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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2160 på: August 10, 2012, 11:10:42 »
Så LUST ser ut til å være keenere på å være først ute med rykter/nyheter enn å spille en konstruktiv rolle.  Denne oppklaringen var en oppsummering av hva vi alle har lest utover kvelden i dag.
Så du synes vi nå skal bruke enrgi på å slakte LUST? Ikke jeg.

Ã… foreta et velformulert slakt av en organisasjon eller offentlig person på Internett er en eksoterm prosess. Det frigir energi.  ;D
Energi som en blant annet kan bruke til å lage smått ironiske alternativer til utforming av hjemmesida vår, blant annet. Og det i arbeidstida. ;D


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2161 på: August 10, 2012, 11:20:48 »
Så LUST ser ut til å være keenere på å være først ute med rykter/nyheter enn å spille en konstruktiv rolle.  Denne oppklaringen var en oppsummering av hva vi alle har lest utover kvelden i dag.
Så du synes vi nå skal bruke enrgi på å slakte LUST? Ikke jeg.

Ã… foreta et velformulert slakt av en organisasjon eller offentlig person på Internett er en eksoterm prosess. Det frigir energi.  ;D
Energi som en blant annet kan bruke til å lage smått ironiske alternativer til utforming av hjemmesida vår, blant annet. Og det i arbeidstida. ;D

Utformingsjobben har heldigvis noen andre tatt seg av.  :D
- Leif Olav


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2162 på: August 10, 2012, 11:49:14 »
Så satt kanskje ikke LUST på hele sannheten likevel, jeg øyner nytt håp etter siste uttalelse fra klubben.

Men om ikke annet, så fikk LUST tvunget en melding ut fra klubben med sitt utspill.

Får håpe ting går seg til likevel, kan være at siste utspill (om at den "ekslusive" perioden er over), er et forsøk fra klubben på å tvinge fram en avgjørelse fra midt-østen grupperingen.
LUST slenger ikke noe sånt ut for morro skyld. Enten er de sikker på at dealen er død eller så er dette er et utspill potensielt nye eiere vil at LUST skal komme med for å legge press på Bates...

Det brenner under bena på den gamle grisen nå.. Mot Wolves kan det fort ta fyr...

Eller så er det som det meste LUST ser ut til å ha kommet med i denne saken et utspill først og fremst for å plassere seg selv i begivenhetenes sentrum igjen.

Tullprat mener JEG.Synes lust har gjort en glimrende jobb .Ikke lett å sitte inne med veldigmye info om hva som skjer bak scenen og holde kjeft .
Tror at så fort denne handelen er helt død så vill vi få vite hva som virkelig har hent .
« Siste redigering: August 10, 2012, 11:54:51 av marve »


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2163 på: August 10, 2012, 13:22:49 »
Så satt kanskje ikke LUST på hele sannheten likevel, jeg øyner nytt håp etter siste uttalelse fra klubben.

Men om ikke annet, så fikk LUST tvunget en melding ut fra klubben med sitt utspill.

Får håpe ting går seg til likevel, kan være at siste utspill (om at den "ekslusive" perioden er over), er et forsøk fra klubben på å tvinge fram en avgjørelse fra midt-østen grupperingen.
LUST slenger ikke noe sånt ut for morro skyld. Enten er de sikker på at dealen er død eller så er dette er et utspill potensielt nye eiere vil at LUST skal komme med for å legge press på Bates...
Det brenner under bena på den gamle grisen nå.. Mot Wolves kan det fort ta fyr...

Eller så er det som det meste LUST ser ut til å ha kommet med i denne saken et utspill først og fremst for å plassere seg selv i begivenhetenes sentrum igjen.

Tullprat mener JEG.Synes lust har gjort en glimrende jobb .Ikke lett å sitte inne med veldigmye info om hva som skjer bak scenen og holde kjeft .
Tror at så fort denne handelen er helt død så vill vi få vite hva som virkelig har hent .
nå har jeg sikkert brukt 40 timer på denne og alle tenkelige leedssider sider 29.mai. I håp om at vi snart var ute av dvalen(geitehelvete) så ser det ut til at vi er på stedet hvil. Hvor kan jeg sende faktura?
Nå rykker vi opp! Jasederja


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2164 på: August 10, 2012, 13:26:53 »


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2165 på: August 10, 2012, 14:39:17 »
La oss bare håpe: :)
(iallefall, brudd på DD-avtale medfører kostnader for bruddpartneren. Og har Bates 'moved the goalpost' er jo det et sånt type brudd...

My view on this is that both sides have been involved for the past 24 hours in intense negotiations, after an unknown major development happened yesterday morning LUST's announcement (possible threatened law suit brought by one side or the other over the T/O potential collapse?) and that their legal teams are now heavily involved too and that these negotiations will now carry on for the rest of today and into tonight if necessary until a sale of the Club is legally sealed with, I expect, an announcement of a successive takeover announced sometime tomorrow morning.

