Skrevet av Emne: Kamp: vs Norwich, @EllandRoadStadium lørdag 2/2-19, kl 18.30 på Viasport/Sky  (Lest 55449 ganger)

0 medlemmer og 1 gjest leser dette emnet.


Dagens presser. :)

In position
Waiting on the main man...

Last day of the window - Dan James?
So far I don’t have any news about transfers. I know both clubs are negotiating, but I don’t know if it’s done.

Pablo fit?
Yes. He trained normally.

Changes on Saturday? Jansson available
No Phillips! Gave us the full XI. Roberts starts.
Here is the team: Casllia, Ayling, Jansson, Cooper, Alioski, Forshaw, Harrison, Klich, Roberts, Hernandez, Roofe.

Mental concentration on Saturday? Teams score late goals
It’s a team that attacks very well. It’s a team designed to attack. It doesn’t mean they don’t defend well,but the profile of the team is a creative profile. We want to attack, but we know we will have to defend a lot too.

Are Norwich best opponent in the league?
It’s an opponent we have to respect, but all the opponents have had ups and downs. It will be a mistake to think all these teams are not important. We can’t ignore the potential of these teams and I just quoted the teams which come to my mind. Usually, football makes sure what seems evident to everyone doesn’t happen.

Pukki - how difficult to find unknown players like him?
His skills are not common in English football. He’s not a player who goes for 50-50s or uses his physical capabilities. It’s a player who is hard to neutralise. He uses a lot his intuition. He is always in good positions to receiver the ball and he makes many movements. He plays simple and efficient.

How significant would six-point gap be?
If we have six points and the team plays with regularity it’s a big difference. Ups and downs would make it nothing.

Is Saturday more significant than others for you?
I think, apart from our positions, the offensive aspects of both teams make this attractive.

If James done - how happy with January?
Orta chose James and I accepted the player proposed to me. I agree with the fact this player has the features the team needs and responds to the needs of the team. If he comes it will be a significant transfer. If he doesn’t come we will find solutions for the rest of the season.

Like James's age?
The most important element is how he plays and then comes how old is he. He comes inside the group to compensate experience with youth. We have enough experienced players, so we can have young players too.

Douglas and Brown - ready?

Douglas, yes. Brown, no.

Why not Brown?
I talked several times about his injury. I already answered several times to the question you asked. You will remember the answer I gave, but I will repeat it again.
Izzy hasn’t played for one year. He is fit. He has trained. The sport aspect is different from the fitness aspect. You need to play six or eight games to recover sport fitness. After playing six or eight games usually the player recovers his skills. Not necessarily. That’s what we hope. He is a player if he gets back he will be very important for us because he’s a 10 with the capacity to score goals. He can break the balance with the opponent with his play.
When a creative player reaches his level he goes inside the team immediately. The position of a winger and the nine and 10, are the most difficult positions in football. Difficult to play well in these positions. It’s true the majority of subs are made in these four positions. Any offensive player who plays well will be in the team.
Clarke, Pablo, Roofe, Bamford, Roofe, Harrison, Stevens, Klich. Dallas and Roberts too. If Izzy plays better than them he will play

When did the 6-8 games for Brown start? He's played that many already
No he hasn’t played six to eight games.
He started to play, he got injured. Now he plays his second game.
<So it starts from the hamstring injury?>
Anyway as I see you’re worried about the situation, the previous answer you can apply to ant decision I take. I have to chose and I’m never sure that I’m taking the right decision.
And many times I doubt that I took the right decision.
Every time you ask me about the presence or absence of a player I will answer the same. I chose the player who offered the best options to resolve the game at that moment.

Any more on Dallas' injury?
He has a problem with his foot. It’s a new problem, linked to the bone stress and for now he will need complete rest for ten days.
And then with the evolution we will see how long he needs.

Why will Phillips miss out?
I just answered that question.
Did I express myself not well enough?
I had to chose between Jansson and Phillips, and Cooper and Phillips, and Forshaw and Philips. I had to chose between those three players.

Question from German journalist - what he thinks of English football compared with elsewhere?
I prefer not to make comparisons because I have worked in several places. I can give you my opinion on English football. I don’t think I will say something new because everything has been said on English football. In England, the desire to win is stronger than the fact we don’t want to lose. In England: win before loss(?).
This tells a lot about how the English culture sees the game. This is what makes the specificity of English football around the world. Another thing seen in France and Germany too, it’s a structure project to develop young players.
Football is undergoing a huge crisis because we have more and more spectators, which allows the economic prosperity of football, but it’s an everyday horror to get good players.
In this sense, these three countries, Germany, France and England have been at the vanguard.

