TEMA: Elland Road

Started by kjelvi, February 21, 2007, 22:39:14

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Quote from: berlin on September 25, 2017, 09:13:17
West Stand (John Charles Stand) har vistnok en total kapasitet på 11.000. Ut fra Stadium plan kan det se ut som de grå feltene (away fans) utgjør ca 4000 plasser. Er det forklaringen på at "utsolgt" (hjemmefans) vil variere mellom ca 33.500 og 36.500 avhengig av antall bortefans,
samt at sikkerhetssone stjeler noe?

Før man bygde boxene på East Upper var kapasiteten på de forskjellige seksjonene som følger.

East Stand:   16.250
West Stand:    7.500
North Stand: 10.500
South Stand:  5.700

På den kapasiteten fikk bortefansen tildelt 3.600 billetter.


Quote from: janove on September 25, 2017, 09:44:07
Quote from: berlin on September 25, 2017, 09:13:17
West Stand (John Charles Stand) har vistnok en total kapasitet på 11.000. Ut fra Stadium plan kan det se ut som de grå feltene (away fans) utgjør ca 4000 plasser. Er det forklaringen på at "utsolgt" (hjemmefans) vil variere mellom ca 33.500 og 36.500 avhengig av antall bortefans,
samt at sikkerhetssone stjeler noe?

Før man bygde boxene på East Upper var kapasiteten på de forskjellige seksjonene som følger.

East Stand:   16.250
West Stand:    7.500
North Stand: 10.500
South Stand:  5.700

På den kapasiteten fikk bortefansen tildelt 3.600 billetter.

OK, kan sikkert stemme det.

iflg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elland_Road
så er dagens kapasitet på 37.900 fordelt slik
East Stand:   14.900
West Stand:  11.000
North Stand:   7.000
South Stand:   5.000

..men den artikkelen oppgir ikke kilde. Det oppgis at North Stand kapasiteten på 7000 inkluderer hjørnene,
men jeg vet ikke. Du bor vel fortsatt i Leeds(?) og burde ha snøring på dette.  :)  Altså West Stand vs North Stand


ja jeg bor fortsatt i Leeds.
Hvert år blir det utgitt en bok om alle baner (92) i England. Denne kjøpte jeg tidligere. Det er her jeg har disse opplysningene fra.
Her er North/East og North/West en del av North Stand.
Ser at du opererer med en kapasitet på 11.000 på West Stand i et tidligere innlegg. Er dette riktig, så må kapasiteten på West Stand og North Stand være byttet om.
Sjekka akkurat en bok fra 98/99 sesongen og der er tallene de samme som i mitt tidligere innlegg.
Jeg vet imidlertid ikke om mine tall er riktige.


Quote from: Promotion 2010 on September 25, 2017, 07:47:26
Quote from: Xern... on September 25, 2017, 03:54:17
Quote from: karaba on September 24, 2017, 19:43:43
Quote from: Promotion 2010 on September 24, 2017, 17:53:58
Quote from: berlin on September 24, 2017, 17:22:36
Ostesvingen teller 1710 seter. 300 seter er litt det. Og du har jo entrances etc. Tror det blir tullball.


South Stand inkl. svinger, er et bra sted for hjemmefansen i dag.

Så det er greit at det er på West Stand. Men som sagt, hvis West Stand gjøres litt fleksibel avhengig av motstander,
så hadde det vært bra.

Ellers er det nesten bare å vente og se hvordan sesongen blir. Blir det PL-opprykk, så blir nok ER/ny stadion fort et tema.
Men jeg tror ikke vi er en 60.000 klubb, max 50.000. Altså med unntak av storkamper.

Litt morsom denne plasseringen. Som kjent så flyttet Revie banen på begynnelsen av 70-tallet. Det betyr at den delen av West Stand som bortefansen sitter på egentlig har utsikt mot South Stand og ikke direkte til banen.

Kan ikke se at mange hjemmesipportere vil sitte der å se fotball!!

Har faktisk aldri tenkt på at mange av plassene hvor borte publikum sitter på i dag ser inn på South stand, men det er jo faktisk et veldig godt poeng!
De setene med utsikt mot South Stand blir brukt som sikkerhetssone, ergo ingen fans der. Med andre ord sitter bortefansen såppas sentralt at de har utsikt mot banen, dessverre  ;)

Er det sikkerhetssone mot en yttervegg?

