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Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #90 på: Mai 06, 2009, 21:17:21 »
Dette er en gufs fra fortiden. Hente en 39 årig keeper. Nei hent heller tilbake han som er på utlån til gudene vet hvilken klub. Ifølge manageren deres, så er dette et eksepsjonelt tallent. Ankers er nok ferdig i Leeds håper jeg. Vi bør da hente inn en keeper på rundt 30 og satse på å gi en ung og fremmadstormende keeper en sjanse en gang iblandt

Jeg håper Grayson også satser på Ankers neste sesong. Etter at Grayson tok over og Ankers fikk tillit så har han 11 clean sheet på 25 kamper - og i mange av kampene har han vært match winner på grunn av viktige redninger. Men Ankers får utrolig mye pepper når det går mål inn - og jeg er ikke blind for at han er skyld i et par baklengs. Men vis meg den keeperen som ikke er det...

Gode poeng! Uten at jeg har sett mer enn et par kamper, så sier kamprapporter at han er blitt bedre i feltet med økt tillit fra manager. Casper selv sa også i et intervju at han føler seg langt tryggere i feltarbeidet nå. Mot Leicester var han jo bra, i det minste.  ;)

Som shotstopper og at han har muligheten til både å redde poeng og dessverre miste poeng (Leyton, B) er det ingen tvil om. Han er da også matchvinner langt oftere enn han koster laget poeng og 11 clean sheets på 25 kamper er ikke verst, noe selvsagt Naylor også har mye av æren for.

Det er vanvittig enkelt å betille ny keeper på et forum. Noe helt annet er hvilken prisklasse vi må opp i for å finne en keeper som er langt bedre enn Ankergren og om keeperplassen er det første som bør forbedres.

Alltid en fornøyelse å lese dine innlegg Mr Kaizer. Kan kun være enig i det du skriver  :)


Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #91 på: Mai 06, 2009, 23:48:39 »
Dette er en gufs fra fortiden. Hente en 39 årig keeper. Nei hent heller tilbake han som er på utlån til gudene vet hvilken klub. Ifølge manageren deres, så er dette et eksepsjonelt tallent. Ankers er nok ferdig i Leeds håper jeg. Vi bør da hente inn en keeper på rundt 30 og satse på å gi en ung og fremmadstormende keeper en sjanse en gang iblandt

Jeg håper Grayson også satser på Ankers neste sesong. Etter at Grayson tok over og Ankers fikk tillit så har han 11 clean sheet på 25 kamper - og i mange av kampene har han vært match winner på grunn av viktige redninger. Men Ankers får utrolig mye pepper når det går mål inn - og jeg er ikke blind for at han er skyld i et par baklengs. Men vis meg den keeperen som ikke er det...

Gode poeng! Uten at jeg har sett mer enn et par kamper, så sier kamprapporter at han er blitt bedre i feltet med økt tillit fra manager. Casper selv sa også i et intervju at han føler seg langt tryggere i feltarbeidet nå. Mot Leicester var han jo bra, i det minste.  ;)

Som shotstopper og at han har muligheten til både å redde poeng og dessverre miste poeng (Leyton, B) er det ingen tvil om. Han er da også matchvinner langt oftere enn han koster laget poeng og 11 clean sheets på 25 kamper er ikke verst, noe selvsagt Naylor også har mye av æren for.

Det er vanvittig enkelt å betille ny keeper på et forum. Noe helt annet er hvilken prisklasse vi må opp i for å finne en keeper som er langt bedre enn Ankergren og om keeperplassen er det første som bør forbedres.

Alltid en fornøyelse å lese dine innlegg Mr Kaizer. Kan kun være enig i det du skriver  :)

Det er hyggelig å lese, kilgallon, men jeg må arrestere meg selv litt her.

Poenget mitt var ikke å forsvare Casper Ankergren. Som keeper har han sine begrensninger, hovedsaklig i feltarbeidet. I mine øyne - og innleggene er basert på mine egne oppfattelser og delvis antakelser, da jeg ikke har sett mange nok kamper til å proklamere dette på annen måte - mangler han også sitt i forsvarskommunikasjon. Dette begrunner jeg i den klare forbedringen i forsvarsspill og -organisasjon etter Richard Naylors ankomst, som jeg velger å gi han (Naylor) den fulle ære for.