What is satisfying about working in England?
The players still have a link with the amateur aspect of the game and this is very important, this has a lot of value because they constantly receive messages telling them to get rid of this amateur aspect, but to be a good professional you need to be a great amateur too.
The team of Leeds has many amateur values in the behaviour of the players.

What do you mean by amateur values?
It means I don’t play football for money, but I play because I love football.

Long season - Leeds and Norwich aggressive - hard to keep up intensity at the end?
The answer only has value if we can verify it. All I can say is ‘yes we will.’ We know the truth only in May.

Not considering changing style for fatigue?
Absolutely not. I’m going to tell you why.
It’s so hard to draw the style of a team and it takes so long. At the same time it’s so unstable, but when you think about switching the style, if you could change the style, it means it’s because the style is not strong enough.
If you can change something easily, it means it was not hard to build it. I never think about changing the style. I’d rather focus on problems in what we’re doing.
With the constant problems with changing plans, especially when losing, for me, these solicitations deserve this response: the response is you have to correct what is not done well.

Sixty-three now - called El Loco - honour or insult?
First of all, I can’t say I’m successful. I’d rather say the opposite.
One of the things you hear the most when people talk about me, is the lack of trophies. You can verify this. When you’ve been working in football for such a long time, and when you’ve been in for such a long time, given the opinion enough factual elements to draw your own conclusions about whether it’s positive or negative.
I’m sure you think you think it’s a positive one.

All over here. One of those more florid, personable press conferences we have seen at times this term. Full transcript from everything he said later...

One final answer on James - missed this earlier
I read with the fact he (James) will come. As Saiz is not in the club anymore, Pablo plays as a 10. And the fact Douglas was absent, Alioski plays as a full-back. At the beginning our wingers were Pablo and Alioski. For us, it will be important to have a winger.
The maestro har talt. Phillips spiller ikke fordi Bielsa anser Forshaw som bedre i den posisjonen, og Brown har igjen 4-6 kamper i opptrening før han spiller førstelags-fotball. Uansett, spennende blir dette. Vinner vi tar vi et stort sprang mot PL. Taper vi blir det kamp på kniven helt inn.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Om ikke denne kampen var sesongens viktigste kamp til nå, så vil det ihvertfall bli det etter James-sagaen. Fryktelig viktig at Leedsspillerne viser at vi er verdige opprykkskandidater og viser en ny Derby-forestilling mot Norwich. En ny dau oppvisning som i de to siste kampene vil ikke bli tolerert av fansen.

Det første målet i morgen kveld blir uhyre viktig. Scorer vi det målet så vinner vi!

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Dagens presser. :)

In position
Waiting on the main man...

Last day of the window - Dan James?
So far I don’t have any news about transfers. I know both clubs are negotiating, but I don’t know if it’s done.

Pablo fit?
Yes. He trained normally.

Changes on Saturday? Jansson available
No Phillips! Gave us the full XI. Roberts starts.
Here is the team: Casllia, Ayling, Jansson, Cooper, Alioski, Forshaw, Harrison, Klich, Roberts, Hernandez, Roofe.

Mental concentration on Saturday? Teams score late goals
It’s a team that attacks very well. It’s a team designed to attack. It doesn’t mean they don’t defend well,but the profile of the team is a creative profile. We want to attack, but we know we will have to defend a lot too.

Are Norwich best opponent in the league?
It’s an opponent we have to respect, but all the opponents have had ups and downs. It will be a mistake to think all these teams are not important. We can’t ignore the potential of these teams and I just quoted the teams which come to my mind. Usually, football makes sure what seems evident to everyone doesn’t happen.

Pukki - how difficult to find unknown players like him?
His skills are not common in English football. He’s not a player who goes for 50-50s or uses his physical capabilities. It’s a player who is hard to neutralise. He uses a lot his intuition. He is always in good positions to receiver the ball and he makes many movements. He plays simple and efficient.

How significant would six-point gap be?
If we have six points and the team plays with regularity it’s a big difference. Ups and downs would make it nothing.

Is Saturday more significant than others for you?
I think, apart from our positions, the offensive aspects of both teams make this attractive.

If James done - how happy with January?
Orta chose James and I accepted the player proposed to me. I agree with the fact this player has the features the team needs and responds to the needs of the team. If he comes it will be a significant transfer. If he doesn’t come we will find solutions for the rest of the season.

Like James's age?
The most important element is how he plays and then comes how old is he. He comes inside the group to compensate experience with youth. We have enough experienced players, so we can have young players too.

Douglas and Brown - ready?

Douglas, yes. Brown, no.

