Skrevet av Emne: Ex-Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa  (Lest 411680 ganger)

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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1050 på: Mars 17, 2019, 19:36:07 »
Et poeng kan jo være at mange lag ligger ekstremt lavt og kompakt og forsvarer seg mot Leeds. Det er vanskelig å spille seg gjennom. Da syns jeg at å fyre løs fra litt distanse kan være smart innimellom. Både fordi skuddet kan gå inn eller skape farlig retur, men også fordi motstanderen da ser at de ikke kan ligge i "blokka" og vente og forsvare seg, men faktisk må lengre ut for å presse for å unngå slike skudd i mot. På den måten kan skudd fra distanse skape 2 trusler:
- Selve avslutningen
- Mer rom og plass når motstanderlaget eventuelt går lengre ut i press for å unngå skudd i mot.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1051 på: Mars 17, 2019, 20:02:25 »
Et poeng kan jo være at mange lag ligger ekstremt lavt og kompakt og forsvarer seg mot Leeds. Det er vanskelig å spille seg gjennom. Da syns jeg at å fyre løs fra litt distanse kan være smart innimellom. Både fordi skuddet kan gå inn eller skape farlig retur, men også fordi motstanderen da ser at de ikke kan ligge i "blokka" og vente og forsvare seg, men faktisk må lengre ut for å presse for å unngå slike skudd i mot. På den måten kan skudd fra distanse skape 2 trusler:
- Selve avslutningen
- Mer rom og plass når motstanderlaget eventuelt går lengre ut i press for å unngå skudd i mot.

Gode poeng!

Vi spiller oss til gode skuddmuligheter på 16-20 meters hold i hver eneste kamp, men avslutningsforsøkene er jevnt over svake.

Mange skyter dårlig - og flere av våre spillere er ikke i besittelse av skuddfot med retningssans i det hele tatt.

Pablo Hernandez skyter godt. Og dett er vel dett.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1052 på: Mars 17, 2019, 20:03:49 »
Uansett metode, er det aller viktigste å få avsluttet angrepet for å hindre overaskende brudd i mot.

Både og. Skyter man med mange folk foran seg, risikerer man også blokkerte skudd som kan gi kontra i mot.

Blades-spillerne var veldig oppofrende i går, og mange skudd/innlegg ble blokkert.


Jeg tror DHY mener at vi skal skyte den i mål, ikke utenfor eller i en forsvarer. Meningen er vel å score på skuddene, eller er det noe jeg ikke forstår her?
Det stemmer, akkurat det jeg mente ;) Vi bør ha 1-2 spillere som treffer mellom stengene på langskudd. Pablo gjør det strålende iblant. Klich gjorde det i starten av sesongen. Douglas har vært en skuffelse på dette feltet. Alioski har truffet for sjelden mellom stengene, det samme har Harrison. Roofe har vært til tider strålende mht skudd. Etter min mening savner vi litt spisskompetanse på langskudd. Tenk å ha en som scorer på et langskudd ut av ingenting ;)


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1053 på: Mars 17, 2019, 21:05:48 »
Uansett metode, er det aller viktigste å få avsluttet angrepet for å hindre overaskende brudd i mot.

Både og. Skyter man med mange folk foran seg, risikerer man også blokkerte skudd som kan gi kontra i mot.

Blades-spillerne var veldig oppofrende i går, og mange skudd/innlegg ble blokkert.


Jeg tror DHY mener at vi skal skyte den i mål, ikke utenfor eller i en forsvarer. Meningen er vel å score på skuddene, eller er det noe jeg ikke forstår her?
Det stemmer, akkurat det jeg mente ;) Vi bør ha 1-2 spillere som treffer mellom stengene på langskudd. Pablo gjør det strålende iblant. Klich gjorde det i starten av sesongen. Douglas har vært en skuffelse på dette feltet. Alioski har truffet for sjelden mellom stengene, det samme har Harrison. Roofe har vært til tider strålende mht skudd. Etter min mening savner vi litt spisskompetanse på langskudd. Tenk å ha en som scorer på et langskudd ut av ingenting ;)

Jepp. Det er meningsløst med 18 avslutninger om man ikke treffer mål. Jeg tolket det som om du tok opp langskudd som et særlig område vi bør trene på.