Also it is normal for Warnock to give a press conference at TA 48 hours before a game and as we actually have a game tomorrow, am I correct to think this has not yet happened either yesterday or today?

It was supposed to happen yesterday, James Varley tweeted about it, then never seemed to materialise. Presumably they were occupied with other events.
It was supposed to happen yesterday, James Varley tweeted about it, then never seemed to materialise. Presumably they were occupied with other events.
The scheduled press conference yesterday was altered to just an inteview which was put up on LUTV.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2166 på: August 10, 2012, 14:42:24 »
Gary Cooper, LUST-sjefen, har iallefall sett 'en annen' Shaun Harvey i sommer:
gents i more than most have reason to dislike Shaun Harvey, this is the man that wanted me to turn the Trust into an RMC, who continually ignored our reasonable requests for dialogue, who removed all the trust boards membership rights and prevented us buying tickets for away games using our own ID's, told the FSF that we had stated 'Seven Years of Lies' when infact it was TSS lads, claimed we are fanatical, approved programme notes that called us amongst other things 'a camel' ironically so if anyone has a right to dislike Shaun Harvey its me.

that said i believe in giving credit where its due and if there is one person at ER this summer who has tried to move heaven and earth to get this deal done, find the finances to allow NW to bring players in (and its fair to say Mr Bates hasnt helped him) and to push Bates as far down the line as the deal is today (it has been flat on its arse for weeks due to one man and collapsed yesterday morning due to one man) were it genuinely can still be done after it was clearly dead in the water then that man is Shaun Harvey, that is simply the truth.

for all his faults, for the terrible transfer dealings, poor PR, lack of supporter inclusion, terrible choice of ties, he is the one man that can hold his head up this summer and be proud of what he has tried to achieve and despite all the history between he and i given the opportunity i would shake his hand and thank him.

this does not mean you all have to feel the same way, each to their own of course.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2167 på: August 10, 2012, 14:54:21 »
Gary Cooper, LUST-sjefen, har iallefall sett 'en annen' Shaun Harvey i sommer:
gents i more than most have reason to dislike Shaun Harvey, this is the man that wanted me to turn the Trust into an RMC, who continually ignored our reasonable requests for dialogue, who removed all the trust boards membership rights and prevented us buying tickets for away games using our own ID's, told the FSF that we had stated 'Seven Years of Lies' when infact it was TSS lads, claimed we are fanatical, approved programme notes that called us amongst other things 'a camel' ironically so if anyone has a right to dislike Shaun Harvey its me.

that said i believe in giving credit where its due and if there is one person at ER this summer who has tried to move heaven and earth to get this deal done, find the finances to allow NW to bring players in (and its fair to say Mr Bates hasnt helped him) and to push Bates as far down the line as the deal is today (it has been flat on its arse for weeks due to one man and collapsed yesterday morning due to one man) were it genuinely can still be done after it was clearly dead in the water then that man is Shaun Harvey, that is simply the truth.

for all his faults, for the terrible transfer dealings, poor PR, lack of supporter inclusion, terrible choice of ties, he is the one man that can hold his head up this summer and be proud of what he has tried to achieve and despite all the history between he and i given the opportunity i would shake his hand and thank him.

this does not mean you all have to feel the same way, each to their own of course.

Artig lesning!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2168 på: August 10, 2012, 15:08:20 »
Kan noen svare meg enkelt på dette ?
så det jeg har fått med meg, så er Bates uenig med gruppen fra Midtøsten, så nå har han åpnet for andre kan komme med et bud på klubben (samtaler )  ?

så den er ikke død, de forhandler enda ?  bare at Bates gjør at andre kan by på klubben å ?

de fra midtøsten er ikke førsteprioritet ?


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2169 på: August 10, 2012, 15:10:13 »
Kan noen svare meg enkelt på dette ?
så det jeg har fått med meg, så er Bates uenig med gruppen fra Midtøsten, så nå har han åpnet for andre kan komme med et bud på klubben (samtaler )  ?

så den er ikke død, de forhandler enda ?  bare at Bates gjør at andre kan by på klubben å ?

de fra midtøsten er ikke førsteprioritet ?
slik har jeg også forstått det. Den som betaler det han ønsker, pluss at de gjør opp skattesmellen hans, får klubben  ;)
Ups & Ups!!


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2170 på: August 10, 2012, 15:13:26 »
Kan noen svare meg enkelt på dette ?
så det jeg har fått med meg, så er Bates uenig med gruppen fra Midtøsten, så nå har han åpnet for andre kan komme med et bud på klubben (samtaler )  ?

så den er ikke død, de forhandler enda ?  bare at Bates gjør at andre kan by på klubben å ?

de fra midtøsten er ikke førsteprioritet ?
Først, du må være svææært tett på prosessen for å kunne gi 'fasitsvar' her.

