EX-SPILLER: Rodolph Austin

Started by Leedsfan, July 23, 2012, 12:25:41

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Quote from: Kontakinte on August 16, 2013, 14:44:46
ÆÆchhh, han kan holde seg i den loslitte puben sin. Har du pissa på supporterene "en" gang, så er det en gang for mye!

Har heller ikkje hatt sansen for ein del av utspela til Lorimer,men vi stikk ikkje ein LEGENDE i ryggen >:(
Tenk kva han betydde og fortsatt betyr for mange fans.Lorimer er fortsatt LEEDS


Quote from: Kontakinte on August 16, 2013, 14:44:46
ÆÆchhh, han kan holde seg i den loslitte puben sin. Har du pissa på supporterene "en" gang, så er det en gang for mye!

oi oi...puben er riktig nok ikke all verden (for å si det mildt) men mannen er Leeds.
Ups & Ups!!

Jon R

Quote from: Promotion 2010 on August 16, 2013, 10:54:37
God artikkel av Lorimer som av og til de siste årene har fått litt for mye og kanskje urettferdig "pepper" for ikke å være mer kritisk til det som skjedde i klubben.
Først og fremst tror jeg det skyldes at han er en Leeds-fan på sin hals, og at han ønsker klubben opp i det gode selskap.
Med denne bakgrunnen mener jeg det er riktig å invitere ham også inn i forhold til arbeidet som ambassadør for klubben sammen med Eddie og Dominic!  ;)

Gjort er gjort og spist er spist. Mannen har utvilsomt sagt og skrevet mye dunt siste åra. Dyrket, støttet og brøfødt av supporterne som han har vært etter endt karriere: Det  er mange som har hatt tungt for å svelge at Lorimers utviklet seg til å bli et talerør i Bates propandamaskin, at han  tok Bates klare parti og til og med hang seg på "moroniseringen" av folk som våget å kritisere måten klubben ble drevet på.  Allikevel: i sum har Lorimer bidratt med mer enn de fleste. Når regnestykket gjøres opp  er det vel ingen tvil om at mannen går solid i pluss?
Jon R.


Smått irriterende det fyordfilteret her inne. "Strongest and F***est" er altså ikke lov.
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974


Quote from: Gufrias on August 16, 2013, 16:13:40
Smått irriterende det fyordfilteret her inne. "Strongest and F***est" er altså ikke lov.
Og enda mer irriterende at folk prøver å støte ut Lorimer fra det gode selskap. Mannen er en legende, til tross for noen mindre smarte utspill de siste årene.


Vår alles Jennifer med litt info igjen :)

Jennifer Berry ‏@jenberlufc 16m
“@WhiteKnightLUFC: Next Lorimer's Bar guests will be Austin, Pearce and Green. #LUFC” safe to assume @leahlufc and @lozzlej will be there.

...var kjekt å være til stede  på forrige Lorimer Bar :)
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...fra match ratings-tråden på waccoe:
Just home. Mowatt looked quality, Poleon constant threat, Pearce again formidable and I think he could play alongside anyone and not be phased. Murphy added a touch of class and composure when he came on too.

Important to note - Poleon tried to grab the ball when he went down to take the pen and Rudy took him to one side, calmed him down, and all was rosy. Just looked like it might get into something when Ross and Poleon were discussing who should take it but loved how Rudy just stepped in and sorted it. What a captain.

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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
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Quote from: Asbjørn on August 28, 2013, 12:02:11
...fra match ratings-tråden på waccoe:
Just home. Mowatt looked quality, Poleon constant threat, Pearce again formidable and I think he could play alongside anyone and not be phased. Murphy added a touch of class and composure when he came on too.

Important to note - Poleon tried to grab the ball when he went down to take the pen and Rudy took him to one side, calmed him down, and all was rosy. Just looked like it might get into something when Ross and Poleon were discussing who should take it but loved how Rudy just stepped in and sorted it. What a captain.


Deilig lesning...:)

Kunne bare GFH hoste opp penger til en ving, GM-S så hadde jeg begynt virkelig få trua!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


Quote from: HåvardK on August 16, 2013, 19:57:14
Quote from: Gufrias on August 16, 2013, 16:13:40
Smått irriterende det fyordfilteret her inne. "Strongest and F***est" er altså ikke lov.
Og enda mer irriterende at folk prøver å støte ut Lorimer fra det gode selskap. Mannen er en legende, til tross for noen mindre smarte utspill de siste årene.
Det har han da fint greid selv. Ja, han er en legende.. Men det betyr vell ikke at du er fritatt for dine utspill.