Er man i god posisjon og har tid så bør man jo skyte hvis man ikke har trebein. Men når vi ikke har en «ordentlig» 10er blir det færre gode muligheter enn før. Kanskje det har noe med det å gjøre også.

Syns vi gjorde en god kamp igjen i går og tror ikke vi hadde diskutert det her om vi hadde vunnet 2-1. Syns ikke vi må endre noe som lag akkurat nå. Bare fortsette å spille som vi gjør.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1054 på: Mars 17, 2019, 21:23:59 »
Uansett metode, er det aller viktigste å få avsluttet angrepet for å hindre overaskende brudd i mot.

Både og. Skyter man med mange folk foran seg, risikerer man også blokkerte skudd som kan gi kontra i mot.

Blades-spillerne var veldig oppofrende i går, og mange skudd/innlegg ble blokkert.


Jeg tror DHY mener at vi skal skyte den i mål, ikke utenfor eller i en forsvarer. Meningen er vel å score på skuddene, eller er det noe jeg ikke forstår her?
Det stemmer, akkurat det jeg mente ;) Vi bør ha 1-2 spillere som treffer mellom stengene på langskudd. Pablo gjør det strålende iblant. Klich gjorde det i starten av sesongen. Douglas har vært en skuffelse på dette feltet. Alioski har truffet for sjelden mellom stengene, det samme har Harrison. Roofe har vært til tider strålende mht skudd. Etter min mening savner vi litt spisskompetanse på langskudd. Tenk å ha en som scorer på et langskudd ut av ingenting ;)

Ja. Skudd er et bra våpen. Vi har ikke nok gode langskyttere.  Motstander vet om Pablo og kommer fort opp i ham. De vet om Klich også. Vi bør ha 4-5 gode skyttere for at dette skal bli et våpen.  Backer som kunne skyte f.eks: Sterland, Ian Harte. Vi bør ha backer som kan skyte og score oftere enn i dag. Ayling har scoret ett(?) mål på tre sesonger. Douglas ingen (?) , og få farlige skudd.
De er mye i angrep, men skyter sjelden farlige skudd.

Skyttere må kjøpes inn eller dyrkes på juniornivå. Nytter ikke å be dem skyte når de ikke har evne.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1055 på: Mars 28, 2019, 10:51:46 »
Dag Eilev Fagermo er jo Leeds fan som de fleste vet.  Han har faktisk vært på en liten studietur hos Marcelo, som han forteller om
her :
(scroll nederst til video på siden der)

Bl.a 25 øvelser på 75 min, og at alle øvelser er kamp relatert.  Fagermo ble mest imponert av treningsmetodikken til Bielsa.
Artig å høre, og at Fagermo sier at dette er det beste han har lært på studieturene sine.  Så vidt jeg husker så har han vært mye rundt omkring.
« Siste redigering: Mars 28, 2019, 10:53:20 av Cannavaro »
MFLU - Miracles For Leeds United


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1056 på: Mars 28, 2019, 18:27:25 »
Dag Eilev Fagermo er jo Leeds fan som de fleste vet.  Han har faktisk vært på en liten studietur hos Marcelo, som han forteller om
her :
(scroll nederst til video på siden der)

Bl.a 25 øvelser på 75 min, og at alle øvelser er kamp relatert.  Fagermo ble mest imponert av treningsmetodikken til Bielsa.
Artig å høre, og at Fagermo sier at dette er det beste han har lært på studieturene sine.  Så vidt jeg husker så har han vært mye rundt omkring.

Av norske trenere tror jeg også at Arne Sandstø er Leeds-supporter. Jeg har i hvert fall observert han på Leeds-kamp  ::)

Både Fagermo og Sandstø burde blitt invitert som gjester i "White Noise"-podcasten. Andreas, Runar og Anders?


