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« på: Januar 12, 2019, 08:39:41 »
Bielsa er unik, og kva er problemet med å prøve å få med seg treningene til lag du skal møte? Slik eg forstår det var denne observatøren frå Leeds utanfor gjerdet på treningsfeltet, og det kan ikkje vera ulovleg.
Ser at fleire skriv at Andres Boas Villas gjorde det same då han var under Mourino i Chelsea. AVB seier faktisk til The Telegraph (trur eg) at han gjorde det inkognito fleire gonger. Kunne det vera på den tida Lampard spela i Chelsea?
Det hadde vore noko anna om ein hadde teke seg ulovleg inn på treningsfeltet.
Eg er ganske sikker på at det er fleire lag i UK som gjer dette, men me er Leeds ...
No blir det spennande å sjå om FA held fram med å lage eigne reglar for Leeds, eller om dei er samde med Tottenham-sjef Pochettini om at dette er heilt innafor. Fryktar det fyrste, men i så fall er det vel ei bot til Bielsa sidan han tok på seg alt ansvar. Men så var det dette med Leeds og FA då ...
Lampard var tydeleg sur under kampen i går, og smilet til Bielsa då dei takka for kampen etterpå var ubetalelig  ;)


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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #1 på: Januar 12, 2019, 09:50:16 »
En skribent på Facebook som kaller seg Gary Kitchen:

"Those who know me understand that I don't go in too much for this girly game that passes for "football" these days given that you're not allowed to kick players up the arse so hard that they leave the ground, like Norman Hunter used to do, but there is something going on this season at Elland Road that I like the taste of.

This has culminated this week with a wimpering statement from Derby County's manager that someone was seen "loitering" outside their training ground during the week, someone who they didn't recognise was stood on the public side of a fence "loitering" while the team were trying to train and presumably practice manouvres that would prevent Leeds Utd from putting more than two goals past them, like they did last night. The loiterer has been confirmed as "a spy" (stands back in horror) from none other than Leeds Utd.

They called the police and the bobbies arrived with all due haste as they do with all reports of people loitering in public areas and they spoke to the loiterer and then said that all was fine because of course its ok to loiter in public, after all its what most police officers due during the course of their working day anyway.

However it was left to the manager of Leeds Utd, Marcelo Bielsa, to counter the whining coming from the mouth of Derby County's manager Frank (you might have seen my wife on telly) Lampard, a one-time player and first time football manager - Bielsa's response to the girly "...but its not fair" complaint was thus ...

"Without trying to find a justification, I've been using this kind of practice since the qualifications for the World Cup with Argentina."

Its the sort of response that just says "Fook you" in a short sentence whilst emphasising your own professional qualifications to be a football manager by quietly mentioning the fact that you have coached two countries to the World Cup finals even though your wife isn't on telly.

I like the cut of his jib."
There's only ONE United - LEEDS UNITED!

Lucas the Kop Cat

Sv: Spygate
« Svar #2 på: Januar 12, 2019, 10:24:02 »
En skribent på Facebook som kaller seg Gary Kitchen:

"Those who know me understand that I don't go in too much for this girly game that passes for "football" these days given that you're not allowed to kick players up the arse so hard that they leave the ground, like Norman Hunter used to do, but there is something going on this season at Elland Road that I like the taste of.

This has culminated this week with a wimpering statement from Derby County's manager that someone was seen "loitering" outside their training ground during the week, someone who they didn't recognise was stood on the public side of a fence "loitering" while the team were trying to train and presumably practice manouvres that would prevent Leeds Utd from putting more than two goals past them, like they did last night. The loiterer has been confirmed as "a spy" (stands back in horror) from none other than Leeds Utd.

They called the police and the bobbies arrived with all due haste as they do with all reports of people loitering in public areas and they spoke to the loiterer and then said that all was fine because of course its ok to loiter in public, after all its what most police officers due during the course of their working day anyway.

