Kamp vs Reading "Madejski Stadium, lørdag 10.3 2018 kl 16:00

Started by ArneS, March 09, 2018, 09:18:52

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5 ting jeg lærte i dag:

1. Peacock-Farrell er noe å satse på. Viktige matchvinner-redninger. Bra og trygg med beina, etterhvert også confident nok til å gå ut å plukke ned corner. Vil helt sikkert bli noe opp og ned, men potensialet er helt klart der. Virket tryggere i dag enn onsdag. Tenk hva litt selvtillit vil gjøre der i gården. Men det kommer nok en og annen howler. Uansett velger jeg han soleklart foran de to andre ut sesongen. Tror det passer han fint at vi har lite å spille for, kan bli spilt ordentlig inn i varmen. Dog må vi forsterke plassen til sommeren.

2. Vi har hatt et venstreback-problem lenge. Etter at Ayling forsvant ut har vi også et høyrebackproblem. Kanskje De Bock kan spille seg varm, men etter mitt syn er Berardi rett og slett ikke god nok.

3. Saiz og Hernandez kan selvfølgelig være på banen samtidig. Og jeg tror de med tid vil passe langt bedre med Ekuban enn Lasogga. Også Ekuban trenger tid, og kanskje han også vil dra nytte av en sesongavslutning hvor han spiller seg inn.

4. Med Forshaw er halvparten av den sentrale midtbanen løst. Trygg og god spiller. Selvskrevent førstevalg. Finn riktige makkeren til han til sommeren.

5. Han dødballtreneren må ha glemt av offensive cornere. Der er det tynne saker.


Saiz har vært rumpe ei god stund nå....tilfører fint lite.
Ups & Ups!!


Quote from: Kato on March 10, 2018, 19:01:37
5 ting jeg lærte i dag:

1. Peacock-Farrell er noe å satse på. Viktige matchvinner-redninger. Bra og trygg med beina, etterhvert også confident nok til å gå ut å plukke ned corner. Vil helt sikkert bli noe opp og ned, men potensialet er helt klart der. Virket tryggere i dag enn onsdag. Tenk hva litt selvtillit vil gjøre der i gården. Men det kommer nok en og annen howler. Uansett velger jeg han soleklart foran de to andre ut sesongen. Tror det passer han fint at vi har lite å spille for, kan bli spilt ordentlig inn i varmen. Dog må vi forsterke plassen til sommeren.

2. Vi har hatt et venstreback-problem lenge. Etter at Ayling forsvant ut har vi også et høyrebackproblem. Kanskje De Bock kan spille seg varm, men etter mitt syn er Berardi rett og slett ikke god nok.

3. Saiz og Hernandez kan selvfølgelig være på banen samtidig. Og jeg tror de med tid vil passe langt bedre med Ekuban enn Lasogga. Også Ekuban trenger tid, og kanskje han også vil dra nytte av en sesongavslutning hvor han spiller seg inn.

4. Med Forshaw er halvparten av den sentrale midtbanen løst. Trygg og god spiller. Selvskrevent førstevalg. Finn riktige makkeren til han til sommeren.

5. Han dødballtreneren må ha glemt av offensive cornere. Der er det tynne saker.

Bra Kato! Et spørsmål ettersom jeg ikke hverken så eller hørte kampen: Pontus på scoringslista gjør at jeg automatisk tenkte dødball. Var det ikke det?



Quote from: B_Ød on March 10, 2018, 19:15:02
Saiz har vært rumpe ei god stund nå....tilfører fint lite.

Det var ein merkeleg kommentar. Han var arkitekten bak begge målene våre i dag. Men eg er einig i at han er eit stykke unna formen han hadde i haust, då han dominerte i dei fleste kampane.


Quote from: B_Ød on March 10, 2018, 19:15:02
Saiz har vært rumpe ei god stund nå....tilfører fint lite.
Gjør forarbeidet til begge målene våre og noen andre store sjanser...
Men det er klart, det hadde vært bedre med Calvin Phillips:-/


Saiz var da motoroen i det meste som skjedde offansivt idag , saman med Allioski. Heilt klart ikkje hans beste kamp men er som regel involvert når me skapar noko...