Quote from: Asbjørn on August 28, 2013, 12:02:11
...fra match ratings-tråden på waccoe:
Just home. Mowatt looked quality, Poleon constant threat, Pearce again formidable and I think he could play alongside anyone and not be phased. Murphy added a touch of class and composure when he came on too.

Important to note - Poleon tried to grab the ball when he went down to take the pen and Rudy took him to one side, calmed him down, and all was rosy. Just looked like it might get into something when Ross and Poleon were discussing who should take it but loved how Rudy just stepped in and sorted it. What a captain.



Dei fleste hadde vel roa seg rimeleg fort når Austin kom trampade i mot


Quote from: Kontakinte on August 28, 2013, 12:29:50
Quote from: HåvardK on August 16, 2013, 19:57:14
Quote from: Gufrias on August 16, 2013, 16:13:40
Smått irriterende det fyordfilteret her inne. "Strongest and F***est" er altså ikke lov.
Og enda mer irriterende at folk prøver å støte ut Lorimer fra det gode selskap. Mannen er en legende, til tross for noen mindre smarte utspill de siste årene.
Det har han da fint greid selv. Ja, han er en legende.. Men det betyr vell ikke at du er fritatt for dine utspill.
Ser ut so vi er enige, da.


Når jeg får lov å si hva jeg vil bør Lorimer også få det. Tross alt har jeg langt sykere meninger enn Lorimer  8)
We are Leeds and we are proud of it!


Quote from: AndyMathie on August 29, 2013, 12:43:54
Når jeg får lov å si hva jeg vil bør Lorimer også få det. Tross alt har jeg langt sykere meninger enn Lorimer  8)

Stakkars Rudy som får alt dette i sin tråd..... :-\
Yeboahs vitne

Promotion 2010

Quote from: Woody on August 28, 2013, 17:25:41
Quote from: Asbjørn on August 28, 2013, 12:02:11
...fra match ratings-tråden på waccoe:
Just home. Mowatt looked quality, Poleon constant threat, Pearce again formidable and I think he could play alongside anyone and not be phased. Murphy added a touch of class and composure when he came on too.

Important to note - Poleon tried to grab the ball when he went down to take the pen and Rudy took him to one side, calmed him down, and all was rosy. Just looked like it might get into something when Ross and Poleon were discussing who should take it but loved how Rudy just stepped in and sorted it. What a captain.


Dei fleste hadde vel roa seg rimeleg fort når Austin kom trampade i mot

Det var vel først Smith som vippet ballen til McCormack, deretter blandet en eller annen seg inn og skjøv Poleon vekk. Rudy var ikke å se.....
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Moscowhite at it again :)

Leeds 0 - 1 QPR: Inches
September 02, 2013/Elland Road/Moscowhite.

I nearly saw the greatest goal I’ve ever seen in my life.

That it would have secured a draw would have been mostly irrelevent; the last minute spectacular just something to add to the telling. It was a moment - I’ve timed it at 1.2 seconds from the moment the ball left Rodolph Austin’s foot, to the moment it struck the bar - that could exist without context.

Since Tony Yeboah nearly broke the crossbar against Liverpool in 1995, nobody has really worried that it was scored in the 50th minute, or that Leeds won a mundane match 1-0. All they’re interested in is the goal: the paces Tony takes backwards and right, his body’s sudden shift forward, the mathematic beauty of the ball’s arc, a journey that silenced the crowd so it could better hear the crack as it hit the underside of the crossbar and bounced down. You replay it again and again, and don’t worry about the rest of the match.

So it was - or nearly was - with Rudy Austin’s effort on Saturday. I’ve defended Austin’s shooting before by pointing out that one day, when it works, he will do something truly awesome that none of us will ever forget. Until then he just has to keep trying. He had one go in the first half that curved tantalisingly away from the junction of crossbar and post, and given our shortage of goalscorers, and of goal creators, a ration of one piledriver blockbuster per half is not unreasonable.

And the last minute effort has given us a taste of what could be. It was more composed than Yeboah’s strike; the ball falls nearly as far, but Austin took it on his chest rather than volley it first time - not unreasonable, given that he was a good ten yards further out than Yeboah. I make it six steps that Austin takes as the ball bounces into space; the wondrous thing about Yeboah’s goal was how he sourced the energy for the strike despite moving backwards as the ball fell - he was like a wind up toy, whereas Rudy was bearing down on the ball, leaning forward the whole time, building forward momentum.

