Skrevet av Emne: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust  (Lest 37554 ganger)

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Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #90 på: ſeptember 03, 2012, 19:05:29 »
Et innlegg som etter min mening er godt i forhold til hvem LUST representerer. Gary Cooper (BIG) svarer her at majoriteten av de 7.000 supporterne i LUST er anti-Bates. Det han glemmer er at klubben på siste hjemmekamp hadde 24.000, og at potensialet er langt større. Hva mener de om Bates, hvis de har noen tanker i det hele tatt.
Bates' Membership Sceme er vel oppe i over 40.000....

QUOTE (DaveNewsome @ Sep 3 2012, 01:44 PM)

When the club issued this statement it probably did so with sincere motives.

A potential buyer (consortium) had been found that ticked all the boxes and the two parties entered DD with an exclusivity agreement in place. Things looked likely to progress.

However throughout the duration of DD, LUST obviously had contact with the buyer’s brokers, who though their own fault (no fault of LUST) leaked bits and pieces of information to LUST who rightly so passed the information onto us the fans.

When Ken Bates entered into the exclusivity agreement, he will of done so on the basis that the buyers stuck to this arrangement. Which I think they have done, However the brokers (David Haigh) have not. They have leaked information to the Trust, the trust have reported it publically and Ken Bates has been infuriated.

There is obviously no relationship with Ken Bates and LUST, and Ken Bates appears not to be the type of character that would want to be ousted by the trust, its board and his so called moron fans.

I’m afraid because of this Vendetta (and that’s what it is) Ken Bates is digging his heals in.

A supporters trust is supposed to be a Medium for ALL fans to communicate with the club. When I say ALL fans, this includes the anti Bates side (us) but also the Pro Bates side.

It cannot form opinions subjective to what the individuals of the board think. It has a responsibility to be impartial. A platform if you like to voice concerns from fans that sit on BOTH sides of the fence.

This may be hard to read, but fundamentally its true. A trust should always have open dialogue with the owners of the club, irrespective of personal views. It has an obligation to be diplomatic and the board members have a duty to us (the fans) to maintain this relationship.

A pro Bates fan (under the rules in which a TRUST should operate) should be able to interact with the trust voicing their side of the argument. With our trust this is impossible, because personal views have gotten in the way.

I don’t want people bighting my head off because of this, however a TRUST does not have its own opinion. It voices the opinions of ALL the fans, to which the fans then vote to move forward on decision.

Because of this vendetta, and the Trusts relentless drive to force Bates out of the club, I think it has backfired. This coupled with a source that is leaking information has really got Bates back up. It is so clear to see this when reading the program notes. He is pissed off (and in a diplomatic view) rightly so.

This is going to be hard to comprehend in a Anti- Bates forum, but trust me, the sooner we recognize this, and the trust begins to communicate in a professional manner, as fans we are not getting out of the trust what we should be.

I want to refer back to my first post, that I don’t believe the actions of the trust are purposefully detrimental. I just don’t think they are managing the situation in a professional manner. Again, due to the unfamiliar circumstances in which they find themselves.

Taking sides with a potential buyer (and that’s all the are, potential) is isolating itself from the club, and it should not be isolated.

I hope people regognise what I am trying to say. Once again, I am anti- bates as the rest, just sick and tried of seeing the chances of this takeover ruined, when it should be a straight forward process as indicated in the clubs initial statement.


Answer from BIG:

i do take on board the point (ultimate point at least) that you are making and in an ideal world i would love to agree with you however (and its important because of the context you apply) the trust does not have an anti bates agenda, if ken bates called me again today and asked me to talk i would happily take the call and meet with him at a time and place to suit him. the vendetta has always been the other way, bates vendetta against the trust. our campaign is and has always been a campaign for change and our vision statement clearly sets out what we (and those who contributed to it namely Trust members, the LUSC, the RMC's and many more Leeds fans) see as 'change' and no where have the trust ever stated Bates has to leave to attain the change we are asking for.

many of our members are very anti bates but some are alos pro bates, we have to try and represent all hence the open invite to the club to speak at any time to suit them. of course we have spoken to the buyers but when have we ever said sell now becasue we side with the buyers, we have also considered the club at the forefront of all our actions and spoken to people at the club often before putting out statement (see the thursday 'deal collapse' day as an example) so the club is fully informed too, these are not the actions of a trust that is anti bates.

with this in mind you should re-write your post with the correct context applied
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Glenn K

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #91 på: ſeptember 13, 2012, 14:16:25 »


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #92 på: November 22, 2012, 09:52:21 »

At Bates forblir i en rolle har vel ikke noen annen betydning enn at han vil ha navnet sitt med når vi rykker opp til PL igjen? Chairman/President er vel for å tilfredstille egoet til Ken, han selv ser vel også at vi ikke har tatt noen store steg fremover (foruten økonomisk) med han bak spakene.