At Ankers er en god "strekspiller", vet vi. Dog, mener jeg - basert på rapporter og de kampene som er sendt - at han også har forbedret feltarbeidet sitt noe. Han var trygg og solid mot Leicester, for eksempel, og til tross for at dette kun er en eneste kamp, viser det hvordan Ankergren er på sitt beste.

Igjen, det er enkelt og greit å bestille nye spillere her på forumet, men jeg tviler på at Leeds (les: Bates) tar seg råd til å kjøpe en keeper som er klart bedre enn den vi har. Som sagt, vi kan være heldige, men meget gode keepere vokser - som toppscorere (Becks) - ikke på trær. En ny (første)keeper bør ikke være noen hovedprioritet for Grayson i sommer. Likevel er det flott at ringrevene som promo jekker oss unggutta ned på bakken igjen, når vi ser oss litt blinde på det gode i medgangen. En positiv indikator er det likevel at promo til stadighet lager skryte-tråder av Grayson-perioden, Jon R, Tom S, Rudi G m.fl "har trua" og at "Sesongen er over"-tråden har ligget brakk i månedsvis.  ;)

Det tyder på at bra ting er i vente!  ;)
« Siste redigering: Mai 06, 2009, 23:56:08 av Mr Kaizer »
Marching on together!


  • Gjest
Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #92 på: Mai 07, 2009, 10:33:55 »
Dette er en gufs fra fortiden. Hente en 39 årig keeper. Nei hent heller tilbake han som er på utlån til gudene vet hvilken klub. Ifølge manageren deres, så er dette et eksepsjonelt tallent. Ankers er nok ferdig i Leeds håper jeg. Vi bør da hente inn en keeper på rundt 30 og satse på å gi en ung og fremmadstormende keeper en sjanse en gang iblandt

Jeg håper Grayson også satser på Ankers neste sesong. Etter at Grayson tok over og Ankers fikk tillit så har han 11 clean sheet på 25 kamper - og i mange av kampene har han vært match winner på grunn av viktige redninger. Men Ankers får utrolig mye pepper når det går mål inn - og jeg er ikke blind for at han er skyld i et par baklengs. Men vis meg den keeperen som ikke er det...

Gode poeng! Uten at jeg har sett mer enn et par kamper, så sier kamprapporter at han er blitt bedre i feltet med økt tillit fra manager. Casper selv sa også i et intervju at han føler seg langt tryggere i feltarbeidet nå. Mot Leicester var han jo bra, i det minste.  ;)

Som shotstopper og at han har muligheten til både å redde poeng og dessverre miste poeng (Leyton, B) er det ingen tvil om. Han er da også matchvinner langt oftere enn han koster laget poeng og 11 clean sheets på 25 kamper er ikke verst, noe selvsagt Naylor også har mye av æren for.

Det er vanvittig enkelt å betille ny keeper på et forum. Noe helt annet er hvilken prisklasse vi må opp i for å finne en keeper som er langt bedre enn Ankergren og om keeperplassen er det første som bør forbedres.

Alltid en fornøyelse å lese dine innlegg Mr Kaizer. Kan kun være enig i det du skriver  :)

Det er hyggelig å lese, kilgallon, men jeg må arrestere meg selv litt her.

Poenget mitt var ikke å forsvare Casper Ankergren. Som keeper har han sine begrensninger, hovedsaklig i feltarbeidet. I mine øyne - og innleggene er basert på mine egne oppfattelser og delvis antakelser, da jeg ikke har sett mange nok kamper til å proklamere dette på annen måte - mangler han også sitt i forsvarskommunikasjon. Dette begrunner jeg i den klare forbedringen i forsvarsspill og -organisasjon etter Richard Naylors ankomst, som jeg velger å gi han (Naylor) den fulle ære for.

At Ankers er en god "strekspiller", vet vi. Dog, mener jeg - basert på rapporter og de kampene som er sendt - at han også har forbedret feltarbeidet sitt noe. Han var trygg og solid mot Leicester, for eksempel, og til tross for at dette kun er en eneste kamp, viser det hvordan Ankergren er på sitt beste.