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1057 på: Mars 28, 2019, 18:33:05 »
Av norske trenere tror jeg også at Arne Sandstø er Leeds-supporter. Jeg har i hvert fall observert han på Leeds-kamp  ::)

Både Fagermo og Sandstø burde blitt invitert som gjester i "White Noise"-podcasten. Andreas, Runar og Anders?
Jeg har også observert Sandstø på Leedskamp (tror det var sammen med Fagermo), men syntes å huske han ikke hadde Leeds som favorittklubb. Noe et googlesøk bekreftet

an rølper ikke. Arne Sandstø er kjernesunn og skammelig veltrent. Ikke røyker han, og ikke snuser han. Litt kjedelig kanskje, men det er bare utenpå. Hans engelske favorittlag er nemlig Stoke.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Jon R

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1058 på: Mars 30, 2019, 12:51:50 »
Må si jeg har fått oppheng på denne analysen av samspill/synergi mellom fansen og spillerne. Jeg har aldri lest en bedre beskrivelse av fansen som lagets 12. spiller, på godt og vondt.

Fra prematch Millwall:

«For us, the support of the fans is key, but we have to deserve this support, we have to earn it. In the first half of last game the fans made the team feel together with them. When we starting conceding efforts in the second half, the fans have a memory linking with the difficulty they are suffering from the last few years with the team. We can understand this. The fans showed these doubts from these memories. We felt that in the second half.

We depend a lot on the support of the fans. We have the responsibility to have this feeling with us. I hope in the next game we have the same atmosphere of the previous game. When we went to the pitch and felt the support in the first 35 minutes we created a good five chances. The team built these chances because they were brilliant for the fans watching. The link between the team and the fans increased our chances. Sometimes, when we have doubts the supporters are feeling this. This is what we have to avoid. We have to take care and control every detail. We have to keep our fans with us, close to us.»
Jon R.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1059 på: Mars 31, 2019, 18:27:59 »
Phil Hay
Eight pages given to Marcelo Bielsa in this month’s @FourFourTwo. Out on Wednesday

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1060 på: April 01, 2019, 20:34:32 »
Denne kom heldigvis på 1.april

Newell's Old Boys - English
7 hours ago
BREAKING | Marcelo Bielsa to return to Newell's Old Boys as Director of Football for the 2019/2020 season to help save his first club from relegation to the Primera B Nacional.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1061 på: April 03, 2019, 18:21:14 »
How Marcelo Bielsa is on track to break a long-standing Howard Wilkinson Leeds United record

Phil Hay
Published: 06:45 Wednesday 03 April 2019
Leeds United have found over the years that chances of promotion are a long time coming and very quickly lost.

Since the introduction of three points for a win at the start of the 1980s, their record at Championship level is that of a club who tend to fall betwixt and between.

 Leeds United head coach Marcelo Bielsa.
Leeds United head coach Marcelo Bielsa.
Just five times in 20 seasons in that league have Leeds cleared 70 points and Marcelo Bielsa is on course to become just the second head coach to pass 80, almost three decades after Howard Wilkinson did the same.

Leeds have seven games left to play this term but possess the third-highest point tally accrued by a United squad in the Championship and are in a position to go beyond the figure which took Wilkinson’s team up as champions.

The YEP looks back here at the best second-tier tallies of the past 40 years:

1989-90, Howard Wilkinson – P46 W24 D13 L9 Pts: 85 (champions)

For as long as Leeds have meandered in the EFL, Howard Wilkinson’s players have been the team to emulate and the team to eclipse.

Eighty-five points won his squad the title, on goal difference ahead of Sheffield United, and Wilkinson’s side – in keeping with the man himself – were a model of consistency: nine defeats all season (four of those before New Year’s Day) and a telling unbeaten run of 15 games after losing heavily at Newcastle United on the first weekend, enough to settle a tight, three-horse race involving Newcastle and Sheffield United.