Men, enten er dette Bates som prøver å få flere penger ut av investorgruppen
så har han en annen investeringsgruppe på lur som han mener han kan få mer penger ut av

Jeg tviler på at han selv har nok finanser til å kunne fortsette særlig lenge uten finansiell hjelp.
Krybben var jo tom i mai/juni (hadde ikke midler til å kjøpe Ward). Nå har han hatt Season Ticket money å kunne bruke...
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2171 på: August 10, 2012, 15:14:39 »
Kan noen svare meg enkelt på dette ?
så det jeg har fått med meg, så er Bates uenig med gruppen fra Midtøsten, så nå har han åpnet for andre kan komme med et bud på klubben (samtaler )  ?

så den er ikke død, de forhandler enda ?  bare at Bates gjør at andre kan by på klubben å ?

de fra midtøsten er ikke førsteprioritet ?
slik har jeg også forstått det. Den som betaler det han ønsker, pluss at de gjør opp skattesmellen hans, får klubben  ;)

Pretty much sums it up :)
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



  • Gjest
Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2172 på: August 10, 2012, 17:25:55 »
Forundret over at takeover kollapset. Forundret NOPE!


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2173 på: August 10, 2012, 17:26:35 »
Tror ikke på noe Takeover mer. Tåkeleggingen på hjemmesiden er bare for å holde hordene rolige.

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2174 på: August 10, 2012, 19:21:04 »
LUST chairman Gary Cooper intervju;

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2175 på: August 10, 2012, 19:32:54 »
Spørsmålet er jo da; Reiste Harvey til Monaco for å få avtalte underskrifter på papiret, men gamlingen hadde en dårlig dag og nektet?


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Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2176 på: August 10, 2012, 20:37:27 »
LUST chairman Gary Cooper intervju;
Og er det vanskelig å få med seg alt som ble sagt, her er det 'in writing' :)

Takeover Still On: L.U.S.T. Interview
posted August 10, 2012 / 0 Comments

Gary Cooper spoke to Calendar News about the takeover today, on behalf of the Leeds United Supporters Trust. Here’s an abridged written version for those that don’t have access to the video, which can currently be accessed here by U.K. readers:

 As we understand it, the club and the buyers are now speaking again. Talks have resumed, and we are hoping – we believe – that a deal can still be done.

 We speak to an intermediary from the consortium. We speak to him on a regular basis.

 I think the buyers have always been very keen to push this deal through. … They have been increasing the pressure on the club and those involved over the past few weeks to push this through and complete the deal. I think the deal stalled a couple of weeks ago.

 Given the information that we got yesterday morning, that the buyers believed that the deal was dead, the club had cast their last dice, and there was nothing left to be said, the course of events yesterday afternoon was quite frenetic. Information was coming backwards and forwards suggesting the deal could perhaps still be salvaged, and the club’s statement verified this later in the afternoon.

 We’re very pleased [that talks are ongoing]. That’s very positive.

 The deal, as we believe it, has been on the table now for 2-3 months. Due Diligence was finished I think some time ago. It would have been preferential for us as fans to be talking about the marque signings that we know Neil Warnock would have liked to have been made.

 We’re on the eve of the kickoff of our competitive season. And while Mr Warnock’s had the chance to bring in 10 new players to the squad, and probably improve the squad, and we’ll be very supportive of them, I don’t think he’s had the chance to bring in the quality that he would’ve liked to have done, and I’m sure he would like two or three more players to add to that. But under the current owners we don’t have the money.

 What about Ken Bates? His position has got to be untenable, surely?

 You would think that. Look, I’ve never been foolish enough to try and second guess Mr. Bates. He is his own man and he’ll make his own decisions and do his own thing. But the club statements all the way through the summer have kept reiterrating that they’re going to do the best thing for Leeds United.

 If that’s the case, and given what’s happened in the last 48 hours, I would ask a question of Mr Bates, and that’s: If you’re going to do the best thing for Leeds United, do you seriously believe that remaining as owner of the club, as chairman of the club, with limited funds and no chance to bring in the players Neil Warnock wants to bring in, do you truly believe that not finalising this deal, not bringing this deal to a conclusion, is the right thing for Leeds United? I’m not sure that’s the case. So if I had the opportunity, I’d love to ask him in person.

 There is no-one, more than me, that wants to get back to talking about football on the forums, in the social media, in the pubs, in the ground. Nobody wants to do that more than me. These last six months have been a real experience. Sadly, not a lot of that experience has been talking about performances, and I want to get back to that – we all do.

