KAMP: vs. Leyton Orient 13/10

Started by kjelvi, October 07, 2007, 05:47:39

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Som fleire andre så har eg klokketru på ein ny siger! Verken trur eller håpar på mange endringar i laget sidan forrige ligakamp. Da Costa og Parker får i beste fall nøye seg med benken.

Richardson Marques Heath Clapham
Carole Thompson Prutton Hughes
Kandol Beckford

Res: Lucas, Huntington, Douglas, De Vries, Da Costa


Originally posted by Jon R

Originally posted by kjelvi

Wise Fumes At Ref Appointment

Dennis Wise has protested to the Football League at the appointment of referee Nigel Miller for Leeds' home game against Leyton Orient this Saturday.  
But his request for a change of official has been turned down.  
Wise was ordered to the stand by Miller at Southend in March for protesting when the County Durham referee appeared to change his mind after seeming to award United an injury-time penalty.
Leeds claimed Simon Francis had handled the ball and thought a late goal was in the bag but the match finished in a 1-1 draw, leaving Leeds bottom of the Championship.
Wise was fined £1,500, severely censured and warned as to his future conduct at the subsequent FA hearing.
As he prepared for Saturday's game, Wise said: "I can't believe the Football League have given us Nigel Miller as the referee for this game. I think people who have been at this football club know the situation that happened with him and me at Southend last season.
"I hope he doesn't hold any grudges. I hope the referee is very professional and does the right thing. I am very disappointed that we have got him but that is the way it is sometimes. We asked for a change but they have not agreed to our request. Hopefully he will do a good job."


Hvis FA skal utelate alle dommere som har vært i tottene på Wise eller Gus, vil det eterhvert ende slik det ofte gjorde da jeg var knøtte-spiller: Oppmannen tar flagget! [8D]

Jon R.

Venter i spenning på reaksjonen neste gang denne McDermid fra Gillinghamkampen blir satt opp for å dømme Leeds - med mindre han er degradert innen da...

Synes ellers dette virker som et passe sleipt forsøk på dommermanipulasjon fra unge Wise [:)]

Kommer til å bli et visst trøkk på denne dommeren fra de nær 30.000 sølvguttene på ER på lørdag - skal se det kommer litt ubevisst kompensasjon for Southendkampen...

- midjo
Foreningen mot statistikkhets
So-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans - We are here....


Bytt Prutton med Douglas, så tror jeg laget ditt stemmer Per-Stian. Hadde vært morsomt om Da Costa fikk prøve seg fra start, men jeg tviler på at Wise er enig med meg. Parker fortjener absolutt en plass på benken, er viktig at han også får prøve seg i ligaen.



Originally posted by Ferre

Bytt Prutton med Douglas, så tror jeg laget ditt stemmer Per-Stian. Hadde vært morsomt om Da Costa fikk prøve seg fra start, men jeg tviler på at Wise er enig med meg. Parker fortjener absolutt en plass på benken, er viktig at han også får prøve seg i ligaen.


Douglas er vel opptatt med landslagsspill,og møter Tyskland lørdag, ikke Leyton Orient.



Norsk Tipping gir 2,05 i odds på at Leeds vinner med 2 mål eller flere! Her kan dere pantsette hus, hjem og kjærringa og satse alt dere har!



Douglas er vel opptatt med landslagsspill,og møter Tyskland lørdag, ikke Leyton Orient.


Ja, det er han.
Men jeg er enig med de aller fleste herinne, at dette bør bli en forholdsvis lett kamp for Leeds. Orient fikk en overraskende god start på sesongen, men laget er nå på det nivået de hører hjemme - noe tre tap på rad viser. Jeg tror ikke tre tap på rad vil bety at de kommer ut i hundre på Elland Road, jeg tror snarere de vil kjempe med nebb og klør for det ene poenget - men det vil de aldri få med hjem! Grei seier til våre gutter spør dere meg!![8D]

Svend Anders

Originally posted by TSO

Norsk Tipping gir 2,05 i odds på at Leeds vinner med 2 mål eller flere! Her kan dere pantsette hus, hjem og kjærringa og satse alt dere har!