Igjen, det er enkelt og greit å bestille nye spillere her på forumet, men jeg tviler på at Leeds (les: Bates) tar seg råd til å kjøpe en keeper som er klart bedre enn den vi har. Som sagt, vi kan være heldige, men meget gode keepere vokser - som toppscorere (Becks) - ikke på trær. En ny (første)keeper bør ikke være noen hovedprioritet for Grayson i sommer. Likevel er det flott at ringrevene som promo jekker oss unggutta ned på bakken igjen, når vi ser oss litt blinde på det gode i medgangen. En positiv indikator er det likevel at promo til stadighet lager skryte-tråder av Grayson-perioden, Jon R, Tom S, Rudi G m.fl "har trua" og at "Sesongen er over"-tråden har ligget brakk i månedsvis.  ;)

Det tyder på at bra ting er i vente!  ;)

hvis vi skal se etter ny keeper, håper jeg i hvertfall det ikke letes i Norge med gårsdagens tippeligarunde friskt i minne...  :o    ;D 


Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #93 på: Mai 08, 2009, 15:17:56 »
Leeds er en av flere klubber linket med Bruce

Seven players released by Ipswich 
Seven Ipswich Town players whose contracts expire in June have been told they will not be offered new deals.
Ivan Campo, Tommy Miller, Billy Clarke, Dean Bowditch, Chris Casement, Jai Reason and Kurt Robinson have all been released by manager Roy Keane.
The Town boss says the club is in talks with Alex Bruce, Shane Supple and Ed Upson about potential new deals.
Talks with Matt Richards, Liam Trotter and Dan Harding, whose deals run out shortly, are yet to take place. (BBC)


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« Svar #94 på: Mai 09, 2009, 12:23:41 »
Leeds er en av flere klubber linket med Bruce
(....)The Town boss says the club is in talks with Alex Bruce, .....
Talks with Matt Richards, Liam Trotter and Dan Harding, whose deals run out shortly, are yet to take place. (BBC)

New Ipswich boss Roy Keane has released Ivan Campo, Tommy Miller, Billy Clarke, Dean Bowditch, Chris Casement, Jai Reason and Kurt Robinson, but wants to keep defender Alex Bruce, who is close to agreeing a deal. (Daily Mail)


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« Svar #95 på: Mai 09, 2009, 12:29:50 »
Dany N`Guessan will be a Blade

With Leeds, Sheff Wed, MK Dons, West Bromwich Albion and Preston all vying for the Frenchman, Vic warns they had best get a move on as the tribunal will be too late starter for ten to secure the Services of Le Fusée Rouge. Besides which we rarely get sensations at Sincil Bank on a Saturday so we thought we would pull this result from out of the blue and blow the story all over Ken Bates laptop for breakfast.
The odds on favourites to sign him are Sheffield United, despite two bid from MK Dons. Yes your Uncle Vic has put together two and two together and come up with 3, but despite the scepticism in this instance that number is probably spot on.  (...)

Hele saken:


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« Svar #96 på: Mai 11, 2009, 09:55:49 »
Ipswich defender Alex Bruce, who was a target for Hull, Wolves and Leeds, has agreed a new two-year contract at Portman Road. (Various)


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« Svar #97 på: Mai 12, 2009, 09:00:19 »
Ipswich defender Alex Bruce, who was a target for Hull, Wolves and Leeds, has agreed a new two-year contract at Portman Road. (Various)

Bruce signs new Ipswich contract


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« Svar #98 på: Mai 12, 2009, 09:06:14 »
Elliot Who?

MANCHESTER UNITED will seal a £1million deal for Leeds’ teen sensation Elliot Kebbie.
Chelsea and Liverpool wanted the midfielder, 16, who won an England schools sprint title in just over 11 seconds. (The Sun)


Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #99 på: Mai 12, 2009, 09:58:49 »
Elliot Who?

MANCHESTER UNITED will seal a £1million deal for Leeds’ teen sensation Elliot Kebbie.
Chelsea and Liverpool wanted the midfielder, 16, who won an England schools sprint title in just over 11 seconds. (The Sun)

Hmmmm, merkelig sak. Hvorfor er det ingen av oss som har hørt om denne karen?


  • Gjest
Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #100 på: Mai 12, 2009, 10:10:42 »
Elliot Who?

