Skrevet av Emne: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town  (Lest 43302 ganger)

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Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #300 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:02:02 »
Skulle avgojrt det i 1 omg, men 3 poeng er så utrolig deilig :D

She has a face on her like a bulldog that's just licked piss off a nettle…….
-Nr 2 er den første taperen-


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #301 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:09:12 »
I dag fikk vi mye av det vi har savnet tidligere synes jeg. Forsvaret var stort sett solide, midtbanen både krigerske og skapende, mens vi til dels klarte å utnytte farta til Johnson og Carole. Lenge siden jeg har sett motstandere som rett og slett blir parkert tempomessig av Leedsspillere! Jeg har aldri sett Douglas bedre enn i dag, han viste overblikk og teknikk(!), og gjorde gode valg nesten hele veien. Samtidig virker han som en god motivator for resten, faktisk fremstår han i dag som en verdig kapteinstype i dagens lag.
Kishishev er rett og slett en god spiller på dette nivået. Når Thompson kommer tilbake har vi faktisk en sterk sentral midtbane!
Synes videre at Carole / Johnson begge er posiive, Cresswell sterkere for hver kamp nå, og "han nye bak" imponerer også tidvis.
Av negative ting; tja, vi har jo faktisk flaks som vinner til slutt. Denne kampen burde vært out of reach for Luton lenge før slutt. Dessuten er nok ikke Ankergren svaret på alle våre drømmer, han er for usikker i feltet til å bli en ny toppkeeper tror jeg.



Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #302 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:21:18 »
Deilig med en meget, meget fortjent seier i dag! Skulle ha vunnet 5-0 i dag, men når vi ikke klarer å score på 100% sjanser så blir det "bare" 1-0, noe jeg selvsagt er strålende fornøyd med.

Kan begynne helt bakerst med Ankergren. Kjempe viktig strafferedning, men det var nesten det eneste positive han gjorde i dag. Mannen er skremmende dårlig i feltarbeidet sitt, misser på timingen hver gang. Er nesten slik at jeg vil se Stack i mål neste kamp. Forsvaret vårt er veldig usikkert, men heldigvis gikk det bra i dag. Heath og Michalik er konger i luftrommet, men hvis ballen blir spilt langs bakken sliter sprer usikkerheten seg i hele forsvaret. På backene gjorde Richardson og Lewis en god jobb, begge aktive med fremover. Frazer er dessverre litt for ustabil, er alltid usikker når han har ballen i beina - Sa inn for han neste kamp, takk. Midtbanen var meget god i dag, Douglas og Kishisev gjorde en stor jobb sentralt. Er glad vi slipper å se Nicholls spille mer, Kishisev er en MYE bedre spiller. Blake og Carole var tidvis gode, litt for ustabile begge to. På topp gjorde Cressy og JJ en bra jobb. Kjempet godt og vant mange dueller, var også deilig å se litt fart på topp. Alt i alt en bra kamp av gutta, og tre livsviktige poeng. Grattis alle sammen!


Ankergren 5,5
Frazer 6,5
Heath 6
Michalik 7
Lewis 7
Carole 6,5
Kishisev 8 BB
Douglas 8
Blake 7
Cresswell 7,5
Johnson 7

« Siste redigering: Mars 11, 2007, 01:22:41 av Ferre »


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #303 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:30:33 »
ankergren ustabil er jeg enig i. men ikke stack inn neste kamp. Håper og tror ankergren trengte en kamp for å komme igang igjen og bli like god som han før skade avbrekket.. han blir viktig for oss. strafferedningen hevet forbannelsen.. lov å håpe:) kos dere i kveld, vel fortjent!


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #304 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:30:47 »
Originally posted by flynn
Kishishev er rett og slett en god spiller på dette nivået. Når Thompson kommer tilbake har vi faktisk en sterk sentral midtbane!

Får nesten et luksusproblem når Thommo er tilbake. Kishishev og Douglas har vært meget bra sentralt på midten.
Det blir vel kanskje Thompson på venstre da, og Blake over på høyre.
Eventuelt Blake inn foran de tre andre, som en slags hengende spiss.

