Skrevet av Emne: Rykter: Ny head-coach  (Lest 208692 ganger)

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Promotion 2010

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #480 på: ſeptember 20, 2014, 14:11:43 »
Eg veljer å svare i ryktetråden til dette er offisielt. No kan det vere aktuelt å trekke Solskjær inn i denne debatten. Eg tvilar på at den slovenske ligaen er så mykje sterkare enn den norske, så det betyr at Milanic har omtrent samme meritter som Solskjær. Når Solskjær i tillegg ser betre ut, var ein betre spelar og har mykje meir erfaing i England, så må det bety at Solskjær etter all sannsynlegheit er ein betre kandidat. Mest skepsis får meg også, mao.

Dette er veldig godt argument og jeg er helt enig.  Dette er en unproven mann og jeg ville følt meg mye tryggere med en som har erfaring i engelsk fotball.  Man må dessutene ha en ekstraordinær styrke for å jobbe for presideneter som Tan og Cellino.

Cellino uttrykker ønske og vilje om a ta Leeds tilbake til toppen i England og Europa.  Syns ikke denne utnevnelsen (hvis den blir reell) bekrefter ambisjonen.


Nevn en annen Championshipmamager som har trent lag som har kvalifisert seg for og spilt i de store europeiske turneringene?
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #481 på: ſeptember 20, 2014, 14:26:00 »
Eg veljer å svare i ryktetråden til dette er offisielt. No kan det vere aktuelt å trekke Solskjær inn i denne debatten. Eg tvilar på at den slovenske ligaen er så mykje sterkare enn den norske, så det betyr at Milanic har omtrent samme meritter som Solskjær. Når Solskjær i tillegg ser betre ut, var ein betre spelar og har mykje meir erfaing i England, så må det bety at Solskjær etter all sannsynlegheit er ein betre kandidat. Mest skepsis får meg også, mao.

Dette er veldig godt argument og jeg er helt enig.  Dette er en unproven mann og jeg ville følt meg mye tryggere med en som har erfaring i engelsk fotball.  Man må dessutene ha en ekstraordinær styrke for å jobbe for presideneter som Tan og Cellino.

Cellino uttrykker ønske og vilje om a ta Leeds tilbake til toppen i England og Europa.  Syns ikke denne utnevnelsen (hvis den blir reell) bekrefter ambisjonen.
-Cellino ønsker vel en mann han kan diskutere spillerkjøp/spillstil med, hvor han (Cellino) tar den endelige avgjørelsen
-Liten erfaring fra Ch.ship? Ja men det gikk jo ikke bedre med BMD/Warnock i Leeds (mangere med mye erfaring). Dessuuten er Martinez ett eks på at utlendinger kan gjøre det bra.
-sist men ikke minst: Dagens Leeds-stall består av mange latinske (tekniske) spillere. Jeg er ikke sikker på at en engelsk coach er riktig for disse spillerne. Her er nok Leeds' spillestil og materiell avgjørende for ansettelse av coach. De siste seongene så har spillende lag (langs bakken) stort sett rykket opp eller kommet til play off. Vi ser konturene av et teknisk spillende Leeds-lag nå.


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #482 på: ſeptember 20, 2014, 14:39:23 »
Eg veljer å svare i ryktetråden til dette er offisielt. No kan det vere aktuelt å trekke Solskjær inn i denne debatten. Eg tvilar på at den slovenske ligaen er så mykje sterkare enn den norske, så det betyr at Milanic har omtrent samme meritter som Solskjær. Når Solskjær i tillegg ser betre ut, var ein betre spelar og har mykje meir erfaing i England, så må det bety at Solskjær etter all sannsynlegheit er ein betre kandidat. Mest skepsis får meg også, mao.

Dette er veldig godt argument og jeg er helt enig.  Dette er en unproven mann og jeg ville følt meg mye tryggere med en som har erfaring i engelsk fotball.  Man må dessutene ha en ekstraordinær styrke for å jobbe for presideneter som Tan og Cellino.