 Leeds United fans, we share an ambition, a history, we’re really proud of it. We’d really like to get back to talking about that and some success on the pitch.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Erik M

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2177 på: August 10, 2012, 21:41:57 »
Tror ikke på noe Takeover mer. Tåkeleggingen på hjemmesiden er bare for å holde hordene rolige.

Uenig. Jeg tror ikke det er noen vei tilbake. Kun snakk om tid. Basert på like tynt grunnlag som ditt og alle andres syn.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2178 på: August 10, 2012, 23:15:33 »
Går igjennom før Wolves matchen tror jeg ..


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2179 på: August 10, 2012, 23:17:46 »
Leeds United: Supporters' Trust say takeover is back on

By Ian Woodcock
BBC Yorkshire Sport

Leeds United Supporters' Trust believe the deal to buy the club, which seemed to have collapsed on Thursday, is now back on.

The club issued a statement to say the potential buyers' period of exclusivity was over and they were open to new bids, but LUST chairman Gary Cooper believes there has been a turnaround.
"We understand there has been a change of position," he told BBC Sport.
"The deal is being discussed and they are looking to sort certain terms."
Cooper added: "This was a done deal some time ago and the issue is with the club, so at present it is delicately poised.
"We don't know what that sticking point is but we can only assume there was something that Ken Bates (Leeds United chairman) was not happy with.
"The buyers remain very keen and they are acting in the manner of a group wanting to get a deal done rather than wanting to pull out because of the time it is taking to sort."
Bates was officially confirmed as the club's owner last year following a buy-out from former owners FSF Limited.
It was initially revealed at the end of May that talks had opened between the Elland Road club and potential investors, believed to be from the Middle East, before the group was then allowed to start carrying out due diligence on 26 June.
Leeds United finished 14th in the Championship last season and start their new campaign at home to Shrewsbury Town in the Capital One Cup on Saturday.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2180 på: August 10, 2012, 23:57:38 »
LUST chairman Gary Cooper intervju;
Og er det vanskelig å få med seg alt som ble sagt, her er det 'in writing' :)

Takeover Still On: L.U.S.T. Interview
posted August 10, 2012 / 0 Comments

Gary Cooper spoke to Calendar News about the takeover today, on behalf of the Leeds United Supporters Trust. Here’s an abridged written version for those that don’t have access to the video, which can currently be accessed here by U.K. readers:

 As we understand it, the club and the buyers are now speaking again. Talks have resumed, and we are hoping – we believe – that a deal can still be done.

 We speak to an intermediary from the consortium. We speak to him on a regular basis.

 I think the buyers have always been very keen to push this deal through. … They have been increasing the pressure on the club and those involved over the past few weeks to push this through and complete the deal. I think the deal stalled a couple of weeks ago.

 Given the information that we got yesterday morning, that the buyers believed that the deal was dead, the club had cast their last dice, and there was nothing left to be said, the course of events yesterday afternoon was quite frenetic. Information was coming backwards and forwards suggesting the deal could perhaps still be salvaged, and the club’s statement verified this later in the afternoon.

 We’re very pleased [that talks are ongoing]. That’s very positive.

 The deal, as we believe it, has been on the table now for 2-3 months. Due Diligence was finished I think some time ago. It would have been preferential for us as fans to be talking about the marque signings that we know Neil Warnock would have liked to have been made.

 We’re on the eve of the kickoff of our competitive season. And while Mr Warnock’s had the chance to bring in 10 new players to the squad, and probably improve the squad, and we’ll be very supportive of them, I don’t think he’s had the chance to bring in the quality that he would’ve liked to have done, and I’m sure he would like two or three more players to add to that. But under the current owners we don’t have the money.

 What about Ken Bates? His position has got to be untenable, surely?

 You would think that. Look, I’ve never been foolish enough to try and second guess Mr. Bates. He is his own man and he’ll make his own decisions and do his own thing. But the club statements all the way through the summer have kept reiterrating that they’re going to do the best thing for Leeds United.

 If that’s the case, and given what’s happened in the last 48 hours, I would ask a question of Mr Bates, and that’s: If you’re going to do the best thing for Leeds United, do you seriously believe that remaining as owner of the club, as chairman of the club, with limited funds and no chance to bring in the players Neil Warnock wants to bring in, do you truly believe that not finalising this deal, not bringing this deal to a conclusion, is the right thing for Leeds United? I’m not sure that’s the case. So if I had the opportunity, I’d love to ask him in person.

 There is no-one, more than me, that wants to get back to talking about football on the forums, in the social media, in the pubs, in the ground. Nobody wants to do that more than me. These last six months have been a real experience. Sadly, not a lot of that experience has been talking about performances, and I want to get back to that – we all do.

 Leeds United fans, we share an ambition, a history, we’re really proud of it. We’d really like to get back to talking about that and some success on the pitch.

Liker de presise og varierte oppdateringene dine, Asbjørn!