Bet24 har 2,35 i odds på samme veddemål.


Følges på:


Leeds' nye bettingpartner PaddyPower har samme spill til 2,50 i odds, og gir også 5,0 på at Leeds vinner med minst tre.

Om en først skal tro på en stor Leedsseier kan det også være verdt å prøve spillet på Beckford scorer minst to mål - til 7 i odds.

Ser allerede for meg formulering i YEP: Jermaine Beckford celebrated his new Leeds contract in style - with a brace against sorry Leyton Orient.


- midjo
Foreningen mot statistikkhets
So-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans - We are here....


Hva gir PaddyPower i odds på at Wise er fornøyd med dommeren etter kampen?

som synes Wise skulle få plukket ut dommerne til alle våre kamper.

...ooo, vi vandrar saman...
...ooo, vi vandrar saman...


Originally posted by midjo

Synes ellers dette virker som et passe sleipt forsøk på dommermanipulasjon fra unge Wise [:)]

Kommer til å bli et visst trøkk på denne dommeren fra de nær 30.000 sølvguttene på ER på lørdag - skal se det kommer litt ubevisst kompensasjon for Southendkampen...

På dette området har ikke Wise lært noe som helst. Beklagelig, men ikke overraskende.

At han tenker og mener det han her sier, er i og for seg greit nok. Men igjen, fyren greier ikke å tenke langsiktige konsekvenser når han åpner kjeften.

I akkurat denne kampen kan Wise "dommerkjør" få følgende resultater:

1: Dommeren kan føle et slags press, og kan komme til å dømme i vårt favør.

2: Dommeren blir forbanna på Wise/Leeds, og det kan påvirke hans dømming i vårt disfavør.

3: Dommeren lar seg ikke påvirke av Wise's tåpeligheter, og opptrer proffesjonelt.

Men denne stadige kritikken mot dommerne (nå i forkant av kampen!) fra Wise/Poyet, kan i det lange løp kun skade klubben.


Originally posted by palle

Hva gir PaddyPower i odds på at Wise er fornøyd med dommeren etter kampen?

Omtrent like mye som de gir på at Leeds vinner kampen, vil jeg tro - dvs 1,50 og deromkring...[:)]

Du får derimot 81 i odds på at Kaizer Chiefs vil få årets julehit i England, 151 i odds på Robbie Williams blir den neste James Bond - og 501 i odds på at Prins William kommer til å kjøpe opp Facebook....[:)]

- midjo
Foreningen mot statistikkhets
So-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans, so-called Leedsfans - We are here....


Tenk om vi hadde hatt en manager som kunne sagt noe sånt: "Jeg beklager det som skjedde sist Nigel Miller dømte Leeds. Det var uklokt av meg å reagere slik jeg gjorde. Jeg har lagt denne saken bak meg, og det håper jeg at dommeren også har. Jeg håper vi får en fin kamp med nøytral og god dømming"

Kanskje vi da kunne fått riktig fokus, - nemlig på slå LeytonOrient ned i støvlene! Det tror jeg nemlig vi gjør! De lekker som en sil bakover og det kommer våre sultne spisser til å utnytte!


Originally posted by OPM

Tenk om vi hadde hatt en manager som kunne sagt noe sånt: "Jeg beklager det som skjedde sist Nigel Miller dømte Leeds. Det var uklokt av meg å reagere slik jeg gjorde. Jeg har lagt denne saken bak meg, og det håper jeg at dommeren også har. Jeg håper vi får en fin kamp med nøytral og god dømming"

Eller en dommer som kunne oppføre seg! [8)]

- Dennis
Marching on together!


Originally posted by Svend Anders

Originally posted by TSO

Norsk Tipping gir 2,05 i odds på at Leeds vinner med 2 mål eller flere! Her kan dere pantsette hus, hjem og kjærringa og satse alt dere har!