Cellino uttrykker ønske og vilje om a ta Leeds tilbake til toppen i England og Europa.  Syns ikke denne utnevnelsen (hvis den blir reell) bekrefter ambisjonen.
-Cellino ønsker vel en mann han kan diskutere spillerkjøp/spillstil med, hvor han (Cellino) tar den endelige avgjørelsen
-Liten erfaring fra Ch.ship? Ja men det gikk jo ikke bedre med BMD/Warnock i Leeds (mangere med mye erfaring). Dessuuten er Martinez ett eks på at utlendinger kan gjøre det bra.
-sist men ikke minst: Dagens Leeds-stall består av mange latinske (tekniske) spillere. Jeg er ikke sikker på at en engelsk coach er riktig for disse spillerne. Her er nok Leeds' spillestil og materiell avgjørende for ansettelse av coach. De siste seongene så har spillende lag (langs bakken) stort sett rykket opp eller kommet til play off. Vi ser konturene av et teknisk spillende Leeds-lag nå.

Her har du egentlig et godt poeng. Det har vært noen særdeles lovende  glimt av et Leeds-lag som spiller en litt "uengelsk" fotball til Npc og være. Hoofball ala Warnock ville vært helt meningsløst med dagens stall. I beste fall vil Cellinos siste eksperiment på trenerfronten være en videreføring og videreutvikling av en kontinental spillestil. I verste fall vet han for lite om Npc til å få til noe og vi står uten manager om noen måneder.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #483 på: ſeptember 20, 2014, 14:39:26 »
Why Leeds Must Not Hire Another Wild Card Manager
by James Brown 20 September 2014
Cellino must appoint someone who knows and understands the lay of the land already and not waste Redfearn's good work.

Quick note to Cellino: Please don’t mess up the progress made under Redfearn by bringing in a manager who is going to spend half a year feeling his way around the language, the customs and the inner ring road.

Like many, including Cellino, I don’t think Neil Redfearn is the man to take us forward full time but at the moment he is making a very good case for it. Cellino historically sees his youth set ups as a vital component in terms of keeping first team wages down and creating a sell-on revenue stream. Redfearn is too important to this progress to risk the highwire act that is the first team coach’s post.

However if you judge a game by the result then NR has us in promotion form.

The performances on the pitch for most of the game time haven’t been quite so reassuring but Redfearn has shown an understanding and use of the squad that Hockaday failed to manage in his short time in charge.

Look across NR’s chosen matchday squads for the last two games, examine the results, note his timely substitutions, consider individual performances and and you can see genuine progress.

Here are the highlights: The new keeper, Silvestri, continues to look a very good player. He’s commanding, lean, agile and fearless – he has also, in the last two games alone, stopped goals when facing down players one on one. He handles well and is an excellent shot stopper. And at key times too. Forgive him his cornrows and follow him on Twitter, his girlfriend Sofia Jamal is very supportive.

Playing both Cook and Mowatt so early on in the season is both crowd-pleasing and a clear incentive to the other youngsters around the fringes of the first team. Smart moves by Redfearn. Cook had a shocking first half at Bournemouth giving the ball away frequently and getting skinned out of position – had he not been a homegrown player he’d have been getting loads of stick – but he improved significantly in the second half. He wants the ball, moves about with it confidently, and doesn’t look like he’s only 17. Likewise Mowatt is a player who wants to make a difference to a match. His exclusion under Hockaday was in itself a clear example of why DH wasn’t equipped to coach at this level.

Bianchi I’m not so sure about. He’s the king of one-touch football, giving it as soon as he’s got it, and at times that looks like a refusal to accept responsibility. Having said that his ball through to Doukara’s goal on Tuesday was inch perfect. The assist got us back into the game.

Physically, the big man Doukara reminds me a lot of Clyde but has a few more tricks around the area. When I reviewed the Swindon match I said he looked like he fancied it and his strength and confidence have been key recently against a higher class of opposition. If he sees more of the ball and plays in a tighter front two I think he will make a real impact.

