Skrevet av Emne: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale  (Lest 7052 ganger)

0 medlemmer og 1 gjest leser dette emnet.


  • Gjest
Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #30 på: August 07, 2009, 19:00:05 »
Hvor lenge hadde han igjen av kontrakten da.
Personlig så tror jeg han blir stallfyll i CCC. Men på den andre side. Med Bates sitt pengebruk så vil nok Leeds være i League one i 2013. Og da er han god nok

Har du i det hele tatt sett gutten spille? Han er vel den - etter at Delph gikk - med det største potensialet i laget! I vårsesongen var han vår beste spiller.

En av de med størst potensiale ja,en meget spennende vil påstå at Beckford er den Leedsspilleren med soleklart størst potensiale 8)


  • Gjest
Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #31 på: August 07, 2009, 19:36:06 »
Det morsomme er at Mr Kaizer til slutt skjønte poenget

Rudi G.

  • Gjest
Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #32 på: August 07, 2009, 19:37:52 »
Det morsomme er at Mr Kaizer til slutt skjønte poenget

Hentet deg fint inn der h.b ;D


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #33 på: August 07, 2009, 20:52:48 »
Det morsomme er at Mr Kaizer til slutt skjønte poenget

Ja, for du tror jo på at Bates vil bruke masse penger når vi rykker opp, ikke sant? Klassespillere kommer jo ikke gratis?

Nei, kjære hb, jeg tror nok jeg tok poenget første gang.  ;)
Marching on together!


  • Gjest
Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #34 på: August 07, 2009, 21:14:04 »
Her er hva jeg tror Kaizergutt.
Hvis Leeds rykker opp. Ja da vil kanskje Grayson få 2 mill pund til spillerkjøp ( nå er jeg optimist ). Grayson vil da innvestere disse i 5 spillere som desverre ikke holder mål. Leeds vil da igjen desverre rykke ned til League one. Se hva han gjorde med Blackpool etter opprykket. Men de rykket ikke ned.
Videre så tror jeg at Bates selger unna f.eks Beckford og andre spillere han kan få penger for. Leeds blir igjen en leieklubb. .
Akademiet er og blir en fostringsklubb for andre klubber.
Det mest perfekte ville være å se på hva Ajax og Barcelona gjør. Unge spillere med et snev av tallent blir i klubben. Men desverre så vil Leeds bli en farmerklubb foor andre klubber

Robert H.

Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #35 på: August 07, 2009, 21:27:24 »
Dette var kjærkomment gode nyheter!


  • Gjest
Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #36 på: August 07, 2009, 21:43:59 »
Signerte ikke Delph ny kontrakt i fjor?
Så hvordan det gikk....


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #37 på: August 07, 2009, 21:45:22 »
Her er hva jeg tror Kaizergutt.
Hvis Leeds rykker opp. Ja da vil kanskje Grayson få 2 mill pund til spillerkjøp ( nå er jeg optimist ). Grayson vil da innvestere disse i 5 spillere som desverre ikke holder mål. Leeds vil da igjen desverre rykke ned til League one. Se hva han gjorde med Blackpool etter opprykket. Men de rykket ikke ned.
Videre så tror jeg at Bates selger unna f.eks Beckford og andre spillere han kan få penger for. Leeds blir igjen en leieklubb. .
Akademiet er og blir en fostringsklubb for andre klubber.
Det mest perfekte ville være å se på hva Ajax og Barcelona gjør. Unge spillere med et snev av tallent blir i klubben. Men desverre så vil Leeds bli en farmerklubb foor andre klubber

Igjen, du sikrer deg mot å ikke bli skuffet.   ;D

I tilfelle Bates fortsetter som eier i CCC, kan selsvagt deler av skremsel-scanarioet ditt slå til.
Det er ingenting som tyder på at Bates vil bruke vanvittig mye penger i CCC, hverken klubben eller Bates har masse midler. Med mindre det kommer investorer inn som samarbeider med Bates (tvilsomt) er jeg tilbøyelig til å følge deg ganske langt når det gjelder money spent på nye kjøp. Tiden får vise, men CCC er ikke bare 2.divisjon, det er portalen til det forjettede øand. Burnley og Hull har vist at mange kan rykke til den forgudede ligaen PL (æsj, jeg spyr). Det er det rimelig å tro at lysten til forsterke laget er sterk og at fremfor alt - at det er mulig å kjøpe en gode bedre spillere enn i League 1. Det er først da vi virkelig kan dra fordel av Leeds-navnet, så vi får se hva som skjer med klubben etter et evt. opprykk.