Kanskje noe av grunnen er at de alltid stiller med svært få tilskuere?
Jepp, men sikkerhetssonen er mer for å unngå at tilskuerne skal kaste ting ned på South Stand enn at veggen skal være trygg. Sikkerhetssonen gjelder både mot høyre, venstre og under. Skal sende bilde om en tre ukers tid når neste hjemmekamp kommer.
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Denne finnes også på Trust sine sider, men passer vel og bør inn her også:

Leeds United Supporters’ Trust Secures Elland Road As An Asset of Community Value

Leeds United Football Club has given its approval to the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust’s application to make Elland Road an Asset of Community Value (AoCV). This application has now been formally granted by Leeds City Council.

What does an ‘Asset of Community Value’ mean?

In simple terms, an AoCV enables four key things:

Community right to bid: Elland Road cannot now be sold without community groups (such as the Supporters’ Trust in this instance) being informed and given a right to bid to purchase it. If a community group is then interested in purchasing the asset (the stadium) they would have a six week period to make clear their intentions on whether they intend to bid. If they declare their intentions to bid, the six-week period is extended to six months (the moratorium), allowing time to find a buyer/funding, agree a package and prepare the bid. This effectively means that Leeds fans will not wake up one morning to read in the paper that the Stadium has been sold, with no recourse, and the AoCV provides a level of security against secret sales.
Material planning consideration: An AoCV can be used as a reason to refuse planning permission for change of use or demolition. In other words, Elland Road cannot be used for any primary purpose other than a football ground, while it is protected by an AoCV.
Strategic partnerships: The joint listing of the AoCV by the triumvirate of the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust, Leeds United Football Club and Leeds City Council places Elland Road at the very heart of the community it serves, as it approaches the Club’s centenary year.
Compulsory purchase rights: In extreme circumstances, an AoCV-registered building can be compulsory-purchased by the local authority or council “if the asset is under threat of long-term loss to the community”. For example, if the club wished to sell the ground and the Trust or any other community group could not find a willing buyer in the moratorium period, Leeds City Council would have first option to purchase Elland Road, to further prevent it potentially falling into disreputable hands.
As Leeds United approaches its Centenary year in 2019, we start to reflect upon where it all began. One of the enduring attractions of English football is how its clubs were forged in local communities, by local people. Even now, some of the most famous football grounds in the country emerge from lines of tightly-packed terraced houses, surrounded by pubs and corner shops. These are integral to the community they serve, and have been since long before the football club even existed.

Elland Road: an iconic football ground full of history

This is particularly true of Elland Road, which was first used as a sports ground by rugby teams in the late 19th century, at which time it was known as the Old Peacock Ground. It was subsequently used by Leeds City in 1904 (when they were elected to the Football League), and then by Leeds United from 1919.

Elland Road has been developed from an open field with temporary stands and terraces dug into mud banks, into an internationally-renowned stadium. Much of that work has been carried out by local people, and the surrounding landscape has been transformed beyond recognition, often directly because of the success of Leeds United.

Football stadiums are not only the heart and soul of every club, they are rooted in the communities that surround them. They are the focal point of a town or a city, an indelible landmark forever etched on our vision â€" the very image of home and belonging.

While the Supporters’ Trust appreciate the owners of Leeds United have no current plans to move or sell Elland Road, the approval of the AoCV is a decision that helps to protect fans’ interests in the long term, as no one knows what the future holds. There have been periods in the distant past where fans of Wrexham, Brighton & Hove Albion, Doncaster Rovers and Coventry City, amongst others, could never have dared to contemplate what the owners of their respective clubs would go on to do with their cherished football grounds.

The importance of a football ground to its supporters

An AoCV gives communities the opportunity to retain land and buildings for use and ownership by the people who value them most. The new community rights were introduced via the Localism Act 2011, and their aim is to further the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community. In the case of Elland Road, the new rights have ensured that even a global iconic institution like Leeds United will remain rooted in the community in which it was founded. The first fans’ group to successfully apply for their club’s ground to become an AoCV were Oxford United in 2013, since then Old Trafford, Anfield, St James’ Park and many others have gone down the same route.

Elland Road, as a stadium and what it represents, is incredibly important to both Leeds United supporters and the local community. It matters to people who attend football matches, people who work at the club and to those who live within close proximity. To Leeds United fans, the club is more than just a business, it is about identity and community and an AoCV makes that more than just empty words, it provides something tangible and solid. Leeds fans can now exercise their community right to keep Leeds United at its spiritual home, by protecting Elland Road’s future and being part of any process in the event of it being sold.