Alongside him, Antinucci is definitely a talent. He finished his one on one confidently without having to go round the player or try some divvy PlayStation style dink that hits the cross bar or goes over as we’ve seen in recent years. He’s lightning quick when breaks through the middle of the pitch and I cant help thinking he’d be better off playing behind Doukara and Sharp.

Once they’ve worked out how the play the three of them together or alternate them into three sets of pairs things could improve even further. Redders doesn’t seem to have perfected the midfield and forward formation yet and that is definitely a work in progress but his reading of the games and use of subs has been peerless.

I can’t remember the last time we’ve had a manager who has so boldly changed the line-up and had it go his way. In the last two matches both Sharp and Warnock, experienced first team pros, have come off after an hour or so shaking their heads at the same time as the fans have been scratching theirs. But in both cases – when neither were playing badly – we’ve gone on to win points after the changes.

Doukara and Rudy gave us real power, strength and drive against Birmingham which knocked the home team onto the back foot. And at Bournemouth Byram became a threat on the right wing at the same time that Cooper appeared a little more safe and solid at our own left back position where Bournemouth had been doubling up players on him.

Warnock hadn’t been playing badly but he was keen to get down the wing and Cooper stayed in the traditional left back position and put in a couple of excellent tackles. This stemmed their attack down the right wing. Have a think about this – on Tuesday he put two defenders on with twenty minutes to go and we won the game.

The most important thing about this week’s games has been the resilience and also the attitude. Although they can lapse into long periods of disjointed play the team have keep going, kept looking for the opportunities and have not conceded again after going behind early on.

Bellusci The Beast has no right to that nickname in his orange-y/pink plastic boots but after a terrible bit of marking allowed Birmingham the lead last Saturday he made a bit of history with his amazing free kick on Tuesday night. It was truly breath-taking. All four goals we’ve scored this week have been of exceptional quality. If he can halt the defensive lapses and fire them in whenever we need one he’s that rare thing – a defensive match winner.

We’ve not played well enough throughout our games to think we can cruise up the league unchecked but we have hit some momentum and the team are clearly determined to get on with it.

You can’t help think about the old Hoddle-Gorman, Clough-Taylor, Keegan-Cox combinations where an older man is the number two to provide stability and support and wonder if that might help Redders in the long run when things get tough. Or a more idealistic scenario would be that he was allowed to carry on until it goes tits up and then head back to the youth. But any such situation would probably make either Cellino or Redfearn less keen to continue working together.

Neil Redfearn has shown we have a squad that is capable of doing well. I just hope to God Cellino appoints someone who knows and understands the lay of the land already rather than a total outsider again. He’s done that once already, he has stocked the squad well, the youth are holding their own. Now is not the time to throw another wild card in.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #484 på: ſeptember 20, 2014, 14:50:21 »
Why Leeds Must Not Hire Another Wild Card Manager
by James Brown 20 September 2014
Cellino must appoint someone who knows and understands the lay of the land already and not waste Redfearn's good work.

Quick note to Cellino: Please don’t mess up the progress made under Redfearn by bringing in a manager who is going to spend half a year feeling his way around the language, the customs and the inner ring road.

Like many, including Cellino, I don’t think Neil Redfearn is the man to take us forward full time but at the moment he is making a very good case for it. Cellino historically sees his youth set ups as a vital component in terms of keeping first team wages down and creating a sell-on revenue stream. Redfearn is too important to this progress to risk the highwire act that is the first team coach’s post.

However if you judge a game by the result then NR has us in promotion form.

The performances on the pitch for most of the game time haven’t been quite so reassuring but Redfearn has shown an understanding and use of the squad that Hockaday failed to manage in his short time in charge.

Look across NR’s chosen matchday squads for the last two games, examine the results, note his timely substitutions, consider individual performances and and you can see genuine progress.