Takk!   ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2181 på: August 11, 2012, 04:07:47 »
La meg oversette til norsk for de som sliter med engelsk.

"Hei! Jeg er Begjær. Vi satte ut et løst rykte i går som viste seg å være helt feil. Etter det leste vi twitter et par timer. Enda noen timer senere sa vi at vi hadde jobbe SKIKKELIG hardt med å finne ut hva som foregikk. Og så skrev vi litt midte presist og med flere ord akkurat det vi hadde lest på twitter for noen timer siden. Mens vi klart gav beskjed om at det vi sa av løse rykter for sju timer siden som var riv ruskende galt da vi sa det fortsatt er riv ruskende galt nå, men nå har noen andre sagt Twitter også at det er riv sukende galt. Men har de mange medlemmer som har betalt kontingent? Nei jeg tror ikke det nei. Det har vi. Derfor leser vil litt på Waccoe og andre nettfora av og til. De mest rabiate meldingene derfra toner vi ned ørlitegrann og bruker tre ganger så mange ord på å reformulere. Så påstår vi at vi dermed representerer alle Leedsfans.

Skriver dere dette om oss i avisene? Vi er Begjær! Vi har medlemmer som betaler penger og så kjenner vi en fyr som sprer rykter. Vi kaller ham "Kilde"  Vi tar stort sett feil når vi uttaler oss, men vi skrev en fornuftig pressemelding for ni måneder siden- Hør på oss. Det finnes folk i Yorkshire som har penger. Som de ikke vil bruke på Leeds United, med\n det vil vi helst ikke snakke om. Bates er jammen domm.
- Leif Olav


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2182 på: August 11, 2012, 09:23:57 »
La meg oversette til norsk for de som sliter med engelsk.

"Hei! Jeg er Begjær. Vi satte ut et løst rykte i går som viste seg å være helt feil. Etter det leste vi twitter et par timer. Enda noen timer senere sa vi at vi hadde jobbe SKIKKELIG hardt med å finne ut hva som foregikk. Og så skrev vi litt midte presist og med flere ord akkurat det vi hadde lest på twitter for noen timer siden. Mens vi klart gav beskjed om at det vi sa av løse rykter for sju timer siden som var riv ruskende galt da vi sa det fortsatt er riv ruskende galt nå, men nå har noen andre sagt Twitter også at det er riv sukende galt. Men har de mange medlemmer som har betalt kontingent? Nei jeg tror ikke det nei. Det har vi. Derfor leser vil litt på Waccoe og andre nettfora av og til. De mest rabiate meldingene derfra toner vi ned ørlitegrann og bruker tre ganger så mange ord på å reformulere. Så påstår vi at vi dermed representerer alle Leedsfans.

Skriver dere dette om oss i avisene? Vi er Begjær! Vi har medlemmer som betaler penger og så kjenner vi en fyr som sprer rykter. Vi kaller ham "Kilde"  Vi tar stort sett feil når vi uttaler oss, men vi skrev en fornuftig pressemelding for ni måneder siden- Hør på oss. Det finnes folk i Yorkshire som har penger. Som de ikke vil bruke på Leeds United, med\n det vil vi helst ikke snakke om. Bates er jammen domm.

Greier ikke å se det morsomme. Djøre narr av noen som bruker tid og ressurser på å bidra for klubben. Rett skytset mot de/han som fortjener det.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2183 på: August 11, 2012, 09:31:23 »
La meg oversette til norsk for de som sliter med engelsk.

"Hei! Jeg er Begjær. Vi satte ut et løst rykte i går som viste seg å være helt feil. Etter det leste vi twitter et par timer. Enda noen timer senere sa vi at vi hadde jobbe SKIKKELIG hardt med å finne ut hva som foregikk. Og så skrev vi litt midte presist og med flere ord akkurat det vi hadde lest på twitter for noen timer siden. Mens vi klart gav beskjed om at det vi sa av løse rykter for sju timer siden som var riv ruskende galt da vi sa det fortsatt er riv ruskende galt nå, men nå har noen andre sagt Twitter også at det er riv sukende galt. Men har de mange medlemmer som har betalt kontingent? Nei jeg tror ikke det nei. Det har vi. Derfor leser vil litt på Waccoe og andre nettfora av og til. De mest rabiate meldingene derfra toner vi ned ørlitegrann og bruker tre ganger så mange ord på å reformulere. Så påstår vi at vi dermed representerer alle Leedsfans.

Skriver dere dette om oss i avisene? Vi er Begjær! Vi har medlemmer som betaler penger og så kjenner vi en fyr som sprer rykter. Vi kaller ham "Kilde"  Vi tar stort sett feil når vi uttaler oss, men vi skrev en fornuftig pressemelding for ni måneder siden- Hør på oss. Det finnes folk i Yorkshire som har penger. Som de ikke vil bruke på Leeds United, med\n det vil vi helst ikke snakke om. Bates er jammen domm.