Why not Brown?
I talked several times about his injury. I already answered several times to the question you asked. You will remember the answer I gave, but I will repeat it again.
Izzy hasn’t played for one year. He is fit. He has trained. The sport aspect is different from the fitness aspect. You need to play six or eight games to recover sport fitness. After playing six or eight games usually the player recovers his skills. Not necessarily. That’s what we hope. He is a player if he gets back he will be very important for us because he’s a 10 with the capacity to score goals. He can break the balance with the opponent with his play.
When a creative player reaches his level he goes inside the team immediately. The position of a winger and the nine and 10, are the most difficult positions in football. Difficult to play well in these positions. It’s true the majority of subs are made in these four positions. Any offensive player who plays well will be in the team.
Clarke, Pablo, Roofe, Bamford, Roofe, Harrison, Stevens, Klich. Dallas and Roberts too. If Izzy plays better than them he will play

When did the 6-8 games for Brown start? He's played that many already
No he hasn’t played six to eight games.
He started to play, he got injured. Now he plays his second game.
<So it starts from the hamstring injury?>
Anyway as I see you’re worried about the situation, the previous answer you can apply to ant decision I take. I have to chose and I’m never sure that I’m taking the right decision.
And many times I doubt that I took the right decision.
Every time you ask me about the presence or absence of a player I will answer the same. I chose the player who offered the best options to resolve the game at that moment.

Any more on Dallas' injury?
He has a problem with his foot. It’s a new problem, linked to the bone stress and for now he will need complete rest for ten days.
And then with the evolution we will see how long he needs.

Why will Phillips miss out?
I just answered that question.
Did I express myself not well enough?
I had to chose between Jansson and Phillips, and Cooper and Phillips, and Forshaw and Philips. I had to chose between those three players.

Question from German journalist - what he thinks of English football compared with elsewhere?
I prefer not to make comparisons because I have worked in several places. I can give you my opinion on English football. I don’t think I will say something new because everything has been said on English football. In England, the desire to win is stronger than the fact we don’t want to lose. In England: win before loss(?).
This tells a lot about how the English culture sees the game. This is what makes the specificity of English football around the world. Another thing seen in France and Germany too, it’s a structure project to develop young players.
Football is undergoing a huge crisis because we have more and more spectators, which allows the economic prosperity of football, but it’s an everyday horror to get good players.
In this sense, these three countries, Germany, France and England have been at the vanguard.

What is satisfying about working in England?
The players still have a link with the amateur aspect of the game and this is very important, this has a lot of value because they constantly receive messages telling them to get rid of this amateur aspect, but to be a good professional you need to be a great amateur too.
The team of Leeds has many amateur values in the behaviour of the players.

What do you mean by amateur values?
It means I don’t play football for money, but I play because I love football.

Long season - Leeds and Norwich aggressive - hard to keep up intensity at the end?
The answer only has value if we can verify it. All I can say is ‘yes we will.’ We know the truth only in May.

Not considering changing style for fatigue?
Absolutely not. I’m going to tell you why.
It’s so hard to draw the style of a team and it takes so long. At the same time it’s so unstable, but when you think about switching the style, if you could change the style, it means it’s because the style is not strong enough.
If you can change something easily, it means it was not hard to build it. I never think about changing the style. I’d rather focus on problems in what we’re doing.
With the constant problems with changing plans, especially when losing, for me, these solicitations deserve this response: the response is you have to correct what is not done well.

Sixty-three now - called El Loco - honour or insult?
First of all, I can’t say I’m successful. I’d rather say the opposite.
One of the things you hear the most when people talk about me, is the lack of trophies. You can verify this. When you’ve been working in football for such a long time, and when you’ve been in for such a long time, given the opinion enough factual elements to draw your own conclusions about whether it’s positive or negative.
I’m sure you think you think it’s a positive one.

All over here. One of those more florid, personable press conferences we have seen at times this term. Full transcript from everything he said later...

One final answer on James - missed this earlier
I read with the fact he (James) will come. As Saiz is not in the club anymore, Pablo plays as a 10. And the fact Douglas was absent, Alioski plays as a full-back. At the beginning our wingers were Pablo and Alioski. For us, it will be important to have a winger.
The maestro har talt. Phillips spiller ikke fordi Bielsa anser Forshaw som bedre i den posisjonen, og Brown har igjen 4-6 kamper i opptrening før han spiller førstelags-fotball. Uansett, spennende blir dette. Vinner vi tar vi et stort sprang mot PL. Taper vi blir det kamp på kniven helt inn.