Artikkelen viser vel også at LUST har vært anti-Bates hele tiden!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #93 på: Januar 25, 2013, 16:58:32 »
Jeg fikk denne emailen i dag og jeg fornyer ikke....

Shareholding Membership Renewal Reminder

 Just a quick reminder that your shareholding membership will expire tomorrow.

 If you haven't already done so, we would like to invite you to do so by clicking 'Single Membership' below, again at a cost of £5.00 or 'Joint Membership' at £7.50. Alternatively you can upgrade to a 'Lifetime Membership' for a one off fee of £100 per person. Clicking any of these will open a new window to enable you to login to PayPal to make your payment.

 You, as a shareholding member, have the chance to set the agenda for the Trust and we will continue to listen to and take your concerns to the people who can and will act upon them. We ask you again to get involved and please encourage other Leeds United supporters to do the same. As a Trust we together look to create a unique voice for Leeds United fans, in providing a collective voice dedicated to getting our great club back to where we belong. The Vision statement is evidence of this.

 To communicate directly with the board then please email at, or through our contact us section on the website. If you have any questions regarding membership or payments then please do so at

 Once again, thank you for continued support.
 Gary Cooper
 Leeds United Supporters Trust
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #94 på: Juli 31, 2013, 18:54:47 »
Gary Cooper

@BillyisGod: @haighdavid  Thanks for meeting today David, enjoyable and very productive, we all share a vision and working together can achieve it #MOT
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #96 på: November 13, 2013, 13:01:23 »
Merkelige saker å engasjere seg i, men vel vel...

Banning Order lifted via "Ask Steve"

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 7:16PM

The Leeds United Supporters Trust are delighted to announce further success on behalf of our members through the "Ask Steve" process.

We were asked to assist a member who was the subject of a lifetime banning order on attending away games. This order was imposed by the Club.

Our member was convicted of disorder after a game with Cardiff.

He was imprisoned in a Young Offenders Institution and subjected to an 8 year court imposed Football Banning Order.

Our member fully accepts responsibility for his actions and fully complied with the Court imposed order.

The Court banning order expired several years ago and whilst allowed to attend home games he was given a life ban on attending away games. He wanted to take his young daughter to away games but was prevented from doing so by the Club.

LUST took up his plight and asked the Club to review the decision based on proportionality and a current assessment of risk our member poses.

We are pleased that the Club have lifted this banning order today.

Our thanks to Katie Holmes, Head of Matchday Operations at Elland Road for her decision.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #97 på: Mars 25, 2014, 16:02:22 »
LUST har bel vært svært stille i mange måneder, men nå stiller de spørsmål ved GFH's engasjement

The League announced on Monday that Cellino's conviction last week for a tax offence in Italy constituted "a disqualifying condition under its owners' and directors' test".
The Italian has 14 days to lodge an appeal and his lawyers have said he will do so.
GFH Capital has confirmed it remains in talks with the League and Cellino's company, Eleonora Sport, in a bid "to find a solution that is suitable to all parties".
Cellino has been bankrolling the club for the last two months and Leeds fans now fear the club may slide towards administration.
Leeds chief executive David Haigh has categorically denied that will happen, but fans' group LUST wants urgent assurances.
"Our members, and the wider fan base, are understandably concerned about the course the club will now take," LUST said in a statement.
"When GFH bought the club the fans were promised long-term stability, but little more than a year later Leeds United is again at the centre of a long-running takeover process that is overshadowing every part of the club.
"Since the end of November the news has been dominated by GFH's attempts to sell Leeds United, with the result that we find ourselves in March with no sale, and no evidence of a plan B.
"It is time for the people who own and run the club to make substantial and concrete statements about what they are going to do now.
"While David Haigh has promised in the press that the club will not go into administration, the letter that Gibson Dunn solicitors sent to the Football League last week warned that delays to Cellino's takeover could cause 'potentially irreparable damage to the club,' and the fans need to be told as a matter of urgency what this means.
"Leeds United Supporters' Trust also request that GFH urgently explain their stance towards other potential buyers following the rejection of Mr Cellino's bid."
Together Leeds, a rival consortium to Cellino's headed by former Manchester United International director Mike Farnan, have been waiting to enter into talks and it is understood there may be other unnamed parties ready to step up their bids.
LUST also called on the Football League "to say what they are going to do to safeguard the future of one of their members".