MANCHESTER UNITED will seal a £1million deal for Leeds’ teen sensation Elliot Kebbie.
Chelsea and Liverpool wanted the midfielder, 16, who won an England schools sprint title in just over 11 seconds. (The Sun)

Hmmmm, merkelig sak. Hvorfor er det ingen av oss som har hørt om denne karen?
Muligens fordi Sir Alex Ferguson har observert hans spark gjennom ultralydundersøkelser. Sir Alex Ferguson er jo berømt for å finne talenter tidlig


Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #101 på: Mai 12, 2009, 10:33:37 »
Elliot Who?

MANCHESTER UNITED will seal a £1million deal for Leeds’ teen sensation Elliot Kebbie.
Chelsea and Liverpool wanted the midfielder, 16, who won an England schools sprint title in just over 11 seconds. (The Sun)

Hmmmm, merkelig sak. Hvorfor er det ingen av oss som har hørt om denne karen?
Muligens fordi Sir Alex Ferguson har observert hans spark gjennom ultralydundersøkelser. Sir Alex Ferguson er jo berømt for å finne talenter tidlig

Hehe, i så fall må vel denne Kebbie være en "late bloomer", siden Ferguson ikke snapper ham før han blir 16?


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« Svar #102 på: Mai 12, 2009, 16:13:14 »
Ja hvem er det her for en kar? Unitedhatet blir ikke akkurat mindre etter som tiden går...


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« Svar #103 på: Mai 12, 2009, 18:20:12 »,19528,11715_4756127,00.html,,10400~33406,00.html

Watford make striker available for loan
20-year old Sierra Leone midfielder Al Bangura will be allowed to leave Vicarage Road on a loan deal
League One teams Leicester City, Leeds United and Millwall are all thought to be in the frame for Bangura.
Bangura was nearly deported back to Sierra Leone in 2007 but won a work permit appeal in early 2008 to allow him to remain in the UK.

Seb Carole latest link to Town
Ex-Leeds winger Seb carole has today left Darlington after his short term contract expired.
Rumours from Darlington are that he has agreed to join a league one side, believed to be Huddersfield Town.
An out and out winger Carole can play on either flank, and would possibly fill the right wing at Town.,,10339~29496,00.html
Carole training at Huddersfield but no contract
SEB CAROLE is training with Town, but boss Lee Clark says he has no imminent plans to sign the former Leeds winger.
The Frenchman is a free agent after his short-term contract with Darlington ended.
Seagulls look at Carole
Brighton bring in former winger on trial
Carole has no regrets
Seb Carole wants to clear the air with chairman Dick Knight on his return to Albion, three years after quitting the club for Leeds.
The French winger is back with the Seagulls on a short-term contract for the rest of the season and is in the squad for today’s home game against Hartlepool.
Carole was a regular in the Albion side relegated from the Championship under Mark McGhee in 2005-2006.
He made a controversial exit by exploiting a clause in his contract to join Leeds on a free transfer.

Fourteen let go in Brighton cull 
Brighton have released 14 players, but offered new deals to player-of-the-season Andrew Whing and strikers Lloyd Owusu and Gary Hart.
Defender Kerry Mayo is leaving after 14 years at the club, with Doug Loft, Tommy Fraser, Adam Hinshelwood and John Sullivan also being let go.
Jake Robinson, Chris Birchall, Seb Carole and Jason Jarrett are also out.
Meanwhile, the Seagulls are trying to make midfielder Gary Dicker's loan deal from Stockport permanent.
Manager Russell Slade said: "There have been some difficult decisions to make. Telling players there's no new deal on offer is the most difficult thing of the job."
Loanees Gary Borrowdale, Al Bangura and Calvin Andrew, who is likely to miss a large part of next season with injury, have all returned to their parent clubs.
Youngsters Sam Gargan, Kane Louis, Andy Pearson, Dan Royce and Kane Wills have also left the club. (BBC)


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« Svar #104 på: Mai 12, 2009, 18:24:17 »
Elliot Who?

MANCHESTER UNITED will seal a £1million deal for Leeds’ teen sensation Elliot Kebbie.
Chelsea and Liverpool wanted the midfielder, 16, who won an England schools sprint title in just over 11 seconds. (The Sun)

Hmmmm, merkelig sak. Hvorfor er det ingen av oss som har hørt om denne karen?