Du har mye rett her, virker som de ønsker å være en player/maktfaktor - men i realiteten vet Svend Anders like mye som lust..
"Who needs Cantona??"


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2184 på: August 11, 2012, 09:43:46 »
La meg oversette til norsk for de som sliter med engelsk.

"Hei! Jeg er Begjær. Vi satte ut et løst rykte i går som viste seg å være helt feil. Etter det leste vi twitter et par timer. Enda noen timer senere sa vi at vi hadde jobbe SKIKKELIG hardt med å finne ut hva som foregikk. Og så skrev vi litt midte presist og med flere ord akkurat det vi hadde lest på twitter for noen timer siden. Mens vi klart gav beskjed om at det vi sa av løse rykter for sju timer siden som var riv ruskende galt da vi sa det fortsatt er riv ruskende galt nå, men nå har noen andre sagt Twitter også at det er riv sukende galt. Men har de mange medlemmer som har betalt kontingent? Nei jeg tror ikke det nei. Det har vi. Derfor leser vil litt på Waccoe og andre nettfora av og til. De mest rabiate meldingene derfra toner vi ned ørlitegrann og bruker tre ganger så mange ord på å reformulere. Så påstår vi at vi dermed representerer alle Leedsfans.

Skriver dere dette om oss i avisene? Vi er Begjær! Vi har medlemmer som betaler penger og så kjenner vi en fyr som sprer rykter. Vi kaller ham "Kilde"  Vi tar stort sett feil når vi uttaler oss, men vi skrev en fornuftig pressemelding for ni måneder siden- Hør på oss. Det finnes folk i Yorkshire som har penger. Som de ikke vil bruke på Leeds United, med\n det vil vi helst ikke snakke om. Bates er jammen domm.

Greier ikke å se det morsomme. Djøre narr av noen som bruker tid og ressurser på å bidra for klubben. Rett skytset mot de/han som fortjener det.

Karen har jo ikke humor, flyttet jo en "feilplassert" tråd midt på natta for at han syntes det var gøy.. For en type...:) :-* :'(
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2185 på: August 11, 2012, 11:39:21 »
YEP i dag..

Det kan bli 5 år med spekulasjoner:

A confidentiality clause agreed by Leeds and the Middle Eastern consortium has prevented any side from making any comment apart from the occasional statement from United. Cramer said Wednesday’s statement was likely to have been drafted with legal advice, avoiding any remarks which might further threaten the takeover.

But Cramer, a lawyer with FrontRow Legal in Leeds, warned that the full story of the negotiations could remain confidential for up to five years under the terms of the negotiations.

Hele artikkelen:

The fate of a bid by a Middle Eastern consortium to take control of Leeds United is likely to be decided in a matter of days, according to a prominent legal expert.

Sports lawyer Richard Cramer believes Leeds and their prospective buyers have reached the stage of “put up or shut up” after a deal to sell United ran into trouble earlier this week.

An attempt to take outright control of Leeds has been under discussion for more than two months, with an agreement understood to have been reached in principle at the end of June, and the would-be purchasers had been reviewing United’s accounts with the protection of an “exclusivity period”, preventing other interested parties from putting forward rival offers.

But that exclusivity period expired last week with the sale of United incomplete and Leeds reacted to reports that the takeover had collapsed by issuing a statement effectively inviting new investors to come forward.

Cramer told the YEP: “It might be a case of brinkmanship – Leeds effectively saying to the buyers ‘put up or shut up’ – and it seems clear enough that the deal has run into trouble. In my experience ‘put up or shut up’ is exactly where they’ll be at the moment.


“We were told that due diligence started on June 26 and I’d have expected that process to start and finish in the space of three to four weeks, especially because we’re in the middle of pre-season and a crucial period for the club.

“Any clued-in buyer would be aware of that. We’re seven or eight weeks on now and that’s not a good sign.

“When we went past the end of July you started to suspect that something was up. Given what’s gone on this week and given the fact that the process has taken so long, my personal view is that it’s unlikely this deal will happen but not impossible. I think a decision will be taken one way or the other very soon, probably in a matter of days.”

This takeover would not be the first to stumble at the final hurdle and recover in time to reach the finishing line.

The recent purchase of Watford by the Italian Pozzo family appeared to fall through on June 22 when Watford’s previous owner, Laurence Bassini, said: “The deal is definitely off. They don’t have the money.”

Seven days later, the deal went through. The sale of Sunderland to Ellis Short in 2008 also survived last-minute complications to reach a successful conclusion.

But Leeds themselves cast doubt on the likelihood of immediate investment from the Middle East by saying: “Leeds United announces that the exclusivity period granted to a potential investor as mentioned in the statement of June 26 has ended.