Here are the highlights: The new keeper, Silvestri, continues to look a very good player. He’s commanding, lean, agile and fearless – he has also, in the last two games alone, stopped goals when facing down players one on one. He handles well and is an excellent shot stopper. And at key times too. Forgive him his cornrows and follow him on Twitter, his girlfriend Sofia Jamal is very supportive.

Playing both Cook and Mowatt so early on in the season is both crowd-pleasing and a clear incentive to the other youngsters around the fringes of the first team. Smart moves by Redfearn. Cook had a shocking first half at Bournemouth giving the ball away frequently and getting skinned out of position – had he not been a homegrown player he’d have been getting loads of stick – but he improved significantly in the second half. He wants the ball, moves about with it confidently, and doesn’t look like he’s only 17. Likewise Mowatt is a player who wants to make a difference to a match. His exclusion under Hockaday was in itself a clear example of why DH wasn’t equipped to coach at this level.

Bianchi I’m not so sure about. He’s the king of one-touch football, giving it as soon as he’s got it, and at times that looks like a refusal to accept responsibility. Having said that his ball through to Doukara’s goal on Tuesday was inch perfect. The assist got us back into the game.

Physically, the big man Doukara reminds me a lot of Clyde but has a few more tricks around the area. When I reviewed the Swindon match I said he looked like he fancied it and his strength and confidence have been key recently against a higher class of opposition. If he sees more of the ball and plays in a tighter front two I think he will make a real impact.

Alongside him, Antinucci is definitely a talent. He finished his one on one confidently without having to go round the player or try some divvy PlayStation style dink that hits the cross bar or goes over as we’ve seen in recent years. He’s lightning quick when breaks through the middle of the pitch and I cant help thinking he’d be better off playing behind Doukara and Sharp.

Once they’ve worked out how the play the three of them together or alternate them into three sets of pairs things could improve even further. Redders doesn’t seem to have perfected the midfield and forward formation yet and that is definitely a work in progress but his reading of the games and use of subs has been peerless.

I can’t remember the last time we’ve had a manager who has so boldly changed the line-up and had it go his way. In the last two matches both Sharp and Warnock, experienced first team pros, have come off after an hour or so shaking their heads at the same time as the fans have been scratching theirs. But in both cases – when neither were playing badly – we’ve gone on to win points after the changes.

Doukara and Rudy gave us real power, strength and drive against Birmingham which knocked the home team onto the back foot. And at Bournemouth Byram became a threat on the right wing at the same time that Cooper appeared a little more safe and solid at our own left back position where Bournemouth had been doubling up players on him.

Warnock hadn’t been playing badly but he was keen to get down the wing and Cooper stayed in the traditional left back position and put in a couple of excellent tackles. This stemmed their attack down the right wing. Have a think about this – on Tuesday he put two defenders on with twenty minutes to go and we won the game.

The most important thing about this week’s games has been the resilience and also the attitude. Although they can lapse into long periods of disjointed play the team have keep going, kept looking for the opportunities and have not conceded again after going behind early on.

Bellusci The Beast has no right to that nickname in his orange-y/pink plastic boots but after a terrible bit of marking allowed Birmingham the lead last Saturday he made a bit of history with his amazing free kick on Tuesday night. It was truly breath-taking. All four goals we’ve scored this week have been of exceptional quality. If he can halt the defensive lapses and fire them in whenever we need one he’s that rare thing – a defensive match winner.

We’ve not played well enough throughout our games to think we can cruise up the league unchecked but we have hit some momentum and the team are clearly determined to get on with it.

You can’t help think about the old Hoddle-Gorman, Clough-Taylor, Keegan-Cox combinations where an older man is the number two to provide stability and support and wonder if that might help Redders in the long run when things get tough. Or a more idealistic scenario would be that he was allowed to carry on until it goes tits up and then head back to the youth. But any such situation would probably make either Cellino or Redfearn less keen to continue working together.