Lurer på hva Brown tenker/syns om at han må igjennom minst 4 matcher til før han er aktuell.
D er en økonomisk side ved dette også, da Leeds ikke betaler avtalt lønn før han er kampklar/spiller førstelagsfotball.  Spekulering?

Som auren skriver, morgendagens kamp er viktig ift å få ut frustrasjon over "hva vi kunne/burde ha skaffet av spillere/gjort i vinduet" vinner vi vil det være rolig i etterkant.


Tror kanskje Rad er den som er mest sugen på seier her.. Ett tap så vil kritikken dundre inn fra alle kanter for en feilet overgangsvindu.

Tar vi kontrollen fra start og spiller slik vi gjorde mot Derby så vinner vi denne greit.


Herre Gud!
Ingen som har sett de 2 siste kampene?
Vi er fullstendig ute av form og fikk ingen kvalitetsspillere inn.
Lukter tap lang vei mot Norshit.


Dagens presser. :)

In position
Waiting on the main man...

Last day of the window - Dan James?
So far I don’t have any news about transfers. I know both clubs are negotiating, but I don’t know if it’s done.

Pablo fit?
Yes. He trained normally.

Changes on Saturday? Jansson available
No Phillips! Gave us the full XI. Roberts starts.
Here is the team: Casllia, Ayling, Jansson, Cooper, Alioski, Forshaw, Harrison, Klich, Roberts, Hernandez, Roofe.

Mental concentration on Saturday? Teams score late goals
It’s a team that attacks very well. It’s a team designed to attack. It doesn’t mean they don’t defend well,but the profile of the team is a creative profile. We want to attack, but we know we will have to defend a lot too.

Are Norwich best opponent in the league?
It’s an opponent we have to respect, but all the opponents have had ups and downs. It will be a mistake to think all these teams are not important. We can’t ignore the potential of these teams and I just quoted the teams which come to my mind. Usually, football makes sure what seems evident to everyone doesn’t happen.

Pukki - how difficult to find unknown players like him?
His skills are not common in English football. He’s not a player who goes for 50-50s or uses his physical capabilities. It’s a player who is hard to neutralise. He uses a lot his intuition. He is always in good positions to receiver the ball and he makes many movements. He plays simple and efficient.

How significant would six-point gap be?
If we have six points and the team plays with regularity it’s a big difference. Ups and downs would make it nothing.

Is Saturday more significant than others for you?
I think, apart from our positions, the offensive aspects of both teams make this attractive.

If James done - how happy with January?
Orta chose James and I accepted the player proposed to me. I agree with the fact this player has the features the team needs and responds to the needs of the team. If he comes it will be a significant transfer. If he doesn’t come we will find solutions for the rest of the season.

Like James's age?
The most important element is how he plays and then comes how old is he. He comes inside the group to compensate experience with youth. We have enough experienced players, so we can have young players too.

Douglas and Brown - ready?

Douglas, yes. Brown, no.

Why not Brown?
I talked several times about his injury. I already answered several times to the question you asked. You will remember the answer I gave, but I will repeat it again.
Izzy hasn’t played for one year. He is fit. He has trained. The sport aspect is different from the fitness aspect. You need to play six or eight games to recover sport fitness. After playing six or eight games usually the player recovers his skills. Not necessarily. That’s what we hope. He is a player if he gets back he will be very important for us because he’s a 10 with the capacity to score goals. He can break the balance with the opponent with his play.
When a creative player reaches his level he goes inside the team immediately. The position of a winger and the nine and 10, are the most difficult positions in football. Difficult to play well in these positions. It’s true the majority of subs are made in these four positions. Any offensive player who plays well will be in the team.
Clarke, Pablo, Roofe, Bamford, Roofe, Harrison, Stevens, Klich. Dallas and Roberts too. If Izzy plays better than them he will play

When did the 6-8 games for Brown start? He's played that many already
No he hasn’t played six to eight games.
He started to play, he got injured. Now he plays his second game.
<So it starts from the hamstring injury?>
Anyway as I see you’re worried about the situation, the previous answer you can apply to ant decision I take. I have to chose and I’m never sure that I’m taking the right decision.
And many times I doubt that I took the right decision.
Every time you ask me about the presence or absence of a player I will answer the same. I chose the player who offered the best options to resolve the game at that moment.

Any more on Dallas' injury?
He has a problem with his foot. It’s a new problem, linked to the bone stress and for now he will need complete rest for ten days.
And then with the evolution we will see how long he needs.

Why will Phillips miss out?
I just answered that question.
Did I express myself not well enough?
I had to chose between Jansson and Phillips, and Cooper and Phillips, and Forshaw and Philips. I had to chose between those three players.