“The club remain happy to continue discussions, but not on an exclusive basis, so as not to prevent other options passing.

“The first priority must be to ensure that the credibility of any future investor or ultimate owner is such that the Leeds legacy and its future is in safe hands, back in the Premiership.

“The club will continue to be receptive to approaches from potential new partners who can establish that they have the necessary credentials.”

Problems with the proposed takeover of United became apparent on Wednesday when United chief executive Shaun Harvey flew to Monaco to meet club chairman and owner Ken Bates.

It was seen as an attempt to advance the process and bring about a swift resolution but the talks instead prompted speculation of an imminent collapse in negotiations. The YEP has since been told that the buy-out “isn’t definitely on but isn’t definitely off either” and discussions are understood to have continued yesterday.


Cramer said: “It’s so often the way. You get through a lot of work and a lot of talking but when you reach the end of the line, difficulties arise.

“If this is a consortium of three or four individuals then it’s possible that one or two of them have got cold feet or broken ranks and changed their demands.

“It’s possible too that Leeds at the death are wanting a slightly different deal. It’s not unusual but it doesn’t bode well.

“Aside from the time involved, you can rest assured that a huge amount of money has been spent on this.

“You normally pay a fee for an exclusivity period and you can bet your bottom dollar that the buyers have lost that now.

“You also have the expense of due diligence and the bill created by hiring a large commercial law firm to do the work.

“It’s a serious and intensive process – not the sort of thing you get into if you’re not really sure about going through with the deal.

“The statement from Leeds told us a few things: firstly, the door to this deal isn’t quite closed. Secondly, these buyers no longer have the protection of exclusivity.

“So they’re going to have to get on with it or walk away altogether. I can’t see it dragging on much longer without a final decision.

“But what’s also clear is that the club is definitely up for sale. The statement talked about ultimate owners which is a takeover by a different name. It suggests that if the right offer is there, Ken Bates is ready to go.”

A confidentiality clause agreed by Leeds and the Middle Eastern consortium has prevented any side from making any comment apart from the occasional statement from United. Cramer said Wednesday’s statement was likely to have been drafted with legal advice, avoiding any remarks which might further threaten the takeover.

But Cramer, a lawyer with FrontRow Legal in Leeds, warned that the full story of the negotiations could remain confidential for up to five years under the terms of the negotiations.

“We might never know the ins and outs of all this,” he said. “The one thing we know for sure is that a confidentiality clause is binding on both sides.

“The clause can apply long after negotiations have ended.

“I’ve seen agreements in which confidentiality was agreed for five years.

“Unless Leeds and the buyers consent to waive the clause, I don’t expect to see the full picture.”

I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2186 på: August 11, 2012, 12:17:34 »

Here we go again

  • Gjest
Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2187 på: August 11, 2012, 12:20:06 »
YEP i dag..

Det kan bli 5 år med spekulasjoner:

A confidentiality clause agreed by Leeds and the Middle Eastern consortium has prevented any side from making any comment apart from the occasional statement from United. Cramer said Wednesday’s statement was likely to have been drafted with legal advice, avoiding any remarks which might further threaten the takeover.

But Cramer, a lawyer with FrontRow Legal in Leeds, warned that the full story of the negotiations could remain confidential for up to five years under the terms of the negotiations.

Hele artikkelen:

The fate of a bid by a Middle Eastern consortium to take control of Leeds United is likely to be decided in a matter of days, according to a prominent legal expert.

Sports lawyer Richard Cramer believes Leeds and their prospective buyers have reached the stage of “put up or shut up” after a deal to sell United ran into trouble earlier this week.

An attempt to take outright control of Leeds has been under discussion for more than two months, with an agreement understood to have been reached in principle at the end of June, and the would-be purchasers had been reviewing United’s accounts with the protection of an “exclusivity period”, preventing other interested parties from putting forward rival offers.

But that exclusivity period expired last week with the sale of United incomplete and Leeds reacted to reports that the takeover had collapsed by issuing a statement effectively inviting new investors to come forward.

Cramer told the YEP: “It might be a case of brinkmanship – Leeds effectively saying to the buyers ‘put up or shut up’ – and it seems clear enough that the deal has run into trouble. In my experience ‘put up or shut up’ is exactly where they’ll be at the moment.


“We were told that due diligence started on June 26 and I’d have expected that process to start and finish in the space of three to four weeks, especially because we’re in the middle of pre-season and a crucial period for the club.

“Any clued-in buyer would be aware of that. We’re seven or eight weeks on now and that’s not a good sign.

“When we went past the end of July you started to suspect that something was up. Given what’s gone on this week and given the fact that the process has taken so long, my personal view is that it’s unlikely this deal will happen but not impossible. I think a decision will be taken one way or the other very soon, probably in a matter of days.”

