Skade- og suspensjon oversikten

Started by SirOlsen, November 25, 2006, 16:27:38

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Quote from: Promotion 2010 on January 28, 2019, 12:51:23
Quote from: Bjorn on January 28, 2019, 12:44:08
Quote from: Asbjørn on January 28, 2019, 12:38:29
Yeahyeah... :(

Phil Hay

Phil Hay Retweeted Leeds United
More bad news for Stuart Dallas - out for another six weeks with an ankle injury:

Leeds United

| #LUFC winger Stuart Dallas has suffered an ankle injury in training, and is expected to be ruled out for up to six weeks
Stakkars mann. Håper han kommer seg snart igjen.  :'(

Bra intensitet på treningene høres det ut som!
Jepp. Følger romersk hærdisiplin, tydeligvis: øvingsvåpnene var tyngre enn stridsvåpnene. "Når treningen er tung, blir kampen lett." Viste seg å holde stikk.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020

Jon R

Quote from: Promotion 2010 on January 28, 2019, 12:51:23
Quote from: Bjorn on January 28, 2019, 12:44:08
Quote from: Asbjørn on January 28, 2019, 12:38:29
Yeahyeah... :(

Phil Hay

Phil Hay Retweeted Leeds United
More bad news for Stuart Dallas - out for another six weeks with an ankle injury:

Leeds United

| #LUFC winger Stuart Dallas has suffered an ankle injury in training, and is expected to be ruled out for up to six weeks
Stakkars mann. Håper han kommer seg snart igjen.  :'(

Bra intensitet på treningene høres det ut som!
Mer uflaks der altså.  ::)

Håper ikke det er uflaksperspektivet som råder når sesongen skal evalueres. Trøsten får være at vi synes å ha en alkymist av en head coach som klarer å lage edelt metall av gråstein.  :P
Jon R.


HB er vi pt ganske rufsete på, Ayling har virkelig IKKE levert siden skadeavbrekket - direkte svak syns jeg han har vært - særlig pasnings og tempomessig!
Coyle på lån, Shackleton og Dallas mere høyre kant/flanke enn HB...sitter og ser på Hosannah som virker litt "lett" på U23 også.

Vi mangler Berardi rett og slett.


Kjedelig for Dallas. Er jo et godt cover på flere plasser.
Viktigste er at vi får Brown i gang nå. Mål igjen idag og kroppen sviver som et rolexur. Kan ikke vært langt unna nå.


Davis fikk seg en smell. Får ikke håpe at det er alvorlig.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Quote from: RoarG on January 28, 2019, 17:37:58
Ikke siden i pre-season kampen mot Southend har Leeds stilt med fullt mannskap.

Det er faktisk helt spinnvilt.
Får dessverre aldri svaret på det. Men mange poeng hadde vi hatt idag hvis vi hadde kunne stilt med de beste i de fleste kampene så langt? :o

Jon R

Quote from: leedslife on January 28, 2019, 18:27:38
Quote from: RoarG on January 28, 2019, 17:37:58
Ikke siden i pre-season kampen mot Southend har Leeds stilt med fullt mannskap.

Det er faktisk helt spinnvilt.
Får dessverre aldri svaret på det. Men mange poeng hadde vi hatt idag hvis vi hadde kunne stilt med de beste i de fleste kampene så langt? :o
Det blir veldig hypotetisk ja. Under Monk gikk det dårligere når skadesituasjonen bedret seg utover våren, så det er ingen automatikk i at vi hadde hatt flere poeng med noe mindre skader.
Jon R.


Quote from: Jon R on January 28, 2019, 19:30:17
Quote from: leedslife on January 28, 2019, 18:27:38
Quote from: RoarG on January 28, 2019, 17:37:58
Ikke siden i pre-season kampen mot Southend har Leeds stilt med fullt mannskap.

Det er faktisk helt spinnvilt.
Får dessverre aldri svaret på det. Men mange poeng hadde vi hatt idag hvis vi hadde kunne stilt med de beste i de fleste kampene så langt? :o
Det blir veldig hypotetisk ja. Under Monk gikk det dårligere når skadesituasjonen bedret seg utover våren, så det er ingen automatikk i at vi hadde hatt flere poeng med noe mindre skader.
Kan jo tenkes at laget kjemper hardere når man vet at man er få? Et slags overlevelsesinstinkt som slår inn? Men det blir jo bare spekulasjoner.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Quote from: leedslife on January 28, 2019, 18:27:38
Quote from: RoarG on January 28, 2019, 17:37:58
Ikke siden i pre-season kampen mot Southend har Leeds stilt med fullt mannskap.