Ja, ja... Var det ikke disse som roste GFH opp i skyene i 2012 i forhodl til deres muligheter!   ;D

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #98 på: Mars 28, 2014, 20:39:21 »
LUST griper inn med en epost til Football League:

 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 AT 5:00PM
Further to publishing our email to the Football League this morning, we realise that we need to clarify the intention of the email, and explain what we are asking of the Football League.

The Football League get information about member club finances on an annual basis that gives them a view on each club's situation, and recently during their consideration of Massimo Cellino's takeover, the League will have had access to up-to-date information about the financial state of Leeds United, information that nobody else outside the club has access to.

The League have powers to act if they are concerned about the financial well-being of any of their member clubs. Given the information they have about the club's finances, and given the reports today that players have not been fully paid, we are asking the League to take any steps it can to help ensure the financial stability of the club.

The Football League have certain powers they can use in situations like these, and under their own regulations are obligated to use them. This appears to be a critical time for our football club and we believe the Football League should be using their powers to hold the club's owners to account.

Regarding 'force majeure', it is our view that the circumstances around Cellino's failure to buy the club could be considered an event the club's management couldn't control, similar in principle to other events described in the Football League's regulations. As such we believe that the League should consider this aspect before applying any future penalties to Leeds United that might arise out of our current situation.

We apologise if the email was not clear to our members, and hope that this has clarified our meaning and intention. In short, we are very concerned by events at Elland Road, and we are
calling on the Football League to do whatever it can to assist our club.

We hope this clarifies our comments earlier today and ask to direct any questions, if you have them, to

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #99 på: Mars 28, 2014, 22:02:25 »
Kan det tenkes en konspirasjonsteori der Cellino og GFH ikke betaler full lønn for å legge press på FL, ved å "vise" at ståa er mye, mye verre enn først antatt, selv om de faktisk kunne betalt ut full lønn?

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.

Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #100 på: Mars 29, 2014, 00:07:25 »
Selvsagt Auren!   :)

Dette er et skittent spill hvor spillere og fans blir holdt for narr!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Jon R

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #101 på: Mars 29, 2014, 02:04:08 »
En ikke usannsynlig teori. Hvis det er hold i dette, undergraves ytterligere jobben BMD prøver å gjøre med laget vårt. Som om han ikke har nok å streve med fra før...
Jon R.


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #102 på: Mars 29, 2014, 02:46:21 »
Nå sa vel Cellino før rettsaken at han stengte bingen inntil han evnt var eier, han har putta inn 6 mill uten at han eier en shit enda (idiotisk). Og Haigh gikk ut å sa at administrasjon ikke var noe tema, og så vidt meg bekjent så har Haigh lånt 1,5 mill et sted til bla til lønninger så GFH har ikke nåla i veggen.
Får meg ikke helt til å stole på denne David Haigh dessverre.

Jeg tror at de har havnet i denne, skal vi kalle det kanskje en litt heldig situasjon fordi bingen er stengt, og det er også forstålig.
Håper FL ser det slik også for mistenker de noe slikt så vil de avslå tvert, dette vet helt sikkert disse advokatene til Cellino også og jeg tror ikke de er så hjernedøde at de forsøker seg med skittent spill nå.