However it was left to the manager of Leeds Utd, Marcelo Bielsa, to counter the whining coming from the mouth of Derby County's manager Frank (you might have seen my wife on telly) Lampard, a one-time player and first time football manager - Bielsa's response to the girly "...but its not fair" complaint was thus ...

"Without trying to find a justification, I've been using this kind of practice since the qualifications for the World Cup with Argentina."

Its the sort of response that just says "Fook you" in a short sentence whilst emphasising your own professional qualifications to be a football manager by quietly mentioning the fact that you have coached two countries to the World Cup finals even though your wife isn't on telly.

I like the cut of his jib."

Sent fra min ONEPLUS A6003 via Tapatalk

Forever Whites

Sv: Spygate
« Svar #3 på: Januar 12, 2019, 11:32:48 »
Vi er jo Leeds så FA skal vel statuere et eksempel her?  Vi hadde uansett klart oss uten sånt som dette.  Og litt merkelig hvis det stemmer dette som står på TV2 at "spionen" også hadde en tang i lommen:
Medlem 94237


Sv: Spygate
« Svar #4 på: Januar 12, 2019, 11:43:15 »
Vi er jo Leeds så FA skal vel statuere et eksempel her?  Vi hadde uansett klart oss uten sånt som dette.  Og litt merkelig hvis det stemmer dette som står på TV2 at "spionen" også hadde en tang i lommen:
Alt blir bare indisier. Ingenting av det som er gjort er ulovlig. Men FA vil vel vise handlekraft og statuere et eksempel. Gud vet for hva. At de straffer folk og lag for ting som ikke er straffbare? Når det gjelder Lampard: det er noe som heter "when shit hits the fan". Og det er Lampard som er møkkakasteren her.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


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« Svar #5 på: Januar 12, 2019, 11:46:38 »
De to som har opptrått mest fornuftig i saken hittil er 1) Politiet i Derby som kom, snakket med den 'mistenkte' og som deretter forlot åstedet (sannsynligvis med et solid smil om munnen...  ;D ) OG 2) Bielsa himself som i YEP forklarer seg:

« Siste redigering: Januar 12, 2019, 11:50:04 av JacobScreek »
There's only ONE United - LEEDS UNITED!

Carl Fisker

Sv: Spygate
« Svar #6 på: Januar 12, 2019, 11:47:37 »
"Spionen" befant seg ikke i et privat område, men i "public area". Politiet gikk ikke til arrestasjon. FA har heller ingen grunn til å ilegge klubben sanksjoner, så lenge det ikke er gjort noe ulovlig.


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« Svar #8 på: Januar 12, 2019, 11:53:13 »
Ikke ofte jeg siteterer Gary Neville på disse sidene, og er enig men han. Men han sier dette om pressens moralske posering.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #9 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:08:04 »
Club statement.
Following comments made by Marcelo Bielsa yesterday the club will look to work with our head coach and his staff to remind them of the integrity and honesty which are the foundations that Leeds United is built on.
Our owner Andrea Radrizzani has met with Derby County’s owner Mel Morris to formally apologise for Marcelo’s actions.
We will make no further comment on this matter.
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Forever Whites

Sv: Spygate
« Svar #10 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:14:25 »
Club statement.
Following comments made by Marcelo Bielsa yesterday the club will look to work with our head coach and his staff to remind them of the integrity and honesty which are the foundations that Leeds United is built on.
Our owner Andrea Radrizzani has met with Derby County’s owner Mel Morris to formally apologise for Marcelo’s actions.
We will make no further comment on this matter.