Bet24 har 2,35 i odds på samme veddemål.



Vær så snill folkens, ikke sats penger på Leeds!! IHVERTFALL IKKE SPEKULER OM BETS I KAMPTRÃ...DEN! Det er som å banne i kirka!
Jeg er helt seriøs nå.
who killed Trondheimwhite?


Skysports.com predictions:  
Leeds 2 Leyton Orient 0

Leeds v Leyton Orient
Jonathan Douglas is on international duty so captain Alan Thompson could return to the line-up, although Jonny Howson and Ian Westlake are also in contention.
Leyton Orient duo Wayne Corden and Alton Thelwell are doubts while Glenn Morris, Clayton Fortune and Raphael Sylvester are definitely out.

Resten av helgens team news: http://www.luscos.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8765


The Orient express hits the buffers as Leeds loom
Leyton Orient's dismal run amounts to a reversal of fortune just as unfathomable as their glorious early-season form.

Many of us will have harboured the guilty suspicion over the years that, much as we love to discuss and dissect it, football doesn't really make any sense.
Take Leyton Orient's current campaign. As mentioned here a few months back, last season's League One whipping-boys managed to lose an entire first XI during the close season and, as chairman Barry Hearn's bank balance isn't quite as bottomless as Thaksin Shinawatra's, were forced to go looking for bargain-basement replacements - loanees rather than Elanos. A promising collection of rough diamonds and rusty workhorses were duly unearthed but, as any teething-troubled manager will tell you, it takes time for so many new players to bed in, to gel, to get used to each other's games
Well, let's knock that old favourite on the head, shall we? While Sven City powered to the peak of the Premier League in the season's early weeks, Orient's ragbag army - hot favourites to finish rock bottom - went a step beyond. Heading into October the Eastenders were four points clear at the top with the best away record in the country, and had also banged a jagged nail into John Gregory's coffin with a League Cup giant killing at Loftus Road. After last season's 20th place, the management had been quietly hoping to break into the division's 'middle eight' this term. The punters just dreamed of safety. We'd all fallen for the gel business.
Then again, us O's fans have never really felt comfortable up there in the rarified air. Front-running just doesn't come naturally, and we invariably miss the goals on Big League Weekend (or whatever Sky's Football League highlights are called now) because we still turn on halfway through, just before they show the strugglers. A few weeks ago the whisper even went round that, really, we'd all be much happier dropping down a few places, skulking mid-pack like mid-80s Steve Cram, hoping for a late surge and a sneaky medal. It wasn't an unpopular theory.
Be careful what you whisper. What has actually transpired over the last five games is a reversal of fortune just as unexpected and unfathomable as our early-season form, and deeply embarrassing now that everyone's looking at us. Things started to go wrong when Hartlepool came to town, and stuffed us more thoroughly than the 4-2 scoreline suggests. We wrote it off as a blip, snatched a win at Bristol Rovers after going another couple of goals down, marched triumphantly off to Gillingham last Tuesday and lost 3-1. Well, we'd had two away games in a row, it was clearly due to tiredness.
Then came Swansea. We'd sneaked a vital point at their place at the tail-end of last season, which eventually kept us in the division and did likewise for them, putting a big dent in their play-off hopes. Quite possibly still smarting, they gave us a merciless hiding, 5-0, our worst home defeat since 1949-50. As we speak we're still joint-top, but with a minus-two goal difference, which must be some sort of record. Oh, and League Two's Dagenham and Redbridge beat us at home in the Johnstone's Paint on Tuesday, just to add a nice bit of symmetry.
Having bonded so quickly then, the side are suddenly falling to bits, for no discernible reason. The once-watertight defence has become worryingly sieve-like, and we've stopped scoring, despite lots of plaudits for our new strike force. They'd pooled their talents effectively at first - Adam Boyd is a cracking finisher, if painfully slow, while Wayne Gray is all power and pace, but lacks precision - only to drop off each others' radars in recent games.
Meanwhile, as we misplace the plot, the spectre of Leeds looms above; or rather, below. League One has been an odd affair this season, as the team really running away with it are still down in 12th. Orient go to Elland Road on Saturday, 11 places to the good but fully expecting to be royally thumped.
Then again, a year ago the O's travelled to the similarly ominous Nottingham Forest having been soundly thrashed in most of our early away games. We won 3-1, and Forest never really recovered. Football, you see: it just makes no sense.