« Siste redigering: Mars 29, 2014, 02:49:18 av testo »
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #103 på: Mars 29, 2014, 07:12:33 »
LUST har bel vært svært stille i mange måneder, men nå stiller de spørsmål ved GFH's engasjement

The League announced on Monday that Cellino's conviction last week for a tax offence in Italy constituted "a disqualifying condition under its owners' and directors' test".
The Italian has 14 days to lodge an appeal and his lawyers have said he will do so.
GFH Capital has confirmed it remains in talks with the League and Cellino's company, Eleonora Sport, in a bid "to find a solution that is suitable to all parties".
Cellino has been bankrolling the club for the last two months and Leeds fans now fear the club may slide towards administration.
Leeds chief executive David Haigh has categorically denied that will happen, but fans' group LUST wants urgent assurances.
"Our members, and the wider fan base, are understandably concerned about the course the club will now take," LUST said in a statement.
"When GFH bought the club the fans were promised long-term stability, but little more than a year later Leeds United is again at the centre of a long-running takeover process that is overshadowing every part of the club.
"Since the end of November the news has been dominated by GFH's attempts to sell Leeds United, with the result that we find ourselves in March with no sale, and no evidence of a plan B.
"It is time for the people who own and run the club to make substantial and concrete statements about what they are going to do now.
"While David Haigh has promised in the press that the club will not go into administration, the letter that Gibson Dunn solicitors sent to the Football League last week warned that delays to Cellino's takeover could cause 'potentially irreparable damage to the club,' and the fans need to be told as a matter of urgency what this means.
"Leeds United Supporters' Trust also request that GFH urgently explain their stance towards other potential buyers following the rejection of Mr Cellino's bid."
Together Leeds, a rival consortium to Cellino's headed by former Manchester United International director Mike Farnan, have been waiting to enter into talks and it is understood there may be other unnamed parties ready to step up their bids.
LUST also called on the Football League "to say what they are going to do to safeguard the future of one of their members".

Ja, ja... Var det ikke disse som roste GFH opp i skyene i 2012 i forhodl til deres muligheter!   ;D

Ønsket om å bli kvitt Bates, og de fagre løftene fra GFH (talk is cheap) lurte mange av oss. Også LUST, vil jeg tro.

Nå er vi i samme situasjon igjen. Vi ønsker å bli kvitt nåværende eier så snart som mulig, uansett hvem som kommer. Forskjellen er at vi har to potensielle kjøpere - en kontroversiell, og en diffus gruppe.
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #104 på: Mars 29, 2014, 14:40:10 »
LUST har bel vært svært stille i mange måneder, men nå stiller de spørsmål ved GFH's engasjement

The League announced on Monday that Cellino's conviction last week for a tax offence in Italy constituted "a disqualifying condition under its owners' and directors' test".
The Italian has 14 days to lodge an appeal and his lawyers have said he will do so.
GFH Capital has confirmed it remains in talks with the League and Cellino's company, Eleonora Sport, in a bid "to find a solution that is suitable to all parties".
Cellino has been bankrolling the club for the last two months and Leeds fans now fear the club may slide towards administration.
Leeds chief executive David Haigh has categorically denied that will happen, but fans' group LUST wants urgent assurances.
"Our members, and the wider fan base, are understandably concerned about the course the club will now take," LUST said in a statement.
"When GFH bought the club the fans were promised long-term stability, but little more than a year later Leeds United is again at the centre of a long-running takeover process that is overshadowing every part of the club.
"Since the end of November the news has been dominated by GFH's attempts to sell Leeds United, with the result that we find ourselves in March with no sale, and no evidence of a plan B.
"It is time for the people who own and run the club to make substantial and concrete statements about what they are going to do now.
"While David Haigh has promised in the press that the club will not go into administration, the letter that Gibson Dunn solicitors sent to the Football League last week warned that delays to Cellino's takeover could cause 'potentially irreparable damage to the club,' and the fans need to be told as a matter of urgency what this means.
"Leeds United Supporters' Trust also request that GFH urgently explain their stance towards other potential buyers following the rejection of Mr Cellino's bid."
Together Leeds, a rival consortium to Cellino's headed by former Manchester United International director Mike Farnan, have been waiting to enter into talks and it is understood there may be other unnamed parties ready to step up their bids.
LUST also called on the Football League "to say what they are going to do to safeguard the future of one of their members".

Ja, ja... Var det ikke disse som roste GFH opp i skyene i 2012 i forhodl til deres muligheter!   ;D

Ønsket om å bli kvitt Bates, og de fagre løftene fra GFH (talk is cheap) lurte mange av oss. Også LUST, vil jeg tro.