Quote from: eriksen55 on March 10, 2018, 21:36:49
Hvordan var O'Kane i dag?
Synes han var helt ok. Men han har ingenting å gjøre på et lag som tenker på å rykke opp. :(


Quote from: flynn on March 10, 2018, 19:39:33
Quote from: Kato on March 10, 2018, 19:01:37
5 ting jeg lærte i dag:

1. Peacock-Farrell er noe å satse på. Viktige matchvinner-redninger. Bra og trygg med beina, etterhvert også confident nok til å gå ut å plukke ned corner. Vil helt sikkert bli noe opp og ned, men potensialet er helt klart der. Virket tryggere i dag enn onsdag. Tenk hva litt selvtillit vil gjøre der i gården. Men det kommer nok en og annen howler. Uansett velger jeg han soleklart foran de to andre ut sesongen. Tror det passer han fint at vi har lite å spille for, kan bli spilt ordentlig inn i varmen. Dog må vi forsterke plassen til sommeren.

2. Vi har hatt et venstreback-problem lenge. Etter at Ayling forsvant ut har vi også et høyrebackproblem. Kanskje De Bock kan spille seg varm, men etter mitt syn er Berardi rett og slett ikke god nok.

3. Saiz og Hernandez kan selvfølgelig være på banen samtidig. Og jeg tror de med tid vil passe langt bedre med Ekuban enn Lasogga. Også Ekuban trenger tid, og kanskje han også vil dra nytte av en sesongavslutning hvor han spiller seg inn.

4. Med Forshaw er halvparten av den sentrale midtbanen løst. Trygg og god spiller. Selvskrevent førstevalg. Finn riktige makkeren til han til sommeren.

5. Han dødballtreneren må ha glemt av offensive cornere. Der er det tynne saker.

Bra Kato! Et spørsmål ettersom jeg ikke hverken så eller hørte kampen: Pontus på scoringslista gjør at jeg automatisk tenkte dødball. Var det ikke det?


Målet til Pontus kom etter en corner som blir klarert ut til Saiz. Han spiller gjennom Forshaw på venstresiden, som slår inn foran mål. Pontus møter ballen på ca 5 meter og skyter i mål.



"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.


Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on March 10, 2018, 21:52:08
Quote from: eriksen55 on March 10, 2018, 21:36:49
Hvordan var O'Kane i dag?
Synes han var helt ok. Men han har ingenting å gjøre på et lag som tenker på å rykke opp. :(

Han var ok?


Sammen med debock hadde han en sjokkerende svak kamp.
Positive var at alioski evnet litt mer enn vanlig.
2-2 mot et reading lag som er elendig. Ufattelig svakt resultat. Herregud reading var dårlige.utrolig at vi ikke klarer å utnytte det mer.
Dårligste laget vi har møtt siden Barnsley


Jeg velger å glede meg over at laget har tatt bortepoeng i en periode preget av dårlig form. Scrappy points er sånt som skal til for å snu en trend, og få litt selvtillit inn i spillerne. Og med selvtillit og optimisme reagerer man litt raskere, tør litt oftere, og spiller i det hele tatt oftere opp mot sitt beste. Det er svært skjelden - om i det hele tatt - at noen av spillerne har spilt opp mot sitt beste i 2018.
Hekta på Leeds siden 1974


Synes noen er vel strenge. Mener vi fortjente å vinne. Ikke mye lady luck på den til Lasogga. Helt ufattelig at Reading scorer i en situasjon der vi er 7-8 mot 3.