Question from German journalist - what he thinks of English football compared with elsewhere?
I prefer not to make comparisons because I have worked in several places. I can give you my opinion on English football. I don’t think I will say something new because everything has been said on English football. In England, the desire to win is stronger than the fact we don’t want to lose. In England: win before loss(?).
This tells a lot about how the English culture sees the game. This is what makes the specificity of English football around the world. Another thing seen in France and Germany too, it’s a structure project to develop young players.
Football is undergoing a huge crisis because we have more and more spectators, which allows the economic prosperity of football, but it’s an everyday horror to get good players.
In this sense, these three countries, Germany, France and England have been at the vanguard.

What is satisfying about working in England?
The players still have a link with the amateur aspect of the game and this is very important, this has a lot of value because they constantly receive messages telling them to get rid of this amateur aspect, but to be a good professional you need to be a great amateur too.
The team of Leeds has many amateur values in the behaviour of the players.

What do you mean by amateur values?
It means I don’t play football for money, but I play because I love football.

Long season - Leeds and Norwich aggressive - hard to keep up intensity at the end?
The answer only has value if we can verify it. All I can say is ‘yes we will.’ We know the truth only in May.

Not considering changing style for fatigue?
Absolutely not. I’m going to tell you why.
It’s so hard to draw the style of a team and it takes so long. At the same time it’s so unstable, but when you think about switching the style, if you could change the style, it means it’s because the style is not strong enough.
If you can change something easily, it means it was not hard to build it. I never think about changing the style. I’d rather focus on problems in what we’re doing.
With the constant problems with changing plans, especially when losing, for me, these solicitations deserve this response: the response is you have to correct what is not done well.

Sixty-three now - called El Loco - honour or insult?
First of all, I can’t say I’m successful. I’d rather say the opposite.
One of the things you hear the most when people talk about me, is the lack of trophies. You can verify this. When you’ve been working in football for such a long time, and when you’ve been in for such a long time, given the opinion enough factual elements to draw your own conclusions about whether it’s positive or negative.
I’m sure you think you think it’s a positive one.

All over here. One of those more florid, personable press conferences we have seen at times this term. Full transcript from everything he said later...

One final answer on James - missed this earlier
I read with the fact he (James) will come. As Saiz is not in the club anymore, Pablo plays as a 10. And the fact Douglas was absent, Alioski plays as a full-back. At the beginning our wingers were Pablo and Alioski. For us, it will be important to have a winger.
The maestro har talt. Phillips spiller ikke fordi Bielsa anser Forshaw som bedre i den posisjonen, og Brown har igjen 4-6 kamper i opptrening før han spiller førstelags-fotball. Uansett, spennende blir dette. Vinner vi tar vi et stort sprang mot PL. Taper vi blir det kamp på kniven helt inn.

Lurer på hva Brown tenker/syns om at han må igjennom minst 4 matcher til før han er aktuell.
D er en økonomisk side ved dette også, da Leeds ikke betaler avtalt lønn før han er kampklar/spiller førstelagsfotball.  Spekulering?

Som auren skriver, morgendagens kamp er viktig ift å få ut frustrasjon over "hva vi kunne/burde ha skaffet av spillere/gjort i vinduet" vinner vi vil det være rolig i etterkant.
Det er leeds som betaler lønna hans nå i minst en mnd, så det er nok ikke tema!

Sent fra min H8324 via Tapatalk



  • Gjest
Tror kanskje Rad er den som er mest sugen på seier her.. Ett tap så vil kritikken dundre inn fra alle kanter for en feilet overgangsvindu.

Tar vi kontrollen fra start og spiller slik vi gjorde mot Derby så vinner vi denne greit.

Det tror jeg du har helt rett i.
Dette var i utgangspunktet en veldig viktig kamp. Nå er den plutselig blitt enda viktigere.
Skal være forsiktig med å bruke for sterke ord, men sitter med en liten følelse av at denne kampen kan komme til å bli nokså sesong-definerende.

Vinner vi, vil det gi både klubb og supportere en enorm boost!
Taper vi, kan det fort spre seg en usikkerhet (og misnøye blant supporterne, der frustrerende mange bygger sine fremtidsperspektiver nesten ene og alene på resultatet av siste kamp) før vi skal ut i en ny vanskelig bortekamp mot M'Boro.

Så i morgen forventer jeg en voldsom intensitet og innsats - og håper at Ayling i alle fall treffer med tre-fire pasninger! :)

Promotion 2010

Activity for fans ahead of kick-off as Leeds United take on Norwich City.

Leeds United are back in action in the Sky Bet Championship on Saturday evening as they take on Norwich City in front of the biggest crowd of the 2018/19 season.