Bielsa og klubben er litt på forskjellig kurs her?
Medlem 94237


Sv: Spygate
« Svar #11 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:15:53 »
Club statement.
Following comments made by Marcelo Bielsa yesterday the club will look to work with our head coach and his staff to remind them of the integrity and honesty which are the foundations that Leeds United is built on.
Our owner Andrea Radrizzani has met with Derby County’s owner Mel Morris to formally apologise for Marcelo’s actions.
We will make no further comment on this matter.
Skjønner at klubben er føre var og ønsker å ta brodden ut av eventuelle sanksjoner, men mannen oppholdt seg på offentlig område. Gjorde ingenting ulovlig. Politiet lot han gå. Storm i vannglass. Frank Lampard fremstår som utrolig uredelig, der han hevder at mannen hadde tenkt til å bryte seg inn og krype på alle fire.
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020


Sv: Spygate
« Svar #12 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:24:33 »
Litt kultur kræsj fotballmessig er dette her  ??? Men jeg synes dette er storm i et vannglass når det kommer til engelsk presse og Frank Lampard ! En Derby manager som sikkert er såret i sin fotball stolthet etter 2 ydmykende tap for Leeds i sesongen ! 2 kamper Leeds virkelig spilte Derby langt opp på tribunen og parkeringsplassen ! Hva er forskjellen med å sitte på tribunen under en kamp og spionere kontra det å stå bak et gjerde på en offentlig vei å se Derby trene !?


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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #13 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:26:12 »

Skjønner at klubben er føre var og ønsker å ta brodden ut av eventuelle sanksjoner, men mannen oppholdt seg på offentlig område. Gjorde ingenting ulovlig. Politiet lot han gå. Storm i vannglass.

Det tror jeg også er grunnen til at man har reagert slik. La saken få minst mulig proposjoner.
Vi har viktigere agendaer utover våren. :)

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« Svar #14 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:32:10 »
Gazza :D :D :D

Paul Gascoigne
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just wanting2say about the LEEDS head coach getting some crap about he had a spy watching how derby played ha2all commentators sssh FFS when I played I did not give a f**k who spied on me FFS so i spy watched me,seen how I played I would play shit,bull shit accept it u got beat
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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #15 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:36:34 »
 ;D Gazza får sagt det .


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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #16 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:39:08 »
Gary Neville, faktisk... - kommenterer 'journo-guru' Winters tweet og tenker på div. journalisters måte å spionere på Englands treninger)

Gary Neville
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Gary Neville Retweeted Henry Winter
Surely sending spies daily to climb fences / hide in bathrooms with windows overlooking the training pitch to watch England sessions and disclosing your own countries team and tactics would be worse . No ?

Henry Winter
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Marcelo Bielsa is a great coach, with many disciples amongst modern managers, but sending spies to opposition training shows a complete lack of respect for his peers. LMA needs to respond to this, let alone FA and EFL.
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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #17 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:43:57 »
Litt pinlig at denne spionen ble tatt med
både kikkert og avbiter tang da :)

Synes hele saken er litt pinlig og flau , men også jeg synes det er blitt til storm i ett vannglass.
Men det værste/beste her for mange er at vi er dirty Leeds som har gjort dette.»
så dette vil nok bli brukt mot oss av alle i all mulig fremtid vel , så godt de kan....

Skal nok se at det kommer frem mange lignende saker etterhvert, med også andre
Klubber involvert....


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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #18 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:44:39 »
Gazza :D :D :D

Paul Gascoigne
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just wanting2say about the LEEDS head coach getting some crap about he had a spy watching how derby played ha2all commentators sssh FFS when I played I did not give a f**k who spied on me FFS so i spy watched me,seen how I played I would play shit,bull shit accept it u got beat

Gazza var ikke ferdig :D

Paul Gascoigne
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sorry I’m fuming imagine me going in2 my manager saying so sorry4playing shit because a spy at the gates was watching me train2all commentators are you’s getting paid extra4talking shit& I’m sure frank lampard after the game said sorry guys we got beat because a spy watched us
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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #19 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:48:14 »

Skal nok se at det kommer frem mange lignende saker etterhvert, med også andre
Klubber involvert....

michael owen
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Can’t help but think people are getting slightly carried away with Bielsa sending somebody to watch an opponents training session. It’s been happening for years. While I accept it’s morally wrong, it’s hardly a criminal offence.
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« Svar #20 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:50:05 »
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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #21 på: Januar 12, 2019, 12:58:55 »

Skal nok se at det kommer frem mange lignende saker etterhvert, med også andre
Klubber involvert....