Får krysse fingre, tær og alt vi har for at Kishi blir ut sesongen.
« Siste redigering: Mars 11, 2007, 01:32:38 av The boy Eddie Gray »


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #305 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:34:35 »
Sindre12.. du mener fortsatt at douglas er dårligste spiller i 2 sko? at han er dårligste leeds spiller gjennom tidene, til og med verre enn strandli?

Bare lurer :)


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #306 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:39:08 »
Støtter der her eriksen.. Forferdelig at folk klager på han.. skrevet det hele tida.. Han er en av de få som virkelig står på for klubben!! Kanskje han ikke er verdens største talent, men han jobber mer enn noen andre utpå der!


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #307 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:41:20 »
Så fornøyd med 3 poeng.
Så fornøyd med at vi til de grader dominerte første timen.
SÃ… misfornøyd med at vi bare var et hårstrå fra å miste to poeng samt gi et poeng til Luton. Etter å ha dominert så ettertrykkelig!


Sa og Rui inn for Frazer og Heath neste kamp. Noen inn for Carole.
Vi har et keeperproblem, dvs. vi har ingen gode keepere (men takk Casper for redningen i dag!)


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #308 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:46:38 »
casper har stått bra. forsvaret er mye tryggere med han bak. Han var usikker i dag, men holder NULLEN og har en helt utrolog strafferedning. Syntes du ikke trenger å henge deg opp i småting geiro, for jeg er så sikker på at Casper vokser utovover sesongen. stol på  det :)


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #309 på: Mars 11, 2007, 01:49:52 »
Er det ikke utrolig med 3poengsfølelse igjen? [:D]Etter 3x0-1 var det på tide. OK, vi burde vunnet 5-0 og slipper av kroken etter strafferedning, men vi skaper sjanser som vi forresten har gjort ganske lenge... Men nå skal vi feire - tre poeng og kontakt! Håper flere ser litt mer optimistisk på situasjonen fremover. WE ARE LEEDS!!!


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #310 på: Mars 11, 2007, 02:08:40 »
Uff....endelig gutter og jenter.. 3 poeng.

Og vi e ikke like langt..som en påstod her inne. Vi vant, det gjorde de noen av lagan foran oss, men avstanden til sikker plass e berre 2poeng.

Og LEEDS spilt god fotball. Nå trur æ jammen mæ vi kan klare det. Barnsley, Luton + 1 lag til ned. IKKE Leeds..det håper og tror nå jeg.


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #311 på: Mars 11, 2007, 02:19:57 »
Gratulerer, folkens! Skikkeleg fortent med seier i dag, og endeleg har me fått ein mann med overblikk og ballkontroll på midtbana. Kishy var eit nivå over dei andre på laget, sjølv om alle skal ha honnør for innsats i dag. Flaks at ikkje JJ fekk andre gule og dermed rødt då han sparka ballen unna etter offside midt i andre omgang. Lukka har snudd seg og tysdag tar me Leicester!!!!



Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #312 på: Mars 11, 2007, 02:26:39 »
Barnsley, Luton og Qpr rykker ned tror jeg. Vi klarer oss utmerket[;)]


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #313 på: Mars 11, 2007, 02:27:08 »
Meget stolt over gutta våre idag. No er vi tilbake i overlevingskampen, så får vi sjå om vi ytterlegare eit steg oppover etter Leicester-kampen. Eg vart med eitt nøktern optimist att og skal ikkje røre "League One"-tråden på ei stund (håpar eg).

Ha ein riktig god kveld, folkens[:D]


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #314 på: Mars 11, 2007, 02:38:47 »
Originally posted by eriksen55

casper har stått bra. forsvaret er mye tryggere med han bak. Han var usikker i dag, men holder NULLEN og har en helt utrolog strafferedning. Syntes du ikke trenger å henge deg opp i småting geiro, for jeg er så sikker på at Casper vokser utovover sesongen. stol på  det :)

Håper også han blir bedre i de siste kampene. Men siden jeg uroer meg over et gjennomgående slett feltarbeid i dag, greier jeg ikke å kalle det småting.....dessverre. Mange gale valg førte han ut i mange joggeturer på femmeteren i stedet for å stå på streken.