Neil Redfearn has shown we have a squad that is capable of doing well. I just hope to God Cellino appoints someone who knows and understands the lay of the land already rather than a total outsider again. He’s done that once already, he has stocked the squad well, the youth are holding their own. Now is not the time to throw another wild card in.

+1  ;)


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #485 på: ſeptember 20, 2014, 15:16:53 »
Eg veljer å svare i ryktetråden til dette er offisielt. No kan det vere aktuelt å trekke Solskjær inn i denne debatten. Eg tvilar på at den slovenske ligaen er så mykje sterkare enn den norske, så det betyr at Milanic har omtrent samme meritter som Solskjær. Når Solskjær i tillegg ser betre ut, var ein betre spelar og har mykje meir erfaing i England, så må det bety at Solskjær etter all sannsynlegheit er ein betre kandidat. Mest skepsis får meg også, mao.

Dette er veldig godt argument og jeg er helt enig.  Dette er en unproven mann og jeg ville følt meg mye tryggere med en som har erfaring i engelsk fotball.  Man må dessutene ha en ekstraordinær styrke for å jobbe for presideneter som Tan og Cellino.

Cellino uttrykker ønske og vilje om a ta Leeds tilbake til toppen i England og Europa.  Syns ikke denne utnevnelsen (hvis den blir reell) bekrefter ambisjonen.
-Cellino ønsker vel en mann han kan diskutere spillerkjøp/spillstil med, hvor han (Cellino) tar den endelige avgjørelsen
-Liten erfaring fra Ch.ship? Ja men det gikk jo ikke bedre med BMD/Warnock i Leeds (mangere med mye erfaring). Dessuuten er Martinez ett eks på at utlendinger kan gjøre det bra.
-sist men ikke minst: Dagens Leeds-stall består av mange latinske (tekniske) spillere. Jeg er ikke sikker på at en engelsk coach er riktig for disse spillerne. Her er nok Leeds' spillestil og materiell avgjørende for ansettelse av coach. De siste seongene så har spillende lag (langs bakken) stort sett rykket opp eller kommet til play off. Vi ser konturene av et teknisk spillende Leeds-lag nå.

Her har du egentlig et godt poeng. Det har vært noen særdeles lovende  glimt av et Leeds-lag som spiller en litt "uengelsk" fotball til Npc og være. Hoofball ala Warnock ville vært helt meningsløst med dagens stall. I beste fall vil Cellinos siste eksperiment på trenerfronten være en videreføring og videreutvikling av en kontinental spillestil. I verste fall vet han for lite om Npc til å få til noe og vi står uten manager om noen måneder.
Jeg tror Cellino tar med seg alt av det han står for i ledelse og fotballfilosofi til Leeds fra erfarionger i Italia. Vi kan ikke forvente at han skal hente inn en ny "Warnock" når han selv i stor grad har plukket ut spillerene. Nå har han skaffet spillerene (historiens transfersommer!), og nå skal coachen på plass. Og om denne coachen blir mislykket så er ikke Cellino den første (eller siste) som ansetter feil fotballtrener!! 8)
Leeds er i fremgang selv om Milanic ikke lykkes.

Erik M

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #486 på: ſeptember 20, 2014, 15:46:54 »
Eg veljer å svare i ryktetråden til dette er offisielt. No kan det vere aktuelt å trekke Solskjær inn i denne debatten. Eg tvilar på at den slovenske ligaen er så mykje sterkare enn den norske, så det betyr at Milanic har omtrent samme meritter som Solskjær. Når Solskjær i tillegg ser betre ut, var ein betre spelar og har mykje meir erfaing i England, så må det bety at Solskjær etter all sannsynlegheit er ein betre kandidat. Mest skepsis får meg også, mao.

Dette er veldig godt argument og jeg er helt enig.  Dette er en unproven mann og jeg ville følt meg mye tryggere med en som har erfaring i engelsk fotball.  Man må dessutene ha en ekstraordinær styrke for å jobbe for presideneter som Tan og Cellino.