Det er faktisk helt spinnvilt.
Får dessverre aldri svaret på det. Men mange poeng hadde vi hatt idag hvis vi hadde kunne stilt med de beste i de fleste kampene så langt? :o

Den som visste det kunne vel også besvart det ultimate spørsmålet om livet, universet og alt.

42, kanskje?

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Promotion 2010 on January 29, 2019, 11:45:53
Full oversikt:


#LUFC injury list this season (games missed in bracket)

Bamford (22)
Berardi (21)
Dallas (13)
Pearce (10)
Douglas (8)
Cooper (8)
Hernandez (7)
Ayling (7)
Forshaw (6)
Roofe (6)
Jansson (3)
Izzy Brown (not played a games yet)

Would love to see how far clear we could have been !


there has been a few more , Shaugnessy (5 )Shackelton (3) Harrison (1) BPF (1) Blackman (out for season) but I ran outta twitter characters lol

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Quote from: HåvardK on January 18, 2019, 15:58:30

Sitat fra: SupALeedS på Januar 18, 2019, 10:37:42

Bielsa uttalte vel på siste pressekonferanse at Brown er klar, tipper han er i troppen lørdag. Dette er vel mannen som skal erstatte Saiz tipper jeg. Tror vi ser på en ving spiller før vinduet stenger, nå som keeper plassen er komplett.

Sitat fra: Promotion 2010 på Januar 18, 2019, 11:09:48

5-6 reservekamper sa Bielsa. Han har hatt 1.
Sitat fra: Asbjørn på Januar 18, 2019, 11:13:52

Seks sa han vel ja - han har hatt tre eller fire... En etter forrige comeback

Sitat fra: Jon R på Januar 18, 2019, 11:24:15

Tror ikke de kampene han fikk etter forrige comeback gjelds i denne sammenheng.

Sitat fra: Asbjørn på Januar 18, 2019, 11:25:40

Jo, det tror jeg. For Bielsa sa på pressekonferansen at forskning viste at man trengte ca 6 kamper før man var klar etter ett år ute...


He is fit. The figures we take into account when a player hasn’t played for a year, these figures show a player needs six games to recover his fitness and be ready for a high competition game.
We’ll see with the passing of the games if six is enough, too much or not enough.

Håvard K:

Jeg holder med Jon.


Whattt  ???

Men etter deres regnestykke vil det jo gå vinter og vår før U23 har spilt 5 nye kamper.

Ferbuar, sa Marcelo.

Almost there, sa Izzy

Isaiah Brown\
Verified account
Jan 14
Happy to get through 90 minutes with no problems today, and felt great to score a brace and help the team win. Almost there... #lufc

Håvard K:

Nå holder jeg med Asbjørn litt også.

Ha-ha. Da gav MB oss "fasiten" på denne recoveryfaglige diskusjonen.  ;D

"When did the 6-8 games for Brown start? He's played that many already
MB: No he hasn’t played six to eight games.
He started to play, he got injured. Now he plays his second game.

"So it starts from the hamstring injury?"
MB: Anyway as I see you’re worried about the situation, the previous answer you can apply to ant decision I take. I have to chose and I’m never sure that I’m taking the right decision.
And many times I doubt that I took the right decision. Every time you ask me about the presence or absence of a player I will answer the same. I chose the player who offered the best options to resolve the game at that moment. " 

??? Kan fortsatt bli en stund før vi får se han?  ???
Jon R.


Quote from: Jon R on January 31, 2019, 15:44:30

Ha-ha. Da gav MB oss "fasiten" på denne recoveryfaglige diskusjonen.  ;D

"When did the 6-8 games for Brown start? He's played that many already
MB: No he hasn’t played six to eight games.
He started to play, he got injured. Now he plays his second game.

"So it starts from the hamstring injury?"
MB: Anyway as I see you’re worried about the situation, the previous answer you can apply to ant decision I take. I have to chose and I’m never sure that I’m taking the right decision.
And many times I doubt that I took the right decision. Every time you ask me about the presence or absence of a player I will answer the same. I chose the player who offered the best options to resolve the game at that moment. " 

??? Kan fortsatt bli en stund før vi får se han?  ???

Phil Hay er ikke hèlt vekke mht humor heller:

Om James:
QuoteJordan Russell
How many u23 games will he need until he’s ready Phil
Replying to @JordRussell
six-to-eight. That's six-to-eight.

Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Quote from: Jon R on January 31, 2019, 15:44:30

??? Kan fortsatt bli en stund før vi får se han?  ???

Det bunner nok i det som en på waccoe skreiv her ene dagen, han er ikke fornøyd med helheten i arbeidet hans på fotballbanen. Ikke duellsterk nok ennå, løper kanskje ikke nok ennå...
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Endelig - intervju med Head of Physio, Rob Price

Rob Price interview: From Rafa Benitez to Marcelo Bielsa - the man charged with leading Leeds United's battle against injuries

Phil Hay Email Published: 16:52 Updated: 17:06 Tuesday 05 February 2019

A record is made of every injury at Leeds United and the club’s medical team have already dealt with 45 this season. Rob Price, the man who heads up the treatment room, began working as a physiotherapist at a time when relatively few people owned mobile phones. These days he works all hours, forever on call.

Price served Hull City, the Football Association and Rafael Benitez at Liverpool before becoming Leeds’ head of medicine and performance last summer and the suggestion that Leeds have had more than the average share of injuries on his watch is not in dispute.

Leeds United Head of Medicine and Performance Rob Price. “You get good and bad years,” Price says, “and if you look at our numbers then they’re high in comparison to previous years. We’ve had 45 injuries and that’s more than I’ve had in most seasons where I’ve worked in the Championship.”

At no stage has Marcelo Bielsa has a full squad to work with and on the basis that Stuart Dallas could be out for up to six weeks with a fractured ankle, it will be almost April before that happens if it happens at all.

For several months the situation has posed the question of who or what is to blame, or if in fact anything is to blame. Are clubs really this unlucky or is their management of players - on both the football and the medical side - contributing to the casualty list?

The answer, in Price’s view, is nuanced.
Rob Price with Liverpool's Alberto Aquilani. Football like Bielsa’s - intense, front-foot, possession-based tactics and a regime in which players have few days off, train like they play and appear for the Under-23s when they are out of the first team - comes at a physical cost and Pontus Jansson was quoted in the Swedish media yesterday as saying Leeds can find themselves feeling “tired before a match”.

But the the makeweight is a Championship table in which Leeds are joint top. There is a view amongst experienced physios that teams with no injuries are not pushing themselves hard enough.

Pontus Jansson outlines intensity of Marcelo Bielsa's Leeds United training methods“High performance isn’t healthy,” Price says, and no-one insists on high performance more than Bielsa.

Rob Price on the bench with Marcelo Bielsa at Forest Green Rovers in pre-season. “To get the performances we’re getting and to play a high pressing, intense game, you have to be able to run, you have to be able to sprint and you have to be able to change direction,” Price says. “The more often you do that the more you’re at risk. But if you don’t do it you lose the games. It is a pay-off.

“I wasn’t here last year but if you talk to the players and talk to the staff, a very similar group of players are performing at a much higher level. That’s because of the training we do. If the downside is that you pick up a couple of extra injuries to perform at a higher level, I think it’s a price worth paying.

“You could reduce injuries if you sit back and play a more negative type of football but would you be
successful and would you be in the top two? The answer is probably no.”

How Mateusz Klich helped secure the arrival of Leeds United January signing Mateusz Bogusz In any case, Price would not lay the extensive injury list, a list on which only two prominent players, Gjanni Alioski and Mateusz Klich, haven’t featured, at Bielsa’s door. Clubs divide ailments into soft-tissue damage and contact injuries - a fairly clear split between those which are avoidable and those which aren’t - and of the 45 suffered by players at Leeds, more than 70 per cent have been caused by collisions.

Price says re-injury rates, where footballers aggravate an existing problem, are running at only five per cent, well below the average of 12 to 15 per cent.

Some injuries which appeared to be recurrences, like Patrick Bamford’s knee in December, were different issues. Bamford had returned early from PCL damage but was hurt again in training when another player landed on his leg.

“If you watch the video of it, he’d have injured that knee whether he’d had the injury before or not,” Price says. “He injured a different ligament. Someone fell on him, his knee twisted under him. The actual ligament he’d injured before stood up to it and was intact.

How Leeds United's goal conversion rate compares to the rest of the Championship“It looks like Bamford’s injured his knee again and everyone thinks it’s the same thing but it’s not. We’re quite open and if it is the same thing then we’ll say so. The disappointing one this season was Pablo (Hernandez) who did his hamstring in September. That’s the one real re-injury we had. He did it crossing a ball in training.