Ser at det er blitt laget en egen tråd, men her er det klippet jeg har funnet som gir best info:

Manchester United in bid for Hipperholme Grammar School starlet from Leeds United

Manchester United are close to completing a big-money deal for a Calderdale schoolboy from Leeds United, according to reports.
Elliot Kebbie, a Hipperholme Grammar School pupil from Sowerby Bridge, has been scouted by a number of Premier League clubs including Chelsea and Liverpool.
But the Old Trafford club are thought to have won the race to sign him from Leeds's academy, with some reports suggesting the fee could be as high as £1 million.
One asset the youngster boasts is pace - he won an England schools sprint in just over 11 seconds. And earlier this year he was part of a Hipperholme Grammar School team who sprinted to glory in the annual Calderdale Schools' Cross Country competition.


Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #105 på: Mai 13, 2009, 08:53:00 »
Dany N`Guessan will be a Blade

With Leeds, Sheff Wed, MK Dons, West Bromwich Albion and Preston all vying for the Frenchman, Vic warns they had best get a move on as the tribunal will be too late starter for ten to secure the Services of Le Fusée Rouge. Besides which we rarely get sensations at Sincil Bank on a Saturday so we thought we would pull this result from out of the blue and blow the story all over Ken Bates laptop for breakfast.
The odds on favourites to sign him are Sheffield United, despite two bid from MK Dons. Yes your Uncle Vic has put together two and two together and come up with 3, but despite the scepticism in this instance that number is probably spot on.  (...)

Hele saken:

Leicester are ready to sign Lincoln winger Dany N'Guessan. (Daily Mirror)


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« Svar #106 på: Mai 15, 2009, 10:45:53 »
Could N`Guessan Keep 'Em Guessin`???

Could last-ditch bids from Leeds and Sheffield United have outfoxed Leicester? Could Ken be in the know and hold the key?
A week is a long time in football particularly if you are player with the world at your feet like Dany N`Guessan. One minute a deal to Sheffield United is all but done; the next minute Leicester`s Milan Mandaric moves heaven and earth to get the lad. Now it appears both Leeds and Sheffield United are very much back in the chase and hot on the heels of a fox that is still very much odds on to win the chase.
Leeds increased their offer yesterday to up the stakes ahead of their game against Millwall. The draw leaves them in League 1, meaning Beckford is likely to leave. This would perhaps put off our want away hero though it could mean that Ken Bates might stay in the country a little longer to boost his firepower with Dany. Sheffield United meanwhile are said to want Dany in the first team, but only if they remain in the Championship. A Premier League birth next term is seen as a season two early for the 21 year old, with manager Kevin Blackwell taking nothing for granted ahead of a May 25th date with Burnley. Dany wants first team football as much as his guarranteed pay rise.
All in all Leicester appear to have the initiative, since blunting the blades on Tuesday with a smash and grab late bid. United have the cash and definitely appeal to Dany and his agent (who has links) but appear caught in the floodlights so to speak. Leicester meanwhile knows where they and their side will be, have the cash plus the desire to do the deal now. Milan wants the deal wrapped up quickly - perhaps as early as today. All this has at least worked in the Imps favour for once. Though confident of at least a decent fee at a tribunal, it was still leaving things to chance. The Imps will get a further boost to Jacko`s war chest after all.


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« Svar #107 på: Mai 16, 2009, 13:51:51 »
Villa boss O'Neill remains keen on Leeds kid Delph
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is being linked with Leeds United whiz Fabian Delph.
The Mirror says Delph is on O'Neill's shopping list and when asked about the size of his transfer budget he said: "The short answer is I don't know and I'm not sure anybody really knows until it pans out. We will look at specific areas to try and strengthen the team."


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« Svar #108 på: Mai 16, 2009, 13:52:57 »
Grayson confident over players' futures