Nå er vi i samme situasjon igjen. Vi ønsker å bli kvitt nåværende eier så snart som mulig, uansett hvem som kommer. Forskjellen er at vi har to potensielle kjøpere - en kontroversiell, og en diffus gruppe.
vi är inte i samma situation utan i en värre situation, klubben blöder,bates var som han var men han kunde lämna en balansräkning varje sommar som gick något plus, det lär vi inte göra denna sommar, sedan finns det väl olika falanger här med vilket de tycker är bäst att sälja spelare för att klubben skall gå runt, eller låna pengar till spelarköp och lämna springnota som GFH gör


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #105 på: Mars 29, 2014, 20:43:13 »
Kan det tenkes en konspirasjonsteori der Cellino og GFH ikke betaler full lønn for å legge press på FL, ved å "vise" at ståa er mye, mye verre enn først antatt, selv om de faktisk kunne betalt ut full lønn?

Det kan vell da også tenkes, at TL driver å graver frem dritt om Cellino?!


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #106 på: April 01, 2014, 17:06:13 »
Kan det tenkes en konspirasjonsteori der Cellino og GFH ikke betaler full lønn for å legge press på FL, ved å "vise" at ståa er mye, mye verre enn først antatt, selv om de faktisk kunne betalt ut full lønn?

Det kan vell da også tenkes, at TL driver å graver frem dritt om Cellino?!

Ja, TENK for en ondsinnet konspirasjon det ville være om FL gjør jobben sin!
Hva blir det neste? Politiet prøver å avsløre kriminelle handlinger? Brannvesenet oppsøker brann? Grethe Rohde kontakter overvektige?
- Leif Olav


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #107 på: April 01, 2014, 18:27:54 »
Kan det tenkes en konspirasjonsteori der Cellino og GFH ikke betaler full lønn for å legge press på FL, ved å "vise" at ståa er mye, mye verre enn først antatt, selv om de faktisk kunne betalt ut full lønn?

Det kan vell da også tenkes, at TL driver å graver frem dritt om Cellino?!

Ja, TENK for en ondsinnet konspirasjon det ville være om FL gjør jobben sin!
Hva blir det neste? Politiet prøver å avsløre kriminelle handlinger? Brannvesenet oppsøker brann? Grethe Rohde kontakter overvektige?

TL=Together Leeds, konsortium ledet av Mike Farnan. Her beskyldt for å konspirere.
FL=Football League, medlemsorganisasjon ledet av Shaun Harvey. Her (overraskende nok) ikke beskyldt for noe som helst.

Hva blir det neste. At GHF skifter navn til GFH?

Hekta på Leeds siden 1974

Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #109 på: Desember 02, 2014, 16:43:43 »
Leeds United Supporters Trust said in a statement:

"In light of the decision of the Football League (on Monday) to disqualify Massimo Cellino and the public response of Leeds United, the Leeds United Supporters Trust calls on both the Football League and Massimo Cellino to act in the best interests of the club and its supporters and not to engage in endless legal struggles that ultimately benefit no-one.

"For too long, football administrators and owners have failed to consider the consequences of their actions on loyal Leeds United supporters.

"Our members are frustrated that uncertainty has yet again been introduced to Leeds United and the resulting instability that creates for both the club's business operations and its supporters.

"This lack of consideration needs to end and the best interests of Leeds United and the integrity of the Championship need to be protected."
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #110 på: April 09, 2015, 21:49:42 »

Main | Trust Survey Results - February 2015 »


 THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 AT 8:14PM

“Just because things are different
doesn’t mean anything has changed

This week is exactly 1 year since Massimo Cellino, via his company Eleonora Sport, was allowed by the Football League to commence ownership of Leeds United. We stood 16th in the Championship at the time. 7 months later the same Football League initiated a process that lead to Mr Cellino being banned till May 2015 from control of the club, you may recall this Trust communication HERE  which appealed for all parties to put the interests of the support first. We were 15th at the time but quickly sunk to 21st before Cellino accepted his fate.
Another 5 months on and instability has again reared its ugly head. Despite on the pitch the team racing away from the threat of relegation to a one off height of 11th, all whilst a temporary peace and stability reigned in Massimo’s absence, we have seen the first anniversary of our last completed takeover fully reflect not just the chaos of the last 12 months, or the 3 before that, or the 12 months before that or the previous 8 years before that but our whole existence in over a decade. The last two weeks have placed Leeds United fully back in the limelight for all the wrong reasons and again, the needs of the support, season ticket holders, regular attenders, occasional attenders, fans from afar, for clarity and calm have been blatantly ignored.
Let’s examine events just from that period:
A chief operating officer has departed the club, the implication being he was marginalised.
The de-facto Director of Football has resigned, so says Cellino, but not before leaving a festering issue by suspending, with board approval, the Assistant Manager. The Director of Football has failed, as have the club, to clarify the resignation and as we speak it is unconfirmed.
The Assistant Manager (or Assistant Head Coach depending on interpretation) has been suspended until the end of his current contract (May 2015), having only been put in place a few months earlier after a protracted extraction from Huddersfield Town.
The manager, Neil Redfearn, has indicated that he wasn’t consulted on any of this and as a consequence is considering his position. The Manager also has a contract expiring soon and has yet to be communicated with as to his future.
A split in the squad, with camps based on their relationship with Cellino, opening up.
The Manager apparently instructed on who he can or can’t pick for contractual reasons, with top scorer Antenucci the centre of some confusion.
Italian press reports have suggested Cellino wishes to sell and has also expressed an interest in buying Parma. Cellino himself has made contradictory noises around his intentions. He also has been dealing with his numerous Italian court issues.
The present “Chairman” of the club, Andrew Umbers has also been seen making suggestions that contradict, with hints that the club is still in some financial difficulty (we await official club confirmation of the £25M losses from 13-14 reported to the Football League as part of the Financial Fair Play process).
Agents and journalists have lined up to suggest our talented youngsters (Cook, Mowatt, Byram) will be sold this summer whilst others future remains in considerable doubt, particularly the loans in and those whose contracts expire soon.
Reports have said Red Bull were in discussions to buy the club, Cellino publicly acknowledged communication and then Red Bull denied it. Meanwhile others have also publicly stated they are in “multiple discussions” with other parties with a view to putting together some kind of consortium, thus adding to the fevered speculation.
The club refusing to pay its staff a living wage despite a football wide campaign.
Our minority owners seem to be having some sort of corporate rebuilding, our ex Chairman (and their ex-employee) will soon enjoy a year in a prison cell.
Elland Road has not been re-purchased and as yet no site for a new training ground has been found (or if found, purchased).
Season ticket renewals have not happened. They would normally have started by now.
No indication has been given whether the transfer embargo will be lifted.
All in all, and we may have missed some things, this is not what constitutes a stable club.
What rankles most for us at the Trust is how all of the above is just another manifestation of the fault lines inherent in a club that finds reaching out to the support impossible. The Trust has made at least 3 different attempts to open positive, meaningful communication with the club, mainly with a view to bringing about the stability and clarity so needed by the support. We have to be honest and say the present regime is no more accessible than the Bates era one was. This is both disappointing and regrettable.
The Leeds United Supporters Trust feels that it is ridiculous to expect the support to suffer another summer of chaos and instability. We are particularly concerned that all parties, whether present owners or future bidders, don’t expend their energies at the expense of the footballing side. For us some things need clarifying immediately, they include:
Neil Redfearn being given the contract extension his record this season demands.
Neil Redfearn to decide who his coaches are (whether that includes Thompson or not).
Massimo Cellino to promise to leave footballing matters to the Manager and his staff, regardless of whether Salerno is replaced or not.
Cellino/Eleonora Sport/GFH to make a clear statement on whether they intend to listen to offers over the summer. Cellino also to indicate how he intends to de-couple from the club in the event of further convictions in Italy.
A transparent explanation of club finances to be made including an honest appraisal of debts and the prospect of the transfer embargo been lifted.
The club, via owners and senior staff, to start to open up meaningful dialogue with supporters groups, including the Trust. This dialogue to be based on honesty and integrity.
An unequivocal statement on the future of the young talent, with preferably “not for sale” to mean that.
A commitment from the club, to its long suffering fan base, to make the period from today until the end of next season as stress free a period as it is possible to muster.
The Trust is aware that the above is an intense list, but after 14 years of chaos in a variety of forms it is time for the clarity and stability we demanded back in December to come to the fore.
Michael Green, Trust Chairman Paul Keat and The Leeds United Supporters Trust board.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #111 på: Oktober 19, 2015, 23:41:07 »
@APOPEY: Leeds United Supporters Trust @lufctrust asking for Cellino & GFH to sell in the interest of #Lufc Trust #lufc

Sell sell sell sell sell....
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #112 på: Oktober 20, 2015, 08:55:02 »
LUST ser jeg på som et lite løvblad som enhver eier bare kan blåse lett bort...
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #113 på: Oktober 20, 2015, 09:53:01 »
LUST ser jeg på som et lite løvblad som enhver eier bare kan blåse lett bort...
Der har du dessverre helt rett!
Penga rår og vi supportere har lite vi skulle ha sagt...