That’s why the shot, when it came, had a flatter trajectory. Yeboah was leaning back at the moment of impact, sending the ball high into the night and trusting gravity to bring it down at the right moment. Austin was more hunched, but then his shoulders are one of his trademarks, meaning the ball stayed low - but not quite low enough. Throughout its journey over the penalty area it seemed bound at any moment to take a sudden swerve upward, to change course and miss by disappointing yards; it never quite flew free. The equation was in almost perfect balance - Rudy Austin’s right foot + football + physics + gravity = goal - but one element was fractionally wrong. We’ll never know which.

All we know is that, as collectively we gathered ourselves together to understand how the shot had hit the top of the bar, instead of the bottom; as we realised the ball was in the Kop, not in the goal; as we followed the trajectory backwards through memory to a second and a half earlier when Austin controlled it with his chest, and pieced together what we’d just seen; all we know is that we lost to QPR and the greatest goal I would have ever seen remains a fantasy.

A 1-1 draw wouldn’t have been unfair, although QPR would have been justified to point out that only a thirty yard wondergoal would have got us on the scoreboard. QPR didn’t look special, but they looked efficient, and neither our first front three of McCormack, Varney and Hunt or our second of Poleon, Smith and Diouf were much trouble to their defence. McCormack dropping deep is fine, but whenever he did he found Joey Barton and Karl Henry there, neither player likely to allow him much room, although neither was able to dominate a midfield that had Rudy Austin in it. Austin’s presence and QPR’s reliance on battlers rather than crafters in midfield - despite what Barton will tell you, he’s no artist with a ball - meant QPR didn’t have much themselves, and Adam Jubb at Fear & Loathing in LS11 was right when he said: “Imagine Leicester a couple of weeks back, change the stadium, the kits and throw in one handling error and in a nutshell, there you have it.”

To lose to that error was irritating, although I’m not sure whose error it was: Smith could have cleared the cross, Kenny could have dealt with the loose ball. Errors at the back are still too common at Leeds, and perhaps we were fortunate that despite QPR’s wealth of - well, despite their wealth, they didn’t create much for Charlie Austin or Andy Johnson to have a go at. Maybe we dragged the Shepherd’s Bush All-Stars down to our level; or maybe, this is their level, despite what Joey Barton thinks a season in Ligue 1 turned him into.

Our level, though, seems to be a rung or two on a short ladder below theirs, but that’s okay. We’re five games in now, with only one defeat; we’ve scored more than we’ve conceded and, while we haven’t set the transfer window alight (“There’s still time!” reminds Jim White, yelling) we looked to have recruited well, particularly in the form of Murphy and Wootton. Blackpool are top of the league despite having almost nothing in terms of a squad, and QPR are second despite having everything; the differences are still measurable in inches.

An inch or two lower or a step further out, Rodolph Austin would have scored the best goal I’ve ever seen. But the momentum and the trajectory were enough to get me dreaming. 1.2 seconds of awe at the end of a home defeat; Austin’s shot was our entire season, and that’s a reason to be glad.
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Adam J ‏@Ken_DeMange  8m 
Rudy also gets his first (but not last) t-shirt today…

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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Promotion 2010

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Quote from: Rudi G. on August 25, 2012, 21:33:29
Quote from: Leedsfan on August 25, 2012, 21:30:54
Hva skjer med Austin når Warnock går av neste sommer?

Blir utnevnt til kaptein og er den eneste spilleren i dagens tropp den nye manageren beholder.....neeeeei, hvem vet? Men bra spørsmål!

Her traff du bra Rudi

Rudi G.

Beistet gjør Leeds-salute til Kop 8)


Quote from: Rudi G. on November 04, 2013, 18:18:49
Beistet gjør Leeds-salute til Kop 8)

Gutten sin som har gjort hjemmeleksa si   ;D
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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At Amitai har sansen for Rudy er intet nytt, men han er flink til å fremheve hva han gjør bra :)

Captain Austin impresses in Yeovil win
It is not a surprise that a player limited to tackling would struggle in his first year in a foreign land.