There are a number of activities taking place ahead of kick-off (which is at 5.30pm) at Elland Road for supporters, so make sure you arrive early!

We have facepainters in the East Stand Concourse for our junior fans with Lucas the Kop Cat also doing the rounds to have photos with those in attendance. Once again, there will also be Leeds United Stilt Walkers located around the ground so keep an eye out for them.

The Leeds United Foodbank will also be in action and the collection van will be located next to Bremner Square for any fans who are able to bring along donations of food or cash.

North East Corner Fan Zone

The Fan Zone will be open from 3pm and there will be four bars serving alcoholic, soft and hot drinks, and a variety of food offerings – there is no entry fee for access!

Offers include:

-          Two pints for £7 on Fosters, John Smith's and Strongbow

The Centenary Pavilion: Fan Village

As with every matchday, The Centenary Pavilion is transformed into the Fan Village and it will be open from 12.30pm tonight.


There will be a DJ playing music and Leeds United legends will be taking to the stage to give you their expert opinion on all things United.

Offers include:

-          Two pints for £7 on Fosters, John Smith's and Strongbow

-          Hot food and soft drinks also available

Entry details:

Entry is £3 for Season Ticket Holders and Members; it is £5 for all non-members (accompanied by a Season Ticket Holder). In return for your admission fee you will receive a complimentary bottle of beer or soft drink on arrival – all Season Ticket Holders and Members must present a valid membership card upon entry.

Please note junior members gain free entry to the Fan Village but must be accompanied by an adult.

Billy’s Bar

Join us in Billy’s Bar this afternoon from 10am where you can enjoy food and drink at Elland Road.

Offers include:

-          Two pints for £7 on Fosters, John Smith’s and Strongbow
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973



Roofe2, Roberts, Cooper,Alioski og Clarke.

Spår en eksplosjon i morgen!



Roofe2, Roberts, Cooper,Alioski og Clarke.

Spår en eksplosjon i morgen!

What? Det tror du ikke på selv engang!  ;D

2-1 til Leeds. Roberts og Harrison. Jevn kamp med en god del kontroverser, men vi haler i land seieren!

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


 Bamford back on the bench tomorrow, should stop the moaning. Get in! #lufc

Håper han har rett!


"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Roofe får spillerom igjen i vinner 3-2 .



Roofe2, Roberts, Cooper,Alioski og Clarke.

Spår en eksplosjon i morgen!

What? Det tror du ikke på selv engang!  ;D

2-1 til Leeds. Roberts og Harrison. Jevn kamp med en god del kontroverser, men vi haler i land seieren!


Vanligvis hadde de siste kamper og januarvinduet nå tatt helt motet fra meg. Men er noe spesielt denne sesongen rundt spillergruppa, klubben etc...
Tror vi får en kamp denne sesongen der alt går vår vei. Har på følelsen av at den kampen kan komme i morgen.
Kjølvannet av Spygate/Norwich.. de er nr 2 på tabellen, et lag som offensivt passer oss bra, spillerenes respons etter siste kamper. Tror mange spillere kjenner på supporternes frustrasjon etter i går vedr James. I tillegg vil det være en ramme rundt kampen som kommer til å skremme vettet av Norwich. Bielsa er jo født med slike rammer.
Et sted langt der inne varsler det en lampe med 6-0 til Leeds, Auren;)
« Siste redigering: Februar 01, 2019, 14:39:29 av leedslife »



Roofe2, Roberts, Cooper,Alioski og Clarke.

Spår en eksplosjon i morgen!

What? Det tror du ikke på selv engang!  ;D

2-1 til Leeds. Roberts og Harrison. Jevn kamp med en god del kontroverser, men vi haler i land seieren!


Vanligvis hadde de siste kamper og januarvinduet nå tatt helt motet fra meg. Men er noe spesielt denne sesongen rundt spillergruppa, klubben etc...
Tror vi får en kamp denne sesongen der alt går vår vei. Har på følelsen av at den kampen kan komme i morgen.
Kjølvannet av Spygate/Norwich.. de er nr 2 på tabellen, et lag som offensivt passer oss bra, spillerenes respons etter siste kamper. Tror mange spillere kjenner på supporternes frustrasjon etter i går vedr James. I tillegg vil det være en ramme rundt kampen som kommer til å skremme vettet av Norwich. Bielsa er jo født med slike rammer.
Et sted langt der inne varsler det en lampe med 6-0 til Leeds, Auren;)

Takk! Nå kom smilet på plass for første gang i dag  :)

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.



Roofe2, Roberts, Cooper,Alioski og Clarke.

Spår en eksplosjon i morgen!