Bielsa’s side are only one win short of the tally of victories under Wilkinson and will surely surpass that figure but with Norwich City already up to 81 points, a total of 85 is certain to fall short of the target needed for the Championship trophy.

2005-06, Kevin Blackwell – P46 W21 D15 L10 Pts: 78 (finished fifth)

Leeds’ closest brush with promotion since 1990 came on Kevin Blackwell’s watch, during the 2005-06 season. The year was Blackwell’s second as manager, a job given to him as Leeds picked up the pieces after relegation from the Premier League in 2004, and a steady stream of signings turned United into a top-six side, albeit for 12 months only.

The club spent on David Healy, Robbie Blake, Shaun Derry, Shaun Gregan, Richard Cresswell, Rob Hulse and others and had sufficient firepower and defensive nous to reach 78 points and finish fifth.

Bielsa’s side are two points further back with 21 left to play for and have already scored more goals but their priority is to avoid the fate which befell Blackwell: a play-off appearance and defeat in the final at Cardiff. In 15 years, Leeds have never gone closer.

2018-19, Marcelo Bielsa – P39 W23 D7 L9 Pts: 76 (currently second)

Leeds are far from finished under Bielsa yet and the scale of the opportunity in front of them is shown by the fact that just twice in all their years in the Championship have a team at Elland Road finished with a higher tally than United have at present.

Seventy-six points from 39 games puts United on course for a final total of 90 if their average per game continues at the same rate and the impetus under the Argentinian is a product of his absolute refusal to play conservatively or play for draws.

Leeds have contested just seven stalemates so far – by contrast, Wilkinson’s side drew 13 times and Blackwell’s 15 – and are very close to the magic average of two points a match. Leeds have committed to high-stakes football under Bielsa, for a potentially big reward.

2016-17, Garry Monk – P46 W22 D9 L15 Pts: 75 (finished seventh)

History will talk less about the final haul under Garry Monk – a very respectable 75 points, given the shallow depth of his resources and the situation he inherited under Massimo Cellino – than it will about the way Monk’s side finished the season.

They were virtually there for a top-six finish after a 3-0 victory over Preston North End on April 8 but conspired to take three points from their last five games, losing their nerve badly in defeats to Wolverhampton Wanderers and Burton Albion after Easter.

Two factors counted against Monk: an excessive number of losses – 15 in all – and the relentless form of Fulham, who came from 12 points back to grab sixth place. At the end of a freak of a campaign, 80 points was needed to make the play-offs, the highest number yet.

2010-11, Simon Grayson – P46 W19 D15 L12 Pts: 72 (finished seventh)

Simon Grayson is the one person who can truly appreciate the way it went for Garry Monk. Grayson’s Leeds were sitting pretty at the start of April 2011, in fifth place with 64 points and seven matches remaining after routing Nottingham Forest 4-1 at Elland Road. But the wheels came off badly after that and by the time Leeds rediscovered the knack of winning, a play-off place had gone.

Defeat at Crystal Palace on Easter Monday was the final straw and it was Forest who nicked sixth position, with a three-point advantage over United. On one hand, Grayson had a brilliant attacking line, who produced 81 goals, a figure which Bielsa’s side are unlikely to match.

On the other, he had a defence who conceded 70 and allowed too many points to slip away. Grayson summed it up himself recently: “To this day, I can’t help wondering what might have been.”
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1062 på: April 10, 2019, 23:29:05 »
In Bielsa We Trust!!!!


Fantastisk!  :)
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1063 på: April 10, 2019, 23:32:18 »
In Bielsa We Trust!!!!


Fantastisk!  :)

Will Bielsa end up on the Iron Throne? Jamie Lannister reckons so #lufc

Jimmy Kimmell
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1064 på: April 11, 2019, 00:48:33 »
In Bielsa We Trust!!!!


Fantastisk!  :)

Will Bielsa end up on the Iron Throne? Jamie Lannister reckons so #lufc

Jimmy Kimmell

Vanvittig deilig! :D


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1065 på: April 11, 2019, 06:49:04 »
Den videoen er helt fantastisk!