Kanskje er Bates gira på å fortsette, men fyren blir ikke yngre med tiden. Who knows, men jeg frykter at han ikke kommer til å selge.
Ellers: Sammenligningen med Blackpool er jo bare tull, de har jo virkelig smått med ressurser.

« Siste redigering: August 07, 2009, 21:48:14 av berlin »


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #38 på: August 07, 2009, 21:46:14 »
Her er hva jeg tror Kaizergutt.
Hvis Leeds rykker opp. Ja da vil kanskje Grayson få 2 mill pund til spillerkjøp ( nå er jeg optimist ). Grayson vil da innvestere disse i 5 spillere som desverre ikke holder mål. Leeds vil da igjen desverre rykke ned til League one. Se hva han gjorde med Blackpool etter opprykket. Men de rykket ikke ned.
Videre så tror jeg at Bates selger unna f.eks Beckford og andre spillere han kan få penger for. Leeds blir igjen en leieklubb. .
Akademiet er og blir en fostringsklubb for andre klubber.
Det mest perfekte ville være å se på hva Ajax og Barcelona gjør. Unge spillere med et snev av tallent blir i klubben. Men desverre så vil Leeds bli en farmerklubb foor andre klubber

Det må vel være den mørkeste og mest destruktive faglige synsingen jeg har hørt på lenge.. Hvorfor skal Bates selge unna alle gode spillere hvis vi rykker opp? Et opprykk vil føre til høyere inntekter og med det en større satsing. Personlig er jeg for en viss edrulighet i forhold til pengebruk etter nesten utslettelsen for noen år siden. I tillegg så tror jeg det er gode muligeter for S.G. å gjøre mange kupp i divisjonen vi er i nå, og at det ikke nødvendigvis er en høy overgangssum som vil avgjøre kvaliteten på spilleren.


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #39 på: August 08, 2009, 01:33:26 »
Signerte ikke Delph ny kontrakt i fjor?
Så hvordan det gikk....

Ja vi fikk seks millioner for ham. Vi fikk EN for Lennon.
- Leif Olav


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #40 på: August 08, 2009, 12:41:04 »
Grayson vil da innvestere disse i 5 spillere som desverre ikke holder mål. Leeds vil da igjen desverre rykke ned til League one. Se hva han gjorde med Blackpool etter opprykket. Men de rykket ikke ned.

h.b.  Du trenger ikke diskutere sånn med deg selv. Vi er mange andre her som heller ikke er enige med deg. ;)


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #41 på: August 08, 2009, 14:14:57 »
Knallbra nyhet, sender postitive signaler utad i spillegruppen og blant fansen (ikke hos Hb tydligvis).

Come om Snoddy, hjelp oss ut av denne sumpen vi befinner oss i.  ::)


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #42 på: August 08, 2009, 14:41:13 »
Det eneste en ny forlenget kontrakt betyr er mer i lønn til spilleren og mer i kassa ved et evt salg...

De forsvinner uansett om de vil ( ref Delph)


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #43 på: August 08, 2009, 14:44:17 »
Good news  :)


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #44 på: August 08, 2009, 15:29:26 »
Signerte ikke Delph ny kontrakt i fjor?
Så hvordan det gikk....

Noe som gjorde at Villa måtte punge ut mye for han  ;D
We'll be back.


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #45 på: August 08, 2009, 16:12:09 »
Det eneste en ny forlenget kontrakt betyr er mer i lønn til spilleren og mer i kassa ved et evt salg...

De forsvinner uansett om de vil ( ref Delph)

Det har du helt rett i, og det må vi nok finne oss i å leve med selv den dagen vi overtar hegemoniet etter Chelsea og ManU.  :)
- Leif Olav

Promotion 2010

Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #46 på: August 15, 2009, 13:20:52 »

Grayson, meanwhile, believes Snodgrass is on the verge of a call-up to the Scotland national squad.

The winger, who has represented the Scots at Under-21 level, was in line to play for Scotland's 'B' team last season before Leeds' involvement in the play-offs forced him to withdraw.

Grayson said: "I would have thought he isn't too far away from being called up. (Scotland manager George Burley) has had him watched and I'm sure they're fully aware of what he's doing."
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #47 på: August 15, 2009, 15:12:51 »
Leeds United: The only way is up for Snodgrass and Leeds now
Published Date: 14 August 2009
By Phil Hay
A new contract tends to be a vote of confidence and the deal given to Robert Snodgrass seven days ago said everything about Leeds United's valuation of him.
Snodgrass landed a four-year contract last week, one of the longest held by any player at Elland Road, and, in clarifying where his career will unfold for the foreseeable future, Leeds also revealed the standard to which they believe Snodgrass can strive.