Why the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust has done this now

The Trust has waited until now to make this application for the AoCV, because it believes we now have a football club ownership that recognises the importance of its fans and the local community, and sees the value in protecting the stadium in the long term.

The club’s new owners don’t see the Trust’s move as an aggressive action to halt their plans, in fact just the opposite; they see it as an opportunity to foster strong bonds between club and fans, and they have embraced it. The club have been receptive to our application and fully understand its significance and importance. This means that Leeds United, its fans and Leeds City Council all agree on the magnitude and emotional value of Elland Road, and this is formally recognised and legally recorded in the AoCV.

It is truly our hope that we will not ever have to use the AoCV legislation. In an ideal world the AoCV approval will sit simply as an idle reminder that we are more protected should the worst ever happen.

In football, as in life, nothing is forever, but this aligns with our vision of safeguarding the future of the club but, perhaps more crucially, it ensures that fans have a voice in that future
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Leeds United fans join forces with club to help safeguard future of Elland Road

Published: 18:00 Friday 06 October 2017
Elland Road, Leeds United
Elland Road, Leeds United
Leeds United have teamed up with the club’s fans with the aim of ensuring Elland Road remains at the centre of sporting life in the city for decades to come.

The ground has been added to Leeds City Council’s list of assets of community value following an application to the local authority by the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust.

Its new status means that, should a time ever arrive when Elland Road is put on the market, then its owner could be prevented from concluding a sale within six months unless it was to a community organisation such as the trust.

Having the status also helps protect Elland Road from demolition and stops it being used for any primary purpose other than as a football ground.

An asset of community value can even be compulsorily purchased by a council if its future is deemed to be under threat.

Read more: Elland Road - Through the years

The trust’s application was supported by United, whose owner Andrea Radrizzani brought Elland Road back under club control over the summer.

Radrizzani has a long-term plan in place called Elland Road 2020 that includes improvements to the ground, which he repurchased for around £20m via United’s parent company, Greenfield Investment PTE Ltd.

Elland Road had been sold to Manchester-based businessman Jacob Adler for £8m in 2004 as the club’s board of the time tried to stave off financial disaster.

Trust chairman Dave Carrington said: “This is a very proud moment for Leeds fans everywhere. In addition to protecting Elland Road, Andrea Radrizzani has shown once again that he recognises the importance of working in partnership with the fans and the local community.”

United managing director Angus Kinnear said: “We congratulate the supporters’ trust for the hard work and dedication they have shown throughout this process, and we look forward to exciting times ahead for Leeds United and our supporters at Elland Road.”

A Leeds City Council report recommending the approval of Elland Road’s new status says its current use furthers the “social interests and social well-being of the local community”.

Council leader Coun Judith Blake today hailed United’s fans as the “heartbeat” of the club and said it was “vitally important” that they have a say in the future destiny of the ground.

The rules governing assets of community value were introduced under the Localism Act 2011.

More than 50 sites are currently on Leeds’s list of assets, including Thorp Arch & Boston Spa Cricket Club, Woodhouse’s Chemic Tavern pub and the Victory Garden allotments in Rawdon.

Football grounds in other parts of the country that are registered as assets of community value with their respective planning authorities include Anfield, Old Trafford and St James’ Park.

Elland Road was originally owned by Bentley’s Brewery and known as the Old Peacock ground, named after a nearby pub.

Leeds United moved in after their formation in 1919 and major changes to the ground were soon under way, with the Elland Road terrace being covered to create the famous Scratching Shed.

The stadium’s record attendance of 57,892 was set in 1967 for United’s FA Cup fifth round replay against Sunderland.

It has survived two fires, a 1919 plan to turn it into a brickyard and, more recently, a doomed bid to spirit the club away to a purpose-built ground five miles down the road in Stourton.

Elland Road was also sold by a cash-strapped United to Leeds City Council in 1985 for £2.5m before being bought back in 1998.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010


Leeds United Managing Director Angus Kinnear has lent his support to the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust upon the news that they have successfully applied for Elland Road to become an Asset of Community Value.

Elland Road has been a key part of the local community since the 19th century and has been the home of Leeds United since 1919.