What? Det tror du ikke på selv engang!  ;D

2-1 til Leeds. Roberts og Harrison. Jevn kamp med en god del kontroverser, men vi haler i land seieren!


Vanligvis hadde de siste kamper og januarvinduet nå tatt helt motet fra meg. Men er noe spesielt denne sesongen rundt spillergruppa, klubben etc...
Tror vi får en kamp denne sesongen der alt går vår vei. Har på følelsen av at den kampen kan komme i morgen.
Kjølvannet av Spygate/Norwich.. de er nr 2 på tabellen, et lag som offensivt passer oss bra, spillerenes respons etter siste kamper. Tror mange spillere kjenner på supporternes frustrasjon etter i går vedr James. I tillegg vil det være en ramme rundt kampen som kommer til å skremme vettet av Norwich. Bielsa er jo født med slike rammer.
Et sted langt der inne varsler det en lampe med 6-0 til Leeds, Auren;)

Takk! Nå kom smilet på plass for første gang i dag  :)


For å være litt seriøst her også. Jeg har sett mange CC kamper denne sesongen. Jeg er ikke enig med de som sier at WBA, Villa eller Norwich har det høyeste beste nivået.
Jeg mener beste nivået vårt er klart klart bedre enn nr 2,3 og 10 på tabellen. Alle kan slå alle i enkeltkamper ila sesongen, men tabellen viser at vi over x antall kamper er det beste laget. Føler også at potensialet i laget enda ikke er nådd. Langt i fra.

Vi hadde noen kamper i høst der vi feide lag av banen. Det var nærmest rått parti. (Sheff wed borte som et eks for de som trenger det)
Skader/Suspensjoner og en tynn stall har nok noe av skylda får at vi i perioder har hatt det litt tungt. Triangelspillet og kombinasjonsspillet vi satt opp i kamper i høst har jeg aldri sett i CC før. Må som regel se kamper av de beste klubbene i Europa for å se det. Dette også har blitt stykket opp pga skader/spilleravganger.

Men spillere vi forhåpentligvis får tilbake nå ila neste dagene/ukene er bra spillere. Brown og Bamford f.eks er av topptopp hylle i denne divisjonen.

Dette sammen med at vi har et kollektiv og en mentalitet som tilsier første plass vil føre oss opp denne sesongen.
I tillegg til den bomba vi får oppleve i morgen:-)


 Bamford back on the bench tomorrow, should stop the moaning. Get in! #lufc

Håper han har rett!


There`s hope in a hangin`snore ...fritt etter Eggen` ;)
Tviler, Bielsa er jo knallhard ift U23 kamper først- ref Brown.


Satser også på seier i morgen. Siste hjemmekamp mot Derby var jo klasse.


Herre Gud!
Ingen som har sett de 2 siste kampene?
Vi er fullstendig ute av form og fikk ingen kvalitetsspillere inn.
Lukter tap lang vei mot Norshit.
Det jeg lukter her er en bråte pessimistiske fans som selger skinnet til bjørnen "Tap" før den i hele tatt er skutt. Norwich forsvar er vaklevorent. Nøytraliser, eller helst spark ned, Pukki og kampen er i boks. Her må Dirty Leeds være på hugget.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020




"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020

Promotion 2010

Security stepped up ahead of Leeds United clash with Norwich City at Elland Road

Published: 13:41 Friday 01 February 2019
Security has been stepped up ahead of Saturday's game against Norwich City
Security has been stepped up ahead of Saturday's game against Norwich City
Security is being stepped up ahead of Saturday's clash between Leeds United and Elland Road at Elland Road.

Norwich City have said that it will take extra safety measures when the club visits Elland Road on Saturday.

And West Yorkshire Police has said that it will ensure 'appropriate policing plans and resources' are in place for the top-of-the-table clash.

The move comes after social media posts called on Leeds fans to give their visitors a hostile reception. The posts were quickly criticised by both sets of supporters.

West Yorkshire Police has said that it is 'aware' of the social media comments.

Read more: Every Leeds United January signing listed since the Whites Championship return
In a statement the force said: "We are aware of social media posts regarding this fixture and are in contact with Leeds United as we are for all matches at Elland Road. Appropriate policing plans and resources will be in place for the game on February 2."

The Yorkshire Evening Post understands that staff at Leeds United have taken a pro-active approach, working closely with both West Yorkshire Police and Norwich City Football Club.

Norwich City’s Chief Operating Officer Ben Kensell said: “Working with the assistance of Leeds United and the Police following intelligence from them and concerned supporters about possible safety threats to our team coach made via social media, we have taken extra security precautions.