Guardian Blogg


Spotlight on Leyton Orient

Martin Ling. Orient's boss is a long-serving manager and passed the 200-game mark in August.
Ling was a rookie when he took the reins from Paul Brush in 2003 after a spell as Brush's assistant. He was a trusted member of Orient's staff having previously worked with the club's youth team, and was given the job ahead of 70 applicants. Ling steered Orient out of League Two in 2006 by gaining automatic promotion, and fought off relegation last season by a narrow margin. But his side have made a strong start to this term.

The Danger
Ling's squad is not a collection of superstars, and several of the players on show tomorrow will be unfamiliar to United's supporters. Dennis Wise will have done his homework, though, and his defence will pay serious attention to striker Adam Boyd. Orient are not a high-scoring team, but Boyd has produced four league goals this season and is a proven performer at this level. He built an outstanding record of 60 goals from 108 starts at Hartlepool, though his time with Luton last season proved far less successful.

The Form
Until the turn of the month, Orient's form had been sensational. Six wins from their first eight matches left them the top of the table at the end of September, but there are signs the wheels are beginning to drop off, and last weekend's 5-0 defeat at home to Swansea was a vicious reality check. The result followed a 3-1 defeat to struggling Gillingham, and Orient were eliminated from the Johnstone's Paint Trophy by Dagenham on Tuesday night.

The Record
Orient are another lower-league club with whom United are unfamiliar. A total of 16 games have taken place between the sides, but none since 1964, and only six since 1928. Orient have only ever spent one season in the top flight â€" the 1962-63 campaign â€" and all of their clashes with Leeds have come in the second tier. United lead the head-to-head count with eight wins to Orient's five, and the Londoners produced their most recent victory in 1960.

The Odds
Orient are losing their way suddenly, and 8-15 with William Hill about a home win tomorrow is no surprise. Hills are prepared to offer an away win at 9-2.

The Whistler
Nigel Miller. Infamous for his performance at Roots Hall in March, when he angered Dennis Wise so intensely with his failure to award Leeds a penalty in the dying seconds of last season's 1-1 draw with Southend. Miller, from County Durham, has kept a low profile this season, issuing 18 yellows and one red during his nine Football League appointments.



Andy's boyhood club lights up league

VETERAN Oldham striker Andy Liddell reckons relegated Leeds United, the club he supported as a boy, are "are more than good enough to bounce straight back into the Championship with automatic promotion.
Liddell, who has played more than 600 games in a career spanning 17 years, insisted: "They have the players who can do it.
"I remember watching them play Valencia in a Champions League semi-final not that long ago, now they are in League One.
"Everybody in football knows they should be back in the Premiership and they will want to get out of this division at the first attempt."
They are certainly going the right way about it and have already got over the handicap of having 15 points deducted before the season even started.
Leeds have dropped just two points in 10 games so far and are just three points adrift of a play-off place.
Liddell, Wigan's all-time record goalscorer, said: "It is no more than I expected.
"The City is football daft and the fan-base massive. If you have a winning side they will fill Elland Road, absolutely no problem.
"They are scoring for fun and have proved already that teams can't cope with them.
"Leeds are definitely the team to beat and that is going to be easier said than done.
"They are the biggest club in this division since Manchester City and it is a huge financial bonus for the smaller clubs who will see their grounds full.
"It is the biggest game for every team in our division."
Leeds had a scare at Boundary Park earlier this month and only went back across the Pennines with all three points by virtue of a dramatic winner in the last minute.
Liddell added: "If we perform like that again when we go to their place on New Year's Day who knows what might happen?"