Leeds United manager Simon Grayson is optimistic that chairman Ken Bates will do all he can to fight off bids for his leading players as the club brace themselves for another year in League One.
United's attempt to win promotion to the Championship at the second attempt ended in failure after a play-off semi-final defeat to Millwall on Thursday night, wrecking Grayson's plans for a season in England's second tier.
The Leeds boss had a strategy in place to strengthen his squad in the event of victory in this season's play-off final at Wembley, but a more pressing priority will now be to retain the players already available to him at Elland Road as another League One term approaches.
Grayson admitted that he was expecting intense speculation about his most valuable assets, among them England Under-21 international Fabian Delph, and several other players are likely to attract interest from higher divisions on the back of the club's consistently impressive form during the second half of this season.
United must resolve the futures of Jonathan Douglas, Frazer Richardson and David Lucas, who are all out of contract this summer, and Grayson is also likely to address the position of leading scorer Jermaine Beckford who has 12 months remaining on his deal at Elland Road.
Most of his squad members are tied to Leeds beyond this season, however, and Grayson has received assurances from Bates that United's board do not favour an auction of their more valuable professionals.
Grayson, who held discussions about his squad with Bates and Leeds' technical director Gwyn Williams immediately after Thursday's semi-final second leg, said: "I'm so glad that only three players are out of contract and all the rest are under contract.
"We don't need to sell any players, unless ridiculous offers come in I suppose. There'll be a lot of hype about certain players leaving the club but I know the chairman's very reluctant to do that and we'll build on the group we've got here today."



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« Svar #109 på: Mai 16, 2009, 13:54:03 »
Futures of Beckford and Delph are key

Richard Sutcliffe looks at where Leeds United go from here after failing to overcome Millwall and reach the League One play-off final.
SIMON GRAYSON will sit down with Leeds United chairman Ken Bates early next week and pick through the wreckage of another hugely disappointing brush with the play-offs.
The clear intention will be to plot a path through the summer transfer window that will ensure United are among the front-runners for automatic promotion.
Leeds's planning actually began last month with Grayson having drawn up two alternative lists of targets that were dependant on whether Elland Road would be hosting Championship or League One football in 2009-10.
Whether those plans for another year in the third tier involve a slight tweaking of a squad he largely inherited from Gary McAllister last December or making wholesale changes remains to be seen.
But he is experienced enough to know that much will depend on where the futures of Jermaine Beckford and Fabian Delph lay following United's fourth failure in the play-offs.
On his summer recruitment plans, Grayson said: "We now know where we are with budgets. We will have a couple of days to get over losing in the play-offs and then on Monday the preparations for next season start. I am so glad the majority of the squad are under contract, only three are out of contract (this summer). We do not need to sell any players unless we get ridiculous offers for them.
"There will be a lot of hype about certain players leaving the club but I know the chairman is very reluctant to do anything like that. We will build on the group we have here now."
As welcome as statements of intent are to supporters, most realise that financial constraints often dictate otherwise in football.
It would, for instance, be a major coup for United if Delph is still in their ranks come the end of the summer transfer window with a host of potential suitors from the Premier League having beaten a path towards Elland Road to watch the Bradford-born midfielder this season.
Most have gone away impressed and it would be a major surprise if substantial bids did not follow in the coming weeks and months to test the resolve of a club who have to find £6m to buy back their Thorp Arch training ground by October if they are not to lose their exclusive option on the site.
Likewise Beckford, with the 34-goal striker having just 12 months remaining on his existing contract at Elland Road and patience starting to wear thin on the terraces amid believed interest from Sunderland.
Whatever happens to United's two prize assets, the one major positive for supporters is the job done so far by Grayson.
After taking charge of a team shipping goals at a ridiculous rate, he quickly spotted where the shortcomings were and set about sorting them out. In came two powerful central defenders in Richard Naylor and Sam Sodje, Jonathan Douglas was switched to the problem position of right-back and a new goalkeeper was brought in after both Casper Ankergren and David Lucas suffered indifferent spells between the posts.
Darryl Flahavan may not have played a game due to being subsequently injured, but it showed that Grayson has a keen eye when it comes to pinpointing a squad's weaknesses.
If he can repeat that trick this summer and bolster the problem areas that still need addressing – a reliable goalkeeper, decent right-back and experienced, tough-tackling central midfielder would not go amiss – then maybe next season really can prove to be a case of third time lucky for Leeds in League One.



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« Svar #111 på: Mai 17, 2009, 10:01:17 »
Coventry boss Chris Coleman is ready to open the bidding for Leeds United's free-scoring striker Jermaine Beckford.

Coleman hopes to nip in first for the prolific hit man whose penalty miss played a big part in the Yorkshire side's failure to make the promotion play-off final.

The Sky Blues want to buy him or do a player-swap with Simon Grayson's club.

Fra The People


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« Svar #112 på: Mai 17, 2009, 15:47:02 »
Spørs om vi klarer å beholde Beckford når ryktene begynner å svirre i midten av mai. Kan bli en lang sommer for å beholde både han og Delph...
marching on together,
derudaf forever...