"We are looking forward to the match and obviously we want our players, staff and supporters to enjoy the game safely and in the right spirit.”

Read more: Sports fans gear up for Super Saturday
The game will kick off at 5.30pm on Saturday at Elland Road and will be shown on Sky Sports.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010


Just imagine the Leeds start XI if we did sign James tho


Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Kopierte denne hit.....

En eller annen sa: Hvorfor syte så inni h... om en spiller ingen av oss hadde hørt om for 3 uker siden. Greit at Leeds ville ha ham, men sesongen skal uansett løses av de vi har til rådighet i troppen. De har klart det hittil og vil klare det i 17 kamper til!

Jeg er mer bekymret for Forshaw i defensiv rolle i morgen mot sjanseskapende Norwich!

Du tenker på vår kanskje beste spiller de siste 3 kampene?
Som mot Derby i forrige hjemmekamp så spår jeg at han er outstanding i morgen. Men har spådd feil før.

God pasningssikkerhet, men verken overblikk eller pasningsstyrken til Phillips!

Vi får se i morgen!
Noen må ta Pukki ut av kampen (men nå er vi kanskje over i en annen tråd?).

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Her var vi.
Tror egentlig 4ér rollen er Foreshaws.
Kampen hans mot Derby er det beste jeg har sett av en Leeds spiller på lang lang tid.
Tror også Phillips vil fungere bedre i en 8er rolle enn f.eks Foreshaw.
Men uansett luksusproblem. At vi har to så gode 4ére er nydelig. Mulig Phillips må inn og spraye noen baller i andre omgang:-)
Men tilbake til back/kant - hva gjøres der? Greit at det øves på feltet, men motet og mentaliteteten til å ta tak virker fraværende hos enkelte spillere.


Phillips banket inn mål på bestilling i starten i fjor. Da spilte han Box to box. Han jar hevet seg enormt siden i fjor, så ingen grunn til at han gjør det nie dårligere. Med Forshaw, Phillips og Klich vil vi ha en midtbane med god balanse, enorm løpskraft og potensielt en del mål.

På backen må Ayling og Douglas heve seg. Berardi og Alioski alternativer. Viktigst at Douglas finner igjen høstformen. Da vil alternativene på vingen bli større. Med Klich eller Phillips i 10'er rollen kan Alioski, Pablo, Harrison og Clarke kjempe om å få spille ving. I tilegg har vi Brown og Roberts som kan spille alt foran. Shackleton også et alternativ på hele høyre siden samt midten. Bamford har mange kamper på venstre ving, i tilegg kan Roofe brukes bak spissen og vingen. I tilegg blir forhåpentligvis Dallas skadefri etterhvert.

Flust av alternativer. Så ser ikke helt at Rads har stilt seg i galgen eller at alt rakner om vi taper i morgen fordi James eller noen andre ikke kom inn.

Spent på morgendagen. Håper Roberts lykkes og at Harrison fortsetter der han slapp. Vi har spillere på benken som kan komme inn å forandre kampbildet. Lenge siden sist. Like viktig er det at vi stiller med to midtstoppere igjen.

Håper på Leeds scoring før 15 min er spilt. Da vinner vi!


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Håper Leedslaget er like forbannet som eg var i går kveld.

'Oss mot alle' - mentalitet. Og i morgen er det Norwich det skal gå ut over.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



  • Forum Admin
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Shackleton også et alternativ på hele høyre siden samt midten.

Ble det ingenting av Shakleton-utlånet??? :o
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Shackleton også et alternativ på hele høyre siden samt midten.

Ble det ingenting av Shakleton-utlånet??? :o

Han ble vel ikke lånt ut??

Pearce og Dalby ble lånt ut, men Shackleton har gått under min radar isåfall..
« Siste redigering: Februar 01, 2019, 19:24:13 av eriksen55 »

Promotion 2010

Shackleton også et alternativ på hele høyre siden samt midten.

Ble det ingenting av Shakleton-utlånet??? :o

Han ble vel ikke lånt ut??

Pearce gikk til Scunthorpe, men Shackleton har gått under min radar isåfall..

Meldt på en fake konto! Bull sh*t!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


  • Forum Admin
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  • LEEDS UNITED - the Pride of Yorkshire
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Shackleton også et alternativ på hele høyre siden samt midten.

Ble det ingenting av Shakleton-utlånet??? :o

Han ble vel ikke lånt ut??

Pearce gikk til Scunthorpe, men Shackleton har gått under min radar isåfall..

Meldt på en fake konto! Bull sh*t!

Heh, OK. Så det bare i forbifarten - fokusen min var andre steder ;)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me