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #315 på: Mars 11, 2007, 02:55:54 »
18 Burnley  35 36-38 41
19 Hull  37 39-55 38
20 Barnsley  37 40-63 38
21 Queens PR  36 41-57 36
22 Luton  37 46-63 36
23 Southend  37 38-58 35
24 Leeds  37 37-62 34


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #316 på: Mars 11, 2007, 02:57:29 »
Originally posted by kjelvi

18 Burnley  35 36-38 41
19 Hull  37 39-55 38
20 Barnsley  37 40-63 38
21 Queens PR  36 41-57 36
22 Luton  37 46-63 36
23 Southend  37 38-58 35
24 Leeds  37 37-62 34

Not nice, but nicer[:)]

Robert H.

Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #317 på: Mars 11, 2007, 03:28:38 »
Utrolig som Burnley har falt på tabellen. De har vel ikke vunnet siden de slo oss i slutten av november!??[:0]

Originally posted by kjelvi

18 Burnley  35 36-38 41
19 Hull  37 39-55 38
20 Barnsley  37 40-63 38
21 Queens PR  36 41-57 36
22 Luton  37 46-63 36
23 Southend  37 38-58 35
24 Leeds  37 37-62 34

Lars E

Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #318 på: Mars 11, 2007, 03:43:26 »
Hvor mange poeng er det opp til play off? [:D][8D]

Forever Leeds

Forever Leeds


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #319 på: Mars 11, 2007, 04:05:29 »
Nå skal jeg ikke si jeg er så veldig aktiv her inne heller lenger, men hyggelig å se Læshy er tilbake.. Har ikke sett du har skrevet en post her inne siden Walton forsvant.. Regner med det var et ekstra stort tap for deg.. Vi hadde kanskje trengt han nå?!!

Likevel, hyggelig at du er tilbake og støtter klubben som trenger det!


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #320 på: Mars 11, 2007, 04:15:10 »
......Først nå det roer seg i kroppen!!  3 poeng, helt rått! Nå kommer kampene kjapt & godt- Leicester allerede på Tirsdag...bring them on! Tror fortsatt på en GOD Mars mnd!
Leeds-Preston neste kamp vist ..perfekt!

Herlig innsats av alle utpå i dag, er stolt!


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #321 på: Mars 11, 2007, 05:24:28 »
Cresswell cracker keeps Leeds alive

Richard Cresswell's goal and a late penalty save by Casper Ankergren earned Leeds a vital 1-0 win over fellow strugglers Luton at Elland Road.
Cresswell followed up his goal against Sheffield Wednesday last week with a superbly taken strike six minutes into the second half.
Jamal Johnson played the ball to Cresswell who held up play with his back to goal inside the area on the left-hand side.
It looked like Cresswell would play a neat one-two with Johnson but instead the big striker turned his marker and fired a low left-footed shot across Marlon Beresford and into the bottom corner.
Loan signing Lubomir Michalik made his Leeds debut following his arrival from Bolton. He replaced Rui Marques in the heart of defence.
Wise made four other changes with Ankergren and forward duo Blake and Carole earning recalls while striker Johnson made his first start since his loan switch from Wolves.
Hatters boss Mike Newell handed a full debut to loan signing Clarke Carlisle against his former club as he made three changes.
Elsewhere in defence, Sol Davis replaced Kevin Foley while Drew Talbot made way for Warren Feeney up front.
The victory was just rewards for Leeds after a dominant first-half showing, but it looked like Luton would stage an unlikely smash-and-grab raid in the 86th-minute when substitute Drew Talbot was tripped inside the box.
However, Dean Morgan put his spot-kick down the centre of the goal and Ankergren saved it with his trailing leg as he dived to his right.
Leeds had the best of the opening 45 minutes but were unable to break down a stubborn Luton rearguard.
New captain Jonathan Douglas came closest to opening the scoring midway through the half when he headed a corner against the Hatters' crossbar and then repeated the trick from the rebound. Cresswell blazed the next rebound into the stand.
Leeds hit the frame of the goal again at the end of the half when Robbie Blake's 25-yard free-kick crashed down off the underside of the crossbar.
On-loan Charlton defender Radostin Kishishev was employed in the centre of the park by Leeds boss Dennis Wise and the Bulgarian displayed his Premiership quality in driving the hosts forward.
It was he who provided the first effort on goal after four minutes with a raking 30-yard drive that narrowly cleared the crossbar.
Soon after Kishishev saw a goalbound right-footed volley headed away from inside the six-yard box by Luton captain Steve Robinson.
Leeds continued to look the livelier side and Johnson was unlucky to see his lob drift past a post after winning the race with Beresford to a long clearance in the 11th-minute.
Sebastien Carole then made Beresford smother a low shot at his near post.
Leeds continued to threaten immediately after the break and a swift counter-attack almost resulted in Blake heading home at the far post but the cross was too high.
Cresswell finally made their dominance count with his third goal of the season and his second in as many matches and only a fine block with his feet by Beresford prevented Johnson from doubling Leeds' advantage soon after.
Luton made a double substitution midway through the second half as Feeney and Runstrom made way for Morgan and Talbot but it was Leeds who continued to look most likely to score the next goal.
Michalik's header through a crowded six-yard box sailed agonisingly wide and Blake had a 12-yard shot charged down.
Morgan's missed penalty saw Leeds avenge their 5-1 drubbing at the hands of the Hatters in the reverse fixture at Kenilworth Road back in October.