”Price says that in those circumstances, he and his staff go back over the rehabilitation process and look for errors of judgement (in Hernandez’s case, the club still believe that the midfielder had cleared every necessary hurdle before resuming training). He meets up to four times a day with Leeds’ fitness coach Benoit Delaval, rehabilitation coach Ruben Crespo, head physio Henry McStay and two of McStay’s assistants to discuss the progress of injured players and the impact of their schedules.

“We do a retrospective thing where we say (about a player) ‘if you were coming back tomorrow and you were to break down, is there anything we’ve missed?’ We try to do the critical event analysis before it happens and if you tick every box and say ‘there’s nothing we would change’ you’ve reduced the risk as much as you can.

“What you’re trying to achieve is a quick return to play with a low re-injury rate. If a player is about 90 per cent and we’re ready to get them back in, if you keep them an extra three weeks in rehab then the risk of re-injury might only reduce by one per cent. So can you spot that optimum time where risk is low but you don’t prolong them coming back?

“Pat (Bamford) came back and he scored that goal at Bolton which might be enough at the end of the season. Keeping him back two weeks wouldn’t have made any difference when a player fell on him in training.

”Leeds invested in their medical team by recruiting Price from Hull and the club have modernised their equipment since then, including the purchase of a specialist machine for building up muscle strength.

Bielsa was the big acquisition on the football side, the elite coach with very pronounced plan in his head, and the Argentinian has rolled impressively with the impact of injuries during his tenure. According to Price, the medical team is never under pressure to rush players back, even though he came from Hull with a reputation for cutting down rehabilitation times.

Gaetano Berardi 'avoided season-ending surgery' in bid to rejoin Leeds United's Championship promotion bid“The best coaches, and you’ve got to put Marcelo in the best-coaches bracket, cope with whatever you give them,” Price says. “If they’re going to panic and fall off because someone breaks down with injury, they’re not going to reach the levels he’s reached.

“What he wants is certainty. If someone’s injured today, how long is he going to be out? That’s all he wants to know. There’s a pride and a drive in what you do to get players back but there’s no pressure put on by Marcelo, or the staff or the players.

”Every injury Leeds suffer is given an initial assessment by Price and another by a second member of staff. Price calls it a “four-eye review”. Scans are analysed by radiologists in Leeds and followed up by analysis by the club doctor and United’s physios.

“Every day there are two or three people asking ‘are they progressing as they should be, are they at the stage where we expect them to be. If they’re not, why not?’ What can we do that’s different?”

Price found when he spoke to Derby’s physio staff last month that injuries at Pride Park had increased from around 20 last season to more than 30 this season, despite no change in the way Derby’s treatment room works.

“You just get seasons like this,” he says. A couple of years ago Benitez made a concerted effort to cut down a problematic injury list at Newcastle United and succeeded in bringing it under control. Might Leeds attempt to do the same?

“When Rafa looked at that, they had a lot of soft tissue injuries,” Price says. “If you’re getting an overload of soft tissue injuries, there are things you can do.

A midfield recall for Kalvin Phillips? And does Patrick Bamford start? The decisions facing Leeds United boss Marcelo Bielsa ahead of a pressure trip to Middlesbrough“Our soft tissue injury stats are actually below average this season but you’ve seen how Marcelo prepares for technical and tactical work. He’s exactly the same with physical work and anyone who thinks he wouldn’t look at that with the same degree of introspection and detail would be crazy.

”Bielsa’s training regime will not change, just as his approach to individual games never changes. “He has his philosophy and does not let it go,” Jansson was quoted as saying. Like his tactics themselves, it is risk versus reward: constant high intensity in return for the consistently good results Leeds have been producing until recently.

“The physical stats in games are massively outweighing what we’ve achieved in the time that staff here have been collecting the data,” Price says.

“Marcelo’s a big believer that unless the players train in the week and are able to carry out the play, they’re no good to him on a Saturday anyway. They don’t want players dipping in and just turning up because they’ll be unable to perform.

“There are lots of contact injuries and people always ask ‘why is that?’ A little bit of it is that we’re more on the front foot, we’re inviting more challenges onto us and we’re making more challenges ourselves. We’re outrunning a lot of clubs and when we look at the physical stats from games, quite often - in fact in the majority of games - we’ve had a much higher physical output than the other teams.

“It’s that balance of performance, of being in the top two with the performances we’ve put on this season or having the same players as last year who perhaps weren’t training so hard and weren’t performing.