"Guardiola said: 'You know more about Barcelona than I do!'"
Marcelo Bielsa, 16.01.19, etter Spygate-foredraget sitt.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1066 på: April 12, 2019, 14:48:08 »
Blir han her ett år til uansett?  :)

Marta Parodi

Marcelo Bielsa. . “The possible is already done.  The impossible we are doing.  For miracles, we need time”.

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1067 på: April 12, 2019, 15:05:31 »
Blir han her ett år til uansett?  :)

Marta Parodi

Marcelo Bielsa. . “The possible is already done.  The impossible we are doing.  For miracles, we need time”.

Ja, jeg tror det.
Marching on together
We're gonna see you win (na, na, na, na, na, na)
We are so proud
We shout it out loud
We love you Leeds - Leeds - Leeds

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1068 på: April 12, 2019, 15:06:14 »

April 11, 2019
Words: Will Almond
Images: Offside Sports Photography

It started with a PowerPoint.

Well, no, maybe it didn’t. But the PowerPoint was the moment Leeds fans knew they were in love. Marcelo Bielsa stood in front of a room full of journalists not only confessing to the “spygate” debacle that had confounded the Proper Football Men of England, but basking and revelling in it. It was Clough’s pots, pans and dustbins all over again. Except this time, the shithouse was in charge.

Marcelo-mania had gone mainstream. The country was listening. There were other moments too. The blue bucket. The litter picking. Brief limelight.  But for Leeds fans, it has been a season of constant, dizzying, enveloping Bielsa. He has become so Leeds that it’s hard to remember a time before him, and is painful to think about one after him.

Scrolling through Facebook, you feel like a member of Bielsa’s family. Here’s Marcelo at a barbeque, here’s Marcelo with little Ian, here’s Marcelo out to the shops. Photos of him walking to training, clad all in Leeds gear, silhouetted against dry stone walls and rolling Yorkshire countryside plaster your feed. You’d assume Leeds have offices at Thorp Arch, the Leeds training ground, but the manager seems to prefer the humble setting of a Costa in Wetherby to mastermind his tactical plans (expect Frank Lampard to qualify as a barista any day now). Marcelo’s pre and post-game press conferences in English and Spanish now go out in full as a podcast courtesy of the Yorkshire Evening Post. A Twitter account translating some Bielsa-isms into English briefly achieved the status of sacred text in a little corner of West Yorkshire. Tickets at Elland Road are gold dust. Leeds is drunk on Bielsa.

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Dan Leadbeater
 Man of the people, Bielsa loves a @CostaCoffee #marcelobielsa #bielsa #LUFC #LeedsUnited #costacoffee

7:39 AM - Feb 16, 2019

178 people are talking about this

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Bielsa isn’t God. He isn’t. Then again, comparing Leeds before Bielsa (B.B.) and after Bielsa (A.B.), he begins to look pretty close. Kalvin Phillips has gone from curious bystander to the future of English football. Kemar Roofe obviously spent the summer at a barn-door-hitting camp, returning an all-action hero, a harrying presence and clinical finisher. Pontus Jansson was always a passionate, fiery, and talented (if inconsistent) leader at the heart of defence, but looking at him this season you wonder if he shouldn’t just calm down a bit for the sake of his long term health.

Going further back, four years before Bielsa arrived—the year 4.B.B.—there was the six-game reign of Darko Milanič (three draws, three defeats) or Dave Hockaday’s tenure which was also six games, as it goes. Hockaday now manages Kidderminster Harriers of the National League. Anyway, the football was bad, and anyone who looked like they might for a second relieve the aching, unending misery of it all, were promptly sold (Becchio, McCormack, Byram, Cook etc. etc.). Leeds became an experiment in how much drama you could have off the pitch while remaining absolutely, unmovingly, mediocre on it.

Under Bielsa, marching on together stopped being an anthem used to soothe and drown out tears. It became a tactic. Hordes of white shirts began to hound opposition players with the ball, and then, in possession, they would sway apart and surge forward like a festival crowd. But always, always... together.