Wise fails to red card referee

LEEDS United manager Dennis Wise has failed in an attempt to have referee Nigel Miller pulled from tomorrow's fixture with Leyton Orient at Elland Road.
Wise was involved in a high-profile bust-up with Miller last season at Southend United where he was ordered to the stands and later fined £1,500 by the Football Association.
The Leeds manager walked onto the pitch to complain when Miller rejected his side's plea for a stoppage-time penalty and, afterwards, made it clear that he never wanted the Durham official to referee Leeds again.
Now, just 11 games into the new season, Wise is heading for a reunion with Miller after the Professional Game Match Officials (PGMO) board rejected his plea for a switch.
Wise said: "I can't believe that the Football League have given us Nigel Miller. People know the situation we had with him last year at Southend. I got into trouble.
"I am very disappointed that we have got him, but that is the way it is sometimes. Hopefully, he will do a good job," he added. "I hope he doesn't hold grudges and I hope he referees very professional and does the right thing."
Ironically, only nine league games are taking place across the country tomorrow due to the international break, but the PGMO say there is no reason why Miller should not take charge at Leeds.
A spokesman said: "The appointment process is run independently of clubs and appointments are only changed in instances where a referee is ill, injured, or there is a disciplinary case pending."
Wise was warned about his future conduct after the incident with Miller last season, but is already staring at the possibility of a touchline ban after an incident with a referee at Gillingham two weeks ago.

Leeds will be looking to maintain their unbeaten start to the League One season against Orient tomorrow and move closer to the play-off zone after shaking off the setback of the Football League's 15-point penalty.
Wise was boosted yesterday by news that striker Jermaine Beckford had agreed to extend his contract with the club until summer 2010.
Beckford, who was playing non-league football for Wealdstone just over 18 months ago, is the club's leading marksman with six goals and his goal-scoring partnership with Tresor Kandol has played a key role in the club's unbeaten start to the season.
After impressing on loan at Scunthorpe United, Beckford was the subject of a failed £200,000 offer from the Glanford Park club this summer. By improving his current deal, Leeds will hope to deter any future advances for his services.
Leeds are still negotiating a revised contract with Kandol, but have announced new deals for youngsters Jonathan Howson, Robert Bayly, Scott Gardner and Ben Parker.
Midfielder Howson, 19, made his first-team debut at the start of last season and is now a regular in the squad.
Bayly made his third appearance for the club in this season's League Cup defeat at Portsmouth, and Parker has made five appearances and spent last season on loan at Bradford City.

Veteran striker Tore Andre Flo, meanwhile, has been ruled
out for the next two months after fresh surgery on a problem foot.
Flo had only recently returned to action following a pre-season operation on the foot and has started only one game since his arrival from Norwegian club Valerenga in the New Year transfer window.
Manager Wise insists that his former Chelsea team-mate, 34, can still play an important role in the season, saying: "Tore will be back in six to eight weeks and could be very important to us at the end of the season.
"He is the type of player who can change a game and has great skill for a big man.
"We won't forget about him but it's important for him to get it right so he can play for as long as he can."

Forgotten midfielder Shaun Derry, meanwhile, is back in training after a long-term absence with a heel injury and could be back in first-team contention next month.



Vi,med vår solide formkurve på bakgrunn av resultat,skal kunne kjøre over Leyton Orient hjemme på Elland Road.

Ser at Orient har noen spillere ute,og de har hatt noen katastrofale resultataer i det siste.

Den 0-5 kampen mot Swansea sist må jo ha fått spillerne til å bli usikre på om det de gjør er rett.

1 4 all and all 4 1
1 4 all and all 4 1


Billy Bremner

Jeg har et ønske for idag, og det er at serveren ikke går i off-side.