Det blir jo litt pinlig for Lampard når AVB mens Lampard var kaptein gjorde det samme...

Gareth Everson

Replying to @MJRose_ @TheSquareBall
Lampard saying he’s never been associated with a team spying is wrong & hypocrisy. He was at CFC when AVB ran ‘opposition observation department’. AVB boasted he devised ways of secretly spying on training. Pot calling kettle black: …
#lufc #dcfc #spygate
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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #22 på: Januar 12, 2019, 13:02:37 »
Gazza :D :D :D

Paul Gascoigne
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just wanting2say about the LEEDS head coach getting some crap about he had a spy watching how derby played ha2all commentators sssh FFS when I played I did not give a f**k who spied on me FFS so i spy watched me,seen how I played I would play shit,bull shit accept it u got beat

Gazza var ikke ferdig :D

sorry I’m fuming imagine me going in2 my manager saying so sorry4playing shit because a spy at the gates was watching me train2all commentators are you’s getting paid extra4talking shit& I’m sure frank lampard after the game said sorry guys we got beat because a spy watched us

I try not2get involved in football But ive  never ever heard of we got beat because I was spied on,give the LEEDS manager a break I feel so sorry4him so commentators who carry on talking about it sit down with Walter Smith Archie Knox sir bobby venables sir Alex & tell them x
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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #23 på: Januar 12, 2019, 13:05:09 »
Gary Neville, faktisk... - kommenterer 'journo-guru' Winters tweet og tenker på div. journalisters måte å spionere på Englands treninger)

Gary Neville
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Gary Neville Retweeted Henry Winter
Surely sending spies daily to climb fences / hide in bathrooms with windows overlooking the training pitch to watch England sessions and disclosing your own countries team and tactics would be worse . No ?

Henry Winter
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Marcelo Bielsa is a great coach, with many disciples amongst modern managers, but sending spies to opposition training shows a complete lack of respect for his peers. LMA needs to respond to this, let alone FA and EFL.

Gary Neville
Gary Neville Retweeted Henry Winter
I can’t agree with it but I admire him for fronting up and also stating he’s always done it . In Spain for example it’s quite normal.

Now onto my question? (Henry Winter)
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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #24 på: Januar 12, 2019, 13:19:01 »
Gary Neville, faktisk... - kommenterer 'journo-guru' Winters tweet og tenker på div. journalisters måte å spionere på Englands treninger)

Gary Neville
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Gary Neville Retweeted Henry Winter
Surely sending spies daily to climb fences / hide in bathrooms with windows overlooking the training pitch to watch England sessions and disclosing your own countries team and tactics would be worse . No ?

Henry Winter
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Marcelo Bielsa is a great coach, with many disciples amongst modern managers, but sending spies to opposition training shows a complete lack of respect for his peers. LMA needs to respond to this, let alone FA and EFL.

Gary Neville
Gary Neville Retweeted Henry Winter
I can’t agree with it but I admire him for fronting up and also stating he’s always done it . In Spain for example it’s quite normal.

Now onto my question? (Henry Winter)

Henry Winter svarte Gary Neville til slutt:

Hi Gary, far more prevalent was certain England players (not you) leaking the team (doesn’t happen now incidentally). As to your question, no, I don’t condone it. As I’m sure you don’t condone Bielsa. Lot of support for Lampard. Leeds apologised. Hope they go up, PL misses Leeds.
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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #25 på: Januar 12, 2019, 13:23:41 »
Gary Neville, faktisk... - kommenterer 'journo-guru' Winters tweet og tenker på div. journalisters måte å spionere på Englands treninger)

Gary Neville
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Gary Neville Retweeted Henry Winter
Surely sending spies daily to climb fences / hide in bathrooms with windows overlooking the training pitch to watch England sessions and disclosing your own countries team and tactics would be worse . No ?