And now? Well now, Leeds are second. Just. Much of the on-pitch invincibility of those heady early-season days has worn off. Bielsa has been more confrontational in press conferences. The unthinkable is now thinkable. They might not go up.

If they don’t, it’ll be a one-two right to the gut, sure. The promised land will remain just that, promised, like an IOU from Peter Ridsdale. Worse, much worse, Bielsa will almost certainly leave, bound for a beach in Argentina or yet another sleeping European giant to add to his list of former clubs which already features Lazio, Marseille, Athletic Bilbao and, of course, Leeds.

But in nine months, Bielsa has earned so much more than points. He’s achieved so much more than a league position. He has restored pride in the badge. He has built a community. He has made football fun to watch again. He’s made Saturday mornings exciting and horrifying. Too long and too short. Unbearable and irreplaceable. It’s the little things that matter, and Marcelo could give a presentation about them. Bielsa began, Marcelo happened, and now, it almost doesn’t matter how it ends, we’ve loved every second.
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1069 på: April 12, 2019, 17:07:02 »

Marcelo Bielsa is a success at Leeds, whether they’re promoted or not
Whites have been in the top three all season but face Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday in patchy form for automatic promotion
Nick Miller   @NickMiller79   Fri 12 Apr 2019 14.24 BST    Last modified on Fri 12 Apr 2019 15.12 BST
When the actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show this week, he was not there only to talk about his role as Jaime Lannister in Game Of Thrones. Coster-Waldau, a Leeds United fan, led the crowd in a chant of “In Bielsa we trust”, after describing a “chosen one” who will “come up north and magically transform it into this wonderful paradise”.
Admittedly, the audience initially thought he was discussing a mystery Game of Thrones character, but the fact he interrupted a prestigious TV interview to laud the manager of a second-tier English football club gives an illustration of just how far the cult of Marcelo Bielsa has spread.

Before Bielsa, Leeds had essentially spent the better part of 17 years being a punchline, a disaster zone, or both. Pick your own favourite moment: Peter Ridsdale’s fish tank; financial ruin; having to sell Elland Road and their training ground; embracing Ken Bates as a saviour; administration; two separate points deductions that helped put them into League One and kept them there for three years; Massimo Cellino and burning through seven managers in three years; Dave Hockaday’s mystifying appointment; the Steve Evans experience; a succession of dispiriting campaigns in which little hope existed.

Not now. The funniest thing about Leeds this season has been “Spygate”, and that time most people were laughing with them rather than at them. Bielsa has made Leeds a successful team, challenging for automatic promotion in one of the most entertaining races in years, but perhaps more importantly thanks to him, the owner Andrea Radrizzani, director of football Victor Orta and managing director Angus Kinnear, the club have been revolutionised.

He has implemented changes that should stay for a long time, not least at their training ground, but more importantly has re-enthused a disillusioned fanbase that trickled away over the years, partly through winning games but also with the style of football that few thought was possible with this squad.
“He has ensured these players and the club relate to the fans and the community, which is something we haven’t had in recent times,” says Peter Emmerson, vice-chairman of the Leeds United Supporters’ Trust. “You can tell Bielsa feels honoured to be at Leeds and the feeling is reciprocated by the fans. It’s no coincidence that we are selling out our home and away games in record time.” Even the youth teams are doing well: the under-23s and under‑18s are top of their respective leagues.

Despite all of this, there is a real chance that they may not win promotion back to the Premier League. The remaining five games, starting with the visit of Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday evening, will be a chaotic dash as they and Sheffield United scrap for the second automatic spot, behind Norwich. Leeds occupy it now, but they have suffered some surprising recent defeats and if the season started after Boxing Day they would be ninth. If they do not make the top two they should win the play-offs, but “should” is a dangerous word in that context.

But would failing to win promotion matter that much? Would this season be regarded as a failure if they do not go up? Instinctively the answer is yes, but that’s only from the default position that success in the Championship is escaping it.

