension, and then get to know him better.
The problem from Garry Monk’s point of view is that essentially puts him back where he was a year ago, with a year to prove himself against the odds. And it won’t only be the owner to whom he has to prove himself: Bravo and Orta would no doubt have opinions, and longer tenures to back them up. 2016/17 was Monk’s audition, to show himself fit to be made the centre of a long term construction process that would end in the Premier League. Perhaps not with flying colours, but it would be hard to argue he didn’t pass. And yet here is the same offer, only with a larger audition panel, and talk from Radrizzani about the wage bill — “rational”, “risk to be bankrupt”, “careful”, “I’ve learned in the few months with as good teacher as Massimo in the club” — that suggests any future Leeds manager will still have to shop at the Barrow and Grimes end of the market. Or the Victor Orta equivalent.
Taking all this into account, the situation is easier to understand from Garry Monk’s point of view. It might be hard to comprehend that Middlesbrough — as Monk has apparently told one journalist — will give him a better shot at reaching the Premier League, but Steve Gibson plus Premier League parachute payments are an intoxicating combination for any ambitious young manager with thoughts of the England job. And don’t forget that Steve McClaren and Gareth Southgate both passed through the Riverside on their way to becoming national team manager.
What’s more difficult to parse is the attitude of Radrizzani, who has been left shocked and surprised by Monk’s resignation. For all the big picture planning he’s done over the last six months, with plans for the stadium, the land around it, the executive management structure, he seems to have been caught unawares by one important thing: the football.
Which is not surprising. Radrizzani is an experienced and successful businessman, with an excellent track record in sports media. But he’s never run a football club, or worked at one from the inside, or spent much time around English football clubs. Cellino, after twenty-some years at Cagliari, arrived as a worldly-wise know-it-all, and within weeks was giving tearful interviews bemoaning how hard he was finding it, how much more difficult everything is in England, he was pushing the plane, it was loading with luggage, he was dying. Radrizzani doesn’t seem to share Cellino’s penchant for drama (“Where’s Brian?!”), but I suspect he may learn as quickly as Cellino that the Championship might look fun from the outside, it’s not a place for the naive.
Naive is the only word I can think of for imagining that one of the best regarded young managers in the country, at a moment when his achievements have brought him his most acclaim, would be fine with what essentially amounted to another season’s trial, during which any number of factors out of his control — the new owner, the new board, the new executive, the new sporting director, the football being round — could send his stock crashing again. After six months of detailed planning, I expected more than ‘we’ll renew his contract and see how he goes.’
Naivety isn’t a problem as long as Radrizzani gets it out of his system early. And it’s preferable to the alternative, which is that Radrizzani has been lying and a replacement for Monk has been lined up all along. It’s too soon for that sort of nonsense to be starting.
Leeds United can’t afford for Radrizzani to take as long as Cellino to learn the harsh lessons of the cutthroat world of English football, though. He’s got a lot of work to do, and he’s got to do it right, and while his tone discussing buying Elland Road is confident, when talking about the money still owed to GFH he sounds as deflated as Cellino about the hold they continue to have over the club. Signing Vieira to a four year deal on day one was a brilliant statement of intent that increased optimism for the future, failing to keep Monk at the club on day two undid a lot of that confidence.
Radrizzani has to act fast to appoint a new manager, because players need to be signed, and pre-season needs to be organised. But that’s a decision it doesn’t sound like he was expecting to have to make, and when you’re English-football-naive, you’re soon listening to the wrong person and falling under the spell of a Hockaday. In truth, I don’t expect that to happen, because even if he’s learned a harsh lesson about football on his second day in the job, I expect Radrizzani to actually learn from his mistakes, listen to the right people, and not to bullishly believe he’s always in the right.
But then, I didn’t expect Radrizzani to make such a mess of keeping a good manager in post, which is perhaps the lesson of this week, which is annoying, because it’s one we’ve had again and again as Leeds fans. ‘Don’t let your expectations get too high — it only means it’s further to the ground.’ Aye, thanks, the fates. We f**king know.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #57 på: Mai 26, 2017, 19:27:28 »
Burde ikke 'Manageren og hans backroom staff'  og denne tråden slåes sammen??? :o
Feel free, Asbjørn. Du har fortsatt moderatortilgang.  ;)
Hehe, joda. Ville bare få klarhet om det var ulike hensikter med emnene ;)

Manageren og backroom staff er kun manager og de som jobber med spillere.

Radrizzianis team er som Cellinos Board en tråd med info om hvordan klubben er bygget opp.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #58 på: Mai 26, 2017, 19:29:23 »

Manageren og backroom staff er kun manager og de som jobber med spillere.

Radrizzianis team er som Cellinos Board en tråd med info om hvordan klubben er bygget opp.
Nemlig. :)

Men kanskje trådtitlene kan reflektere nettopp dette da ;)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Sv: Radrizzanis team
« Svar #59 på: Mai 26, 2017, 19:42:41 »

Manageren og backroom staff er kun manager og de som jobber med spillere.

Radrizzianis team er som Cellinos Board en tråd med info om hvordan klubben er bygget opp.
Nemlig. :)

Men kanskje trådtitlene kan reflektere nettopp dette da ;)

Done   ;)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973