Cellino uttrykker ønske og vilje om a ta Leeds tilbake til toppen i England og Europa.  Syns ikke denne utnevnelsen (hvis den blir reell) bekrefter ambisjonen.


Nevn en annen Championshipmamager som har trent lag som har kvalifisert seg for og spilt i de store europeiske turneringene?

Det gidder jeg ikke bruke tid på å researche.  Jeg har aldri hørt om mannen og har ikke peiling på om han er kvalifisert.

Mitt poeng: Ã… komme til England - og Championsship spesielt - tror jeg er en stor utfordring.  Solskjær hadde en lignende bakgrunn og har ikke lykkes, tross lang erfaring i England.


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #487 på: ſeptember 20, 2014, 22:54:01 »
Vi får se hva som skjer med jeg håper på Sabella...


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #488 på: Oktober 14, 2014, 09:47:17 »
Cellino ville ikke ha Lennon!

"Neil Lennon admits he was annoyed at being repeatedly snubbed before landing the Bolton job.

Lennon was rejected by Cardiff, Norwich, Crystal Palace, Leeds and Southampton after quitting Celtic in May and was desperate enough to consider Saudi Arabia’s Al-Ittihad.

He felt his achievements at Celtic in winning three SPL titles, two Scottish Cups and beating Barcelona in the Champions League should have counted for more in England."
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #489 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:00:34 »
Da er vi på jakt igjen!

Ranieri anyone?
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #490 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:03:38 »
Phil Hay

Aitor Karanka links are inevitable. Victor Orta - prospective technical director at Leeds - was one of his men at Middlesbrough. #lufc

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #491 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:04:50 »
Leeds skulle i alle fall være EN ATTRAKTIV klubb å være manager for nå - burde ikke være mangel på KVALIFISERTE kandidater.

Det kjipe er atter en gang begynne på nytt, ny manager skal ha inn 'sine spillere' for å spille 'sin formasjon' osv. :(

...slikt tar tid å innarbeide. Another season in the waste :(
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



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Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #492 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:07:56 »
Marco Silva
Nigel Pearson
Alan Pardew
Alex Neil
Claudio Ranieri
David Moyes
Mick McCarthy
Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink
Michael Appleton
Roberto Di Matteo
Slavisa Jokanovic
Luciano Spalletti
Roberto Mancini
Roy Hodgson
Steve McClaren
Walter Mazzarri
Michael O'Neill
Simon Grayson
Martin O'Neill
Ryan Giggs
Clarence Seedorf
Gianfranco Zola
Tony Pulis
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #493 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:14:54 »
Marco Silva
Nigel Pearson
Alan Pardew
Alex Neil
Claudio Ranieri
David Moyes
Mick McCarthy
Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink
Michael Appleton
Roberto Di Matteo
Slavisa Jokanovic
Luciano Spalletti
Roberto Mancini
Roy Hodgson
Steve McClaren
Walter Mazzarri
Michael O'Neill
Simon Grayson
Martin O'Neill
Ryan Giggs
Clarence Seedorf
Gianfranco Zola
Tony Pulis

Tar gjerne Slavisa Jokanovic.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #494 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:16:37 »
Usikker på hvem jeg vil ha, men vet hvem jeg ikke vil ha: Nigel Pearson. Glemmer aldri pressekonferansen(e) hans fra Leicester perioden. Pøbel!


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #495 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:24:47 »
her skjer det fort i svingene.. av de på denne lista så er mine kandidater Martin O'Neill og Roberto Di Matteo

MEN hadde helst sett at det kom inn noe helt uventet og "stort"
Forever Leeds United!!!!!!!!


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #496 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:29:14 »
Hadde og takket ja til Grayson eller Giggs (selv om den nok sitter langt inne hos enkelte :) )
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #497 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:36:35 »
Blir veldig overraska om det ikke blir Karanka.
Marching on together!


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #498 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:40:47 »
Blir veldig overraska om det ikke blir Karanka.