The great lie about football fans is that winning games is all they care about. It helps, but the sense they feel part of something they can be proud of, and that they are not completely wasting their time every time they watch their side, is much more important. Bielsa has given them that in bucketloads.
“There is belief right until the final whistle that we will win,” says Emmerson, who concedes that it would be “bitterly disappointing” not to go up. “Even when we go a goal down we have faith as we know his philosophy works.”
That’s all a fan can reasonably ask for. And it’s why there are so many stories of people buying season tickets for the first time in years, of parents finally taking their kids to Elland Road after years of protecting them from the trauma, and one fan even suggested the buzz around the club is greater than during the Champions League runs of 20 years ago.

From a financial perspective, clearly the top flight is desirable, but a non-scientific survey of Leeds fans suggested the most feared consequence of not winning promotion is not missing out on the riches of the Premier League, rather that Bielsa may leave. However, despite his unpredictable nature, you sense he is in this for the long term, that he still regards this as a job half-done.

Bielsa is already a success at Leeds, regardless of where they finish. On the pitch and off, he and the other decision-makers have turned this into a proper football club again, rather than the intersection between comedy and tragedy. That’s more valuable than being in the Premier League. “Bielsa,” Emmerson adds, “has made the whole city and fanbase fall back in love with Leeds United.”
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Lucas the Kop Cat

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1070 på: April 12, 2019, 18:47:21 »

Bielsa is already a success at Leeds, regardless of where they finish. On the pitch and off, he and the other decision-makers have turned this into a proper football club again, rather than the intersection between comedy and tragedy. That’s more valuable than being in the Premier League. “Bielsa,” Emmerson adds, “has made the whole city and fanbase fall back in love with Leeds United.”

Jeg tenker nesten at det er viktigere å beholde Bielsa enn å rykke opp og eventuelt miste ham. Han har gjort Leeds til en fotballklubb igjen og ikke en parodi.


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1071 på: April 12, 2019, 21:34:30 »
jatakk begge deler ;D ;D ;D ;D
Forever Leeds United!!!!!!!!

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1072 på: April 14, 2019, 00:54:48 »
Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1073 på: April 14, 2019, 08:32:21 »
Jack Harrison:

"The manager is always expressing the importance of just controlling what we can control and focusing on what we can do,"


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1074 på: April 14, 2019, 08:51:39 »
Jack Harrison:

"The manager is always expressing the importance of just controlling what we can control and focusing on what we can do,"

Marcelo Bielsa er en meget klok mann.

Jeg tror han blir i Leeds, også neste sesong, uansett div. Med mindre Radz og gjengen finner på noe tull, men de er den beste ledelsen vi har hatt på svært, svært lenge.

Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1075 på: April 14, 2019, 15:25:28 »
Newell’s Old Boys - English

Leeds have the option to keep Marcelo Bielsa if they are not promoted, while if they are, he is contractually obliged to stay next season, according to his brother Rafael Bielsa.

Rafael, a lawyer, said he helped Marcelo negotiate his contract with #LUFC. (via @lacapital)

Rafael Bielsa: "I speak to him every day. But he cannot return to Newell's under the terms of his contract with Leeds. He is not the type to not fulfil his obligations".

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1076 på: April 14, 2019, 20:55:15 »
Newell’s Old Boys - English

Leeds have the option to keep Marcelo Bielsa if they are not promoted, while if they are, he is contractually obliged to stay next season, according to his brother Rafael Bielsa.

Rafael, a lawyer, said he helped Marcelo negotiate his contract with #LUFC. (via @lacapital)

Rafael Bielsa: "I speak to him every day. But he cannot return to Newell's under the terms of his contract with Leeds. He is not the type to not fulfil his obligations".

Vil Bielsa dra så drar han, vil han bli så blir han vel!
I scored 24 goals helping my side win promotion back to the Premier League aged just 22. Then in my first season in the top flight I had bagged an impressive 15 goals by the end of January. My form earned me an England call-up. Am I a £35m striker? No. I am Michael Ricketts, February 2002.