Quote from: leedslife on March 11, 2018, 00:58:22
Quote from: DenHviteYeboah on March 10, 2018, 21:52:08
Quote from: eriksen55 on March 10, 2018, 21:36:49
Hvordan var O'Kane i dag?
Synes han var helt ok. Men han har ingenting å gjøre på et lag som tenker på å rykke opp. :(

Han var ok?
Tja, sett ut i fra hans tidligere opptredener så var ikke denne kampen katastrofal etter min mening. Men jeg håper vi slipper å se han noe mer i Leeds drakt. Vi må satse på Forshaw på midten. O`Kane og Phillips må vekk!


Quote from: auren on March 10, 2018, 23:17:25
Quote from: ar9 on March 10, 2018, 22:55:10
Mål fra kampen?



ut i fra dette så virker det som vi hadde fortjent og vinne og bra at vi kommer til sjanser. men slik jeg ser det så vil jeg tro vi er giftigere med både ekuban og lassogga på topp men passer kanskje ikke inn i PH sin spillestil!! :o
Forever Leeds United!!!!!!!!


Quote from: raggen on March 11, 2018, 08:42:34
Quote from: auren on March 10, 2018, 23:17:25
Quote from: ar9 on March 10, 2018, 22:55:10
Mål fra kampen?



ut i fra dette så virker det som vi hadde fortjent og vinne og bra at vi kommer til sjanser. men slik jeg ser det så vil jeg tro vi er giftigere med både ekuban og lassogga på topp men passer kanskje ikke inn i PH sin spillestil!! :o

Lassogga er treg men tøff, god på hode og litt killer i feltet. Ekuban virker ganske rask, mobil og brukbar teknisk. De kunne vel utfylt hverandre bra. Men da må vi vel ofre ett anker? Kanskje like greit ettersom vi pr idag kun har 1 som er på nivå?



Quote from: leedslife on March 11, 2018, 12:28:06
Lurer på om debock fortsatt er svimmel..
Det har han vært siden han kom til GB, en helt middelmådig fotballspiller. Et av våre dårligste kjøp dessverre, kategori "panikkjøp".


Håper det snart blir slutt på påstandene om at Ekuban er en lovende spiller. Mannen er jo komplett vaksinert mot å score mål i Championship.


Quote from: Kontakinte on March 11, 2018, 13:37:15
Quote from: leedslife on March 11, 2018, 12:28:06
Lurer på om debock fortsatt er svimmel..
Det har han vært siden han kom til GB, en helt middelmådig fotballspiller. Et av våre dårligste kjøp dessverre, kategori "panikkjøp".
Kan ikke forstå det, når han har 130 kamper for Club Brugge. Men har jo hittil vært elendig..
Noen mennesker tror at fotball gjelder liv eller død. Jeg liker ikke den innstillingen. Det er atskillig mer alvorlig enn som så. - Bill Shankly


Quote from: Xern on March 11, 2018, 14:26:55
Quote from: Kontakinte on March 11, 2018, 13:37:15
Quote from: leedslife on March 11, 2018, 12:28:06
Lurer på om debock fortsatt er svimmel..
Det har han vært siden han kom til GB, en helt middelmådig fotballspiller. Et av våre dårligste kjøp dessverre, kategori "panikkjøp".
Kan ikke forstå det, når han har 130 kamper for Club Brugge. Men har jo hittil vært elendig..

Største problemet er at han er for temposvak. Muligens er tempoet i Belgisk fotball lavere enn i Championship, så man så ikke hans tempoproblemer når man så på ham i Belgia


venstreback problemet har jo aldri vært større enn nå. synes det er rart hvis ikke Pearce får sjansen i neste.


Når forsvaret flyttes opp, og Ekuban får en lissepasning fra Jansson som fomles bort, scorer Reading. Håpløst!
Husker George Graham nærmest trua Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink på livet de gangene han gjorde det samme.


Moscowhite skriver om kampen - og den fullstendige mangelen på selvtillit i laget...

Reading 2-2 Leeds United: Win Some
In 2017-18, Free, Leeds United,

Leeds United Match Reports 2017/18 by Moscowhite • Daniel ChapmanMarch 11, 2018

Drawing this one hurts more than losing to Wolves did because I was so sure, so certain, so confident, that we would beat Reading, who are awful.