« Siste redigering: Mars 11, 2007, 05:25:09 av kjelvi »


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #322 på: Mars 11, 2007, 05:27:05 »

Leeds roar at last but is it too late for the Wise guys?

The roar exploded with the force of a thunderclap; a booming eruption of joy and relief which shook the rust and the dust from the Elland Road stands. A poor side had overcome an even poorer side in a match which was dire beyond description. But nobody cared.
Although Leeds remain at the bottom of Championship pile, although they still have one foot in what is effectively Division Three, they can scent the possibility of improbable survival following a victory which was precious beyond price.
The fact that victory was achieved by virtue of a mundanely missed penalty was entirely in keeping with the tenor of the day. Leeds had been clinging to Richard Cresswell’s 50thminute goal as if it were a lifebelt.
It was then that Radostin Kishishev, on loan from Charlton and desperate to impress, brought down Leon Barnett in the area, and Dean Morgan walked up to take the kick.
With more than 27,000 people yelling optimistic distraction, and the goalkeeper Casper Ankergren jigging and jinking on his line, young Morgan, overcome by the moment, struck the kick feebly at the keeper’s legs. It is possible, just possible,that the miss could have settled the immediate future of both football clubs.
In truth, Leeds had just about deserved their reprieve. They had made and missed most of the chances, forced most of the pace and played most of what little football was attempted. In the first half,they had struck the bar three times, each chance donated by the remarkable indulgence of the Luton defenders.
The Leeds goal had been just such an instance, with Cresswell collecting a ball in the box, turning without challenge and striking a shot which was marginally too good for Marlon Beresford in the Luton goal.
The roar which greeted that goal was also notable, evoking memories of David O’Leary’s vibrant young side and those clamorous European nights which now are more than half-a-dozen years past.
Luton had ample chances to overhaul Leeds, as they belatedly realised the sheer ineptitude of their opposition. But most of those chances fell to poor Barnett, and he missed them on a routine basis.
Since this is Leeds, much of the action had been taking place far from the field. The latest extra-curricular drama once again involved Ken Bates’s programme notes, those choleric scribblings which tell you much more about Chairman Ken than you really wanted to know. Once again, his target was the former director Melvyn Levi, who has some £1.5 million invested in the club through his family firm, but has made an enemy of Bates.
In a recent programme eruption,Bates called him ‘an enemy within’, and added: ‘This unpleasant,dishonourable man will not succeed . . . he makes demands which are little short of blackmail . . .perhaps you would like to ask him to justify his behaviour, which is damaging Leeds prospects of advancement . . . Mr Levi lives at . . ."
Astonishingly, some might say wickedly, he then published Levi’s address, whereupon Levi marched off to the Chapletown Police Station, claiming that he was "living in fear". The police installed specialist security equipment at his home, lest Levi be attacked by furious fans. Bates said:
"Levi is lucky I didn’t put in his telephone number as well."
Yesterday, he came close to doing just that in the course of another fatuous diatribe against Levi,who had secured an interim injunction against the publication of the programme until its contents could be inspected. A judge agreed that the programme might be printed, but Leeds later decided to erase a two-line paragraph which was apparently deemed especially offensive.
And so the long-suffering Leeds Press officers were allotted the task of scratching their felt tips through some 8,500 programmes.
The fact that the original words remained perfectly visible when held up to the light might be considered par for the course at Elland Road these days. We recalled the words of the assistant manager Gus Poyet a day or two earlier: "If we can keep things quiet and normal between now and the end of the season, it would be nice," he said.
His naivete was strangely endearing. No sooner had he spoken, than Andrew Carter, the leader of Leeds City Council announced that the possible redevelopment of Elland Road is at risk because they could not discover who owns the ground.
It was sold a year ago to a company based in the British Virgin Islands. Mr Carter remarked: "I don’t deal with people I don’t know about,and neither should the city."
Yet the ownership of that company must remain a mystery. As Bates himself admitted, in his programme notes, of course: "The straight answer is that neither I, nor anybody else at Leeds United knows who it is."



Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #323 på: Mars 11, 2007, 05:30:30 »
Noen som har bilder i fra kampen?



Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #324 på: Mars 11, 2007, 05:31:03 »

Cresswell keeps hope alive

If you closed your eyes just for a moment and forgot all about the reality of the league table, the financial meltdown, the off-field bickering, life at Elland Road did not look as crummy as all that. An angelic looking blonde girl with pig tails played tag with her Leeds-shirted brother around Billy Bremner's statue. The queue to get into the club shop that has a sale on was healthy. A couple merrily scoffed their pre-match chips underneath the bronze plaque commemorating Bremner, Don Revie, and the FA Cup won by the old team of legend. There was, believe it or not, a buzz around the place.
Everybody knew this match had the feel of do or die. To the immense elation of the locals, Leeds found it in them to do enough. This win did not come without its moment of high anxiety, as Luton were awarded a penalty with four minutes to go.
The noise that cascaded around the place when Casper Ankergren plunged to parry Dean Morgan's spot kick was raw and wild. It ensured that Richard Cresswell's 50th-minute goal, scored through sheer will as much as skill, gives them glimmer of light.
But only a glimmer. They remain bottom. Now there are nine games to go. Nine games to somehow avoid the drop and prevent the worst nightmare in the history of Leeds United. They have never before sunk as low as English football's third tier. It starts for them at Leicester on Tuesday, followed by a trip on Saturday to Southend, who are one place and one point above them.
How dearly they needed this boost. The last few weeks have been a tale of Leeds disunited as the captain Kevin Nicholls has asked to leave - he was absent here, but not forgotten in understandably rude terrace chants; an unnamed player was accused of leaking details of the team to the opposition and the chairman Ken Bates through a splurge of fighting talk has exacerbated behind-the-scenes problems.
At last weekend's match Bates, in a not untypical show of belligerence, used his programme notes to publish the address of a former club director Melvyn Levi. The two men are entangled in a legal dispute and Bates saw fit to describe Levi as 'the enemy within'.
Levi duly served an injunction on this weekend's programme that was lifted only on the morning of the match. But Bates's latest missive was so abrasive somebody at the club thought it prudent to cross out a paragraph with marker pen in all 8,500 programmes. Not that it was not a doddle to read another of the many jibes about Levi through the hastily applied ink anyway.
Many supporters have a different view about quite who is the enemy within. A worrying number are staying away, unable to bring themselves to come to the games while Bates is running the club. These range from individuals, such as Mark, a former home-and-away season-ticket holder, who won't return to Elland Road under the current regime, to groups, such as the East Anglia supporters club that, not so long ago, would bring three coaches to matches and now struggle to fill a minibus.
The club seldom bother to open the upper tier of the East stand any more. Marching on together? For some it is more akin to trudging off alone and wallowing in disillusionment.