United's intention is to be free of League One in nine months' time, taking back the Championship position they surrendered meekly in 2007, and a promotion would be seen by Leeds as the first of two. It is still their wish to rejoin the Premier League at the earliest opportunity, a process which continues with tomorrow's game at Wycombe Wanderers.

The club did not plan for a slow recovery – two seasons of stagnation in League One were hardly supposed to define Ken Bates' time as chairman – and the implication of the contract offered to Snodgrass is that the Scottish winger could potentially cope in England's upper echelons.

The matter of contractual negotiations was, according to Snodgrass, "absolutely no worries". As it stood before he signed last week, he was 12 months into a three-year deal and perfectly happy without the bonus which came his way.

"It's good to be able to sort out your future," he said, "but it wasn't like I was desperate for a new deal. It wasn't on my mind until Leeds suggested it."

Nevertheless, it is satisfying for him to be able to say with some confidence where he will be playing in 2013, four years from now.

Snodgrass took a considerable leap when he left Scotland to join Leeds last summer, moving out of his family home in Glasgow for the first time. The challenge put to him by then United manager Gary McAllister was to sink or swim, and Snodgrass soon found his depth. Like the club, he is not concerned that the waters of the Championship or the Premier League would drag him down.

"You never get the impression that the club want to sit still," he said. "If we get out of this division (League One) this season the next target will be pretty obvious, and I get told by everyone that Leeds United will be a Premier League club again.

"At the moment, playing in the Championship is the next ambition for me and it's nice to think that I'll be wanted if and when we get to that level. I guess that's what the club are saying by giving me this contract.

"One of the best things about pre-season was that we got the chance to play against two Premier League clubs and a Championship club as well, and a lot of us felt we held our own in those games.

"I'm an ambitious player and I'd prefer it if those games were coming up every week – there's no point telling yourself that you can't play at a higher level!

"But, the truth is, coming to League One was the right move for me. I'm not sure that the highest level is all it's made out to be if you go there before you're ready – the last thing you want is to get thrown in at the deep end and sink.

"When I came away from Scotland, I had a lot to learn about the game."

Last season was an education for Snodgrass, introducing him to the rugged environment of League One – a competition far removed from Scotland's first division – and the traditions of the club he had joined.

His full debut at Elland Road was watched by 25,000 spectators, a contrast to his final season at Livingston where attendances often slipped below 2,000. Now relegated to Division Three north of the border, Livingston's crowd is liable to fall again.

The 21-year-old's first year in England consisted of 51 appearances, many made as a substitute but a substantial number were as part of United's starting line-up.

Simon Grayson named Snodgrass as a substitute for his first game as manager on Boxing Day, confessing he knew very little about the Scot, but Snodgrass scored in the final minute of a 1-1 draw against Leicester and was promoted for the following game. From that point on, his selection was rarely questioned.

A 48-month contract has secured a player seen by Leeds as a key asset, just as the three-year deal given to Mike Grella on Wednesday has similarly tied the American down. On one hand, the deals guarantees United use of both players in the long-term; on the other, as with Fabian Delph, they should see Leeds maximise their income if the club are talked into selling either before time.

Snodgrass said: "It's a big reward and there was never any real doubt about me signing it. The negotiations between my agent and the club went on for a few months because I had to make sure that everything was right before I took the decision.

"It wasn't that I had any doubts about signing for four years, but it's a major part of my career so I needed to be certain that it was all in place. I'm setting up things for my future with this.
"The thing that made me want to sign the contract was the club – the way they've been with me. I've had a lot of help behind the scenes and I've been well received by the supporters.

"I'm not sure how much they knew much about me when I signed but I've tried to give the club good value for their money and I've appreciated the support.

"No-one will be happier than me if I can play some part in helping them get out of this division. It's possible this season – very possible – and I'm confident we'll do it if we keep our eye on the ball.

"I know the club can do better and I know we've got a first-class squad for this league but you cannot assume anything. There's obviously a big picture to look at but step by step is the way we'll do it."

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #48 på: ſeptember 27, 2009, 12:46:43 »
Leeds' Scottish legends have inspired me to help club win promotion, says Robert Snodgrass
Sep 27 2009 Scott Mcdermott

ROBERT SNODGRASS knows he's following in the footsteps of Elland Road legends as a Scot starring for Leeds United.