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Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1077 på: April 16, 2019, 11:59:04 »
Newell’s Old Boys - English

Leeds have the option to keep Marcelo Bielsa if they are not promoted, while if they are, he is contractually obliged to stay next season, according to his brother Rafael Bielsa.

Rafael, a lawyer, said he helped Marcelo negotiate his contract with #LUFC. (via @lacapital)

Rafael Bielsa: "I speak to him every day. But he cannot return to Newell's under the terms of his contract with Leeds. He is not the type to not fulfil his obligations".

Moscowhite har brukt Google Translate (med modifikasjoner, som han skriver) og kommentert litt rundt intervjuet:

That's a lot about the future, so here's some reassurance. Marcelo Bielsa's brother, Rafael, has given an interview in Argentina addressing the pleas from Newell's Old Boys fans for Bielsa to come back and save their club, which is in danger of being relegated this season. Not happening, says Raf.

      Marcelo can not go back to Newell's because he has a contractual problem.

What Rafael says is 'un problema contractual', but I don't take that to mean, 'a problem to be overcome'. Another translation of 'problema' is 'issue'; essentially, there is something in the contract that prevents Bielsa going to Newell's, leaving aside whether he wants to or not. (I've lightly edited the rest from the Google Translate version to help it make sense, too.)

        I made the contract. If they do not go up to the Premier League, Leeds has the option to keep
        Bielsa. Taking into account the successful campaign it is difficult not to think they'll want to keep
        Bielsa. And if Leeds goes up, it is mandatory for both parties to stay.

        In the contract he signed there is no break clause like Marcelo had when he was running Espanyol
        Barcelona, and had the possibility of going to the Argentine national team.

        So I would say, especially not to embitter the life of Marcelo himself, to whom everything that
        happens with Newell's hurts a lot, and not to generate unfounded expectations, Bielsa can not come
        back because of his contract. To come back he would be breaking a contract and my brother is not
        doing that.

        Do you talk to him?
        Almost every day we talk and obviously the exclusive issue is Newell's.
That hurts a bit, doesn't it? Tell your brother about Alioski, Marcelo!
        But if Marcelo wanted, he could break the contract?
        Yes, but I can not imagine Marcelo breaking a contract. He never broke it during his career. It was
        the other way around. For example, with América de México or Lille de Francia it was because the
        clubs broke the agreements. ... His character is like that. Who more than me, his brother, would like
        Marcelo to come to Newell's? But I do not see him breaking so many rules. And not for the strictly
        professional rules, but for an existential question. The Bielsa family does not break the rules. They
        are values ​​that are learned as a child, you are taught by your mother, your grandparents and the
        whole family environment.
        I ask you because Marcelo always said he would return to Newell's only when it was in a difficult
        situation, and right now it is serious.

        But Marcelo, as I told you, because of an existential question, would never break so many rules. His
        love for Newell's is already proven.

...but he's staying in Leeds. Probably. If we go up, definitely, because the contact says it is 'mandatory' for both parties and I couldn't imagine him walking away from a shot at the Premier League. If we don't go up, despite the contract saying Leeds have an option, I can imagine an amicable parting; Leeds won't keep Bielsa against his will, and I've wondered whether Bielsa would have the appetite to go through this season again, after giving it so much. I'm not even sure I do. The added lure of wanting to rescue Newell's could lead him, not to break the contract, but to find an honourable way of asking Leeds not to take up their option so he can go. At which point we'll all just have to move to Rosario with him.
Tell me - I've got to know
Tell me - Tell me before I go
Does that flame still burn, does that fire still glow
Or has it died out and melted like the snow
Tell me  Tell me


Promotion 2010

Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1078 på: April 16, 2019, 14:55:28 »
Interessante innspill om Bielsas treningsmetoder:

Min første Leeds-kamp:
Strømsgodset vs Leeds, 19.september 1973


Sv: Manager / Head coach: Marcelo Bielsa
« Svar #1079 på: April 16, 2019, 20:13:52 »
Er det Andrew Hughes?

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