It’s a shame that Leeds United’s players don’t have that sureness, that certainty, or that confidence. It’s more than a shame; it’s the problem. It’s the difference between one point from Reading and three. It’s the mysterious lack that is costing us everything, and it’s the hardest thing to bring back.

Paul Heckingbottom can tell the players to mark zonally, or mark man-to-man, and he can tell them who to pass to and where to stand. But confidence has been spoken about since as far back as Thomas Christiansen’s first losing streak, and it’s been gone so long, the players have forgotten what confidence looks like. I don’t think they even recognised it in the old gold shirts it wore as it smashed and crashed through them in midweek.

After the Reading match, Heckingbottom had to make upbeat sounds about the improvements in the players, talk about the good things they did, the instructions they carried out, because if he didn’t, he might have been taking home a coachload of weeping, winsome fawns. Ezgjan Alioski, at the best of times, wears the expression of someone too young to be watching Watership Down without a cushion to cover his eyes, and I dread to think how he might react were his positive endeavour not recognised. Because it would be like Bambi watching his mum get shot.

There was good in Leeds, and Alioski had a good game, more dangerous than usual in the final third. Effort and endeavour has never been his problem; I retain high hopes for Alioski next season, because he’s been a worker this. And I feel like writing those thoughts inside a greetings card with a picture of a nice kitten on the front, and sending it to him, in the hope it’ll make him believe in it.

Not just Alioski, but throughout the team, Leeds played as if they were terrified of what might happen if they had to kick the football. The team had six changes from the starting lineup against Wolves, but played as if at the end of Wednesday night they’d blinked and it was Saturday, and the same terrible things were being done to them by the same brilliant footballers. They weren’t. This was Reading, and they were worse than Leeds.

Jaap Stam made a name for himself as Reading manager last season by training them to stand still while they kicked the ball to each other. This season he’s built on that by training them to stand still while the other team kicks the ball to each other. The downside of training his team with this new information is that all they can remember of last season is the standing still part, and they are no longer capable of kicking the ball to each other. Instead, they kept kicking it to the Leeds players. But the Leeds players, horrified, kept kicking it back. There’s your match report.

Perhaps the Leeds players had a point. Caleb Ekuban, starting upfront instead of Pierre-Michel Lasogga, was working his way into the game when he lost the ball near the centre circle, and a big kick up the middle put Jón Dadi Bödvarsson through to score past Bailey Peacock-Farrell. He’d been played onside by Laurens De Bock minding his own business at left-back, and the shock of the incident had an effect on them both, Ekuban signalling his apologetic responsibility, De Bock flicking the switch to become the erratic drunk of his last appearance at Derby. Maybe it was better all round if we didn’t have the ball, if that’s what was going to happen. [Edit: turns out it was Pennington playing Reading onside, not De Bock, proving that Leeds United can even ruin perfectly decent paragraphs]

Reading could have scored three before half-time; Gaetano Berardi, despite plenty of help from Alioski, was having a hard time controlling Mo Barrow, although when he saw Barrow’s final ball, he might have wondered if he needed to bother. Instead Leeds got exactly what they needed. Collecting a wayward corner, Samu Saiz put Adam Forshaw into Reading’s penalty area with the ball, and his flick to Pontus Jansson was flicked into the goal by Pontus Jansson for an equaliser.

That, and a quick watch at half-time of the video for the Reading FC anthem their Carabao-drunk owner produced when we visited a couple of years ago, seemed to do the trick for Leeds (although I need to stop joking about that video, as The Radz Rap is almost too possible). For the first fifteen minutes of the second half the players were blessed with the belief that yes, they can play football, and yes, they can play it much better than Reading; it was almost possible to relax and imagine Leeds United winning a game.

Pablo Hernandez made the imaginary real. Saiz helped again; Reading gave him the ball on the right, and he wandered with it to the middle, then passed to the left. The pass was behind Hernandez, who had to stop and reach with his leg to get it, but he didn’t mind; he looked at the players around him, from both teams, and belted the ball into the back of the net, by far the most sensible option. The relief and the belief were abundant. Leeds United were going to win!