The names of great Scottish players who have worn that famous white shirt roll off the tongue - Peter Lorimer, Joe Jordan, Billy Bremner, Gordon McQueen, Eddie Gray, Gordon Strachan and Gary McAllister.

And some of those stars even made it to the big screen recently thanks to the film adaptation of The Damned United - a book about Brian Clough's stormy 44-day reign as Leeds boss in 1974.

They were part of an era when Scots regularly left their homeland for England and ended up with a pile of medals.

The contrast from Don Revie's all-conquering sides of the 60s and 70s and Howard Wilkinson's 1992 title-winners to the present League One leaders is stark.

But Snodgrass, who joined United from Livingston last year, will never be allowed to forget just how big a footballing institution he's representing.

Last week the winger lined up in front of 38,000 for a Carling Cup tie against Liverpool and was man of the match despite the 1-0 defeat.

And the 22-year-old is constantly reminded of the club's history when Lorimer, Gray and McAllister stop him in an Elland Road corridor.

Snodgrass told MailSport: "This is a famous and massive club. There's so much history surrounding the place and it's impossible not to realise that when you're here.

"Everyone makes sure you're aware of it from the moment you arrive. Even I knew everything about Leeds as a kid. I knew all about the greats who came down here from Scotland - like Eddie and Frank Gray, Lorimer, Jordan, Bremner, McQueen then Strachan and McAllister.

"This club doesn't forget the legends who played here - they stick by their traditions.

"Eddie and Peter are still in and around Elland Road and I chat to them all the time.

"When I had a spell out of the team they told me to bide my time and be patient.

"Gary was also great and told me all about the city and club. It feels great that I'm now part of that history at Leeds.

"That's why I'm determined to help them get out of League One and back to the Premiership. "We have stability now and the club is going in the right direction." Just 18 months ago Snodgrass' career appeared to be going nowhere.

After showing so much promise as a kid at Almondvale problems in his personal life looked set to curtail his career.

And former Livi gaffer John Robertson even shipped him out on loan to Stirling Albion in the Second Division.

But Snodgrass has shown great character to turn his fortunes around and it all hit home when he ran out against Rafa Benitez's men in midweek.

He said: "When I walked out I thought about how far I've come from playing at Stirling Albion.

"A couple of years ago I needed to sort things out in my personal life to progress as a player.

"But I've done that now and want to kick on.

"Everyone in Scotland had an opinion on me.

"Hopefully it has shut a few people up who didn't think I could hack it at a club like Leeds.

"I won a few Player of the Year awards last season so what can they say about me now? Chance "John Robertson was the first Livingston manager who didn't take a liking to me so he sent me on loan to Stirling.

"But I still speak to John and our differences are behind us.

"Things in my life weren't right and Robbo probably did me the world of good because I loved my time at Forthbank.

"Maybe some Scottish clubs didn't want to take a chance on me because I had a bit of a reputation. But hopefully some are now thinking they should have stepped in."

Snodgrass was a stand-out for Leeds against Liverpool as he tortured £7million Italian full-back Andrea Dossena.

It may not have been the strongest line-up Anfield manager Rafa Benitez could have fielded but he threw on superstars Steven Gerrard and Fernando Torres in the second half.

Snoddy seemed to thrive in that company but wasn't interested in nabbing a famous red shirt.

He said: "For the Leeds fans Tuesday night was like rolling back the Premiership years.

"You want to test yourself against the best players and I've always aimed to get to that level.

"But I didn't go looking for a Liverpool shirt. A few of the boys were rushing about trying to get Gerrard's but I gave my Leeds top to a mate back home."
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #49 på: ſeptember 28, 2009, 15:17:29 »
Bra kar Snodgrass. Gode nyheter indeed!


Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #50 på: ſeptember 28, 2009, 23:31:51 »
He sagt det før og eg sei det igjen; Snodgrass er min favorittspeler uten tvil.

(hvis nokken bryr seg)  :D
Proud member of LUSCOS

Promotion 2010

Sv: Robert Snodgrass signerer ny avtale
« Svar #51 på: ſeptember 29, 2009, 13:23:29 »
He sagt det før og eg sei det igjen; Snodgrass er min favorittspeler uten tvil.

(hvis nokken bryr seg)  :D

Jeg er litt der jeg også!

Skotte, "never-say-die", teknisk bra, ganske rask, målbevisst, litt "ola-dukk-opp"!

Snoddy for meg!   ;D
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973