To clarify, I am not suggesting that the player in question can only tackle. He has shown far more than that. I am saying that in his first year, that was all he was told to do, until McDermott arrived. There’s a limit to how much you can impress a fanbase when told to sit deep. Any time a goal is conceded your protecting ability is questioned. Any time a goal is scored your contribution was too far down the chain of involvement to be considered.

I’m an unabashed fan of Rodolph Austin, and have taken to saluting every good game he has at length. Forgive me, then, for doing it again.

Austin can put a good tackle in, that is without a doubt. This is a waste of his talents though. Against Birmingham, Austin was played as the most advanced midfielder for the first time since arriving at Leeds. Behind me in the Kop, someone asked a friend what he was doing so far forward. The answer: what he’s best at.

There’s something almost mythical about him when he charges at a defence, like a minotaur racing after its prey. In another age, Austin would have been sent into the coliseum to delight the masses as tigers ran from his path.

On Saturday, however, Austin provided two assists for McCormack, showing his ability when passing the ball. The second was a display of his talents. His strength allowed him to beat the man tight to him with ease. The pass was not easy, and in a huge way responsible for the ease with which McCormack could finish off the chance. I can’t recall the sheer number of times I’ve heard people criticise Austin’s passing ability, but the last two home games should serve as a note to those who do so. Two simple passes on Saturday provided the same impact as the beautifully weighted balls he was spraying around the pitch against Birmingham.

He’s not a perfect player, but at this level he is good. One of our better players this season, Austin needs to be given the respect he deserves as a player, not simply as a butcher. As captains go, he’s a good pick. He can inspire through action alone, as he showed on Saturday.

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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Etter det første målet, the Leeds Salute: :)

Etter det andre målet, a High Five med en fan: :)

Sympatisk kar, denne bergenseren ;)
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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bra - for Leeds, og for Rudy :)

Rodolph Austin is the latest Leeds United player to pull out of international duty.

Austin was due to meet up with the Jamaican squad ahead of their back-to-back games against Trinidad and Tobago over the next ten days.

The Leeds captain has withdrawn from the squad due to family reasons.

Austin joins Alex Mowatt in pulling out of international duty this week. The young midfielder was forced to pull out of the England under-19 squad this week after picking up an injury in training.

Paul Green (Republic of Ireland) and Marius Zaliukas (Lithuania) are still away with their respective nations this week.

Read more: http://www.leeds.vitalfootball.co.uk/article.asp?a=338695#ixzz2kSjSV2Ra

Men - samtidig er jeg bekymret for hva disse 'family reasons' kan være. Det er bare et par uker siden Rudy plutselig ikke kunne stille på en Lorimers Bar, av lignende 'personlige' grunner :o

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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Rudi G.

Quote from: Asbjørn on November 12, 2013, 20:49:17
bra - for Leeds, og for Rudy :)

Men - samtidig er jeg bekymret for hva disse 'family reasons' kan være. Det er bare et par uker siden Rudy plutselig ikke kunne stille på en Lorimers Bar, av lignende 'personlige' grunner :o


Tror og håper vi ikke skal være så veldig bekymret, viss jeg ikke husker helt feil har fru Austin termin i disse dager.


Quote from: Rudi G. on November 12, 2013, 21:01:55
Quote from: Asbjørn on November 12, 2013, 20:49:17
bra - for Leeds, og for Rudy :)

Men - samtidig er jeg bekymret for hva disse 'family reasons' kan være. Det er bare et par uker siden Rudy plutselig ikke kunne stille på en Lorimers Bar, av lignende 'personlige' grunner :o


Tror og håper vi ikke skal være så veldig bekymret, viss jeg ikke husker helt feil har fru Austin termin i disse dager.

OK  #lettet   :)
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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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ACTION MAP: A more disciplined performance from Leeds skipper Rodolph Austin v Blackpool [via @Squawka]. #LUFC #Leeds pic.twitter.com/oJfA3ErYym

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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
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Austin gir fra seg kapteinsbindet, betyr det benken? Eller er det håp om at vi får se han i den formen han var i tidligere i høst?


West Yorkshire Sport ‏@WYSDaily  3h 
#lufc BM said Rodolph Austin asked to be relieved of the captaincy so he can concentrate on being the type of player he knows he can be.

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Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
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Bites Yer Legs

Kapteinavgjørelse av Rudy å si fra seg bindet. Stort! Håper dette også betyr at han blir hvilt i form, og kommer sterkt tilbake senere i sesongen..