Yeah, no. Two minutes later Sone Aluko ran with the ball across the midfield, passed to Leandro Bacuna wide on the right, and his low cross was put past Peacock-Farrell by Eunan O’Kane. And Leeds were Leeds again, for the remaining half hour; terrified of playing, horrified by the thought of losing, frozen without ideas on how to go about winning, condemned to keep trying until the final whistle ended the torture. After he came on as a substitute, Lasogga’s big chance summed it all up: he did everything right, charging down the goalkeeper, who kicked the ball at his backside; the ball rolled towards the goal, fooling everybody who thought it would go over the line. It tapped gently against the post and stopped on the line, laughing at everybody. No wonder the Leeds players had no faith left.

They weren’t all like that. Bailey Peacock-Farrell, thrown in at the deep end this week, hasn’t shown any outward signs of knowing he’s in the water; five goals have gone past him, one by a so-called teammate, and he’s hardly been ruffled. In fact, those three goals Reading should have had in the first half were kept to one thanks to Peacock-Farrell. But then, he’s a recent arrival to this team, so hasn’t been afflicted by the malaise; it’s the same for Adam Forshaw, who’ll pass the ball all day if he has to, and plays like he wants to. But just when you’re thinking that the confidence of the new boys is high, you remember that Laurens De Bock joined at the same time. Maybe those two are just better made to take it? I guess we’ll find out by the end of the season, if Peacock-Farrell and Forshaw have become gibbering wrecks.

That’s assuming that Heckingbottom can’t search for, and find, the heroes inside these weak hearts. That’s one of the reasons not beating Reading was so disappointing; not just because we’ve only won once in 2018 â€" “I feel ashamed,” says Pontus Jansson â€" but for what it could have done to the team’s confidence. Beating Reading just might have given the players the belief that they could beat Sheffield Wednesday next; and okay, Fulham’s after that, but maybe we could drug them and convince them that match was just a dream until after they’ve beaten Sunderland at home. Instead, they only drew, and now I don’t know what they believe.

They don’t believe in themselves, that’s for sure. And there’s not many in the stands who still believe in them. But belief has to come to this team from somewhere, otherwise they’ll be going nowhere even faster, and more frightened, than they have been up to now.

Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me



Dette er bare fantastisk skrevet:

Jaap Stam made a name for himself as Reading manager last season by training them to stand still while they kicked the ball to each other. This season he’s built on that by training them to stand still while the other team kicks the ball to each other. The downside of training his team with this new information is that all they can remember of last season is the standing still part, and they are no longer capable of kicking the ball to each other. Instead, they kept kicking it to the Leeds players. But the Leeds players, horrified, kept kicking it back. There’s your match report.



Quote from: Cherry on March 12, 2018, 10:39:59
Dette er bare fantastisk skrevet:

Jaap Stam made a name for himself as Reading manager last season by training them to stand still while they kicked the ball to each other. This season he’s built on that by training them to stand still while the other team kicks the ball to each other. The downside of training his team with this new information is that all they can remember of last season is the standing still part, and they are no longer capable of kicking the ball to each other. Instead, they kept kicking it to the Leeds players. But the Leeds players, horrified, kept kicking it back. There’s your match report.


Moscow er den beste medisinen når vi er så dårlige som vi er nå.


Quote from: Cherry on March 12, 2018, 10:39:59
Dette er bare fantastisk skrevet:

Jaap Stam made a name for himself as Reading manager last season by training them to stand still while they kicked the ball to each other. This season he’s built on that by training them to stand still while the other team kicks the ball to each other. The downside of training his team with this new information is that all they can remember of last season is the standing still part, and they are no longer capable of kicking the ball to each other. Instead, they kept kicking it to the Leeds players. But the Leeds players, horrified, kept kicking it back. There’s your match report.


"Paynter, a striker whose danger factor is akin to a blind sniper, who has no fingers, or a gun."