Henry Winter
Verified account

Marcelo Bielsa is a great coach, with many disciples amongst modern managers, but sending spies to opposition training shows a complete lack of respect for his peers. LMA needs to respond to this, let alone FA and EFL.

Gary Neville
Gary Neville Retweeted Henry Winter
I can’t agree with it but I admire him for fronting up and also stating he’s always done it . In Spain for example it’s quite normal.

Now onto my question? (Henry Winter)

Henry Winter svarte Gary Neville til slutt:

Hi Gary, far more prevalent was certain England players (not you) leaking the team (doesn’t happen now incidentally). As to your question, no, I don’t condone it. As I’m sure you don’t condone Bielsa. Lot of support for Lampard. Leeds apologised. Hope they go up, PL misses Leeds.
Ikke alle er like glade for klubbens kunngjøring:
"Jeg tror ikke på Gud, men etter Bielsas ansettelse må jeg nok revurdere", Roar Gustavsen, januar 2020

Carl Fisker

Sv: Spygate
« Svar #26 på: Januar 12, 2019, 14:26:17 »
Club statement.
Following comments made by Marcelo Bielsa yesterday the club will look to work with our head coach and his staff to remind them of the integrity and honesty which are the foundations that Leeds United is built on.
Our owner Andrea Radrizzani has met with Derby County’s owner Mel Morris to formally apologise for Marcelo’s actions.
We will make no further comment on this matter.

Bielsa og klubben er litt på forskjellig kurs her?
Det kan virke slik. Håper ikke at denne fillesaken fører til at Bielsa forlater klubben.


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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #27 på: Januar 12, 2019, 14:38:30 »
Sjefen sjøl svarer en fans

Andrea Radrizzani
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Andrea Radrizzani Retweeted Mobs
We should just put the “zoom” on the fantastic football we played, specially in the first half, the quality and heart shown as always by our boys #MOT this little accident is taking away the attention from what really matters and well deserved by the team
Andrea Radrizzani added,
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« Svar #28 på: Januar 12, 2019, 14:42:43 »
Herrefred for ett oppslag på en ting som jeg kaller filleting.. den utsendte har ikke gjort noe som helst ulovlig bortsett fra og se på trening til derby. ikke inne på noe forbudt område. om mannen hadde med seg kikkert og tang. javel!!! skal man sikre seg mot video under kamper som blir brukt i videoanalyser osv også da. skjønner det er de siste forberedninger til kamp og det emn er han så redd for at noen skal se det så må han jo ha trening for lukkede dører. NEI FY FOR EN FILLESAK.
og synes det faktisk er "rart" at klubben er ute og kommenterer dette.
Er nok som noen sier det er for og ta brodden ut av saken og ha fokus vekk fra dette og over på det sportslige igjen
Forever Leeds United!!!!!!!!


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Sv: Spygate
« Svar #29 på: Januar 12, 2019, 15:50:17 »
Charles Mulkin (som selv jobber med tv)

Spygate- a considered summary:
1) If Derby had done this to us we would be up in arms..let’s admit it
2) We would rather it hadn’t happened
3) Apart from Andy Murray retiring it was THE sports story of the day ( look at today’s papers and even BBC news). Sky would have fired the producer if they hadn’t featured it. I work in TV and when a big story lands on your lap you cannot believe your luck. Everyone getting upset is just because it is our beloved Leeds.
4) It will be old news in a week but just as ‘dirty Leeds’ still lives on, fans will be singing about ‘cheating Leeds’ every Premier League ground we go to!
5) We have apologised
6) I really think the worst that will happen is a fine that will be 000.01% of the money we will make in Premier League.
7) We won...we absolutely mullered them...we are top of the league.
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