"If you want to be top of the table, you have to train hard and play hard.”

Read more at:
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Bielsa allerede på midtukekampen:

Phil Hay

Forshaw has a chance of playing against Swansea. Barry Douglas is injured again and won't make Swansea game. #lufc

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Vi trenger Forshaw OG Kalvin .... gir oss defensiv balanse!

1-1 helt greit....


Kanskje Berardi, Dallas og Douglas alt er klare til neste hjemmekamp mot Bolton?

Berardi and Dallas will be used in the next two U23s game and then considered for the first team if they come through those. Barry Douglas should be back sooner than that (but isn't fit for tomorrow). #lufc

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Quote from: auren on February 12, 2019, 14:14:27
Kanskje Berardi, Dallas og Douglas alt er klare til neste hjemmekamp mot Bolton?

Berardi and Dallas will be used in the next two U23s game and then considered for the first team if they come through those. Barry Douglas should be back sooner than that (but isn't fit for tomorrow). #lufc


Gledelig!  Hvis Berra kommer seg på beina, så ryker ....Ayling ? :D

Jon R

Quote from: Cherry on February 13, 2019, 13:19:44
Quote from: auren on February 12, 2019, 14:14:27
Kanskje Berardi, Dallas og Douglas alt er klare til neste hjemmekamp mot Bolton?

Berardi and Dallas will be used in the next two U23s game and then considered for the first team if they come through those. Barry Douglas should be back sooner than that (but isn't fit for tomorrow). #lufc


Gledelig!  Hvis Berra kommer seg på beina, så ryker ....Ayling ? :D
Leste du ikke referatet fra siste MB pressekonferansen?  ;D
Jon R.


Quote from: Jon R on February 13, 2019, 13:25:31
Quote from: Cherry on February 13, 2019, 13:19:44
Quote from: auren on February 12, 2019, 14:14:27
Kanskje Berardi, Dallas og Douglas alt er klare til neste hjemmekamp mot Bolton?

Berardi and Dallas will be used in the next two U23s game and then considered for the first team if they come through those. Barry Douglas should be back sooner than that (but isn't fit for tomorrow). #lufc


Gledelig!  Hvis Berra kommer seg på beina, så ryker ....Ayling ? :D
Leste du ikke referatet fra siste MB pressekonferansen?  ;D

Tror nok Pontus henger i en tynnere tråd!

Jon R

«Rob Price, the club’s head of medicine and performance, told the YEP a fortnight ago that the physio department at Thorp Arch had already dealt with 45 separate injuries.»

Og nå Roofe?

Read more at:
Jon R.

Promotion 2010


Amazing to think, we haven’t had a fully fit squad to pick from all season, testament to Bielsa and all the whole squad

46 skader på 35’ish kamper!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Hva med Douglas? Skulle bare være ute kort tid,men har ikke spilt de to siste U23 heller


Quote from: Patrick on February 19, 2019, 13:21:04
Hva med Douglas? Skulle bare være ute kort tid,men har ikke spilt de to siste U23 heller

Fra dagens YEP-artikkel:

Barry Douglas - made it back for literally one fixture, at home to Norwich, before a fresh muscle problem returned him to the treatment room. League games missed so far: 2

Read more at:
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Quote from: Asbjørn on February 19, 2019, 13:30:51
Quote from: Patrick on February 19, 2019, 13:21:04
Hva med Douglas? Skulle bare være ute kort tid,men har ikke spilt de to siste U23 heller

Fra dagens YEP-artikkel:

Barry Douglas - made it back for literally one fixture, at home to Norwich, before a fresh muscle problem returned him to the treatment room. League games missed so far: 2

Read more at:

Total number of injuries this season - 140

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Skulle svært gjerne sett at Douglas kom på igjen ASAP.

Med Cooper, Jansson, Ayling og Bamford på banen har vi plutselig både høyde og tyngde i motstanders boks på dødballer som kan siktes på.

Solamen miseris socios habuisse malorum


Noen som har oversikt over hvilke spillere som nærmer seg suspensjon pga gule kort? Kan noen dra gjennom reglene for dette? Det er jo ikke bare skader som kan ramme,  også suspensjoner...

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Killa on February 19, 2019, 14:02:28
Noen som har oversikt over hvilke spillere som nærmer seg suspensjon pga gule kort? Kan noen dra gjennom reglene for dette? Det er jo ikke bare skader som kan ramme,  også suspensjoner...

Står i sticky-tråden om du teller selv!

10 gule pr 1.april er vel neste.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973