The board, led by owner Andrea Radrizzani, purchased the stadium back from a private landlord this summer and various areas internally and externally have subsequently been refurbished.

With the support of Leeds City Council and the Club, this application by the Supporters’ Trust prevents Elland Road from being sold in the future without community groups being informed and given an opportunity to prepare their own bid.

Managing Director Angus Kinnear said: “We are pleased to support the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust in their application to make our home an Asset of Community Value.

“Elland Road is an historic venue and has been at the heart of the community in Leeds since before the Club was founded.

“We congratulate the Supporters’ Trust for the hard work and dedication they have shown throughout this process and we look forward to exciting times ahead for Leeds United and our supporters at Elland Road.”

The Leeds United Supporters’ Trust announced the successful application earlier today.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Nå begynner det bli fart over sakene med å planlegge treningsanlegg nær stadion og byen:

Councillors set to discuss potential Leeds United training ground move within city

Phil HayPublished: 16:43
New era? The site of the former Matthew Murray High School in Holbeck earmarked as a possible site for a new training ground for Leeds United
New era? The site of the former Matthew Murray High School in Holbeck earmarked as a possible site for a new training ground for Leeds United
Updated: 17:23 Tuesday 10 October 2017
Leeds City Council is to discuss the possible construction of a new city-centre training ground for Leeds United in a move which signals the club’s intention to move away from their Thorp Arch base.

The council’s board will meet next Wednesday, October 18, to review a recommendation that it opens talks with United about building a training complex and community sports village on two sites close to Elland Road.

Leeds United Academy at Thorp Arch. Picture: Andrew Varley
Leeds United Academy at Thorp Arch. Picture: Andrew Varley
An executive report submitted to the board has urged the council to engage United and the club’s owner, Andrea Radrizzani, over relocating the Leeds’ players and coaching staff from their current home near Wetherby.

Radrizzani, who took full control of the Championship club in May, has previously spoken about moving United’s training ground back into the centre of the city as part of wider plans to develop the land around Elland Road.

Council officials have identified the former site of Matthew Murray High School, which closed in 2006, on Brown Lane in Holbeck as a potential hub for United’s first team and academy players.

Officials also want to use the Fullerton Park land adjacent to Elland Road to create a Community Sports Village and a base for the Leeds United Foundation. Both pieces of land are council owned.

Closer to home: Fullerton Park car park near Elland Road

A statement read: “If approved by members of the council’s executive board, the council and club will open talks regarding the former home of Matthew Murray High School in south Leeds potentially becoming the club’s official training facilities for senior and academy players.

“A separate site at Elland Road’s Fullerton Park, which is also owned by the council, has been identified by the club as a potential base for a ‘Community Sports Village’. Used also by the academy for week-night training, this site would become primarily the hub of Leeds United Foundation’s wide ranging sporting and educational programmes and would support the club’s aim to be at the heart of the local community.”

The council said the project would aim to provide Leeds’ academy with category 1 status under the Premier League’s Elite Player Performance Plan (EPPP), the highest grade attainable. United’s academy holds category two status at present.

Its statement added: “If a provisional agreement is reached for both sites, it is initially proposed that the council, subject to planning approval being granted would enter into a lease agreement with the club for a period of 99 years.”

Leeds’ complex at Thorp Arch was the brainchild of former manager Howard Wilkinson and first opened in 1994. Leeds, however, sold the facility on a sale and leaseback agreement in 2004, raising just over £4m at a time when the club were facing mounting debts.

United pay an annual six-figure rent in excess of £600,000, a sum which increases by three per cent annually. A buy-back clause on the property expired in 2009

Thorp Arch is in the hands of Jacob Adler, the Manchester businessman who owned Elland Road until Radrizzani bought the stadium back for around £20m in June.

In response to the council’s announcement, Leeds’ managing director Angus Kinnear said: “We thank Leeds City Council for their consideration.

“We have an ambitious vision for Elland Road and the surrounding area as a centre for elite development and a thriving community sports hub. Our partners at the local council fully understand the extent of the impact a successful Leeds United can have on our city and that any progress we make will be done so in consultation with the local community.”
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973



Oppgraderingen av Elland Road fortsetter! Leeds er første klubb i UK med teknologien disse LED-skjermene leverer.
Pride of Yorkshire


Quote from: Larsen. on December 15, 2017, 19:06:05

Oppgraderingen av Elland Road fortsetter! Leeds er første klubb i UK med teknologien disse LED-skjermene leverer.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Pride of Yorkshire

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Larsen. on December 15, 2017, 19:06:05

Oppgraderingen av Elland Road fortsetter! Leeds er første klubb i UK med teknologien disse LED-skjermene leverer.