Alt tyder på det.
Da blir det 0 baklengs og ca 25 mål neste sesong.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #499 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:48:18 »
Leeds skulle i alle fall være EN ATTRAKTIV klubb å være manager for nå - burde ikke være mangel på KVALIFISERTE kandidater.

Det kjipe er atter en gang begynne på nytt, ny manager skal ha inn 'sine spillere' for å spille 'sin formasjon' osv. :(

...slikt tar tid å innarbeide. Another season in the waste :(
Frykter dette jeg også.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #500 på: Mai 25, 2017, 15:53:07 »
Leeds skulle i alle fall være EN ATTRAKTIV klubb å være manager for nå - burde ikke være mangel på KVALIFISERTE kandidater.

Det kjipe er atter en gang begynne på nytt, ny manager skal ha inn 'sine spillere' for å spille 'sin formasjon' osv. :(

...slikt tar tid å innarbeide. Another season in the waste :(
Frykter dette jeg også.

Få inn Ranieri så fikser han det på en sesong!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #501 på: Mai 25, 2017, 17:30:00 »
Vi skal have en ind der spiller samme system så vi får noget kontinuitet.
« Siste redigering: Mai 25, 2017, 17:32:00 av Nørgaard »

Promotion 2010

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #502 på: Mai 25, 2017, 17:35:25 »
Silva har jeg virkelig sansen for!

Utrolig jobb siste sesong med 9 spillere og en tropp på 12 pluss salg av de beste!!!
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Hallgeir *

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #503 på: Mai 25, 2017, 17:45:45 »
Nei, takk....

According to a Sky Sports journalist, Leeds United are considering approaching Walter Mazzarri over their vacant manager’s role.

Garry Monk resigned earlier this morning(May 25), meaning that the Yorkshire club are on the search for a new manager, and Sky Sports’ Italy correspondent Gianluca Di Marzio has said that Leeds are interested in bringing in Walter Mazzarri.

Mazzarri was in charge of Watford for the previous year, but has now left the club following a poor season where they finished 17th in the Premier League.

Despite a poor season with Watford, he has a wealth of experience when it comes to management.

However, reports suggest that the Italian manager would not be interested in managing in the second tier of English football.

Clubs such as Crystal Palace and Europa League semi finalists Celta Vigo are said to be interested in the former Napoli and Inter Milan manager.

His time at Watford was the first job he has had outside of Italy, and it’s reported that he is looking for another job in England.

Of course, he is of the same nationality of Andrea Radrizzani, who completed his 100% takeover of Leeds United earlier this week.

Other managers with Sky Bet Championship experience have been linked with the vacancy at Elland Road.

Aitor Karanka is the bookies favourite, being offered out at odds on by several different bookmakers.
Super Leeds since 1968

Promotion 2010

Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #504 på: Mai 25, 2017, 17:52:04 »
Gøyalt å se hva "vi" sier nei til.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #505 på: Mai 25, 2017, 18:11:19 »
Lee Sobot‏ @LeeSobotYEP  49m
49 minutes ago
Can always rely on me for latest odds so here goes: Karanka 2-1, Silva 8-1, Pearson, Pardew 12-1, Jokanovic 14-1, Moyes, Ranieri 16-1..#lufc
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #506 på: Mai 25, 2017, 18:19:12 »
Lee Sobot‏ @LeeSobotYEP  49m
49 minutes ago
Can always rely on me for latest odds so here goes: Karanka 2-1, Silva 8-1, Pearson, Pardew 12-1, Jokanovic 14-1, Moyes, Ranieri 16-1..#lufc

Av den gjengen der hadde jeg foretrukket Silva eller Jokanovic.
"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #507 på: Mai 25, 2017, 18:20:11 »
Hadde likt om det blei Raneiri også jeg...


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #508 på: Mai 25, 2017, 18:27:25 »
Kunne tenkt meg Bob Bradley


Sv: Rykter: Ny manager
« Svar #509 på: Mai 25, 2017, 18:29:30 »
Ã…ge Hareide  :P