This takeover would not be the first to stumble at the final hurdle and recover in time to reach the finishing line.

The recent purchase of Watford by the Italian Pozzo family appeared to fall through on June 22 when Watford’s previous owner, Laurence Bassini, said: “The deal is definitely off. They don’t have the money.”

Seven days later, the deal went through. The sale of Sunderland to Ellis Short in 2008 also survived last-minute complications to reach a successful conclusion.

But Leeds themselves cast doubt on the likelihood of immediate investment from the Middle East by saying: “Leeds United announces that the exclusivity period granted to a potential investor as mentioned in the statement of June 26 has ended.

“The club remain happy to continue discussions, but not on an exclusive basis, so as not to prevent other options passing.

“The first priority must be to ensure that the credibility of any future investor or ultimate owner is such that the Leeds legacy and its future is in safe hands, back in the Premiership.

“The club will continue to be receptive to approaches from potential new partners who can establish that they have the necessary credentials.”

Problems with the proposed takeover of United became apparent on Wednesday when United chief executive Shaun Harvey flew to Monaco to meet club chairman and owner Ken Bates.

It was seen as an attempt to advance the process and bring about a swift resolution but the talks instead prompted speculation of an imminent collapse in negotiations. The YEP has since been told that the buy-out “isn’t definitely on but isn’t definitely off either” and discussions are understood to have continued yesterday.


Cramer said: “It’s so often the way. You get through a lot of work and a lot of talking but when you reach the end of the line, difficulties arise.

“If this is a consortium of three or four individuals then it’s possible that one or two of them have got cold feet or broken ranks and changed their demands.

“It’s possible too that Leeds at the death are wanting a slightly different deal. It’s not unusual but it doesn’t bode well.

“Aside from the time involved, you can rest assured that a huge amount of money has been spent on this.

“You normally pay a fee for an exclusivity period and you can bet your bottom dollar that the buyers have lost that now.

“You also have the expense of due diligence and the bill created by hiring a large commercial law firm to do the work.

“It’s a serious and intensive process – not the sort of thing you get into if you’re not really sure about going through with the deal.

“The statement from Leeds told us a few things: firstly, the door to this deal isn’t quite closed. Secondly, these buyers no longer have the protection of exclusivity.

“So they’re going to have to get on with it or walk away altogether. I can’t see it dragging on much longer without a final decision.

“But what’s also clear is that the club is definitely up for sale. The statement talked about ultimate owners which is a takeover by a different name. It suggests that if the right offer is there, Ken Bates is ready to go.”

A confidentiality clause agreed by Leeds and the Middle Eastern consortium has prevented any side from making any comment apart from the occasional statement from United. Cramer said Wednesday’s statement was likely to have been drafted with legal advice, avoiding any remarks which might further threaten the takeover.

But Cramer, a lawyer with FrontRow Legal in Leeds, warned that the full story of the negotiations could remain confidential for up to five years under the terms of the negotiations.

“We might never know the ins and outs of all this,” he said. “The one thing we know for sure is that a confidentiality clause is binding on both sides.

“The clause can apply long after negotiations have ended.

“I’ve seen agreements in which confidentiality was agreed for five years.

“Unless Leeds and the buyers consent to waive the clause, I don’t expect to see the full picture.”

En liten avsporing, men hvis du fortsatt befinner deg på Rhodos håper jeg du er der alene og at ingen andre er avhengige av ditt selskap.  Til og med Warnock tok seg tid til ferie og andre ting i sommer!  ;)


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2188 på: August 11, 2012, 15:07:13 »
Ingenting er bedre enn å ligge å slappe av på en solseng med en tablet under silly season..:)
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Sv: Takeover
« Svar #2189 på: August 11, 2012, 15:43:19 »
74 sider med innlegg under denne tråden "Takeover". Imponerende interesse. Er ikke sikker på at
jeg har skrevet et eneste innlegg i denne tråden, med unntak av dette.

Det er jo stort sett trist lesing, bortsett fra signalet om at Ken Bates kan tenke seg å pakke ikke nødvendigvis akkurat nå.

En uke før kick-off og jeg kan ikke sette ord på hvilke forventninger jeg har til laget for denne sesongen,
rett og slett fordi jeg har ingen.

I tillegg er interessen min for å følge med laget, sunket til det laveste nivå siden jeg ble supporter i 1973.
Jeg er bare så lei det evinnelige surret, år etter år, og skjønner meget godt "Norwich-flyktningene våre".
Vet at jeg er negativ nå, men det er gråvær over klubben nå, inkludert spillerstallen.
Vekk meg når Bates er borte, og det er tegn til struktur og satsing i klubben.

Hilsen medgangssupporter
« Siste redigering: August 11, 2012, 15:45:31 av berlin »