Leeds United have taken the groundbreaking step of installing a new Virtual Hybrid perimeter LED display.

The system completely transforms the way Leeds United and their partners can engage with fans around the world by making it possible to localise messaging for individual territories.

As part of a wider digital transformation being delivered by ADI, Leeds United will become the first UK club to commercially deploy the breakthrough technology which, earlier this year, won top innovation honours at both the 2017 Sports Business Awards and the Football Business Awards.

The new perimeter display will surround all four sides of the pitch, along with a mid-tier ribbon in the East Stand and features an integrated crowd facing LED strip, enabling Leeds United to develop a more flexible commercial model that provides a platform for local, national and international partners.

The installation of the new perimeter system has been completed and will go live for the first time, during Saturday’s Sky Bet Championship match against Norwich City.

Fans in the stadium will see huge benefits too, as the new LED display not only enhances the aesthetic of the stadium but also, through its integrated crowd facing LED display, has the capability to deliver live stats, regional adverts, and social messaging to the tens of thousands of fans inside Elland Road.

Leeds United Managing Director, Angus Kinnear, commented: “Virtual Hybrid LED technology creates a huge commercial opportunity and, with growing International audiences driven by new live streaming rights, it’s possible for EFL clubs to reach a wider fan base.

“This technology will help us compete on the global stage and build a platform for growth.

"ADI bring a wealth of experience as the market leader in stadium LED and their Supponor-enabled Virtual Hybrid perimeter system, with its ability to overlay different brand messages for different territories, presents an incredible opportunity for partners.

“We are now looking forward to working with stakeholders across the industry to make virtual replacement a commercial reality.”

ADI’s CEO, Geraint Williams added: “Leeds United is a club with huge ambition and we’re delighted to be joining them on their journey to challenge convention.

“The installation of a new Virtual Hybrid perimeter LED display makes the club the first in the world set to commercialise the technology in this way.

“The market has demonstrated a real appetite for a credible virtual overlay solution, and we’re excited to be working with Leeds United, a club with truly progressive leadership, to help realise the commercial potential of their media value.”

We have limited digital partnerships available and if you wish to expose your brand locally, nationally or globally via our groundbreaking new digital system please contact the commercial team on 0113 367 6213 or email sales@leedsunited.com

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Kan noen ramse opp planene for oppgraderinger rundt om på stadion? For oss om ikke orker å lese lange artikler ++  :)
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly

Promotion 2010

Mark Barrow

No better feeling than helping start a chant that echoes around Elland Road... “1-0 it’s your Keepers Fault!” Love Elland Road it’s been an awesome first half of the season and the Cheese Wedge is the best place to enjoy it from! #LUFC #MOT #ALAW #LUFCFAMILY

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010


The Times are reporting that @England are set to play a World Cup warm-up match at Elland Road. It would be the first England match to be played at @LUFC since March 2002 vs. Italy. #LUFC #MOT

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Bakgrunnshistorien for litt spekulasjoner i dag:


Phil Hay klargjør:
Angus Kinnear did meet with TA’s landlord before Christmas but the club have been insistent that any deal allows them to use Thorp Arch until the day they leave for the new facility. That will be a few years down the line.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Hallgeir *

Arbeidet med Bremner Square utenfor Elland Road, vil ta seg opp i 2018. Alle som har stemt på hvilke Leeds-spillere som skal få navnet sitt på steinene rundt Bremner-statuen, har sikkert fått samme mail som meg.

Bremner Square
Dear Hallgeir ,

As we creep closer to the end of 2017 it is natural to look ahead to what is coming up in 2018.

Our Bremner Square project is sure to be one of the off the field highlights in 2018. A complete renovation of the area around Billy's iconic statue taking place at the end of the season has got everyone excited.

Not only do fans have the opportunity to become a part of the history of the club by purchasing one of the Bremner Square stones and etching their own personal message on to it, but they can also select the Legends that they want to receive one of ten Legend stones.