Trenger ikke å ønske meg LEEDS seier, da jeg er helt sikker på at VI vinner med fire eller fem mål [:)], realistisk må man være [:D]


Opp på kvalikplass i dag? Ikke langt unna ihvertfall. LO er i rævva form, og vi er i flytsonen. Dette må bli seier.


Better dead than red.

Champions League, here we come!

Leedsoholic. Oppfinneren av "pretting".


Leeds v Leyton Orient  
Andy Hughes and David Prutton are likely to return as Leeds aim to keep up their 100% home record.
Jermaine Beckford and Tresor Kandol return to replace Mark De Vries and Wayne Andrews in attack. Rui Marques partners Matt Heath in central defence.
Wayne Corden (shin) and Alton Thelwell (hamstring) are doubts as Leyton Orient aim to avoid a fourth straight loss.
Goalkeeper Stuart Nelson is likely to return but Raphael Sylvester and Clayton Fortune are both injured.



Home is now where the heart is for Wise

Leeds United vLeyton Orient

DENNIS WISE insists that his heart is now firmly in Leeds United after winning over the anti-Chelsea supporters at Elland Road.
The former Stamford Bridge legend endured a tough time at Elland Road last season and faced calls for his removal after the club's relegation.
But Wise is rapidly becoming a hero at Elland Road after turning the club into promotion contenders despite the handicap of a 15-point penalty imposed by the Football League.
Leeds are already within touching distance of the play-off zone ahead of today's game against second-placed Leyton Orient. Wise, who is assisted by his former Chelsea team-mate Gus Poyet, said: "We feel a part of it now. Last season, we probably didn't and it was a little bit difficult for us.
"It has changed because I think they understand what we are trying to achieve and they know that our hearts are in Leeds," he added. "It was a bit of a mess last season, but I think they understand that we have tried to sort that out."
The club's former Chelsea chairman Ken Bates has re-assured supporters he is not planning to sell up despite acknowledging that potential investors come forward on a regular basis. Bates also says he never doubted Wise's ability to make an impact at Elland Road and thinks he can go all the way to the top in management.



Originally posted by Billy Bremner

Jeg har et ønske for idag, og det er at serveren ikke går i off-side.

Trenger ikke å ønske meg LEEDS seier, da jeg er helt sikker på at VI vinner med fire eller fem mål [:)], realistisk må man være [:D]

Tror det blir ønsket blir vanskeligere å oppfylle enn at Leeds vinner med 4-5 mål [;)]
Ved problemer med forumet, ta kontakt via PM

Billy Bremner

Originally posted by ZyberZone

Originally posted by Billy Bremner

Jeg har et ønske for idag, og det er at serveren ikke går i off-side.

Trenger ikke å ønske meg LEEDS seier, da jeg er helt sikker på at VI vinner med fire eller fem mål [:)], realistisk må man være [:D]

Tror det blir ønsket blir vanskeligere å oppfylle enn at Leeds vinner med 4-5 mål [;)]

Var redd for det svaret, skal være pålogget i hele dag, sånn at jeg ikke risikerer å ikke komme inn, får se om det hjelper.
Da får jeg komme med et annet ønske, og det er at alle sammen skriver LEEDS med STORE bokstaver, et STORT lag krever STORE bokstaver[:D]



er det noen som har mulighet til oppdatere på meg på dagen kamp? Spiller sesongens site kamp borte mot SFK 2 (4. div) kl. 15.00. Er dermed ikke hjemme før etter kampslutt, så hadde satt pris på om noen kunne sendt meg en melding når det skjer noe..

90 52 18 46 er nummeret

It´s only one United... Leeds United!
Læshy alias Lars Brevig
Skribent på nett og i TPN


Fikser det fra 16.15

"Molde TL 08 - Leeds CCC 08/09 - to opprykk på rad"

Hørt på Living Room; "where's the cardmachine"?

Hallgeir *

Serveren bryter jo stort sett sammen hver gang det er kamp, men det viktigste er vel at LEEDS vinner kampen mot Leyton Orient. Er ganske sikker på nye 3 poeng.
Super Leeds since 1968