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« Svar #113 på: Mai 17, 2009, 15:55:57 »
Om Leeds vil beholde han så blir han.Han er fortsatt under kontrakt.
Men blir det et bra bud så la han gå,og få inn en spiller som har hue på rett plass
Leeds United will always have a special place in my heart....and a bunch of men and women who enjoy speed and excitement.


  • Gjest
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« Svar #114 på: Mai 17, 2009, 20:45:58 »
Om Leeds vil beholde han så blir han.Han er fortsatt under kontrakt.
Men blir det et bra bud så la han gå,og få inn en spiller som har hue på rett plass

Indeed! Sjelden jeg er så enig med andre enn meg selv ;)


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« Svar #115 på: Mai 17, 2009, 21:17:28 »
Villa boss O'Neill remains keen on Leeds kid Delph
Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill is being linked with Leeds United whiz Fabian Delph.
The Mirror says Delph is on O'Neill's shopping list and when asked about the size of his transfer budget he said: "The short answer is I don't know and I'm not sure anybody really knows until it pans out. We will look at specific areas to try and strengthen the team."

Man Utd, Everton wait to pounce for Leeds starlet Delph
Fabian Delph is being linked with a move away from Leeds United after their League One playoff defeat last week.
The Daily Express says a host of Premier League clubs, including Manchester United, Everton and Fulham have been keeping close tabs on Delph, who is still a teenager.
“I’ll sit down with the chairman,” said Leeds boss Simon Grayson. “We had plans for Championship football, and League One football. We know where we are with players and budgets.
“So we’ll get over it, start again and give it a real good go for automatic promotion next season. If we get a ridiculous offer


Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #116 på: Mai 17, 2009, 21:18:28 »
Rumour mill already off and running!
The seasons only been finished a few days for Leeds United but already the rumour mill is kicking into gear with who is going to leave Elland Road.
According to the Daily Express Fulham, Everton and Manchester United are leading the chase to sign midfielder Fabian Delph.
Also rumoured to be on his way is leading goal scorer Jermaine Beckford who is being linked with a move to Championship Coventry City by the Sunday People.


Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #117 på: Mai 17, 2009, 21:20:13 »
Grayson: We'll 'stick together' for next season

...Grayson accepts there will be inevitable speculation surrounding the future of gifted midfielder Fabian Delph, 34-goal Jermaine Beckford and others, while talks will soon be opened with Jonathan Douglas, Frazer Richardson and reserve keeper David Lucas, whose contracts are up for renewal. ....

....Grayson is keen to keep Sam Sodje, who has been outstanding during his loan spell from Reading – where he is out of contract this summer – though the central defender’s wages could prove a stumbling block. .....
« Siste redigering: Mai 17, 2009, 21:27:44 av kjelvi »


Sv: RYKTER: Spillere inn - Spiller ut, del 11
« Svar #118 på: Mai 17, 2009, 21:23:49 »
Rumour mill already off and running!
The seasons only been finished a few days for Leeds United but already the rumour mill is kicking into gear with who is going to leave Elland Road.
According to the Daily Express Fulham, Everton and Manchester United are leading the chase to sign midfielder Fabian Delph.
Also rumoured to be on his way is leading goal scorer Jermaine Beckford who is being linked with a move to Championship Coventry City by the Sunday People.

Man Utd, Everton, Aston Villa and Coventry prepare to raid Leeds Utd!

Delph lined up
Leeds raid planned?

EVERTON boss David Moyes is rumoured to be planning another lower-league swoop - this time for Leeds United winger Fabien Delph.
The quicksilver midfielder's exciting play was a feature of the Yorkshire club's run into the League One play-offs, but their failure to clinch promotion now makes it a virtual certainty he will leave.
Leeds manager Simon Grayson said: “We now know where we are with budgets. We will have a couple of days to get over losing in the play-offs and then on Monday the preparations for next season start. I am so glad the majority of the squad are under contract, only three are out of contract (this summer).
"We do not need to sell any players unless we get ridiculous offers for them.
“There will be a lot of hype about certain players leaving the club but I know the chairman is very reluctant to do anything like that. We will build on the group we have here now.”
« Siste redigering: Mai 17, 2009, 21:30:21 av kjelvi »