The response to the project has been incredible with over 3,000 stones being purchased and tens of thousands of votes being cast for the Bremner XI.  There are only a limited number of stones available so be sure to secure your place in Bremner Square now.
Super Leeds since 1968

Promotion 2010

Phil Hay
England back at Elland Road for the first time since 2002 - Gareth Southgate's side will play Costa Rica in a World Cup warm-up game on Thursday, June 7. #lufc

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Har læst på twitter at vi ikke har købt ER tilbage men vi lejer det kun. Er det rigtigt  :o


Quote from: Nørgaard on February 01, 2018, 12:06:53
Har læst på twitter at vi ikke har købt ER tilbage men vi lejer det kun. Er det rigtigt 
Delvis riktig, men Leeds betaler 0,- i leige.
Radrizzani eier ER.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Quote from: Sydhagen on February 01, 2018, 12:14:40
Quote from: Nørgaard on February 01, 2018, 12:06:53
Har læst på twitter at vi ikke har købt ER tilbage men vi lejer det kun. Er det rigtigt 
Delvis riktig, men Leeds betaler 0,- i leige.
Radrizzani eier ER.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Ok. Så må vi håbe klubben får indtægterne.

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010


South stand very quiet first time I’ve seen for some time! Hearing people banging on the roof to start a chant reminded me why I still love the KOP from when I was a kid!

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Leeds United catering worker Annie is 83-years-old but has no plans to retire from dream Elland Road job

Thursday 08 February 2018
LEEDS United fan Annie Cochrane loves her job working in catering at Elland Road â€" and at the age of 83 has no plans to retire.

Mrs Cochrane, of Whinmoor, Leeds, has been working at the club for around 20-hours a week......


Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Siste finish:

The Elland Road pitch receiving H2Pro TriSmart (10L/ha), Vitalnova SeaMax (1kg/ha) and HeritageMaxx (2.5L/ha) as part of @kielbarrett's moisture and disease management prgramme earlier today ahead of their final game of the season next week

Akkurat som på min gressplen før sommersesongen!  ;)

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

The Hat Lady

Beach ball popped by steward & south stand singing we want our ball back. Someone crowd surfing. Ball goes out & someone in the east stand heads it back, cheese wedge singing sign him up. Love being a Leeds fan

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Ledd United

Back in LS11 the @KaiserChiefs’ stage starts to go up ahead of next week’s #SelbyWarrington fight

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


^Når man tror stadion skal pusses opp litt, helt til man leser teksten...  :-[  ::)
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly

Promotion 2010


After months of championing safe standing, the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust will be hosting the Safe Standing Roadshow in conjunction with Leeds United and Jon Darch at Elland Road and you're invited!

The roadshow follows on from the EFL and Football Supporters’ Federation’s ‘Stand up for Choice’ survey, which will poll supporters across the Football League over whether they are in favour of re-introducing safe standing at games.

For more information about the survey and to have your say click here.

Jon Darch is the campaigner who runs the Safe Standing Roadshow promoting rail seats as safer seating for standing fans in current all-seater stadia.

The event will be held in the Gowing Law Centenary Pavilion at Elland Road on Tuesday 15th May from 7:00pm and the evening will involve a Q&A with Jon and the opportunity to test authentic rail seating.

The event is open and free to all supporters, but to attend, you will need to sign up in advance.


Trust board member Chris Hunter said: “We are delighted to be hosting a Safe Standing Roadshow in conjunction with Leeds United Football Club and Jon Darch.

“This is an issue we’ve been championing with our members for quite some time and will continue to do so.

“We’re now looking forward to finding out more and inviting fans along to test the authentic rail seating.”

Leeds United managing director Angus Kinnear said: “We are delighted to welcome the Roadshow to Elland Road - one of the most traditional football grounds in England.

“We want our supporters to view games in the most enjoyable way possible, as long as safety is ensured and we applaud the Leeds United Supporters' Trust and their efforts.”

Jon Darch, Lead Safe Standing campaigner added: “I’m very much looking forward to demonstrating rail seats at Elland Road and hope that plenty of people come along to ask questions and experience for themselves just how safe it is to stand behind the seats’ waist-high rails.”

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Landskamp på Elland Road igjen 7.juni!

Noen som skal dit???

I hvert fall mener dean:

The nations eyes on England at ER. When could there be a better PR exercise than announcing a massive name as manager, maybe signings & shirt on the lead up. Get people talking about the club again because they can’t not talk about Leeds @andrearadri #lufc

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973