Jon R

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #114 på: Oktober 20, 2015, 13:53:47 »
LUST ser jeg på som et lite løvblad som enhver eier bare kan blåse lett bort...

Et løvblad nå. Kanskje en liten busk i morgen? Ja kven kveit? ::)

Melder nok seg på kan LUST bli til et tre med røtter og alt.  :P
Jon R.


Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #115 på: Oktober 20, 2015, 13:55:58 »
hehe, mulig du har rett.
eneste som kan gjøre LUST til et betydelig verktøy er viss vi får inn en eier som vil ha supporterne med i styret.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #116 på: Juni 30, 2016, 14:34:36 »
Statement. Complaint made against the Trust Chair.

DateThursday, June 30, 2016 at 9:28AM

The Trust makes the following statement:

The Trust has received a complaint from an existing Shareholder, Mr Mark Jordan, to the effect that he wrongly was prevented from standing for the Trust Board through the 2015 AGM process by the actions of the present Chair, Michael Green. The Chair denies this accusation.

Mr Jordan has indicated through correspondence that he intends to circulate his accusations and other potential defamatory statements publicly (and also accuse the Chair of threatening him with legal action, something the Chair is more than happy to defend his right to do given Mr Jordan's extensive history of complaints and accusations towards the Trust) and involve non relevant third parties (in this instance Leeds United Football Club). The Trust wish it to be known that we will follow all correct processes, as advised by Supporters Direct, to have the complaint fully investigated and that the Chair will not be involved in this process other than defending himself. However it is a completely different matter where possible defamatory public statements are threatened. The Chair reserves the right to respond accordingly if such statements accrue and the Trust reserves the right to defend the integrity of the 2015 Elections Working Group (independently chaired). Any action the Chair takes will be paid for by himself.

The Trust will be making no further statements on this complaint until investigation process is complete. The Chair will continue to perform his ongoing duties (unless advised otherwise).

Promotion 2010

Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #117 på: Januar 04, 2017, 18:24:48 »
The Trust welcomes today’s announcement of a 50% investment by Andrea Radrizzani, and indeed welcomes any equity change that takes the club forward, as we hope this will.

We remain cautious about any new custodian of the club and believe all Leeds United fans should be vigilant while also being encouraged by the statements made by the football club and Mr Radrizzani himself today. There is still a number of questions to be asked about this change in ownership: how it will be affected by Massimo Cellino’s imminent ban; whether the widely reported news that a 100% takeover will take effect in the summer is accurate, and so on.

For now, we are encouraged that Andrea Radrizzani has immediately highlighted the fantastic work undertaken by Garry Monk, his staff and his players, and also the fact that the new co-owner expresses intention to have long term involvement with the club. More than ever, Leeds United needs stability and recent months have proven how fruitful it can be.

We will judge our new co-owner on his actions not his words, but we are pleased to see that Andrea Radrizzani is keen to uphold the traditions of our great club and to value our heritage as these are beliefs that align with the core values of the Supporters' Trust.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #118 på: Mai 26, 2017, 17:29:05 »
Gary Cooper arrestert :)

Hører vel mer hjemme i Leeds ladies men fant ingen tråd, men var vel i LUST det startet.
« Siste redigering: Mai 26, 2017, 17:33:13 av Rudi G. »


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Sv: LUST - Leeds United Supporters' Trust
« Svar #119 på: Mai 26, 2017, 18:06:40 »
Gary Cooper arrestert :)

Hører vel mer hjemme i Leeds ladies men fant ingen tråd, men var vel i LUST det startet.
På Facebook skiver han at han har gjort feil, men ikke 'noe kriminelt'...
(Han er ikke i forvaring)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me