Bates has alienated the official supporters club, preferring to set up a new members' club that costs £47 to join and includes such privileges as the right to buy tickets and gain entry to a smart members' bar on matchday. There is also a 10 per cent discount on purchases in the shop, some free magazines and a Christmas card. Forgive me if my sense of economics is not hugely refined, but that does not seem an awful lot for £47.
The attendance was a respectable 27,138, helped by the reduction in ticket prices to £15. Generally, though, figures suggest that around 10,000 have drifted away since the club dropped out of the Premiership in 2004. The crowds held up quite well at first, averaging 30,000 in their first year of exile. That has fallen to an average of 20,000 in this season of radical decline.
Rank performances on the pitch, a lack of players for supporters to identify with and hiked-up ticket prices have contributed to the number of punters who have drifted away.
Considering this season has been the story of 42 players, three managers, one volatile chairman, thousands of lost supporters and endless tales of woe, is it any wonder the club sit bottom of the table?
Think about it for a moment. Some 42 players have pulled on the shirt for Leeds this season. That is almost enough for four separate teams. There has been a constant stream of loaned journeymen, the latest being yesterday's debutant, Lubomir Michalik, the Slovak who joined from Bolton. It is hardly the blueprint for success. Leeds haven't won successive league games all season.
The financial problems are, according to Bates, coming to an end. He has stated that by the end of this season, the club will be debt-free and no longer paying off ex-employees. It beggars belief that they are still funding salaries for players such as Robbie Fowler and Danny Mills. Up until last year they were still paying three ex-managers in David O'Leary, Terry Venables and Peter Reid.
How far back do we need to go to trace the moment the club's descent became inexorable? Is it when Peter Ridsdale got so out of his depth following the dream? Is it when the debts were reformed into bonds that required the fire sale of a promising team? Is it when Jonathan Woodgate and Lee Bowyer were implicated in a protracted court case? Is it when Gerald Krasner's consortium did their bit for the debts by selling the stadium and the Thorp Arch training ground? Or is it when Bates took over and started doing things in his own inimitable style?
Surveying the wreckage of this ailing club, it pays to look at the bigger picture and remind yourself not just that it is six years since they were in the semi-finals of the Champions League with a team of internationals. But also, Leeds have won the English title more recently than Liverpool. Leeds were the team to last conquer the game in this country with an English manager in Howard Wilkinson.
In the cutting words of the travelling Luton fans squeezed into one corner: 'You're not famous any more.' Actually that's not strictly true. The club are still famous. But the team are barely recognisable from the heights of yesteryear.

Casper Ankergren, Matt Heath, Lubomir Michalik, Sebastien Carole (Miguel Armando Sa), Jonathon Douglas, Radostin Kishishev, Eddie Lewis, Frazer Richardson, Robbie Blake (Ian Moore), Richard Cresswell, Jemal Johnson (David Healy)
Marlon Beresford, Leon Barnett, Clarke Carlisle, Sol Davis, Lewis Emanuel, Markus Heikkinen, David Bell, Keith Keane, Steve Robinson, Warren Feeney (Dean Morgan), Bjorn Runstrom (Drew Talbot)
Corners: Leeds 7, Luton 8
Goal Attempts: Leeds 23, Luton 5
On Target: Leeds 10, Luton 2



Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #325 på: Mars 11, 2007, 05:33:54 »

