Skrevet av Emne: Bates og chelsea..  (Lest 2314 ganger)

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Bates og chelsea..
« på: Juli 30, 2006, 15:43:36 »
30 July 2006
We want £24million for kids Chelsea poached from us We'll report them to FIFA We'll askFA to deduct points.
Anthony Clavane sunday mirror.
FOR the past couple of years two words were banned at Stamford Bridge - one was Ken, the other Bates.

Last week, however, Chelsea put out a video which included fond memories of Old Greybeard's 22-year reign. The former Blues chairman is surprised by this news.

The last time we met he complained the club were trying to wipe him out of history. So could this lead to a reconciliation?

"There's nothing that a big cheque won't cure," he chuckles.

Bates is taking the champions to a tribunal for allegedly poaching Leeds youngsters Michael Woods and Tom Taiwo. A third, Danny Rose, turned down Chelsea's offer.

The Elland Road chief says: "Chelsea reported Real Madrid to FIFA for allegedly making an illegal approach to Arjen Robben. But they made an illegal approach to three of our kids, so at the moment we're going to report them to FIFA as well.

"They're sitting on a suspended three-point deduction for Ashley Cole. We're asking the FA to revive that.

"That's three points deducted for each of the players approached illegally, so that would represent a 12-point deduction for next season. And we're asking for £24m. They paid £16m for the Nigerian kid (John Obi Mikel)."

Bates is also taking legal proceedings against former academy coach Gary Worthington, who left Leeds a year ago.

Worthington, now a Chelsea talentspotter, is understood to have had clauses in his contract forbidding him from poaching players.

Bates, 74, who rescued Leeds from financial meltdown, knows they simply can't afford to have their best kids cherry-picked on the cheap. It would be wrong whichever big club was doing it.

It just happens to be Chelsea. Ken's moved on. Yet he can't help revealing, in his Monte Carlo flat overlooking the Mediterranean, that he's set up Yorkshire Radio - with LUTV and the fans' magazine part of a growing "media empire" - with equipment bought from the Blues' old radio station. [:p]

That'll teach 'em for taking away his famous column in the Chelsea programme. "We appreciate Mr Abramovich's generosity in sending us the equipment," he says deadpan. "We bought it through a third party at knockdown prices." [:D][:D]

Radio Ken is a 24/7 operation and already, apparently, a great success. "What I did at Chelsea I'm going to do at Leeds. We've got eight million potential listeners."

Neither Abramovich nor chief executive Peter Kenyon knew about the deal. "Mr Kenyon, as we know, has no idea," he says. SuperKen, on a mission to restore Leeds' mighty powers, cannot resist zapping arch-enemies - like Kenyon, Abramovich, David Dein and Sven Goran Eriksson - along the way.

His wife Susannah says he's mellowed. "He's shy and quiet, but no one writes that," she insists. And it is a shock to witness the old bruiser wiping away tears after receiving a call from Rob Hulse, the striker he's just sold to Sheffield United, who calls him a one-in-a-million chairman.

But his mild-mannered Clark Kent persona soon evaporates as he lets fly at the usual suspects.

"Chelsea are the most reviled club in Europe," he blasts. "Kenyon stood up at a meeting and said 'These rich Americans are all going to support us'.

"He was booed. They said: 'F*** rich Americans, we're Chelsea fans.' They've become a brand like Pepsi or Coca-Cola.

The No.1 guy at Emirates said he had a fantastic relationship with me, but when the ownership changed, everything changed. They invited Abramovich on their inaugural flight and he didn't even reply!"

Emirates moved their sponsorship to Arsenal, whose vice-chairman Dein is another old foe. What did he make of him being voted off the FA board?

"David Dein is finished. He is yesterday's man. He got in Sven Goran Eriksson, who I always said would be a disaster. Now, £25m later, we all know he's a disaster.

"That's Dein's legacy. Because of Eriksson's failure English football has been put back years.

"At the FA I didn't get involved with England because the whole thing stinks from beginning to end.

"The international committee is so bloody weak - they allow the employees to do what they want. Why did the WAGs go to Baden-Baden? We were trying to win the bloody World Cup."

It's reassuring to know Super Ken, through his new media empire, is still taking on football's big guns - with one megalomaniac bent on world domination particularly in his sights.

"Churchill, in 1945, said the only thing the Russians respect is strength and they will push you all the way. Have they picked a fight with the wrong man? We'll see." [:D][:D]

Leeds United yesterday,today,tomorrow,forever
Leeds United yesterday today tomorrow forever


Re: Bates og chelsea..
« Svar #1 på: Juli 30, 2006, 15:52:17 »
Bates er Bates. Det er jo beroligende å ha en slik mann i kulissene ... hvis laget ikke presterer i høst, vil han ikke nøle med å gjøre forandringer.
Vi skulle aldri ha solgt Terry Cooper til Middlesboro'


Re: Bates og chelsea..
« Svar #2 på: Juli 30, 2006, 23:05:51 »
HEHEHEHEH,herlig å se ken bates prøver seg på en frekkis ,hvem vet kansje vi kan få noe ut av dette ,om ikke så mye som 24mill så ville vær krone han klarer å hente være gullvært .hehehe om ikke annet så jæ artig .


Re: Bates og chelsea..
« Svar #3 på: Juli 31, 2006, 08:39:10 »
Stå på Bates!!!

We love you Leeds! Leeds! Leeds!


Re: Bates og chelsea..
« Svar #4 på: Juli 31, 2006, 17:10:40 »
"There's nothing that a big cheque won't cure," he chuckles.

HAHAHA:D Her har du Bates i ett nøtteskall vett.

Likte også, "knows they simply can't afford to have their best kids cherry-picked on the cheap". Beroligende.

Hadde vært moro hvis dette hadde gitt oss noen velfortjente kronasjer i klubb-kassa!

God, shave your legs, og heia Leeds United!
"E ska spele førr Junaitid!" Tore Andre Flo, 03.01.07


Re: Bates og chelsea..
« Svar #5 på: Juli 31, 2006, 20:40:07 »
Håper virkelig FIFA tar det alvorlig, men når det er snakk om Premiership mot Championship, får vel Leeds ikke stort med penger for  de to ungguttene.

£24mill pund? Herregud, det hadde vært penger som hadde kommet til sin rett hos oss! Uansett, Chelski har råd til det, så hvorfor ikke? Men skulle gjerne sett Chelski starte med minuspoeng, men det kommer vel aaaaaldri til å skje dessverre. Penga rår!

Marching On Together!
Marching on together!


Re: Bates og chelsea..
« Svar #6 på: August 01, 2006, 06:02:06 »
[:D] Håper Bates kjører på i knallhard stil mot bluescum !

Dobbeltmoral klubb nummer 1... Fysj [xx(]