Wise hails Whites showing
Leeds boss Dennis Wise was delighted with his side's performance in beating Luton 1-0 in a crucial game at the bottom of the Championship.
Richard Cresswell's goal separated the sides, but The Whites almost wasted all their good work when they conceded a penalty late in the game.
Casper Ankergren made the save from Dean Morgan's spot-kick, giving Leeds the win Wise felt his side deserved.
"It was a pleasing response from the players and I don't think anyone could argue that we didn't deserved to win the game," said Wise.
"But that is just one game and we still have plenty of cup finals left to play if we are to get ourselves out of trouble.
"We have to maintain that level of performance until the end of the season. I think that if we do that then we shouldn't be too far away.
"We dominated for long spells and I think it would have been extremely harsh on us had they scored with the penalty at the end."
Mike Newell was disappointed with Luton's display in the first 70 minutes of the game, but believes the final 20 showed his side have plenty of fight to survive.
He added: "We didn't rattle them enough, we didn't defend well at times and we didn't keep the ball and that was disappointing.
"But in the last 20 minutes we showed a lot of character and to miss the penalty was galling and I'm devastated.
"I am always devastated when I get beat at anything and don't even think about asking me if we have enough fight.
"We have nine games left which is loads of time to get ourselves out of trouble.
"Nothing will be decided this weekend and it is still in our own hands. We have two home games coming up and we need to win them. We are still capable of winning games."



Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #326 på: Mars 11, 2007, 05:36:01 »

Leeds 1-0 Luton
Richard Cresswell hit the winner to throw Leeds a survival lifeline as fellow strugglers Luton were left to rue a late penalty miss at Elland Road.
Jonathan Douglas headed onto the bar twice and Robbie Blake also hit the woodwork as Leeds took charge early on.
Cresswell finally scored when he turned on Jemal Johnson's pass to fire home.
A late rally was inevitable and Luton almost levelled when Matt Heath felled Leon Barnett, only for Casper Ankergren to save Dean Morgan's woeful penalty.

Leeds boss Dennis Wise:
"I don't think anyone could argue that we didn't deserved to win.
"We have to maintain that level of performance until the end of the season. I think that if we do that then we shouldn't be too far away.
"I think it would have been extremely harsh on us had they scored with the penalty at the end."

Luton boss Mike Newell:
"We didn't rattle them enough, we didn't defend well at times and we didn't keep the ball.
"But in the last 20 minutes we showed a lot of character and to miss the penalty was galling and I'm devastated.
"We have nine games left which is loads of time to get ourselves out of trouble. It is in our hands."



Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #327 på: Mars 11, 2007, 06:39:46 »
Nå må vi så langt det lar seg gjøre beholde de samme 11 på banen fra start i neste kamp...

Gutta som spilte i dag hadde fysikk til å spille på dette nivået - De kunne løpe slik at vi kunne presse litt høyere enn hva vi har klart tidligere...Ihvertfall i 70 minutter


Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #328 på: Mars 11, 2007, 06:55:28 »
Goal Attempts: Leeds 23, Luton 5
On Target: Leeds 10, Luton 2

Ikke tvil om hvem som eide kampen!

She has a face on her like a bulldog that's just licked piss off a nettle…….
-Nr 2 er den første taperen-

Bites Yer Legs

Re: SKJEBNEKAMPEN: vs. Luton Town
« Svar #329 på: Mars 11, 2007, 07:04:59 »
Syntes dette var det mest "homogene" laget vi har spilt med på lange tider (om jeg bruker utrykket rett), og da mener jeg langt inn i Blackwell-epoken.. Endelig spiller spillerne på plasser de er komfortable med, ingen Foxe på back eller Healy på kant...
To offensive og villige backer(selv om begge mangler en del defensivt). To kanter med lyst og mot til å utfordre, og flinke til å bevege seg. Endelig spillere på den sentrale midten som kan/tørr behandle ballen, virker som Dougie roer seg når han har en trygg og kreativ ballbehandler ved sin side. To bevegelige spisser, en med kraft og en med fart (big man/little man).

Tørr ikke ta av. Vi faller for lett tilbake til gamle synder etter 1-0. Men det var noe utrolig med strafferedningen i siste minutt. Dette er Leeds United, slikt skjer bare ikke her!!? Etter endeløse minutter med misbrukte sjanser, har vi endelig fått marginene med oss?

Når kampen var over enset jeg ren og skjær glede hos spillerne, i motsetning til likegyldighet tidligere i sesongen.

Disse faktorene får mitt positive hode, og mest av alt mitt sultne hjerte, til å tenke i en retning - - - TURNING POINT!!